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BMC Campus Training Guide

Last Revised: FINAL


Document Title: Author: File Reference:
BMC Campus Training Guide CMS Central 80777046.doc

09/13/03 01/27/05 02/03/05

J Lussier Y Hepperle/ J Lussier Elmo Carino

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Table of Contents
Introduction to BMC CONTROL-M Desktop and Enterprise Manager .................1 1.0 The BMC Environment......................................................................2 Permanent and Active Job Files........................................................................2 Understanding How Jobs Get Into the Enterprise Manager Each Day................2 Understanding the New Day Process................................................................4 2.0 Working in Enterprise Manager.........................................................5 Launching Enterprise Manager.........................................................................5 Enterprise Manager Window Layout.................................................................7 Job Hierarchies..................................................................................................8 Finding Jobs......................................................................................................9 Job Status: Colors and Histograms..................................................................10 Job Manipulation: Operator Actions................................................................11 3.0 Ordering / Forcing / Rerunning ......................................................14 Ordering Jobs..................................................................................................14 Forcing Jobs....................................................................................................18 Rerunning Jobs................................................................................................19 Understanding the Prerequisite Conditions Table and Parent-Child Relationships..................................................................................................20 4.0 Quantitative Resources...................................................................23 5.0 Working in CONTROL-M...................................................................25 Launching Control-M Desktop through the Control-M/Enterprise Manager.....25 Creating Your First Job....................................................................................27 Opening Existing Jobs ....................................................................................28 6.0 Getting Ready to Create Jobs: Understanding Hierarchies and Views31 Viewing the Hierarchy by Application / Group / Job.........................................31 Naming Conventions for Scheduling Tables....................................................33 Viewing the Hierarchy by Data Center / Scheduling Table / Job......................34 Relationship of Naming Standards on the Job Editing Form Fields..................35 7.0 Creating Jobs through the Job Editing Form.....................................37 The General Panel..........................................................................................38 The PS8 Panel................................................................................................41 The %%Set Panel ...........................................................................................42 The Scheduling Panel.....................................................................................43 The Execution Panel.....................................................................................46 The Resources Panel.......................................................................................48 The Steps Panel..............................................................................................50 The PostProc Panel.........................................................................................52 8.0 Creating Conditions........................................................................55 Creating Simple Conditions in the CONTROL-M Desktop Window..................57

Deleting or Editing Conditions in the CONTROL-M Desktop Window...............59 Presetting Condition Format through the use of Skeletons.............................61 Creating Complex Conditions in the Conditions Panel....................................62 9.0 Writing and Uploading Scheduling Tables ......................................65 Procedure - Step One - Writing the Table........................................................65 Procedure - Step Two - Uploading the Table ..................................................67 Deleting Scheduling Tables............................................................................68 Turning Tables off from Running Automatically..............................................69 10.0 Creating a Scheduling Calendar s..................................................70 The Calendars Manager..................................................................................70 Uploading the Calendar.................................................................................73 11.0 Creating Additional Jobs................................................................74 12.0 Creating Additional Jobs ...............................................................75 Adding a New Job to an Existing Job Table......................................................76 Creating New Tables, Applications and Groups...............................................80 13.0 Mass Updates and Collections.......................................................82 Appendix A: Establishing BMC User Accounts...............................................83

BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide

Introduction to BMC CONTROL-M Desktop and Enterprise Manager

The BMC product consists of the Control-M Desktop and Control-M/Enterprise Manager. Used in conjunction, the Control-M Desktop sets up and schedules jobs, and the ControlM/Enterprise Manager provides the job monitoring tool. This training guide provides campuses with an overview of using both products. It is intended as a quick-start guide. Campuses should also refer to the following documentation, as posted to the CMS website at for complete details and information for setup, administration, and advanced use of each product. Available CMS-Central publications include: BMC CONTROL-M Campus Setup Guide BMC CONTROL-M Campus Setup and Information Checklist BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide (this document) BMC CONTROL-M Job Definition Request Form BMC CONTROL-M Job Definition Standards and Naming Conventions

Available BMC User Guides include: CONTROL-M Job Parameter and Variable Reference Guide CONTROL-M Option for PeopleSoft 8 Administrators Guide

Related Guides
Throughout this document, the Related Guides symbol will be used to list Sections where additional information can be found. Most helpful is the Job Parameter and Variable Reference Guide that lists all parameters and variables for each panel and field, and provides the foundation for advanced use of this product.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide


The BMC Environment

Permanent and Active Job Files

The BMC Environment consists of both permanent and active job definitions that are used for scheduling. The CONTROL-M Desktop is the means by which users create and save permanent job definitions. Permanent job definitions are stored in tables on the Enterprise manager and replicated to the CONTROL-M server(s). Each day, the CONTROL-M Enterprise Manager launches a process called the New Day Process - which looks at specified tables (and the jobs in those tables) that are scheduled to run on the current date. The CONTROL-M server then takes a copy of that job definition and puts it into the Active Job File. The visual representation of the Active Job File is the "all jobs" selection in the Enterprise Manager GUI.

Understanding How Jobs Get Into the Enterprise Manager Each Day
Important Terms

ODAT (Order Date) Active Job File New Day Process

When jobs are first created, one of the job definition variables is an ODAT. When jobs are moved from the permanent tables to the Active Job File, CONTROL-M Server replaces every reference to ODAT with the order date either assigned by the operator, or the system order date*. Each day, at a pre-set time, a process called the New Day Process searches specified permanent tables for jobs whose scheduling criteria matches the system ODAT. The New Day Process transfers those jobs to the Active Job File for execution by the CONTROL-M server, as viewed by users in Enterprise Manager. The New Day Process also deletes all jobs

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide from the prior day that ended with a status of OK, jobs that may not have run but have exceeded their MaxWait, and any conditions that pre-exist for the new current ODAT. The issuance of a new ODAT each day (or for duplicate jobs in a single day) is important to: keep jobs that fail on one day from setting off jobs with the same conditions the next day, assign unique identifiers to jobs that need to be brought into the Active Job File as duplicates.

Example of ODAT role in preventing failed jobs from kicking off future day job(s) On June 1st, Job One with the ODAT of JUNE 1st ends with status of abend (fails). Job One is a prerequisite for Job Two, so Job Two turns into a status of "waiting" (gray) since it is waiting for its prerequisite (Job One) to run. On June 2nd, Job One with the ODAT of June 1st is read into Enterprise Manager through the New Day Process because it ended with a status of failed on June 1st. An operator notices that Job One failed, corrects the problem, and reruns the report. Now that Job One has run successfully, it completes the condition to launch Job Two. Job Two with the ODAT of June 1st runs successfully. What you DO NOT want happening is for Job One from June 1 to launch Job 2 from June 2nd. Because the jobs from June 2nd have a new ODAT - it has made each job (even if the same job) a unique job for each day. The Job One with the ODAT OF June 2nd ended with Status of OK, and that now meets the condition for Job Two with the ODAT of June 2nd to run.

Calendar Date - June 1st

Job ODAT Date - June 1 Job abends (fails)

Calendar Date - June 2nd

Job ODAT Date - June 1 Operator has corrected job and it re-ran successfully. Job ODAT Date - June 2nd


NO !!!

Because jobs keep their unique ODAT when carried over to a new Active Job File through the New Day Process, they will never launch jobs that they were not intended to launch (same jobs, different days).

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Example of ODAT used to uniquely identify duplicate jobs in a single days' Active Job File In this example, an operator needs to bring in a second copy of two jobs and run them again. If he brings in the jobs without any intervention to identify a new ODAT, they will default to the current ODAT - and there will be two job streams with cross dependencies. What can be done is to bring the duplicate jobs in with a new ODAT - to identify them as unique jobs and keep them as separate streams.

The jobs identified within the red borders are duplicate jobs that were brought into the Active Job File with a new ODAT. This keeps them as a unique job stream and the conditions contained within these two jobs will not impact or launch other jobs with the same parent-child conditions.

More information on managing duplicate jobs will be presented in Ordering or Forcing Jobs into an Active Job File and will include additional details and instructions on assigning new ODATs, as well as other interventions that can be taken to manage jobs and assign unique identifiers to duplicate jobs that co-exist in a single days' Active Job File.

Understanding the New Day Process

It is also important to understand what specific hour of the day the New Day Process runs since it defines the start and stop time of your 24-hour period that is considered your day. Campuses are delivered a BMC setup with the New Day Process scheduled to run at 8:00 AM. 8:00:00 AM (June 6th) 7:59:59 AM (June 7th)
8:00:00 AM (June 7th)

New Day Process Runs for June 6th Current Day Ends for June 6th
New Day Process Runs for June 7th

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Based on the start time of the New Day Process - June 6th is not defined as June 6th until 8:00 am - not at midnight. Therefore, a job defined with a run time of 6:00 am on June 6th - would not actually run until 6:00 am on June 7th because the 24-hour clock for June 6th runs from 8:00 am June 6 until 8:00 am June 7th.


Working in Enterprise Manager

View jobs in the Active Job File View the status of jobs as they run during the current CONTROL-M day Apply operator actions to jobs. These can include: force job to run again cancel job put job on hold make a temporary modification to the job (i.e. execution time, run control ID)

The Enterprise Manager is the portion of the BMC product that can be used to: (ODAT)

Launching Enterprise Manager

1. Using a standard web browser, navigate to m 2. Enter your username and password into the Citrix login page.

3. Click the BMC_EMGui_6103 link.

Your campus link will have your campus initials as the first letters, followed by ECSGui_800x600

4. Enter your BMC username and password. 5. The server should default. Verify that it is your server. If you do not know your server, please contact

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide 6. The CONTROL-M Enterprise Manager opens showing a gray window. 7. Select File > Open ViewPoint

8. Select All Active Jobs and Click OK. The All Active Jobs will show all jobs in your Active Job File, except those that an operator has deleted - which just makes a cleaner view than selecting All Jobs.
The terms "all jobs" or "all active jobs" can be somewhat misleading. It is NOT going to show you all the jobs you have ever created - it is going to show you all jobs that are in the Active Job File (those scheduled to run that day - AND those jobs from prior day(s) that have either been placed on hold, and /or have abended and not exceeded their MaxWait.)

9. Selecting All Active Jobs launches the Enterprise Manager window.

Please note that the jobs you see in your environment will not be the same - the jobs displayed here were created to provide samples for this guide.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide

Enterprise Manager Window Layout

Hierarchy: Lists jobs in the Active Job File in hierarchy view. The default hierarchy is CONTROL-M Server > Application > Group > Job. Graphics Display: Graphical representation of the hierarchy depicted on the left. Navigation Window: 10,000-foot view of the graphic display, used to assist in navigation. Clicking on a section in the navigation window brings you to those jobs in the larger graphics display window. Filters: The drop-down box allows users to choose pre-made filters to view subsets of jobs in the Active Job File. (i.e. all jobs that ended OK, all jobs that are waiting, all jobs that are assigned to xx operator, etc.)

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Job Hierarchies
e Active Job File opens in a nonexpanded tree view Th

Th e 1st level of the tree represents the Control-M Environment

D ouble-click to expand the CONTROL-M Environment and view the Applications D ouble-clicking on an application group expands it to show the individual groups contained within each application. D ouble clicking on each group expands them to show all of the individual jobs.

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Finding Jobs
As you increase the number of jobs in your environment, locating jobs manually in the Enterprise Manager window will become increasing complex. Instead, you can locate any job in your Active Job File by using the search feature. 1. Choose Edit > Find Job

2. The column marked Field contains an extensive list of fields that can be used as search criteria. Choose the field you want to conduct the search on. 3. Enter the search criteria (value). 4. Clicking Find Next will advance one at a time through all jobs in the active job file that meet the search criteria.

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Job Status: Colors and Histograms

The Top Bar and Side Bars are all color-coded to indicate the status of the job. Gray Waiting for an Event Yellow Job is Executing


Waiting for a resource


Job Completed Successfully

Hourglass / Lock

Job is on Hold


Job Abended


Job is waiting for Operator Confirmation


Job is in an Unknown Status (i.e. if the agent platform becomes unavailable and could not report back to CONTROLM.

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Job Manipulation: Operator Actions

Operators can perform a series of commands on jobs. These job command include the ability to: Hold Applying Hold will permanently hold the job until it is freed. It will hold the job not only for the current 24-hour period, but will also hold the job over during the next days New Day process, even if that exceeds its MaxWait. Jobs that are Held have a lock. Confirm A job action that has to be set up by checking the Confirm Checkbox on the Execution Panel of the job when the job is created. Then, any job that has to be confirmed will appear as pink until the operator actually goes in and chooses this action of "Confirm" to launch the job. Free Releases a job that has been placed on hold. Rerun Can be used only on jobs that have already run. You can rerun any job - jobs that have completed with status of OK, or jobs that have abended. More information on rerunning jobs will be provided in the Section titled: Ordering / Forcing / Rerunning. Restart Not used. Used only in mainframe environments. React Not used. Used only with VMS and MVS mainframe environments. Delete Delete will mark a job for deletion, regardless of its status. The job will not actually delete from the Enterprise Manager GUI screen - it will remain in the Active Job File with a red X until the next new day process. Deleting a job will prevent any subsequent jobs from running if the deleted job is a prerequisite (IN) condition. Undelete Undeletes a job that has been deleted. This returns it to the status it had before it was deleted. Kill Cancels a job. Puts the job in abend (red) status. This will prevent any subsequent jobs from running if the killed job is a prerequisite (IN) condition. Kill is used to stop a job that is in the middle of executing. Force OK Force OK marks the selected job as having run successfully - thus allowing any subsequent jobs to run. Force OK is typically used on jobs that have failed if you need to free the subsequent jobs. Sysout Provides the system sysout associated with the processing of a job. This is the CONTROLM captured sysout that is generated when the job executes, regardless of the completion status.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Statistics Lists the job id, start time, end time, elapsed time and cpu utilization for the last 20 executions of the job. Documentation Opens the file specified by DocMem and DocLib in Read Only mode. CSU does not recommend using this selection, instead if you are documenting information about jobs, you can use the Activate Application feature and associate Microsoft Word as the application to use to create files for the DocMem and DocLib fields in the CONTROL-M Desktop. Log Every action taken by CONTROL-M against this instance of this job. (i.e. while it has been in the Active Job File - or passed over to the new days Active Job File.) View JCL/Script Used only for jobs with a Tasktype of job. It opens the script in read-only mode. Tasktype of job is not used for PeopleSoft. Edit JCL/Script Used only for jobs with a Tasktype of job. It opens the script in edit mode. Tasktype of job is not used for PeopleSoft. Why Why is used to find out what is preventing a job in a "Wait" status from running. It will provide information for prerequisite conditions, execution time, resources, hold status, and confirmation requirement. Enhanced Why Shows the chain of jobs that must execute before this job, not just the immediate predecessor. Order / Force This allows an operator to manually bring permanent job definitions into the Active Job File. This can be done at any time of day to bring in a single job or an entire table immediately. The job will still wait for its conditions to be met before it runs (i.e. prerequisite conditions, time, resources, or confirmation requirement.)
Please see Ordering or Forcing Jobs into an Active Job File for more details about this action.

Activate Application Used to link outside applications to CONTROL-M (for example - linking Microsoft Word to CONTROL-M so you can use Word to track comments about jobs, provide operator instructions, et. al.) Communication Status The communication status will show you the ECS/Control-M gateway and server status.

If any portion of the ECS/Control-M gateway or servers is down, it will show red. Contact the CMS Help Desk if this status ever shows red.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Properties Brings up the Job Editing Form. To make temporary changes to your job through the Job Editing form while the job is in the Active Job File, you must first place the job on hold.

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Ordering / Forcing / Rerunning

Ordering, forcing, and re-running jobs bring additional jobs into your current days' Active Job File. Each has the potential of causing unintended results because of the parent-child conditional relationships of jobs to each other. When bringing in jobs that are duplicates of jobs that already exist in your Active Job File, you want to make sure to do it in a way that will allow the system to recognize those jobs (or job groups) as unique. This can be done either by ordering jobs in with unique dates, thereby allowing the system to generate unique ODATs, or by removing conditions on the jobs, thereby effectively rerunning them without pre-existing conditions and allowing them to re-apply their conditions as they run. Lastly, there are times when a straight force - without consideration of scheduling criteria or conditions may be appropriate. All three methods will be addressed in this section.

Ordering Jobs
Ordering jobs consists of understanding the procedures for Choosing a date that meets the jobs' scheduling criteria Locating the correct table with the job(s) you want to order Ordering the complete table or single jobs from within the table

Choosing a date that meets the job's scheduling criteria As shown in the section: Understanding How Jobs Get Into the Enterprise Manager Each Day, when a job fails (abends) on one day, and is brought back into the Active Job File the next day through the New Day Command, the system automatically assigns it a new ODAT. When manually ordering a job into the Active Job File, the operator must assign a new ODAT. This is to ensure that if jobs are brought in that already exist in the Active Job File, the new jobs will be viewed by the system as unique, and will not unintentionally launch other jobs that may have the same "parent-child" conditional relationship as the ones you are bringing in. However, there is one "catch" to manually assigning ODATs. The date chosen must coincide with a date "allowed" by the job. Later in this guide, full details for setting up and scheduling jobs will be provided. For the purposes of understanding the relationship of the schedule to choosing valid dates, we will use an example from a job that has already been created for this guide. The M_JobAct_Separation job was created and associated to a calendar called M_HR_JOBS. That calendar runs jobs only on the last day of each month. Thus, only the last day of each month is a choice for a date to order the job in. Although you are choosing dates in the future, the job will run on your current date. It will not wait for the future date. It is, once again, just the method to allow the system to assign the job a unique ODAT, thereby distinguishing it from any other duplicates of the job(s) that may already exist in your Active Job File for the day.

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This job is associated to the M_HR_JOBS calendar.

The green squares indicate that the M_HR_JOBS calendar runs jobs on the last day of each month.

1. From the Enterprise Manager Window, choose Tools > Order/Force

2. Choose your CONTROL-M server from the drop down list 3. Choose the table that contains the job(s) you want to order in 4. You now have two choices. If you leave the Job field blank, it will bring in all jobs in the table. 5. Otherwise, select the job you want to order by clicking on it. The Job field will automatically populate. 6. Click Advanced to access the ODAT calendar.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide 7. Click the drop down list next to the ODAT date field to bring up a calendar. 8. Choose any day that meets one of the days of the scheduling criteria for how your job was set up. So, for this example, you could pick the last day of any month - because that would meet the criteria - the job was set up to run on the last day of each month, so the last day of any month will meet the conditions to run this job when ordering it in with a manual ODAT.

9. Verify that the correct job(s) are being ordered and then click Yes

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide The table ordered (with both of its jobs) with the "future" date now appears in your Active Job File for the current day and - as indicated by the green status bars, both jobs have run successfully. If you want to order the table (and both of its jobs) back in again on the same day - you would want to pick another valid (future) date.
Remember this tidbit about ordering our tables in with both of their jobs - we will refer back to this example in the upcoming section on eliminating prerequisites when rerunning jobs.

As seen in this example, the jobs on the left (A) were ordered in with one date, the jobs on the right (B) were ordered in with a second (future) date. Ordering the table in with two different dates provides each of these job groups with unique ODATs and thus only allows them to run parent-child conditions within their own group. As seen by the arrows, the jobs in Column B will not affect any jobs in Column A. Notice that the first job in Column B has just completed running successfully and has launched its child job - without any impact on jobs in Column A. There is nothing to prevent operators from ordering in jobs without assigning a unique ODAT. Here is an example of ordering in these same jobs one more time - but accidentally using the same date. Note that now the parent jobs are launching multiple children. This can get very unruly! If a job is ordered with an invalid date, a warning will indicate that the job was not ordered, and is the "reminder" for the operator to re-check that the date used for ordering is valid for that job.
Job scheduling dates are easily checked through the Control-M Desktop by selecting the Scheduling Tab on the Job Editing Form. See The Scheduling Panel.

The yellow bar indicates that Job 2 is in progress, and if it ends OK - it will shortly turn green.

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Forcing Jobs
Forcing a job or table in bypasses ALL scheduling criteria and will bring in the job or job(s) regardless - even if all scheduling criteria has been removed. The disadvantage of using force is that it may bring in more jobs than you want to come in and set off chains of prerequisites that you were not expecting, resulting in duplicate job runs or unexpected job runs. The end result would be the same as shown in the previous example of ordering in jobs with the same date. If you know you are bringing in a job table that does not exist in your Active Day File, and you want to bring it in without any consideration of choosing scheduling dates - use a simple force. However, if you are unsure if the job(s) already exist in the Active Job File, it will be cleaner to Order jobs in, rather than using Force. 10. Choose Tools > Order/Force

11. Ignore any date information. None needs to be provided. 12. Choose your CONTROL-M server from the drop down list 13. Choose the table that contains the job(s) you want to order in 14. You now have two choices. If you leave the Job field blank, it will bring in all jobs in the table. 15. Otherwise, select the job you want to force by clicking on it. The Job field will automatically populate. 16. Click Force

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Rerunning Jobs
Rather than ordering in additional copies of jobs that already exist in your Active Job File, operators can rerun jobs that are already there. The choice of manually "re"-ordering existing jobs, vs. rerunning them is probably going to depend on whether you need to make changes to the job in the Permanent Job Definition. Let's take an example. The M_JobAct_Separation report runs, and you notice from the output that it incorrectly ran a benefits report instead of a separation report. Simply rerunning the job will not fix it - instead - you will want to open the job in Control_M Desktop (which opens the "original" job in the permanent job definitions table), fix the conditions that made it run the wrong report, and then order it back into your Active Job File. Let's do another example. The M_JobAct_Separation report runs, and it runs just fine. The .pdf output generates and is emailed to its proper recipient - but then you get a phone call that they have accidentally deleted the report and cannot retrieve it - can you please rerun it? In this case, a rerun would be just fine. However, because the job has run once already that day in the Active Job File, a simple rerun would bring it in with the same system ODAT, and would again provide that multiple parent-child relationship quandary that can unintentionally launch jobs you do not need to run. So, another option for avoiding multiple conditions is to just get rid of the prerequisite conditions and then conduct your rerun.
Eliminating prerequisite conditions on jobs in your Active Job File will not have any impact on the original job - don't forget that all jobs existing in your Active Job File are copies of the "original" jobs stored in the Permanent Job Definitions table.

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Understanding the Prerequisite Conditions Table and Parent-Child Relationships

The successful completion of a job satisfies its own OUT Condition. When a job runs successfully, its OUT Condition is added to the Prerequisite Table - indicating that any jobs that now have that jobs' OUT Condition (successful completion) as their prerequisite IN condition are now free to run.
Separation has an OUT condition of itself: M_JobAct_Separation-Job_Act_Termination "that is me .. I am the parent... I must finish OK ..................... before my child kicks off ----------------------------------------------------------------------Termination has the same IN condition M_JobAct_Separation-Job_Act_Termination "that is me .. I am the child ... I can not start until my parent finishes OK and populates the Prerequisite Conditions Table with its OUT Condition"

An operator can delete the OUT conditions of the parent job from the Prerequisite Conditions Table to allow reruns of jobs that day without having to order in duplicate copies of the jobs. 1. Choose Resources > Prerequisite Conditions

2. Leave the * asterisk in the Condition and Order Date fields to view a complete list of conditions in the prerequisite conditions table.
The prerequisite conditions table shows you a list of all OUT conditions from jobs that have successfully run - typically within the last 7 days. The number of days stored in the Prerequisite Conditions Table is a campus decision, based on policies for administrative cleanup of the table.

3. Choose your CONTROL-M server 4. Click OK to launch the Prerequisite Conditions window.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Pay close attention to the subtleties contained in the Prerequisite Conditions window. Remember the sample we used in the Ordering Jobs section about ordering in multiple jobs on the same day? We ordered in the CHI_HR_JobAct_M table, which had two jobs within the table: M_JobAct_Separation, and M_JobAct_Termination

Notice that the Condition reads M_JobAct_Separation-MJobAct_Termination. This is the naming convention for parent-child relationships. The dash (-) in between the two job names indicates that M_JobAct_Separation is the parent, and has to complete successfully before its child M_JobAct_Termination can run. Notice the Order Dates (ODATs) for these jobs. In our section on Ordering Jobs - we ordered the jobs twice (once using June 30th, and once using July 31st) to bring the jobs in as unique jobs in the Active Job File. Prerequisite Conditions Window
Brain-teaser The Condition with the order date of 06/14 is for the same jobs we ordered in on 6/30 and 7/31. Remember that we had to choose the last day of the month to order those jobs, because those jobs only had scheduling dates that allowed them to run on the last day of the month? How then, did we possibly get the job to run on June 14th? Answer That was a force. Forcing a job will bring it in with disregard to any scheduling or conditions criteria.


Arrows between jobs are the graphic representation of the OUT and IN / parentchild conditions. OUT conditions of parent jobs are what list in the Prerequisite Conditions Table. If they are not listed, then there is no way they can satisfy the resulting IN condition of the child - thereby effectively preventing the child job from running. Group A is the job group ordered with date of 06/30. Group B is the job group ordered with the date of 07/31. Note that in both cases, it was the successful completion of the parent job that populated the Prerequisite Conditions Table with the OUT Condition, therefore meeting the prerequisite IN Condition requirement for the child.

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To delete conditions and rerun jobs 5. Make sure you are picking a job condition that does exist in your current days' Active Job File. 6. Select the condition and choose Delete.

Because the OUT condition no longer exists in the table, it will lock the child job from running until the parent job completes successfully again, thereby causing the OUT condition to populate the prerequisite conditions table again. To launch the stream and begin this process, the operator would choose Rerun. Rerun will re-add the OUT Condition of the parent job to the Prerequisite Conditions table after it has run successfully - thereby letting the child job run again without recreating or duplicating either job in the Active Job File. 7. Return to the Enterprise Manager window Active Job File 8. Hold down the Control key, Select both jobs, right click and select Rerun. 9. The jobs will cycle through and rerun in the Active Job File without ordering in additional jobs or forcing duplicates.

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The separation report kicks off, placing the OUT Condition back in the Prerequisite Table

The separation report completes, and the Termination report kicks off

Both reports have rerun successfully


Quantitative Resources

Before leaving the Enterprise Manager, there is one additional area that has a bearing on how jobs are set up in CONTROL-M Desktop. Quantitative resources are user-defined variables representing a resource in the Control-M Installation. The user defines the total quantity of this resource in Enterprise Manger, and then for each job, when they are being created, there is the option of associating that job to the Quantitative Resource definition. 1. Select Resources > Quantitative Resources

2. Click OK

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide 3. Enter a name for the Quantitative Resource you want to define. The name is a resource identifier that jobs may be controlled by. 4. Enter the Max number of tokens you want to make available at any one time to be used by jobs to run against this resource. 5. Click Add Resource.

This example that we set up is pointing to your PeopleSoft HR database and is used to limit the number of reports that can be run against it at any one time.

The procedure to associate this Quantitative Resource definition to individual jobs will be presented in the section titled: The Resources Panel.

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Working in CONTROL-M

Launching Control-M Desktop through the Control-M/Enterprise Manager

It is recommended that anytime you want to work in CONTROL-M - you first open the ECSGui (Enterprise Manager) link. This is because you can launch Control-M Desktop through the Enterprise Manger and then have both programs available to toggle back and forth between creating and monitoring jobs. If you enter through the CTMDsktp (Control-M Desktop) link, you cannot launch the Control-M/Enterprise Manager from within - instead you would have to go back to the Citrix login page. 1. Navigate to https://unisys.citrix.calst 2. Click on your campus' BMC_EMGui_6103 link to launch the ControlM/Enterprise Manager. 3. Enter your UserName and Password 4. Check that the proper server for your campus has defaulted. If you do not know your server, contact the CMS Help Desk. 5. Click Login 6. To change your server click Advanced and change the Host Name to the new server, i.e csu406 to csu008. 7. Click Apply Settings and then Login The Enterprise Manager window opens with a blank (gray) screen. 1. Click on the Control-M Desktop Icon 2. This will launch the Control-M Desktop window

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Creating Your First Job

The Control_M Desktop offers users two modes for working with jobs: Work with draft (local) copies of your jobs (not recommended - used primarily to create your first job) Download jobs from the permanent tables in the CONTROL_M Environment, work on them, and then write and upload the changes. Downloading jobs from the permanent tables is the preferred method for making changes to your jobs, since any time a table is being edited, it will be locked for use by other users and there is less chance of having jobs overwritten. Note: We will demonstrate the method for opening existing jobs after the procedure for creating a new job through the Job Editing Form is presented. If you already have existing jobs in your BMC environment, please skip Steps 1-4 and proceed directly to If this is the first time any jobs will be created in your environment, please follow Steps 1-4 and then proceed to Section 6.0: Getting Ready to Create Jobs: Understanding Hierarchies and Views If you already have existing jobs in your BMC environment, please skip Steps 1-4 and proceed directly to Opening Existing Jobs. .

1. Click on the New Job icon

2. Clicking the New Job icon launches the Job Editing Form. The Job Editing Form consists of 9 tabs: General PS8 Scheduling Execution Conditions Resources %% Set Steps PostProc

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Working on your first job(s) and selecting Save to Draft makes a local copy of your jobs. Your jobs will not exist in the Control-M Enterprise Environment until they are written and uploaded. Please keep this in mind. 3. Click Save to Draft to save a draft version of your job in the local CONTROL-M Desktop directory. 4. To re-open the Draft, choose File>Open in the CONTROL-M Desktop window, choose the Draft you saved, and proceed with Section 6.0: Getting Ready to Create Jobs - Understanding Hierarchies and Views.

Opening Existing Jobs

Opening existing jobs, editing them, rewriting and re-uploading is the preferred method for making changes to jobs, for adding new jobs to existing tables, and for making new tables since any time a table from the CONTROL-M Enterprise Manager environment is open, it will be locked for use by other users and there is less chance of having permanent jobs definitions unintentionally overwritten. 1. Select Edit > Scheduling Tables > Read from CONTROL-M/EM...

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide 2. You will be required to log in.

3. Select your CONTROL-M EM Server and click Next

4. Select the tables you want to read to the CONTROL-M Desktop and click Finish.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide 5. A dialogue box will confirm that your selected tables have been successfully read to the CONTROL-M Desktop.

6. The CONTROL-M Desktop window also provides the split view of the file hierarchy, graphics display, and navigation frame.

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Getting Ready to Create Jobs: Understanding Hierarchies and Views

Before starting to create jobs, there is one more concept KEY to setting up your jobs. CONTROL-M Desktop allows users to create and view jobs organized by Application / Group / Job or by Data Center / Scheduling Table / Job. Understanding the subtleties of how these views relate to the names you apply when setting up jobs is KEY to understanding BMC and for providing the foundation for organizing your jobs.

Viewing the Hierarchy by Application / Group / Job

From the CONTROL-M Desktop choose View > Hierarchy > Application/Group/Job

double-click to expand

Expanded View

Application Level When creating names for the Application level, CMS-Central requires that campuses use their standard campus abbreviation as the first letters. After that, campuses are free to choose their own naming standards.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide In this example, the Application levels have been named to group jobs according to the timetables for running their reports. CHI_HR_M CHIco's HR jobs that run Monthly CHI_HR_W CHIco's HR jobs that run Weekly

The Application level in BMC does not have any direct one-to-one relationship to PeopleSoft applications - it is just a level utilized to assist with organizing your jobs. You can choose any combination of Application names to suit your campus needs including jobs that run outside of PeopleSoft - i.e. CHI_FRS_M (CHIco FRS reports that run Monthly). Additional samples of Application names that would assist in logical groupings could include: FR_SF_D (FResno Student Financials reports that run Daily) LB_AP_W (Long Beach Accounts Payable reports that run Weekly) SB_TL_M (San Bernardino Time and Labor reports that run Monthly)

Group Level Under the Application level, there are now Groups of jobs:
Application: CHI_HR_M
(HR reports that run Monthly)

Application: CHI_HR_W
(HR reports that run Weekly)

Groups: CHI_Ben_M
CHIco's Benefits Reports that run Monthly

Groups: CHI_Ben_W
CHIco's Benefits Reports that run Weekly

CHIco's Job Action Reports that run Monthly

CHIco's Job Action Reports that run Weekly

Job Level: Finally, the last level under the Application/Group are the individual job(s).

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Naming Conventions for Scheduling Tables

From the CONTROL-M Desktop choose View > Hierarchy > Data Center / Sched. Table/Job

The Scheduling Table is how jobs are grouped within the database. You need to know your scheduling table names when manually ordering jobs, or bringing jobs back into CONTROL-M Desktop for modification. You also set jobs to schedule automatically through the new day process at the scheduling table level. The naming conventions for your Scheduling Tables should be a combination of your Application and Group names. In the jobs set up as examples for this training guide, the following chart shows the names that were applied to the Applications and Groups, and their corresponding Table names. Application and Group Names CHI_HR_M CHI_Ben_M (Application) (Group) Table Name CHI_HR_Ben_M CHI_HR_JobAct_M CHI_HR_Ben_W CHI_HR_JobAct_W

CHI_HR_M (Application) CHI_JobAct_M (Group) CHI_HR_W CHI_Ben_W (Application) (Group)

CHI_HR_W (Application) CHI_JobAct_W (Group)

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Viewing the Hierarchy by Data Center / Scheduling Table / Job

Select View > Hierarchy > DataCenter / Sched. Table/Job

Note how the jobs have resorted under Scheduling Table Names:
CHI_HR_Ben_M Chico HR Benefit reports that run Monthly CHI_HR_Ben_W Chico HR Benefit reports that run Weekly CHI_HR_JobAct_M Chico HR Job Action reports that run Monthly

CHI_HR_JobAct_W Chico HR Job Action reports that run Weekly

Why view by Scheduling Table? Later in this guide, we will provide instructions for setting up scheduling frequency. Viewing your jobs by the Data Center / Scheduling Table view can be a quick way to review which jobs you want to schedule with similar parameters.

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Relationship of Naming Standards on the Job Editing Form Fields Upcoming sections of this guide: Creating Jobs through the Job Editing Form, and Creating Additional Jobs will be based on understanding the relationship between the names entered in fields on the Job Editing Form and the way that jobs then sort and display in the Enterprise Manager and CONTROL-M Desktop. This section is intended to provide an overview of that relationship. The General tab of the Job Editing Form

Application / Group / Job view same application names, same application

Data Center / Scheduling Table / Job view different table names, different tables

different group names, different groups

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Creating Jobs through the Job Editing Form

Clicking the New Job icon in CONTROL-M (for a first job), or double-clicking an existing job launches the Job Editing Form. This form contains 8 panels, all of which are used to set up jobs, their relations to each other, their inclusion within a scheduling table, and the eventual upload of the job processing definitions and scheduling tables to the CONTROL-M Enterprise environment. Panels of the Job Editing Form General (what is it) The panel used to enter general job information such as filename, owner, and author; where information is first entered to link the job to a job group, application, and scheduling table; and where the command line parameters to identify the oracle instance, the jobname, the process type (SQR report, Cobol, etc), the run control id, and output location for the output file, and other command variables as needed. (PeopleSoft Control Module Form) This panel is very similar to a PeopleSoft run control page. Its identifies the instance, Run Control Id, Server Name, Process Type, Process Name. It also provides the ability to add parameters that are passed to the Process Definition Parameter List. The values for each field is obtained via the drop-down arrows. This panel actually connects you to the database and selects the run control information.


Scheduling (what day will it run) The panel used to establish the job-scheduling table. Scheduling tables are collections of related Job Processing definitions. Scheduling tables are stored in the CONTROL-M database and duplicated in the Enterprise Controlstation database. Jobs appear in Enterprise Controlstation under the "all Jobs" viewpoint only if scheduled for that day. Execution Conditions (what time will it run) The panel used to enter time, frequency and priority of your job. (who does it wait for) Panel used to enter user-defined prerequisite conditions. Submission of a job for execution can be made dependent upon the existence of one or more prerequisite conditions (created either manually by the user, or by other jobs). By using prerequisite conditions, any kind of dependency can be created, (e.g., job dependencies, manual operations dependencies, etc.). Conditions can be set on individual jobs or on job groups. (what does it wait for) The panel used to define Quantitative and Control resources. This panel is campus-optional and is not required for setting up job scheduling. (what does it pass) AutoEdit variables that have been defined for the job through the use of skeletons are displayed in the central window of this panel. The only time these values would change is if there is a change in the Unisys environment, in which case you would have to go back and edit the new environment information in your skeletons and verify that the information has defaulted throughout your jobs. (What does it do when) Indicates conditional post processing actions to be performed, depending on the outcome of specified statements. ON statements indicate conditions under which specified actions should be performed. DO statements indicate actions to be performed when the preceding ON statements are satisfied. This panel is campus optional and is not required for setting up job scheduling.




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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide PostProc (who does it tell) "Shout When" and Sysout-handling post processing instructions.

The General Panel

The General Panel is used to enter general job information such as filename, owner, and author; where information is first entered to link the job to a job group, application, and scheduling table; where a description of the job is entered; and where command line parameters are entered or modified.

Job Name: Name of the job. Filename: Name of the file that contains the job script. It is recommended that users keep the job name and filename the same when running Command Tasktype jobs with PeopleSoft. This is because the default filter in the Enterprise Manager GUI always defaults by filename. Path: Used only for Job Tasktype. Job lets you execute named scripts or batch files - one at a time a- as specified by filename. The only advantage gained is that you can edit the script itself through this process while it runs, and it gives you access to the Override Library (Over LIB). This is not used for processing BMC PeopleSoft jobs via the Command Tasktype. Over Lib: This is a temporary directory to use instead of the path directory - when using the Job Tasktype. This is not used for processing BMC PeopleSoft jobs via the Command Tasktype. Owner: Identifies the owner (user ID) on whose behalf the job is executed. This parameter is also used by the CONTROL-M security mechanism to determine those operations that each user is authorized to perform. values are: Author: Original author of the job. Tasktype: Type of the job (task) to be performed by Control-M. Valid

Job: In the Job Tasktype, the filename and path has to be defined and points to a specific script within a directory. Job Tasktype is not used with PeopleSoft. Detached Job: This is a VMS Tasktype and is not applicable in this environment. Command: This is the Tasktype used for PeopleSoft or any specific command execution. The Command input is a command line on the General Tab and allow for multiple combinations of command strings and variables. Dummy: Method of temporarily turning off a job without removing it from the dependency structure. Table: Name of the Table to which the job belongs. Tables are a collection of related job processing definitions. Scheduling tables are stored in the CONTROL-M database (and duplicated in the Enterprise Controlstation database). Scheduling tables are ordered by the New Day Process or User Daily jobs. Application: Provides the name of the application to which the jobs group belongs. This parameter is used to supply a common descriptive name to a set of

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide related groups of jobs (see Group). Group: Provides the name of the group to which the job belongs. The Group parameter facilitates more convenient and orderly management of groups of production jobs. Control-M: Name of the Control-M to which the job belongs.

Doc Mem: Name of the member in which the documentation resides. This can be viewed using the Documentation option in the Action menu. This feature is not currently used. Doc Lib: Name of a library or directory containing the documentation file. This feature is not currently used. ** Command Line: Only available when using a Tasktype of Command in the Option for PeopleSoft. It is no longer available with the Control Module for PeopleSoft. The command line is the exact command that will be executed when the job runs. For PeopleSoft jobs, it will provide the commands for selecting the job (i.e. report number, run control ID), against the environmental variables. Procedure 1. Select the General Tab and fill in the required field information. Required Fields Job Name Filename Owner Author Tasktype Table Application Group Control-M Additional Fields (optional) Path Over Lib Doc Mem Doc Lib 2. Provide a Description of the job. This is a handy place to provide comments instructing job operators what to do if the job fails, who the contact is, etc. Description: Field where you can enter a description of the job.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Related Guides Section 2 Guide "General Parameters" Control-M Job Parameter and Variable Reference

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The PS8 Panel

The PS9 Panel is used to enter PeopleSoft parameters such as Connection Profile, User ID, and Run Control ID; where information is to provide the Server Name, Process Type and Process Name much the PeopleSoft run control page. Fields

Connection Profile: Name of the PeopleSoft database.

User ID: The PeopleSoft user ID that is authorized to run this job. This ID must pre-exist in the database. This parameter affects the jobs and processes available for this job( processing definition). Run Control ID: The Run Control ID that is paired with the User ID. The search button for this parameter retrieves a list of Run Control IDs associated with the User ID. Server Name: Name of the application server that will eventually run the job. The Search button for this parameter retrieves a list of possible servers Process Type: These are the possibly Process Types delivered by PeopleSoft. When running a PeopleSoft job, as opposed to a Process, specify the PSJob type. The search button retrieves a list of available Process Types. Process Name: The actual name of the PeopleSoft job or process to be scheduled. The Select and Edit button retrieves a list of all jobs and processes the User ID is authorized to run. This list is determined according to the value specified in the Process Type field. The Edit Current Process button enables you to edit the currently selected job or process. Advanced: In the PS8 panel of the Job Editing form, click Advanced. The Advanced window is displayed. The Advanced window consists of three generic parameters: USERDEF1, USERDEF2, USERDEF3 In these parameter fields, you can enter AutoEdit variables or PeopleSoft application constants, according to your requirements (for example, filename). These parameters enable you to create different CONTROL-M/CM for PeopleSoft jobs that correspond to the same process, but with different parameters for iteration. Set the appropriate advanced parameter value in each job to correspond with the PeopleSoft process. Example A PeopleSoft process is scheduled to run at the end of each week. The process has several parameters defined in the Process Definition. Various specifications can be made in each parameter, as described below: You can redefine the user-defined value in the PeopleSoft process, so it will use the USERDEF1, USERDEF2 or USERDEF3 parameters: In the Process Definition in ProcessScheduler select Override Options => Parameter List => Override. You can replace the constant userdef1, as follows: 1. In Override Options => Parameter List, set :CONTROLM.USERDEF1.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide 2. In the Advanced window of CONTROL-M/Desktop, enter your constant value in the USERDEF1 field. 3. When you are satisfied with the data in the PeopleSoft panel, click Save to Draft.

Procedure 1. Select the PS8 tab and fill in the required field information.

Required Fields: Connection Profile User ID Run Control ID Process Type Process Name

Optional Fields: Bind Variable 1 (USERDEF1) Bind Variable 2 (USERDEF2) Bind Variable 3 (USERDEF3)

The %%Set Panel

The %%Set Panel is no longer required for any new Control-M/Control Module for PeopleSoft Jobs. This panel should only be populated if the job was created in Control-M/Option for PeopleSoft.

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The Scheduling Panel

The scheduling panel is where you define what calendar you want this job associated to, and where you can also further refine the relationship between day of month or day of week and the calendar. The Month Days and Week Days scheduling options on this page allow you to place additional conditions against the primary calendar that this job is associated to. The relationship is an and condition - meaning that in order for the job to run, the conditions on this page and the conditions chosen on the calendar must both be true. For example, you have a calendar called Fridays that schedules its jobs to load into the Active Job File every Friday. But for this particular job, you only want the job to run on the first Friday of the month. You can enter the name Friday in the Month Days Calendar field (A) - which associates this job to that calendar - then, in addition - select the first week in the Month Days column. (B)

When BOTH conditions are met: a) it is a Friday (satisfies the condition of the Friday calendar) and b) it is the first week of the month (satisfies the condition from this page) - the job will run - and bingo you have just scheduled the job for the first Friday of the month. Similarly, you could associate this job to a calendar called Business Daily (C) that is scheduled to load its jobs into the Active Job File every Monday through Friday. Then, you could check Friday (D) on the Week Days column on this page. Then, the job would run only every Friday. (E) If you want the job to run every month, be sure to check all months on this page.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Confcal and Shift: Optional fields, Can be used to enter shift values to indicate how to handle jobs that are scheduled for non-working days in the calendar. These fields will not be demonstrated in this guide.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Procedure 1. Select the Scheduling Tab 2. Locate the Month Days Calendar field. 3. Enter a valid calendar name* 4. Click on the Months that you want this job table to run in. 5. Choose additional criteria (if desired) in the Month Days or Week Days columns. 6. Click Save To Draft.

*If you are following this guide for the first time, you will not have created a calendar yet. Calendars will be created in the Creating a Calendar section.. In the meantime, you can either enter a calendar name for one you know you want to create - or leave the field blank and come back to this panel after creating your calendar(s).

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The Execution Panel

The Execution Panel is used to enter the time, frequency and priority of your job.

Time: Entering the Time will launch the job automatically at the time entered. Use military time. Enter a From: (a valid start time) To: the last time that you want it to start. You can use any combination of these two fields. Confirm: Checking the confirm box forces the operator to manually confirm and launch the job. If both the confirm button is checked, and a time is entered, the operator can confirm the job prior to the time entered then the job will run at the scheduled time. However, if the time comes up and the operator has not confirmed the job, it will not run until the operator does apply the manual confirm. Jobs waiting for confirmation appear with Pink bars in the Enterprise Manager. Critical: When selected, resources for the job are reserved exclusively for that job as they become available. When all necessary resources are available, the job is executed. Priority: Internal job priority under Control-M

Cyclic: If selected, indicates that the current job is cyclic and should be rerun at specified intervals. Rerun: Parameters that control the rerun of a cyclic job or the rerun of a job as the result of the execution of a Do Rerun parameter. The following parameters are used to control reruns. Interval - Specifies the length of time to wait between reruns of a job or between cyclic runs of a job. The default setting is 0. Units - Specifies a unit of time for the numerical values indicated by the interval parameter. Valid values are minutes (1-64800); hours (1-1080); or days (1-45). Maximum - Specifies the maximum number of reruns that can be performed for a job. The default setting is 0. From - indicates if time for the next run of a cyclic job should be calculated from the beginning or from the end of the previous run. Amount of time (minutes) to wait between reruns, or between cycles of a cyclic job. MaxWait: Maximum number of days that the job can wait to be executed after its original scheduling date has passed. The default is 0. Node ID/Group: Node ID of the host on which the job is to be run.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Procedure 1. Select the Execution Tab and fill in the required field information. Required Fields Node ID/Group (defaults) Additional Fields (optional) Cyclic Rerun Interval Maximum Maxwait Critical Priority Confirm Time

Related Guides
Section 4 Guide "Execution Parameters" Control-M Job Parameter and Variable Reference

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The Resources Panel

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TThe Resources panel is used to define Quantitative and Control resources. Quantitative resources are defined in the left side of this panel. Control resources are defined in the right side.

Quantitative Resources: User-defined variables representing a resource in the Control-M Installation. The user defines the total quantity of this resource in the Control-M and for each job, the quantity required/used by that job. Control-M verifies that a job is not submitted for execution unless the Quantitative resources required by the job are available. Example: You have 100 report jobs that run about noon. You only want 10 to run at a time. You can either schedule in groups of 10, OR - the easier way is to tell Control-M to only run 10 jobs at a time, so it will launch the additional jobs as resources become available, never exceeding 10 at the same time. Also can be used as a "lights out" resource. When you need to bring your data center down, you can define every job to use the same resource, with quantity of at least 1 then define an unlimited number to the system. Define as 9999 That way - you can set it to 0 to bring everything down. Control Resources: User-defined physical or logical resource in a Control-M installation. For each job the user specifies whether the job requires exclusive or shared access to the resource. Control-M verifies that a job is not submitted for execution unless the Control resources required by the job are available in the required state (shared/exclusive). This prevents deadlock situations or contention between jobs for a given resource. This is a way of keeping two jobs from butting heads. Two jobs both write to the same table - if you give them both exclusive access to that resource that will allow only one at a time access to that table. Shared resources allows multiple jobs to run against the same resource - so Database READS can be shared, but WRITES have to be exclusive.

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Related Guides
Section 6 Guide "Resource Parameters" Control-M Job Parameter and Variable Reference

The Steps Panel

The Steps panel indicates conditional post processing actions to be performed, depending on the outcome of specified statements. Each item in this panel indicates either an ON statement, or a DO statement. ON statements indicate conditions under which specified actions should be performed. DO statements indicate actions to be performed when the preceding ON statements are satisfied. On Steps Definition Line This line is used to specifying statement/code criteria. The test line provides individual boxes for defining sub parameters. To display this line, click the ON button located on the right-hand side of the panel. After editing or creating an ON statement, click the check button at the lower corner of the panel to save the changes and/or add the statements to the list. On Statement Criteria Statement: Used only if you are running CONTROL-M jobs under the Tasktype of Job. Since we are running basically under the Tasktype of Command, this will not apply. When not running Tasktype of job, field must have an asterisk (*). However, if you DO run under Job for specific non-PeopleSoft scripts, you could apply the On Statement to a single line of code from within the script. Code: Every job that runs exits with a return code. Control M views anything >0 as a failure. You can define actions to take based on the return code either on the actual code (the number) or by the Sys Out return from the job (i.e. file not found). Do Statement Definition Line This line is used to define actions to be performed when the ON statement criteria are satisfied. To display this line, click on the DO button located on the right-hand side of the panel. After editing or creating each DO statement, click the check button at the lower corner of the panel to save the changes and/or add the statements to the list. The Steps Panel is campus optional and not required for basic job scheduling.

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Related Guides
Section 7 "Post-Processing Parameters" Control-M Job Parameter and Variable Reference Guide

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The PostProc Panel

The PostProc panel is used to specify notifications to be made, based on specified criteria. Shout information Describes messages that should be sent to specified destinations when (il.e.) the job completes, it fails, it has not ended by the specified time, etc. Parameters that can be defined include: When: States what should cause the Shout message to be sent. Values include: OK of OK Send a message if the job terminates with a completion status

NOTOK Send a message if the job terminates with a completion status of NOTOK RERUN Send a message if the job's completion status was set to Rerun. Typically would be set to rerun as a consequence of an action defined in the Steps panel.. (On Step xx Do xxxx) OR by operator forcing the job to rerun. LATESUB Send the message if the job is still not submitted and cannot be submitted at the specified time entered on the Execution Page time field (i.e. the parent job has not run yet - or there are not resources available to run the job.) EXECTIME Send the message if the job's elapsed runtime is outside a specified time limit. The limit is specified in the Time field. Formulas can be expressed in any of the following formats where n= a non-zero number up to three digits. (No runtime value can exceed 999) >n job's elapsed runtime is greater than n minutes <n job's elapsed runtime is less than n minutes +n job's elapsed runtime exceeds the average job execution by at least n minutes +n% job's elapsed runtime exceeds the average job execution by at least n% -n job's elapsed runtime is at least n minutes less than the average job execution time -n% job's elapsed runtime is at least n% less than the average job execution time Time: Used to specify additional parameters required for the When. Options included LATESUB, LATETIME and EXECTIME Urgency: Urgency of the Shout message directed to the Alerts window. Values include R (regular), U (urgent), V (very urgent). Destination: Logical destination of the Shout message. The Destination is the name of an entry in the Shout Destination table. Please note: An administrator has to set up

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide recipients in this Shout Destination table, in order for operators to get a shout message from the system. You can not just simply enter a person's email directly as a destination. Message: The text of the Shout message. 1-255 characters, spaces allowed. The message can also include AutoEdit variable, including any combination of text, Control-M system variables, job submission variables and User variances.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Sysout handling Describes how the output of the job should be handled upon successful completion. Options include: Copy Release Move Copies the log file Releases the log file for printing on the specified printer Moves the log file and deletes it from the Control-M directory

When one of these options are chosen, an additional field appears, asking you to enter the following information: Filename: Each campus must identify a path where all output is stored (i.e. reports, logs, etc.). Sample: /CSU/fsbprd/prcs/logs/%%JOBNAME.%%ODTM. In this example, the pathname is /CSU/fsbprd/prcs/logs. The %%JOBName and %%ODTM are CONTROL-M variables that automatically generate the jobname, date and time for the file.

Related Guides
Section 6 Guide "Job Output Parameters" Control-M Job Parameter and Variable Reference

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Creating Conditions

Creating Conditions cannot be done until there are multiple jobs created. This section of the guide has been introducing users to using the Job Editing Form to set up and create jobs. If this is indeed the first job that is being set up, there is some information that should be recapped here before proceeding with this section on creating conditions. 1. It is easiest to create new jobs by copying an existing job and then changing a few key elements on the panels of the new jobs' Job Editing Form. The method to copy jobs will be presented in Creating Additional Jobs.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide 2. Creating Additional Jobs 3. Through changing information on the General Panel - you will effectively be turning copies of your jobs into new applications, groups, and scheduling tables. The section: Relationship of Naming Standards on the Job Editing Form Fields demonstrated how changing the names in the Table, Application, and Group fields of the Job Editing Form creates new tables, new applications, and new groups. 4. Finally, recall from the section: Creating your First Job that jobs exist as local copies, in DRAFT form before they are written and uploaded to the CONTROL-M Enterprise server. The steps for writing and uploading jobs to the CONTROL-M Enterprise environment will be presented in Writing and Uploading your Jobs. Once you have created several jobs, organized them into the start of your applications / groups and tables, and conducted your first write and upload of these jobs to the CONTROL_M Enterprise environment - then you will be ready to apply conditions to these jobs. However - it helps to understand how the conditions work, and how they are generated as you proceed through those sections. So... if this is your first job - we suggest reading this section - but then continue on and make a few extra jobs, write and upload them - and then return here to actually apply the conditions.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide

Creating Simple Conditions in the CONTROL-M Desktop Window

For the sake of understanding this panel, defining conditions will be demonstrated using this page - however - there is a much easier way to define conditions for your jobs - which will be demonstrated on the next page.Conditions are applied either through manual entry on the Conditions panel, or by dragging and dropping jobs in the CONTROL-M Desktop window. Simple parent-child (one-to-one) conditions are most easily applied in the CONTROL-M Desktop window, while more complex conditions are defined on the Conditions Panel. 1. Create and save a series of jobs. 2. Return to the CONTROL-M Desktop window. If this is your first job, you can continue through this guide to establish several jobs and then return to establish your conditions. Full details for using the "Copy Job" method in the CONTROL-M Desktop to create new jobs is detailed in Creating Additional Jobs 3. Using the mouse click, hold, and drag your "parent" job on top of the job you want to follow as "child". (A) 4. The black conditional arrows will appear. (B) 5. Return to the Conditions panel to verify that the drag and drop procedure added the conditions correctly to the job. The drag and drop method correctly added M_Ben_MedFormBatch -M_Ben_Dental as the OUT Condition of the

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide parent job, and as the IN condition of the child.

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Deleting or Editing Conditions in the CONTROL-M Desktop Window

If jobs are added directly in the CONTROL-M Desktop window by Copying Jobs and then Editing them - it will require an adjustment of the conditions. In this example, the M_Ben_Dental report is being copied. (A) When it copies in, (B) it has carried the condition of M_Ben_MedFormBatchM_Ben_Dental since that was the condition contained in the job that was copied. 6. Using the mouse, point directly on top of the black line, right-click, and choose Delete Dependency from the pop-up menu. It is sometimes hard to select the line - keep trying ! - you do have to be directly on the line to get this pop-up window.

7. A dialogue box displays. Select the duplicate job (the one you just copied) and click OK. To help determine which job in the list is the one you just copied, look at the JobID column. Your duplicate job will have a higher ID number than the original job.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide 8. The dependency will be deleted, but the jobs in the window will not automatically realign. (A) 9. Locate the "Arrange all items in Flowdiagram" button (B) and click it. 10. The jobs linked by conditions will go back in line (C) and you can continue on and edit your copy (D) to make it a new job.

Full details for using the "Copy Job" method in the CONTROL-M Desktop to create new jobs is detailed in Creating Additional Jobs

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Presetting Condition Format through the use of Skeletons

Conditions define the parent-child relationships between one or more successive jobs. When naming IN and OUT conditions, it is good practice to follow the naming convention of JobAJobB and JobB-JobC (using the dashes as a part of the name). Sample of IN and OUT relationship between jobs Job A
Job A has an OUT condition that becomes the IN Condition for Job B

Job B
Job B has an IN Condition of JobA-JobB

Job C
Job C has an IN condition of JobB-JobC The OUT Condition would be JobC-xxxx (next job)

and an OUT Condition of Recommended OUT Condition name would JobB-JobC be JobA-JobB

This naming convention can be preset in CONTROL-M Desktop Skeletons - and then the convention will be automatically applied in the conditions fields on the Conditions Panel when jobs are dragged and dropped in the CONTROL-M Desktop window. 1. Choose one of the skeletons from the drop down list in the top menu. 2. Select Tools > Skeleton

3. Locate the Condition Format field.

The Condition Format: {MemName}-TO{ToJob{MemName}} is a default condition format. Edit the format to read: {Name}-{ToJob{Name}}

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide MEM is a direct reference to the filename (which is not a required field) - so it is much better to have it refer to the jobname - which IS a required field. That is why we drop the Mem. Deleting TO just gets rid of unnecessary words. The dash is a good substitute for indicating that the first job is going to the second job.

It is recommended that you make this change to each of your skeletons. Then, whenever you are in CONTROL-M desktop copying and dragging jobs - it will use that format for your in-out conditions based on whatever skeleton is selected in the drop-down box in the top menu.

Creating Complex Conditions in the Conditions Panel

Field Definitions of the Conditions Panel In Conditions: In conditions are prerequisite conditions that must occur before the current job (or job group) launches. Parameters Name: Name of the prerequisite condition and its successor (JobA-JobB) Date Reference
ODAT: Original scheduling date STAT: Static condition that is not date driven This is a way of having jobs depend on each other across new day boundaries. An example would be a month-end job. Month end of June is dependent on having Month end of May run successfully. The job would be set up with a MaxWait of 30 days and then that would show visually every day for the month that your May end report did not run successfully. PREV: Job B looks for another job (i.e. Job A). Job A is listed as the in condition of Job B - but it looks for the LAST DAY that Job B ran. It looks at itself and determines the last time it was scheduled to run, and then replaces the PREV date with the last date that the job was scheduled. NEXT: Job B would not run until tomorrow version of Job A runs. Very confusing, not suggested to run this way. ****/$$$$: Wildcards. * replaces whole field - but it's a 4 character field so use all four **** - Says Any date will satisfy this IN condition. $ sign is a replacement for a single digit. So 06$$ will satisfy for any day it ran in June. AND/OR: Logical relationship between multiple conditions

( ) Used to clarify AND/OR relationships. Can be used for multiple jobs in sequence. Add the left parenthesis to 1st job and right parenthesis at the end of the last job you want included in the and / or statement. Out Conditions: Out conditions define the conditions of the current job that must occur prior to launching the next job or job group. Parameters Name: Name of the prerequisite condition Date Reference: Same as the In Condition Date Reference + or Indicates whether to add or delete the condition

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide For this example, we are going to create a condition that says: Start the Ben Enrollment report (A) after the Benefits Eligibility report runs (B) or after both the JobAct Applicant and JobAct Hire reports run (C)

To create the complex condition 1. Start by dragging the conditions in the CONTROL-M window. 2. Double-click the Ben_Enroll_W report to launch the Job Editing Form.

Notice that the drag and drop method brought all of these Conditions in as and Conditions. 3. Select the first condition (A) 4. Select or as the condition (B) 5. Click the green checkmark (C) to add the change. This has now added the condition to run this report if the Ben Eligibility report runs ... or

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide To add the rest of the condition ... or ... if both the JobAct Applicant and JobAct Hire reports run: 6. Add an open parenthesis ( to the Applicant job by selecting the Job (A) choosing an open parenthesis ( from the dropdown box (B) and clicking the green arrow to change the condition. (C) 7. Add a closed parenthesis ) to the JobAct Hire report by selecting the report, (D) choosing a closed parenthesis ) from the dropdown box (B) and clicking the green arrow to change the condition(C). Detail of completed condition

Related Guides
Section 5 Guide "Conditions Parameters" Control-M Job Parameter and Variable Reference

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Writing and Uploading Scheduling Tables

All jobs exist in scheduling tables - so uploading scheduling tables is effectively the same thing as uploading your jobs. Uploading Scheduling Tables consists of two steps: 1. Writing the scheduling table to your Control-M Enterprise Manager permanent job definition table database. 2. Uploading the scheduling table (pushes the table of your permanent job definitions over to your CONTROL-M Server where it will be scheduled from).

Procedure - Step One - Writing the Table

1. From the Control-M Desktop, navigate to Edit > Scheduling Tables > Write to CONTROL-M/EM...

2. You will be prompted to enter your password. Please be sure to verify the proper Server.

The Control-M Environment Screen will display 3. Select the table that you want to upload to the Control-M environment.
The names of all job scheduling tables that have been created will be listed under the Table column in this window.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide 4. Click Write 5. When the Write process completes, you will receive confirmation that the table was successfully written to the CONTROL-M/EM database. 6. Click Close

If this was a not a new table, and the table has already been written to the Enterprise Manager - you will receive a warning that the table already exists and asks you if you really want to write over it. You will have to check the check box to confirm that you do want to overrwrite the existing table and then click Write.

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Procedure - Step Two - Uploading the Table

1. From the Control-M Desktop, navigate to Edit > Scheduling Tables > Scheduling Table Manager

2. Make sure that Filters are not checked if you want to see a list of all available scheduling tables (recommended for new users). 3. Select your job scheduling table from the list of available tables.

4. Click Table Details A text entry dialogue box will display 5. Enter "SYSTEM" into the User Daily field 6. Click OK 7. Click Upload to upload the table.

System is what tells Control-M Server to look at the jobs in this table for scheduling at new day. If you do not add SYSTEM in this field, this table, and all its jobs will be ignored during the New Day Process. Operators would have to manually order or force the jobs in any tables that are not associated as SYSTEM in the

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user daily field.

You will receive a message confirming that the Scheduling Table was uploaded successfully 1. Click Close to exit the Table Action Report. 2. You are returned to the Scheduling Table Manager window. Click Close again to return to the CONTROL-M desktop.

Deleting Scheduling Tables

Scheduling Tables can be deleted when you have no more need for any of the jobs within the table. This can be done if one of your whole job groups becomes obsolete, or if are completely re-organizing your setups. To delete scheduling tables: 8. Navigate to Edit > Scheduling Tables > Scheduling Table Manager

9. Select the table you want to Delete 10. Click Delete (R + L)

Tables must be deleted from both the remote and local environment to completely delete them.

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Turning Tables off from Running Automatically

Tables can be temporarily disabled to keep them from loading automatically into the Active Job File through the New Day Process. Operators will still be able to manually order jobs from the table while it is in the "disabled" state. Calendars are first created, and then written and uploaded to the CONTROL-M Enterprise Manager. Once a calendar is written and uploaded, it does not have to 1. Navigate to Edit > Scheduling Tables > Scheduling Table Manager

2. Select the table you want to temporarily disable from active job scheduling 3. Select Table Details.

The Scheduling Table dialogue box displays. 4. Remove SYSTEM from the User daily field. This will now prevent the table from loading automatically into the Active Job File through the New Day Process.

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10.0 Creating a Scheduling Calendar s

Creating calendars is accomplished through the Calendars Manager. Once a calendar is uploaded, it does not have to be uploaded again when additional jobs are created or revised. These steps would only be repeated when you want to establish additional calendars. Please refer back to the Scheduling Panel of the Job Editing Form for procedures to follow to associate jobs to calendars.

The Calendars Manager

Procedure 1. From the Control-M Desktop, navigate to Edit > Calendars Manager The Calendar Manager screen will display

2. Select New An input box will display that asks you to identify your Control-M environment and enter a name for your calendar

3. Enter your Control-M environment (available from dropdown list) 4. Enter a calendar name 5. Select Relative/Regular 6. Click OK In this sample, we are creating a calendar that all HR jobs that run on a monthly basis will be associated to. Remember - this is the sample name that was used (even though it was not created yet!) when we filled in information for our "first" job - on the Scheduling Panel.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide 7. A pop-up box will ask you to select the year for the calendar. When done, click OK

5. You may enter a Description of the calendar in the Description line.

You will now select the days of the months you want the reports to run.

1. Click on individual days to select the days that you want the jobs in the scheduling table to run. 2. Note that the days are blue as you click on them. Blue means they are selected, but not active yet. 3. Once you have selected the dates, right click the mouse

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide while pointing over one of the months where you have selected days 4. Choose Y 5. The selected days will turn green, verifying that they have been chosen for the schedule 6. Click OK at the bottom of the Calendar Page. This will save the calendar. 7. The calendar will now appear in the list of active calendars in the Calendars Manager window.

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Uploading the Calendar

1. Select the calendar that you have defined and want to upload.

2. Click Upload

The Calendar Action Report window will display, confirming that the Calendar was uploaded successfully. 3. Click Close to exit the Calendar Action Report. 4. You are returned to the Calendars Manager window. Click Close again to return to the CONTROL-M desktop.

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11.0 Creating Additional Jobs

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12.0 Creating Additional Jobs

Reviewing the steps used to create jobs: Create an initial job through the Job Editing Form

This consists of entering data in: 1. The General Panel to identify the job name, the application and table for the job, the command line parameters for the job, and a description of the job. This panel will always be used any time additional jobs are created. 2. The PS8 Panel to set up the run control parameters. 3. The Execution Panel used to define the times to launch the job. This panel will be used any time additional jobs are created. 4. The Conditions Panel to set the IN and OUT conditions for starting this job and going to the next. This panel will always be used any time additional jobs are created. 5. The Resources Panel - indicated as campus optional. Not needed to create additional jobs. 6. The Steps Panel - indicated as campus optional. Not needed to create additional jobs. 7. The PostProc Panel to enter the Shout and Sysout commands for the job. This panel will always be used any time additional jobs are created if notifications are being used at your campus. Write and Upload Job Scheduling Table (new tables or updates to existing tables) In the sample provided here, we were creating new jobs and scheduling tables, then wrote and uploaded those tables. To make additional jobs, we will use the method of "reading" existing tables from the Enterprise Manager, making updates to those jobs and tables, and re-writing and re-uploading those tables back to the Enterprise Manager/CONTROL-M server. Create and Upload a Calendar This step is not repeated when additional jobs are added to an existing table. This step only is done when you want to establish additional calendars. This section on adding jobs will cover the following scenarios: Opening Existing Jobs Adding a new job to an existing job scheduling table Creating new tables, applications and groups

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Adding a New Job to an Existing Job Table

The easiest way to add a new job to an Existing Table is: Open an existing job table Select an existing job Copy it Edit the new job using the Job Editing Form

Drag and Drop the new conditions then check them in the Conditions Panel on the Job Editing Form The steps that are provided in this section can be repeated as many times as necessary for each new job you want to create. Simply select the last job in the group, copy and repeat. Procedure 1. From the Control-M Desktop, navigate to Edit > Scheduling Tables > Read from CONTROL-M/EM..

2. Your Control-M environment will display. Click Next

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide 3. Select the scheduling table you want to open (the one that you want to add additional jobs to) 4. Click Finish

5. The Read Scheduling Tables results window appears, letting you know that you have successfully read the scheduling table. Click Close.

6. The scheduling table and job(s) are loaded into the CONTROL-M Desktop window.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide 7. Right-click on the job 8. Select Copy Job You will be prompted to confirm that you want to copy the job 9. Click Yes

You have now added a second job to your job scheduling table that is an exact duplicate of the first.

10. Double-click the 2nd job to launch the Job Editing Form

11. Click on the General Panel 12. Edit the following fields to enter information specific to this new job: Job Name File name
Author Description enter new name enter new file name if different new instructions, if applicable

This example is showing the procedure to add a new job to your table without creating a new application or group. Therefore, for this exercise, do not change any of the names in the Table Application or Group fields. Copying jobs to create new tables, applications and groups will be presented in the next section.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide 13. Click on the Execution Panel and change any parameters unique to this new job (i.e. the time you want it to run, if it should cycle and run again if first attempt fails, etc.)
Refer back to the steps presented for using the Execution Panel for setting up your first job.

Skip the Conditions panel. The parent/child conditions (simple in - out conditions) will be set when we complete this job by dragging and dropping the job dependencies in the CONTROL-M window. Come back to this panel if you want to define additional [and / or] relational parameters.
Refer back to Creating Conditions for full details of establishing simple and complex conditions between jobs.

14. Click on the PostProc Panel 15. Edit fields for this panel if the shout instructions are different for this job than from the one you copied. Otherwise, accept what defaulted from the copy.
Refer back to instructions provided on the PostProc Panel

16. You will now need to WRITE and UPLOAD the scheduling table again - to update the scheduling table with the new/ updated permanent job definitions of your new job(s).

Repeat the steps presented in Writing and Uploading your Job Scheduling Table.

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Creating New Tables, Applications and Groups

Creating new job scheduling tables, applications and groups can also begin by copying an existing job (previous section) but then also changing the names of the table / application / and group on the General Panel of the Job Editing Form. Procedure 1. Right click over an existing job and select Copy Job. 2. Click Yes to accept the new job

The New Job copies as the next job in your existing job group. After it is copied, you have the options of editing the job to: a. make it a new job in a new application b. make it a new job in a new group c. make it a new job in a new scheduling table

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Double-click the job you just copied to launch the Job Editing Form. For this example, we are going to create a new Group and Table from the copied job. The new jobs are still weekly HR reports so we will leave the Application as CHI_HR_W but now instead of weekly Benefits reports, they are going to be weekly Job Action reports. 1. Change the name of the group from CHI_Ben_W to CHI_JobAct_W 2. Change the name of the Table from CHI_HR_Ben_W to CHI_JobAct_Ben_W to start this new group in its own job flow (its own scheduling table.) 3. and of course, change the name of the job. Use the same name for the Job Name and File Name. 4. Continue changing the rest of the elements to make this job unique, (as presented in the previous section) then Click Save to Draft. 5. You will notice that there is now a 2nd group under the CHI_HR_W application.

This process of copying jobs and renaming them through the Job Editing Form can be repeated as many times as needed to create new jobs, new groups, new applications and new tables. Remember that each time you make changes - you must Write and Upload your changes. Follow the steps presented in Writing and Uploading your Job Scheduling Table.

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13.0 Mass Updates and Collections

Mass Updates Mass Updates is a method of changing field in "all" of your jobs in one fell-swoop. The steps for conducting mass updates include: read in all tables that you want the mass updates to apply to define the mass updates apply the mass updates

1. Select Tools> Mass Update 2. Select the Field that you want to apply the mass change to. 3. In the "From" column, type in the old value that you want to change. 4. In the "To" column, type in the new value that you want to change. 5. Click Apply.

Collections Collections are a method to "filter" jobs so that you can selectively apply mass updates to only a subset of the jobs you have read in.

6. Select Tools> Collection 7. Select the Field that you want to apply the condition to 8. Enter a qualifier (like, equal to, not equal to, etc.) 9. Enter the value 10. Indicate what matching result sets should do (add to collection, remove from collection, become the collection...) 11. Click OK

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Appendix A:

Establishing BMC User Accounts

During the initial campus BMC implementation and setup, Unisys establishes one BMC "administrator" account. Campuses are then responsible for setting up the rest of the BMC user accounts for their campus and will be instructed how to do this during their initial BMC training session. CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager (CONTROL-M/EM) and CONTROL-M security mechanisms determine which information each user can obtain or update, and which program functions are available to the user. The security mechanisms of CONTROL-M/EM and CONTROL-M together ensure a high degree of security while not adversely affecting efficient production. CONTROL-M uses these mechanisms to control the user's ability to manipulate jobs by controlling access to various system components. To Access Control-M/EM User and Group Authorizations: 1. Log on to CONTROL-M/EM as the CONTROL-M/EM administrator. 2. Choose Tools => Authorizations.

The Users and Groups window is displayed. The Users and Groups window contains a list of system users and a list of the groups that these users are members of for authorization purposes. This window enables a properly authorized user to define new users and groups, view or update the authorization levels of any user or group, and to delete existing users or groups.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide User Authorizations: CONTROL-M/EM User Authorizations can be used to limit what each user is authorized to view or change in the active environment and in the CONTROL-M/EM database. For example, a user can be limited to viewing only alerts, resources, or jobs for a specific C ONTROL-M.

Field Descriptions User Name: User Full Name: User Description: CONTROL-M/EM log on name of the user. This specifies to whom the authorization refers. Full name of the user. Description of the user.

CONTROL-M/EM security can be defined for specific users and for groups of users. Authorizations defined for a specific user can be either in addition to group authorizations or they can override group authorizations for that user. The following table list elements of CONTROL-M/EM that can be controlled using User Authorizations. Elements for User Authorization Jobs: All aspects of job creation, modification, and deletion are subject to authorization. For example, you can allow a given user to view jobs from only a specified CONTROL-M in the CONTROL-M/EM ViewPoint window. In such a case the Alerts window, will display only alerts originating from the specified CONTROL-M installation.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Resources and conditions: User Authorizations can limit what the user can view or modify in the resource or conditions window. This does not relate to resources and conditions displayed in the Job Editing form.

For example, the user may see (in the Job Editing form) that a job requires a specific prerequisite condition, but may not be authorized to create this condition using the Prerequisite Conditions window. Calendars and Scheduling tables: What you can view or modify is subject to authorization. Limiting access to Scheduling tables also determines which Scheduling tables/jobs you can order or force. ViewPoints: What you can modify in the ViewPoint Wizard and the Viewpoint Manager window is subject to authorization.

Administrative responsibilities: CONTROL-M definitions and security authorizations that you can access, and Command Line Interface (cli) utility privileges are subject to authorization. Group Authorizations: The Group Authorizations - General Panel provides a description of the authorization group and a list of the member user names. Generally, if a user is a member of a group, the user has the same authorizations to view or modify entities that is assigned to the group. Authorizations specifically defined for a user are either additional authorizations or take precedence over group authorizations.

Field Descriptions Group Name: Identifying name for group. Description: Description of the group.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide Member List: List of names of users who are members of this group. This field cannot be modified. To add or delete a user from the group, use the General panel in the User Authorizations window.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide The following properties are the same in the User and Group Authorization sections: User/Group Authorizations - Jobs Panel The Jobs panel is used to specify the jobs in the active environment that a user can access and the actions that the user can perform on those jobs. The Filter for Displayed Jobs and the Job actions are specified independently.

Jobs Panel Fields Filter: Specifies the type of jobs the user can access. Note: This field is not available in the Group Authorizations window. Browse actions: view. Control actions: Update actions: Specifies the type of active job information the user is authorized to Specifies the Control actions the user can perform. Specifies the Update actions the user can perform.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide User/Group Authorizations - Privileges Panel The Privileges panel is used to specify the actions that a user or group can be perform on Collections, Hierarchies, Filters, ViewPoints, and Alerts.

Privileges Panel Fields Collections: Hierarchies: Filters: ViewPoints: Alerts: Specifies the actions that can be performed on Collections. Specifies the actions that can be performed on Hierarchies. Specifies the actions that can be performed on Filters. Specifies the actions that can be performed on ViewPoints. Specifies whether Alerts can be monitored and the actions that can be performed on them.

Authorizations Definitions: Specifies the actions that can be performed in the CONTROL-M/EM authorizations windows. Communication: Specifies the actions that can be performed in the Communication Administration window. The Communication Administration window is used to define CONTROL-M installations.


Grants authorization for using the Command Line Interface (CLI) utility.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide User/Group Authorizations - Resources and Calendars Panel The Resources and Calendars panel is used to specify which resources, conditions, and calendars a user can access. See the chapter, "Getting and Updating Details," in the CONTROLM/Enterprise Manager User Guide for information about resources and conditions. For information about Calendars, see the CONTROLM/Desktop User Guide.

Resource Fields Access level: below. Defines the authorization level for the resources specified in the field

Type: Specifies the type of resource specified in the field below. Resource List: Specifies prefixes for resources the user can access.

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BMC CONTROL-M Campus Training Guide User/Group Authorizations - Scheduling Tables Panel The Scheduling Tables panel is used to specify the Scheduling tables that a user can access and the authorization levels for using the tables. Authorization can be granted at CONTROL-M level (for all tables belonging to the specified CONTROL-M site) and individual Scheduling table level.

Field Descriptions Access Level: Defines the authorization level for the Scheduling Tables specified in the fields below. Specifies prefixes for CONTROL-M installations from which the user can access Scheduling tables. Specifies prefixes for libraries from which the user can access Scheduling tables.


Library [OS/390]:

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