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BRIDGE MANUAL Version 2010-07-01


Management of Nautical Documents

This procedure deals with the management of nautical documentation available on the bridge. By management is understood the inventory, availability and updating of the various documents. The nautical documentation includes the works and publications listed in the Bridge Library including the publications concerning Radio-communication.

1. Responsibility for managing the documentation

The Navigation Officer is responsible of the management of this nautical documentation. That is to say he must regularly check the status and the updated version, particularly before the end of the voyage and depending on the voyage to come, that he will be responsible for its updating and that he will ensure that on the bridge obsolete or non-updated navigational documents are not to be used.

2. Update and management of Nautical Documents

Upkeep of documents The English documents are updated by an addendum, leaflets and weekly sets of Notices to Mariners issued by the British Admiralty for which the ship has a membership. These documents are received in paper copy or electronic version (CD-Rom, or by CHART TRACK software or other system). The electronic charts will also be corrected weekly using the same way, by mail or with the CHART TRACK system (An Update request is sent weekly to the nautical documents supplier). The Navigation Officer will make the corrections as soon as possible, and will advise the Master without delay in case of doubt or problems. Finally, the Navigation Officer will sign (date and signature) the form on the following page certifying the perfect execution of corrections to charts and documents carried out for the period of his embarkation. These forms will be kept in the bridge record binder. Orders and receipts of publications Orders for new publications will be addressed, under Masters control to the Department in charge according to the Company procedure (mail or electronic mail, via BASS software or CHART TRACK system, ). A copy of the order will be filed on board. The date of receipt of each document will be noted on the corresponding order sheet. Weekly updates are to be archived electronically during three years. They are to be kept under paper shape during the duration of the journey.

3. Management of obsolete documents

All obsolete documents must be removed from the collection as soon as receiving the updated version. However, certain charts can be retained since they have a special interest which is not shown in the new edition (framework, scale,). These charts can then be crossed through in red, with the statement OBSOLETE DOCUMENT RETAINED FOR INFORMATION in capital letters.

4. Bridge library
The Navigation Officer is responsible for the upkeep of the bridge library according to this procedure. An inventory of bridge library documents must be done at regular intervals


BRIDGE MANUAL Version 2010-07-01


Management of Nautical Documents

This is to certify that Mr.: Nicomedes E. TOLERO Name/Surname: Position: Signing on: Signing off: Navigation Officer 30 April 2011

Certify that the charts and nautical documents have been up-dated in conformity with the latest correction document received on board.

Notices to Mariners CD-Rom correcting the ARCS charts CD-Rom correcting the ENC charts

: No. : No. : No.

Date/Signature of the Officer

This form is to be issued, imperatively, to the Captain before disembarkation of the person concerned, for filing on board in the bridge record binder.

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