Bulletin January 8,2012

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All Saints Roman Catholic Church

410 Main Cross Street, P O Box 531, Taylorsville, KY 40071 Parish Office: 502-477-6676 Fax: 502-477-5278
Pastor: Fr. Paul Beach Deacon: Gerry Mattingly Bookkeeper, Dir of Rel. Ed., Secretary: Diane Black Youth Ministry: Laura Zoeller Pastoral Assistant: Carl Fahringer Pastoral Minister/RCIA: Mari Wertz email: fatherbeach@gmail.com email: gerry.mattingly@sfxmw.com email: dianecblack@bellsouth.net email: lauramzoeller@bellsouth.net email: carlfahringer@bellsouth.net email: mlwertz@wertz.us SFX: 538-4933 or 955-5366 voice mail box 2 voice mail box 3 voice mail box 1

Parish Stewardship Envelopes: Please pick up your box of 2012 envelopes in the back of church on the table near the loft stairs contact Diane Black if you do not see one for you. We thank you for your generosity and financial support. Snow Policy: We have been operating on the same schedule as the Spencer Co. Public Schools if they have closed for snow, the parish cancels Wednesday Prayers, all meetings and activities, with the exception of Mass. The Parish Office will be open on Snow Days if the staff can make it there safely please call to confirm our office hours. Religious Education for Children: After our Epiphany Family Session this Sunday, our classroom sessions will resume as scheduled, on January 15th. Regular attendance and timely arrivals are encouraged-as is Mass participation! RCIA: The RCIA group will meet Sunday, January 8th from 9:45-11:15 in the Basement. Contact Marilena Wertz at 477-8534, or mlwertz@wertz.us, for information about the Catholic Church, and remember the participants in prayer. Why Catholic?" is your chance to learn more about the sacraments of healing and about the sacraments of others vocations of marriage and holy orders. If you took part last Lent and wish to continue, contact your facilitator. The same book will be used. If you would like to join this session, contact Carl Fahringer after either Mass next weekend so additional faith-sharing books can be ordered. (The book costs $10 and a couple can share one book. Participants should also have a Catechism of the Catholic Church.) We have four groups with openings: Monday, 7:00 PM; Wednesday, 7:00 PM; and Friday, 10:00 AM all of which will meet in the parish hall or basement. There will also be a Thursday group, meeting at 7:00 PM at the Culver home on Wilsonville Heights. Thank you to all our facilitators: Cheryl Bowling, Becky Culver, Becky Hornung, Bob Searcy, and Mari Wertz. Contact Carl with any questions. Eucharistic Adoration will be on Wednesday, January 11, after the Communion service, until 9 p.m. If you want to talk to Jesus face-to-face, this is the place. Consider attending this monthly devotion, the 2nd Wednesday of each month. 2011 Catholic Service Appeal - Bringing Christ to Others: The December 27th report from the Archdiocesan Office of Stewardship states that 80% of its annual goal has been met. Our Parishioners have now donated a total of $4,480, exceeding our goal of $3,750. You may still make a donation to this worthy cause: gifts can be made online, or by using the envelopes in the back of church. We are grateful to those who have made donations all gifts are appreciated. Archdiocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass: Couples celebrating 5, 10, 15, 20, & 25 years of marriage in 2012 are invited to a Diocesan Mass of Thanksgiving, celebrated by Archbishop Joseph Kurtz. Family members are also invited to this celebration on Saturday, February 11, at 5:30 PM at Holy Family Parish, 3926 Poplar Level Road. Call Diane Black in the Parish Office to register the deadline is Wednesday, February 1st. Witness to Your Belief in Respect for All Human Life at the 39th annual Archdiocesan Pro-Life Mass on Sunday, January 22, 2012, at 3:00 PM, St. Martin of Tours Church, 639 So. Shelby Street, Louisville. The Mass is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Ancient Order of Hibernians and Knights of St. John. Celebrant: Very Rev. Mark Spalding AA meets at 7:30 every Tuesday in the parish hall. An open discussion format is used. Upcoming Events: Wednesday, Jan. 11th

To arrange for Baptisms or Weddings, please call the office. Confessions by request or 4 oclock Saturdays at St. Francis Xavier

January 8, 2012 Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Sat. Sun. Tue Wed. Sat. Sun. 5:00 PM 11:30 AM 8:30 AM 6:30 PM 5:00 PM 11:30 AM All the People of the Parish Presider: Fr. Wayne Murphy In Honor of John Rock Presider: Fr. Paul Beach Pam Lewis Presider: Fr. Joe Batcheldor Rosary; 7:00 Communion Service; 7:30-9:00 Eucharistic Adoration Scotty Martin Presider: Fr. Joe Batcheldor All the People of the Parish Presider: Fr. Don Ryan Parish Support: $2,311.81 Catholic Charities: $10.00 Christmas Collection: $20.00 Solemnity of Mary: $502.00 Thank you for your stewardship of treasure. Prayer list: Martha Hopper; Patricia Hurst; John Gathoff; Carol Kennedy; Elizabeth Martin; Julia Ameral; Joan Gollar; Diana Howard; Azeline Thomas; Matthew Lish (Lawsons); Mary Hodges & Michelle Storm; Ray Carrico; Steven Carroll (Klotzs); Margaret Glasford; Don Bealmear; Benny Lyon; Tom and Pat Drake; Cheryl Riney (Mary Akins); Emerson Chadwell (Kapfhammers); Sandra, Toni Rae, Yvonne & Pat Cheney; Steve & Olivia Fahringer, Rhonda McCarty, Beth Hotz (Carl F.); Donnie Hinton, Virginia Hinton (Gerard); Frank Taylor, Brownie Clements, Mary & Garland Boone (Diane & Cele); Jeremy Moreman (Penny & Tom); Charlotte Vowels (Pete & Mona); Melvin Meis (Melinda Warford); Chuck & Margaret Hardison (Darnells); Fred Barton, Henry Galbraith (Patti Grubb); Kim Riggs; Pat Douglas; Kelly Taylor; Eva Blanford (Lyons); Doris Robards, Catherine Kehne, Harper DYoung, Ron Tucker (Jan & Gary); Eula & George Koppel, Dick Wertz (Mari & Daryl); all the unemployed; those serving our country: John Rock, Jamie Fleig, who have returned to the U.S., Wes Robinson, Bryant Fowler, Thomas Creed and Bryan Ford. Call the office to add or delete a name from our prayer list, with that persons permission.

Happy Birthday: 01/09 Penny Burns; 01/10 Alan Borja; 01/11 Lizzie Beeson, Mary Beth Thomas; Belated wishes to 01/02 Allison Beeson, Michelle Shawver; 01/03 Don Richeson; 01/05 Earl Rose V; 01/06 Rose Borja, Phoebe Brown, Judy Broyles, Laurie Robinson; 01/07 Ron Schriner Eternal Rest: We ask that you keep in your prayers the families of Charles Minyard, John Jack Riker and Charlene Hayes Pray. Mr. Minyard died on January 2nd and is the father of Chuck Minyard, the father-in-law and grandfather of parishioners Mary, Jessica and Katie. Mrs. Pray died on January 4th and is the sister of parishioner Mack Hayes. She was buried from St. Raphael on Friday. Mr. Riker, the husband of Loretta, died on January 4th, and will be buried from All Saints on Monday at 10:00 AM. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace. National Vocation Awareness Week begins on Monday, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. This is a special time in which the Church prays for the renewal and strengthening of vocations of dedicated people as married and single people, men to serve as priests, deacons, brothers, and women as religious sisters. Consider discussing vocations with your family using the Take-Home Page included in this bulletin. Let your life proclaim good news! Take-Home Devotional Material and 2012 Religious Calendars: Help yourself to the formation and devotional hand-outs we provide the Catholic Update concerning Economic Justice; At Home with our Faith; The Word to Go weekly reflection and childrens coloring and activity pages. Both local funeral homes have donated Catholic religious calendars for 2012 help yourself to any material you would use and share the calendars with family and friends.

7:00-8:30 PM

High School Youth Meeting, Parish Hall Ministers of the Word: Sat. 01/07 Phoebe Brown, Carl Fahringer Sun. 01/08 Kim Snyder, Joe Bowling Sat. 01/14 Carolyn Kapfhammer, Jim Pusey Sun. 01/15 Cele Walker, Tiffany Shively Ministers of Hospitality: Sat. 01/07 Pete Vowels, Jim Pusey Sun. 01/08 Russell Warford, Darren Esterle Sat. 01/14 Tom Burns, David Sherry Sun. 01/15 Gary Kehne, Bill Nall Reminder: Liturgical Ministers are asked to find a substitute when unable to perform your ministry, and to arrive 15 minutes before

Communion Ministers: Sat. 01/07 Penny Burns, Anna Hochstrasser, Marian Pusey Sun. 01/08 Deacon Gerry, Diane Black, Susan Hayes Sat. 01/14 Angela Runner, Carl Fahringer, Connie Eisenback Sun. 01/15 Carl Fahringer, David and Lori Young Servers: Sat. 01/07 Shelby Wertz, Kamron Koppel Sun. 01/08 Michael Richards, Trevor Hutt Sat. 01/14 Pete Vowels Sun. 01/15 Liz Walker, Savannah Taylor Ministers to the Sick: Jan. 07/08 Anna Hochstrasser assigned Jan. 14/15 Angela Runner Mass.

Thank you for your stewardship of time & talent.

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