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Question 1: (a) Two identical pieces of an unknown pure metal are given to you in an annealed state.

You deform both of them in the same way, and they become work hardened. Then, you take the first of the two samples and anneal it, for 1 hour at 1000 C. You find that the strength has dropped by a factor of two as a result of the anneal. With the second sample, you anneal at a slightly higher temperature, say, 1015 C, and you find that it takes only half as long to reduce the strength by a factor of two! Based on this data, infer what the unknown metal must (or may) be. (Hint: you will need some diffusion data for this one- I recommend the some Reference Book in the library). (15 Marks)
An alloy of composition Mg-20Al (atomic %) is melted, cast, and slowly cooled to 400 C. It is then quenched to room temperature, and reheated to 200 C, and allowed to reach an equilibrium fraction of and intermetallic phase. It is finally quenched again. What does the structure look like after all this history? Draw a picture of it and label it carefully. It might help to draw several different pictures at different points in the history in order to work through the details. For the alloy described above list all of the microstructural sources of strengthening as compared to pure magnesium. (15 marks)


Question 2: (a) The diagram represents a load-extension curve for a typical metal wire. (10 marks)


State and explain (in terms of the structure of metal crystals) what type of deformation occurs in the region OA. (2) ii. State and explain (in terms of the structure of metal crystals) what type of deformation occurs in the region AB. (2) iii. Make a copy of the graph as far as point B. Indicate on your copy how the graph would continue from point B as the load was gradually reduced to zero. (1) iv. What would be observed about the specimen at point C ? (1) v. What happens to the specimen at point D? (1) vi. It is more usual to plot strain rather than elongation and stress rather than load. Define strain and stress and give the units of each. (3) i How should a specimen of a metal be polished and etched for metallographic examination? (5)

Ii (c)

How does etching reveal the crystal structure of the metal? (5) (10 marks)

The four major classes of materials are metals, polymers, ceramics and composites. i. What is a composite? (1) ii. Suggest two advantages which arise from the use of carbon-fibre based composites in aircraft construction. (2) iii. Concrete is a composite material which is strong in compression but weak in tension. How is concrete reinforced so as to improve its performance in tension? (2) iv. Almost all metals crystallise into one or more of the three systems: bodycentred cubic BCC, face-centred cubic FCC, and hexagonal close-packed HCP. By the use of diagrams or by description show the structure of each of these systems. (3) v. Explain in terms of their structures why metals are more easily subject to plastic deformation than ceramics. (2) (10 Marks)

Question 3: Liquid metal is poured into a cylindrical mould and allowed to cool in air. The solid sample is then split down its length. (a) i ii (b) Sketch and label the appearance and position of the three types of crystal which are likely to be observed in the resulting exposed surfaces. (4)

What would be the observed effect on the crystal structure if the cooling had been controlled at a very slow rate? (1) (5 Marks) Nucleation and grain growth are of major importance in the casting of metals. i. Describe how nucleation and growth produce a. Columnar grains (1) b. Equi-axed grains (1) Outline one practical way of controlling the balance between nucleation and growth and indicate how the size of the casting determines whether your method is appropriate. (3) (5 Marks)



Bismuth and cadmium form a eutectic system. The melting points of bismuth and cadium are 271C and 321C respectively and the eutectic is at 38% cadmium and 144C.
i. Sketch and label the bismuth cadmium equilibrium (phase) diagram. This should be

done to approximate scale but there is no need to use graph paper. (3) ii. Sketch and label the cooling curve obtained when an alloy containing 60% cadmium is cooled from 400C to room temperature. (2) (5 Marks)


The phase diagram below is for mixtures of zinc and tin.

i. Draw labelled sketches of the microstructures formed at room temperature for the solidified alloys P, Q and R, clearly stating and explaining the differences between the microstructures. (5) ii. Make a sketch of a cooling curve for mixture P as it cools from 400C to room temperature. Label points of significance. (5) (10 Marks)

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