Game Based For Employees 240810

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Concept Note Customised Product Training Game to Reinforce Product Learning for Employees

Developed by
C&K Management Ltd.

Career Centre, 1-8-303/48/12, Prenderghast Road, Secunderabad - 500003, INDIA. Tel: +91-40-66765000 (B) Fax : +91-40-27893725

Game based learning (GBL)

Game based learning (GBL) is a branch of serious games that deals with applications that have defined learning outcomes. Generally they are designed in order to balance the subject matter with the game play and the ability of the player to retain and apply said subject matter to the real world. Games often have a fantasy element that engages players in a learning activity through narrative or storylines. While we may be able to retain the learners attention in a classroom for a bare 15 20 minutes, we may find it easy to engage them for hours together by presenting the same learning using a serious online game. In the present times with technology invading every sphere of life including games, people around the world believe increasingly find games to be engaging and believe that they can be effective in promoting learning. Keeping the corporate Learning & Development requirement in mind, we at C&K Management Ltd., with over 10 years of experience in developing e-Learning solutions have developed the highly effective and engaging Customised Product Training Game to Reinforce Product Learning for learners


The objective is Creating Customised Product Training Game to Reinforce Product Learning for learners. This will be for one product currently being used by Client and can be expanded to include all products in the clients portfolio The delivery of this game will be scheduled after the class-room product training (ILT). This Game will ensure that it keeps the learners constantly UPDATED with their product knowledge and also provides a constant feedback to the Trainers on the effectiveness of their product knowledge.


Launch training on the new product OR on the existing products of the Client Assess post class-room training product knowledge Use a very interactive game based on-line tool Follow the format of "Engaging the learner while Assessing" Reinforce Learning on the product

Offering: A specialised on-line game based e-module for learner which is self-administered and self-registered to reinforce learning. Assumptions :

Learners have access to Intranet / Internet Will sign up to play the Game / Quiz of 30 / 60 minutes Tracking of Scores (Optional)

Phase I
10 Questions are thrown On-line - one by one 30 seconds are given to answer each question Each question has Multiple choice answers Questions are Randomized from database

Timed Test :
Show answers On clicking Final Submit button Include the why for the correct answer Top 9 scorers names are visible with Scores On crossing minimum Scores, allow learner to Pass to Phase 2

Phase II
Phase II will cover Various Topics on the specified product on

which a Timed Test will be given. Topics could be : 1. Product Details 2. Product Communication 3. Market Competition 4. Product Efficacy Proof 5. Product Packaging 6. Product Pricing Details:
Use Jeopardy Game Format On Selecting one of the above, that topic will be shown and

cannot be re-taken
Questions are randomised Answers are timed

Score :
Based on rules If wrong choice is made, give the correct answer & learning If right choice, reinforce the learning Track Speed of response

Increased difficulty level of the game (Googlies) :

Skip Two cards & get a new Question at lesser points Double Two cards and get more points Drop One card for 2 options Flag one question and come later Keep the game in an Interactive manner Engage the learner while Assessing him

Results :
Show Top 10 ranking scores Certify on crossing min acceptable score

Increased difficulty level of the game (Googlies 2) :

Show 18 Questions in 9 grid elements with 2 questions each Provide a fixed time to answer Show correct Answers if learner gets them wrong



To be hosted on the Internet by Client on the same web-sever as their Internet / Intranet website MS SQL database will be needed for the same and Client to arrange for the same.

SCOPE OF WORK - C&K Management Ltd.

Content : Logo, Raw content, Photographs, technical information and all other data for the product to be provided by the client in soft copy format. Subject Matter Expert (SME) : Client will nominate one Subject Matter Expert who will also be the project coordinator for this project. All communication, clarifications, information needed, etc. will be addressed to this SME.

Mode of Delivery: As the on-line Product Training Game to Reinforce Product Learning for employees is to be hosted on Client Internet, the same will be delivered to Client in a CD ROM.

Non-Discloser Agreement (NDA) : If required by Client, C&K Management will sign an NDA with Client.


Current classroom training remains undisturbed This customised product training game reinforces and tracks product learning. This game can be delivered independently on the Internet / Intranet Field force staff can access the game any time and can refresh their product knowledge This game can be designed and built for one product and thereafter replicated for all other products. Low cost effectiveness enhancing tool

About C&K
We believe that "self-learning" and "blended learning" are the keys to creating learning organisations and to continuous growth. The core business of C&K Management (C is for Content and K is for Knowledge) is to help Corporate and individuals build "competencies." We are in the business of converting content into actionable knowledge that meets the need of corporate and academic markets across the world. Today we offer services in the areas of: e-Learning Web Content Instructor Led Training Content for the Newspaper and Print Media We are based out of Hyderabad, South of India and have our Offices in the UAE and in the major Metros of India. To know more about us and our products please get in touch with : Mr. Martin David, Head Business Unit C&K Management Ltd | 040-66765234 | |

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