Customizing The HTTP and HTTPS Ports For Lotus Connections

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Customizing the HTTP and HTTPS ports for Lotus Connections

Overview In general, implementations of Lotus Connections on the default ports for HTTP (80) and HTTPS (883) are standard, but when your environment has special requirements, it is possible to designate custom ports for these application services. This document guides Lotus Connections system administrators in customizing the HTTP and HTTPS ports served from IBM HTTP Server (IHS). Examples in this article are taken from the Windows platform, however information applies to the other supported server platforms.

Introduction IBM Lotus Connections is social software for business that empowers employees to be more innovative and helps them execute quickly by using dynamic networks of co-workers, partners and customers. This demonstration highlights the 5 integrated, Web 2.0-based collaboration features of Lotus Connections, including: Profiles - Lets employees tap into the knowledge capital within the organization, and makes it easy to establish new business contacts. Blogs - Helps people connect with each other - within and outside the enterprise - and build communities of shared interest. Dogear - Gives people a better way to manage their own bookmarks, and makes it easier than ever to share information and accelerate innovation. Communities - Provides a common point of collaboration for people who share a particular interest, responsibility, or expertise. Activities - Makes it easier to share and manage tasks, track team progress, and share best practices with others.

Scenario: Change default HTTP port 80 to 81

Change default HTTPS port 443 to 444


1. Modify the httpd.conf file on IHS server 1. Edit the C:\IBM\HTTPServer\conf\httpd.conf file 2. Change AfpaPort to 81

3. Change the HTTP listen port to 81

4. Change the HTTPS listen port to 444

5. Save your configuration file.

2. Modify the Lotus-connection configuration file 1. Edit the file, located at the following location. C:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\config\cells\venturacn02Node01Cell\LotusConnections-co nfig\LotusConnections-config.xml on WAS server 2. Change the HTTP and HTTPS ports

3. Save the configuration file.

3. Create Host Aliases 1. Open WebSphere Application Server (WAS) administration console 2. Click Environment -> Virtual Hosts -> default_host -> Host Aliases 3. Click New to create two Host Aliases First: Host Name : * Port : 81 Second: Host Name : * Port : 444

4. Change the web server port 1. Click Servers -> Web servers -> WebServer1 2. Change Port to 81

5.Restart IBM HTTP Server and WAS to make the new configuration effective.

6. Verify the configuration settings: 1. Click Web servers -> WebServer1 -> Global Directives 2. Verify that the server name and listen ports are set correctly automatically

3. Click Servers -> Web servers -> WebServer1 -> Web server virtual hosts. 4. Verify that there is a Virtural host : *:444 5. Click the link *:444 to open the configuration.

6. Verify that Security enabled and that the IP address and Port are set correctly.

7. Generate and propagate the web plug-in. 1. Click Servers -> Web servers. 2. Mark the box next to Webserver1. 3. Click Generate Plug-in.

4. Click Propagate Plug-in 5. Verify the output messages

6. Restart both WAS as IHS. 8. Check your configuration: 1. Using a browser, access http//:<Your_HTTP_Server_Host>:81/communities 2. Try to log in to the system and create a new community. 3. Using a browser, access https//:<Your_HTTP_Server_Host>:444/communities 4. Try to log in to the system and create a new community.

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