Very Strange Document! The Riddle of Dorminion

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The Riddle of Dorminion

Authors Preface It took 6 years to compose this riddle. It contains well over 2000 clues to places, people, theories esoteric and modern, schools of thought, and speculation arranged in 260 quatrains. Solve the Riddle of Dorminion in its entirety and it will revolutionize your thinking. How to Solve the Riddle Each of the 260 quatrains resolves into words (not necessarily connected). To crack this puzzle, you must first decipher the 260 components separately and then combine the resulting strings of words into a single coherent text. There are numerous possible combinations (more than the number of atoms in the Universe!) The order of the quatrains is no indication as to how the words should be arranged. It is here that knowledge, intelligence, and intuition are tested to the maximum. Example of a Partial Solution Consider quatrain 13. It says: A pound of flesh in Libra. Another sinks and while its sister rises, its depth unplumbed, its powers unrestrained, it binds the ancient cultures across a common sea. There is the fount. A pound of flesh is an expression borrowed from Shakespeares immortal play Merchant of Venice. Another sinks refers to another great place which had sunk in the past or is sinking now into the sea, exactly as does Venice. That would seem to indicate the legendary Atlantis. Thus, ancient cultures across a common sea would be ancient Egypt and Greece. The common sea is, of course, the Mediterranean. The words these fragments of the quatrain have yielded are, therefore: Venice, Atlantis, Egypt, and Greece. Hope this helps. Sam Vaknin ================================================================== This is the riddle of Dorminion, the Entrusted, as set forth in his Tablets. Its resolution requires the erudition of the ancients and the new and the perseverance of the hermit. No less. A great enlightenment awaits. (1) Of nothingness came form and form begat shape and shape begat force and force begat light and light begat a world, a thousand myriad worlds in one anothers womb they

turn in darkness and illumination, in time they turn and in eternity so that they may be born and die even when they are naught. (2) To know before one finds, to find before one fetches, to fetch before one knows, this is the nature of the circle and the snake. (3) Inside, the voyage to the stars, a traveller, a ship, no sails, no mast, just a breeze of indecision, the heavens milky with ones thoughts, pearls of the immaterial and the immanent cast, strewn like vessels broken amid the ladder-wreck. (4) Homecoming a foreign word: landscapes that we project are interchangeable, loved ones betrayed, the wheels and chariots ablaze as prophets blind us with their zeal. A woman weaves.
(5) That which is divisible is a stream, the whole is but the resonance of parts. Each end

attracts its means, each meaning draws its errors and quartered it recedes. Beware the mists, our time the obfuscation.
(6) The weathered vane, a pregnant insult, key, torch, a cornerstone that tunnels through. In

halls of mirrors peregrines abide and ravens. The breakdown of a symmetry entangled. (7) From one plurality, the dance of twins, quadrilles of mutual annihilation and matrices ordained. A reified contango, a serpent and its trail. (8) The fountainhead ascribed, cartouche upon cartouche: The Queen is Dead. The owl and the cat afloat among the ruins and scrolls, their smiles that linger portend the wonder. (9) On sarcophagi lids a name. Its arms crossed mummified, eyes hollow sockets, echoes of ancient winds from toothy apertures. The curse upon us that was thrice foretold. (10) The Miracle of the Kisses: That night, the cock denied him thrice. His mother and the whore downloaded him, nails etched into his palms, his thorny forehead glistening, his body speared. He wanted to revive unto their moisture. But the nauseating scents of vinegar and Roman legionnaires, the dampness of the cave, and then that final stone... His brain wide open, supper digested that was to have been his last. He missed so his disciples, the miracle of their kisses. He was determined not to decompose. (11) In calendars of stone, the stars removed. Hearts pounding as the ball entrenches. Constellations waver, priests intone upon penumbral pyramids. (12) On a hill the city and abyss, a spirit hovers. Eagles peck at fire re-ignited. As currents clash, a continent in chains emerges from the waves, all rocks and solitude. We might discern its fearful symmetry. (13) A pound of flesh in Libra. Another sinks and while its sister rises, its depth unplumbed, its powers unrestrained, it binds the ancient cultures across a common sea. There is the fount.

(14) The Golden Tablets of lake and church like the matrimony of a blackened stone against the millennial ordinance. The monopole, it wanders or it shifts? No strings attached, a massive symmetry in clashing beams, circled, tenebrous holes may yield a synecdoche. The ways it folds, the Capgras shift, a shadow and an archetype. Progenitors of Erebus no longer separated. The vacuum vibes, the Earth resounds, the heavens chariot withdrawn.

(Quatrains added weekly)

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