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Hydraulics of underground water The underground water can be found in several forms: hygroscopic water ( stack ( aderenta ) to the

soil particles) ; underground streams ( cursuri de apa subterana ) . it is a homogeneous water stream . aquifer layer ( strat freatic sau strat acvifer sau strat permeabil ) . It is the water flowing through vesicle soil layers ( straturi de teren poros ) . We are interested in the aquifer layers. In Civil Engineering, the hydraulics of aquifer layers is used for: computation of underground constructions; dewatering ( lucrari de epuizmente ) ; slopes stabilization ( stabilizarea versantilor ) ; intakes of water ( captari de apa) or water catching or TAPPING OF UNDERGROUND WATER. We need a mathematical model to simulate the flow of the aquifer layers. Take a cross section of an aquifer layer. It has: soil particles; water particles. Due to the complexity of the problem there are several mechanical (hydraulic) models. We will use Darcy's model: the entire cross section is water only the water speed is v = K . I , where : I is the hydraulic gradient ( panta hidraulica ) K = unit of permeability ( coeficient de permeabilitate ) ( coef. lui Darcy) , which accounts for the actual cross section and which takes different values for different soils considerate homogeneous . The practical hydraulic problem of the aquifer layers is to compute the coefficients K and I for each specific case. There are two techniques for computing I and K : - laboratory investigations ; - in situ investigations. Laboratory investigations It consists in: collecting soil samples (mostre de teren ) laboratory investigations using specific equipment. There are several equipments.

The equipment is made of: three cylinders on recipient to measuring the flow . The three cylinders are used for: one for loading the equipment with water; one for discharging the water and one for the sample. The values of the two coefficients are assessed under stationary regime (debit constant) . Computing I and K : H1 H 2 H I L L v Q1 V 11 VL K I A I T A I TA H Where: V = measured volume of water A = cross section of the sample T = necessary time for V . In situ investigations Several drills ( or bore holes or gage wells )( foraje )( 2+3 inches in diameter ) are done on the investigated area, The holes are located as the peacs of equilateral triangles with 200 m in sides.

The bore holes are used to determine the depths of the underground aquifer layers and then ground water contours gwc (hidroizoipse ) of the layers are drawn . From this gwc , the actual hydraulic gradient I is computed between any two points of the investigated area. To compute K , two bore holes and a collecting shag ( put de captare a apei ) -see figure.

For several values Q , 2Q , 3Q , etc. of the collected flows ( debite captate ) , the parameters a1 , a2 and sl and s2 are measured. Q (ln a 2 ln a1 ) K (2 H s1 s 2 )( s1 s 2 ) Comparison: The laboratory investigation is chipper but the results are less accurate. Therefore, according to the objective importance we will use one or the other With the two parameters I and K , any hydraulic problem can be tackled ( abordata ) . Computation of collecting gange wells ( cgw ) ( Calculul puturilor de captare ) According to the layers positioning we may have four different cgw : where : 1- Perfect cgw with free surface 2 - Imperfect cgw with free surface 3 - Perfect cgw under pressure 4 - Imperfect cgw under pressure.

The flow of a perfect cgw with free surface

The flow (debitul) Q=Av, where A is the live area and v is the water speed.

A v Q

2 rh KI 2 rhKI
dh (remember the interpretation of the derivate) dr

In this case: I
Q 2 rhK dh dr

Q dr 2 K r hdh

Q h2 ln r C 2 K 2 where C is defined by the boundary conditions : r r0 ; h h0 k ( H 2 h02 ) Q R r R; h H ln r0 For other types of wells, the procedure is similar, but the specificity of each case is considered . It can be seen from the above expression of Q that the bigger is "s" the bigger is Q Therefore, when s H Q is maxim On the other hand, when s H , the area A 0 . This double influence of s on Q is presented in the above figure. From the expression Q = A v , we conclude that when Q is big and A is small , then v must be very high . But, each aquifer layer has a specific property, namely the admissible speed Va In the case of a speed v > va the natural equilibrium of the flow ( echilibrul natural de curgere ) is deteriorated due to fact that soil particles ( of the aquifer layer) are carried away with the water. This phenomenon is leading to aggradations (COLMATAREA) of the aquifer layer.

Therefore, the engineering problem is to obtain a maximum amount of water without reaching aggradations. Substituting v by va we get ( see figure) Q 2 r0 hva which is the equation of straight line in the plane Q-s . This straight line divides the plane into half plane: an inadmissible one (the one under the line) and the admissible one (above the line) . The intersection of the two lines gives the value of the optimum flow Qop ( debitul optim ) corresponding to sop, the optimum WELL DROP (denivelarea optima a panzei freatice ) . Collecting drains ( drenuri de captare ) So far we presented a certain type of engineering work in aquifer layer which is developed in the vertical position. The collecting drains are also engineering works in aquifer layers but which are developed horizontally ( i.e. almost horizontally) . They are not perfectly horizontal but have a slope towards the water collecting point. The problem of collecting drains is the same: computation of their flow (debit).

Starting with the same relation Q=Av, we get: A=2hL; V=KI dh Therefore Q 2hKL dx Q x hdh 2 LK Q h2 x C 2 LK 2 b x ; h h0 LK ( H 2 h0 ) Q 2 b D x D; h H 2

Tapping of underground water using several wells Usually one well is not enough to achieve the required flow (debit necesar). When using several wells, certain principals have to be observed: 1. the wells are placed along a row (front de captare) normal to the water stream; 2. each well has to tap its optimum flow without interfering with the influence zone of the neighboring wells.

The problem of tapping underground water using several wells is: Given: the flow Qc ( debitul de calcul ) the optimum flow Qap for each well (supposed the same for all wells) Required: N = number of wells L = the total length of the well row dij = the diameters of the collecting pipe ( conducta de sifonare ) Dj H = the dimensioning of the collecting well Solution:


1.2Qc ; N is an integer Qop

2 NRop or L

1.2Qc q sp ,strat

where: Rop = is the optimum influence radius (see the case of one well) qsp,strat = H . 1 . K . I = the flow of layer of unit width" (debitul stratului de latime 1 )

Qop 2Qop

d ij

i, j op


i, ; Qopj

3Qop 4Qop ..... ....

; we recommend speed 0.7m/s

H H a sop hr H s where ( see figure): Ha = the depth of the underground water level ; hr = the total headloss along the line connecting the collecting well with the most distant well; Hs = safety depth ( adincimea de siguranta pt protectia sorbului ) for the protection of suction basket, D is computed from the condition that the time interval tv during the which the vacuum pump (pompa de vid) is working. The useful volume of the well to equate Qc. Therefore hu = the useful height of the well ( inaltimea utila a putului colector ) hu = Sop + hr

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