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Question: How do I see myself as a person? And how can I contribute to Philippine Society with an Ateneo Education?

Essay: For years, our country is in a sorry state. We have been undergoing different problems that test the competence or our union as a nation and as a republic. We are currently facing problems regarding peace and order not only in Mindanao, but in other places as well. We also have problems in our economy, which unfortunately is continually sinking and has resulted in poverty escalation. The gap between the rich and the deprived is becoming greater. Reports on graft and corruption have been astonishing with the perpetuators getting away with it. We also have problems in education. The cost of education is continually rising vis--vis the quality of students it produces has a lot to be desired. The reason why our country is in this unfavorable condition is because of our so-called leaders were educated in universities and colleges which are not God-centered. These universities, particularly the State Universities, pride themselves as the nestling place of these leaders, but they are forgetting to include in their teachings, the religious dimension of their knowledge. They fail to put God in the center of their lives and do everything for His splendor. As Christians, my parents molded me to be a God-fearing individual. They made me gain knowledge as well, to be mindful of my actions and my surroundings. As a result, I became more conscious of my responsibility towards myself and the people around me. I think that is why they chose to enroll me in St. Theresas College Quezon City (STC QC). St. Theresas is an exclusive school for girls who have a belief in Education in and through Virtues, Science, and Arts. In this Catholic school, we, the students and the teaching and non-teaching personnel, are asked to let our light shine and be a blessing to those in need, in solidarity with the unprivileged. It poses a challenge to all of us to use whatever knowledge we gain to uplift the unlikely state not only of ourselves but of others as well. We are dared to do something to improve the well being of the needy for the greater glory of our Almighty Father. With the kind of environment I was molded to be a person I am now; with the right teachings and guidance, the people around me, principally my parents who directed me to be a person rooted in good moral values, I am a person who wants to serve God by giving myself in assistance to those who are deprived and oppressed. Moreover, the learning I gained from the school brought me up to relate myself as a person who places God in the center of every activity and actions I take. I want other people to see the effect of being nurtured in a school that established quality education through service and prayer. Through all the experiences I have

undergone, I see myself as a person who values love for God and service to the impoverished. Therefore, to be able to put into practice all I have been trained through the years of my life, I would like to pursue further my search for true knowledge in a school which instills these right values in the minds of its students. Ateneo education for me is the most appropriate schooling for students like me who want to be of help to our Motherland. It is the kind of education which a person wishes to achieve to be able to serve not only her countrymen but mankind itself. I believe that Ateneo education is the key to liberate ourselves, and our country, together with the whole world from the devastating situation it is in. Unlike any other education other universities provide, Ateneo education is imbued with Catholic values which will help a person take part in the journey towards Gods light while sharing her own light to free individuals from their suffering. And to achieve this, we need leaders, real leaders who do not think of their own interests, instead consider to improve the well being of their constituents. These are leaders that see all dimensions whether political, societal, and most especially the religious dimension. And that is what exactly Ateneo education brings forth. Ateneo produces leaders which are imbued with the values and virtues that see God in all things and therefore try to strive for the greater glory of Him and to be of better assistance to man. Education, being the answer to all our misfortune we are currently facing, can be utilize to lift our native land from the dreary status it is in right now. Therefore, with an Ateneo Education in hand, I would be able to contribute in lifting ourselves from our present problems and will be able to lead others towards Gods light through service and leadership. As I may quote words from Herbert Spencer, The great aim of education is not knowledge but action. And that is what exactly Ateneo wishes us to realize, to journey towards Gods light and continue letting our light shine through service for the Filipino people.

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