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BT0063-Unit-01-Set Theory
Unit 1 Set Theory Structure 1.1 Introduction Objectives 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 Sets and Their Representations The Empty Set Finite and Infinite Sets Equal and Equivalent Sets Subsets Power Set Universal Set Venn Diagrams Complement of a Set Operations on Sets

1.12 Applications of Sets 1.13 1.14 Cartesian Product of Sets Summary

1.15 Terminal Questions 1.16 Answers

1.1 Introduction The concept of set is basic in all branches of mathematics. It has proved to be of particular importance in the foundations of relations and functions, sequences, geometry, probability theory etc. The study of sets has many applications in logic philosophy, etc. The theory of sets was developed by German mathematician Georg Cantor (1845 1918 A.D.). He first encountered sets while working on problems on trigonometric series. In this unit, we discuss some basic definitions and operations involving sets. Objectives: At the end of the unit you would be able to

understand the concepts of sets perform the different operations on sets write the Power set of a given set

1.2 Sets and their Representations In every day life, we often speak of collection of objects of a particular kind such as pack of cards, a herd of cattle, a crowd of people, cricket team, etc. In mathematics also, we come across various collections, for example, collection of natural numbers, points in plane, prime numbers. More specially, we examine the collections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Odd natural numbers less than 10, i.e., 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 The rivers of India The vowels in the English alphabet, namely a, e, I, o, u Prime factors of 210, namely 2, 3, 5 and 7 The solutions of a equation x2 5x + 6 = 0 viz, 2 and 3

We note that each of the above collections is a well defined collection of objects in the sense that we can definitely decide whether a given object belongs to a given collection or not. For example, we can say that the river Nile does not belong to collection of rivers of India. On the other hand, the river Ganga does belong to this collection. However, the following collections are not well defined: 1. 2. 3. 4. The collection of bright students in Class XI of a school The collection of renowned mathematicians of the world The collection of beautiful girls of the world The collection of fat people

For example, in (ii) above, the criterion for determining a mathematician as most renowned may vary from person to person. Thus, it is not a well defined collection. We shall say that a set is a well defined collection of objects. The following points may be noted:

1. Objects, elements and members of a set are synonymous terms. These are undefined 2. Sets are usually denoted by capital letters A, B, C, X, Y, Z etc. 3. The elements of a set are represented by small letters a, b, c, x, y, z etc. If a is an element of a set A, we say that a belongs to A. The Greek symbol is used to denote the phrase belongs to. Thus, we write . If b is not an element of a set A, we write but

and read b does not belong to A. Thus, in the set V of vowels in the English alphabet, . In the set P of prime factors of but .

There are two methods of representing a set: i) ii) Roster or tabular form Set builder form.

i) In roster form, all the elements of a set are listed, the elements being separated by commas and are enclosed within braces { }. For example, the set of all even positive integers less than 7 is described in roster form as {2, 4, 6}. Some more examples of representing a set in roster form are given below: a) The set of all natural numbers which divide 42 is {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 42}. Note that in roster form, the order in which the elements are listed is immaterial. Thus, the above set can also be represented as {l, 3, 7, 21, 2, 6, 14, 42}. b) The set of all vowels in the English alphabets is {a, e, i, o, u}.

c) The set of odd natural numbers is represented by {1, 3, 5,. . .}. The three dots tell us that the list is endless. It may be noted that while writing the set in roster form an element is not generally repeated, i.e., all the elements are taken as distinct. For example, the set of letters forming the word SCHOOL is {S, C, H, O, L}. ii) In set builder form, all the elements of a set possess a single common property which is not possessed by any element outside the set. For example, in the set {a, e, i, o, u} all the elements possess a common property, each of them is a vowel in the English alphabet and no other letter possesses this property. Denoting this set by V, we write V = {x : x is a vowel in the English alphabet}. It may be observed that we describe the set by using a symbol x for elements of the set (any other symbol like the letters y, z etc. could also be used in place of x). After the sign of colon write

the characteristic property possessed by the elements of the set and then enclose the description within braces. The above description of the set V is read as The set of all x such that x is a vowel of the English alphabet. In this description the braces stand for the set of all, the colon stands for such that. For example, the following description of a set A = {x : x is a natural number and 3 < x < 10) is read as the set of all x such that x is a natural number and 3 < x < 10. Hence, the numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are the elements of set A. If we denote the sets described above in (a), (b) and (c) in roster form by A, B and C, respectively, then A, B and C can also be represented in set builder form as follows A = {x : x is a natural number which divides 42} B = {y : y is a vowel in the English alphabet} C = {z : z is an odd natural number}. Example: Write the set of all vowels in the English alphabet which precede q. Solution: The vowels which precede q are a, e, i, o. Thus A = {a, e, i, o} is the set of all vowels in the English alphabet which precede q. Example: Write the set of all positive integers whose cube is odd. Solution: The cube of an even integer is also an even integer. So, the members of the required set can not be even. Also, cube of an odd integer is odd. So, the members of the required set are all positive odd integers. Hence, in the set builder form we write this set as {x : x is an odd positive integer} or equivalently as {2k + 1 : k 0, k is an integer} Example: Write the set of all real numbers which can not be written as the quotient of two integers in the set builder form. Solution: We observe that the required numbers can not be rational numbers because a rational number is a number in the form , where p, q are integers and q 0. Thus, these must be real and irrational. Hence, in set builder form we write this set as {x : x is real and irrational}

Example: Write the set

in the set builder form.

Solution: Each member in the given set has the denominator one more than the numerator. Also, the numerators begin from 1 and do not exceed 6. Hence, in the set builder form the given set is

Example: Match each of the sets on the left described in the roster form with the same set on the right described in the set builder form: i) ii) iii) iv) { L, I, T, E) {0) b) a) {x : x is a positive integer and is a divisor of 18}

{x : x is an integer and x2 9 = 0} c) {x : x is an integer and x + 1 = 1}

{1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18} {3, 3} d)

{x : x is a letter of the word LITTLE}

Solution: Since in (d), there are six letters in the word LITTLE and two letters T and L are repeated, so (i) matches (d). Similarly (ii) matches (c) as x + 1 = 1 implies x = 0. Also, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18 are all divisors of 18. So, (iii) matches (a). Finally, x2 9 = 0 implies. x = 3, 3. So, (iv) matches (b). Example: Write the set {x : x is a positive integer and x2 < 40} in the roster form. Solution: The required numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. So, the given set in the roster form is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. 1.3 The Empty Set Consider the set A = {x : x is a student of Class XI presently studying in a school} We can go to the school and count the number of students presently studying in Class XI in the school. Thus, the set A contains a finite number of elements. Consider the set {x : x is an integer, x2 + 1 = 0}. We know that there is no integer whose square is 1. So, the above set has no elements. We now define set B as follows:

B = {x : x is a student presently studying in both Classes X and XI}. We observe that a student cannot study simultaneously in both Classes X and XI. Hence, the set B contains no element at all. Definition: A set which does not contain any element is called the empty set or the null set or the void set. According to this definition B is an empty set while A is not. The empty set is denoted by the symbol . We give below a few examples of empty sets. i) Let P = {x: 1 < x < 2, x is a natural number }.

Then P is an empty set, because there is no natural number between 1 and 2. ii) Let Q = {x : x2 2 = 0 and x is rational}.

Then, Q is the empty set, because the equation x2 - 2 = 0 is not satisfied by any rational number x. iii) Let R = {x : x is an even prime number greater than 2}

Then R is the empty set, because 2 is the only even prime number. iv) Let S = {x : x2 = 4, and x is an odd integer}. Then, S is the empty set, because equation x2 = 4 is not satisfied by any value of x which is an odd integer. 1.4 Finite and Infinite Sets

Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5), B = {a, b, c, d, e, f} and C = {men in the world}. We observe that A contains 5 elements and B contains 6 elements. How many elements does C contain ? As it is, we do not know the exact number of elements in C, but it is some natural number which may be quite a big number. By number of elements of a set A, we mean the number of distinct elements of the set and we denote it by n(A). If n(A) is a natural number, then A is a finite set, otherwise the set A is said to be an infinite set. For example, consider the set, N, of natural numbers. We see that n(N), i.e., the number of elements of N is not finite since there is no natural number which equals n(N). We, thus, say that the set of natural number is an infinite set. Definition: A set which is empty or consists of a definite number of elements is called finite. Otherwise, the set is called infinite. We shall denote several set of numbers by the following symbols:

N Z Q R Z+ Q+ R+

: the set of natural numbers : the set of integers : the set of rational numbers : the set of real numbers : the set of positive Integers : the set of positive rational numbers : the set of positive real numbers

We consider some examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. Let M be the set of days of the week. Then M is finite. Q, the set of all rational numbers is infinite. Let S be the set of solution (s) of the equation x2 16 = 0. Then S is finite. Let G be the set of all points on a line. Then G is infinite.

When we represent a set in the roster form, we write all the elements of the set within braces { }. It is not always possible to write all the elements of an infinite set within braces { } because the number of elements of such a set is not finite. However, we represent some of the infinite sets in the roster form by writing a few elements which clearly indicate the structure of the set followed (or preceded) by three dots. For instance, {1, 2, 3, 4, } is the set of natural numbers, {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, .. . } is the set of odd natural numbers and {, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, } is the set of integers. But the set of real numbers cannot be described in this form, because the elements of this set do not follow any particular pattern. 1.5 Equal and Equivalent Sets Given two sets A and B. If every element of A is also an element of B and if every element of B is also an element of A, the sets A and B are said to be equal. Clearly, the two sets have exactly the same elements. Definition: Two sets A and B are said to be equal if they have exactly the same elements and we write A = B. Otherwise, the sets are said to be unequal and we write A B We consider the following examples: 1. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, } and B = {3, 1, 4, 2). 2. Then A = B.

3. Let A be the set of prime numbers less than 6 and P the set of prime factors of 30. Obviously, the set A and P are equal, since 2, 3 and 5 are the only prime factors of 30 and are less than 6. Let us consider two sets L = {1, 2, 3, 4} and M = {1, 2, 3, 8}. Each of them has four elements but they are not equal. Definition: Two finite sets A and B are said to be equivalent if they have the same number of elements. We write A B. For example, let A = {a, b, c, d, e} and B = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}. Then A and B are equivalent sets. Obviously, all equal sets are equivalent, but all equivalent sets are not equal. Example: Find the pairs of equal sets, if any, giving reasons: A = {0}, B = {x : x > 15 and x < 5}, C = {x : x 5 = 0}, D = {x:x2 = 25} E = {x : x is a positive integral root of the equation x2 2x 15 = 0} Solution: Since 0 A and 0 does not belong to any of the sets B, C, D and E. Therefore, A A C, A D, A E. B = but none of the other sets are empty. Hence B C, B D and B B, E. C

= {5} but , hence C D. Since E = {5}), C = E. D = {5, 5} and E = {5}. Therefore D E. Thus, the only pair of equal sets is C and E. 1.6 Subsets Consider the sets S and T, where S denotes the set of all students in your school and T denotes the set of all students in your class. We note that every element of T is also an element of S. We say that T is a subset of S. Definition: If every element of a set A is also an element of a set B, then A is called a subset of B or A is contained in B. We write it as A B.

If at least one element of A does not belong to B, then A is not a subset of B. We write it as A B. We may note that for A to be a subset of B, all that is needed is that every element of A is in B. It is possible that every element of B may or may not be in A. If it so happens that every element of B is also in A, then we shall also have B have A B and B A which implies A = B. A. In this case, A and B are the same sets so that we

It follows from the definition that every set A is a subset of itself, i.e., A has no elements, we agree to say that examples

A. Since the empty set

is a subset of every set. We now consider some

1. The set Q of rational numbers is a subset of the set R of real numbers and we write Q R. 2. If A is the set of all divisors of 56 and B the set of all prime divisors of 56, then B is a subset of A, and we write B A. B and B

3. Let A = {1, 3, 5} and B = {x : x is an odd natural number less than 6}, then A

A and hence A = B. 4. Let A = {a, e, i, o, u}, B = {a, b, c, d}. Then A is not a subset of B. Also B is not a subset of A. We write A B and B A.

5. Let us write down all the subsets of the set {1, 2}. We know is a subset of every set. So is a subset of {1, 2}. We see that {1}, {2} and {l, 2} are also subsets of {1,2}. Thus the set {1,2} has, in all, four subsets, viz. , {1}, {2} and {1,2}. Definition: Let A and B be two sets. If A B and A B, then A is called a proper subset of B and B is called a superset of A. For example, A= {1, 2, 3} is a proper subset of B = {1, 2, 3, 4}. Definition: If a set A has only one element, we call it a singleton. Thus {a } is a singleton. 1.7 Power Set In example (v) of Section 1.6, we found all the subsets of the set {1, 2}, viz., , {1}, {2} and {1, 2}. The set of all these four subsets is called the power set of {1, 2}. Definition: The collection of all subsets of a set A is called the power set of A. It is denoted by P(A). In P(A), every element is a set. Example (v) of section 1.6, if A = {1, 2}, then P(A)={ , {1}, {2}, {1,2}. Also, note that, n[P(A)] = 4 = 22. In general, if A is a set with n(A) = m, then it can be shown that n[P(A)] = 2m > m = n(A). 1.8 Universal Set

If in any particular context of sets, we find a set U which contains all the sets under consideration as subsets of U, then set U is called the universal set. We note that the universal set is not unique. For example, for the set Z of all integers, the universal set can be the set Q of rational numbers or, for that matter, the set R of real numbers. For another example, in the context of human population studies, the universal set consists of all the people in the world. Example: Consider the following sets : , A = {1, 3), B = {1, 5, 9}, C = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, Insert the correct symbol (i) B, (ii) A B (iii) A C (iv) B C. Solution: 1. B as is a subset of every set. or between each pair of sets

2. A B as 3 A and 3 B.. 3. A 4. B C as 1, 3 A also belongs to C. C as each element of B also belongs to C.

Example: Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {1, 2, 3} and C = {2, 4}. Find all sets X such that (i) X B and X C (ii) X A and X B.

Solution: i) X B means that X is a subset of B, and the subsets of B are , {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {1,3}, C means that X is a subset of C, and the subsets of C are , {2}, {4} B and X C means that X is a subset of both B and C.

{2,3} and {1,2,3} . X

and {2, 4}. Thus, we note that X Hence, X = , {2}.

ii) X A, X B means that X is a sub set of A but X is not a subset of B. So, X is one of these {4}, {1,2,4}, {2,3,4}, {l,3,4}, {1,4}, {2,4}, {3,4}, {1,2,3,4}. Note: A set can easily have some elements which are themselves sets. For example, {1, {2,3}, 4} is a set having {2,3} as one element which is a set and also elements 1,4 which are not sets.

Example: Let A, B and C be three sets. If A B and B C, is it true that A C? If not, give an example.

Solution: No. Let A = {1}, B = C = { { 1 }, 2}. Here A B as A = {1} and B = C implies B C. But A C as 1 A and 1 C.

Note that an element of a set can never be a subset of it.

1.9 Diagrams


Most of the relationships between sets can be represented by means of diagrams. Figures representing sets in the form of enclosed region in the plane are called Venn diagrams named after British logician John Venn (18341883 A.D.). The universal set U is represented by the interior of a rectangle.Other sets are represented by the interior of circles.

Fig. 1.1 Fig. 1.1 is a Venn diagram representing sets A and B such that A B.

Fig. 1.2

In Fig.1.2, U = {1, 2, 3, , 10} is the universal set of which A = {2,4,6,8,10} and B = {4,6} are subsets. It is seen that B A. The reader will see an extensive use of the Venn diagrams when we discuss the operations on sets.

1.10 Complement of a Set Let the universal set U be the set of all prime numbers. Let A be the subset of U which consists of all those prime numbers that are not divisors of 42. Thus A = {g x : x U and x is not a divisor of 42}. We see that 2 U but 2 A, because 2 is a divisor of 42. Similarly 3 U but 7 A. Now 2, 3 and 7 are the only elements of U which do not belong to A. The set of these three prime numbers, i.e., the set {2, 3, 7} is called the complement of A with respect to U, and is denoted by A. So we have A = {2, 3, 7}. Thus, we see that A={x : x U and x A). This leads to the following definition. U but 3 A, and 7

Definition: Let U be the universal set and A is a subset of U. Then the complement of A with respect to (w.r,t.) U is the set of all elements of U which are not the elements of A. Symbolically we write A to denote the complement of A with respect to U. Thus A = {x:x U and x A}. It can be represented by Venn diagram as

Fig. 1.3 The shaded portion in Fig. 1.3 represents A. Example: Let U = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} and A= {1,3,5,7,9}. Find A. Solution: We note that 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 are the only elements of U which do not belong to A. Hence A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}.

Example: Let U be the universal set of all the students of Class XI of a co-educational school. Let A be the set of all girls in the Class Xl. Find A. Solution: As A is the set of all girls, hence A is the set of all boys in the class. 1.11 Operations on Sets In earlier classes, you learnt how to perform the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on numbers. You also studied certain properties of these operations, namely, commutativity, associativity, distributivity etc. We shall now define operations on sets and examine their properties. Henceforth, we shall refer all our sets as subsets of some universal set. a) Union of Sets: Let A and B be any two sets. The union of A and B is the set which consists of all the elements of A as well as the elements of B, the common elements being taken only once. The symbol is used to denote the union. Thus, we can define the union of two sets as follows. Definition: The union of two sets A and B is the set C which consists of all those elements which are either in A or in B (including those which are in both). Symbolically, we write A union B. = {x:x A or x B} and usually read as

The union of two sets can be represented by a Venn diagram as shown in Fig. 1.4.

Fig. 1.4 The shaded portion in Fig. 1.4 represents A B. B.

Example: Let A = {2, 4, 6, 8} and B = {6, 8, 10, 12}. Find A

Solution: We have A

B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}. B.

Note that the common elements 6 and 8 have been taken only once while writing A Example: Let A = {a, e, i, o, u} and B = {a, i, u}. Show that A Solution: We have A B = {a, e, i, o, u} = A. B = A.

This example illustrates that the union of a set A and its subset B is the set A itself, i.e., if then A B = A.

Example: Let X = {Ram, Shyam, Akbar} be the set of students of Class XI who are in the school Hockey team. Let Y = {Shyam, David, Ashok} be the set of students from Class XI who are in the school Football team. Find and interpret the set. Solution: We have = {Ram, Shyam, Akbar, David, Ashok}. This is the set of students from Class XI who are either in the Hockey team or in the Football team. Example: Find the union of each of the following pairs of sets:

Solution: 1. A B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, } = Z+ B={x:x Z, x 0}.

2. A = {3, 4, 5, }, B = {1, 2, 3}. So, A

3. A={1, 2, 3,. . .}, B ={x:x is a negative integer}. So A 4. A = {2, 3, 4}, B = {5, 6, 7, 8}. So, A

B = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}.

b) Intersection of Sets: The intersection of sets A and B is the set of all elements which are common to both A and B. The symbol is used to denote the intersection. Thus, we have the following definition.

Definition: The intersection of two sets A and B is the set of all those elements which belong to both A and B. Symbolically, we write A B = {x:x A and x B} and read as A intersection B. The intersection of two sets can be represented by a Venn diagram as shown in Fig. 1.5.

Fig. 1.5 The shaded portion represents A B. If A B = , then A and B are said to be disjoint sets. For example, let A = {2, 4, 6, 8} and B = {1, 3, 5, 7}. Then, A and B are disjoint sets, because there is no element which is common to A and B. The disjoint sets can be represented by Venn diagram as shown in Fig. 1.6.

Fig. 1.6

Example: Let A = {2, 4, 6, 8} and B = {6, 8, 10, 12}. Find A B. Solution: We see that 6, 8 are the only elements which are common to both the sets A and B. Hence A B = {6, 8}. Example: Consider the sets X and Y of Example 17. Find X Y. Solution: We see that the element Shyam is the only element common to both the sets X and Y. Hence, X Y = { Shyam }. SAQ 1: Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} and B = {2, 3, 5, 7}. Find = B. SAQ 2: Let A = A = {x : x Z+} ; B = {x : x is a multiple of 3, }: B, and prove that

C = {x:x is a negative integer}; D = {x:x is an odd integer}. Find (i) A (ii) , (iii) , (iv) , (v) , (vi) .

c) Difference of Sets: The difference of sets A and B, in this order, is the set of elements which belong to A but not to B. Symbolically, we write A B and read as A difference B. Thus A B = {x : x A and x B} and is represented by Venn diagram in Fig.1.7. The shaded portion represents A B.

Fig. 1.7 SAQ 3: Let V = {a, e, i, o, u} and B = {a, i, k, u}. Find V B and B V.

SAQ 4: Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and B = {2, 4, 6, 8}. Find A B and B A. 1.12 Applications of Sets Let A and B be finite sets. If = n(A) + n(B) The elements in A , then (1)

B are either in A or in B but not in both as

. So (1) follows immediately. In general, if A and B are finite sets, then n(A B) = n(A) + n(B) n(A B) (2)

Fig. 1.8 Note that the sets A B, A B and B A are disjoint and their union is A n(A B (Fig 1.8). Therefore B) = n(A B) + n(A B) + n(B A)

= n(A B) + n(A B) + n(B A) +n(A B) n(A B) = n(A) + n(B) n(A B). which verifies (2).

If A, B and C are finite sets, then n(A B C) = n(A) + n(B) + n(C) n(A B) n(B C) (3)

n(A C) + n(A B C) In fact, we have n(A B C) = n(A) + n(B

C) n(A (B

C )) C))

[by (2)] [by (2)]

= n(A) + n(B) + n(C) n(B C) n (A (B Since A = (A B) (A C), we get

= n(A B) + n (A C) n[A B = n(A B) + n (A C) n[A B C)] Therefore n(A B

A C)]

C) = n(A) + n(B) + n(C) n(B C) n(A B) n(A C) + n(A B C).

This proves (3). Example: If X and Y are two sets such that n(X Y) = 50, n(X) = 28 and n(Y) = 32, find n(X Y). Solution: By using the formula , we find that

= 28 + 32 50 = 10.. Alternatively, suppose , then

Fig. 1.9 n(X Y) = 28 k, n(Y X) = 32 k. (by Venn diagram in Fig 1.9) This gives 50 = Hence, k = 10 Example: In a school there are 20 teachers who teach mathematics or physics. Of these, 12 teach mathematics and 4 teach physics and mathematics. How many teach physics? Solution Let M denote the set of teachers who teach mathematics and P denote the set of teachers who teach physics. We are given that = 4. Therefore = 20 12 + 4 = 12. Hence, 12 teachers teach physics. SAQ 5: In a group of 50 people, 35 speak Hindi, 25 speak both English and Hindi and all the people speak at least one of the two languages. How many people speak only English and not Hindi ? How many people speak English? 1.13 Cartesian Product of Sets Let A, B be two sets. If a A, b B, then (a, b) denotes an ordered pair whose first component is a and the second component is b. Two ordered pairs (a, b) and (c, d) are said to be equal if and only if a = c and b = d. = (28 k) + k + (32 k).

In the ordered pair (a, b), the order in which the elements a and b appear in the bracket is important. Thus (a, b) and (b, a) are two distinct ordered pairs if a b. Also, an ordered pair (a, b) is not the same as the set {a, b}. Definition: The set of all ordered pairs (a, b) of elements Product of sets A and B and is denoted by A x B. Thus is called the Cartesian

Let A = {a1, a2}, B = {b1, b2, b3}. To write the elements of A x B, take a1 A and write all elements of B with a1, i.e., (a1, b1), (a, b2), (a1, b3). Now take a2 A and write all the elements of B with a2, i.e., (a2, b1), (a2, b2), (a2, b3). Therefore, A x B will have six elements, namely, (a1, b1), (a1, b2), (a1, b3), (a2, b1), (a2, b2), (a2, b3).

1. If A = or B = , then A B = 2. If A and B , then . Thus, if and only if A and B . Also, A

B B A. 3. If the set A has m elements and the set B has n elements, then A B has mn elements. 4. If A and B are non-empty sets and either A or B is an infinite set, so is A x B. 5. If A = B, then A B is expressed as A2. 6. We can also define, in a similar way, ordered triplets. If A, B and C are three sets, then (a ,b, c), where a A, b B and c C, is called an ordered triplet. The Cartesian Product of sets A, B and C is defined as A B C = {(a, b, c): a A, b B, c C}. An ordered pair and ordered triplet are also called 2tuple and 3-tuple, respectively. In general, if A1, A2,.. ., An are n sets, then (a1,a2,, an) is called an n-tuple where ai Ai, i = 1, 2 n and the set of all such n-tuples, is called the Cartesian product of A1, A2, , An. It is denoted by A1 x A2 x. . .x An. Thus A1 A2 .. An = {(a1, a2, . an): a1 A1, 1 i n}}. Example: Find x and y if (x + 2, 4) = (5, 2x + y). Solution: By definition of equal ordered pairs, we have

x+2=5 2x + y = 4

(1) (2)

Solving (1) and (2), we get x = 3, y = 2. Example: Let A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {4, 5}. Find A x B and B x A and show that A B B A. Solution: We have = {(1, 4), (1, 5), (2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 4), (3, 5)} and Note that = {(4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (5, 1), (5, 2), (5, 3)} and (1, 4) B A. Therefore, .

Example: Let A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {3, 4} and C = {4, 5, 6}. Find i) iii) Solution: i) ii) We have We note that = {(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 3), (3, 4)} and = {(1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6)} = {(1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 4)}. = {3, 4, 5, 6}. Thus . Therefore, = {(1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 4)}. ii) iv)

Therefore iii) Clearly

= {(1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (3, 6)}


In view of (ii), we see that = {(1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (3, 3), (3, 4), (3,

5), (3, 6)}. In view of the assertion in Example 3 above, we note that

and SAQ 6: Let A and B be two sets such that n(A) = 5 and n(B) = 2. If (a1, 2), (a2, 3), (a3, 2), (a4, 3), (a5, 2) are in A B and a1, a2, a3, a4 and a5 are distinct. Find A and B. 1.14 Summary This unit tells us about sets and their representations. We study the concepts of Empty sets, Finite and Infinite sets, Equal sets. All the concepts discussed is well illustrated by standard examples. The different operations on sets like complement of Set, Operation on Sets and Applications of sets is discussed here. 1.15 Terminal Questions 1. Which of the following pairs of sets are equal ? Justify your answer. i) ii) 2. A, the set of letters in ALLOY and B, the set of letters in LOYAL A= and B = .

State which of the following sets are finite and which are infinite:

3. If A and B are two non-empty sets such that A=B 1.16 Answer Self Assessment Questions 1. We have A B = {2, 3, 5, 7} = B. We note that if B A , then A B = B. 2. A = {x:x is a positive integer}, B = {3n : n Z}; 1. A B = {3, 6, 9, 12,} = {3n:n Z+}. 2. A C = 3. A D = {1, 3, 5, 7,}

, show that

4. B C = { 3, 6, 9,. . . } = {3n : n is a negative integer} 5. B D = {. . ., 15, 9, 3, 3, 9, 15,} 6. C D = {1, 3, 5, 7,} 3. We have V B = {e, o}, since the only elements of V which do not belong to B are e and o. Similarly B V = {k} 4. We have A B = {1, 3, 5}, as the only elements of A which do not belong to B are 1, 3 and 5. Similarly, B A = {8}. We note that 5. Let H denote the set of people speaking Hindi and E the set of people speaking English. We are given that = 50, n(H) = 35, = 25. Now = n(H) + n(E H). So 50 = 35 + n(E H), i.e. , n(E H) = 15. Thus, the number of people who speak only English but not Hindi is 15. Also, n(H E) = n(H) + n(E) n(H E) implies

50 = 35 + n(E) 25, which gives n(E) = 40. Hence, the number of people who speak English is 40. 6. Since and n(A) = 5, A = {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5}. Also n(B) = 2. Therefore, B = {2, 3}. Terminal Quesitons 1. i) A = {A, L, L, O, Y}, B = {L, O, Y, A, L}. Then A, B are equal sets as repetition of elements in a set do not change a set. Thus A = {A, L, O, Y} = B. ii) A = {2, 1, 0, 1, 2,}, B = (1, 2). Since 0 A and 0 B, A and B are not equal sets. 2. i) ii) iii) Given set = {1, 2}. Hence, it is finite. Given set = {2}. Hence, it is finite. Given set = . Hence, it is finite. and

1. The given set is the set of all prime numbers and since the set of prime numbers is infinite, hence the given set is infinite. 2. Since there are infinite number of odd numbers, hence the given set is infinite 3. Let a A. Since B , there exists . Now, . Similarly, implies . Hence

. Therefore, every element in A is in B giving A=B

BT0063-Unit-02-Mathematical Logic
Unit 2 Mathematical Logic Structure 2.1 Introduction

Objectives 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 Statements Basic Logical Connectives Conjunction Disjunction Negation Negation of Compound Statements Truth Tables Tautologies Logical Equivalence Applications Summary Terminal Questions Answers

2.1 Introduction Logic is the study of general patterns of reasoning, without reference to particular meaning or contexts. If an object is either black or white, and if it is not black, then logic leads us to the conclusion that it must be white. Observe that logical reasoning from the given hypotheses cannot reveal what black or white mean, or why an object can not be both. Logic can find applications in many branches of sciences and social sciences. Logic, infact is the theoretical basis for many areas of computer science such as digital logic circuit design, automata theory and artificial intelligence. In this chapter, we shall learn about statements, truth values of a statement, compound statements, basic logical connectives, truth tables, tautologies, logical equivalence, duality,

algebra of statements, use of Venn diagrams in logic and finally, some simple applications of logic in switching circuits. Objectives: At the end of the unit you would be able to understand the ideas in Mathematical Logic identify a proposition apply the concept of Mathematical Logic in circuits

2.2 Statements A statement is a sentence which is either true or false, but not both simultaneously. Note: A sentence which is both true and false simultaneously is not a statement, rather, it is a paradox. Example: (a) Each of the following sentences: i) New Delhi is in India. ii) Two plus two is four. iii) Roses are red. iv) The sun is a star. v) Every square is a rectangle. is true and so each of them is a statement. (b) Each of the following sentences: i) The earth is a star. ii) Two plus two is five. iii) Every rectangle is a square. iv) 8 is less than 6. v) Every set is a finite set.

is false and so each of them is a statement. Example: a) Each of the sentences: i) Open the door. ii) Switch on the fan. iii) Do your homework. can not be assigned true or false and so none of them is a statement. Infact, each of them is a command. b) Each of the sentences: i) Did you meet Rahman? ii) Where are you going? iii) Have you ever seen Taj Mahal? can not be assigned true or false and so none of them is a statement. Infact, each of them is a question. c) Each of the sentences: i) May you live long! ii) May God bless you! can not be assigned true or false and so none of them is a statement. Infact, each of them is optative. d) Each of the sentences: i) Hurrah! We have won the match. ii) Alas! I have failed. can not be assigned true or false and so none of them is a statement. In fact, each of them is

exclamatory. e) Each of the sentences: i) Good morning to all. ii) Wish you best of luck. can not be assigned true or false and so none of them is a statement. In fact, each them is a wish. f) Each of the sentences: i) Please do me a favour. T ii) Give me a glass of water. can not be assigned true or false and so none of them is a statement. In fact, each them is a request. g) Each of the following sentences: i) x is a natural number ii) He is a college student. is an open sentence because the truth or falsity of (xv) depends on x and that of xvi) depends on the reference for the pronoun he. We may observe that for some values of x like x = 1, 2,.. etc, (xv) may be true and for some other values like etc, (xv) is false.

Similarly, (xvi) may be true or false. However, at a particular point of time or situation they are either true or false. Since, we are interested only in the fact that it is true or false, sentences (xv) and (xvi) can be considered as statements. Note: The statements (xv) and (xvi) in Example 2 are also called open statements. It is useful to have some notation to represent statements. Let us represent the statements by lower case letter like p, q, r, s, .. Thus, a statement New Delhi is city may be represented or denoted by p and we write

p : New Delhi is a city. similarly, we may denote a statement 2 + 3 = 6 by q and write q : 2 + 3 = 6. Truth value of a statement: The truth or falsity of a statement is called its truth value. Every statement must be either true or false. No statement can be both true and false at the same time. If a statement is true, we say that its truth value is TRUE or T and if it is false we say that its truth value is FALSE or F. Example: The statements in Example 1(a) have the truth value T while the statements in Example 1(b) have the truth value F. Compound statements: A statement is said to be simple, if it cannot be broken down into two or more sentences. The statements that we considered in Example 1(a) and (b) are all simple statements. New statements that can be formed by combining two or more simple statements are called compound statements. Thus, a compound statement is the one which is made up of two or more simple statements. Example: a) The statement Roses are red and Violets are blue is a compound statement which is a combination of two simple statements Roses are red and Violets are blue. b) The statement Gita is sick or Rehana is well is a compound statement made up of two simple statements Gita is sick and Rehana is well. c) The statement It is raining today and 2 + 2 = 4 is a compound statement composed of two simple 2 + 2 = 4. Simple statements, which on combining, form compound statements, are called sub-statements or component statements of the compound statements. The compound statements S consisting of statements It is raining today and

sub-statements p, q, r, is denoted by S (p, q, r,). A fundamental property of a compound statements is that its truth value is completely determined by the truth value of each of its sub-statements together with the way in which they are connected to form the compound statement. 2.3 Basic Logical Connectives There are many ways of combining simple statements to form compound statements. The words which combine simple statements to form compound statements are called connectives. In the English language, we combine two or more statements to form a new statement by using the connectives and, or, etc. with a variety of meanings. Because the use of these connectives in English language is not always precise and unambiguous, it is necessary to define a set of connectives with definite meanings in the language of logic, called object language. We now define connectives for object language which corresponds to the connectives discussed above. Three basic connectives (logical) are conjunction which corresponds to the English word and ; disjunction which corresponds to the word or ; and negation which corresponds to the word not. Throughout we use the symbol symbol ~ to denote negation. Note:. Negation is called a connective although it does not combine two or more statements. In fact, it only modifies a statement. 2.4 Conjunction If two simple statements p and q are connected by the word and, then the resulting compound statement p and q is called a conjunction of p and q and is written in symbolic form as p q. Example: Form the conjunction of the following simple statements: p : Dinesh is a boy. to denote conjunction ; to denote disjunction and the

q : Nagma is a girl. Solution: The conjunction of the statement p and q is given by p q : Dinesh is a boy and Nagma is a girl. Example: Translate the following statement into symbolic form Jack and Jill went up the hill. Solution: The given statement can be rewritten as Jack went up the hill and Jill went up the hill Let p : Jack went up the hill and q : Jill went up the hill.

Then the given statement in symbolic form is p q. Example: Write the truth value of each of the following four statements: i) Delhi is in India and 2 + 3 = 6. ii) Delhi is in India and 2 + 3 = 5. iii) Delhi is in Nepal and 2 + 3 = 5. iv) Delhi is in Nepal and 2 + 3 = 6. Solution: In view of (D1) and (D2) above, we observe that statement (i) has the truth value F as the truth value of the statement 2 + 3 = 6 is F. Also, statement (ii) has the truth value T as both the statement Delhi is in India and 2 + 3 = 5 has the truth value T. Similarly, the truth value of both the statements (iii) and (iv) is F. 2.5 Disjunction If two simple statements p and q are connected by the word or, then the resulting compound statement p or q is called disjunction of

p and q and is written in symbolic form as p q.

Example: Form the disjunction of the following simple statements: p : The sun shines. q : It rains. Solution: The disjunction of the statements p and q is given by p q : The sun shines or it rains. Example: Write the truth value of each of the following statements: i) India is in Asia or 2 + 2 = 4. ii) India is in Asia or 2 + 2 =5. iii) India is in Europe or 2 + 2 = 4. iv) India is in Europe or 2 + 2 = 5. Solution: In view of (D3) and (D4) above, we observe that only the last statement has truth value F as both the sub-statements India is in Europe and 2 + 2 = 5 have the truth value F. The remaining statements (i) to (iii) have the truth value T as at least one of the sub-statements of these statements has the truth value T. 2.6 Negation An assertion that a statement fails or denial of a statement is called the negation of the statement. The negation of a statement is generally formed by introducing the word not at some proper place in the statement or by prefixing the statement with It is not the case that or It is false that. The negation of a statement p in symbolic form is written as ~ p. Example: Write the negation of the statement p : New Delhi is a city. Solution: The negation of p is given by

~ p : New Delhi is not a city or or ~ p : It is not the case that New Delhi is a city. ~ p : It is false that New Delhi is a city

Example: Write the negation of the following statements: p : I went to my class yesterday. q:2+3=6 r : All natural numbers are integers. Solution: Negation of the statement p is given by ~ p : I did not go to my class yesterday. or It is not the case that I went to my class yesterday. or It is false that I went to my class yesterday. or I was absent from my class yesterday. The negation of the statement q is given by ~q : 2 + 3 6 or It is not the case that 2 + 3 = 6

or It is false that 2 + 3 = 6 The negation of the statement r is given by ~ r : Not all natural numbers are integers. or There exists a natural number which is not an integer. or it is not the case that all natural numbers are integers. or It is false that all natural numbers are integers. Regarding the truth value of the negation ~ p of a statement p. we have (D5) : ~ p has truth value T whenever p has truth value F. (D6) : ~ p has truth value F whenever p has truth value T. Example: Write the truth value of the negation of each of the following statements:: i) p : Every square is a rectangle. ii) q : The earth is a star. iii) r :2 + 3 < 4 Solution: In view of (D5) and (D6), we observe that the truth value of ~p is F as the truth value of p is T. Similarly, the truth value of both ~q and ~r is T as the truth value of both statements q and r is F 2.7 Negation of compound statements

I) Negation of conjunction: Recall that a conjunction p q consists of two sub-statements p and q both of which exist simultaneously. Therefore, the negation of the conjunction would mean the negation of at least one of the two sub-statements. Thus, we have (D7): The negation of a conjunction p q is the disjunction of the negation of p and the negation of q. Equivalently, we write ~ ( p q) = ~ p v ~ q Example: Write the negation of each of the following conjunctions: a) Paris is in France and London is in England. b) 2 + 3 = 5 and 8 < 10. Solution: (a) Write p : Paris is in France and q : London is in England. Then, the conjunction in (a) is given by p q. Now ~ p : Paris is not in France, and ~ q : London is not in England. Therefore, using (D7), negation of p q is given by ~ p q = Paris is not in France or London is not in England. (b) Write p : 2+3 = 5 and q :8 < 10. Then the conjunction in (b) is given by p q. Now ~ p : 2 + 3 5 and Then, using (D7), negation of p q is given by

~ p q = 2 + 3 5 or (II) Negation of disjunction: Recall that a disjunction p q is consisting of two sub-statements p and q which are such that either p or q or both exist. Therefore, the negation of the disjunction would mean the negation of both p and q simultaneously. Thus, in symbolic form, we have (D8): The negation of a disjunction p q is the conjunction of the negation of p and the negation of q. Equivalently, we write ~ (p q) = ~ p ~ q Example: Writ the negation of each of the following disjunction: a) Ram is in class X or Rahim is in Class XII b) 7 is greater than 4 or 6 is less than 7 Solution: a) Let p : Ram is in class X and q : Rahim is in Class XII. Then, the disjunction in (a) is given by p q. Now ~ p : Ram is not in Class X. ~ q : Rahim is not in Class XII. Then, using (D8), negation of p q is given by ~ p q : Ram is not in Class X and Rahim is not in Class XII. b) Write p : 7 is greater than 4, and q : 6 is less than 7. Then, using (D8), negation of p q is given by

~ p q : 7 is not greater than 4 and 6 is not less than 7. (III) Negation of a negation: As already remarked the negation is not a connective but a

modifier. It only modifies a given statement and applies only to a single simple statement. Therefore, in view of (D5) and (D6), for a statement p, we have (D9) : Negation of negation of a statement is the statement itself Equivalently, we write ~ (~p) = p Example: Verify (D9) for the statement p : Roses are red. Solution: The negation of p is given by ~ p : Roses are not red. Therefore, the negation of negation of p is ~ (~ p) : It is not the case that Roses are not red. or It is false that Roses are not red. or Roses are red. Many statements, particularly in mathematics, are of the type If p then q. Such statements are called conditional statements and are denoted by p q read as p implies q. Another common statement is of the form p if and only if q. Such statements are called biconditional p q. statements and are denoted by

Regarding the truth values of p q and p q , we have a) the conditional p q is false only if p is true and q is false. Accordingly, if p is false then p q is true regardless of the truth value of q. b) the bi-conditional p q is true whenever p and q have the same truth values otherwise it is false. One may verify that p q = (~ p) q 2.8 Truth Tables A truth table consists of rows and columns. The initial columns are filled with the possible truth values of the sub-statements and the last column is filled with the truth values of the compound statement S (the truth values of S depends on the truth values of the sub-statements entered in the initial columns) Example: Construct the truth table for ~p. Solution: Note that one simple statement ~p is consisting of only one simple statement p. Therefore, there must be 2 (= 2) rows in the truth table. It is necessary to consider all possible truth values of p. In view of (D5) above, recall that p has the truth value T if and only if ~p has the truth value F. Therefore, the truth table for ~p is given by Table 21 Truth table for ~ p p T F ~p F T

Example: Construct the truth table for p (~p) Solution: Note that the compound statement p (~p) is consisting of only one simple statement p. Therefore, there must be 2 (= 2) rows in the truth table. It is necessary to consider all possible truth values of p.

Table 2.2 p T F Step 1: Enter all possible truth values of p. namely, T and F in the first column of the truth table (Table 2.2). Table 2.3 p T F ~p F T p (~ p) ~p p (~p)

Step 2: Using (D5) and (D6), enter the truth values of ~ p in the second column of the truth table (Table 2.3). Table 2.4 p T F ~p F T p (~ p) F F

Step 3: Finally, using (D2) enter the truth values of p (~ p) in the last column of the truth table (Table 2.4) Example: Construct the truth table for p q. Solution: The compound statement pq is consisting of two simple statements p and q. Therefore, there must be 22(= 4) rows in the truth table of p q. Now enter all possible truth values of statements p and q namely TT, TF, FT and FF in first two columns of Table 2.5. Table 2.5


q T F T F


Then, in view of (D1) and (D2) above, enter the truth values of the compound statement p q in the truth table (Table 18.6) to complete the truth table. Table 2.6: Truth table for p q P T T F F q T F T F pq T F F F

Example: Construct the truth table for p q. Table 2.7: Truth table for p q. P T T F F q T F T F pq T T T F

Solution: In view of (D3) and (D4) above, recall that the compound statement p q has the truth value F if and only if both p and q have the truth value F; otherwise p q has truth value T. Thus, the truth table for p q is as given in Table 2.7. a) ~ [p (~q)] b) (p q) (~ p) c) ~[(~p) (~q)]

Solution: a) Truth table for ~ [p (~ q)] is given by Table 2.8: Truth table for ~ [p (~ q)] p T T F F q T F T F ~p F T F T p (~q) F T F F ~[p (~q)] T F T T

b) Truth table for (p q) (~p) is given by Table 2.9: Truth table for (p q) (~ p) p T T F F q T F T F pq T F F F ~p F F T T (pq) (~ p) F F F F

c) Truth table for ~ [(~p) v (~q)] is given by Table 2.10 : Truth table for ~ [(~p) (~q)] ~ [( ~ p)] [(~q)] T F F F

p T T F F

q T F T F

~p F F T T

~q F T F T

(~ p) (~ q) F T T T

2.9 Tautologies A statement is said to be a tautology if it is true for all logical possibilities. In other words, a statement is called tautology if its truth value is T and only T in the last column of its truth table. Analogously, a statement is said to be a contradiction if it is false for all logical possibilities. In

other words, a statement is called contradiction if its truth value is F and only F in the last column of its truth table. A straight forward method to determine whether a given statement is tautology (or contradiction) is to construct its truth table. Example: The statement p (~p) is a tautology since it contains T in the last column of its truth table (Table 2.11) Table 2.11: Truth table for p (~p) p T F ~p F T p (~p) T T

Example: The statement p (~p) is a contradiction since it contains F in the last column of its truth table (Table 2.12) Table 2.12: Truth table for p (~ p) p T F ~p F T p (~p) F F

Remark: The negation of a tautology is a contradiction since it is always false, and the negation of a contradiction is a tautology since it is always true. SAQ 1: Show that a) ~ [p (~p)] is a contradiction. b) ~ [p (~p)] is a tautology. Example: Show that a) (p q) (~ p) is a tautology. b) (p q) (~ p) is a contradiction.

Solution: a) The truth table for (p q) (~ p) is given by Table 2.15: Truth table for (p q) (~ p) P T T F F q T F T F pq T T T F ~p F F T T (p q) (~ p) T T T T

Since the truth table for (p q) (~ p) contains only T in the last column, it follows that (p q) (~ p) is a tautology. b) Recall Table 2.9 which is the truth table for (p q) (~ p) and observe that it contains only F in the last column. Therefore, (p q) (~ p) is a contradiction. 2.10 Logical Equivalence Two statements S1 (p, q, r, ) and S2 (p, q, r, ) are said to be logically equivalent, or simply equivalent if they have the same truth values for all logical possibilities is denoted by S1 (p, q, r,) S2 (p, q, r,). In other words, S1 and S2 are logically equivalent if they have identical truth tables (by identical truth tables we mean the entries in the last column of the truth tables are same). Example: Show that ~ p q is logically equivalent to (~p) (~ q). Solution: The truth tables for both the statements are Table 2.16: Truth table for ~ (p q) Table 2.17: Truth table for (~ p) (~q) p q pq ~(p q) p q ~p ~q (~ p) (~q)










Now, observe that the entries (truth values) in the last column of both the tables are same. Hence, the statement ~(p q) is equivalent to the statement (~ p) (~q). Remark: Consider the statements: p : Mohan is a boy. q : Sangita is a girl. Now, we have ~(p q) (~ p) (~q). Therefore, the statement It is not the case that Mohan is a boy and Sangita is a girl has the same meaning as the statement Mohan is not a boy or Sangita is not a girl. Example: Let p : The South-West monsoon is very good this year and q : Rivers are rising. Give verbal translation of ~ [(~p) (~q)]. Solution: we have ~(p q) (~ p) (~q)

Therefore, the statement ~ [(~p) (~q)] is the same as the negation of the statement ~(p q) which is the same as the conjunction p q. Thus, the verbal translation for ~ [(~p) (~q)] is The South-West monsoon is very good this year and rivers are rising Example: Prove the following: a) ~ [p (~ q)] (~p) q b) ~ [(~ p) q] p (~q) c) ~ (~p) p Solution: a) The truth tables for ~ [p (~q)] and (~p) q are given by Table 2.18: Truth table for~ [p (~q)] ~ [p (~ q)] F F T F Table 2.19: Truth table for (~p) q

~q F T F T

p (~q) T T F T

p T T F F

q T F T F

~p F F T T

(~p) ~ q F F T F



The last column of the two tables are the same. b) It follows in view of the truth Table 2.20

Table 2.20: Truth table for p (~q) and ~ [(~ p) q]

c) The assertion follows in view of Table 2.21 Table 2.21: Truth table for ~(~p)

2.11 Applications The logic that we have discussed so far is called two-value logic because we have considered only those statements which are having truth values True or False. A similar situation exists in various electrical and mechanical devices. Claude Shannon, in late 1930s, was first to notice an analogy between the operations of switching devices and the operations of logical connectives. He used this analogy with great success to solve problems of circuit design. Observe that an electric switch which is used for turning on and off an electric light is a twostate device. We shall now explain various electric networks with the help of logical connectives. For this, first we discuss how an electric switch works. Observe that, in Fig. 2.1, we have shown two positions of a simple switch.

Fig. 2.1 In (a) when switch is closed (i.e. on), current can flow from one terminal to the other. In (b), when the switch is open (i.e. off), current can not flow.

Let us now consider the example of an electric lamp controlled by switch. Such a circuit is given in Fig. 2.2.

Fig. 2.2 Observe that when the switch s is open, no current flows in the circuit and therefore, the lamp is off. But when switch s is closed, the lamp is on. Thus the lamp is on if and only if the switch s is closed. If we denote the statements as p : The switch s is closed l : The lamp l is on then, by using logic, the above circuit can be expressed as p l. Next, consider an extension of the above circuit in which we have taken two switches s1 and s2 in series as shown in Fig. 2.3.

Fig. 2.3 here, observe that the lamp is on if and only if both the switches s1 and s2 are closed. If we denote the statements as:

p : the switch s1 is closed. q : the switch s2 is closed. l : the lamp l is on. then the above circuit can be expressed as p q 1. Now, we consider a circuit in which two switches s1 and s2 are connected in parallel (Fig. 2.4).

Fig. 2.4

SAQ 2: Express the following circuit in Fig. 2.5 in symbolic form of logic.

Fig. 2.5 2.12 Summary In this unit we study the truth values of a statements. The different basic logical connectives are discussed in detail with some standard examples. Compound statements and the negation are

clearly explained . The concept of Tautology, Contradiction and Logical Equivalence is discussed in detail with example wherever necessary. The applications of mathematical logic to switching circuits is dealt with standard examples.

2.13 Terminal Questions 1. Define Tautology and Contradiction 2. Draw the truth tables of Conjunction, disjunction and Biconditional



Self Assessment Questions 1. a) The truth table of ~ [p (~p)] is given by Table 2.13: Truth table for ~ [p (~p)] P T F ~p F T p (~p) T T ~ [p (~p)] F F

Since it contains only F in the last column of its truth table, it follows that ~ [p (~ p)] is a contradiction. b) The truth table of ~ [p (~ p)] is given by

Table 2.14: Truth table for ~ [p (~ p)] P T F ~p F T p (~ p) F F ~ [p (~ p)] T T

Since it contains only T in the last column of its truth table, it follows that ~ [p (~ p)] is a tautology. 2. Observe that the lamp is on if and only if either s1 and s2 both are closed or s1 and s2 both are open or only s1 is closed.

If we denote the statements as p : The switch s1 is closed q : The switch s2 is closed l : The lamp l is on then ~p: The switch s1 is open. or The switch s1 is closed. ~ q: The switch s2 is open. or The switch s2 is closed. Therefore, the circuit in Fig. 2.5 in symbolic form of logic may be expressed as p [(~ p) (~ q)] (p q) 1

BT0063-Unit-03-Modern Algebra
Unit 3 Modern Algebra Structure 3.1 Introduction Objectives 3.2 Binary Operation

3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9

Addition Modulo n Multiplication Modulo n Semigroup Properties of Groups Subgroup Summary Terminal Questions

3.10 Answers 3.1 Introduction The theory of groups which is a branch of Abstract Algebra is of paramount importance in the development of mathematics.

The idea of group was first given by the French Mathematician Evariste Galois in 1832 who died at the age of 21 years in a duel. The group theory was later developed by an English Mathematician Arthur Cayley. He defined the notion of an abstract group with a general structure which could be applied to numerous particular cases. The theory of groups has applications in Quantum Mechanics and other branches of mathematics. Objectives: At the end of the unit you would be able to apply the concepts of Algebraic Structure in practical problems understand Binary Operations and its applications in group theory

3.2 Binary Operation Let G be a non-empty set. Then G G = {(x, y): x, y G}. A function of G G in to G is said to be a binary operation on the set G. The image of an ordered pair (x, y) under f is denoted by x f y.

The symbols +, x, 0, *, . Are very often used as the binary operations on a set.

Thus * is a binary operation on the set G if for every a, bG implies a * b G. Hence a binary operation * combines any two elements of G to give an element of the same set G.

1. If Z is the set of integers then usual addition (+) is the binary operation on Z. For if M and n are two integers then m + n is again an integer i.e. for every m, n Z, m + n Z.
In particular 5, 3 Z, implies 5 + 3 = 2 Z, etc.

Similarly the usual multiplication is the binary operation on the set Q of the product of two rational numbers is again a rational number.

rationals, for

2. Let E be the set of even integers. i.e., E = {0, 2, 4, 6, .} and O be the set of odd integers i.e. O = {1, 3, 5, .}. Clearly the usual addition is the binary operation on E whereas it is not a binary operation on O. Because the sum of two even integers is even but the sum of two odd integers is not an odd integer. Also the usual subtraction is not a binary operation on the set N of
Algebraic Structure A non-empty set with one or more binary operations is called an algebraic structure. If * is a binary operation on G then (G, *) is an algebraic structure. For example the set of integers Z is an algebraic structure with usual addition as the binary operation. Similarly (Q, .), (E, +) are algebraic structures. Group A non-empty set G is said to be a group with respect to the binary operation * if the following axioms are satisfied. 1. Closure law. For every a, b G, a * b G. 2. Associative law. For every a, b, c G

natural numbers.

a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c 3. Existence of identity element. There exists an element e G such that a * e = e * a = a for every a G. Here e is called the identity element 4. Existence of inverse. For every a G there exists an element b G such that a * b = b * a = e. Here b is called the inverse of a and is denoted by b = a1. A group G with respect to the binary operation * is denoted by (G, *). If in a group (G, *), a * b = b * a for every a, b, G then G is said to be commutative or Abelian group named after Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel (1802 1820). Finite and Infinite Groups A group G is said to be finite if the number of elements in the set G is finite, otherwise it is said to be an infinite group. The number of elements in a finite group is said to be the order of the group G and is denoted by O(G). Example: Prove that the set Z of integers is an abelian group with respect to the usual addition as the binary operation. 1. Closure law. We know that the sum of two integers is also an integer. Hence for every m, n Z, m + n Z.

2. Associative law. It is well known that the addition of integers is associative. Therefore (m + n) + p = m + (n + p) for every m, n, p Z. 3. Existence of identity element. There exists 0 Z such that m + 0 = 0 + m = m for every m Z. Hence 0 is called the additive identity.

4. Existence of inverse. For every m Z there exists m Z such that m + (m) = (m) + m = 0.

Here m is called the additive inverse of m or simply the negative of m. Therefore (Z, +) is a group.
5. Commutative law. We know that the addition of integers is commutative i.e., m + n = n + m for every m, n Z. Hence (Z, +) is an abelian group. Since there are an infinite elements in Z, (Z, +) is an infinite group. Similarly we can prove that the set Q of rationals, the set R of reals and numbers are abelian groups with respect to usual addition. the set C of complex

Example: Prove that the set Q0 of all non-zero rationals forms an abelian group with respect to usual multiplication as the binary operation. Now Q0 = Q {0} Solution: 1. Closure law. Let a, b Q0 i.e. a and b are two non-zero rationals. Then their product a b is also a non-zero rational. Hence a b Q0. Since a, b are two arbitrary elements of Q0, we have for every a, b, Q0, ab Q0. 2. Associative law. We know that the multiplication of rationals is associative. i.e.,, a(b c) = (a b) c for every a, b, c Q0. 3. Existence of identity element. There exists 1 Q0 such that a.1 = 1 . a = a for every a Q0. Here 1 is called the multiplicative identity element. 4. Existence of inverse. Let a Q0. Then a is a non-zero rational. Therefore rational 0. exists and is also a


for every a Q0.

is the multiplicative inverse of a.

Therefore (Q0, .) is a group. Further, it is well-known that the multiplication of rationals is every a, b Q0. Hence (Q0, .) is an abelian group. Similarly we can show that the set R0 of non-zero reals and the set C0 of numbers are abelian groups w.r.t. usual multiplication. 1. The set N of natural numbers is not a group w.r.t. usual addition, for there does not exist the identity element 0 in N and the additive inverse of a natural number is not a natural number i.e., for example 2 N but 2 N. Also N is not a group under multiplication because 5 N but non-zero complex commutative i.e., ab = ba for

2. The set of integers is not a group under multiplication for 2 Z but 3. The set of rationals, reals and complex numbers (including 0) do not form groups under multiplication for multiplicative inverse of 0 does not exist. SAQ 1: Prove that the fourth roots of unity form an abelian group with respect to multiplication. 3.3 Addition Modulo n Let n be a positive integer a and b be any two integers. Then addition modulo n of two integers a and b, written a + n b, is defined as the least non-negative remainder when a + b is divided by n. If r is the remainder when a + b is divided by n, then

A + n b = r where 0 r < n. In other words, if a + b r (mod n), 0 r < n. Then a + n b = r. For example, 7 + 5 10 = 2 since 7 + 10 = 17 2 (mod 5) 15 + 7 11 = 5 since 15 + 11 = 26 5 (mod 7) 17 + 8 21 = 38 since 17 + 21 = 38 6 (mod 12 + 5 8 = 0 since 12 + 8 = 20 0 (mod 5) 1 + 7 1 = 2 since 1 + 1 = 2 2 (mod 7) Properties: 1. Commutative since a + b and b + a leave the same remainder when divided by n, a + n b = b + n a. For example 5 + 7 6 = 4 = 6 + 7 5 2. Associative since a + (b + c) and (a + b) + c leave the same remainder when divided by n, a + n (b + n c) = (a + n b) + n c. For example 4 +6 (3 + 6 5) = (4 + 6 3) + 6 5 Example: Prove that the set Z4 = {0, 1, 2, 3} is an abelian group w.r.t. addition modulo 4. Solution: Form the composition table w.r.t. addition modulo 4 as below:

+4 0 1 2 3

0 0 1 2 2

1 1 2 3 0

2 2 3 0 1

3 3 0 1 2

Since 1 + 3 = 4 0 (mod 4), 3 + 3 = 6 2 (mod 4) 2 + 3 = 5 1 (mod 4) etc.

1. Closure law. From the above composition table for all a, b G, a +4 b also belongs to Z4. 2. Associative law. Since a + (b + c) and (a + b) + c leave the same remainder when divided by 4, we have (a + 4 (b +4 c) = (a +4 b) +4 c. 3. Existence of identity element. From the above table, we observe that 0 Z4 satisfies a + 4 0 = 0 +4 a = a for every a Z4. 0 is the identity element. 4. Existence of inverse. From the above table, the inverses of 0, 1, 2, 3 are respectively 0, 3, 2, 1 because 3 + 41 = 0. Hence (z4, +4) is a group Further, since a + b and b + a leave the same remainder when divided (Z4, +4) is an abelian group.
Similarly, we can show that the set of remainders of 5 viz.







by 4, a + 4 b = b +4 a.

Z5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} from an abelian group under addition (mod 5). In general the set of remainders of a positive integer m. Zm = {0, 1, 2, . (m 1) form an abelian group under addition (mod m). 3.4 Multiplication modulo n Let n be a positive integer an a, b any two integers. Then multiplication modulo n of two integers a and b, written a n b, is defined as the least non-negative remainder when ab is divided by n. If r is the

remainder when ab is divided by n. If r is the remainder when ab is divided by n then a n b = r, where 0

r < n. In other words, if ab r (mod n), 0 r < n then a xn b = r.

For example, 75 3 = 1 since 7 . 3 = 21 1 (mod 5) 9 7 5 = 3 since 9 . 5 = 45 3 (mod 7) 12 8 7 = 4 since 12 . 7 = 84 4 (mod 2 7 3 = 6 since 2 . 3 = 6 6 (mod 7) 14 46 = 0 since 14 . 6 = 84 0 (mod 4) Properties 1. Commutative: Since ab and ba leave the same remainder when divided by n,

a n b = b n a For example 574=475

2. Associative: Since a(bc) and (ab)c leave the same remainder when divided by n a n (b n c) = (a n b) n c For example 3 7 (4 7 5) = (3 7 4) 7 5 is an abelian group under multiplication modulo 5.

Example: Prove that the set

Solution: Form the composition table w.r.t. multiplication modulo 5 as below:

x5 1 2

1 1 2

2 2 4

3 3 1

4 4 3

3 4

3 4

1 3

4 2

2 1

Since 2 . 3 = 6 1 (mod 5)
2 . 4 = 8 3 (mod 5) 4 . 4 = 16 1 (mod 5) etc. 1. Closure law. Since all the elements entered in the above table are the elements of holds good i.e. for all a, b G, a 5 b also belongs to 2. Associative law. Since a (bc) and (ab) c leave the same remainder when divided by 5 we have for every a, b, c a 5 (b 5 c) = (a 5 b) 5 6. 3. Existence of identity element. From the above table, we observe that 1 satisfies a 5 1 = 1 5 a = a for every a . closure law

1 is the identity element. 4. Existence of inverse. Also the inverses of 1, 2, 3, 4 are respectively 1, 3, 2, 4 because 1 5 1 = 1, 2 5 3 = 1, 3 5 2 = 1, and 4 5 4 = 1. Therefore ( x5) is an abelian group.

Similarly, we can show that the non-zero remainders of 7 viz. = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} form an abelian group under multiplication (mod 7). In general, the non-zero remainders of a positive integer p viz. = {1, 2, 3, (p 1)} form a group under multiplication

(mod p) if and only if p is a prime number.

Note: The set

= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} does not form a group under multiplication (mod 6) for 2, 3 G, but 2

6 3 = 0 G. This is because 6 is not a prime number.

3.5 Semigroup A non-empty set G is said to be a semigroup w.r.t. the binary operation if the following axioms are satisfied. 1. Closure: For every a, b, G, a * b G 2. Associative: For every a, b, c G, a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c. Examples:
1. The set N of all natural numbers under addition is a semigroup because for every a, b, c N

(i) a + b N, and (ii) a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c. The set, N is semigroup under multiplication also.

2. The set Z of integers is a semigroup under multiplication because for every a, b Z, a + b Z and for every a, b, c Z, a(bc) = (ab) c. Note that every group is a semigroup but a semigroup need not be a group. For example, the set N of all natural numbers is a semigroup under multiplication (also under addition) but it is not a group. Similarly Z, the set of integers is an example of a semigroup but not a group under multiplication.
3.6 Properties of Groups For the sake of convenience we shall replace the binary operation * by dot . in the definition of the group. Thus the operation dot . may be the operation of addition or multiplication or some other operation. In what follows by ab we mean a . b or a * b. With this convention, we rewrite the definition of the group. Definition: A non-empty set G is said to be a group w.r.t. the binary operation. if the following axioms are satisfied. 1. Closure property: For every a, b G, ab G 2. Associative property: For every a, b, c G, a (bc) = (ab) c.

3. Existence of identity element: There exists an element e G such that ae = ea = a for every a G. Here e is called the identity element. 4. Existence of inverse: For every a G there exists an element b G such that ab = ba = e. Here b is called the inverse of a i.e., b = a1 Further, 5. If ab = ba for every a, b G then G is said to be an abelian group or a commutative group. Theorem: The identity element in a group is unique. Proof: Let e and ae = ea = a and Substitute in (1) and a = e in (2). Then we obtain be the two identity elements of a group G. Then by definition, for every a G.

and Hence

The identity element in a group is unique.

Theorem: In a group G the inverse of an element is unique Proof: Let b and c be the two inverses of an element a in G. Then by definition ab = ba = e ac = ca = e Now consider, b = be = b(ac)

= (ba) c = ec =c Therefore inverse of every element in a group is unique Theorem: If a is any element of a group G, then (a1)1 = a. Proof: Since a1 is the inverse of a, we have aa1 = a1a = e This implies that a is an inverse of a1, but inverse of every element is unique

Thus the inverse of the inverse of every element is the same element.
Theorem: If a and b are any two elements of a group G then Proof: Consider, (ab) (b1 a1) =

= = aa1 =e Similarly we can prove that



is the inverse of ab,

i.e., Corollary: If a, b, c belong to a group G then (abc)1 = c1 b1 a1 etc. Note: If (ab)1 = a1 b1 for all a, b G, the G is abelian. For, (ab)1 = a1 b1 implies

i.e. = ba for all a, b G Hence G is abelian. Theorem: (Cancellation laws). If a, b, c are any three elements of a group G, then ab = ac implies b = c (left cancellation law) ba = ca implies b = c (right cancellation law) Proof: Since a is an element of a group G, there exists a1 G there exists a1 G such that aa1 = a1 a = e, the identity element Now ab = ac

eb = ec b=c


ba = ca

be = ce b=c

Theorem: If a and b are any two elements of a group G, then the equations ax = b and ya = b have unique solutions in G. Proof: i) Since and b G implies


(closure axiom) and x1, x2 are the two

Hence x = a1 b satisfies the equation ax = b and hence is a solution. If solutions of the equation, ax = b then ax1 = b and ax2 = b. ax1 = ax2 x1 = x 2 Hence the solution is unique. ii) Also b G, a1 G implies ba1 G and y = ba1 satisfies the equation ya = b and hence is a solution. If y1, y2 equation ya = b then y1a = b and y2a = b y1a = y2a y1 = y2

are two solutions of the

Therefore the solution is unique SAQ 2: Prove that in a group G if a2 = a then a = e, the identity element. Note: Any element a which satisfies a2 = a is called the idempotent element in a group. Thus e is the only idempotent element in G. Example: If in group G, (ab)2 = a2b2 for every a, b G prove that G is abelian. Solution:

Now (ab) (ab) = (a . a) (b . b) a[b(ab)] = a[a(bb)] (Associative)

b (ab) = a (bb) (Left cancellation law)

(ba) b = (ab) b (Associative) ba = ab (Right cancellation law)

Hence G is an abelian group. Example: Show that if every element of a group G is its own inverse then G is abelian. Solution: Let a, b G then a1 = a and b1 = b Clearly ab G (ab)1 = ab by hypothesis i.e. i.e. b1 a1 = ab ba = ab since b1 = b, a1 = a

G is abelian.

3.7 Subgroup A non-empty subset H of a group G is said to be a subgroup of G if under the operation of G, H itself forms a group. If e be the identity element of a group G, Then H = { e } and H = G are always subgroups of G. These are called the trivial or improper subgroups. If H is a subgroup of G and H {e} and H G then H is called a proper subgroup. Examples: 1. We know that the set Z of integers forms a group under addition. Consider a subset E = {2x : x Z} = {0, 2, 4, . } of Z. Then E also forms a group under addition. Therefore E is a subgroup of Z.

Similarly F = {3x : x Z} = {0, 3, 6, 9, .. } is a subgroup of z.

2. Clearly the multiplicative group H = {1, 1} is a subgroup of the multiplicative group G = {1 1, i, i}. 3. Let G = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} be a subset of G. Now it is clear from the following composition table that H also forms a group under x7. X7 1 2 4 1 1 2 4 2 2 4 1 4 4 1 2

Therefore H is a subgroup of G.
Theorem: A non-empty subset H of a group G is a subgroup of G if and only if i) ii) for every a, b H implies ab H for every a H implies a1 H

Note: Union of two subgroups need not be subgroups for, let H = {0, 2, 3, 4, .} and K = {0, e, 6,.} be

two subgroups of the group of integers Z, so that H K = {0, 2, 3, 4, 6, . }. Now 2, 3 H K but 2 + 3 = 5 H K because 5 is neither a multiple of 2 nor a multiple of 3. 3.8 Summary In this unit we studied clearly that the rectangular array of numbers is denoted by matrix, also we know that determinant is a square matrix which is associated with a real number. Then we studied that a set which satisfies certain rules is called as a group. Here we studied sub group, semi group etc. with well illustrated examples. 3.9 Terminal Questions 1. Prove that a non-empty subset H of a group G is a subgroup of G if and only if for every a, b H implies ab1 H. 2. Prove that the intersection of two subgroups of a group is again a subgroup. 3.10 Answers Self Assessment Questions 1. Roots of the equation x4 = 1 are called the fourth roots of unity and they are 1, 1, i, i. Let G = {1, 1 i, i }. From the composition table w.r.t. usual multiplication as follows: . 1 1 i i 1 1 i i 1 1 i i 1 1 i i i i 1 1 i I 1 1 1. Closure Law. Since all the elements written in the above composition table are the elements of G, we have for all a, b, G, ab G.

2. Associative Law. We know that the multiplication of complex numbers is associative and G is a subset of the set of complex numbers

Hence a(bc) = (ab) c for all a, b, c G.

3. existence of identity element. From the composition table it is clear that there exists 1 G satisfying a . 1 = 1 . a = a for every a G.

Therefore 1 is the identity element.

4. Existence of inverse. From the composition table we observe that the inverses of 1, 1, i i are 1, -1, -i, i.

Thus for every a G there exists a1 G such that a a1 = a1 a = 1, the identity element. Hence (G, .) is a group. Further multiplication of complex numbers is commutative. Therefore ab = ba for every a, b G. Also we observe that the elements are symmetric about the principal diagonal in the above composition table. Hence commutative law holds good. Therefore (G, .) is an abelian group.
Note that G is a finite group of order 4. 2. Now since a = ae a = e

Unit 4 Trigonometry Structure 4.1 Introduction Objectives 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Radian or Circular Measure Trigonometric Functions Trigonometrical ratios of angle when is acute

Trigonometrical ratios of certain standard angles Allied Angles

4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11

Compound Angles Multiple and Sub-multiple angle Summary Terminal Questions Answers

4.1 Introduction This unit of Trigonometry gives us an idea of circular measure. The different Trigonometric functions are studied here. Some of the standard angles and their Trigonometric ratios are discussed in detail. The basic knowledge allied angles and compound angles are explained in a simple manner. Objectives: At the end of the unit you would be able to understand the concepts of Trigonometrical functions use allied and compound angles in calculations

4.2 Radian or Circular Measure A radian is the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc equal to the radius of the circle. O is the centre of a circle. A and B are points on the circle such that arc AB = radius OA. Then is called one radian or one circular measure. We write

Radian is a constant angle and Consider a circle whose centre is O and radius r. A and B are points on the circle such that arc AB = OA = r. Join OA, OB and draw OC to OA. We know that arc , right angle and arc AB = r. . In a circle the

(circumference of the circle) =

arcs are proportionated to the angles subtended by them at the centre.

1c = 2/ 1 right angle, which is constant Radian is a constant angle Further we have, 1C = 2 1 right angle

C = 2 90 = 180
Note: i) C = 180 mans radians are equal to 180 Hereafter, this is written as = 180. For example and so on.

In each of these cases the unit radians on the left side is understood.


(nearly) Here is the real number which is the ratio of circumference of a circle to its diameter. Its approximate value is 22/7. 1 radian = (approximately)

Clearly 1 radian is < 60 Examples: 1) Express 2.53 radians in degrees

radians = 180

2) Express 144 into radians For 180 = radians

It is better to remember the following: 1) 2) x radians = Length of an arc of a circle radians

Consider a circle who centre is O and radius r. A and B are points on the circle such that arc AB = r. P is a point on the circle such that arc PA = s and

Hence the length of an arc of a circle is equal to the product of the radius of the circle and the angle in radians subtended at the centre by the arc. Note: s = the arc length of the circle; r = the radius of the circle

= angle in radians subtended by s at the centre

Area of a sector of a circle The portion of the circle bounded by two radii, say, OA, OB and the arc AB is called the sector sector of angle . Consider a circle whose centre is O and radius r. Let AOB be the

Worked Examples 1. Express 792 in radians and 7/12 in degrees


The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2:3:5 find them (i) in radians (ii) in degrees. A:B:C=2:3:5 A = 2K, B = 3K, C = 5K

i) A + B + C = 10 K = K = /10

The angles are

in radians

ii) A + B + C = 180 = 10K = 180 K = 18 A = 36 B = 54 C = 90. The angles are 36, 54, 90 3. An arc of a circle subtends 15 at the centre. If the radius is 4 cms, find the length of the arc and area of the sector formed.

= 15, r = 4 cms to find s

s = r = 4(/12) = /3 = 22/21 cm Area of the sector 4. A spaceship moves in a circular orbit of radius 7200 km round the earth. How far does it travel while sweeping an angle of 100?

S = r = (7200) (5/9) = (800) 5 = (4000) km. The spaceship travels through a distance of (4000 ) km. SAQ 1: A circular wheel is rotating at the rate of 25 revolutions per minute. If the radius of the wheel is 50 cms, find the distance covered by a point on the rim in one second (Take = 3.1416) 4.3 Trigonometric Functions Consider a circle whose centre is the origin and radius is r. Let the circle cut X-axis at A and and Y-axis at B and = r, OM = x, MP = y, P(x, y) is any point on the circle. Join OP and draw PM to X-axis. OP .

The six trigonometrical functions (ratios) of angle are defined as given below:

Sine of angle

cosecant of angle = cosec




secant cotangent of angle







we have

. So we have

Note i) Reciprocal relations

sin and cosec are reciprocal to each other.

Similarly we have,


iii) The above definitions of trigonometric functions hold good whatever may be the position of the point P(x, y) on the circle. We shall discuss this in detail later. iv) Identities a) b) c) a) From the figure on dividing by r2,


Thus for all value of , cos2 + sin2 = 1 b) . If x 0, we can divide by x2.



If y 0 we can divide y2.



4.4 Trigonometrical ratios of angle


is acute

The revolving line, starting from OX rotates through an acute angle OA. Draw AB to X-axis. In the triangle OAB,

and comes to the position The side opposite to i.e.,

AB is called opposite side. The side opposite to 90i.e., OA is called the hypotenuse and OB is

called the adjacent side. The six trigonometrical ratio of

are defined as

These definitions hold good whenever is one of the acute angles of a right angled triangle. The following identities should be memorized. 1) 3) 5) 7) Worked Examples: 1. Show that 2) 4) 6)


Prove that

write 1 in numerator as




From (1) and (2) the result follows 3. Show that cosec LHS = cosec A cot A


Show that

= 2 2 sin A 2 sin A cos A + 2 cos A = 2(1 sin A sin A cos A + cos A) RHS = 2[1 sin A + cos A sin A cos A] LHS = RHS 5. If .. (1) .. (2) Square and add (1) and (2) show that



then show that (x a) (b x) = (a b)2 sin2 t cos2 t

x a = a cos2 t + b sin2 t a = b sin2 t a + a cos2 t = b sin2 t a (1 cos2 t) = b sin2 t a sin2 t = sin2 t. (b a) b x = b (a cos2 t + b sin2 t) = b a cos2 t b sin2 t = b(1 sin2 t) a cos2 t = b cos2 t a cos2 t = cos2 t (b a) Multiply (1) and (2), (x a) (b x) = sin2 t (b a) . cos2 t(b a) = (b a)2 sin2 t cos2 t = (a b)2 sin2 t cos2 t 7. Express all the trigonometrical ratios of angle A in terms of sin A where A is acute. I Method (2) (1)

From the figure






(6) Thus we have expressed all trigonometric al ratios in terms of A. II Method We know that (1)


we have tan





sin A = sin A 8. Express all the trigonometrical ratios of angle A in terms of sec A I Method


Take sec

Let PQR be the right angled triangle, in which Now PR2 = PQ2 QR2 = x2 1

sec A = sec A







II Method We know that 1 + tan2 A = sec2 A tan2 A = sec2 A 1 (1)





sec A = sec A


SAQ 2: If

find the value of

SAQ 3: If cos = (m2 n2)/ (m2 + n2) find the values of cot and cosec in terms of m and n.

4.5 Trigonometrical ratios of certain standard angles To remember the trigonometrical ratios of the standard angles the following table is useful.

Worked examples 1. Find the value of


Find the value of


Find x from the equation,

Given equation is,



Find x from (2x 3) (cosec2 /3 sin2 /4) = x tan2 (/4) sec2 (/6) 2 (2x 3) cosec2 60 sin2 45) = x tan2 45 sec2 30 2

(2x 3) (4/3 ) = x 4/3 2 (2x 3) (5/6) = x 10/3 5(2x 3) = 6x 20; 10x 15 = 6x 20; i.e., 4x = 5. x = (5/4).


Show that

SAQ 4: Prove that sec 30 tan 60 + sin 45 cosec 45 + cos 30 cot 60 =

4.6 Allied Angles To connect the trigonometrical ratios of Thus Similarly with those of

sin (90 ) = cos cos (90 ) = sin tan (90 ) = cot

cosec (90 ) = sec sec (90 ) = cosec cot (90 ) = tan

To connect the trigonometrical ratios of 90 + with those sin (90 + ) = cos cos (90 + ) = sin tan (90 + ) = cot cosec (90 + ) = sec sec (90 + ) = cosec cot (90 + ) = tan

To express the trigonometrical ratios of 180 in terms of those of sin (180 ) = sin cos (180 ) = cos tan (180 ) = tan cosec (180 ) = cosec sec (180 ) = sec cot (180 ) = cot

To express the trigonometrical ratios of 180 + in terms of those of Thus sin (180 + ) = sin cos (180 + ) = cos tan (180 + ) = tan Taking reciprocals, cosec (180 + ) = cosec

sec (180 + ) = sec cot (180 + ) = cot Coterminal angles Two angles are said to be coterminal angles, if their terminal sides are one and the same. and 360 + are coterminal angles. and 360 are coterminal angles. sin (360 ) = sin ( ) = sin cosec (360 ) = cosec ( ) = cosec cos (360 ) = cos ( ) = cos sec (360 ) = sec ( ) = sec tan (360 ) = tan ( ) = tan cot (360 ) = cot ( ) = cot sin (360 + ) = sin cos (360 + ) = cos tan (360 + ) = tan Worked Examples 1. Find the value of (a) sin 120 (b) sec 300 (c) tan 240 (d) cos 1770 (e) cosec 1305 (f) cosec (-1110) cosec (360 + ) = cosec sec (360 + ) = sec cot (360 + ) = cot

a) sin 120

b) sec 300 c) tan 240 d) cos 1770 e) cosec 1305

= = = =

= f) cosec (-1110) = =


Find the value of

tan 120 = cot 240 = cot 210 = tan 240 = sin 270 =


Find the value of


Show that

sin 135 = sin (180 45) = sin 45 = cos 480 = cos (6 90 60) = cos 60 = -1/2 cos 120 = -1/2


Find x given that

The given equation is




Show that



find the value of

OP is the bounding line for .

So coordinates of P = (3, 4)

SAQ 5: If

find the value of

Note: As tan is given to be negative, the angle lies in II quadrant and IV quadrant. 4.7 Compound Angles The sum of difference of angles like A + B, A B, A + B C etc, are known as compound angles. The trigonometrical ratios of A + B, A B can be expressed in term of those of A and B. It should be noted that sin (A + B) sin A + sin B, cos (A + B) cos A + cos B etc. This can be easily verified by the example i) ii) iii)

iv) v) vi)

Worked Examples 1. Find the values of sin 75, cos 75 and tan 75. We know that sin (A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B. Put A = 45, B = 30 sin (45 + 30) = sin 45 cos 30 + cos 45 sin 30


We know that cos (A + B) = cos A cos B sin A Sin B. Put A = 45, B = 30 cos (45 + 30) = cos 45 cos 30 sin 45 sin 30

Thus, we have

Put A = 45, B = 30

2. Find the values of sin 15, cos 15, tan 15

cos 15 = cos (45 30) = cos 45 cos 30 + sin 45 sin 30

3. Show that (i)



Divide both N & D by sin A

sin B


Divide both N and D by sin A sin B

4. If


i) sin (A + B)

ii) cos (A + B)

iii) sin (A B)

iv) cos (A B).

Find also the quadrants in which the angles A + B and A B lie. ( ve sign is taken cosine is negative in II quadrant)

B is in the III quadrant)

Thus we have

sin A = 5/13 cos A= -12/13

sin B = -3/5 cos B = -4/5

i) sin (A + B) =

sin A cos B + cos A sin B

ii) cos (A + B) =

cos A cos B sin A sin B

iii) sin (A B) =

sin A cos B cos A sin B

iv) cos (A B) =

cos A cos B + sin A sin B

Now, since sin (A + B) and cos (A + B) are both positive, A + B is in the first quadrant. Since sin (A B) is negative and cos (A B) is positive,

A B is in the fourth quadrant. 5. Prove that sin (A + B) sin (A B) = sin2A sin2B LHS = sin (A + B) sin (A B)

= (sin A cos B + cos A sin B) (sin A cos B cos A sin B) = sin2 A cos2 B cos2 A sin2 B = sin2 A (1 sin2 B) (1 sin2 A) sin2 B = sin2 A sin2 A sin2 - sin2 B + sin2 A sin2 B = sin2 A sin2 B = RHS

6. If

show that (1 + tan A) 1 + tan B) = 2. Deduce that

tan A + tan B = 1 tan A tan B LHS = (1 + tan A) (1 + tan B) = 1 + tan A + tan B + tan A tan B


= 1 + (1 tan A tan B) + tan A tan B using (1) = 2 (1 + tan A) (1 + tan B) = 2 Put A = B in (2). i.e., (1 + tan A)2 = 2 (2)


7. If

find tan B.

7 + 21 tan B = 3 tan B

tan B = -2/11

8. Show that cot 2 + tan = cosec 2

SAQ 6: If

then show that

4.8 Multiple and Sub-multiple angle

The angles 2A, 3A, 4A etc., are called multiple angles. And submultiple angles. sin 2A cos 2A = 2 sin A cos A = cos2 A sin2 A = 1 2 sin2 A = 2 cos A2 1

etc., are called

tan 2A

To prove that

i) ii)

iii) cot A tan A = 2 cot 2A iv) cot A + tan A = 2 cosec 2A v)





= 2 cosec 2A = RHS v)

4.8.1 Function of half angles

To prove that i) sin 3A = 3 sin A 4 sin3A ii) cos 3A = 4 cos3 A 3 cos A


i) sin 3A

= sin(2A + A = sin 2 A cos A + cos 2 A sinA = (2 sin A cos A) cos A + (1 2 sin2 A) sin A ( sin 2A = 2 sin A cos A, cos 2A = 1 2 sin2 A)

= 2 sin A cos2 A + sin A 2 sin3 A = 2 sin A(1 sin2 A) + sin A 2 sin3 A = 2 sin A 2 sin3 a + sin A 2 sin3 A = 3 sin A 4 sin3 A

sin 3A ii) cos 3A

= 3 sin A 4 sin3 A = cos(2A + A) = cos 2 A cos A sin 2A sin A = (2 cos2 A 1) cos A 2 sin A cos A sin A ( cos 2A = 2 cos2 A 1, sin 2A = 2 sin A cos A)

= 2 cos3 A cos A 2 cos A sin2 A = 2 cos3 A cos A 2 cos A (1 cos2 A) = 2 cos3 A cos A 2 cos A + 2 cos3 A = 4 cos3 A 3 cos A cos3A iii) tan (3A) = 4 cos3 A 3 cos A = tan(2A + A)

Worked Examples

1. Show that

(by dividing both N & D by cos A)

2. Show that

3. If

show that tan 2A = tan B.

Give that



4. If

show that

5. If

show that i)


i) sin

[by dividing both N & D by




In the

where C = 90,

AC = t, BC = 1



SAQ 7: Show that

4.9 Summary In this unit we study the concept of radian measure and its applications. The basics of Trigonometric functions and trigonometric ratios of standard angles is discussed here with examples. Allied angles and compound angles is a explained in a simple manner with illustrative examples wherever necessary. 4.10 Terminal Questions

1. If ABC is any triangle show that 2. Find the value of in between 0 and 360 and satisfying the equation 3. Show that the value of tan 3 cot can not lie between 4. Show that sec (45 + A) sec [45 A) = 2 sec 2A. 5. Show that 4.11 Answers Self Assessment Questions 1. Angle through which the wheel turns in one minutes = 25 2 = 50 Angle described in one sec and 3.

s = r = 5/6 50 = 130.9 cm Distance covered by a point in the rim in 1 sec is 130.9 cms. 2. Since cos = (4/5) and (adj/hyp), consider a right angled triangle ABC in which C = 90, B = cos , BC = 4, AB = 5; clearly AC = 3. = 4/5, sin = 3/5

cosec = 5/3, cot

= 4/3

Substituting these in the given expression

3. ABC is a triangle in which


Since cos

BC = m2 n2 and AB = m2 + n2 AC2 = AB2 BC2 = (m2 + n2)2 (m2 n2)2 = m4 + n4 + 2 m2n2 (m4 + n4 2 m2n2)

= 4m2n2


4. LHS = sec 30 tan 60 + sin 45 cosec 45 + cos 30 cot 60


x = 5, r = 13


(Divide Nr and Dr. by cos2 a)



Terminal Questions 1. In any triangle ABC we have A + B + C = 180



We know that




From (1) and (2) it follows that = 150, = 330 3.

Since tan2 is positive, either

so x cannot lie between

4. = sec (45 + A) cosec (45 + A) =

5. LHS =

= = =

BT0063-Unit-05 Limits and Continuity

Unit 5 Limits and Continuity Structure 5.1 Introduction Objectives

5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7

The Real Number System The Concept of Limit Concept of Continuity Summary Terminal Questions Answers

5.1 Introduction In this chapter you will be recalling the properties of number. You will be studying the limits of a function of a discrete variable, represented as a sequence and the limit of function of a real variable. Both these limits describe the long term behaviour of functions. You will be studying continuity which is essential for describing a process that goes on without abrupt changes. You will see a good number of examples for understanding the concepts clearly. As mathematics is mastered only by doing, examples are given for practice. You are familiar with numbers and using them in day to day life. Before introducing the concept of limits let us refresh our memory regarding various types of numbers. Objectives: At the end of the unit you would be able to

understand the concept of limit. apply the concept of continuity in problems. find whether a given function is continuous or not.

5.2 The Real Number System You are using numbers like etc. The last two numbers 1

+ i and 2 3i are complex numbers. The rest of them are real numbers. The numbers 1, 2, 3, are called natural numbers. N = {1, 2, 3, ..}

The numbers .. 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, are integers. or The set of quotients of two integers, the denominator not equal to 0 are called rational numbers and the set of rational numbers is denoted by Q. Usually these numbers are represented as points on a horizontal line called the real axis. (Refer to Fig. 5.1)

Fig. 5.1 Representation of numbers After representing the integers and rational numbers. So there are no gaps in the real line and so it is called continuum. We can also represent the relations greater than or less than geometrically. If a < b, then a lies to the left of b in the real line (and b lies to the right of a). The modulus function The modulus function simply represents the numerical value of a number. It is defined as follows:

For example, Note: SAQ: (Self Assessment Questions). Choose the right answer 1. If a > b, then

A) Positive B) Negative C) Zero 2. Choose the right answer is equal to

A) B) 0 C) 2 (a b) D) 2 (b a) An Important Logical Symbol In Mathematics, we use symbols instead of sentences. For example, 3 is greater than 2 is written as 3 > 2. Throughout the test we used the symbol (read as implies) If x > 2, then x > 4 is written as (x > 2) Generally If P, then Q is written as P Q. (P is given and Q is the conclusion) (2x > 4).

The distance function If a and b are two real numbers. Then the distance between a and b is defined as | a b|. Refer Figure 5.2. Why we choose |a b| as the distance between a and b should be clear from figure 5.2. When b > a, then the distance is b a; when a > b, it is a b. Both a b and b a are equal

to |a b|. So wherever a and b are on the real line, the distance is |a b|.

Figure 5.2 Distance function The distance function satisfies the following properties. 1. 2. 3. 5.3 The Concept of Limit The concept of limit is an important concept in Mathematics, which is used to describe the long term behaviour of a phenomenon. You might have heard about the half life of a radioactive substance. It is the time required for a radioactive substance to lose half is radioactivity. This is used in carbon dating. Carbon dating is a method of calculating the age of a very old object by measuring the radioactive carbon it contains. Thus the long term state of an old object is described by the concept of limit. Function of a discrete variable and a continuous variable The Concept of limit is associated with functions. A function from a set A to a set B is a rule which assigns, to each element of A a unique (one and only one) element of B. Examples of

functions are the marks of students in a class of 100 in a particular subject or the B.P. or sugar level in blood of a particular student in the class. There are two types of functions. The first is a function from the set N of natural numbers (i.e., N = {1, 2, 3,.}. If the students in a class are numbered as 1, 2, ., 100. Then the mark in a particular subject is a function from {1 2, .., 100} to {0, 1, 2, ., 100) if the marks are given as percentages. This is called a function of a discrete variable. (Dont be afraid of the term variable. It is a simply a symbol which can be replaced by value you choose). Definition A function of a discrete variable is a function from N or a subset of N to the set R of all real numbers. The second type of functions refer to functions from R to R. It is called a function of a continuously. So it can be treated as a function of a continuous real variable t, t denoting time. Definition: A function of a continuous real variable or simply a function of a real variable is a function from R to R. (or [a, b]). Here [a, b] denote the set of all real numbers between the numbers a and b). Functions of a discrete variable We have defined a function of a discrete variable as a function from N {1, 2, 3, } or subset of N to the set R of real numbers. A convenient way to representing this function is by listing the images of 1, 2, 3, etc. If f denotes the function then the list. F(1), F(2), F(3), .. (*)

Represents the function f usually f(1), f(2) are written as a1, a2 etc. The list given in (*) is called a sequence. In a sequence the order of the elements appearing in it is important. A common example of a sequence is a queue you see in a reservation counter. Then a1 is the person standing in front of the counter getting his reservation done. a2 is the person behind a1 etc. the order of persons in the queue is important. You wont certainly be happy if the order of the persons in the queue is changed.

The limit of a sequence From the above discussion, two points should be clear to you. 1. A sequence is an arrangement of real numbers as the first element, second element etc.

2. A sequence represents a function of a discrete variable. We denote a sequence by (an) and an denotes the nth term. Assume that you have a string of length 1 cm. Denote it by a1. Cut the string into two halves and throw away one half. Denote the remaining half by a2. Then indefinitely. . Repeat the process


etc. After (n + 1) repetitions, you are left with a string of length

Intuitively you feel that the string becomes smaller and smaller and you are left with a string whose length is nearly zero in the long run. At the same time you realize that you will have some bit of positive length at any time. Also you can make the string as small as you please provided you repeat the process sufficient number of times. In this case we say that an tends to 0 as n tends to infinity an tends to 0 means is as small as we please/ n lends to infinity means we repeat the process sufficient number of times. Now we are in a position to define the limit of a sequence (an) Definition: Let (an) be a real sequence. Then (an) tends to a number a, if given a positive number , (pronounced as epsilon), there exists a natural number n0 such that for all In this case we write . (1.1) We also say (an) converges to a.


is the numerical value of an a. For example | 2 | = 2 and

| 3 | = 3, n0 is a stage.

n > n0 means after a certain stage choose.

simply means that an comes as close to a as we

Example: Show that


Let be a given positive number.


Let n0 be the smallest natural number

(For example, if

take n0 = 148). Then

If n > n0, then



This proves (1.1) with 0 in place of a. Hence

Example: Show that


Solution: As in Example,


we require

By choosing n0 to be the smallest natural number greater than satisfied for n0.

, we see that (1.1) is


You can see that several similar sequences tend to 0. Some of them are (1.2)

Algebra of limits of sequences If (an) and (bn) are two sequences, then we can get a new sequence by adding them. Define cn = an + bn. Then (cn) is a sequence and we can write (cn) = (an + (bn). We can also subtract one sequence (bn) from another sequence (an), multiply two sequences etc. We can also multiply a sequence (an) by a constant k. Let us answer the following questions. 1. What happens to the limit of sum of two sequences ? 2. What happens to the limit of difference, product of two sequences ? We summarize the results as a theorem. Theorem(): It (an) and (bn) and two sequences converging to a and b respectively, then a) (an + bn) a + b b) (an bn) a b c) (kan) ka d) (anbn) ab


provided bn

0 for all n and b


Proof: We prove only a) > 0 be a positive number.

As (an) a, we can apply (5.5) by taking such that

in place of . Thus we get a natural number n0

for all

.. (1.3).

Similarly, using the convergence of (bn), we an get n1 such that

for all

.. (1.4).

Let m = maximum of n0 and n1. Then (5.3) and (5.4) are simultaneously true for n > m. Thus,

for all


From (1.5) we get for n > m.

Thus (1.1) holds good for the sequence (an + bn) in place of (an) and a + b (in place of a) Hence (an + bn) a + b

Note: The choice of m may puzzle you. When for all n > 1001, 1002 etc. So

for all n > 1000, then certainly for all n > m, m being greater than

1000. Remark: The other subdivisions can be proved similarly. As you are more interested in applications you need not get tied down by the technical details of the proof. In mathematics, there is a commandment, Though Shall Not Divide By Zero. If bn = 0, then defined. So is (bn 0 and b 0). With this theoretical foundation, you are in a position to find limits of sequences. is not

when b = 0. So when you apply (2), see to it that the conditions are satisfied.

Worked Examples W.E.: Show that a constant sequence is convergent (A sequence (A sequence (an) is a constant sequence if an = k for all n). Solution an = k for all n. Consider .

As 0 < , for every positive number , for all n > 1, that is, n0 = 1 for all > 0. So a constant sequence converges to its constants value. W.E.: Find the nth term of the sequence

Solution: To discover a pattern in the terms of the sequence start from the third term.

So a positive choice is

when an is written in this way


To find the limit of the sequence (if it exists), with


and cn = 1, we get

an = 2bn + cn



. Hence the given sequence converges to 1.

W.E.: Evaluate

Solution As we know that sequence in terms of


we try to write the nth term of the given


and (1) 1,


By theorem (),

Note: It is difficult to prove that a given sequence is not convergent. For proving convergence we start with > 0 and find a stage no satisfying (). To prove that a sequence is not convergent we have to prove that () does not hold good for every stage for a particular > 0 and this is certainly difficult. However we can prove that certain sequences are not convergent indirectly as the following example shows. W.E.: Show that the sequence 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 Solution: We can write the sequence as (an) where , is not convergent.

Suppose (an) a for some real number a. the number has to satisfy one and only one of the following conditions: a < 1, 1 < a < 1, a > 1. (See Fig. 5.3 representing these cases).

Fig. 5.3: Illustration of W.E.

In case (for > 2). In case

if n is odd. So we cannot prove () in this case

if n is even and we cannot prove () for > 2. for even n. If a is close to 1, then for

In case 2, if a is closer to 1, then odd n. If a = 1, then given sequence is not convergent.

for even n. So () cannot hold good for > 2 or = 2. So the

Try to answer the following questions before you proceed to the next section. S.A.Q. 3: Which of the following sets can be arranged as a sequence? a) The passengers in a 3 ties coach b) The people attending a meeting in a beach c) The people living in Karnataka d) The students of I M.Sc. Biotechnology in a college The Limit of a Function of a Real Variable You are now familiar with natural numbers and real numbers. The natural numbers appear as discrete points along the real line and we are able to fix some element say 1 as the first natural number, 2 as the second natural number etc. So the natural numbers appear as the terms of a sequence. But it is not possible to arrange the real numbers as a sequence. If a real number a is the nth element and b is the (n+1)th element, where will you place nth element and the (n+1)th element. If you take place sequence. When we consider numbers between a and b. We consider points lying between the points . It appears between the

as the (n+1)th element, where will you

So you feel initiatively that real numbers can not be arranged as a

representing the numbers a and b. The numbers lying between two numbers a and b from an interval. So interval on the real line is the basic concept. Usually we define a function of a real variable on an interval. We define various types of intervals as follows (refer to Table 5.1) Table 5.1 Intervals

Note: Here (a represents inclusion of all numbers > a. [a represents the inclusion of all numbers > a]. is not a number. It simply represents the inclusion of all large ve numbers. represents the inclusion of all large positive real numbers. (a, b) and [a, b] are called open interval and closed interval. So it is natural to represent R as the interval S.A.Q.4 a) Find all natural numbers in the intervals [3, ), (3, ), ( , 3) and ( , 3] b) Find all integers lying in the intervals given in a c) Find all numbers in [2, 2], (2, 2)

Example; Represent Solution: When x 3 < 2, x < 5

as an interval represents two inequalities x 3 < 2, (x 3) < 2.

When (x 3) < 2, x 3 > 2, or x > 3 2 = 1 Hence the given set is {1, 5} We can also arrive at this interval geometrically (see Fig 5.4)

Figure 5.4 S.A.Q.5: Represent the sets , as intervals. Now we have enough background to define the limit of a function f of a real variable x. In the case of functions of a discrete variable or sequence, we defined . This limit

represented the long term behaviour of f. In the case of a function of a real variable, we can discuss the behaviour of f(x), when the variable x comes close to a real number a. In other ways we will be defining We want to write the statement x

comes close to a rigorously. The geometric representation of real numbers can be used for this purpose. When do you say that your house is near your college? When the distance between your house and your college is small. In the same way, we can say that x is close to when | x a| is small. If smallness is defined by a distance of say 0.1, then x is close to a if |x a| < 0.1 of course the measure of smallness is relative. For a person living in Mangalore, Manipal is not near Mangalore. For a person living in US, Mangalore and Manipal are near to

each other. So smallness is decided by the choice of a positive number (This was done in defining the limit of a sequence also) Before giving a rigorous definition of limit, let us consider two examples. Consider F(x) = 1 + x. Let us try to see what happens when x is close to 1. We evaluate f(x), when x = 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 1.1, 1.01, 1.001 F(0.9) = 1.9 F(1.1) = 2.1 f(0.99) = 1.99 f(1.01) = 2.01 f(0.999) = 1.999 f(1.001) = 2.001

Note all these values are near the value 2.

Consider another function

(Why dont we define g(1) ? If we put x = 1 in

then we get

which is not defined).

As in the case of f(x), we compute some function values.

g(0.999) = 1.999 g(1.01) = 2.01

g(1.1) = 2.1 g(1.001) = 2.001

Note: These values are close to 2. Hence we can say that x close to 1 both f(x) and g(x) are closed to 2 and we can take 2 as or .

Now let us formulate a rigorous definition of

Definition: Let f be a function of a real variable. Then

if given a positive number

There exists a positive number such that . (1.6) Let us analyze the definition. We have two choice of positive numbers ( and ) and two conditions

Given any positive number there exists a positive number such that the condition P Implies the condition

The choice of depends on the given number . The function f need not be defined at x = a. The condition P says that x is close to a. The condition Q says that f(x) is close to I We can also express the definition geometrically. Given > 0, there exists > 0 such that

In figure 5.5, the point (a, I) is measured as 0, meaning that the functional value of f at x = a is not known or defined.

Figure 5.5: Definition of limit of function The images of points in under the function f is a subset of the interval (I

, I + ) along the vertical axis.

W.E.: Evaluate

Solution: Here f(x) = 2x 6 Choose any > 0. We have to choose a such that (5.5) is satisfied. We have to guess the value of I. When x comes close to 3.2x 6 should come close to 2(3) 6 = 0. Take I = 0. Then

So, choose



Note: f(3) = 2(3) 6 = 0. In this case the function f is defined at x = 3 and f(3) coincides with .

W.E.: Evaluate

Solution: Let

. As in the previous problem, we can guess the value of I it is

Hence for a given Hence

, the corresponding is chosen as

and condition (1.6) holds good.

W.E.: Evaluate

Solution: Proceed as in the previous example. In this problem


General Remark While evaluating

if f(a) is defined or it is not of the form

and f(x)

is defined by a single expression, it will turn out that

If f(a) is not defined or f is

given by two different expressions. Then we have to guess the value of the limit and prove condition (1.6). In some problems, f(x) may be given as quotient of two expressions but it may reduce to an easier function on simplification. In such cases the problem will reduce to an easier one. W.E.: Evaluate

Solution: When x = 2, f(x) is of the form

So we try to see when x 2 is a factor of

2x2 3x 2, 2x2 3x 2 = 2x2 4x + x 2 = 2x (x 2) + 5 (x 2) = (2x + 5) (x 2). When x 2, x does not assume the value 2. So,

= 2x + 1 on canceling x 2, since x 2 0. So the given limit reduces to (as in W.E.)

Algebra of Limits of Functions It is not necessary that we use the definition for every problem. We study important properties of limits of functions as a theorem. We can evaluate limits using this theorem (noted as a proposition). Proposition: a) b) c) d) e) f) when a > 0 , where k is a constant

Theorem: Let k be a constant, f and g functions having limit at a and n a positive integer. Then the following hold good. a)










is positive

You need not prove these results. It is enough if you clearly understand the theorem and proposition and apply them for evaluating limits. Self Assessment Questions SAQ 6: Evaluate the following limits

a) d)

b) e)

c) f)



SAQ 7: Evaluation the following limits

a) d)

b) e)

c) f)



S.A.Q.8 If

evaluate the following






if m is positive


if I, m > 0.

5.4 Concept of Continuity In mathematics and sciences, we use the word continuous to describe a process that goes on without abrupt changes. For example, the growth of a plant, the water level in a tank and the speed of a moving car in a four-base highway are exhibiting continuous behaviour. Before defining continuous functions, let us look at the graphs of three functions.

Figure 5.6: Two discontinuous functions and a continuous function The first graph has a break at x = a in the second graph also there is a break at x = a. If you ignore the point corresponding to x = a, there is no break for the break occurs at x = a the third function has no break. So it should be intuitively clear to you that the first two functions are not continuous while the third function is continuous. Let us formulate a rigorous definition of continuity. Definition: Let f be a function of a real variable defined in an open interval containing a. Then f

is continuous at a if

Note: In order to define continuity at a, we need three conditions. 1) exists

2) f(a) is defined 3)

Even if one of them fails, then the function f is not continuous at a. Now look at Fig. 5.4. The first function say f has no limit at a, i.e., the second function, exists but does not exist. For

The third function is continuous.

Example: Define f as follows:

Is f continuous at 2? Solution:

=4 Note: We can cancel (x 2) since it is non zero.



But f(2) = 3 4

Hence the function f is not continuous 2. Example: Define f as follows.

Is f continuous at 2? Solution: From above example, we have A s f(2) = 4, f is continuous at 2.

Sometimes function may be defined by two different expressions. In such cases the following method of proving continuity will be useful. For that we need the concept of left limit and right limit. Definition: Let a function f be defined in an interval (b, a) where b < a). Then (called the left limit) if given > 0. There exists > 0 such that (1.7). Definition; Let a function f be defined in an interval (a, b), where b > a. Then called the right limit if given > 0, there exists > 0 such that .. (1.8) Note: We can prove that (1.7) and (1.8) implies (1.6). Hence if the left and right limits exist and are equal then

When a function is defined by two different expressions, we have to evaluate the left and right limits. if both the left and right limits exist and are equal.

Worked Examples: W.E.: Test whether f is continuous at x = 3 where f is defined by

Solution: As f is defined by two expressions one for the left and right limits.

and another for (3, ), we evaluate

As the left and right limits are not equal,

does not exist. Hence f is not continuous at 3.

When a function f is continuous at every point of an interval (a, b) we say that the function is continuous on (a, b). In particular if a function is continuous at every real number. Then we say that a function is continuous on R. Using propositions, we can prove that the functions, k (a constant), x, x2, ..xn, where n > 2 are continuous on R. The function is continuous on (0, )

The function

is continuous on

Using previous theorem, we can prove the following theorem. Theorem:

a) If f and g are continuous at a, then i) f(x) + g(x) ii) f(x) g(x) iii) f(x) g(x) are continuous at a is continuous at a

b) If f and g are continuous at a and g(a) 0, then

c) If f is continuous at a, f(x) > 0 for x in an open interval containing a, at a. Worked Examples W.E.: Test the continuity of the function f at all real points where f is defined by

is continuous

Solution: If a < 3, then f(x) is defined by the expression x2 in an open interval containing a. So f is continuous for all a < 3. So it remains to test continuity only at 3.


does not exist. So f is not continuous at 3.

Thus f is continuous at all real points except 3. W.E.: Test the continuity of the function f where f is defined by

Solution: When x < 2, |x 2| is negative. So |x 2| = (x 2)

When x > 2, |x 2| is positive. So |x 2| = x 2

f(2) = 0. Thus

As in the previous worked example, f is continuous for all a < 2 and all a > 2.


does not exist. So f is continuous at all points except 2.

Not all functions are continuous. In some cases how to establish that

may not exist. You may ask a question:

does not exist. One sample case is where the left and right limits

exist but are not equal. We have examples for this case. The worst case is when neither of the two limits exist. For proving the non-existence of limits, we use the following theorem. Theorem: A function f is continuous at a if and only if the following conditions holds good.

To prove the non existence of the limit it is enough to construct a sequence (xn) converging to a such that f(xn) does not converge to f(a).

W.E. : Show that the function f defined by

is not continuous at 0.

Solution: Let


(obvious) f(xn) = n and so f(xn) does not converge to 0

since f(xn) indefinitely increases and so cannot approach 0. Self Assessment Questions S.A. Q. 9 Verify whether the following functions f is continuous at a a)








S.A.Q. 10 Show that the function f defined by

is not continuous at 1.

S.A.Q. 11 Show that the following functions are continuous on R.





5.5 Summary In this unit we studied the basics of real number system then the concept of limit was discussed which was further extended to the concept of continuity. All definitions and properties of the above mentioned concepts is given very clearly with sufficient number of examples wherever necessary. 5.6 Terminal Questions 1. Find all natural numbers in the following intervals

2. Find







3. Show

does not exist when b) an = 2n when

a) an = n 4. Evaluate

c) an = n!












5. Evaluate

when f(x) is equal to







6. Evaluate the following limits a) b)







7. If






(when I, m, > 0)


when m > 0

8. Show that the following functions are continuous at a a) for all x in R, a = 0


for all x in R



for all x in R


9. Show that the following functions are continuous at a




10. Show that the following functions are not continuous at a






5.7 Answers Self Assessment Questions 1. A

2. A 3. a) and d) can be arranged as a sequence according to chart and register 4. a) {3, 4, 5, ..} c) {. 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2,} 5. [1, 5], (, 1) (5, ), (, 1] [5, ) b) {4, 5, 6, } d) {. 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3} attendance

6. a) 1

b) 1

c) 100


e) 1

f) 1

g) 2

h) 9

7. a) 3


c) 2


e) 3 (Hint: x3 1 = (x 1) (x2 + x + 1)) f)

g) 1


8. a) 2I + 3m

b) I2 m2





9. a), b), c), d) continuous d) not continuous

e) discontinuous

f), g) continuous,

10. Take 1.

but f(xn) = n f(xn) does not converge. So f is not continuous at

11. a) For a < 1, f(x) = x2 6x + 5. So f is continuous for a < 1. As f(x) = 2x2 2, f is continuous for a > 1. Hence

Also f(d) = 1 6 + 5 = 0 b), c), d) Similar. Terminal Questions 1. a) {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} d) {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} e) {4, 5, 6, ..} } 2. a) 0 b) 1 c) 0 d) 0 e) 0 a fixed number . f) 10, 11, 12,..} g) {9, 10, 11, ..} h) {9, 10, 11, .. b) {5, 6, 7, 8, 9} c) {5, 6, 7, 8}

3. a) As n increases an increases. So So does not exists.

cannot be made less than

4. a) e) 1

b) 1 f) 1

c) 3 g)

d) h)

i) Write an as



5. a) 2a3 b) a3 + a4 c) 2a3 a4 + a5 d) (2 + 3a) (4 + 5a2)



6. a) 2(1)2 1 = 1

b) (2 + 1) (3 2) = 3





g) 1


Hence answer is

7. a) Im

b) (l + 2m) (2I m)



10. a)

f(2) = 7. So f is not continuous at x=2.


But f(1) = 1

c) Let limit at 1 = 8; right limit at 1 = 2 d) The left and right limits are 1 and 1 respectively. e) The left and right limits are 1 and 1.

BT0063-Unit-05 Limits and Continuity

Unit 5 Limits and Continuity Structure 5.1 Introduction Objectives 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 The Real Number System The Concept of Limit Concept of Continuity Summary Terminal Questions Answers

5.1 Introduction In this chapter you will be recalling the properties of number. You will be studying the limits of a function of a discrete variable, represented as a sequence and the limit of function of a real variable. Both these limits describe the long term behaviour of functions. You will be studying continuity which is essential for describing a process that goes on without abrupt changes. You will see a good number of examples for understanding the concepts clearly. As mathematics is mastered only by doing, examples are given for practice. You are familiar with numbers and using them in day to day life. Before introducing the concept of limits let us refresh our memory regarding various types of numbers. Objectives: At the end of the unit you would be able to

understand the concept of limit. apply the concept of continuity in problems. find whether a given function is continuous or not.

5.2 The Real Number System You are using numbers like etc. The last two numbers 1

+ i and 2 3i are complex numbers. The rest of them are real numbers. The numbers 1, 2, 3, are called natural numbers. N = {1, 2, 3, ..} The numbers .. 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, are integers. or The set of quotients of two integers, the denominator not equal to 0 are called rational numbers and the set of rational numbers is denoted by Q. Usually these numbers are represented as points on a horizontal line called the real axis. (Refer to Fig. 5.1)

Fig. 5.1 Representation of numbers After representing the integers and rational numbers. So there are no gaps in the real line and so it is called continuum. We can also represent the relations greater than or less than geometrically. If a < b, then a lies to the left of b in the real line (and b lies to the right of a). The modulus function The modulus function simply represents the numerical value of a number. It is defined as follows:

For example, Note: SAQ: (Self Assessment Questions). Choose the right answer 1. If a > b, then A) Positive B) Negative C) Zero 2. Choose the right answer is equal to

A) B) 0 C) 2 (a b) D) 2 (b a) An Important Logical Symbol In Mathematics, we use symbols instead of sentences. For example, 3 is greater than 2 is written as 3 > 2. Throughout the test we used the symbol (read as implies)

If x > 2, then x > 4 is written as (x > 2) Generally If P, then Q is written as P

(2x > 4).

Q. (P is given and Q is the conclusion)

The distance function If a and b are two real numbers. Then the distance between a and b is defined as | a b|. Refer Figure 5.2. Why we choose |a b| as the distance between a and b should be clear from figure 5.2. When b > a, then the distance is b a; when a > b, it is a b. Both a b and b a are equal to |a b|. So wherever a and b are on the real line, the distance is |a b|.

Figure 5.2 Distance function The distance function satisfies the following properties. 1. 2. 3. 5.3 The Concept of Limit

The concept of limit is an important concept in Mathematics, which is used to describe the long term behaviour of a phenomenon. You might have heard about the half life of a radioactive substance. It is the time required for a radioactive substance to lose half is radioactivity. This is used in carbon dating. Carbon dating is a method of calculating the age of a very old object by measuring the radioactive carbon it contains. Thus the long term state of an old object is described by the concept of limit. Function of a discrete variable and a continuous variable The Concept of limit is associated with functions. A function from a set A to a set B is a rule which assigns, to each element of A a unique (one and only one) element of B. Examples of functions are the marks of students in a class of 100 in a particular subject or the B.P. or sugar level in blood of a particular student in the class. There are two types of functions. The first is a function from the set N of natural numbers (i.e., N = {1, 2, 3,.}. If the students in a class are numbered as 1, 2, ., 100. Then the mark in a particular subject is a function from {1 2, .., 100} to {0, 1, 2, ., 100) if the marks are given as percentages. This is called a function of a discrete variable. (Dont be afraid of the term variable. It is a simply a symbol which can be replaced by value you choose). Definition A function of a discrete variable is a function from N or a subset of N to the set R of all real numbers. The second type of functions refer to functions from R to R. It is called a function of a continuously. So it can be treated as a function of a continuous real variable t, t denoting time. Definition: A function of a continuous real variable or simply a function of a real variable is a function from R to R. (or [a, b]). Here [a, b] denote the set of all real numbers between the numbers a and b). Functions of a discrete variable We have defined a function of a discrete variable as a function from N {1, 2, 3, } or subset of N to the set R of real numbers. A convenient way to representing this function is by listing the images of 1, 2, 3, etc. If f denotes the function then the list.

F(1), F(2), F(3), ..


Represents the function f usually f(1), f(2) are written as a1, a2 etc. The list given in (*) is called a sequence. In a sequence the order of the elements appearing in it is important. A common example of a sequence is a queue you see in a reservation counter. Then a1 is the person standing in front of the counter getting his reservation done. a2 is the person behind a1 etc. the order of persons in the queue is important. You wont certainly be happy if the order of the persons in the queue is changed. The limit of a sequence From the above discussion, two points should be clear to you. 1. A sequence is an arrangement of real numbers as the first element, second element etc.

2. A sequence represents a function of a discrete variable. We denote a sequence by (an) and an denotes the nth term. Assume that you have a string of length 1 cm. Denote it by a1. Cut the string into two halves and throw away one half. Denote the remaining half by a2. Then indefinitely. . Repeat the process


etc. After (n + 1) repetitions, you are left with a string of length

Intuitively you feel that the string becomes smaller and smaller and you are left with a string whose length is nearly zero in the long run. At the same time you realize that you will have some bit of positive length at any time. Also you can make the string as small as you please provided you repeat the process sufficient number of times. In this case we say that an tends to 0 as n tends to infinity an tends to 0 means is as small as we please/ n lends to infinity means we repeat the process sufficient number of times. Now we are in a position to define the limit of a sequence (an)

Definition: Let (an) be a real sequence. Then (an) tends to a number a, if given a positive number , (pronounced as epsilon), there exists a natural number n0 such that for all In this case we write . (1.1) We also say (an) converges to a.


is the numerical value of an a. For example | 2 | = 2 and

| 3 | = 3, n0 is a stage. n > n0 means after a certain stage choose. simply means that an comes as close to a as we

Example: Show that


Let be a given positive number.


Let n0 be the smallest natural number

(For example, if

take n0 = 148). Then

If n > n0, then



This proves (1.1) with 0 in place of a.


Example: Show that


Solution: As in Example,


we require

By choosing n0 to be the smallest natural number greater than satisfied for n0. Hence

, we see that (1.1) is

You can see that several similar sequences tend to 0. Some of them are (1.2)

Algebra of limits of sequences If (an) and (bn) are two sequences, then we can get a new sequence by adding them. Define cn = an + bn. Then (cn) is a sequence and we can write (cn) = (an + (bn). We can also subtract one sequence (bn) from another sequence (an), multiply two sequences etc. We can also multiply a sequence (an) by a constant k. Let us answer the following questions. 1. What happens to the limit of sum of two sequences ? 2. What happens to the limit of difference, product of two sequences ? We summarize the results as a theorem.

Theorem(): It (an) and (bn) and two sequences converging to a and b respectively, then a) (an + bn) a + b b) (an bn) a b c) (kan) ka d) (anbn) ab


provided bn

0 for all n and b


Proof: We prove only a) > 0 be a positive number.

As (an) a, we can apply (5.5) by taking such that

in place of . Thus we get a natural number n0

for all

.. (1.3).

Similarly, using the convergence of (bn), we an get n1 such that

for all

.. (1.4).

Let m = maximum of n0 and n1. Then (5.3) and (5.4) are simultaneously true for n > m. Thus,

for all


From (1.5) we get

for n > m.

Thus (1.1) holds good for the sequence (an + bn) in place of (an) and a + b (in place of a) Hence (an + bn) a + b

Note: The choice of m may puzzle you. When for all n > 1001, 1002 etc. So 1000.

for all n > 1000, then certainly for all n > m, m being greater than

Remark: The other subdivisions can be proved similarly. As you are more interested in applications you need not get tied down by the technical details of the proof. In mathematics, there is a commandment, Though Shall Not Divide By Zero. If bn = 0, then defined. So is (bn 0 and b 0). With this theoretical foundation, you are in a position to find limits of sequences. is not

when b = 0. So when you apply (2), see to it that the conditions are satisfied.

Worked Examples W.E.: Show that a constant sequence is convergent (A sequence (A sequence (an) is a constant sequence if an = k for all n). Solution an = k for all n. Consider .

As 0 < , for every positive number , for all n > 1, that is, n0 = 1 for all > 0. So a constant sequence converges to its constants value. W.E.: Find the nth term of the sequence

Solution: To discover a pattern in the terms of the sequence start from the third term.

So a positive choice is

when an is written in this way


To find the limit of the sequence (if it exists), with


and cn = 1, we get

an = 2bn + cn



. Hence the given sequence converges to 1.

W.E.: Evaluate

Solution As we know that sequence in terms of


we try to write the nth term of the given


and (1) 1,


By theorem (),

Note: It is difficult to prove that a given sequence is not convergent. For proving convergence we start with > 0 and find a stage no satisfying (). To prove that a sequence is not convergent we have to prove that () does not hold good for every stage for a particular > 0 and this is certainly difficult. However we can prove that certain sequences are not convergent indirectly as the following example shows. W.E.: Show that the sequence 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 Solution: We can write the sequence as (an) where , is not convergent.

Suppose (an) a for some real number a. the number has to satisfy one and only one of the following conditions: a < 1, 1 < a < 1, a > 1. (See Fig. 5.3 representing these cases).

Fig. 5.3: Illustration of W.E. In case (for > 2). In case if n is even and we cannot prove () for > 2. for even n. If a is close to 1, then for if n is odd. So we cannot prove () in this case

In case 2, if a is closer to 1, then odd n. If a = 1, then given sequence is not convergent.

for even n. So () cannot hold good for > 2 or = 2. So the

Try to answer the following questions before you proceed to the next section. S.A.Q. 3: Which of the following sets can be arranged as a sequence? a) The passengers in a 3 ties coach b) The people attending a meeting in a beach c) The people living in Karnataka d) The students of I M.Sc. Biotechnology in a college The Limit of a Function of a Real Variable

You are now familiar with natural numbers and real numbers. The natural numbers appear as discrete points along the real line and we are able to fix some element say 1 as the first natural number, 2 as the second natural number etc. So the natural numbers appear as the terms of a sequence. But it is not possible to arrange the real numbers as a sequence. If a real number a is the nth element and b is the (n+1)th element, where will you place nth element and the (n+1)th element. If you take place sequence. When we consider numbers between a and b. We consider points lying between the points representing the numbers a and b. The numbers lying between two numbers a and b from an interval. So interval on the real line is the basic concept. Usually we define a function of a real variable on an interval. We define various types of intervals as follows (refer to Table 5.1) Table 5.1 Intervals . It appears between the

as the (n+1)th element, where will you

So you feel initiatively that real numbers can not be arranged as a

Note: Here (a represents inclusion of all numbers > a. [a represents the inclusion of all numbers > a]. is not a number. It simply represents the inclusion of all large ve numbers. represents the inclusion of all large positive real numbers.

(a, b) and [a, b] are called open interval and closed interval. So it is natural to represent R as the interval S.A.Q.4 a) Find all natural numbers in the intervals [3, ), (3, ), ( , 3) and ( , 3] b) Find all integers lying in the intervals given in a c) Find all numbers in [2, 2], (2, 2) Example; Represent Solution: When x 3 < 2, x < 5 When (x 3) < 2, x 3 > 2, or x > 3 2 = 1 Hence the given set is {1, 5} We can also arrive at this interval geometrically (see Fig 5.4) as an interval represents two inequalities x 3 < 2, (x 3) < 2.

Figure 5.4 S.A.Q.5: Represent the sets , as intervals. Now we have enough background to define the limit of a function f of a real variable x. In the case of functions of a discrete variable or sequence, we defined . This limit

represented the long term behaviour of f. In the case of a function of a real variable, we can discuss the behaviour of f(x), when the variable x comes close to a real number a. In other ways we will be defining We want to write the statement x

comes close to a rigorously. The geometric representation of real numbers can be used for this purpose. When do you say that your house is near your college? When the distance between your house and your college is small. In the same way, we can say that x is close to when | x a| is small. If smallness is defined by a distance of say 0.1, then x is close to a if |x a| < 0.1 of course the measure of smallness is relative. For a person living in Mangalore, Manipal is not near Mangalore. For a person living in US, Mangalore and Manipal are near to each other. So smallness is decided by the choice of a positive number (This was done in defining the limit of a sequence also) Before giving a rigorous definition of limit, let us consider two examples. Consider F(x) = 1 + x. Let us try to see what happens when x is close to 1. We evaluate f(x), when x = 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 1.1, 1.01, 1.001 F(0.9) = 1.9 F(1.1) = 2.1 f(0.99) = 1.99 f(1.01) = 2.01 f(0.999) = 1.999 f(1.001) = 2.001

Note all these values are near the value 2.

Consider another function

(Why dont we define g(1) ? If we put x = 1 in

then we get

which is not defined).

As in the case of f(x), we compute some function values.

g(0.999) = 1.999 g(1.01) = 2.01

g(1.1) = 2.1 g(1.001) = 2.001

Note: These values are close to 2. Hence we can say that x close to 1 both f(x) and g(x) are closed to 2 and we can take 2 as or .

Now let us formulate a rigorous definition of

Definition: Let f be a function of a real variable. Then There exists a positive number such that

if given a positive number

. (1.6) Let us analyze the definition. We have two choice of positive numbers ( and ) and two conditions

Given any positive number there exists a positive number such that the condition P Implies the condition

The choice of depends on the given number . The function f need not be defined at x = a. The condition P says that x is close to a. The condition Q says that f(x) is close to I We can also express the definition geometrically. Given > 0, there exists > 0 such that

In figure 5.5, the point (a, I) is measured as 0, meaning that the functional value of f at x = a is not known or defined.

Figure 5.5: Definition of limit of function The images of points in under the function f is a subset of the interval (I

, I + ) along the vertical axis.

W.E.: Evaluate

Solution: Here f(x) = 2x 6 Choose any > 0. We have to choose a such that (5.5) is satisfied. We have to guess the value of I. When x comes close to 3.2x 6 should come close to 2(3) 6 = 0. Take I = 0. Then

So, choose



Note: f(3) = 2(3) 6 = 0. In this case the function f is defined at x = 3 and f(3) coincides with .

W.E.: Evaluate

Solution: Let

. As in the previous problem, we can guess the value of I it is

Hence for a given Hence

, the corresponding is chosen as

and condition (1.6) holds good.

W.E.: Evaluate

Solution: Proceed as in the previous example. In this problem


General Remark While evaluating

if f(a) is defined or it is not of the form

and f(x)

is defined by a single expression, it will turn out that

If f(a) is not defined or f is

given by two different expressions. Then we have to guess the value of the limit and prove condition (1.6). In some problems, f(x) may be given as quotient of two expressions but it may reduce to an easier function on simplification. In such cases the problem will reduce to an easier one.

W.E.: Evaluate

Solution: When x = 2, f(x) is of the form

So we try to see when x 2 is a factor of

2x2 3x 2, 2x2 3x 2 = 2x2 4x + x 2 = 2x (x 2) + 5 (x 2) = (2x + 5) (x 2). When x 2, x does not assume the value 2. So,

= 2x + 1 on canceling x 2, since x 2 0. So the given limit reduces to (as in W.E.)

Algebra of Limits of Functions It is not necessary that we use the definition for every problem. We study important properties of limits of functions as a theorem. We can evaluate limits using this theorem (noted as a proposition). Proposition: a) b) c) d) e) , where k is a constant


when a > 0

Theorem: Let k be a constant, f and g functions having limit at a and n a positive integer. Then the following hold good. a)










is positive

You need not prove these results. It is enough if you clearly understand the theorem and proposition and apply them for evaluating limits. Self Assessment Questions SAQ 6: Evaluate the following limits









SAQ 7: Evaluation the following limits









S.A.Q.8 If

evaluate the following






if m is positive


if I, m > 0.

5.4 Concept of Continuity In mathematics and sciences, we use the word continuous to describe a process that goes on without abrupt changes. For example, the growth of a plant, the water level in a tank and the speed of a moving car in a four-base highway are exhibiting continuous behaviour. Before defining continuous functions, let us look at the graphs of three functions.

Figure 5.6: Two discontinuous functions and a continuous function The first graph has a break at x = a in the second graph also there is a break at x = a. If you ignore the point corresponding to x = a, there is no break for the break occurs at x = a the third function has no break. So it should be intuitively clear to you that the first two functions are not continuous while the third function is continuous. Let us formulate a rigorous definition of continuity. Definition: Let f be a function of a real variable defined in an open interval containing a. Then f is continuous at a if

Note: In order to define continuity at a, we need three conditions. 1) exists

2) f(a) is defined 3)

Even if one of them fails, then the function f is not continuous at a. Now look at Fig. 5.4. The first function say f has no limit at a, i.e., the second function, exists but does not exist. For

The third function is continuous.

Example: Define f as follows:

Is f continuous at 2? Solution:

=4 Note: We can cancel (x 2) since it is non zero. So exists.

But f(2) = 3 4

Hence the function f is not continuous 2. Example: Define f as follows.

Is f continuous at 2? Solution: From above example, we have A s f(2) = 4, f is continuous at 2.

Sometimes function may be defined by two different expressions. In such cases the following

method of proving continuity will be useful. For that we need the concept of left limit and right limit. Definition: Let a function f be defined in an interval (b, a) where b < a). Then (called the left limit) if given > 0. There exists > 0 such that (1.7). Definition; Let a function f be defined in an interval (a, b), where b > a. Then called the right limit if given > 0, there exists > 0 such that .. (1.8) Note: We can prove that (1.7) and (1.8) implies (1.6). Hence if the left and right limits exist and are equal then

When a function is defined by two different expressions, we have to evaluate the left and right limits. if both the left and right limits exist and are equal.

Worked Examples: W.E.: Test whether f is continuous at x = 3 where f is defined by

Solution: As f is defined by two expressions one for the left and right limits.

and another for (3, ), we evaluate

As the left and right limits are not equal,

does not exist. Hence f is not continuous at 3.

When a function f is continuous at every point of an interval (a, b) we say that the function is continuous on (a, b). In particular if a function is continuous at every real number. Then we say that a function is continuous on R. Using propositions, we can prove that the functions, k (a constant), x, x2, ..xn, where n > 2 are continuous on R. The function is continuous on (0, )

The function

is continuous on

Using previous theorem, we can prove the following theorem. Theorem: a) If f and g are continuous at a, then i) f(x) + g(x) ii) f(x) g(x) iii) f(x) g(x) are continuous at a is continuous at a

b) If f and g are continuous at a and g(a) 0, then

c) If f is continuous at a, f(x) > 0 for x in an open interval containing a, at a. Worked Examples W.E.: Test the continuity of the function f at all real points where f is defined by

is continuous

Solution: If a < 3, then f(x) is defined by the expression x2 in an open interval containing a. So f is continuous for all a < 3. So it remains to test continuity only at 3.


does not exist. So f is not continuous at 3.

Thus f is continuous at all real points except 3. W.E.: Test the continuity of the function f where f is defined by

Solution: When x < 2, |x 2| is negative. So |x 2| = (x 2)

When x > 2, |x 2| is positive. So |x 2| = x 2

f(2) = 0. Thus

As in the previous worked example, f is continuous for all a < 2 and all a > 2.


does not exist. So f is continuous at all points except 2.

Not all functions are continuous. In some cases how to establish that

may not exist. You may ask a question:

does not exist. One sample case is where the left and right limits

exist but are not equal. We have examples for this case. The worst case is when neither of the two limits exist. For proving the non-existence of limits, we use the following theorem. Theorem: A function f is continuous at a if and only if the following conditions holds good.

To prove the non existence of the limit it is enough to construct a sequence (xn) converging to a such that f(xn) does not converge to f(a). W.E. : Show that the function f defined by

is not continuous at 0.

Solution: Let


(obvious) f(xn) = n and so f(xn) does not converge to 0

since f(xn) indefinitely increases and so cannot approach 0. Self Assessment Questions S.A. Q. 9 Verify whether the following functions f is continuous at a









S.A.Q. 10 Show that the function f defined by

is not continuous at 1.

S.A.Q. 11 Show that the following functions are continuous on R.





5.5 Summary In this unit we studied the basics of real number system then the concept of limit was discussed which was further extended to the concept of continuity. All definitions and properties of the above mentioned concepts is given very clearly with sufficient number of examples wherever necessary. 5.6 Terminal Questions 1. Find all natural numbers in the following intervals

2. Find







3. Show

does not exist when b) an = 2n

a) an = n

c) an = n!

4. Evaluate













5. Evaluate

when f(x) is equal to







6. Evaluate the following limits a) b)







7. If






(when I, m, > 0)


when m > 0

8. Show that the following functions are continuous at a a) for all x in R, a = 0


for all x in R



for all x in R


9. Show that the following functions are continuous at a




10. Show that the following functions are not continuous at a






5.7 Answers Self Assessment Questions 1. A 2. A 3. a) and d) can be arranged as a sequence according to chart and register 4. a) {3, 4, 5, ..} c) {. 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2,} 5. [1, 5], (, 1) (5, ), (, 1] [5, ) b) {4, 5, 6, } d) {. 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3} attendance

6. a) 1

b) 1

c) 100


e) 1

f) 1

g) 2

h) 9

7. a) 3


c) 2


e) 3 (Hint: x3 1 = (x 1) (x2 + x + 1)) f)

g) 1


8. a) 2I + 3m

b) I2 m2





9. a), b), c), d) continuous d) not continuous

e) discontinuous

f), g) continuous,

10. Take 1.

but f(xn) = n f(xn) does not converge. So f is not continuous at

11. a) For a < 1, f(x) = x2 6x + 5. So f is continuous for a < 1. As f(x) = 2x2 2, f is continuous for a > 1. Hence

Also f(d) = 1 6 + 5 = 0 b), c), d) Similar. Terminal Questions 1. a) {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} b) {5, 6, 7, 8, 9} c) {5, 6, 7, 8}

d) {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} e) {4, 5, 6, ..} } 2. a) 0 b) 1 c) 0 d) 0 e) 0 a fixed number . f) 10, 11, 12,..} g) {9, 10, 11, ..} h) {9, 10, 11, ..

3. a) As n increases an increases. So So does not exists.

cannot be made less than

4. a) e) 1

b) 1 f) 1

c) 3 g)

d) h)

i) Write an as



5. a) 2a3 b) a3 + a4 c) 2a3 a4 + a5 d) (2 + 3a) (4 + 5a2)



6. a) 2(1)2 1 = 1

b) (2 + 1) (3 2) = 3





g) 1


Hence answer is

7. a) Im

b) (l + 2m) (2I m)



10. a)

f(2) = 7. So f is not continuous at x=2.


But f(1) = 1

c) Let limit at 1 = 8; right limit at 1 = 2 d) The left and right limits are 1 and 1 respectively. e) The left and right limits are 1 and 1.

MH0047-Unit-07-Promotional Tools
Unit-07-Promotional Tools Structure 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Promotion Mix 7.3 Summary

7.4 Terminal Questions 7.1 Introduction A hospitals promotion strategy is two pronged. One is, what you learned in the last unit, through the hospital promotional activities like healthcare seminars, corporate empanelments, medical camps and others. Second, is promoting a hospital through specifically designed and developed promotional tools or devices. In this unit you will be learning about this second aspect of hospitals promotion. Learning Objective In this unit you will learn about the different kinds of hospital promotional tools, their design and development and the mode of their proper use to get the desired results. 7.2 Promotion Mix The different promotional tools employed by various hospitals are as follows: 1. Media Coverage / News Releases: The kind of stiff competition that exists among the healthcare providers today necessitates the presence of strong relations between any hospital and the media. Churning out genuine press or news releases by the hospital in leading local / national dailies is indeed a very fine promotional tool and does a world of good to the hospitals marketing. Hospitals are an enterprise where something or the other keeps happening that needs to be communicated to the outside world, not only for their promotion or publicity, but also for peoples awareness. If a hospital is conducting or has already conducted a camp, if it has acquired a corporate empanelment or accreditation or tie-ups with leading health insurance companies, or a unique / rare / complicated procedure or surgery has got successfully transpired; all that needs to get published as news releases in dailies. Here the choice of dailies by the hospital is an important aspect that needs to be considered. If the hospital is primarily catering to local population, the news needs to get published in the local vernaculars. If the hospital is catering to a wide population base, cutting across different regions and states, then national newspapers need to be covered. Press releases are not only helpful in increasing the visibility of the hospital to the target clientele, but at the same time, they also widen the horizons of customers knowledge. The idea behind such press releases is to market the hospital in the form of news and not as an advertisement, because the former evokes a better response among the readers and is more cost effective. Giving news will hardly cost a hospital anything, but giving an advertisement will turn out to be an expensive affair. Hence, for small hospitals with budgetary constraints, it is suggested that only news should rule the roost and not advertisements. The press releases in the print media should also be replicated in electronic media, in the sense that every single major / complicated procedure that gets transpired in a hospital should find itself as news in local / national television channels. Here also, just like the choice of

newspapers, the choice of TV channels depends on the target market segment. The reasons are also the same as that of press releases; to market the hospital in the form of news and not as an advertisement, because the former evokes a better response among the viewers and is more cost effective. Giving news will hardly cost a hospital anything but giving an advertisement in on TV channels will turn out to be an expensive affair. Last but not the least, it must be understood that in order to gain good mileage from media, it is important that the hospital maintains strong rapport with them for long term business relations. Light pampers like calling over media personnel for a cup of tea, sending them greetings on their birthdays / anniversaries / festivals, giving them and their dependents a concession in case they get some procedure done in the hospital, a monthly call to enquire about their well being and indulging in a general chit chat are some of the tricks that should be resorted to. 2. Preventive Healthcare articles: Giving preventive healthcare articles in newspapers is yet another very effective and ethical marketing tool, because when people read an article from a particular hospital, a positive favorable impression of the hospital gets created in the minds of the readers. They feel empowered because of their increased sense of knowledge and this mindset goes a long way in creating the much needed goodwill of the hospital. Let us suppose that there is an orthopaedic hospital that wants to market itself through the tool of healthcare articles. Following are the important guidelines that the hospital should keep in mind while promoting itself: i) The articles should pertain to general and specific nuances of orthopaedics which could be of value to the readers i.e. the present / future customers of the hospital. General interests can encompass issues like what are the different kinds of orthopaedic pains, their causes, home tips / precautions to ward them off; myths and realities of orthopaedics with regard to patient knowledge; the kind of first aid to be given following a fracture or an accident; tips for strengthening back, shoulders and other orthopaedic sites; harmful effects of self medication or getting treated by quacks. ii) Specific articles will include educating readers on different orthopaedic procedures, their mode of application, pre and post operative precautions, estimated cost of the procedures, which kind of patients can be benefited from them and other related aspects. For example: What is Hip Replacement Surgery all about? What kind of people are at risk? What kind of patients can get treated through it? How is it done? What is the nature of pre and post operative care involved? How much does it cost ? (While answering questions like these, exact price should not be quoted but just a range should be mentioned, say 1-2 lac) iii) The articles have to be in very simple, lucid language because they are meant for general public and not for some medical or para medical professionals. Because the publics comprehension of medical science and its related glossary is generally not good, it is very important that every medical term or procedure should be simplified within brackets (). iv) While promoting a hospital through healthcare articles, it has to be kept in mind, that at the end of the day, what it is that the hospital wants to promote ? Does it want to promote its own

name or the doctor who has penned down the article? For a small single specialty hospital, where the director happens to be the owner of the hospital or the head of the speciality, it may be worthwhile to promote the doctors name. In such cases the articles should carry a photograph of the doctor concerned (wearing doctors coat with a stethoscope dangling over the neck), his / her e-mail ID, the hospitals name, its contact numbers and its website. However, if it is a big single or a multi speciality hospital with many doctors, then it is the name of the hospital that has to be promoted through articles and not the individual doctors, because individual doctors come and go, they may leave the hospital and join its competitors and if a hospital starts promoting these individual doctors, the prospective customers will get aligned with those doctors, which would be damaging to the health of the promoting hospital; something that the hospital would not like to see happening. The essence in promoting the hospital through healthcare articles is to align the prospective customers with the hospital and not its doctors. So in cases like these, the articles should carry the hospitals name, its contact numbers, its website and the name of the department with which the article is associated and not the name of doctor(s) who have penned the articles. v) Another important aspect that needs to be taken into consideration is the choice of newspapers in which the articles need to get published. That will depend on the hospitals target market segment. If the hospital is primarily catering to local population, the articles should get surfaced in the local vernaculars. If the hospital is catering to a wide population base cutting across different regions and states, then national newspapers need to be covered. It is also equally important to understand as to where in the selected newspapers, should the articles get published. Generally all the newspapers carry out weekly health supplements. It is there where the articles should surface. 3. HEALTH CARDS: Promoting a hospital through its exclusive health cards has recently caught the fancy of many hospitals. Health cards are basically discount entitlements provided by the hospital to its customers. Their advantages are twin fold for the hospital. First, the hospital gets promoted through them and second, they are helpful in bringing about an increase in the sales / revenue of the hospital. The operating mechanism behind the health card generally involves one primary card holder and his / her three designated beneficiaries who will be able to avail facilities offered by the hospital at discounted rates. These health cards generally have a validity period of one year and, if the customer desires, they can be renewed. Usually these cards are nominally priced and once the customers purchase these cards, they along with their dependents become eligible to avail discounted services like two to three free OPD consultations in a year, discounts on the health checkups, diagnostics, investigations and total billing (for indoor patients). It is not necessary that apart from the primary card holder, there has to be three beneficiaries. The number of beneficiaries of the health card and the extent of its discounted services vary from hospital to hospital. But care and caution need to be exercised while pricing and promoting these health cards. They need to be priced and promoted in such a fashion that there should not be any

resistance in their purchase by the customers. They can and are being priced at a nominal value of Rs.365. 365 is a magical figure. There are 365 days in a year and by being priced at Rs. 365, the hospital is sending out a signal that good health and healthcare facilities are available at Rs.1 per day for the entire family. Further it has to be understood that health cards are internal promotional tools and are promoted from within the hospital premises. They can be marketed to the prospects through verbal communication by the hospitals staff, particularly the front office; a hospital can have posters or banners promoting the cards being displayed at hospitals reception, canteen, wards and patients rooms. They can be promoted on the hospitals website also. It may not be a bad idea to come out with a press release as and when they are about to be launched, enumerating their characteristic details. It may be mentioned that not only these health cards are internal promotional tools; they are also kind of reverse promotional tools: First the hospital promotes them and then the hospital gets promoted by them. Following is sample of a typical health card: IDE 1:


6. EMERGENCY CARDS: Just like Health Cards there are Emergency Cards through which a hospital or its services can be promoted. These cards are helpful in promoting a hospital by highlighting its emergency or trauma and ambulance services and they particularly find favour with emergency and trauma centers.

Any hospital that has or specializes in managing trauma and other emergencies, promotion of the hospital through specially designed EMERGENCY CARDS will help in boosting its business and goodwill among the target clientele. The essence is, as and when there is a trauma or any other emergency, the promoting hospital should come across as the most favored healthcare provider among the public. If the hospital manages to have an increase in its trauma and emergency cases, financially it will turn out to be a fine proposition, because there are lesser chances of patients dropping out from the hospital following an emergency / trauma incident. A typical EMERGENCY CARD will have the size of a normal visiting card and will be printed on both sides. One side will carry a helpline number along with broaching of the facility of AMBULANCE. On its reverse will be the detailed address of the promoting hospital, along with a brief on the services being provided by the hospital. In order to make success out of promoting a hospital through EMERGENCY CARDS, it is important to know and understand to how they will be promoted. The EMERGENCY CARDS should always be available at the reception and every single person coming to the hospital whether an in patient or an out patient, attendants / visitors of the patients should be handed over these cards. The front office should make it a point that the cards should only be handed over to the recipients. At no point of time should the cards be stapled with the registration form and given to the patients / attendants, because then they will not create the desired effect and the desired effect is that whenever there is any emergency or trauma, the promoting hospital should be in the minds of the people. This can happen only if the cards stay in their purses or pockets; so it always makes sense to hand over these cards to the customers, rather than clubbing them with their registration or discharge cards. Following is a sample of an EMERGENCY CARD for an orthopedic setup:

5. Website: In todays internet savvy world a well designed website acts as a powerful promotional tool for leveraging branding of the hospitals. However, a website has to be carefully designed, keeping in mind the nature of services it provides, the kind of market segment it caters to and the psychological makeup of it customers. . We all know that the information present in nearly all the websites is distributed over different pages. The case of a hospitals website is no different but following information should be kept in mind while drafting a hospitals website: HOME PAGE: This page will have the links to all other pages. Apart from having the links, there may be a photograph of the hospital in the background as a water mark. In fact this water mark may figure in all the pages. Also the hospitals punch line should appear on the top of all

pages in a moving / flashing mode and the hospitals Emergency Helpline Number should appear on the bottom of all pages in a moving / flashing mode. The various links / pages that should feature in the HOME PAGE are: ABOUT US: This link can contain an abstract on the promoters of the hospital, as well as information pertaining to entrepreneurial history of the hospital such as the operating philosophy behind setting up the hospital (e.g.: that it was set up to provide high quality, affordable and comprehensive clinical care to remove the sufferings of ailing mankind), the number of years in service and total number of beds. A word or two about the location of the hospital in terms of how far is it from railway station, bus stand or airport can also be mentioned. In case there are any firsts associated with hospital like being the first private orthopaedic center in a particular city or state; they should also be mentioned in this page. If the promoter happens to be a doctor then the doctors qualification / degree(s), years of experience, number of procedures performed, awards / felicitations received, lectures given, conferences attended and things like that can be broached. THE TEAM: This one can contain an account of the different doctors working for the hospital; their names, designations, qualifications / degree(s), years of experience, number of procedures performed, awards / felicitations received, lectures given, conferences attended etc. This information should be provided along with the doctors photographs. Then there can be a group photograph of different doctors serving in a hospital along with the rest of the employees. Apart from the clinical fraternity, a photographic account of other managerial and pararamedical employees can be provided with their names, designations, qualifications / degree(s) and years of experience VISUAL TOUR: The VISUAL TOUR page will act as a snap book of the hospital. It will contain pictures of the hospitals building, reception, patient rooms, I.C.U., Operation Theatre, Ambulance, Physiotherapy Room, Laboratory, Canteen etc. CLINICAL SERVICES: This page will contain a detailed list of the various clinical procedures / facilities being provided by the hospital. From the patients perspective, this link is by far the most important of all links of the hospitals website and also the most bungled one. One look at this page will reveal the naivety of the hospital promoters. A lot of emphasis is laid on the hospitals state of the art machines and their clinical details and the clinical procedures being carried out and their methodology. Why it is nave is because the patients and the target customers are not interested in which machine is installed at your hospital or what is the procedure that your hospital is an expert in. They just want to know how you can you make a difference in their quality of life. For example, let us take a gall bladder stone patient who wants to get laparoscopic surgery done for the stones. What do you think is more important for her- the make and configuration of the equipment being promoted at the website or the total experience of what she will go through during the surgery? Patients need access to information like: 1. Is the operation absolutely necessary? Can they avoid the surgery? Will there be any consequences of not getting the surgery done? 2. How big is the surgery? Is it too complicated? 3. Will it be painful? How much

pain do they have to endure and for how many days? 4. How many days they have to stay in the hospital? Can they afford to stay away from work for these many days? 5. Is the doctor concerned skilled in this surgery? Does he operate routinely? Has anyone in circle of friends or relatives had an operation at this hospital or by this doctor? 6. How much will it cost? Where will the money come from? 7. Is the hospital environment friendly and nice? Will they have a comfortable experience here? These are the points that need to be taken into consideration while developing the page on clinical services. The point is, a patient is more concerned about the overall experience he will get in the hospital including safety and pain, rather than the machines and the way the procedure is carried out. A recent survey has revealed that a patient is driven to a hospital mostly by the treatment he gets as a person from the doctors and staff of the hospital. He wants to be understood fully and to be informed fully. So in a hospitals promotional website, a hospital should tell the people about what they will get in terms of quality of life, if and when they get treated at its place. It should tell them what they will go through in terms of body pain and sensations during and after the procedure. It should tell them how much it will cost and why that cost is worth incurring. Just harping about ones machines, procedures, techniques and their technicalities in website and other promotional tools does not really work. Nobody cares for that. TESTIMONIALS: As the name suggests this page will contain testimonials / proofs from the patients being treated by the hospital. The testimonials can be in the form of written documentation or video clips and their content should include name and address of the patients, as well their verbal excerpts, giving an account of their respective conditions before coming to hospital and improvement that they have had following treatment at the hospital => IN-PATIENT FACILITIES: This page will contain an account of various kinds of patient rooms available to patients. The prices of different rooms along with their additions / deletions viz: attached washroom, T.V., A.C., cooler etc should be mentioned. Also, the facility of canteen and local / STD phone calls should be broached. CORPORATE SERVICES: This link should have a list of all the corporates / organizations with whom the hospital has got empanelled for providing various services to their respective employees, as well as their dependents. The general modus operandi through which beneficiaries (employees / their dependents) will avail services of the hospital should be mentioned. An accepted convention in corporate empanelment is , that prior to availing the services of any hospital, the beneficiary is required to show his / her ID card which acts as a proof of him being an employee of that particular organization. If there are some special conditions with regard to particular organization(s), the same should be highlighted. HEALTH INSURANCE: This should contain the list of various Health Insurance companies with which the hospital has tied up for providing cashless service to the respective policy holders of the insurance companies. Also the list of various Third Part Administrators (TPAS) should also figure out in the link. HEALTH CARD: This page can contain an account of the hospitals Health Card along with its terms / benefits of use. Also a sample of the card should be shown on the website itself.

E-HEALTH: This page can be divided into two links: 1. Q & A with the hospitals doctor(s) and Doctor Cam 2 Cam. Q & A with the doctor(s) will have a provision that any web surfer can seek information / solicit advice / question the doctor(s) anything regarding his or her clinical concerns, through a pre designed query form which will be available at the link, and the doctor(s) concerned will provide a prompt reply to it. It should be seen that the reply to all the queries should be answered within the first 68 hours of their receipt. Further, the website surfers should also be made aware of the fact that their respective queries will be answered within the first 68 hours of receipt. Doctor Cam 2 Cam can be yet another innovative marketing strategy whereby the website visitors will get to interact directly with the doctor(s) of the hospital on a webcam and they can sort out all their queries in consultation with the doctor(s). The day(s) and timings of Doctor Cam 2 Cam should be arranged when the doctor(s) are relatively free and the same should be broached on the website for the seekers information. Also, the day E-HEALTH goes on floor, its corresponding press release should figure in dailies. HOSPITAL IN NEWS: This page will contain a soft copy of all the press clippings that covered happenings / achievements / accomplishments of the hospital. The clippings should be arranged in a chronological order beginning with the latest and ending at the oldest. NEWSLETTER: This move is designed to empower the customers with useful information pertaining to the specialties that the hospital is engaging in, as well as to create a favorable impression of the hospital in their minds. A system has to be designed in the website that whosoever is desirous of having the news letter should feed his / her respective E-mail ID and the letter should get dispatched in no time. The content of the newsletter can be the same as that of preventive healthcare articles which already may have appeared in the dailies. For a start, it is suggested that the newsletter can be made a monthly affair at least for the first year. Preparing newsletters will not involve any additional hard workbecause only 12 of them have to be framed (1 per month) and that too will be a straight lift from 12 preventive healthcare articles that would have had already appeared in various vernaculars. => CONTACT US: This link should have all the contact numbers / addresses of the hospital. It should cover detailed address of the hospital, its phone numbers, emergency helpline number, E-mail IDs of the doctor(s) as well as that of the hospital. This page can also contain a location map to the hospital. The above mentioned guidelines for website development of the hospital have been prepared, keeping in mind customers / patients requirements and concerns. The website developers should not deviate much from the framed plot. They should bring in their share of expertise to leverage what has been discussed above, so that the hospital gets the best and reaps the best. 6. Boards and Hoardings: Boards, hoardings, banners, pamphlets are the perhaps the oldest promotional tools being utilized by the hospital to promote its name in the market. No doubt they serve the purpose, but if they

are amateurishly developed and designed and placed at wrong locations, the entire exercise is a waste of time and money. On an average, a city person is exposed to 300 advertising messages in a day. He whips past hoardings on the road, he reads through ads in the newspaper, he overlooks promotional messages on TV and he indifferently listens to the radio in his car which plays the local FM channel. Perhaps the biggest challenge for any business today is to be seen and/or heard in an overcrowded marketplace. Everyone is fighting for that one moment of attention from the target customer. Most of the times hospitals are found wondering as to why their boards and advertisements fail at getting noticed. The commonest plain reason is that they mar their chances of success by being boastful and indulging in self praise. Do you indulge in self praise? Well, once in a while, most of us do. We want to tell others about us, else they may make a wrong impression. The same logic goes while we want to tell them about our hospital and its services. A hospital will have to learn to resist the temptation of telling more and more about its services. Remember, in advertising, less is more and more is less. A hoarding in any case will be read by commuters. They will not have the time to stand and read about all your latest equipments and the list of services you offer. Lets face it, NO ONE HAS THE TIME. People hate confusion and complexities. In any case they are being bombarded by hundreds of messages everyday through various mediums. A hospital may think that if it does not write all the things, then people will not know about it. Here is the lesson to be learnt, TO MAKE SOMETHING IMPRESSIVE, YOU DONT HAVE TO MAKE IT EVERLASTING. Keep it short and simple. Pictures speak a thousand words. So add a picture. Forget the list of services and equipment. Concentrate on what the customers will get rather than what you have to offer. Yes, it takes a lot of effort and time to be an expert copywriter [that is why the advertising agencies make so much money]. A hospital cannot turn into an ace creative director in one month. But sure it can at least get some return on its money by making its message short, simple and relevant. You can even tickle the funny bone by using some humor. Just be careful that your message should not be lost among the humor of the ad. Some messages on safe driving [if you are a trauma centre], women education [if you are a ObGyn centre], quitting smoking and exercising [if you are a cardiac centre] etc., should be put on the highways in form of hoardings. Not only these messages are for public good, they also create a good image about your hospital. Once again, the location of the message is important. Its now time to be introduced to a very interesting marketing tool. It is called converting your disadvantage into an advantage. Most of the hospitals lose sleep over what they think is a weakness of their organization. Well, it is possible to convert the weakness into a strength and boards and hoardings can go a long way in bringing about that much needed turnaround. A doctor client of a hospital consultancy was worried that his hospital is viewed as the most expensive hospital in the target market. He said, "We are sure to miss out on many cases because we are expensive. Indeed, when the consultancy compared the prices, the services were

expensive. The surgery charges, ICU, investigations did cost more to the patients. He had more number of doctors and expensive high quality machines, so his costs were also high. The hospital infrastructure was maintained diligently, and that added to the costs as well. He had more number of nurses and cleaners per patient. All in all he had ensured a good quality service, but at a cost. The dilemma was that he could either compromise on the service quality and reduce the prices; or he could reduce the prices and earn fewer profits but maintain the quality. Well, he did neither of those. The consultancy told him to not dodge the fact that his place is expensive. In fact, it encouraged the hospital to make a statement and propagate that they are expensive. An advertisement campaign was created for them with a headline- We are the most expensive hospital in the city. The tag line was, But who says quality is cheap? In the middle of both these lines was a picture of a happy smiling family in a plush, private room of the hospital. There were other messages too. Through boards, hoardings and other mediums, the hospital told the people that they deserve what they pay for. A premium brand associated with top quality service was developed. This message was spread through boards, hoardings and other media all over the area. Within a year, the disadvantage was converted into an advantage. The hospital today is viewed as a premium place with high quality service. When a person gets his family member treated there, he is making a statement that he will buy the best for his loved one. Needless to say that the sales have increased and so have the profits in one years time. The lesson from this story is- If you are candid about your so called disadvantage you can actually convert it into an advantage, provided you promote it right. Apart from the above broached promotional tools, a hospital can resort to some other promotional measures like ensuring that there are certain take aways for its patients when they go home. They may be key chains, pens, greeting cards, diaries, etc. A hospital should also engage itself in some social activities like training volunteers in first aid in case of accidents, giving away school books and school uniforms to school going children of underprivileged families. Needless to say, that when such social work makes headlines in the papers, people remember the hospital and the hospital does not need to spend money on advertising too. 7.3 Summary It may be summarized that the above mentioned promotional tools point to one thing. They emphasize the role of being creative to be seen in the market place and being empathetic to the needs of the customers. A hospital has to be visible without sounding boisterous. In this era of competition, the hidden good doers will not survive for long. Only the hospitals with properly laid out promotional strategy will. 7.4 Terminal Questions 1. Write a note on any 5 components of promotion mix.

2. Develop a promotion mix for a hospital located in the urban place and compare it with a promotion mix of a hospital located in the rural place.

Unit 7 Integrations Structure 7.1 Introduction Objectives 7.2 Integration of Standard Functions 7.3 Rules of Integration 7.4 More Formulas in Integration 7.5 Definite Integrals 7.6 Summary 7.7 Terminal Questions 7.8 Answers 7.1 Introduction Most of the mathematical operations we come across occur in inverse pairs. For example, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, squaring and taking square roots are such pairs. In this chapter we study integration as the inverse operation of differentiation. Integrals also have independent interpretation. It generalizes the process of summation. It can be used for evaluating the area under the graph of a function. Objectives: At the end of the unit you would be able to integrate standard functions apply the concept of definite integrals in the process of summation 7.2 Integration of standard function

Definition: If f(x) is a function of a real variable, then g(x) is the integral of f(x) if It is denoted by Remark: Integration is the operation of determining a function whose derivative is the given function. Note: Clearly

(7.1) (7.2) (7.1) and (7.2) can be stated as follows: Differential coefficient of integral of f(x) = integral of differential coefficient of f(x) = f(x) Remark: If f(x) = x2 and g(x) = x2 + 2, then function remains the same if a constant is added to it. That is, the derivative of a

So while writing the integral of f(x), we need to add c, an arbitrary constant (by arbitrary constant we mean any real value). In table 7.1 we list the integrals of some of standard function.

Table 7.1: Table of integrals We get formulas in Table 7.1 by simply reading Table 2.1 backwards. We frequently apply constant function rule (Rule 1) and sum and difference rule (Rule 2) for integration which are similar to differentiation. However we do not have product rule and quotient rule in integration. So problems in integration are more difficult their problems in differentiation. Rule 1: (Constant function rule) where c is a constant Rule 2: (Sum and difference rule)

Example: Evaluate

when f(x) equals





e) Solution:


b) (by rules 1 and 2)

(Note: We use k for arbitrary constant since c appears in the function)


(by rule 2)

(by rule 1)


(by rule 2)

(by rule 1)


(by rule 2)

(by rule 1)

S.A.Q.1: Integrate 7.3 Rules of Integration We have the following rules for integrating complicated function. Rule 1: Constant function rule

Rule 2: Sum and difference rule Rule 3: By substitution Rule 4: Integration by parts Sum and difference rules: We have already given rules 1 and 2 and used it for integrating functions in 7.1. In trigonometry some products can be expressed as um or difference of two simpler trigonometric functions. The following formulas are useful in integration. 2 Sin A Cos B = Sin (A + B) + Sin (A B) 2 Cos A Sin B = sin (A + B) Sin (A B) 2 Cos A Cos B = Cos (A + B) Cos (A B) 2 sin A Sin B = Cos (A B) Cos (A + B) Worked Example: Evaluate Solution:

Worked Example: Integrate Sin 10x Sin 2x w.r.t. x Solution:

Worked Example: Evaluate Solution:

Integration by substitution: Now we state rule 3. Rule 3 (Substitution rule) If x can be written as a function g(t) of t, then

Proof: As Hence (Dont think that this step is obtained by cross multiplication. dx and dt are is the relation connecting the differentials). .

called differentials and So

Note If f(x) cannot be integrated using known formulas, we try to write f(x)dx as g(t)dt. Part of f(x) is written as f(g(t)) and the remaining part together with dx is written as

Example: Evaluate

Solution: Let t = ax + b. Then

So dt = adx

Note: If


. (7.3) So using table (7.1) we get a list of formulas for For example: etc.

Example: Integrate the following w.r.t. x a) b)

c) Solution:






Working Example 4: Integrate the following w.r.t. x



c) Sin3x


e) Sin2 3x

Solution: Denote the required integrals by 1 a) (say)

Put x + a = t2 so x = t2 a, dx = 2t dt



Put a + bx = t2


Let t = cosx; dt = sinx dx



Put a + bx = t. So


Your skill in integration lies in spotting a suitable variable t g(x) so that can be located in f(x) dx. We illustrate the method of substitution by more examples, so that you can master this technique thoroughly. Hereafter I stand for the integral to be evaluated. Example: Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x




Solution: a) If t = xn then dt = nxn 1 dx and this appears in t = xn, then dt = nxn-1 dx. . So let



Put log x = t so



Put tan1 x = t So

Working Example: Integrate the following w.r.t. x







Put x3 = t so 3x2 dx = dt;






Working Example: Evaluate




d) Solution:



a) Let y = cos ; dy = sin d

b) Let y = sec + tan ; dy = (sec tan + sec2 )d



Put y = x + sinx; dy = (1 + cos x) dx





e) I = log sin

+ c (check it your self) + cot ) + c (Check) , sec , cot and cosec .

f) I = log (cosec

Note: Remember the integrals of tan

Working Example: Integrate the following w.r.t. x

a) Solution:





Let numerator = I (denominator) + Put We have 41 + 5m = 2 and 51 4m = 3 20t + 25m = 10 20t 16 m = 12


S.A.Q.2: Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x

a) d) e)



S.A.Q.3: Evaluate the following integrals

a) c)

b) d)

(Hint: b) d)


S.A.Q. 4: Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x





S.A.Q.5: Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x





(Hint: b)



S.A.Q. 6: Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x a) b) c) d)

S.A.Q. 7: Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x





Integration by parts By now you might have noticed that there are not many general rules for integration as in the case of differentiation. Even simple functions like logx cannot be integrated with the rules we have come across so far. In this section we give a method of integration called Integration by parts. Using this method we can integrate many functions. Rule 4: If u and v are functions of x, .. (7.4) This follows by integrating the product rule

Integrating both sides we get

(7.4) Follows from the above identity while applying integration by parts, we locate dv in f(x) dx. That is we integrate that part of f(x) and term it as v. The remaining part is taken as u. Working Example: Evaluate Solution: Let u = log x dv = dx

Then V = x.

Working Example: Evaluate Solution: Let v=x and dv = dx

Working Example: Evaluate a) Solution a) b)


Put 1 x2 = t2 in the second term; x2 = 1 t2; 2x dx = 2tdt; xdxv= tdt


b) Let u = x dv = sin2 x dx Then du = dx

7.4 More formulas in integration Using the method of substitution or integration by parts, we can derive the following formulas (see table 7.2)

Table 7.2 Additional formulas for integration Now we are in a position to integrate functions having quadratic factors or square root of quadratic factors in numerator or denominator of functions.

Integral of functions of the form Method

Step 1: Let numerator = A (Denominator) + Step 2: Find the values of A and B Step 3: Split the function and integrate We have already seen this in W.E. 7(b) Completion of squares


All the subsequent methods use a technique called Completing the square. It is simply writing a quadratic expression in the form, a2 + x2, a2 x2, x2 a2. Example: Consider x2 + 3x + 2. We can write

Example: Consider 2 7x x2

Integration of functions of the form Method:

Step 1: Write Step 2: Find the values of A and B Step 3: Split the function and integrate

Working Example: Evaluate Solution:

Here Let x + 4 = A (2x + 6) + B = 2 Ax + 6A + B 1 = 2A; 4 = 6A + B

Integration of functions of the form Method: Write in the form and integrate.

Working Example: Evaluate






Integration of functions of the form Method:

Step 1: Write Step 2: Find the values of A and B Step 3: Split the function and integrate

Working Example: Find Solution:


Integrals of functions of the form Method: Write in form and integrate

Working Example: Evaluate


Integration of functions of the form Method:

Step 1: Write Step 2: Find the values of A and B Step 3: Split the function and integrate

Working Example: Find

Solution: Let

3x 2 = 2Ax + A + B 3 = 2A; 2 = A + B

Integration of functions of the form Method: Write in the form and integrate.

Working Example: Find


Integration using partial fractions

Consider the function Expanding the denominator as we can integrate the function using the method given in 7.3.3. We can also integrate the same function using partial fractions.

Now it is easy to integrate

. We illustrate this method using an example.

Working Example: Evaluate

Solution: Let us write the given function as

Then Multiplying both sides by (x 1) (x 2), we get 7x 6 = A(x 2) + B(x 1) (*) Put x = 1 in (*). We get 7(1) 6 = A(1 2) That is, 1 = A of Put x = 2 in (*). We get 7(2) 6 = B(2 1) That is, 8 = B

= log (x 1) + 8 log (x 2) + c 7.5 Definite integrals is called the indefinite integral in integral calculus. You will be curious to know why it

is called indefinite integral. Rieman defined a definite integral first. It is the form


Note that the definite integral

is a real number whereas

is a function.

Working Example 18: Evaluate Solution:

(Check) Hence

Note: The arbitrary constant c gets cancelled while finding g(0) g(a). S.A.Q 8: Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x



S.A.Q 9: Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x



S.A.Q. 11: Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x



S.A.Q. 12: Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x a) b)

S.A.Q. 13: Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x



S.A.Q. 14: Evaluate the following definite integrals

a) 7.6 Summary


In this unit we studied the standard forms of integration. The different rules of integration is given and explained with the help of standard examples. All the formula concerned with integration is followed by good examples. The concept of definite integral and its application is explained clearly with good examples. 7.7 Terminal Questions 1. Integration of the following w.r.t. x



c) e)


2. Evaluate the following integrals a) c) b) d)

3. Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x





(Hint: a) sin2x + cos2 x=1 b) sin2x=1 cos2x c) sin2x=2 sin x cos x d) Expand and integrate.) 4. Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x





5. Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x





6. Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x

a) c) d)

b) x sin2x

(Hint: a)

b) u = x c) u = tan-1 x d) u = log x)

7. Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x a) x tan2 x b) ex(sin x + cos x) c) x2 sin x (Hint: a) u = x b) use integration by parts to x2, evaluate 8. Integrate the following functions w.r.t.x and proceed c) take u =



9. Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x



10. Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x



11. Integrate the following functions w.r.t. x



12. Integrate the following function w.r.t. x a) b)

13. Evaluate the following integrals



(Hint: x2 1 = (x + 1) (x 1). Write the given function as 14. Evaluate the following integrals

a) 7.8 Answers


Self Assessment Question


2. a)





3. a)




4. a)


c) 5. a)

d) b)

c) 6. a)

d) b)



7. a)




8. a)


9. a)


10. a)


11. a)


12. a)


13. a)


14. a) The indefinite integral is 2 log (x + 3) log (x + 2) + c Answer: 2 log 4 3 log 3 + log 2 b) Answer: Terminal Questions:

1. a)


c) e)


2. a)




3. a)




4. a) sin (x3) b) cos (log x) c) log (log x) d) tan (xex)

5. a)




6. a)




7. a) c)


8. a)


9. a)


10. a)


11. a) 12. a)



13. a)


14. a) The indefinite integral is Answer:

(Put t = x2 and integrate).

b) Answer:

is the indefinite integral (Put t = x4 and integrate).

BT0063-Unit-08-Differential Equations
Unit 8 Differential Equations Structure 8.1 Introduction Objectives

8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9

First Order Differential Equations Practical Approach to Differential Equations First Order and First Degree Differential Equations Homogeneous Equations Linear Equations Bernoullis Equation Exact Differential Equations Summary

8.10 Terminal Questions 8.11 Answers 8.1 Introduction Differential equation is a branch of Mathematics which finds its application in a variety of fields. First of all a given problem is converted to differential equations, which is then solved and the solution to the problem is found out. Objectives: At the end of the unit you would be able to to find the solution of Differential Equations apply differential equations in practical situations

8.2 First order Differential Equations Definitions A differential equation is an equation which involves differential coefficients or differentials.







are all examples of differential equations. An ordinary differential equation is that in which all the differential coefficients have reference to a single independent variable. Thus the equation (i) to (iv) are all ordinary differential equations. A partial differential equation is that in which there are two or more independent variables and partial coefficients with respect to any of them. Thus equation (v) is an example for the partial differential equation. The order of a differential equation is the order of the highest derivative appearing in it. The degree of a differential equation is the degree of the highest derivative occurring in it, after the equation has been expressed in a form free from radicals and fractions as far as the derivatives are concerned. Thus from the examples above, i) is of the order and first degree; ii) is the second order and first degree; iii) can be written as equation. and is clearly a first order but second degree

8.3 Practical Approach to Differential Equations Differential equations arise from many problems in oscillations of mechanical, electrical systems, bending of beams, conduction of heat, velocity of chemical reactions etc., and as much play a very important role in al modern scientific and engineering studies. The approach of an engineering student to the study of differential equations has got to be practical unlike that a student of mathematics, who is only interested in solving the differential equations without knowing as to how the differential equations are formed and how their solutions are physically interpreted. Thus for the applied mathematics, the study of the differential equation consists of 3 phases: i) Formation of the differential equation from the given problem ii) Solution of this differential equation, evaluating the arbitrary constants from the given conditions, and iii) Physical interpretation of the solution Formation of a differential equation An ordinary differential equation is formed in an attempt to eliminate certain arbitrary constants from a relation in the variables and constants. In applied mathematics, every geometrical or physical problem when translated into mathematical symbols gives rise to a differential equation. Examples From the differential equation of simple harmonic motion given by t, Solution: To eliminate the constant A and , differentiating it twice, we have,



is the desired differential equation.

Example: Form the differential equation of all circles of radius a. Solution: The general equation of a circle with centre at (h, k) is given by (x h)2 + (y k)2 = a2 .. (1)

Where h and k, the co-ordinates of the centre, and a are the constants. Differentiate twice, we have,



And x h = -(y k)

Substituting these in (1), and simplifying, we get,

It states that the radius of curvature of a circle at any point is constant

Solution of a differential equation A solution (or integral) of a differential equation is a relation between the variables which satisfies the given differential equation. For example, (1)

Is a solution of


The general or complete solution of a differential equation is that in which the number of arbitrary constants is equal to the order of the differential equation. Thus, (1) is a general solution of (2) as the number of arbitrary constants (A, ) is the same as the order of (2). A particular solution is that which can be obtained from the general solution by giving particular values to the arbitrary constants

For example,

is the particular solution of the equation (2) as it can be derived from the general solution by putting

8.4 First Order and First Degree Differential Equations One can represent the general and particular solution of a differential equation geometrically. But it is not possible to solve a family of parabola

y = x2 + c, in this approach. We shall, however, discuss some special methods of solution which are applied to the following types of equations: (i) Equations where variables are separable (ii) Homogeneous equations (iii) Linear equations (iv) Exact equations

Variables separable If in any equation if it is possible to collect all functions of x and dx on one side and all the functions of y and dy on the other side, then the variables are said to be separable. Thus the general form of such equation is f(y), dy = (x) dx. Integrating both the sides, we get, as its solution. Example: Solve

Solution: Given equation is

Integrating on both the sides,

8.5 Homogeneous Equations

Homogeneous Equations are of the form

Where f(x, y) and (x, y) are homogeneous functions of the same degree in x and y.

To solve a homogeneous equation,

i) Put y = vx, then ii) Separate the variables v and x and then integrate. Example: Solve

Solution: The given equation is

which is homogeneous in x and y.

Put y = vx then

Then the given problem becomes,


Separating the variables, we get,

Integrating both the sides




or or Hence the required solution is Equations reducible to homogeneous form The equations of the form - (1)

can be reduced to the homogeneous form as follows:

Case 1: when

Putting x = X + h, y = Y + k (h, k being constants) So that, dx = dX = dY, becomes,


Choose h, k so that (2) may becomes homogeneous. Put and So that, ah + bk + c = 0,


- (3)

Thus when

then (2), becomes


Which is a homogeneous in X, Y and can be solved by putting Y = vX. Case II: When


the above method fails as h and k become infinite or in determinant


and (1) becomes

Put ax + by = t, so that


therefore we have

so that the variables are separable. In this solution, putting t = ax + by, we get the required solution of (1). Examples 1. Solve

Solution: The given equation is

[this is where --------- (1)

Putting x = X + h, y = Y + k (h, k being constants) So that dx = dX, dy = dY, (1) becomes

--------- (2)

Put x + h 2 = 0 and k h 4 = 0, So that, h = 1, k = 3.

Therefore (2) becomes,

Which is homogeneous in X and Y.

Put Y = vX, then

Therefore (3) becomes,


Integrating both the sides



Or log (X2 + 2XY Y2) = 2c Or X2 + 2XY y2 = e 2c = Putting X = x h = x + 1, and Y = y k 3, equation (4) becomes,

Which is the required solution. 8.6 Linear Equations A differential equation is said to be linear if the different variable and its differential coefficients occur only in the first degree and are not multiplied together. Thus the standard form of a linear equation of the first order, commonly known as Leibnitzs linear equation, is

---------- (1)

Where P, Q are any functions of x. To solve the equation, multiply both the sides by so that we get,

Integrating both the sides

As the required solution Example 1. Solve

Solution: The given equation is,

Dividing both the sides by (x + y), given equation becomes,

---------- (1)

Which is Leibnitzs equation.




Thus the solution of (1) is,

8.7 Bernoullis Equation

The equation

-------- (1)

Where P, Q are functions of x, is reducible to the Leibnitzs linear equation and is usually called the Bernoullis equation. To solve (1), divide both the sides of yn, so that

-------- (2)


so that

(2) Becomes,

Which is Leibnitzs linear in z and can be solved easily. Examples

1. Solve

Solution: The given equation is, Dividing throughout by xy6,

-------- (1)

-------- (2)

Put y5 = z, so that

Therefore (2) becomes,


--------- (3)

Which is Leibnitzs linear in z, and the intermediate form I.F. is,

I.F. =

Therefore the solution of (3) is,


[since z = y5]

Dividing both sides by 1 = (2.5 + cx2) x3 y5

we get,

8.8 Exact Differential Equations 1. Definition: A differential equation of the form

Is said to be exact if its left hand member is the exact differential of i.e., Its solution therefore, is u(x, y) = c.

some function u(x, y).

2. Theorem: The necessary and sufficient condition for the differential equation Mdx + Ndy = 0 to be exact is

Condition is necessary: The equation M(x, y) dx + N(x, y) dy = 0 will be exact, if Mdx + Ndy

Where u is some function of x and y.



- (2)

Equating coefficients of dx and dy in (1) and (2), we get





Which is the necessary condition of exactness. Condition is sufficient:

i.e., if

then Mdx + Ndy = 0 is exact.


where u is supposed constant while performing integration. Then

- (3)





Integrating both the sides, w.r.t x (taking y as constant

, where f(y) is a function of y alone. (4)

[by (3) and (4).]


Which shows that Mdx + Ndy = 0 is exact. Method of solution: By equation (5), equation Mdx + Ndy = 0 becomes



=terms of N not containing x.

The solution of Mdx + Ndy = 0 is (terms of N not containing x) dy = c



1. Solve

Solution: Given equation can be written as, (y cos x + sin y + y) dx + (sin x + x cos y + x) dy = 0

Here, M = y cos x + sin y + y N = sinx + x cos y + x

Thus the equation is exact and its solution is


Or y sin x + (sin y + y)x = c Self Assessment Questions

1. Solve

2. Solve 3. Solve 8.9 Summary In this unit we study the first order differential equations. The practical approach to differential equations is clearly explained with suitable examples. Solving first order first degree differential equation by the variable separable method is discussed here. Equations reducible to homogeneous form is discussed here with example. The linear equations, Bernoullis equation and exact differential equation is solved here in a simple manner with proper examples. 8.10 Terminal Questions

1. Derive the necessary and sufficient condition for the differential equation Mdx + Ndy to be exact 2. Briefly describe Bernoullis equation 8.11 Answers Self Assessment Questions 1. Dividing throughout by cos2y,


Put tan y = z, so that

Therefore equation (1) becomes,

Which is Leibnitzs linear equation in z.

Therefore the solution is,

Replacing z by tan y, we get

Which is the required form 2. This equation contains y2 and tan1 y and is, therefore not a linear in y, but since only x occurs, it can be written as,

Which is leibnitzs equation in x. Therefore, we have intermediately form I.F. as,

Thus the solution is,




3. The given equation is,


Putting 2x + 3y = t, so that

(1) becomes,

Integrating both the sides,



Putting t = 2x + 3y, we have 14(2x + 3y) 9 log (14x + 21y + 22) = 49x + 49 c Or

Which is the required solution Terminal Questions 1. Refer to Section 16.8 2. Refer to Section 16.7

BT0063-Unit-09-Complex Numbers
Unit 9 Complex Numbers Structure 9.1 Introduction Objectives 9.2 Complex Numbers 9.3 Conjugate of a Complex Number 9.4 Modulus of a Complex Number 9.5 Geometrical Representation of Complex Number 9.6 Exponential Form of a Complex Number 9.7 De Moiveres* Theorem 9.8 nth Roots of a Complex Number 9.9 Summary 9.10 Terminal Questions 9.11 Answers 9.1 Introduction We recall that, if x and y are real numbers and then x + iy is called a complex number. The complex numbers were first introduced by Cardan (1501 1576). Two hundred years later

Euler (1707 1783) and John Bernoulli recognized the complex numbers introduced by Cardan and studied their properties in detail. In 1983, Sir William Rowan Hamilton (1805 1865) an Irish mathematician introduced the complex number as an ordered pair of real numbers. In this chapter we begin the study of complex numbers as ordered pairs. Objectives: At the end of the unit you would be able to

understand the concept of complex numbers. apply De Moiveres Theorem in finding the roots of complex numbers.

9.2 Complex Numbers Let C denote the set of all ordered pairs of real numbers. That is, On this set C define addition + and multiplication . by, (x1, y1) + (x2 + y2) = (x1 + x2, y1 + y2) (x1, y1) . (x2, y2) = (x1x2 y1y2, x1y2 + x2y1) (1) (2)

Then the elements of C which satisfy the above rules of addition and multiplication are called complex numbers. If z = (x, y) is a complex number then x is called the real part and y is called t he imaginary part of the complex number z and they are denoted by x = Re z and y = Im z. If (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are two complex numbers then (x1, y1) = (x2, y2) if and only if x1 = x2 and y1 = y2. (a) Properties of addition 1. Closure law: If z1 = (x1, y1), z2 = (x2, y2) then from (1) z1 + z2 = (x1, y2) + (x2, y2) .

= (x1 + x2, y1 + y2), which is also an ordered pair of real numbers. Hence Therefore for every 2. .

Commutative law: z1 + z2 = z2 + z1 for every Consider z1 + z2 = (x1, y1) + (x2, y2) = (x1 + x2, y1 + y2) = (x2 + x1, y2 + y1) = (x2, y2) + (x1, y1) = z2 + z1.

3. Associative law: z1 + (z2 + z3) = (z1 + z2) + z3 for every Proof of this is similar to (2) 4. Existence of identity element: There exists an element (x, y) + (0, 0) = (x + 0, y + 0) = (x, y). for every of C. 5. . Here (0, 0) is called the additive identity element such that,

Existence of inverse: For every (x, y) + (x, y) = (x x, y y) = (0, 0).

there exists

such that

Hence (x, y) is the additive inverse of (x, y). Thus we have shown that the set C is an abelian group w.r.t. the addition of complex numbers defined by (1). (b) 1. Properties of multiplication Closure law: If z1 = (x1, y1), z2 = then from (2)

z1z2 = (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1x2 y1y2, x1y2, x1y2 + x2y1), which is also an ordered pair of real numbers. Hence z1z2 is also a complex number. Thus for every 2. Commutative . .. (i) . law: z1z2 = z2z1

for every

Now z1z2 = (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1x2 y1y2, x1y2 + x2y1) and z2z1 = (x2, y2) (x1, y1) = (x2x1 y2y1, x2y1 + x1y2) = (x1x2 y1y2, x1y2 + x2y1) From (i) and (ii) z1z2 = z2z1. 3. Associative law: z1(z2z3) = (z1z2) z3, for every .. (ii)

Proof is similar to (2)


Existence of identity element: There exists

such that .

(x, y) (1, 0) = (x . 1 y . 0, x . 0 + 1 . y) = (x, y) for every Here (1, 0) is called the multiplicative identity element. 5. Existence of inverse: Let z = (x, y) inverse of (x, y).

(0, 0), be a complex number. Let (u, v) be the

Then (u, v) . (x, y) = (1, 0), the identity element. i.e. (ux vy, uy + vx) = 1, 0). Hence ux vy = 1, and uy + vx = 0.

Solving for u and v, we get,


is the multiplicative inverse of (x, y).

Thus we have shown that the set of non-zero complex numbers forms an abelian group w.r.t. the multiplication defined by (2). Also we can prove that the multiplication is distributive over addition. (c) Distributive law: For all 1. z1 (z2 + z3) = z1z2 + z1z3 2. (z2 + z3) z1 = z2z1 + z3z1 (left distributive law) (right distributive law)

The complex numbers whose imaginary parts are equal to zero possess the following properties. (x1, 0) + (x2, 0) = (x1 + x2, 0). and (x1, 0) . (x2, 0) = (x1 x2, 0).

Which are essentially the rules for addition and multiplication of real numbers. We identify the complex number (x, 0) with the real number x. Denote the complex number (0, 1) by i. Now i2 = I . I = (0, 1) (0, 1) = (0 . 0 1 . 1, 0 . 1 + 1 . 0)

= (1, 0) = 1. Hence i2 = 1. With this convention we shall show that the ordered pair (x, y) is equal to x + iy. For, (x, y) = (x, 0) + (0, y) = (x, 0) + (0, 1) (y, 0) = x + iy Since (x, 0) = x, (y, 0) = y and (0, 1) = i. Because of the extreme manipulative convenience we shall continue to use the notation x + iy for the complex number (x, y).

9.3 Conjugate of a Complex Number Let z = x + iy be a complex number. Then the complex number x iy is called the complex conjugate or simply, the conjugate of z and is denoted by Thus, if z = x + iy then For example, if z = 3+4i then


and Also, = x2 i2 y2 =x2 + y2, which is a real number.

Thus the product of two conjugate complex numbers is a real number. Theorem: For all

1. i.e., the conjugate of a sum is equal to the sum of the conjugates.

2. i.e., the conjugate of a product is equal to the product of the conjugates.

3. i.e., the conjugate of a quotient is equal to the quotient of then 9.4 Modulus of a Complex Number conjugates.

If z = x + iy is a complex number then is denoted by | z |.

is called the modulus or absolute value of z and


Clearly | z | is a non-negative real number i.e.,

then We can easily verify the following:




Theorem: For all


i.e., modulus of a product is equal to the product of their moduli.

2. i.e., modulus of a quotient is equal to the quotient of the moduli.


4. 9.5 Geometrical Representation of Complex Number A complex number x + iy can be represented by a point P(x, y) in the Cartesian plane with x as the abscissa and y as the ordinate. Thus every point on the x-axis corresponds to a real number and every point on the y-axis corresponds to a pure imaginary number (iy) and vice versa. Hence x-axis is called the real axis and y-axis, the imaginary axis. And the plane whose points are represented by complex numbers is called the complex plane or Argand plane named after the French mathematician J.R. Argand (1768 1822). Although the geometric representation of complex numbers is usually attributed to J.R. Argand but it was Casper Wessel of Norway (1745 1818) who first gave the geometric representation of complex numbers.

Now draw PM perpendicular to the x-axis. Let

and OP = r. Clearly OM = x and MP = y.

Now Hence x + iy = r (cos + i sin )

Thus every complex number z = x + iy can be represented in the form of a complex number is called the polar form or the trigonometric form. Squaring and adding the equations given in (1), we get

This form

which is the modulus of the complex number z = x + iy.


represents the distance of the point z from the origin.

The angle is called the argument or the amplitude of z and is denoted by

= arg z or = amp z.
Since sin (2n + ) = sin , cos (2n + ) = cos , when n is any integer, is not unique. The value of satisfying < < is called the principal value of the argument. Note: 1. If and z2 = x2 + iy2 z1 = x1 + iy1

Then z1 z2 = (x1 x2) + i(y1 y2).

which is the distance between the points z1 and z2. 2. cos + I sin is briefly denoted by cis 1.


2. Theorem:


amp z1z2 = amp z1 + z1 + amp z2

2. Remark: 1. To find the amplitude of a complex number we use the following rule:

For example,

1. if 2. If 3. 4. if

then then then then


The value of the amplitude must satisfy the equations



Some times we combine these equations dividing one by another. In that case we get or Because of the difference in principal values of the

value of the argument is not necessarily the principal value of and so 9.6 Exponential Form of a Complex Number but

For example,

If x is real, it can be proved, in the advanced mathematics that the functions ex, sin x, cos x etc. can be expressed in the form of an infinite series.




(3) Assuming that (1) holds good for a complex number also, replacing x by ix in (1) we get,

= cos x + i sin x Thus This is called the Eulers formula. We know that a complex number z = x + iy can be expressed in the polar form as

where The complex number can also be written in the form

This is called the exponential form of a complex number. Example: Express the following complex numbers in the polar form and hence find their modulus and amplitude. 1) Solution: 2) 1i 3)



On equating the real and imaginary parts, we get and r sin = 1.

Squaring and adding,



Therefore modulus = 2 and amp 2. Let 1 I = r (cos + i sin )

r cos = 1,

r sin = 1


i.e. Modulus =



Hence r cos


Modulus = 2,


Example: If a = cos + i sin , Solution:

prove that

Multiplying and dividing b y i,

Self Assessment Questions


Find the smallest positive integer n such that

Example: If Solution:

prove that


. Taking the conjugate on both sides

We get,


9.7 De Moiveres* Theorem If n is any integer then

And if n is a rational fraction say


has q values and one of its values is

Proof: Case (i) Let n be a positive integer. In this case we shall prove (1) by mathematical induction.

Hence (1) is true for n = 1. Assume that (1) is true for n = m, i.e., Multiplying both sides of (2) by (Induction hypothesis) we get

(cos + i sin )m+1 = (cos m + i sin m) cos + i sin )

Hence the theorem is true for n = m + 1. Hence by mathematical induction the theorem is true for all positive integers n. Case (ii). Let n be a negative integer.

n = m, where m is a positive integer.


Case (iii). Let n be a rational fraction i.e.,

where p and q are integers and q > 0.


= cos p + i sin p zq = (cos + i sin )p, from Cases (i) and (ii), which is an algebraic equation of degree q. Hence from fundamental theorem of algebra it has q roots. Therefore taking qth root on both sides, we get


has q values and one of them is

This completes the proof of the theorem.

Self Assessment Questions 2. Simplify

Example: Prove that Solution: Expressing in the polar form, we get

where n is any integer

Taking conjugate on both sides, we get

L.H.S. =

Using De Moivres theorem

since cos 2n = 1 = R.H.S. Example: Prove that

Where n is any integer. Solution:

From De Moivres theorem.

9.8 nth Roots of a Complex Number If zn = a, where a is a non-zero complex number and n, is a positive integer then z is called the nth root of a. Since the given equation is of degree n, there are n roots of the equation. Hence solving zn = a, we obtain n, nth roots of a. Example: Find the cube roots of continued product. and represent them on the Argand plane. Also find their


Squaring + = 3+1 r2 = 4, r = 2 Hence;


adding r2


cos2 sin2

(Principal value)

Substituting n = 0, 1, 2 (or any three consecutive values of n), we obtain the cube roots of

They are

i.e., To represent these roots on the Argand plane consider a circle whose centre is at the origin and whose radius is Since modulus of each of these roots is these roots lie on the circle.

In above figure the points A, B, C represent the cube roots of


are the vertices of an equilateral triangle

Continued product =


1. 2.

The cube roots of unity are The fourth roots of unity are




In general the nth roots of unity are


9.9 Summary In this we discuss about the concept of complex numbers in detail. The idea of representing a complex number in Polar Form is explained in a simple manner. The method of finding the roots of a Complex Numbers using De Moiveres Theorem is well illustrated. 9.10 Terminal Questions 1. 2. State and prove De Moveres Theorem Find the Cube roots of the Complex Numbers 1+i and express it in the Argand Diagram

9.11 Answers Self Assessment Questions



Therefore Now by inspection n = 4 is the smallest positive integer such that


Given expression

= cis 21 = cos 21 + i sin 21

BT0063- Unit-10 -Matrices and Determinants

Unit 10 Matrices and Determinants Structure 10.1 Introduction

Objectives 10.2 10.3 10.4 Definition of a Matrix Operations on Matrices Square Matrix and Its Inverse

10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12

Determinants Properties of Determinants The Inverse of a Matrix Solution of Equations Using Matrices and Determinants Solving equations using determinants Summary Terminal Questions Answers

10.1 Introduction The theory of matrices, introduced by French mathematician Cayley in 1957, is presently a powerful tool in the study of branches of Mathematics, Physical sciences, biological sciences and business applications. The concept was initially developed for solving equations. Objectives: At the end of the unit you would be able to

solve determinant using their properties find the solution of equations using matrices and determinant

10.2 Definition of a Matrix Definition: A matrix A is a rectangular array of numbers arranged as m horizontal lists, called rows, each list having n elements; the vertical lists are called columns. It is written as

Note: The element in the ith row and jth column is aij. So A is also written as

or simply A is called an m n matrix. We also write the (I, j)th entry as (A)ij. When m = n, A is called a square matrix (also called an n square matrix A)

Example are

, matrices respectively.

Definition: Two matrices

are equal if (i) the number of rows of A and B are for all i, j.

the same (ii) the number of columns of A and B are the same (iii) Example: Find the values of a, b, c, d if

Solution: Equating the corresponding entries of the matrix, we get 2a + 2b = 6 2c + d = 14 2a 2b = 2 c d = 10

By adding the first two equations we get 4a = 8. so a = 2. 2b = 6 2a = 6 4 = 2. So b = 1 Similarly, 3c = 24. So c = 8, d = 14 2c = 14 16 = 2 S.A.Q.1 How many entries are there in an m n matrix ? 10.3 Operations on Matrices

In this section we define sum of two matrices, difference of two matrices, the scalar multiple of a matrix A by a scalar (real number) k. An m n matrix is said to be of size (m, n)

Definition: If matrix as follows:

are two m n matrices then A + B is defined as an m n

Note: For getting the sum of A and B, we add to an entry in A, the entry in B in the same place. We can add only two matrices of the same size.

Definition: If matrix as follows:

are two m n matrices then A B is defined as an m n

Example: If


find A + B, A B, 2A + 3B


We list some special matrices in the next example. Example:


is called the zero matrix.

We can write it as O. We can have zero matrix of any order.


is called then n square unit matrix. matrix. It is

(Note: The number of rows is equal to the number of columns in the unit denoted by In or simply I when n is understood.)


is called a diagonal matrix. A square matrix is diagonal matrix if only the

entries on the diagonal are nonzero and other entries are s. 2. A diagonal matrix having the same number along the diagonal is called a scalar matrix. A scalar matrix is simply kIn for some scalar k and some positive integer n.

Definition: If

is an

matrix then the transpose of A denoted by

is defined as

Note: The transpose of an

matrix is an


Just as addition of real numbers is commutative, the addition of matrices is also commutative. As far as addition is concerned matrices behave like numbers. The following theorem lists properties of addition of matrices. Theorem: If A, B, C and 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The theorem can be proved by using the definition of sum of two matrices and scalar multiple of a matrix. If A and B are two matrices AB is defined only when the number of columns of A = number of rows of B. We defined AB in Definition 4.7. Definition: If A is an m n matrix and B is an n p matrix then the product of A and B, denoted by AB, is an m p matrix and is defined by matrices and k and I are scalars.

A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C A + 0 = 0 + A where 0 is the m n zero matrix A + (A) = (A) + A = 0 (Here A denotes (1) A) A+B=B+A k(A + B) = kA + kB (k + I) A = kA + IA (kI) A = k (lA) = l(kA) lA = A (A + B)T = AT + BT

for Note can be understood as follows. (AB)ik

is the ith row of A, Is the kth column of B and both these have n elements. For calculating (AB)ik, multiply the respective elements of ith row of A and kth column of B and add them. The resulting number is (AB)ik. Example: Find AB when

and Solution A is a 2 3 matrix and B is a 3 2 matrix. So AB is a 2 2 matrix.

S.A.Q. 2 Find BA for matrices A and B given in above example We have seen that A + B = B + A when A and B are matrices of the same size. But AB BA in general. It can happen that one of the products is defined whereas the other product is not defined. Let us illustrate this with an example. Example: Find two matrices A and B such that a) b) c) d) AB is defined but BA is not BA is defined but AB is not Both are defined but AB BA Both are defined and AB = BA


1. Assume


Then AB is defined as the number of columns of A = 3 = number of rows of B.

Number of columns of B = 3 number of rows of A. Hence BA is not defined.

2. If and number of rows of A.

then BA is defined, as number of columns of B = 3 =

Number of columns of A = 1 number of rows of rows of B. Hence AB is not defined.

3. Assume



4. Consider



Thus AB = BA Theorem 4.2 lists the properties of multiplication. Theorem: If A is an m n matrix and B is an n p matrix and k is any scalar, then 1. (AB)T = BTAT 2. 3. k(AB) = (kA)B = A(kB) 4. OA = O, BO = O where the four zero matrices are k m, k n, p t and n t matrices respectively (for some k and t). The proof of theorem 10.2 follows from the definition of product of two matrices. We can define the product of 3 matrices A, B, C when

(10.1) The following theorem describes the properties of product of three matrices. Theorem 10.3 Let A, B, C be 3 matrices. Then the following hold good whenever the sums and products of matrices appearing below are defined. a) b) c) (AB) C = A(BC) (Associative law) (Left distributive law) (Right distributive law)

A(B + C) = AB + AC (B + C) A = BA + CA

Theorem 10.3 follows from the definition. The proof is technical in nature and it is enough if you remember these properties.

S.A.Q. 3 If


find A + B, 2A 3B, 3B 2A, (A B)T and (B A)T.

S.A.Q. 4 If


Verify that (A + B)T = AT + BT S.A.Q. 5 Find a matrix A such that

S.A.Q. 6 If


find X and Y.

S.A.Q. 7 A matrix A is said to be symmetric if A = AT. Show that A + AT is symmetric for a 3 3 matrix A

S.A.Q. 8 If


Show that

Does BA exist ?

S.A.Q.9 If

show that (A I) (A + 2I) = 10.4 Square Matrix and its Inverse We know that a square matrix is an n n matrix for some integer n. The set of n n square matrices satisfy some additional properties. In theorem 4.2 we saw that AIn = InA = A for any n n square matrix A. We can multiply 2n n matrices and the product is an n matrix. In general we can define AA, AAA etc. We define powers of a square matrix as follows. We define A0 = In,

.. (10.2) The set of all n n matrices satisfy the properties of indices (powers) of numbers. Note Am An = Am+n = An . Am (10.3)

If a is a non zero real number then we know that

A similar property holds good for some square matrices. In the case of numbers is called the reciprocal of a. But in the case of matrices it is called the inverse of a square matrix. Definition: A square matrix A is invertible (or non singular) if there exists a square matrix B such that AB = BA = In .. (10.4) B is called the inverse of A and is denoted by A 1. Note: If A has an inverse then A is called as invertible matrix.

Example: Let




is the inverse of A.

Theorem: If B is the inverse of a square matrix A then A is the inverse of the matrix B. Proof: As B is the inverse of A, by definition (4.8), AB = BA = In . (10.5) So BA = AB = In .. (10.6)

From (10.6) we see that A satisfies the condition for the inverse of B. Hence A is the inverse of B.

Note In the case of numbers is the reciprocal of a and a is the reciprocal of guarantees this property for square matrices.

. Theorem 10.4

We are going to see a method for finding the inverse of a matrix. However you will have a formula for the inverse of a 2 2 matrix (Example 10.7)

Example: If


.. (10.7)

For the present, you can verify that

S.A.Q. 10 If

show that

S.A.Q. 11 Verify that

is the inverse of

10.5 Determinants The determinant of an n square matrix A is a unique number associated with A and is denoted by det (A) or | A|. | A | is called a determinant of order n.


then | A | is denoted by

As the definition of | A | is complex for a general n square matrix A, we define determinant of orders 1, 2, 3 and then extend it for a general n square matrix A. Evaluation of determinants Definition: The determinants of orders 1, 2, 3 are defined as follows


b) (We can understand the determinant in the following way). We (1) multiply the elements in the diagonal from left to right (ii) multiply the elements in the diagonal from right to left (iii) subtract product got in (ii) from the product got in (i)

c) Note: We can calculate the value of a determinant of order 3 as follows: 1. Consider the first element a11 in the first row. Attach the sign + (plus) 2. Delete the row and column in which a11 appears; that is first row and first column. We


3. 4.

Multiply + a11 and the value of Consider the second element a12 in first row. Attach the sign (minus) 5. Delete the row and second column in which a12 appears; that is the first row and second

column. We get

6. 7.

Multiply a12 and the value of Consider the third element a13 in the first row. Attach the sign + (plus) 8. Delete the row and column in which a13 appears; that is the first row and third column.

We get


Multiply + a13 and the value of Add the values got in steps 3, 6 and 9. This is the value of the given determinant.

Note: We usually denote a determinant by the symbol (read as Delta).

Example: Evaluate the determinant Solution:

= 0 2[1(4) 2(7)] + 3[1(0) 2(4)]

= 2(10) 24

= 20 24 = 4 Thus Evaluation of a determinant in term of any row or column Recall the definition 10.9(c). we obtained

The 2 order determinants are called the minors of a11, a12, a13. We can denote the minors by M11, M12, and M13. If we attach the signs, these are called cofactors of a11, a12, a13. We denote them by A11, A12, A13. Then (10.7) can be written as

We can also define minors of a21, a22, a23, a31, a32, a33 in a similar manner. For example.

(M23 is got by deleting the second row and third column of | A |) The cofactors can be defined in a similar manner using the rule of signs given by (10.8)

.. (10.8) Any cofactor is got by multiplying the minor and its sign given in (4.8). For example cofactor for a32 is M32.


Thus we can expand in term of any row or column in a similar way. (10.9) gives the expansion in term of various rows and columns.

. (10.9) You may wonder why so many expansions given in (10.9) are necessary. If a row or column has many zeros then evaluating by the elements of that row or column makes the evaluation simpler.

Example:: Evaluate Solution: As the second row has two zeros, we expand by the elements of the second row.

(Note: For (2, 1) position, the sign is . See (4.8)). = 4[2(5) 4(4)] = 4(10 16) = 4(6) = 240 The evaluation of a determinant of order n is similar.

For example, if Then | A | = a11A11 + a12A12 + a13A13 + a14A14 The signs of cofactors can be defined by


Example: Evaluate Solution As the third row has two zeros we expand by the elements of third row. The signs of cofactors of A determined by using (10.10) | A | = a31A31 + a32A32 + a33A33 + a34A34 = 4A31 + 0A32 + 0A33 + 1A34

= 4[4(12) 7 (8) + 2 (4)] 1[1 (4) 4 (2) + 7(0)]

= 4(56 + 56) 1 (4)

= 4(0) 4 =4 Thus | A | = 4 S.A.Q. 12: Evaluate the following determinants




S.A.Q. 13: Evaluate the following determinants




10.6 Properties of Determinants In this section we list some properties of determinants. These properties enable us to evaluate a determinant in an easier way.

Property 1: If


Let A11, A12, a13 denote the cofactors of a11, a12, a13 in . These are also t he cofactors of ma11, ma12, ma13, in m.


= ma11 A11 + ma12A12 + ma13A13

= m (a11A11 + a12A12 + a13A13)

Note: This property holds good when any row or column of is multiplied by m. This property essentially means that any common factor of a row or column can be taken outside the determinant. Remark: If A is a matrix then mA is got by multiplying each entry of A by m. In the case of determinant m is got by multiplying the entries of a single row or column by m. Example:

Property 2: If |A| = det (a), then det (AT) = |A|

Proof: If


So the second order minors of A and AT have the same value. As the sign of a cofactor is the same in both A and AT, the value det (AT) through expanding along the first column is equal to det (A) through expanding along the first row. Hence dt (AT) = |A| Property 3: If two rows or columns of a determinant are interchanged then the value of the is unchanged but the sign is changed.

Proof: Let

If the second and third rows are interchanged we get

= a11 (a32a23 a22a33) a12 (a31a23 a21a33) + a13 (a31a22 a32a21)

Property 4: If a determinant has two identical rows then the value of the determinant is 0. Proof: If we interchange two identical rows then the value of the new determinant is property 3). But the new determinant is the same as So . (By

Example: Evaluate Solution: The first and fourth rows of are identical. By property 4, = 0. Property: The value of a determinant remains the same when multiple of some rows are added to a particular row. The same is true for columns. Note: For example,

Since we add k times the second row and l times the third row to the first row.

Example: Evaluate Solution The first entry in the first row (R1) is 4. To make it 0, we subtract 4 times the third row (R3). Thus R1 of is replaced by R1 4R3 (This is indicated on the right of the determinant). Similarly if we subtract 2R3 from R2 we get 0, as the first element in R2. In the resulting

determinant the first column has two zeros and a one. This makes the evaluation (along the first column) easier.

(by expanding along the first column) = 0 + 0 +1 (4 0) =4

Example: Evaluate


= a (bc 0) = abc. Example: Show that


= (a b) (a c) (a + c) (a c) (a b) (a + b) = (a b) (a c) [a + c a b] = (a b) (a c) (c b) = (a b) [ (c a)] [(b c)] = (a b) (b c) (c a)

S.A.Q. 14 Evaluate

S.A.Q. 15 Prove that

S.A.Q. 16 Evaluate S.A.Q. 17 Evaluate the following determinants



10.7 The Inverse of a Matrix In this section we give a method of finding the inverse of a matrix.

Definition: If

then the adjoint matrix of A (denoted by Adj A) is given by Adj

Example 10.17 Find the adjoint of matrix Solution

We use Adj A for evaluating the inverse of a matrix.

A square matrix is invertible if and only if given by


the inverse of a matrix A is

. (10.11) If |A| = 0, the matrix a is called singular; otherwise it is non singular. So a matrix is invertible if and only if it is nonsingular.

Example: Find the inverse of

Solution A11 = d, A12 = c, A21 = b, A22 = a.

So Adj |A| = ad bc. Hence

. (10.12)

Example: Find the inverse of Solution

Adj |A| = a11A11 + a12A12 + a13A13 = 1 (0) = 1(3) + 1(3) =6

S.A.Q.18 Find the inverse of

S.A.Q. 19 Test whether A-1 exists when

S.A.Q. 20 Find the inverse of 10.8 Solution of Equations using Matrices and Determinants Matrices are useful in representation of data. For example if we want to classify the students of a class in terms of gender and their grades then we can use a matrix for representing the

information. Suppose we have three grades A, B, C. Then the matrix The classified data: a11 denotes the number of male students who got grade A. a12 denotes the number of male students who got grade B a13 denotes the number of male students who got grade C. a21 denotes the number of female students who got grade A. a22 denotes the number of female students who got grade B. a23 denotes the number of female students who got grade C. Solving linear equations using matrices


We can also use matrices for solving n equations in n variables. The ideas is to represent n equations as a single matrix equation and then solve the matrix equation. The next example illustrates this. Example: Solve x + y = 3 2x + 3y = 8 Solution The given system of equations is equivalent to the single matrix equation AX = B where

Multiplying both side of AX = B by A1. we get X = A1 B. By (10.12)

Hence x = 1, y = 2 Example: Solve the equations x+y+z=6 x + 2y + 3z = 14 x + y z = 2 Solution: The given systems of equations is equivalent to A X = B where

|A|=a11A11 + a12A12 + a13A13 = 1(5) + 1(2) + 1(3) = 5 2 + 3 = 7 + 3 = 4.

Hence x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 10.9 Solving equations using determinants We can also solve a system of n linear equations in n variables using determinants. The method is provided by Cramers rule. Cramers rule for three equations in three variables. Consider the system of three linear equation in three variables x, y, z. a11x + a12y + a13z = b1 a21x + a22y + a23z = b2 a31x + a32y + a33z = b3 Let be the co-efficient determinant i.e., the determinant of the coefficients of the variables x, y,

z such that (If = 0 the system has no unique solution). By Cramers rule we have


Note: As in the previous section the system of equations Ax = B. Then |A| = . Now 1 is obtained by replacing the first column of by B. Similarly 2 and 3 are obtained by replacing the second and third columns of by B respectively. Example: Solve 2x + 3y + 4z = 20 x + y + 2z = 9 3x + 2y + z = 10 Solution: In this example,

= 2(1 4) 3 (1 6) + 4(2 3) = 5 1 = 20(1 4) 3(9 20) + 4 (18 10) = 5 2 = 2(9 20) 20(1 6) + 4 (10 27) = 10 3 = 2(10 18) 3 (10 27) + 20(2 3) = 15 Hence

S.A.Q. 21. Solve the following system of equations using matrices a) 2x + 3y z = 9 x+y+z=9 3x y z = 1 b) 2x y + 3z = 9

x+y+z=6 xy+z=2

S.A.Q. 22 Solve the following system of equations using Cramers rule a) 5x 6y + 4z = 15 7x + 4y 3z = 19 b) x+y+z=9

2x + 5y + 7z = 52

2x + y + 6z = 46 10.10 Summary

2x + y z = 0

In this unit we discuss about the concept of matrices and determinants. The different types matrices is defined, the concept of inverse of matrix is well defined with good examples, Determinants, the different properties of determinants and solving equations using matrices and determinants is explained with the help of standard examples. 10.11 Terminal questions 1. Find the values of x, y, z and t satisfy the matrix relationship


Find the values for x, y, z that satisfy the matrix relationship


Find a matrix A satisfying




Show that AB = AC. (In the case of real numbers, ab = ac will imply that b = c. But this is not so for matrices as this example shows)

1. If


evaluate AB BA.

2. If

, show that

3. If 4. If 5. If

, show that A2 2A 5I = 0 find AAT and ATA Evaluate A2 and A3.

6. If 7. If

find A. find A

8. , find A. 9. Evaluate the following determinants




1. Evaluate the following determinants




1. Show that 2. Evaluate the following determinants



1. Show that

2. Prove that 1. Solve the following system of equations using (i) matrices (ii) determinants a) x + 2y z = 3 3x y + 2z = 2 2x 2y + 3z = 2 c) a+b+z=6 d) b) 2x + 3y z = 9 x+y+z=9 3x y z = 1 2a + 3b + c = 8 4a + b + c = 6 a+b+c=3

a + 2b + 3c = 14 a + b z = 2 10.12 Answers

Self Assessment Questions 1. mn entries





8. BA does not exist since the number of columns of B = 2 3 = the number of rows of A. 12. 13. a) a) 9 9 b) b) 2 2 c) c) 419 419

(Expand using the first column, first column and first row respectively.)


By row operations R2 R1 and R3 R1,

So = (a b) (b c) (c a) on simplification. 16. The row operations are R2 R1 and R3 R2. Answer is 2. 17. a) Answer 0; the row operations are R1, R, R1, R3 R2, R4. b) 3. The row operations R1, R2, R3 R2, R4, R3 reduce to

Apply R1, R2 R1, R3.

18. 19. As |A| = 0, A1 does not exist.

20. 21. 22. a) a) x = 2, y = 3, z = 4 x = 3, y = 4, z = 6 b) b) x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 x = 1, y = 3, z = 5

Terminal Questions 1. 2. x = 2, y = 5, z = 8, t = 7 x = 4, y = 1, z = 3






(Use (10.7))


(Use (10.7))



Then BAC = D. So A = B1 DC1, Using (10.7),

13. 14.

a) a) b) c) 15. 16.

8 b)

abc + 2fgh af2 bg2 ch2

c) a3 + b3 + c3 3abc

15 (Row operations: R1, R2, R3 R1, R4 R1) 102 (Row operations: R1 + 2R4, R2 + R4, R3, R4 87 (column operations: C1 + 4C3, C2 + 2C3, C3, C4 + 2C3). Apply row operations R1, R2 R1, R3 R1. Expand using last column. a) and b) answer 1 (Apply row operations R1, R2 R1, R3 R1, R4 R1)

17. Apply R1, R2 R1, R3 R1, we get This is equal to (b a) (a c) (a c) (c a) (b a) (a c) (1) (1) (b a) (a c) = 0 18. Multiplying R1 by a, R2 by b and R3 by c and then dividing by abc we get

(By taking out abc from columns 1 and 2)

(by taking out ab + bc + ca from C3) 19. c) a) x = 1, y = 4, z = 4 b) x = 2, y = 3, z = 4

a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 c)

a = 1, b = 2, c = 0

BT0063- Unit-11-Infinite Series

Unit 11 Structure 11.1 Introduction Infinite Series

Objectives 11.2 Convergence and Divergence

11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6

Series of Positive Terms Binomial Series Exponential Series Logarithmic Series

Self Assessment Questions 11.7 11.8 11.9 Summary Terminal Questions Answers

11.1 Introduction Infinite series: If un is a real sequence, then an expression of the form u1 + u2 + u3 + . + . . + un + .

Which can be written also as

is called an INFINITE SERIES.

Example, 2)


1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +

Objectives: At the end of the unit you would be able to

understand the properties of infinite series test the convergence or the divergence of an infinite series

Partial Sum The expression u1 + u2 + u3 + + .. + un + .. involves addition of infinitely many term. To give meaning to this expression we define its sequence of partial sums Sn by Sn = u1 + u2 + u3 + + + un We know that an infinite series is given by

are called partial sums. S1 is partial sum, S2 is the nth partial sum. 1st Sn

called is called



the partial


The sequence (Sn) is called the sequence of partial sums, then we say converges, diverges, Oscillates according as its sequence of partial sums Sn, converges, diverges or oscillates. Examples 1. The expression 1+(1) + 1 + (1) + .. + (1)n+1 + (i)

Or as it is usually written as 1 1 + 1 1 + 1 1 + .. is a series. The meaning of expression (i) is that from the terms 1, 1, +1, 1, .. (1)n+1, .. we form the partial sums, S1 = 1, S2 = 1 1 = 0, S3 = 1 1 + 1 = 1, .

S1 = 1 1 + . + (1)n+1 =



The expression

is a series. This series can also be written

as, the partial sums,

General properties of Series Following are the fundamental rules or properties of a series:

1. The coverage or divergence of an infinite series remains unaffected by the addition or removal of a finite number of the terms; for the sum of these terms being the finite quantity addition or removal doesnot change the nature of its sum. 2. If a series in which all the terms are positive is convergent, the series remain convergent even when some or all of its terms are negative; for the sum is clearly the greatest when all the terms are positive. 3. The convergence or divergence of an infinite series remains unaffected by multiplying each term by a finite number. 11.2 Convergence and divergence Convergence of the infinite series A series is called convergent if the sequence of its partial sums has a finite limit, this limit is termed as the sum of the convergent series.

An infinite series is Sn = l where l is a unique real number. Examples







Show that

is convergent series.

unique real number. The given series is a convergent series. Divergence of the infinite series If a sequence of its partial sums has no finite limit, then the series is called divergent. A divergent series has no sum.

An infinite series

is said to be divergent.



Show that

is a divergent

Since and hence the given series is divergent. Necessary condition for convergence of a series The series, u1 + u2 + u3 + .+ .. + un + .. (1)

can converge only when the term un (the general term of the series) tends to zero.

i.e un = 0 if the general does not tend to zero, then the series diverges. Examples: a) The series, 0.0 + 0.44 + 0.444 + 0.4444 + .. diverges because the general term un does not tend to zero. b) The series 1 1 + 1 1 + .. diverges because the general term un does not tend to zero (and has no limit at all). The remainder of a series Let us consider and infinite series u1 + u2 + u3 + .+ . +um + um+1 + um+2 + .. If we discard first m terms of a series, we get the series, um+1 + um+2 + .. (II) (I) term un

which converges (or diverges) if the series (I) converges (or diverges) and diverges if the series (I) diverges. Therefore, while finding the convergence of a series we can distinguish between a few terms. When the series (I) converges, the sum Rm = um+1 + um+2 + Of series (II) is called the remainder or (remainder term) of the first series. (R1 = u2 + u3 + + .. is the first remainder. R2 = u3 + u4 + . + . is the second, etc.) the remainder Rm is the error committed by substituting the partial sum Sn (or the sum S of the series (I)). The sum S of the series and the remainder Rm are connected by S = Sm + Rm. As m the reminder term of the series approaches to zero. It is of practical importance that this approach be sufficiently rapid, that is, that the remainder Rm should become less than the permissible error, for m not too great. Then we say that the series (I) converges rapidly, otherwise that series is said to converge slowly.

For example consider the series converges very slowly. Summing the first 20 terms, we get the value of the sum of the series only to within 0.5 101; to attain the accuracy up to 0.5 104; we have to take at leat 19,999 terms. Examples

1. Solution:


all the other terms cancel]

which is a unique finite quantity. The given series is convergent.


Show that the given series divergent. Solution: Sn = 1+1 1+1 1+1 .. to n terms = 0 or 1 according as n is even or odd.

The given series oscillates between 2 finite values 0 and 1. 3. Test for divergence of the following series: 12 + 22 + 32 + +


given series diverges to +. 4. Test for divergence the following series: 1 + 2 + 3 + .. + n + ..


given series in divergent.


Show that the series 1 + r + r2 + r3 + . + (i) (ii) (iii) converges if | r | < 1 diverges if r > 1 and oscillates if r < 1

Solution: Let Sn = 1 + r + r2 + r3 + . + rn 1

Case (i), when | r | < 1,

since it is a G.P. series,

given series is convergent. Case (ii), when r = 1, Sn = 1+ 1 + 1 + 1 + . + 1 = n And, given series is divergent. Case (iii), when r = 1, the series becomes Sn = 1 1 + 1 1 + . Which is an oscillatory series. (ii) when r < 1, let r = p, so that p > 1,



as , from this n is even or odd. Hence the series oscillates. 11.3 Series of Positive terms

If the terms of a series of

are positive, then its sequence of partial sums is monotonically increasing for for all the values of n.

un of positive terms converges or diverges to according as Sn is bounded or unbounded. If Sn is

bounded then for all n, gives

Theorem1: A positive term series either converges to a positive number or diverges to , according as its sequence of partial sums is bounded or not. Proof:


is monotonically increasing. According to (i) (ii) we have the following 2 possibilities.

is bounded, or is unbounded above

(i) If is bounded, then is bounded above. Hence sequence which is bounded above. is convergent. unique real number.

is a monotonically increasing

is convergent. (ii) If is unbounded above is a monotonically increasing sequence which is unbounded above diverges to +


diverges to +


converges to diverges to

Theorem 2: Necessary constant for the convergence of a series of a positive terms. If a an series is an = 0. The converse is not true. convergent then

Theorem 3: The nature of the series is not altered by the multiplication of all the terms of the series by the same non-zero constant C. Theorem 4: The nature of the series is not altered by addition of a finite number of terms to the series or by removing a finite number of terms from the beginning.

Theorem 5: If


are 2 series which converge to l and m respectively then the series

converges to l m.

11.4 Binomial Series According to the Binomial theorem, we have,

If the right hand side is extended to ,

Become a finite series and this series is called as Binomial series. The Binomial series is absolutely convergent if | x | < 1, and when the series is convergent, the sum of the finite series is (1 + x)n. Replacing x by x,

While finding the sum of the Binomial series we can use some of the following cases. 1. When n = 1,


When n = 1, and x is changed to x, 1 + x + x2 + x3 + .. = (1 + x)1


When n = 2, 1 2x + 3x2 4x3 + .. = (1 + x)2


When n = 2, and x is changed to x, 1 + 2x + 3x2 + 4x3 + .. = (1 + x)2



where p and q are integers and q 0, we get



, x is replaced by x, we get,



we get,



x is replaced by x, we get,



Solve the following:

Solution: Let S can be written as,


Solve: Solution: Comparing the given series with one of the general Binomial series, we get

But the power of divide by 3,

is not equal to the number factors. Hence we have to multiply and


11.5 Exponential series The exponential function ex expressed as an infinite series in the form

This series is convergent for all values of x. In finding the sum of the exponential series, the following are to be used.

I. II. Putting x = 1, in form (I) we get,


By changing x to x, in form (I) we get,


Putting x = 1 in form (I), it gives,


By adding (I) and (III), results in,


Subtracting (III) from (I),


Putting x =1 in (V),

VIII. Putting x = 1 in (VI),

Note: In exponential series it should be carefully observed whether the summation is from 0 to or 1 to or 2 to etc. Examples

Problem 1. The solution is:


Problem 2. Solution: The given series can be written as,


S = 6e + 2 11.6 Logarithmic Series The series:

is called the logarithmic series and is denoted by

Theorem: If un is a positive term series and

(finite or infinite).

Then the series (i) (ii) (iii) Converges if x > 1 Diverges if x < 1 May converge or diverge if x < 1

The logarithmic series convergent if 1 < x < 1. When it is convergent the sum of the logarithmic series is given by,

1. 2. Replacing x by x, in (1) we get,


Adding (1) and (2) we get,


Subtracting (2) from (1) we get,

Therefore, 5. Putting x = 1 in (1) it gives,

where x2 < 1

Note: Usually the sum of the logarithmic series is found by resolving the nth term into partial fractions. Examples


Solve Solution:





Consider, therefore, 1 = A (2n) (2n + 1) + B(2n 1) (2n + 1) + C(2n) (2n 1) Put n = 0, 1 = B(1) B = 1

Put m = , 1 = 2A or A =

Put n = 1/2, then C = (1) (2) = 2 or 2C = 1.

Substituting these vales in

we get,



Self Assessment Questions




Show that harmonic series of order

converges for p > 1

and diverges for 11.7 Summary In this unit initially we discussed about the partial sum and general properties of series. Then we studied different rules for convergence or divergence of series. Lastly in this unit we studied binomial series, exponential series, logarithmic series with properly illustrated examples.

11.8 Terminal Questions 1. 2. Write the general properties of a series Explain the binomial series

11.9 Answers Self Assessment Questions


Let S can be written as

Comparing with the expansion of


But the above test, this series will converge or diverge according as

is finite. If

i.e. finite for p > 1 for p < 1

If Therefore the series converges for p > 1 and p < 1. Terminal Questions 1. Refer to Section 11.1.3

2. Refer to Section 11.4

BT0063- Unit-12-Probability
Unit 12 Structure 12.1 Introduction Probability

Objectives 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.10 Concept of Probability Sample Space and Events Three Approaches to Probability Kolmogorovs Axiomatic Approach to Probability Conditional Probability and Independence of Events Bayes theorem Summary Terminal Questions Answers

12.1 Introductions Even in day to day life uncertainly plays an important role. When we are unable to forecast the future with certainty, we make statements like probably it will rain in the evening, Ram has a better chance of winning the elections etc. Although we are not sure of the happening of some event we make statements like those mentioned above. It is interesting to note that the seed of probability theory was thrown when a French nobleman Anokine Gombould (1607 1684) sought an explanation from the mathematician Blaise Pascal (1623 1662) regarding the frequent occurrence of some combinations of number in the roll of dice. Pierre de Fermat (1601 1655) and Blaise Pascal were working on this problem. Another problem was posed to Blaise Pascal. If a game of change is stopped in the middle, how should the two players divide the stake ? This was another problem leading to the concept of probability, J. Bernoullis (1654 1705) first treatise on probability was published in 1718. Other mathematicians who were instrumental in the development of probability were chebyshev (1821

1894). A. Markov (1856 1920), Liapounoff (who enunciated central limit theorem), De Moivre, T. Bayes and P.S. Laplace. Initially ideas of probability and statistics were used to explain natural phenomena. Now it is an indispensable tool in many decisions regarding business also. Objectives: At the end of the unit you would able to

understand the idea of Probability apply Bayes theorem in problems

12.2 Concept of Probability Consider the following statements. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A particular medicine is effective except for one out of 1000 patients. There is likely to be moderate to heavy rains in most part of Karnataka Getting a head or a tail in the toss of a coin are equally likely When a single die is rolled, any number from 1 to 6 is equally likely Only 3 out of 2 million parts is likely to be defective

In all the above statements the outcome is not certain. But we are able to list all possible outcomes. For example, we are not certain about the number likely to be seen in a roll of a single die but we know that only one of the six numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 will definitely be seen. Statement 4 is about the likelihood of something to happen. From statement 1 we are not able to say to whom the medicine is likely to be ineffective but we can say that it is ineffective only for one patient when the medicine is administered to 1000 patients. Let us consider statement 3. Although we cannot say whether we get a tail or head, we can say that we will be getting head half the number of times when a coin is tossed several times. Before proceeding to study the rigorous definition of probability let us understand that Probability is a numerical measure of the likelihood of an event to happen. It is a number between 0 and 1, 0 and 1 representing the impossibility and certainty.

Figure 12.1 Probability of an event For example, non occurrence of rain is more likely in summer and occurrence of rain is more likely in rainy season. Head or tails are equally likely in the toss of a coin.

12.3 Sample Space and Events For defining probability we need the definition of an experiment. (to be more precise random experiment).

Definition: An experiment is a process that generates well defined outcomes. When we perform an experiment we call it a trial. For each trial there is one and only one outcome among the several well defined outcomes. Example: Find all the possible outcomes of the following experiments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tossing a single coin Tossing two coins Tossing three coins Roll of a single die Roll of two dice Play a one day cricket match

Solution: The possible outcomes are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H, T (H and T denotes head and tail respectively) HH, HT, TH, TT HHH, HHT, THH, HTH, HTT, TTH, THT, TTT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

21, 22, 23, 25, 25, 26 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 1. win, defeat, tie Definition: The sample space for an experiment is the set of all possible outcomes. Example: Find the sample space for the following experiments. 1. 2. 3. 4. Number of heads in a toss of two coins Sum on the roll of two dice Sum on the roll of three dice Play a cricket game

Solution: the sample space is a) b) c) d) {2, 1, 0} {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12} {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18} {win, defeat, tie}

Definition: An event in an experiment is a subset of the sample space. Definition: A single outcome is called an elementary event. Note: Any event consists of elementary events. Example: Write down the following events as a subset of the respective sample space a) b) c) d) Getting at least one head in a toss of two coins Getting a sum of 6 or more in a roll of two dice Getting two defective parts when five parts are inspected India winning at least one in 3 matches played against Australia.

Solution: a) b) c) d) {HT, TH, HH} {HT, TH, HH, TT} {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}

{6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12} {2} {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} {0, 1, 2, 3}

{1, 2, 3}

S.A.Q. 1 Write the following events as a subset of the respective sample space. a) b) c) d) Getting even number of heads in a toss of 3 coins Winning in alternate matches when 5 matches are played Getting a sum of 4 or 10 in a roll of two dice Winning at least one match when three matches are played

12.4 Three approaches to Probability As the concept of probability was developed for more than two centuries, the statisticians defined it in several ways. In 1933 the Russian mathematician A. N. Kolmogorov developed probability theory using the axiomatic approach which was used to define various mathematical objects in the last century. The axiomatic approach unified all the three approaches of probability. We study three approaches to probability which were developed before Kolmogorovs unified approach in this section. Kolmogorovs axiomatic approach is developed in the next section. Classical Probability The classical probability is also called mathematical, or a priori probability. We need a few preliminary definitions before defining the classical probability of an event. Definition: The outcomes of an experiment are equally likely if there is no reason to expect one outcome in preference to other outcomes. For example, Head or Tail are equally likely in tossing a single coin. Any number from 1 to 6 is equally likely in the roll of a die.

Definition: Two or more events are mutually exclusive. If Head falls then Tail cannot fall and vice versa. The appearance of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are mutually exclusive. For when outcome of the appearance of 1 occurs, the remaining cannot occur. Definition: A collection of events is collectively exhaustive if they, when taken together constitute the entire sample space. For example, the events 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are collectively exhaustive. So also Head and Tail in the toss of a single coin. Definition: If the outcomes of an experiment are, equally likely, collectively exhaustive and mutually exclusive then the probability of an event E is defined by

Note: The classical probability is called a priori probability since we are able to calculate the probability of an event in advance (that is, without repeating the experiment). Of course this definition is applicable only when the outcomes of an experiment are mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive and equally likely. In the case of the toss of a coin, if we can assume the validity of these three conditions then we say that the coin is unbiased. Similarly we defined an unbiased die. Example: Find the classical probability of the following events. a) b) Getting at least one Head in a toss of two coins Getting a sum of 10 in a roll of two dice.

Solution: Let E denote the given event. a) HT, TH, HH are the 3 outcomes favorable to the event E and the total number of

outcomes is 4. So b) 46, 55 and 64 are the 3 outcomes favorable to the event and the total number of

outcomes is 36. Hence Note A classical way of monitoring possibility is as follows: If odds in favour of E are x : y or x to y, then

Statistical or empirical Probability In this approach we repeat the experiment a large number of times and define the probability of an event. Definition: If n trials are performed and m trials are favourable to the occurrence of an event E, then the probability of the event E is defined by Probability of Note: We assume that such a limit exists. Example: A bag contains 3 red balls, 4 green balls and 5 blue balls. Find the probability of choosing 2 red balls, 1 green ball and one blue ball. Solution: Denote the required event by E. As there are 12 balls in all, the total number of choosing 4 balls is C (12, 4). We can choose 2 red balls from 3 red balls in C (3, 2) ways. One green ball can be chosen in C(4, 1) ways and one blue ball can be chosen in C(5, 1) ways. By multiplication principle, the number of outcomes favourable to E is C(3, 2) , C(4, 1) C(5, 1).


Example: There are 25 cards having the numbers 1, 2, .., 25, written in them. If one card is chosen what is the probability that the number in the card is divisible by 3 or 7. Solution: The numbers divisible by 3 are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 and those divisible by 7 are 7, 14 (and 21 which is already considered). So the number of favourable outcomes is 10.

Bayesian or subjective probability In the last two approaches either we make certain assumptions about the outcomes or we assume that we can have a large number of trials. When we have an experiment that can be performed only once or only a few times, the earlier methods fail. In such cases we resort to subjective approach.

Definition: The subjective probability of an event is the probability assigned to an event by an individual based on the evidence available to him, if there is any. Many of the social and managerial decisions are concerned with specific unique situations. In such cases the decision makes has to frame subjective probability for these events. When a new product is developed, the marketing manager makes prediction based on subjective probability framed by him. S.A.Q. 2 A bag contains 3 red, 6 yellow and 7 blue balls. What is the probability that the two balls drawn are yellow and blue ? S.A.Q. 3 A ball is drawn from a bag containing 10 black and 7 white balls. What I the probability that it is white ? S.A.Q. 4 One number is chosen from each of the two sets {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} and {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}. What is the probability that the sum of these two numbers is 13 ? 12.5 Kolmogorovs Axiomatic Approach to Probability As we saw earlier, Kolmogorov proposed axiomatic theory of probability in 1933. In axiomatic approach to any theory, a minimal set of properties are taken as axioms (by an axiom we mean an assumption). They are taken as a basis and all other properties are deduced from the axioms. This is how many of modern mathematical objects are defined. Before proceeding further, recall the definition of a sample space and events discussed in earlier sections. Definition: Let S be a sample spacer and be a collection of events defined in the sample space S. Then the probability of an event A is defined by a function P: B R (R is the set of all real numbers) Satisfying the following axioms. (A1) for each (A2) P(S) = 1 (A3) If A1, A2, .., An, . Is a sequence of mutually exclusive (disjoint events in then satisfies

Note: In most of the applications we take only a finite number of disjoint events A1, ., An. In this case, (A3) reduces to

(12.1) In particular if A and B are mutually exclusive then (12.2)

Using the axiomatic approach, we can deduce all properties of probability which hold good for classical and statistical probabilities. We derive a few important properties of probability using (A1) (A2) (A3) or (8.1). In most of the proofs (8.1) or (8.2) is used. Property 12.1 The probability of an impossible event is zero. Proof: The impossible event is the empty set . We know that disjoint union. Then and the union is a

by 8.2 Canceling P(S) on both sides. We get

Property: If

is the complement of the event A, that is (see figure 12.2)


Proof: We know that

Figure 12.2 The complementary event




Theorem: (Addition theorem) If A and B are any two events, then

Proof: We write

as a disjoint union.

Figure 12.3

as disjoint union

From Fig 12.3, we see that and the union is disjoint. By (8.2), (12.4)

Similarly And the union is disjoint. By (8.2), As . (12.5)

and the union on RHS is disjoint.

by (8.4) and (8.5) Note: (12.4) and (12.5) are useful for doing problems. Thus (12.3) is proved Corollary (Extended Addition theorem) . (12.6) Note: Fig. 12.5 will help you to prove (12.6)

Property 12.3 If


Proof: From Fig. 12.4, we see that

Figure 12.4, Venn Diagram for property 12.3 and the union is disjoint. Hence

by (8.2) As

Example: If A, B, C are any three events, write the following events using operations. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) only A occurs A and B occur but not C All the three events occur None of them occur At least one of them occur At least two of them occur Exactly one of them occurs Exactly two of them occur

and set

Solution: We represent A, B, C and their complements in Fig. 12.5

Figure 12.5: Three events Now using the Venn diagram given in Fig 12.5, we can represent the events as follows. a) b)

c) e)

d) f)


h) Example: If two dice are thrown what is the probability that the sum is a) greater than 9 b) neither 3 or 9 c) less than 4 Solution:


The favourable outcomes are 46, 55, 64, 56, 65, 66. So


Let A and B denote the events that the sum is 3 and 9 respectively. Then As A and B are mutually exclusive


So P(Sum is neither 3 or 9).

(By De Morgans law


The favourable outcomes are 11, 12, 21. So probability is

Example: A bag contains two red balls, three blue balls and five green balls. Three balls are drawn at random. Find the probability that a) b) c) the three balls are of different colours two balls are of the same colour all the three are of the same colour

Solution Let E denote the given event.. a) We can choose one red ball in C (2, 1) ways, etc. So

b) Let E1, E2, E3 denote the events that two balls among the three are red, blue and green respectively.


So P(E) = P(E1) + P(E2) + P(E3)

c) As there are only two red balls, the chosen three balls are of the same colour only if they are all blue or green. Let E1, E2 denote the events that the three balls are blue and green respectively.

So P(E) = P(E1) + P(E2)

Example: Two dice are rolled. If A is the event that the number in the first die is odd and B is the event that the number in the second die is at least 3, find .

Solution: The outcomes favourable to are 13, 14, 15, 16, 33, 34, 35, 36, 53, 54, 55, 56. So

(By (12.4))

(By (12.5))

S.A.Q.5 A bag contains 6 white and 10 black balls. Three balls are drawn at random. Find the probability that a) b) c) d) e) all the three are black none of them is black two of them are black two of them are white all the three are of the same colour

S.A.Q.6 Find the probability. S.A.Q.7 The following table gives a distribution of wates of 1,000 workers: Wages (in Rs.) 120 140 140 160 160 180 180 200 200 220 220 240 240 260 No. of workers 9 118 478 200 142 35 18

An individual is selected at random from the above group. What is the probability that his wages are (i) under Rs. 160 (ii) above Rs. 200, (iii) between Rs. 169 to 200 ? S.A.Q. 8 Let a sample space be S = {a1, a2, a3}. Which of the following defines probability space on S?



iii) S.A.Q. 9 Out of numbers 1 to 100, one is selected at random. What is the probability that it is divisible by 4 or 5?

S.A.Q. 10 The chance of an accident in a factory in a year is 1 in 5 in Bomay, 2 in 20 in Poona, 10 in 120 in Nagpur. Find the chances that a accident may happen in (i) at least one of them (ii) all of them. S.A.Q. 11 A person is known to hit a target in 3 out of 5 shots, whereas another person is known to hit in 2 out of 3 shots. Find the probability that the target being hit in all when they both try. S.A.Q. 12 A six faced dice is biased that is twice as likely to show an even number as an odd number when it is thrown. What is the probability that the sum of the two numbers is even ? S.A.Q. 13 The odd in favour of one student passing a test are 3 : 6. The odds against another student passing at are 3:5. What are odds that (i) both pass, (ii) both fail ? S.A.Q. 14 If two dice are thrown, what is the probability that the sum is (a) greater than 8, and (b) neither 7 or 11 ?

S.A.Q. 15 Let A and B two events such that

Show that


ii) S.A.Q. 16 From a group of children, 5 boys and 3 girls, three children are selected at random. Calculate the probabilities that the selected group contain i) no girl, ii) only one girl, iii) one particular girl, (iv) at least one girl, and v) more girls than boys. S.A.Q. 17 According to the census Bureau, deaths in the United States occur at a rate of 2, 425,000 per year. The National Centre for Health statistics reported that the three leading causes of death during 1997 were heart disease (725, 790), cancer (537, 390) and stroke (159, 877). Let H, c and represent the events that a person dies of heart disease, cancer and stroke, respectively. a) b) c) d) Use the data to estimate P(H), P(C) and P(S). Are the events H and C mutually exclusive. Find What is the probability that a person dies from heart disease or cancer? What is the probability that a person dies from cancer or a stroke?


Find the probability that someone dies from a cause other than one of these three.

12.6 Conditional Probability and Independence of Events Let us consider a class having both boys and girls. Suppose a girl is selected. What is the probability that the selected girl gets a first class? The required probability is the probability of B (getting a first class) given that A(The selected student is a girl) has already happened. Such a probability is called conditional probability. Definition 12.12 Let A and B be two events in the same sample space and P(B) > 0. Then the conditional probability P(A/B) is the probability for A to happen given that B has already happened. The following theorem gives us a method of finding the conditional probability. Theorem 12.2 (Multiplicative law for probability and conditional probability) For any two events A and B, provided P(B) > 0. = P(A) P(B/A), provided P(A) > 0. Proof Let the total number of outcomes be N. Let nA, nB, nAB denote the number of outcomes favourable to the events A, B and respectively. Then and

Let us calculate P(A/B) using the classical approach. As B has already happened, the total number of outcomes is nB. The number of outcomes favourable to A given B is the number of outcomes favourable to Hence


proving the first identity. The second identity can be proved similarly.

Example 12.11 The following table shows the distribution of blood types in a state in India A B Rh+ RhAB O 4% 42%

33% 3%

11% 2%



Find the following probabilities a) b) c) d) The probability that a person has type O blood. The probability that a person is RhThe probability that a married couple are both Rh+ The probability that a married couple have type AB blood f) The probability that a person has type B blood given that the person is Rh+

Solution Let A, B, AB, O, Rh+ and Rh- denote the events that a person has type A blood etc. a) b) = 0.03 + 0.02 + 0.02 + 0.03 = 0.10 c) P (O couple are both Rh+) = P[(husband is Rh+) (wife is hh+)] = P (husband is Rh+) P(wife is Rh+) assuming independent. = [1 P (Rh )] [1 P(Rh )] = (0.9) (0.9) = 0.81 d) P(a couple have AB) = P(husband has AB) P(wife has AB)

= (0.04 + 0.02) (0.04 + 0.02) = 0.0036


f) Let A be the event that it rains heavily in Sikkim and B be the event that you will score a first class in Bio informatics. Obviously the events A and B have no dependence among themselves. We formulate this in the following definition. Definition: Two events A and B are independent if the occurrence or non occurrence of one does not affect the occurrence of the other. This happen when and .. (12.7)

Note: We know that If P(A/B) = P(A), P(A B) = P(A) P(B)



So P(A/B) = P(A) implies P(B/A) = P(B) So we note the following A and B are independent if P(A B) = P(A) P(B) (12.8) So (8.8) can be taken as the working definition of independence of two events. Example: A bag has 20 blue balls and 10 green balls. Two balls are taken from the bag one after the other. Find the probability that both are blue if. i) ii) The first ball is not replaced before taking out the second ball The first ball is replaced before taking out the second

Solution Let A denote the event that the first ball is blue and B be the event that the second ball is blue. So we have to find P(A B)

As the bag has 20 blue balls and the total number of balls is 30, i) When the first ball is not replaced and the second ball is taken out there are 19 balls. So

So P(A

B) = P(B/A) P(A) (By theorem 12.2)

ii) When the first ball is replaced before the second ball is taken out, there are 20 blue balls and 30 balls in all before the second choice


So Note in the above example, A and B are not independent in (i) but independent in (ii) Example 12.13 If A and B are independent show that


and independent


and independent

Solution As A and B are independent

We know that

and the union is disjoint. Hence

A and B are independent) = P(A) [1 P(B)]

(by property 12.2) Hence A and are independent

b) = 1 P (A B)

= 1 [P(A) + P(B) P(A B)] (by Addition theorem) = 1 [P(A) + P(B) P(A) P(B)] (since A and B are independent) = 1 P(A) P(B) + P(A) P(B) = 1 P(A) P(B) [1 P(A)] = [1 P(A)] [1 P(B)]


are independent.

Example: One third of the students in a class are girls and the rest are boys. The probability that a girl gets a first class is 0.4 and that of a boy is 0.3. If a student having first class is selected, find the probability that the student is a girl. Solution: Let A, B and C denote the event that a student is a boy, a girl and a student having first class. We are given the following

So since = =


by Demorgans law by Addition theorem

We are required to find P(B/C)

Example: The probability that a 60 year old man to be alive for 5 years is 0.80 and the same probability for a 55 year old woman is 0.85. Find the probability that a couple of ages 60 and 50 respectively will be alive for the next 5 years. Solution: We assume that the age expectation of the couple are independent. Let A, B denote the probability that the husband and wife will be alive for the next 5 years. P(both will be alive for next 5 years) = P(A B)

= P(A) P(B)

= (0.80) (0.85) = 0.68 We can extend the concept of independence to more than two events. Definition: Three events A, B and C are mutually independent if the occurrence or non occurrence of any one of the events does not affect the occurrence of other events. Note: When A, B, C are mutually independent then A and B are independent etc. So the working definition of 3 mutually independent events A, B, C can be given as follows. A, B, C are mutually independent if P(A P(C P(A B) = P(A) P(B), P(B A) = P(C) P(A) and B C) = P(A) P(B) P(C) .. (12.9) C) = P(B) P(C),

Example: A difficult problem is given to the students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank by a professor. The probability that these students solve the problem are that the problem is solved. respectively. Find the probability

Solution Let A denote the event that A solves the problem etc. Let us find the probability that the problem is not solved by any of them (Assume independence of A, B, C and hence


Probability that the problem is solved =

S.A.Q. 18 If P(A) = 0.25, P(B/A) = 0.5 and P(A/B) = 0.25 find

S.A.Q. 19 An article consists of two parts A and B. The probabilities of defect in A and B are 0.08 and 0.04. What is the probability that the assembled part will not have any defect? S.A.Q. 20 From a bag containing 3 red and 4 black balls two balls are drawn in succession without replacement. Find the probability that both the balls are (i) red (ii) black (iii) of the same colour. 12.7 Bayes theorem We have seen that subjective probability is used when some event may happen only once or a few times. But after assuming subjective probability we may get some new information. This information can be used to revise the subjective probability. Bayes theorem is used fro revising probability on the basis of new information. Reverend Thomas Bayes (1702 1761), a Christian Priest, enunciated Bayes theorem which has significant applications in many areas of business administration especially marketing. Theorem (Bayes theorem) If E1, E2, , En are mutually exclusive events with P(Ei) > 0, i = 1, 2, .. n then for any

arbitrary event A which is a subset of

such that P(A) > 0, we have

Note: P(E1). , P(En) are called a priori or prior probabilities. A denotes some new information. Then we revise the probabilities P(Ei) as P(Ei/A). The revised probabilities are called posteriori probabilities. This process is illustrated in Fig. 12.6

Figure 12.6 Prior and posterior probabilities Example: A company has three plants A, B and C manufacturing the same spare part in the ratio 30:45:25. The percentage of defective parts in the plants are 3%, 2% and 5% respectively. A part is chosen at random and found to be defective. What is the probability that it is manufactured by plants A, B or C ? Solution Let A, B, C denote the event that it is manufactured in plants A, B and C respectively. Let P(D) be the probability that a spare part is defective. Given P(A) = 0.3 P(B) = 0.45, P(C) = 0.25 P(D/C) = 0.05

P(D/A) = 0.03

P(D/B) = 0.02

Probability that the chosen defective part is manufactured by plant A = P(A/D)

= 0.295 Similarly, P(B/D) = 0.295

P(C/D) = 0.410 Example: A physician believes that the people in a particular region are prone to diseases A and B. He estimates that P(A) = 0.6 and P(B) = 0.4. The diseases have symptoms S1, S2 and S3. Given that the patient has the diseases, the probabilities for him to have symptoms S1, S2 and S3 are given in the following table. Symptoms Disease S1 A B 0.15 0.80 S2 0.10 0.15 S3 0.15 0.03

If a patient has symptom S1, find the probability that he has disease A. Solution We are given that P(A) = 0.6 P(B) = 0.4 P(S2/A) = 0.10 P(S2/B) = 0.15 P(S3/A) = 0.15 P(S3/B) = 0.03

P(S1/A) = 0.15 P(S1/B) = 0.80

The required probability = P(A/S1)

= 0.738 S.A.Q.21 The contents of vessels I, II and III are as follows: 1. 2. white, 2 black and 1 red balls white, 1 black and 1 red balls, and


white, 5 black and 3 red balls.

One vessel is chosen at random and two balls are drawn. They happen to be white and red. What is the probability that they come from vessels I, II or III ? S.A.Q. 22 A company has three machines M1, M2, M3 which produces 20%, 30% and 50% of the products respectively. Their respective defective percentages are 7, 3 and 5. From these products one is chosen and inspected. It is defective. What is the probability that it has been made by machine M2 ? 12.8 Summary In this unit we discussed about the concept of probability. The different basic term of probability is well defined with examples. Different types of probability, Bayes theorem and its application is discussed with clear cut examples. 12.9 Terminal Questions 1. Five persons are selected from a group of 8 men, 6 women and 6 children. Find the probability that 3 of the 5 persons selected are children. 2. A bag contains 5 2hite, 6 black and 3 green balls. Find the probability that a ball drawn at random is white or green. 3. Find the probability of getting (i) only one head and (ii) at least 4 heads in six tosses of an unbiased coin. 4. Find the chance of getting more than 15 in rolling three dice 5. A five-digit number is formed from the digits 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, no repetition being allowed. Find the probability that the number is (i) odd (ii) even. 6. A sample space has 5 elementary events E1, E2, E3, E4, E5. If P(E3) = 0.4, P(E4) = 2P (E5) and P(E1) = P(E2) = 0.15, determine P(E4), P(E5), P({E4, E5}), P({E1, E2, E3}) 7. A problem is probability is given to three students A, B and C. The probabilities that they solve the problem are i) ii) iii) respectively. Find the probabilities that

A alone solves the problem Just two of them solve the problem The problem is solved

(Mention the assumptions you make in solving the problem). 8. A large company dumps its chemical waste in a local river. The probability that either a fish or an animal dies on drinking the water is The probability that only a fish dies is

and the probability that only an animal dies in What is the probability, (i) that both will dies ? (ii) none of them will die ? 9. In a college, the percentage of students reading the new Indian Express, Deccan Herald and both are 20%, 30% and 15%. Find the probability that a student of the college i) ii) iii) reads at least one newspaper reads none of them reads only Deccan Herald

10. A team of 6 students is to be selected from a class consisting of 7 boys and 4 girls. Find the probability that the team consists of a) exactly two girls b) at least 2 girls. 11. 40 candidates appeared for examination in Papers A and B. 16 students passed in paper A, 14 passed in Paper B and 16 failed in both. If one student is selected at random what is the probability that he a) b) c) passed in both papers failed only in A failed in A or B

12. In a town, only 80% of the children born reach the age of 15 and only 85% of them reach the age of 30. 2.5% of persons aged 30 die in one year. What is the probability that a person will reach the age of 31. 13. If A, B, C are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive and 2 P(C) = 3P (A) = 6P(B) find P(A), P(B), P(C). 14. Two vessels contain 20 white, 12 red and 18 black balls; 6 white, 14 red and 30 blackballs respectively. One ball is taken out from each vessel. Find the probability that a) both are red b) both are of the same colour 15. The probability that a candidate passes in Biostatistics is 0.6 and that the probability that he passes in Genetics 50.5. What is the probability that he passes in only one of the papers ? (Mention the assumption you make). 16. The following table gives the frequency distribution of 50 professors according to age and their salaries. Salary 10000 15000 15000 20000 20000 25000 25000 30000 20 30 30 40 16 4 6 10 4 4

Age in years

40 50 50 60

18 12

12 10

If a professor is chosen at random find the probability that 1. he is in the age group 30 40 years and earns more than 20,000 2. he earns in the range 15000 20000 and less than 40 years old. 1. In a class of 20 boys and 40 girls, half the boys and half the girls have two wheelers. Find the probability that a randomly selected student is a boy or has a two wheeler. 2. Three fair (unbiased) coins are tossed. If the first coin shows a head find the probability of getting all heads. 3. If find P B/A and P(A/B).

4. If find P(B/A) and P(B/A). 5. The records of 400 examinees are given below. Educational Qualification Score B.A. B.Sc B.Com Total Below 50 Between 50 & 60 Above 60 Total 90 20 10 120 30 70 30 130 60 70 20 150 180 160 60 400

If an examinee is selected from this group find i) The probability that he is a commerce graduate ii) iii) The probability that he is a science graduate given that his score is above 60

The probability that his score is below 50 given that he is a B.A graduate.

1. There are 3 boxes containing respectively 1 white, 2 red, 3 black balls; 2 white, 3 red, 1 black ball; 3 white, 1 red and 2 black b alls. A box is chosen at random and from it two

balls are drawn at random. The two balls are 1 red and 1 white. What is the probability that they come from (i) the first box (ii) second box (iii) third box? 2. An item is manufactured by three machines M1, M2 and M3. Out of the total manufactured during a specified production period, 50% are manufactured on M1, 30% on M2 and 20% on M3. It is also known that 2% of the item produced by M1 and M2 are defective, white 3% of those manufactured by M3 are defective. All the items are put into one bin. From the bin, one item is drawn at random and is found to be defective. What is the probability that it was made on M1, M2 or M3. 12.10 Answers Self Assessment Questions 1. a) b) c) d) {TTT, HHT, HTH, THH} {WLWLW, LWLWL} {13, 22, 31, 46, 55, 64} {WLL, LWL, LLW, WWL, WLW, LWW, WWW}

2. 3. 4. The sum 13 can be obtained from the pairs (3, 10), (5, 8), (7, 6), (9, 4). The total number of pairs that can be chosen is 9(5) = 45. 5. Answer:






6. P (no head) = Answer: 7. Total number of workers = 1000. (i) 0.127 (ii) 0.195 8. i) As P(S) = P(a1) + P(a2) + P(a3) 1, answer is No.

(iii) 0.596

ii) iii)

As P(S) = 1; Yes

9. Let A and B denote divisibility by 4, 5. Outcomes favourable to A are 4, 8, , 100. So P(A) = 0.25. Similarly P(B) = 0.2 and P(A B) = 0.05. Answer: 0.4 10. i) Prob (accident occurs in none of them)


ii) 11. Assume independence. (In case of independence, P(A B) = P(A) P(B). See later sections).


12. Let P (odd number) = a. Treat the die as a coin showing even or odd. Then 2a + a = 1 or Prob (sum is even = Prob (both are even) + Prob (both are odd) =


For the second, odds for passing are 5 : 3. So


independence i) ii) . 14. a) Favourable outcomes are: 36, 45, 54, 63, 46, 55, 64, 56, 65, 66.




15. As

(i) follows.

(since P(A B) < 1 and so P (A B) > 1). So (ii) follows.

1. (i)





2. a) b) c) d) e) Yes. They are also independence. Answer: P(H) P(C) P(H) + P(C) P(C) + P(S) = P(H) + P(C) + P(S) P(H) P(C) P(C) P(S) P(H) P(S) + P(H) P(C) P(S). (We assume independence of H, C, S) 3. P(A B) = 0.125, P(B) = 0.5, So P(A B) = 0.25 + 0.5 0.125 = 0.625.

4. Let x, y be the events that A and B do not have any defect respectively. P(x) = 0.92 and P(y) = 0.96. Assuming independence, the answer is (0.92) (0.96) = 0.8832. 5. Let A and B denote the events that the ball is red in first and second attempt (i) (ii) 6. P(E1) = P(E2) = P(E3) = 1 (iii)


1. Answer: Terminal Questions


2. 3. One head can appear in 6 ways.



4. 5.

We should get a sum of 16, 17, 18. Answer: An odd number ends in 3 or 5. Number of favourable outcomes is 2(4!).

Answer: 6. Let P(E5) = x. Then 0.15 + 0.15 + 0.4 + 2x + x = 1. Hence x = 0.1 Answers: 0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7






Given that

use addition theorem,

i) 9.

ii) Given that P(A) = 0.2, P(B) = 0.3 and P(A B) = 0.15


P(A B) = 0.35







Given that

a) 12.

b) P (Fifteen) = 0.8,

c) P (thirty/ Fifteen) = 0.85 and P (thirty one/ thirty) = 0.975.

Answer: (0.8) (0.85) (0.975) = 0.663







Assume independence of B and G. Answer:


Total number of professors = 100





Given that

Answer: 18. Let A denote getting H is the first toss and B denote getting H in second and third tosses.


19. and







Hence 23. P(E1) = 0.5 P(E2) = 0.3 P(E3) = 0.2 P(E2/A) = 0.273, P(A/E1) = 0.02 etc

P(E1/A) = 0.454,

P(E3/A) = 0.273

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