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Report on Social Marketing

Topic: Save the Electricity

Submitted To Prof. Satheesh Krishnamurthy

By M.K.Neelamani Human Resource Roll No: 08 PGP/SS/10-12/ISBE-A

In India power shortage in the year 2011 was 8.5%.The projected on 2012 is the shortage would be 12.9% which means the requirement is expected to be higher at 9,33,741 million units as against an estimated availability of 8,373,74 million units. These facts show India going to face severe shortage of electricity in the following years. Government is also trying to improve the production of electricity by investing heavily in the power projects. In this issue people shouldnt think it only the duty of the government improve the production .People also support in this issue by consuming the electricity efficiently, this means just doing simple things like switch off the fans when they are not needed, reduce the usage of lights in the day time, switch of laptops and computer when they are not needed. By doing these simple things we can save considerable amount of electricity in India. For the growth of economy the electricity will be act as driving force so it is essential for the people to understand the importance of consuming electricity efficiently.

To create the awareness among the people about save the electricity and consume the electricity in efficient manner for Indias growth.

In this campaign everyone should take initiative to save the electricity. By doing this people are going get the benefits because they are going to reduce their electricity bill.

This campaign will held in urban area where the target audience for the campaign. The awareness program will be done in the apartments, IT companies, schools, colleges and social gathering.


Promotion should be done through TV, Newspapers, Magazines and Social media

Segmentation can be done by geography and Behavior. Geography: In the urban areas

Behavior: Buyer readiness and people with the attitude ready for the change.

Target audiences are families and corporate offices.

SAVE TO USE. This is the tag line for the campaign which means save the electricity for the future use.

What to communicate?

This campaign sounds simple but it is very complicated because people are needed to be conscious in saving the electricity. Unknowingly people forget to switch off their electrical appliance. So my communication plan should be more effective to create awareness among the people.

Message strategy:
Currently in India Power off are increasing in all major cities. This is due to shortage of electricity. My message strategy for this campaign is story opens in a house were TV, lights and computers are ON when there is no need for it. After some time everything went OFF due Power shut down when there is need for it. Suddenly a blank screen appears DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE THIS? Save electricity by consuming them efficiently switch off electrical appliances when there is no need. Save electricity, help the government. This is message strategy for the families. For the corporate offices in a blank screen displays how much electricity being wasted by putting computers in sleep mode. How much electricity it could save when you shut down your computer. How much cost it save to your organization. By showing these facts it helps talking to peoples brain.

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