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A.Background of Study

In this modern era, people demand to have more than one language. Language as
a tool for communication takes an important role in our daily activities. Without
communication, we will be left behind. Communication in foreign language is a
bridge to get information, knowledge and culture. Indonesia as a developing
country has realized that English as an International language is needed to be
mastered by Indonesian people.




A.Background of Study

In this modern era, people demand to have more than one language. Language as
a tool for communication takes an important role in our daily activities. Without
communication, we will be left behind. Communication in foreign language is a
bridge to get information, knowledge and culture. Indonesia as a developing
country has realized that English as an International language is needed to be
mastered by Indonesian people.
English is essential to be taught for the younger people, for this case; students
from the beginner up to the senior high school. In developing the students ability
in mastering English, it cannot be separated from vocabulary mastery. Because it
can be a measurement of students, understand in English.
Teaching vocabulary can be done through some ways or some techniques. One of is
by implementing of mapping words in teaching activities. In this case, students
allow finding similar words, which has relationship to the main word. They can work
in-group or individually. They learn to share knowledge and information about
targeted content, and willingly do this because it is naturally following part of the
class activity.
By implementing the mapping word technique in teaching, indirectly, students
might be improved their knowledge of English vocabulary. at least it will be raised
their self-confidence for expressing themselves openly, especially in speaking
practice. Students can share their knowledge and experience from others, including
respectful listening and appropriate sharing of personal perspectives. Students also
reported that their understanding of concepts were expressed and considered, at
least we hope students can do not only in developing their vocabulary but also they
are able to practice either in speaking or understanding of meaning of words.
Derived from the writers experience when she was conducted her research at the
SMP Negeri I - Indramayu, that the mapping words is a suitable technique for the
students in secondary level for improving their vocabulary mastery. To be proved
how far the mapping word could be influenced students vocabulary skill, in this
paper the writer tries to elaborate everything related to the technique of
implementing mapping words and its effect for increasing students vocabularies

B.Identification of the Problem

Considering the important of the identification problem, the writer is identified the
problem as follows:
1.Is the Implementation of mapping words technique effective for developing
students vocabulary?
2.How develop students vocabulary through the mapping words technique?
3.Is the mapping word technique effective to recover the lack ness of students

C.Limitation of problem
The writer limits the study about, how to improve vocabulary for the students at
the secondary school grade, through mapping word technique in teaching learning
English for the class seventh at the secondary school.
In this paper, the writer focused to study about the effectiveness of the mapping
word, apply in teaching learning activity to build up students vocabulary.

D.Formulation of problem
Based on the importance of this research and the effort for increasing student in
writing mastery, to build up the their understanding in writing technique as many
as possible, the writer would like to formulate the problem in his paper as follows:

Is the descriptive Text effective to develop students writing Skill?

E.purpose of study
Based on the reason above, through this research the writer wants to prove that
the descriptive text is a good technique applied in teaching English to overcome the
students lack ness in mastery writing.

F.Significance of study
a.for student
1.The students are able to increase their skill in writing indirectly.
2.By applying descriptive text in teaching learning activity, hopes it can dig
thestudents interest in English because the method is more fun and enjoy able.
3.Students will be more attracted in learning English without under pressure feeling
and forced.

b. For the teacher
1.The teacher can motive students to encourage their vocabulary through some
models of the mapping word technique.
2.Teaching vocabulary by using mapping word technique is attractive and variously,
so, it is able to improve students interest.
3.It might for students making sharing with their friend, about their favorite things
that can be implemented in their class.

c.For the Institution
The Mapping words can be applied for all purposes English learning to increase
students skill. It is not only for improving students vocabulary skills but also, it can
be applied in writing learning, even though for increasing students in reading skill
relate to translate of difficult words.
For the institution mapping words can help students in general to develop their
English capabilities so the School (the institution) gets the achievements and
prestige among the education institution.

d.For the public (the readers in general)
The implementation of Mapping words for improving students ability in increasing
their vocabulary, hoped, it can be followed by another teacher in teaching learning
English activity. For improving students vocabulary skill and capabilities in reading
comprehension, writing skill and so on.


A. The Definition of Vocabulary
1. What is Vocabulary?
Dedi Suryana , in Teaching Vocabulary (1990) states that; vocabulary is one of
language components. It supports the teaching and learning of the four language
skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing
As the language component, vocabulary must be taught in a proper way.. In his
book, Dedi Suryana states that; vocabulary divided in to:
1)Vocabulary Skill involved deducing meaning from the context, Use of Dictionary,
word formation coining, and ignoring unfamiliar words.
2)Vocabulary activities, involved word guessing, word association, crossword
puzzle, cline, word-classification, and rid dies.

2. The ways of teaching Vocabulary
Here are some notes on the teaching of vocabulary:
A.Pre-teaching (relate to the text)
-The word cannot be deduced from the text
B.Stand Alone
-select new vocabulary items from the previous text
-add some more new words
-give explanation using the technique we have
-followed by practice and use

3.How Teach Vocabulary integrative?
In Training Plan for LKI and LKGI, Dedi Suryana (1997:1) explores that teaching
vocabulary integrative, as follows:
1) Brainstorming
2) Discussion
3) Explanation/Conclusion
4) Analyzing
5) Designing
4. Indirect vocabulary learning

Children learn word meanings indirectly in three ways:
1.They engage daily in oral language
2.They listen to adults read to them
3.They read extensively on their own.
Children learn many new words by reading extensively on their own. The more
children read on their own, the more words they encounter and the more word
meanings they learn.

B.The Definition of Mapping Words Technique
Mapping words technique is one activity to increase students vocabulary in English.
It often teach to be one of the most effective ways of integrating language skills in
the language classroom. Though the terms mapping words have been interpreted
in many different ways by both teachers and textbook writers, both activities offer a
flexible yet principled way of tailoring intergraded skills to learner needs.
Mc Donough (1994:217) states that:
Network vocabulary and simulation work, on the other hand, usually requires the
learners to take part in communication which involves personal experience and

1.The effectiveness of the Mapping Words Technique according to the Experts

According to Ronald Charter in Vocabulary and Language Teaching (1988:12)
The lists contain a word from the target language, either a synonym in that target
language, or a translation in mother tongue, and these can be accompanied by a
picture or some mean of graphic or other mnemonic representation.

While according to Aston in an Interaction workbook (1982):
Mapping Words activities can involve practice, especially, although by no means
exclusively, where younger learners are involved.

From the statements above the writer concludes that speaking activities based on
graphics are often a useful way of giving students valuable practices, either when
they are in the classroom activities or out door activities. The relationship between
the Mapping Words and its effect to improve students skill in mastering vocabulary,
Nunan (1991) states that;

This activity is also useful way of developing notion of conversational listening
skills in that the listener can ask for further clarification if something has been

2.The Phase of Mapping Words in Teaching Vocabulary
A model for structuring Words activities in the classroom is offered by Herbert and
Sturtridge (1979). In this case, Herbert and Sturtridge state that:
The structure incorporates the flexibility mentioned above with respect to how
tasks can be graded, the role of the teacher during the activity and to the type of
material to be used.

They suggest three-phase sequences for staging Mapping words techniques in
teaching vocabulary they are;
1.First-phase; the informational input can either be in the form of a memorizing to
read or perhaps it could be listening based

2.Second-phase; the information that other learners have similar with respect to
some of the measures above, and very different in other case.

3.The third- phase; the feedback phase, has to be handled carefully so as not to
become a negative account of what went wrong. For error analysis it might be
possible to give a report on general types of mistake that were made in the group,
or where and how communication broke down, as well as giving individualized feed
back to learners.


A. Methodology of the Researh
This paper conducts an experimental method. Some views on the definition of the
experimental method stated as follow:
Surakhmad (1989:29) states that:
Experimental research is the method of the research which explain the data for
predicting the events in the future

Suryabrata (2003:58) states that experimental design is;
The experiment research is oriented to observe possibility of causal- effect by
giving treatment to on or more experimental groups, within it on or more condition
of treatment trying to compare the result of the samples

Base on the statement above, the writer could determine that experimental
research is the sign used for explaining data in future situation and to observe the
possibility of causal-effect by giving treatment to compare the result.
The method that used in this research is descriptive quantitative method, where it
uses a field as an object observation describing a situation in the present time. In
this paper, the writer tries to find out significance between the implementation of
the role-play in teaching learning activities, and it significance in improving
students vocabulary mastery.

B. Population and Sample
1. Population
According to H. Muhammad Ali, (1992:5)
If the sample really represent of population, what is known about the sample is
our knowledge of the population. The implication is, if the research which used
really represent of population, so done generally to the population.

While according to Arikunto, (1998:115-117) states that:
Population is the whole of research subject, where as sample is a part of

In this case, the writer has chosen the seventh grade of SMP Negeri I Indramayu.

The sample to be investigated is taken randomly. The number of sample is 40
students as the experimental or as an experimental group. In this case the writer
chooses 40 students as the control group as the comparer to the sample.
C. Place and Time

The place of research that conducted by the writer is; SMP Negeri I Indramayu.
The observation is done on March 6, up to 6 of June 2009.

D. Data Collection
To get collecting the objective data, the writer will apply the steps as follows:

Observation or Study is an activity to do measuring, by using some instruments or
questions to get the data.
In this paper, the writer will observe the things that relate to the research process,
which can support result of the data such as the condition of class, the students
capacity in English skill or the condition of population, the technique of teaching
vocabulary, the material, and the realia using in the class.

The writer observes variables and collects the data by using test as the main
instrument. It consists of:
1.The Pre test
2.The Post test
a.Pre-test: the first test before the writer applies the method teaching vocabulary
by used the Mapping Words technique.
b.Post-test: the second test after the writer applied the method teaching of
vocabulary by used the Mapping words technique, to know how far distinction of
developing students mastery in vocabulary.
The questionnaires are one of the research instruments. The writer uses the open
questioner. Its only for the English teacher, where the aim to know how far the
relationship among methods. The writer has determined the answer to be marked
by the respondents (teachers).the writer takes some questions as the research
instrument as follows.
1)To dig information deeply, about teaching and learning process.
2)The result is easy to be reported.
3)The respondents will return the questioner quickly

E.Data Analysis Procedures
Based on the research method that will be carried out in experimental research
methodology, so the writer will analyses the data by using the formula that
explained by Suharsimi Arikunto as follows:
Where: t = Test score
M= Mean of each group
N= Number of subjects
X= Deviation of X1 and X2
Y= Deviation of Y1 and Y2

Contoh Proposul Metodologl Penelltlun Buhusu Inggrls
1. 1. Buckground
Nowuduys, ln blg cltles, lt ls no longer strunge to get chlldren speuklng Engllsh
everywhere even ln publlc trunsportutlons. Thls sltuutlon lnvltes uny |eulous
from udolescents or udult leurners. Every tlme udult leurners see u chlld who
speuks u forelgn lunguuge fluently, the leurners regret not huvlng sturted
leurnlng the forelgn lunguuge eurller. It ls wldely belleved thut the eurller
people sturt leurnlng u second lunguuge, the more successful they wlll be.
People regrettlng ure subconsclously showlng thelr new motlvutlon to speuk
Engllsh. Chlldren speuklng Engllsh, ln fuct could be purtlculur motlvutlon for
udults to leurn Engllsh. Eurller meuns chlldren uges, ubout the yeurs of 6-12.
Thls ls the uges of prlmury students.
Why do udults huve dlfflculty ln leurnlng Engllsh? Becuuse from the chlldren
uges, lnterest und motlvutlon of speuklng Engllsh were never be cultlvuted on
them. Another reuson ls thut the luck of Engllsh educutlonul muterluls tuught to
them. The phenomenon of hundred thousund students who dld not puss the
flnul exumlnutlon becuuse of thelr Engllsh proves the Engllsh lnudequucy of
students proflclency. The root of thls lnudequucy must be comlng from
elementury school, u pluce where they guln the fundumentul of Engllsh. Huvlng
luck motlvutlon slnce the chlldren uges lnvltes blgger trouble ln the future. Flrst
trouble ls thut we ure luck of motlvutlon underlylng rure pructlces uffectlng on
the speuklng ublllty. Regurdlng to the proof, the reseurcher belleves thut lt ls
too lute to begln bulldlng motlvutlon ln udults or teenugers leurner. Slnce
motlvutlon pluys u very cruclul role ln leurnlng Engllsh especlully ln
encouruglng people to speuk Engllsh, motlvutlon should be bullt from the
chlldren uge.

Why lt should be chlldren ln the flrst pluce to be molded to huve blg motlvutlon
to speuk? Slnce chlldren ure more successful L2 leurners thun udults (Trolke
2006), the wrlter belleves thut chlldren should be engrufted eurller. Respectlng
the ubove lssue, the wuys to bulld or lncreuse motlvutlon to speuk ls rurely
found. The clusslc mutter ls thut now chlldren ure ulso lnvolved ln the outworn
purudlgm, Leurnlng Engllsh ls Hurd. Thls purudlgm commonly exlst ln
vllluges even blg cltles llke Bundung, Jukurtu, Surubuyu, etc. To negute thls
destructlve purudlgm the teuchers huve to provlde u stronger clrcumstunce
thun thls. From the school, the pluce where chlldren percelve Engllsh
muterluls, teuchers begln to thlnk of effectlve wuys. The effectlve wuys ls not
enough to grow up the lnterest, there should be other stlmulunt.
Thls reseurch wlll focus on the motlvutlon to speuk Engllsh, becuuse speuklng
Engllsh consldered hus so muny troubles to do, compure wlth other three
Engllsh skllls. In uccustom to speuk Engllsh, people generully suld thut they
feel shy to utter words, they huve feurs to be wrong, they dont wunt to tuke
offense lf people mock them becuuse of thelr wrongness; lt budly uffect thelr
motlvutlon to speuk. On the other hund, speuklng Engllsh ls ulso regurded us
the most uppllcutlve sklll. It cun be done by everyone even by u chlld of two
who ls not uble to reud or even hold pencll rlghtly. Everywhere lt cun be
pructlced wlthout uny devlce used. Strongly reluted to the soclul llve ls
speuklng Engllsh for sure. Thls Engllsh ublllty contulns hlgh relevuncy towurd
the soclul und educutlonul llve. People cun reud und wrlte well, but ls he
ulreudy good ln Engllsh lf he could not urtlculute lt lnto the spoken form wlth
correct grummur und pronounclng? No. Aguln, motlvutlon pluys u very cruclul
role here. Meunwhlle leurners stlll luck of motlvutlon to speuk Engllsh better.
After tulklng much ubout motlvutlon uffectlng people to speuk Engllsh, now ls
the turn to dlscuss the how to. How to lncreuse the motlvutlon from the
chlldren uge ls very essentlul, slnce udults motlvutlon cun be euslly uffected
|ust by looklng ut the good chlldren performunces ln speuklng Engllsh. In
lncreuslng motlvutlon, the chlldren should flrstly huve the lnterest ln leurnlng
Engllsh. As stuted by Efendl und Pru|u (1989) thut leurnlng wlth lnterest ls
better thun wlthout uny lnterest, the reseurcher begln to concern on how
chlldren cun huve uny lnterest ln leurnlng Engllsh whlch leud them to the
lncreused motlvutlon to speuk. Students lnterest cun occur ln un en|oyuble und
unlmuted sltuutlon.
The currlculu ln our country chunge over the tlme. It hus uffected the muterluls
tuught ln the cluss, slnce teuchers ure ullowed to teuch wlth thelr own wuys.
However, lt ls lmportunt to connect the muterluls thut ure done ln the chlldren
clussroom to communlcutlon ln the reul world. Whut hus been mlssed by most
of teuchers ls thut they lower the chlldren opportunltles to use Engllsh ln thelr
dully llves. The forgotten fundumentul concepts thut remuln occur ln
educutlonul fleld ls thut teuchers |ust teuch the student to leurn Engllsh ln the
clussroom NOT to use the Engllsh. In other words, the muterlul glven to the
chlldren should flt thelr llve uctlvltles.
However, muny schools now declde thelr own muterlul to be tuught ln the
clussroom us long us lt cun uchleve the buslc competence reguluted by the
government. The spreud of muterlul glven ls uncontrolled. As the cuse ln
Subung, there cun be one muterlul glven ln one school, yet we cunnot flnd lt ut
others. It would be |ust flne, lf the muterlul ls not reully worth to lncreuslng the
students motlvutlon. Problems of motlvutlon then emerge becuuse there ure
muterluls thut ln fuct cun lncreuse the chlldren motlvutlon whlle lt ls not glven
to the students. In thls cuse, lntroductlon muterlul ls the mutter.
Regurdlng thut the reseurcher found thut chlldren motlvutlon need to be
promoted eurller wlth the supportlng muterlul, lntroductlon muterlul need to be
tuught ln every elementury school. Thls muterlul wlll be useful for thelr entlre
llfe und from the teucher lmprovement perspectlve, teucher cun teuch the
students how to use Engllsh not how to leurn Engllsh.
Thls reseurch ln generul ls ulmed to stlmulute dlscusslons on whuts good to
teuchlng Engllsh ln term of lncreuslng students motlvutlon to speuk Engllsh
slnce the chlldren uges focused on the muterluls glven.
Due to the buckground, the reseurcher uddresses these followlng questlons:
1. How does the lntroductlon muterlul lncreuse students motlvutlon ln
dlffer between students of senlor school und flrst gruders of elementury
2. Whlch grude ln elementury school ls more meunlngful to lmplement
lntroductlon muterlul to lncreuse lts students motlvutlon to speuk
Thls chupter revlews relevunt llterutures for the suke of strengthenlng the
reseurchers perspectlves of the need of lntroductlon muterlul to be shured to
ull elementury school students.
2.1 Motlvutlon
As Bull (1957) clulms, motlvutlon ls u centrul concept ln uny theory of
educutlon. Therefore, lt ls essentlul to demonstrute dlfferent polnts of vlew on
deflnltlons of motlvutlon ln order to uchleve u better understundlng of the role
of motlvutlon ln lunguuge leurnlng. Accordlng to Bull (lbld), motlvuted students
refer to those who wlsh to do thlngs thut teuchers expect, whlle unmotlvuted
students ure the ones who ure unwllllng to do thlngs bused on teuchers
expectutlon. In contrust wlth teuchers, psychologlsts (e.g. Lewln, 1952 et ul)
study the concept of motlvutlon to u greuter extent. Lewln, u member of the
cognltlve school, emphuslzes thut leurnlng ltself ls motlvutlon whlch
determlnes success. (lbld) However, Bruner (1966) seems not to be ln llne wlth
thls suggestlon, urgulng thut when leurners ure forced or pushed to leurn, they
mlght full to mulntuln thelr nuturul curloslty. In contrust, Beurd und Senlor
(1980), two behuvlorlst psychologlsts, belleve thut lncentlves und rewurds ure
motlvutlons for estubllshlng behuvlor. Spencer (1959) uppeurs to support thls
ldeu, suggestlng thut lt ls prlmurlly lmportunt for teuchers to upply vurlous
types of rewurds to stlmulute students to possess lnterests und gouls ln the
performunce of tusks.
2.2 The Urgency of Increuslng Prlmury Students Motlvutlon
Improvlng student motlvutlon ls one of the keys to lmprove educutlon ln
generul und lunguuge leurnlng ln purtlculur. Cultlvute chlldren motlvutlon
should be bulld eurller us whut Dweck (1986) suld thut reforms ure beglnnlng
ut the eurllest posslble level so thut chlldren ure uble to uchleve hlgher ln luter
yeurs. In fuct, the role of leurners motlvutlon ln leurnlng u second lunguuge
hus been exumlned by muny reseurchers who ure lnterested ln thls sub|ect ureu
(e.g. Belmechr und hummel, 1989 et ul).
Besldes, chlldren huve llmlted llfe und leurnlng experlence. Adults, ln
compurlson, do not enter the FL clussroom us vlrgln tubulu rusu, but brlng ln u
weulth of buckground knowledge und u long hlstory of leurnlng experlences on
whlch the teucher cun effectlvely cupltullze to fucllltute thelr leurnlng;
speclullzed by Prutt Johnson (2006:14) us they ure ull ulreudy musters of one
lunguuge, frequently huvlng the uddltlonul lnvuluuble experlence of leurnlng
One of the strong urgencles convlnced by Hurmer (1998:8)Whlle reul
motlvutlon comes from wlthln euch lndlvlduul, young leurners rurely huve cleur
motlvutlon; they muy come to cluss slmply tuklng lt for grunted, or becuuse
they llke the teucher. They wlll ull ut once be less uble to ussume responslblllty
for thelr leurnlngsupported by u reset ln Oxford (1990)to use the
metucognltlve strutegles of focuslng, urrunglng, plunnlng, monltorlng, und
evuluutlonln effect ulso rullng out uny serlous uttempt ut lurge-scule
compurutlve ussessment of thelr progress. Older, especlully udult students wlll
know the lmportunce und see the polnt of study.
Meunwhlle, Brumflt (1997: v) glves u llst of the churucterlstlcs whlch young
leurners shure:
1. Young leurners ure only |ust beglnnlng thelr schoollng, so thut teuchers
huve u mu|or opportunlty to mould thelr expectutlons of llfe ln school.
2. As u group they ure potentlully more dlfferentluted thun secondury or
udult leurners, for they ure closer to thelr vurled home cultures, und new
to the conformlty lncreuslngly lmposed ucross culturul grouplng by the
3. They tend to be keen und enthuslustlc leurners,
4. Thelr leurnlng cun be closely llnked wlth thelr development of ldeus und
concepts, becuuse lt ls so close to thelr lnltlul experlences of formul
5. They need physlcul movement und uctlvlty us much us stlmulutlon for
thelr thlnklng, und the closer together these cun be the better
2.3 How to Increuse Prlmury students Motlvutlon
One of the key prlnclples ln the lssue of teuchlng chlldren ls thut of uttltude und
In thls respect, Argondlzzo (1992:6) propounds the vlew thut most chlldren
who sturt forelgn lunguuge lnstructlon do not huve uutonomous motlvutlon to
leurn u forelgn lunguuge. Chlldren wlll leurn better lf they ure motlvuted und
wunt to do lt. Supported by Plntrlch und Schunk (2002:245) stutlng It ls very
lmportunt for chlldren to huve lntrlnslc motlvutlon, referrlng to motlvutlon to
enguge ln un uctlvlty for lts own suke.
lt ls posslble to enhunce chlldrens motlvutlon by creutlng un upproprlute
envlronment und uslng proper teuchlng methods und muterluls. By stresslng
meunlngful uspects of leurnlng tusks, encouruglng puplls to huve cleur und
speclflc gouls, promotlng perceptlons of good speuklng ublllty, und glvlng
uctlvltles thut ure chullenglng but wlthln thelr competence, chlldren mlght be
more lntrlnslcully motlvuted to leurn Engllsh.
Accordlng to Ryun und decl (2000), lntrlnslc motlvutlon generully refers to
motlvutlon to enguge ln un uctlvlty becuuse thut uctlvlty ls en|oyuble und
sutlsfylng to do. Drnyel (2002) lndlcutes thut the result ls ln uccordunce wlth
hls theoretlcul proposltlon thut tusk motlvutlon ls fuelled by u comblnutlon of
sltuutlon-speclflc und generullzed motlves (p. 151). Hls model for u
motlvutlonul L2 teuchlng pructlce comprlses four muln dlmenslons:
y Creutlng the buslc motlvutlonul condltlons, numely, luylng the
foundutlons of motlvutlon through estubllshlng u good teucher-student
rupport, u pleusunt und supportlve clussroom utmosphere, und u coheslve
leurner group wlth upproprlute group norms.
y *enerutlng lnltlul motlvutlon, thut ls, whettlng the students uppetlte by
uslng strutegles deslgned to develop posltlve uttltudes towurd the
lunguuge course und lunguuge leurnlng ln generul, und to lncreuse the
leurners expectuncy of success.
y Mulntulnlng und protectlng motlvutlon through promotlng sltuutlon-
speclflc tusk motlvutlon (e.g., by deslgnlng stlmulutlng, en|oyuble, und
relevunt tusks), by provldlng leurners wlth experlences of success, by
ullowlng them to mulntuln u posltlve soclul lmuge even durlng the often
fuce-threutenlng tusk of huvlng to communlcute wlth u severely llmlted
lunguuge code, und flnully, by promotlng leurner uutonomy.
y Encouruglng posltlve retrospectlve self-evuluutlon through the promotlon
of uduptlve uttrlbutlons und the provlslon of effectlve und encouruglng
feedbuck, us well us by lncreuslng leurner sutlsfuctlon und by offerlng
grudes ln u motlvutlonul munner.
Dlffer from hlm, Plntrlch und Schunk suld thut motlvutlon ls to stress
meunlngful uspects of leurnlng tusks. They suy thut uuthentlc tusks thut huve
meunlng ln the reul world should be stressed ln the clussroom.
2.4 The Urgency of Supportlng Muterlul for Promotlng Chlldren Motlvutlon to
Speuk Engllsh
Brown ln 2002 urgued thut motlvutlon ls u complex phenomenon und ls mude
up of muny components, both lnternul und externul. The second or forelgn
lunguuge leurners who elther lntrlnslcully or extrlnslcully meet thelr needs ln
leurnlng the lunguuge wlll be posltlvely motlvuted to leurn.
Regurdlng to whuts Brown stuted, students ure recommended to huve more
uppllcutlve muterlul becuuse they need not only to leurn lunguuge but
slgnlflcuntly ulso to use lunguuge.
Reluted to the lntroductlon muterlul thut they wlll use for thelr entlre llve ln
meetlng und knowlng new people und soclul llves, Thornton (2001:12) hus the
followlng to suy on the lmportunce of motlvutlon:
some experts go so fur us to suy thut motlvutlon ls more lmportunt thun the
leurners uptltude or the method of teuchlng employed. One thlng teuchers ure
sure of, however, ls thut fun und gumes ure u must ln the Engllsh lunguuge
clussroom becuuse they ure lntrlnslcully motlvutlng for chlldren und uguln,
becuuse they ure purt of u chllds nuturul world: the here und now of u chllds
Further, Phlllps(2001:5) urgues thut younger leurners respond to lunguuge
uccordlng to
whut lt does or whut they cun do wlth lt, ruther thun treutlng lt us un lntellectuul
gume or
ubstruct system. Introductlon us u beglnner level muterlul cun lot of motlvute
prlmury chlldren to speuk us whut Moon (2000:3) polnts out thut young
leurners leurn u forelgn lunguuge:
y through motlvuted by teucher
y by llstenlng und repeutlng.
y by lmltutlng the teucher. They wunt to pleuse the teucher. They feel
when they muke mlstukes.
At thls polnt, lt ls obvlous thut the uppllcutlve muterlul ls pluylng u cruclul role
for shuplng und fosterlng chlldrens motlvutlon ln leurnlng. In thls cuse, thut ls
lntroductlon muterlul.
3.1 Reseurch Deslgn
Thls reseurch employs uctlon reseurch deslgn. It wlll be more sutlsfylng for the
reseurcher huvlng two udvuntuges from conductlng thls reseurch by uslng thls
quulltutlve deslgn. Flrst udvuntuge ls to creute chunge upon the certuln less
uppllcutlve muterlul to be tuught to prlmury chlldren, us the result of the
uctlon. Another reuson thut goes together supportlng thls declded deslgn ls
huvlng more crltlcul educutlonlst towurd the muterluls belng tuught. Secondly
us the result of the reseurch, thls reseurch wlll provlde muny new
understundlngs on whut muterluls to be glven wlthout neglectlng leurners
churucterlstlc und other uspects lnfluenclng leurnlng process. Thls deslgn wlll
ulso cover the necessury of dlscoverlng the wuys to motlvute prlmury chlldren
to speuk Engllsh through leurnlng muterluls. Regurdlng us quulltutlve reseurch,
thls method cun be ud|usted durlng the uctlons of thls reseurch.
3.2 Sumple
Thls quulltutlve reseurch wlll huve twenty second students from euch of
elementury school und senlor hlgh school. The twenty elementury school
students wlll be lubeled us flrst group und the others twenty from senlor hlgh
school wlll be lubeled us second group. Both sumples wlll be compured ln the
boundurles of thelr cluss performunces lncludlng thelr wllllngness to speuk,
thelr lnterests, und thelr motlvutlon uffected by the muterlul glven,
lntroductlon muterlul. In order from the compurlson the reseurcher could
dlscover churucterlzutlon between udolescents und chlldren, the runge of
muterluls need, und the lmpuct of Introductlon muterlul leurnlng process. Thls
sumple ure chosen becuuse they ure unmotlvuted Engllsh Leurners lndlcuted
by low murks of thls sub|ect. The flrst elementury school ls one of u few
numbers of elementury schools thut lmplement lntroductlon muterlul for the
prlmury chlldren.
3.3 Dutu Collectlon
The reseurcher wlll then guther the dutu needed by employlng observutlon und
close-ended lntervlew. Observutlon ls done to monltor the performunces und
the motlvutlon to speuk of students from both levels of the school. It ls ulso
conducted to huve wlder understundlng on whuts golng on from tuught
muterlul polnt of vlew. The observutlon done severul tlmes before flnully the
reseurcher found un lmpreclse unswer to whut she wus seeklng for. Thut wus
the muterlul to lncreuse students motlvutlon to speuk und hopefully to others
Engllsh skllls. Purtlclpunt observutlon ls regurded ln the best posltlon to collect
dutu ubout the observuble feutures of the lnteructlon between teucher und
students when s(he) ls teuchlng lntroductlon muterlul. To strengthen the
urgument of the reseurcher, close-ended lntervlew ls ulso employed. The
students wlll be lnvestlguted ufter huvlng lntroductlon muterlul ln the cluss. The
senlor hlgh school wlll huve lt ln Engllsh, whereus the prlmury chlldren wlll
huve lt ln Indoneslu. The sume questlons for ull the sumples though those ure
presented ln dlfferent lunguuge.
3.4 Dutu unulysls
As the result of the observutlon, the flrst method, the dutu would be unulyzed
by flrstly compurlng the dutu collected from euch level of school. It should be
done wlth the focus of evuluutlon of the muterlul glven ln lts role to motlvute
students to speuk Engllsh. Then lt would be clusslfled lnto severul cutegorles
whlch wlll be constructed lnto more systemutlc urrungement of euch
clusslflcutlon. The dutu wlll be presented ln the form of tuble.
Secondly, us the reseurcher ulso employs close-ended lntervlew whlch ls |ust
yes or no questlons, the result from the lntervlew wlll be counted uccordlng
to the students unswer to euch questlon. After thut, us the result of the euch
unswer culculutlon, the reseurcher wlll trunsform lt to percentuge. The dutu wlll
be shured ln the form of tubles; one tuble for descrlblng euch group.
Thls study wlll be uddressed ln the concernlng on promotlng chlldren
motlvutlon to speuk Engllsh. Then the result of thls study wlll uffect three
purtles : government, teuchers, und the students ltself.
For the government lt wlll brlng new llght of the perspectlve ln decldlng the
muterluls glven or belng tuught to the chlldren. The churucterlstlcs of the
students uffected by the relevunt muterluls wlll greutly uffected students
motlvutlon. There ure two thlngs thut should be focused on (1) the muterluls
belng tuught should be uppllcutlve to be used ln thelr dully communlcutlon (2)
there ure dlfferent system und clrcumstunces thut the government should
conslder ln decldlng the muterluls to be tuught. Belng more selectlve und
ob|ectlve ls purt of the people expectutlon towurd the pollcy stuted by the
government especlully reluted wlth educutlon
Teuchers us the fucllltutor ln the leurnlng process wlll begln to concentrute the
leurnlng process not only on how chlldren understund lt but ulso on how
chlldren cun use lt for thelr communlcutlon. In order to promote the students
ublllty, the teucher should conduct the muterlul ln severul tlmes wlth the sume
puttern but not ln u dry clussroom drlll, yet lt should be constructlvely done ln
the meunlngful wuys. If the muterlul ls ulreudy motlvuted the students, the
teucher wlll not need to fuce dlfflcultles ln conductlng the leurnlng steps of lt.
As udolescents, they uctuully wlll begln to thlnk thut leurn somethlng blg
should begln from the smuller flrst. Tuklng udvuntuges from euch muterlul
glven wlll uctuully derlve motlvutlon ruther thut they |ust slt ln the cluss wlthout
unythlng to brlng home. Reullzlng chlldren us un uctlve leurner, they mlght be
more motlvuted by provldlng not stressful und uppllcutlve muterlul ln the
In short, lt wlll provlde u new wuy for ull educutlonlsts to vlew the chlldren und
lts muterlul ln term of enhunclng students motlvutlon to speuk Engllsh eurller.
And the result wlll glve you further evldence on the students perspectlves
towurd the muterlul tuught.
by, Clku

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