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A pump canbe describedas "any ofvarious mechanicaldeviceswhich utilize an external source of power to apply a force to a liquid or gas". There are many types of thesedevices, eachsuited to a particular purpose, with none universally best for all applications. Pumps can generally be categorized into two basic groupings, according to whether they discharge liquid or gas in volumes separated a period of no discharge(positive displacement), or in a continuous flow by (non-positive displacement). A positive displacement pump dischargesa definite volume of liquid or gas in each cycle of pump operation, provided that the motive force driving the pump is greater than any resistance offered to the movement of the material being actedupon. The rotary vane priming pump is such a pump. The vanes create chambersin the casing of the pump. This separation of the liquid or gas is constant due to the definite volume of each chamber and must have a open discharge outlet. If the discharge outlet of a positive displacement type pump, when pumping an incompressible material, were completely closed, either the driving force would be stalled, or something would break. A non-positive displacementpump in operation dischargesa volume of liquid in each cycle of operation which is dependentupon the resistanceoffered to the movement of the liquid being pumped. This type of pump exerts a force upon the liquid that is constant for any given speed of the pump. When a resistanceequal to the force being exertedby the pump is presentedto its discharge, the material reaches a state of equilibrium and does not move. This is due to the design of the pump casing area which allows the impeller to move freely without discharging water. Nothing more will happen,exceptthat the pump will chum the liquid, there by generating heat. One type of non-positive displacementpump applies an action to liquids by rotating them in such a manner asto achievea centrifugal force (the force tending to make rotating bodies move away from the center ofrotation). This type ofpump is referred to as a "centrifugal pump". The basic principles ofhow a centrifugal pump developsvelocity andpressure,aswell asthe basic designs of a centrifugal pump, are explained in this chapter. If a small amount of water is placed at the center of a rapidly rotating turntable, it would be thrown off. In other words, the turntable will impart horizontal radial velocity to the water. The faster the turntable is rotated, the further the water will be thrown, due to more velocity being imparted to the water.






Should somewater be placed in a container and then rotated on the turntable, as in Figure l, the water at the center of the container would begin to move outward. However, the water at the outer edge cannot move outward becauseof the walls of the container, so it moves upward; which shows that pressure has been created in the water. The height to which it goes, (the pressurethat is created) dependsupon the speedof rotation. Therefore, by confining the water, the velocity imparted by the turntable is converted to pressure.In this illustration there was no water either entering or leaving the container, so all of the velocity must have been converted into pressure.




The centrifugal pump employs an impeller as the means of imparting velocity to the water that enters the pump. This impeller is mounted on a shaft, which is turned by a motive force. Figure 2, shows one view of a typical impeller. In operation, water is introduced at the center inlet of the rapidly rotating impeller; is partially confined by the sides and vanes of the impeller; and is thrown by centrifugal force to the outer edge. Its path of travel is not a straight line however; due to the rotation of the impeller, it takes a spiral path through the impeller. Since the outer edge of the impeller is traveling at a much faster rate than the edge of the inlet, additional velocity is imparted to the water as it approaches the outer rim. This tangential velocity increase occurs because the radius of the water path spiral increases and the water travels a greater distance per revolution




B.ack Shroud

Front Shroud






There are vanes located between the two sides of the impeller which play an important part in the design of the impeller. Thesevanesprevent eddying of the water, (a current at variance with the main current); and by presenting a constantly enlarging area between themselves as they approachthe outer rim, allowing partial conversion of velocity to pressure.It will be noted that these vanes are curved away from the direction of rotation (Figure 2, impeller designed for counterclockwise rotation) in order not to interfere with the natural movement of the water from the center to the outer edge as the impeller rotates. In this way the maximum efficiency of the impeller is obtained.
By locating the impeller in a chamber of a particular design, the basic configuration of a pump is created. This chamber collects the water being thrown tangentially ( change of direction) from the outer edge of the impeller as it rotates.

The impeller is positioned eccentric (off center) to the pump casing, so that the areabetweenthe outer edge of the impeller and the wall of the pump casing is constantly increasing as it approachesthe discharge outlet. This produces what is known as a "volute", Figure 3.
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This constantly enlarging area is necessary because water is thrown from the impeller around its entire circumference and the total quantity of water passing through the chamber is increasingly greater toward the discharge outlet, Figure 3. The volute design of a centrifugal fire pump permits the water passing through the gradually enlarging area to be reduced in velocity with a corresponding .. Increase In pressure. The water in the discharge area of the volute casing is prevented from returning to the intake area of the impeller by the close fit between a


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clearance ring fitted in the pump c'asing, Figure 3: Volute and either the hub of the impeller, or another-clearance ring attached to the impeller, Figure 2 (Sealing Rings).

Since this clearanceis very small and the impeller is turning at a high rate of speed,it is very important that the pump should not be run without water in it, or run for a long period of time without discharging water. This would causethe pump to overheat and expansion would take up the clearancebetween the rings. The rings would then make contact and seize,resulting in damageto the pump and possibly to the drive mechanismbetween motive force and the pump.
The impeller of a centrifugal pump must be rotated at a high rate of speed to develop the desired volume and pressure. Most pump impellers rotate approximately at a (2: 1) ratio to the engine speed. For this reason, the speed of the motor should be increased and decreased gradually to prevent damage to the pump shaft and gears of the pump transmission, and to avoid sudden changes in pressure developed by the pump. There are no blockages within the pump proper, and a continuous waterway is presented through the pump from the suction inlet to the discharge outlet. Passageways through the impeller are small, however, and are subject to clogging if foreign matter is permitted to enter the pump. Since clogging of the impeller will seriously affect the operation of the pump, extreme care should be taken that the proper strainers are in place to catch such foreign matter. Specifically when receiving a water supply from a non-municipal water source (rivers, ponds, etc.)




In understandingthe principles and behavioral patterns of centrifugal pumps, it is necessary to remember the following points:

Since the sizes and areasof impellers are fixed in the design and construction, and therefore not variable within a given pump; the ratio between the velocity of water entering the impeller and the velocity of water leaving the impeller at any given flow is always constant. The velocity of water entering the impeller dependsupon the revolutions per minute (rpm) of the impeller. It follow that since a rotating impeller with unrestricted discharge imparts velocity to water, the velocity of water leaving the impeller depends upon the revolutions per minute (rpm) of the impeller. The quantity of water discharged from a pump is directly related to the ratio between entranceand exit velocities as well as the velocity of water entering the pump. Since the ratio is fixed and constant at a given flow, and the entrance velocity dependsupon the rpm of the impeller; it would follow that, within the physical capabilities of the pump itself, with the dischargepressurebeing held constant; the greater the rpm of the impeller, the greater the velocity , and, the greater the velocity, the greater the discharge quantity . The increasein pressuredependsupon the sametwo factors; (a) The ratio of entering velocity to exit velocity, and, (b) the velocity ofwater entering the impeller. Item (a) is constant for any given pump, and item (b) is variable, depending upon the rpm of the impeller. Therefore, within the physical capabilities of the pump itself, with the quantity dischargebeing held constant; the greater the rpm of the impeller, the greater the gain in discharge-pressure. It should be noted that 3 and 4 together indicate that both quantity and pressurevary directly with the rpm of the impeller. However, quantity and pressureare interrelated and their development in the pump occurs simultaneously. Therefore, within the physical capabilities of the pump itself; when the rpm of the impeller is increased, both quantity and pressureoutputs increase,and, when the rpm of the impeller is decreased, both quantity and pressureoutputs decrease. The dischargepressurefor a centrifugal pump is equal to the change in pressurewhich the pump itself can create,plus the pressureat the intake.







Item 6 indicates that we can place centrifugal pumps in series and each successivepump would add its increment of pressureto the entire dischargepressureof the previous one. This can be taken advantageof in lon:grelays ofwater from the source to the fire ground. It is necessaryfor the fire servic(~ have some means of imparting velocity to water to to obtain a desired quantity of discharge as well as some means of creating pressurein order to provide nozzle pressureand overcome friction loss in the hose lines leading from the pumping apparatus..Centrifugal pumps can supply different volumes of water while running at a constant speed,since the volume of dischargevaries with the resistanceagainst which the water must be discharged.A properly designedcentrifugal pump can createthe pressures necessaryfor fire fighting activitjes. Centrifugal pumps can take advantageof intake pressures,a fact that proves very beneficial to fireground operations. They can run without pressurerelief devices without doing structural damageto the pump. The initial cost of a centrifugal pump is considerable less than other comparablepumps. All in all, centrifugal pumps possessthe attributes desired and required for fire fighting applications. All of the pumping apparatusin 'theDistrict of Columbia Fire and EMS Department are equipped with centrifugal pumps:.They are all constructedto incorporate some of the mechanical featurespreviously reviewed, i.e., all impellers are in volute casings; all have clearancerings, and all have a separatepriming system to enable them to draft water. The centrifugal fire pumps in this department,are single-stagecentrifugal pumps.

SINGLE STAGE PUMPS The single-stagepumps in this d~~partment rated at either 1250 or 1500 gallons per are minute, at 150 pounds per squar~: Inch. The single-stagecentrifugal pump has evolved over time to be an efficient centrifugal pump for the work to be accomplished. Preceding the single-stagepump was the two-stage pump which is still in use and will be touched on later for the purpose of understanding the principles of the centrifugal pump. In operation, the single-stage,centrifugal pump has a minimum ofcontrols. The engine throttle control and discharge ga1:e valves control the volume discharged at any desired pressurewithin the design capaciltyrange. Water entersthe eye of the impeller from the suction chamber, flowing in an axial direction, (Parallel with the impeller shaft), making a 90 degreechangein flow direction as it entersthe impeller, which directs the flow in a radially





outward direction to be picked up by the vanes in the impeller, FIGURE 4. An end thrust is produced as the flow direction i~.abruptly changed,for which some compensationmust be made to keep the thrust load within the load limits of the bearings.




To approximately balance this h:ydraulic thrust, clearancerings are provided in the housing at the back side of the impeller. The rings are about samediameter as the clearancerings in the housing at the eye of the impeller. Holes are provided in the rear wall of the impeller, between the hub and the edge of the vanes to admit water to the back side of the impeller. The provision for partial hydraulic balance reducesend-thrust so that any difference can be absorbedby the impeller SUppOr1t bearings. In a singJe-stage, centrifugal pump, the impeller may be single-suction or a double-suction type. In designing a pump for fire service use, there is a practical limitation on physical dimensions to permit vehicle mounting within the spacerequirements. Considerable attention is given to design characteristicswith reference to mounting location to efficiently satisfy capacity rating requirements and provide the high lift characteristics essentialin a fire pump, the capacity rating for a single-stage,centrifugal pump with a single-suction impeller is usually limited to 750 G.P.M. The double-suction impeller (figure 5), is in hydraulic balance due to the symmetry of design of each suction inlet. water enters each side of the impeller simultaneously, automatically balancing the end thrust. Double-suction impellers are used in fire pumps with high capacity ratings. These impellers develop a high efficiency. The double-suction impeller has also been used in the parallel-series, two-s1tage centrifugal pump.





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Flow Operation Water enters each channel suction channels of gallons A and B Into

with equal separation

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Figure S

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The double-suction impeller gives a volume reserve.This is what will be found on modem apparatus.Water is delivered to both sides of the impeller at the sametime, thus balancing the impeller for axial thrust. Of mixed flow design, the impeller gives broad band efficiency over full range of pumping performance, accurately machined, hand ground, and balanced. The single impeller design keeps waste friction horsepower to a minimum. Impeller shaft deflection, from unbalancedpressurein the volute housing, produces vibration in the pump when operating, and may causeaddedwear at the clearancering and impeller eye. Such deflection is also the causeof much packing wear, with a tendency to "bell mouth" the packing. To reduce these conditions, the double-volute, single-stagecentrifugal fire pump is introduced for fire service use, (figure 6). The dual volute for radial hydraulic balance was engineeredfor rotational balance over the complete pumping range. The Double-volute design has been used for many years by pump manufacturersbuilding pumps for municipal and industrial water supply systems,and has been proven highly successfulin reducing vibration, packing wear, and clearancering wear, with consequentlyless maintenanceof the pump. The use of the double-volute design is confined to the single-stagepump since ~J

Figure 6: Double Volute/Double


no satisfactory design has been developedto use the double-volute design in the parallel series,multi-stage, centrifugal pump. One of the features of the single-stagepump is its high efficiency at or near rated capacity. The best efficiency is usually above 70 percent, a few percent higher than any of the multi stage,centrifugal pumps. The efficiency at a given dischargerate (GPM) is subject to variation according to the dischargepressure(PSI), and though the effects of the pressureis small when operating-at or near rated capacity, at lower discharge rates with higher pressures the efficiency drops quite rapidly. The maximum or cut-off pressure for most single-stage, centrifugal fire pumps is in the range of375 to 450 P.S.l. At cut-off, the discharge is zero gallons per minute. The Departmentsmaximum dischargepressureis 300 psi.






The double-volute, single-stage centrifugal pump, has a very high efficiency at rated capacity , but more important, the high efficiency prevails over a considerable range of discharge.

Pump efficiency is important as it deten11ines amount of power required to be delivered to the the pump for a given output (gallons per minutes at specified pressure).While over 90 percent of fire departmentpump operation is at reduced volume and pressure,the lower pump efficiency at theserated reduced flows is not too important at non11al pressures;there is adequateengine power to produce the required volume and pressure.

TWQ-ST AGE PUMPS The following is a brief explanation of the operation of the two-stage pump. Thesepumps are still in use by the fire service but the single-stagepump is just as efficient with the design of the double intake, double volute system and the increaseduse of the diesel engine as a power source which produces a greater torque. The single-stagepump is more common today becauseof its simplified operation. In operation of the two-stage series-parallelpump, the two impellers, such as described,are mounted on a single shaft so that they rotate at the same speedat the sametime. Each impeller is contained in its own volute casing which is interconnected with the other in such a manner that thesetwo impellers may be operatedeither in parallel or series. This changeof operation is accomplished by means of a transfer valve and either one or two flap valves. The transfer valve is a device which closes or opens certain waterways within the confines of the pump housing. The transfer valve is placed in the volume or capacity position for the parallel operation of the two impellers. In this position each impeller independently receives water from the suction intake manifold and dischargesit into the discharge outlet manifold. This is the operation used when large quantities of water are desired at lower pressures. The transfer valve is placed in the pressureposition for the series operation of the two impellers. In this position, the first impeller receives water from the suction intake manifold, and its discharge is made to flow into the intake of the other impeller. The secondimpeller then dischargesthe water into the discharge outlet manifold. If pumping is already in progress and it becomes-necessary change from pressureto to capacity, or vice-versa, the pump pressureshould be reduced to within 50 p .S.I. of the pump intake pressure.


With the transfer valve in the volume position, figure 7, water entering the suction intake divides: half flowing to the first impeller, the other half opening the flap valve and flowing to the inlet of the second impeller. The discharge from both impellers then goes directly to the discharge outlet, each impeller pumping half the water at identical pressure.


Figure 7: Volume Position With the transfer valve in the pressure position, figure 8, water enters suction intake and flows into the first impeller. From the discharge of first impeller, the water is directed by the transfer valve into the inlet of the second impeller. At the same time, pressure from the impeller, since it is greater than the pressure atthe suction intake, holds the flap valve closed. After adding an equal amount of pressure the second impeller discharges the water directly to the discharge outlet.

Figure 8: PRESSURE POSITION PRIMING PUMPS The impeller on a centrifugal pump will not pump air alone, so the centrifugal pump cannot prime itself. Therefore, it is necessary to have some means of priming a centrifugal pump so that it may draft water. This may be a small positive displacement type pump, an ejector primer, or some other type system.






This Department currently usesa rotary vane positive displacement type priming pump which is found on HALE PUMPS. The rotary gear priming pump may still be found in use on fire apparatuspumps. The rotary vane pump (fig. 9) consistsofa ~<-' circular casing. The pump axle is mounted eccentric to the circular casing. ..[heend of the axle within the casing is equipped with a round, slotted housing, in which flat vanes are spring . set. These springs provide continuous contact -~ between the casing and the seal Idesigned ends To Oil -~ Resevoir of each vane. In operation, the a:Kle rotates away from the suction side--whe~re the P'iqure 9: Rotarv Vane PI!mn clearanceis less, toward the discharge side. In rotation the area, between the axle and the casing Figure 9: Rotary V Ime Pump increasesand again decreases near the discharge. The continuous contact between the vanes and the pump casing prevent the air or water from returning to the suction side.

The rotary gear pump (fig. 10) consists of two intermeshing gearsrevolving in opposite directions within a close fitting casing so that both gearsmove away from each other on the suction side and toward each other on the discharge side. In operation, water or air is trapped between the teeth of the gearsand the casing, and is carried to the discharge opening. The meshing of the gear teeth prevents the air or water from returning to the suction side.

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Priming pumps are equipped with bearings, which are lubricated entirely by oil from a tank -.I A connectedto the pump (fig. il). This oil sealsthe vanes/gearsof the pump. The proper amount of Figure 10: Rotary Gear Pump oil is automatically supplied to the bearings and vanes/gearsthrough lubricating passages within the pump casing while the pump,is in operation. There is a small hole -inthe line connecting the oil tank to the pump.

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This hole should be kept open, as it breaks the syphoning effect when the pump is disengaged.The four to six quart capacity oil tank shall be kept full with S.A.E. 30 motor oil. Check oil level after each use.

Figure 11: Primer Oil Reservoir

Priming pumps are either clutch or electrically driven. It is possible to operate somepriming systemswithout the main pump being engagedsince the motive power for the priming pump is electrical. However, more dependableand rapid priming will occur with both pumps engaged,and the operational stepsfor individual apparatur; reflect this process.Electrical priming pumps are likely to be found on modern centrifugal pumps. Piping connectsthe priming pump intake to the eye of the impeller of the centrifugal pump. A cut-off, or priming valve, is provided in this pipe line which, when open, allows a clear passagewayso that the priming pump can exhaustthe air from the main pump. This valve, when closed, prevents any pressurein the main pump from being exerted against the priming pump. The priming valve is operatedby the samecontrolling handle that operatesthe priming motor . The discharge from the priming pump is made directly to the ground, thereby permitting the operator to seewhen the main pump is primed. Becausethe priming pump is operating with the main pump engaged,pressurewill be indicated on the discharge gauge when the main pump is primed.



If the centrifugal pump is supplying one line of hose with the playpipe open, and the playpipe is then shut off, an increasein pump pressurewill occur which will result in an excessiveinitial nozzle reaction when the playpipe is again opened.Also, if a centrifugal pump is supplying two hose lines with the playpipes open, and the playpipe on one of the lines is then shut off, an
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increasein pump dischargepressurewill occur which will result in excessivenozzle pressure on the remaining line. The operation of the centrifugal pump is such that when the playpipe is closed, the engine load is decreased becausethe pump is no longer discharging that quantity of water resulting from a particular throttle setting and discharge opening. With the engine load thus reduced, the engine speedincreases.When the engine speedincreases,the pump speedincreasesand pump pressurerises proportionately to the throttle setting. Such increasesare objectionable-because potential serious injury to the f ire fighters of holding the playpipe, and becauseof the possibility of the higher pressurerupturing the hose. Therefore all centrifugal fire pumps are equipped with either an automatic governor or a relief valve. Either one, when properly set, will prevent the increasein pump pressurethat occurs when a playpipe is closed, the automatic governor controls the fuel supply to the engine (commonly used on gas engines), and by such control decreases speedof the the engine when the playpipe is closed, and increasesthe speedof the engine when the playpipe is again opened.This maintains the pressurefor which the governor is set. This DeDartment utilizes relief valves only. The relief valve maintains a constant load on the engine by opening a passagewaybetween the discharge and suction sides of the pump when the playpipe is closed, thus permitting water to churn from the discharge side to the suction side of the pump. When the playpipe is again opened,that passagewaycloses, and water is prevented from churning. With this relatively constant load on the engine, its speedremains relatively constant, thus maintaining the pressurefor which the relief valve is set. All pumping apparatusin this Department are equippedwith a relief valve. There may be minor differences in the relief valves found throughout the Depa~ent, but all operate basically the same. SeeFigure 12, for a schematicof one type relief valve. The complete relief valve assemblyconsists of a chum valve, which is contained within the configuration of the main pump housing; a control valve, which is mounted in a convenient operating position on the side control panel of the apparatus;and a pilot light, the switch being located on the chum valve assembly,and the lamp being located on the side control panel of the apparatus. The chum valve resemblesa large double endedpiston with unequal face areas,i.e., the flat area on one end is larger than the flat area on the other end. This valve operatesin such a manner that when pressureis applied at the larger end of the piston, it moves, and the other end opens a passagewaybetween the discharge side and the suction side of the pump.

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The control valve may be slightly different from one relief valve to the next, but all are basically operatedby a handwheel which in turn either increasesor decreases tension on the control spnngs. These two valves are designedso that when the pressureon the discharge side of the pump exceedsthe pressureat which the controlling spring is set, the control valve opens.This allows the pump discharge pressureto open the churn valve, permitting water to flow from the discharge side of the pump to the suction side of the pump; thus relieving the dischargepressure. When the dischargepressuredrops below the setting of the spring, the control valve closes, allowing the churn valve to close, and the flow from the discharge side of the suction side of the pump ceases.


The relief valve is equipped with a pilot light, Figure 12: StandardReliefValve actuatedby the pilot light switch on the chum valve. With the chum valve in the closed position, the pilot light switch button is depressed part of the by chum valve assembly. When the chum valve opens,the button is released,allowing an electrical Figure 12: StandardReliefValve contact to be made which actuatesthe pilot light lamp. While the lighted lamp is an effective gaugethat the chum valve has opened,it does not indicate the degreeof aperture opening, hence cannot be used to determine that the valve is opening sufficiently far to by-pass water in great enough quantity to maintain correct pressure.The lamp will remain lighted until the chum valve is completely closed. When the pump is operating and supplying one or more lines ofhose at the correct pressure, and the relief valve is set for that pressure,the control valve piston will remain in a normal operating, or closed position, as long as the playpipes are open. At this point the controlling spring pressureis equal to the pump dischargepressure.

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The instant that one or more playpipes are closed, the pressureon the discharge side of the pump exceedsthe pressureexerted by the controlling spring, and the control valve opens. Although water at pump dischargepressureis now acting upon both ends of the churn valve, the churn valve opens toward the discharge side of the pump becauseof the greater total force exerted on the larger face. With the churn valve open, water flows from the discharge side to the suction side of the pump, thereby reducing the dischargepressureto the pressure for which the relief valve is set which is equal to the controlling spring pressure.With the dischargepressureagain equaling the controlling spring pressure,the control valve moves back to the normal operating or closed position, blocking off the passageto the large end of the churn valve and stopping the flow of water to that chamber. This holds the churn valve in a partially open position to maintain the pressurefor which the relief valve is set. When the playpipes are reopened,the pump dischargepressureacting against the control valve is reduced. This allows the control spring pressureto close the control valve and drain the pressureretained in the water chamber at the large end of the churn valve. Pump pressure acting upon the small end of the churn valve then causesthe churn valve to close and the flow between the discharge and suction sides of the pump is stopped. The pump pressure again equals the controlling spring pressure,and the control valve closes,returning to the normal operation positicn. Pumping situations are varied; therefore, various operating pressuresand quantity flows are required to suit them and the demandsmade upon the relief valve are also varied. In order to provide complete control over pressurechangeswhen pumping in situations where playpipes are frequently being closed and openedwithout notice to the pump operator, such as in firefighting, drill, etc.; the relief valve and throttle must be properly set. To set the relief valve so its operation becomesautomatic and effective for the given situation, first the control hard wheel must be turned clockwise a sufficient number of turns so that the spring pressurewill be greater than the desired pump pressure;secondthe playpipe(s) on the hose line(s) being supplied must be open; and, third the throttle must be carefully adjustedto achieve the correct pump pressure.
With these criteria met, then:

Turn control handwheel counterclockwise until pump pressuredrops. The control hand wheel should be turned counterclockwise until the pump pressurestarts to drop; the relief valve pilot light should come on. Then, stop turning in that direction and





Turn control valve clockwise until desired pump pressureis reached.This should be done slowly until the desired pump pressureis again reached.The relief valve pilot light should go off. Unless pumping conditions change,the relief valve requires no further attention. Adjustments in pump pressureshould not be made with the relief valve. If a pump pressure higher than the one being used is desired; turn control hand wheel clockwise a sufficient distance so that the spring pressurewill be greater than the desired higher pump pressure, raise the pump pressurewith the throttle, and reset the relief valve. If a pump pressurelower than the one being used is desired; lower the pump pressurewith the throttle and reset the relief valve. If the relief valve is mechanically sound, the stepsof setting should insure that when the pipe is closed, the chum valve will open far enough to chum that quantity of water which was formerly being discharged, and no increasein pump pressurewill occur. When the pipe is reopened,the chum valve will close, and pump pressurewill remain the same.Of course, as with any mechanical device having maximum performance levels, there is a limit to the opening size of the chum valve, and hence a limit as to the amount of water that can pass through it. Therefore, if a pump is discharging a quantity of water that is near the total capacity of the pump, and the pi}Jesare then shut off, the chum valve cannot open far enough to maintain proper pump pressure. There are times when it is impossible to set the relief valve with water being discharged; for instance. If the company is still attempting to locate the fire inside a building, an operator of pumping apparatuscannot ask that the playpipe be openedlong enough for him to set the relief valve. There may be other times when the water flow from an open pipe may be too small to warrant concern over maintaining constantpressure,such as in wetting down with the small line. Under these circumstances,the relief valve can be set only to prevent the pump pressurefrom exceeding the desired pressure.To set the relief valve, with no water flowing, and accomplish the protection against higher pressures,first the control hand wheel must be turned clockwise a sufficient number of turns so that the spring pressurewill be greater than the desired pump pressureand secondthe throttle must be carefully adjustedto achieve the correct pump pressure.
With these criteria met, then:

Turn control hand wheel counterclockwise until pump pressuredrops. The control hand wheel should be turned counterclockwise until the pump pressurestarts to drop; the relief valve pilot light should come on. Then, stop turning in that direction and




Turn control hand wheel clockwise until desiredpressureis reached.This should be done slowly until the desired pump pressureis again reached.The relief valve pilot light should go off. If these steps of setting are done without water flowing, then when the playpipe is opened, the pump pressurewill decrease.When the playpipe is closed, the relief valve will insure that pump pressuredoes not rise above the pressurefor which the relief valve is set. The relief valve can also be preset to a particular pressure,and later when the pump is used, the relief valve will afford protection against most increasesin pump pressureswhile getting in service on the fire ground. The preset relief valve will assistthe wagon driver in the changeoverfrom booster tank to supply line. It will also assistthe pumper driver in getting in service and operating until the need for a particular quantity of water is established. In presetting the relief valve to a partict:lar pressureit makes no difference whether water is flowing or not. One may chooseto use any dischargelane available, or may chooseto direct the flow from the small line into the booster tank, or may chooseto keep all dischargegates closed. This would allow presetting the relief valve at company quarters, after pumping and before leaving the fireground, after drills, etc., in preparation for the next anticiproted pump situation. What is being accomplished is the establishmentof a balance between a given pump pressure and the spring pressureagainst the control valve piston. To preset the relief valve, first the control hand wheel must be turned clockwise a sufficient number of turns so that the spring pressurewill then be greater than the ultimate presetpressure;and secondthe throttle must be carefully adjusted to achieve the desired pump pressure(preset pressure).
With these criteria met, then:

Turn control hand wheel counterclockwise until pump pressuredrops. The control hand wheel should be turned counterclockwise until the pump pressurestarts to drop; the relief valve pilot light should come on. Then, stop turning in that direction and Turn control hand wheel clockwise until desired pump pressureis reached.This should be done slowly until the desired pump pressureis again reached.The relief valve pilot light should go off. Upon completing the stepsof presetting the relief valve, the pump is shut down and the apparatusmade ready for future service.






If these stepsof presetting are correctly done, the next time the pump is used and the throttle control advancedto develop pump pressureto coincide with the preset relief valve pressure, the relief valve should afford protection against most increasesin pump pressure. There are no provisions for company level maintenanceof relief valves. Frequent operation of the relief valve, so that all moving parts are set in motion, assistsgreatly in keeping it operative. Any pump part is susceptibleto rust scale incrustation, and if the chum valve and control valve are allowed to remain in one position for lengthy periods of time a coating may build up, tending to limit the normal travel of said parts. Checking the operation of the relief valve during fire fighting operations by closing gatesor by attempting to increasethe pump pressureby throttle advancementshould not be done. Thesethings interfere with the proper supply to the hose lines and can endangerthe firefighters holding the playpipes. Increasing the pump pressurewith the throttle increases the flow of water through the chum valve and does not give an accurate indication of the condition of the relief valve. Testing of the relief valve, when there is evidence it is not working properly, can be accomplished as fo;lows: Place the pump in service supplying a line with the playpipe open. Use a pump pressureof at least 50 psi over the hydrant or intake pressure.A discharge of at least 100 gpm will provide a good test. Set the relief valve properly. Close the playpipe. The relief valve should hold the pump pressurewith not more than an increaseof 30 psi. Open the playpipe. The pump pressureshould not drop below the point of the original psi. If the increasein pressureis greater than 30 psi when the pipe is closed, or if the pump pressuredrops below the original psi when the pipe is opened,it indicates that the relief valve is not functioning properly. If the relief valve is not functioning properly, repeat the test, taking special care in all steps. Repeating the test several times will frequently correct the difficulty .Causing the relief valve to work several times will sometimesincreasethe accuracy of the relief valve operations. If continued attempts to make the relief valve work are unsuccessful,the Fleet Maintenance Division should be notified.






LUBRICATION There are no greaseconnectionsprovided for the main pump shaft bearings. Pump packing is provided at the pump shaft where it leavesthe pump casing. It takes a tight fit between the pump shaft and the casing and prevents leakage of air when priming the pump. The pump packings are lubricated by water; therefore, a small amount of water should run from these packings when the pump is in operation. Excessive leakage of the packing will causetrouble in getting water from draft and should be reported to Fleet Maintenance. Do not attempt to make any adjustment of the packing. It shall be taken into consideration that the pump packings are susceptibleto damagefrom being overheatedwhen the pump is not discharging water and continues to chum. This situation can often causedamageto the packings without any noticeable heat build up on the exterior of the pump casing ( 6" intake blind cap, or the 2 Y2" piping at the in line valves). To avoid this damageto the packings open slightly the tank fill valve to-circulate water, a dischargegate or open a play pipe to allow water to flow from the pump. The oil in the pump transmission shall be kept between the high and low level mark on the bayonet gauge,using S.A.E. 90 weight gear oil. Fleet Maintenance will maintain the above. The pump bearings, drive unit bearings and all gears are supplied with oil from the drive unit housing. Too much oil or too heavy an oil will result in unnecessaryloss ofpower and unnecessarilyhigh oil temperature.These items shall be checked and maintained by Fleet Maintenance.

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