Smea Sillabus Uda Jadi

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Subject Class/semester Time Standar Kompetensi : English Language : High school (Smea)/2 : 2 x 45 menit : Understand the meaning of the text write short functional and simple essay about how to conduct the fair of the life by struggle. Scoring Basic Competence Listen and speak Everyday conversation in professional and personal contexts Indicator Materials Learning Activities Type of bill Write text essay Form instrument Objective essay Time Sources Materials Equipment English books English effective communica tion. other relevant books

Listen and repeat after the teacher speak

Short dialogue s between professi onal at work..

The teacher gives the discourse according to the topic of learning Students answer the questions according to the dialougues. Provide sufficient time for student to do the question The students answer the questions according to the short text. Provide sufficient time for students

2 x 45 minutes -

Reading. 1.1.Respond to the meaning in short description text about manners in the work place.

Read the short description text.

Short description text about manners in the work place.

Write test essay

Objective essay

2 x 45 minutes

English Indonesian dictionary

to do the question

Writing. 1.2.Express meaning in conversations and inter personal (to get things done) and transactional formal and in formal use a variety of simple spoken language in context everyday life.

Create a text written about the job description in life

The manner of the create the text correctly -

Arrange or prepare a scenario that will be displayed The teacher form a group whose members 2 people The teacher allow the time for students to have conversation in the class Evaluation Closing

Oral test / act test


2 x 45 minutes -

English Indonesian dictionary Other relevant books. English effective communica tion.

Listen and speak. 1.3.Express meaning in conversations and inter personal (to get things done) and transactional formal and in formal use a variety of simple spoken language in context everyday life and involving speech acts: acquaintances, meet, separate, independent opinion. Read and write 1.4.Express the meaning

Acquaintances with other people and tell about their job in life

The manner of acquaint ances and tell about the job descripti on in their life

Arrange or prepare a scenario that will be displayed The teacher form a group whose members 2 people The teacher allow the time for students to have conversation in the class Evaluation Closing

Oral test / act test


1 x 45 minutes -

English Indonesian dictionary Other relevant books English effective communica tion.


The teacher deliver



1 x 45


in the text form write short description formal and informal use variety of simple spoken language in everyday live to get knowledge.

Create a text job description and telling

manner of the create the text correctly -

the competencies to be achieved The teacher present the materials adequately Student create the text with their groups -



effective communica tion.

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