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Traditional Market Vs Modern Market, Which Is Better According to Students in UMY?

Abstract Traditional markets slowly but surely are losing its costumers because its inability to compete the modern market. Due to its huge population, college students in Yogyakarta province also being targeted as prospective customers by both traditional and modern markets. The paper describe a research about the opinion of college students whether they prefer to go shopping to traditional or modern market and how they justified a good place for shopping. The paper can give a description to the traditional markets developers in order to compete with the modern one. The research was done in UMY campus in Bantul by interviewing the opinion of students of FE UMY 2008. Seemingly, they prefer to shop to modern market.

A. Introduction Like a virus that infected every city across the nation, modern market such as minimarket, supermarket, and hypermarket appear anywhere. It is showing its comfort and luxury to lure the costumer. Meanwhile, stick with its gross and outmoded, traditional market is losing its costumer slowly but surely. If this sort of issues allowed happening, it is not impossible there are traditional markets are stopped by its developer. According to Asosiasi Pengelola Pasar Seluruh Indonesia (APPSI), there are 12 million sellers in 13.250 traditional markets, which mean every one of them in danger of losing their living. In D.I. Yogyakarta province there is at least one traditional market in one sub-district and most of it facing all the same problem with any other traditional markets, losing its customers.

Yogyakarta is well known as student city because there are many colleges spread across the province. Based on research by Bank of Indonesia (BI) DIY In 2007, there are 235.616 students that registered in the college in DIY province. That number surely provides huge potential of market share for traditional and modern market to win. However, if we look at the current condition, the modern one likely to win that competition. APPSI as the association for traditional market developers have made a move by mailing the minister of trade to make an act that set the quota of minimarket. Actually there are regulation governments made. For example, president of Indonesia has release Perpres No. 112 Tahun 2007 about the regulation for development of traditional market, shopping center, and modern market. Furthermore, government of Bantul regency has assigned Perbup No.34 Tahun 2000 about regulation of modern market. However, those regulations only good enough for slowing the decline of the traditional markets, cannot make the traditional to compete with the moderns. One way that the traditional can claim college student costumer from the moderns is to developing its own. So that, traditional can provide a place for shopping that match their expectation for a good place for them to shop. That is why writer do this research, to determine a good place for shopping according to college student expectation. This research paper is done to answer following question:

1. Which market is better place for shopping according to the students of UMY opinion? 2. What are their considerations to justify a good place for shopping? 3. What should the traditional developer do in order attracting the student to go shopping in traditional market? This research objective is to find out the better place for shopping based on the students opinion. The research was done on November 2011 and taken place in the campus of UMY in Bantul by interviewing three students from economic faculty.

B. Literature Review 1. Market Market is a place where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods/service between them (Ehrenberg and Smith in Karo, 2010, P. 4). In Zalklandary, 2010 market is defined as a place where sellers who have the ability to provide goods/service meet the buyers who have the ability and willingness to buy goods/service. 2. Traditional Market Traditional Market is a meeting place for sellers and buyers, it characterized with the buyers transaction directly and usually there are bargaining process. Its building usually consist of stalls, outlets, and open stand which are

established by sellers itself or the market developer. In addition, traditional market mostly sells daily necessities such as foods ingredients, fish, fruits, vegetables, eggs, clothes, electronics, etc (Pasar, n.d.). 3. Modern Market Sinaga (2006) defined modern market as a market managed modernly, mostly established in the center of the city as goods/service provider with good quality and good customer service as well. Some examples of modern market are mall, minimarket, supermarket, department store, shopping center.

C. Methodology 1. Setting This research was done in November 2011 and taken place in integrated campus of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in Bantul, Yogyakarta Province. 2. Object The objects of this research were three students of 2008 from three majors in Economic Faculty Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. So each respondent represent each major. Writer uses them for this research because writer feels more comfortable to interview someone he knows rather than using random people. Therefore, it is easier to decide the place and time for interview.

3. Technique This research used premier data which was taken by interviewing the respondent face to face. Writer prefer to interview the respondent to using the questionnaire because by interview the respondents directly, so they give serious answers. From that serious answer will provide useful information to this research. Moreover, by interview the respondent allowed writer to minimize the time to collecting the data.

D. Finding And Discussion 1. Collecting Data To find about the students opinion about traditional and modern market, the researcher interviewing the participants use these following question: 1. What is your opinion about the traditional markets in Yogyakarta? 2. What is your opinion about modern markets in Yogyakarta? 3. Which market do you prefer for shopping? 4. Why do you prefer traditional/modern market? 5. In your opinion, what should the traditional market developers do in order to attract the students to go shopping in traditional markets? 6. What are you consider for a nice place for shopping?

However, the participants were asked in Bahasa Indonesia because the researcher thought if the interview use English, the opinion of the participants would misunderstand by the researcher. 2. Data Analyze and Interpretation Based on the interview that had been done, the three participants show negative opinion about traditional. The first participant said that it is not very comfortable to shopping. It was dirty, stinky, and stiflingly hot. The second and third participant opinions are more or less the same with the first participant. Interestingly the third participant thinks that traditional market in Yogyakarta a little bit better than in his city. Still, he said that it is uncomfortable to shop there. Otherwise, their opinion about modern market is the opposite. When they were asked about the modern market, all of them give a positive opinion. Beside it is clean, cool, and comfortable, they have many choice when they shopping in modern market. Although they cannot bargain for lower price, still they said that it is nice to shopping in modern market. When the three participants were asked which market they prefer for shopping, they shared one voice which is the modern market. The main reason why they prefer modern market is because it is cleaner and cool. Also, they have more choice when go to modern market. The other reason is the price in the modern market is clear, so they do not have to bother to ask about it. So, they feel more comfortable if they shopping in the modern market.

When participants were requested by researcher to give advice for the market developers so their market can compete with the modern one, they give valuable opinion. They said that the most important thing is they have to make their market cleaner and cooler. Then, set the seller position well-ordered so the buyers can walk freely and more catching in the eye. Developers also sometimes have to make some kind of music or games events in the special day or holiday so they can attract people to go to their market. Last question that researcher asked to participants was their opinion to justified a good place for shopping. First respondent said that the most important is it should clean and secure (no pickpocket), and then not stinky and the price is affordable. The second said that it has to be clean, sweet scented, well ordered, and cheap. The last said that it must be clean, neat and cheap enough, and also it has complete goods. 3. Conclusion The conclusion that can be taken from this research is: 1. The students of FE UMY 2008 prefer to go shopping to modern market rather than the traditional one. 2. A good place for shopping is a clean, good scented and well ordered place. 3. Things to be done by the market developers is: y y Make their market cleaner and better ordered. Make some interesting events or games on special day or holiday to attract prospective buyers.

References A. Printed References y Kuncoro, M. (2008). Strategi pengembangan pasar modern dan traditional. Kadin Indonesia. y Peraturan Bupati Bantul Nomor 12 Tahun 2010 tentang Penataan Toko Modern

B. Internet References y (2008, December). Berita info bisnis. Belanja Mahasiswa DIY Capai Rp300 Miliar per Bulan. Retriefed November 9, 2011, from y Fadli, A. (2011, February). Dilema Toko Modern Vs Pasar Tradisional. Retriefed November 9, 2011, from y (2006). Jurnal pengkajian koperasi dan ukm. Penelitian dampak keberadaan pasar modern (supermarket dan hypermarket) terhadap usaha ritel koperasi/waserda dan pasar tradisional. Retriefed November 9, 2011, from

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