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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY Marketing is societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need

and want through creating offering and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. Marketing managements as they are and science of choosing target market and getting keeping and growing customers through creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value. Markets can be classified in many ways, namely local market, national market and international market. Marketing is a process by means of which goods and services can be exchanged. On the other hand marketing is a wider and more comprehensive term. It includes the whole process of distribution. Marketing is the business process by which products are matched with the market and through which transfer of ownership is affected. Marketing has changed dramatically, evolving from the old fashioned concept of simply providing the goods and making it available for consumer to be day's highly competitive marketing strategies. What is Customer ? A Customer is not dependent on us We are dependent on him ? A Customer is not an interruption of our work. He is purpose of if it we are not doing a favour by giving us the opportunity to do so? A Customer is not someone to argue or match with. Nobody ever won an argument with a customer ? A Customer is a person who brings us his wants it is our job to handle them profitably to him and to ourselves. Today more companies are recognizing the importance of satisfying and retaining customer. Satisfied customer constitute the company's relationship capital. If the company were to be sold, the acquiring company would have to pay not only for the plant and equipment and the brand name, but also for the delivered customer base, namely the number and value of the customer who would do business with the new firm Customer opinion In recent years many companies shifted their attention from products and services to Customer care. Maintaining a privileged relationship with the Customer has become nowadays an absolute priority. It is a widely acknowledged that such a relationship presupposes full knowledge's of Customer Orientation, Opinion, Wishes etc. This holds true whether the Customer is an actual or potential one Meaning of customer opinion Customer Opinion survey takes a snapshot of your Customer's opinions and provides insight into how well your company is providing Customer Service. It

emphasizes Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Service Quality, which have been identified as key areas to understanding why Customers buy your products and services CUSTOMER OPINION PRODUCTS Customer opinion products can provide you with data that will help you make better decisions about your Customer services initiatives: ? Learn which areas specifically may be causing problems ? Find out where your company is failing to meet or exceed your Customer Expectations ? Discover which areas are most important to your Customers Knowing what drives Customer Satisfaction and Implementation program to improve it can really help your bottom line. Satisfied Customers: ? Are more likely to buy additional products from your company ? Cost less to retain than the cost of obtaining New Customers ? May send other Customers your way by describing their positive experiences with their friends IMPORTANCE We have heard that the Customer is always right. You may or may not agree that statement, but every ought to agree that Customers and Customers Opinions, hold a very important place in our lives. After products and services our businesses close down and we all packup to go home. The faster you can adapt to accommodate Customer needs, the stronger your company's reputation CUSTOMER SERVICE Customer and Business Managers alike, like to talk about what good customer service is. Accepting this definition means expanding our thinking about customer service, not just those aspects of our business that involve face-to-face Customer contact Improving Customer service involves making a commitment to learning what our customer's needs and wants are and developing action plans that implements Customer friendly processes

NEED FOR THE STUDY The Indian two wheeler industry, which grew up at around 10% in the year of 1999-2000 has been the motorcycle segment takes the lead up fortunes of the industry

The monsoon, which has the making good progress across the country, portends better from the rural market and the availability of cheap finance boost sales The motorcycle segment has been singularly responsible for the hyperactivity in the industry. The TVS segment in contrast has witnessed sluggish growth with a market shift in consumer preference to motorcycles Today, the entry barriers for the new players are brands, distribution network, business economics and network of component suppliers. Besides the high import content of new ventures makes it imperative to quicken localizations to assert cost increases with completion hooting up in all segments a lot depends on the product offering in terms of technological superiority, style and pricing. Most companies have to increase their budgets for advertising and promotions Due to large growth in the population, the public transport is not sufficient. So the manufacturer of two wheelers has got a good market for their product. TVS is a four-stroke vehicle introduced to cater, he need of the unique customers. TVS has its own segment of market over a period of years it has served the purpose. The study helps the researcher to find out whatever the customers of TVS are satisfied with the vehicle

SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the study is that to find out the Customer Opinions towards TVS. ? To identify the sources and features, which influence the purchase of TVS ? To identify the customer's views regarding maintenance and spare parts availability ? The study is intended at obtaining suggestions from customers about the product ? To find out the impact of the people of the product in customer's mind with respect to after sales service

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To study about the performance of the vehicle To identify the consumer preference regarding after sales service and spare parts

availability To bring out the suggestions from the customer about the vehicle To know the awareness about TVS vehicles among the vehicle users To study the important criteria the consumer looks for the product performance

REVIEW OF LITERATURE The main purpose of the chapter is to provide a review of literature relating to this study "Of the dozen of categories of human action working, sleeping, mating, hitting, breathing, buying and so forth the one of primary importance to the marketer is buying" 1. "Buyer behavior is all the psychological, social and physical behavior of potential customers as they become aware of , evaluate, purchase, consume, and tell other people about products and services" 2. "At any given time a person may be faced with a number if motives, but that he probably cannot act on all of them at the same time. Therefore, each person has a hierarchy of motives, with the motives arranged in ascending order according to their importance" 1. Wohdgst. E. H., "Do Husbands or Wife's make the purchase decisions" Journal of Marketing, October, 1958pp. 151-158 2. Webster, Fredrick. F, Marketing for manager, 1947p The most urgent motive is outer upon first. Motives representing wants and desire, lower in hierarchy, remain unsatisfied atleast temporarily"

3. "Money, Vanity, Acquisitiveness, Rivalry, Comfort, Adornment cleanliness, Companionship, Collecting, Amusement, Sensual gratification, Construction. Aggrandizement, Mental culture, Affection, Social achievements, Ambitions, Inhavitiveness, Reverance, Romance, Aesthetic tastes, Sex, Limitations, Curiosity,

Patriotism and so on" 4. "The behaviour that consumers display in search for, purchasing, using and evaluating products, services and ideas which they expect will satisfy their needs" 5. "Many students have concentration on finding on common factors that more or less determines the buying pattern of consumers" 6. Maslow. A. H., Motivation and Personality, 1954pp. 80-85 7. Carter. W. G., Sales counter crafi.p111 8. Sciffman. Leon. G & Lesline Lazar Khuk, Consumer behaviour pre.Hall, p.4,1978 9. Williams, Trrel.G, Consumer behaviour funds and strategies west pub. Comp.14,82. Various models have been built but basically consumer behaviour can be explained by two approaches, one approach proposer by behaviour that view behavior as a response to a given stimulus. Their basic concern to know how organism responds in a particular way. At the other end of spectrum is the, "cognitive approach" which assumers the buyer to be highly intelligent rational and utility oriented. This explains the "why" and "how" of the purchasing process, the theories of buyer behaviour have been classified into two broad categories: 1.Rational of substantive 2.Emotional or non substantive A buyer is emotional created i.e., the buyer buys on impulse he does not have enough information about the product and does not make any efforts towards economic evaluation of the products usefulness. Some of the basic foundations of impulsive buying behaviour". 10. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management: Analysis planning and control, prentice hall, pp.25-81, 1976. 11. Oxen feldt, Alfred.R, Executives action in marketing Wordsworth pub p.75,1966. " A non rational buyer does not plan his buying it is equally logical to assume that this buying the product and specially a specific brand is random or probabilistic. This means that the buyer is not looking for a particular brand but pickup the brand that is either appealing or available. This is probabilistic switching behaviour"


Meaning of Research: Research is common refers to a search for knowledge once can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art of science investigation Marketing Research: Marketing Research is the systematic gathering, recording objective search and analyzing of valid and reliable information relating to the marketing of goods and services. Several factors have contributed to the growth of marketing research: (a) To know the potential area for manufacturer where the goods could be marketed (b) To understand buyer behavior Research Design Research Design specifies the methods and procedures for conducting a particular research. Research design can be grouped into three categories: Exploratory research: Discovery of ideas and relationship among variables Descriptive study: Research wants to know certain group characteristics Casual or experimental research: To know cause and effect relationship between two or more variables Method of data collection: A questionnaire used as data collection pool the researcher interviews the research. Research in the questionnaire filled information Primary Data The primary data has been collected by conducting direct interview using structured questionnaire Secondary Data The secondary data are collected from books, journals, company records, internet Analysis Analysis is done on the basis of sample percentage and statistical analysis Sampling Design The area covered under the study is Krishnagiri District. All elements under consideration in any field of enquiry constitute the population and this study constitute customers of TVS in Krishnagiri District. The population for this study is infinite Sampling Techniques

There are two sample techniques. They are probability sampling, non probability sampling. In this study, the research had adopted convenient sampling Sampling Size Sampling size taken from the study is 150 Respondents

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM In selling consumer durable products, the Dealer play a very important role. The major function of the Dealer is to advertise sales and service about the requirement of consumer needs. Everyone commonly uses TVS MOTOR VEHICLES. This is called Replacement Market

LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY ? The study is restricted to 150 Customers of TVS in Krishnagiri District due to time constraints ? The study is confined only to Krishnagiri District. Hence it may not reflect the satisfaction of the entire population of TVS Owners ? The non- probability convenience method used as sampling technique has it built limitations ? Findings of the study would be influenced only by personal experience of the Respondents ? Introduction of new trends and changes technology of the vehicle over a period of item will affect the preference of customers. Hence, it can't generalized for a long period ? The study is limited and therefore the findings of the study cannot it be extended to other areas ? The samples have been collected from the limited number of respondents ? Time achieve is considered inadequate to conduct such survey ? The result of the study may not be generalized to all ? Some of the respondents were non co-operative

CHAPTERISATION The whole study will be arranged in four chapters ? Chapter 1 Introduction of the Study

? Chapter 2 Profile of the Company ? Chapter 3 Data Analysis and Interpretation ? Chapter 4 Summary of Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion This chapters has given a blue print of the whole study, having understood, the researcher is persuaded to identify the profile of TVS Motor Company and to relate its strength in improving customer satisfaction

CHAPTER II PROFILE OF THE COMPANY TVS Motor is the third largest two-wheeler manufacturer in India and ranks among the top ten in the world. It is the first company in the world to be honoured with the Deming prize for Total Quality Management The TVS group was established in 1911 by Sri T.V. Sundaram Iyengar. TVS group commands a strong presence in manufacturing of two-wheelers, auto components and computer peripherals. TVS Motor Company's first launch was 50cc Moped TVS 50 in August 1980. It is the first Indian company to introduce 100cc Indo-Japanese Motorcycles in India in 1984 Today TVS is a well known brand in the field of Bike manufacturing. The manufacturing unit of TVS Motor is located at Hosur and Mysore. At present TVS Apache, TVS Victor, TVS Scooty, TVS Centra and TVS Fiero are the popular Bikes in Indian Market These products are developed domestically via technical collabration with globally reowned partners. Regardless of market conditions and business environment dynamics. TVS Motor releases six to ten new products annually to address the broad based requirements of Indian market. It is the flagship company of the $4 Billion TVS Group TVS Motor strives for manufacturing excellence and innovation in reseadch and

development ( R & D)

DIVISONS OF TVS GROUP TV SUNDARAM IYENGAR and SONS Limited is the parent and holding company of the TVS Group. TV Sundaram Iyengar and Sons limited has the following three divisions: 1. TVS and Sons 2. Sundaram Motors 3. Madras Auto Services 1. TVS and Sons TVS and SONS is the largest automobile distribution company in India. It distributes heavy duty commercial vehicles, Jeeps, Cars TVS and Sons represents premier automotive companies like Ashok Leyland, Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd and Honda. The company is also one of the leading logistics solution provides and has setup state of the warehouses all over the country. TVS and SONS has also diversified into distributing a range of Garage equipments 2. Sundaram Motors Sundaram Motors distributes Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicles, Cars, and Auto spare parts for several leading manufacturers. The company is also the Dealer for Ashok Leyland, Honda, Fiat, Ford and Mercedes Benz 3. Madras Motor Services Madras Auto Services distributes automotive spare parts for all leading manufacturers

FEATURES OF TVS KICK STARTER WITH BUILT SAFETY DEVICES The TVS is equipped with an electronic starter for quick starting however it works only when either of the brakes is applied. This is as safety. Besides the kick-starter is also provided ELECTRONIC IGNITION A maintenance free ignition system facilities proper working of the engine at all

time, resulting in ? Quick starting ? Optimum free consumption ? Low air pollution FUEL CONSUMPTION TVS gives 60kms per litre under standardizes driving conditions STRONG STEEL BODY All External parts of the body are made of steel. These parts cover the engine and the transmission which is centrally mounted on a strong tabular frame BRAKE LIGHT An added safety feature is powerful brake light connected to both the front and rear brakes AUTOMATIC FUEL COCK As soon as engine starts the fuel cock automatically opens. It closes immediately when the engine stop and prevents the carburetor from over flooding and also reduces petrol wastage. A fuel gauge is on the instument panel indicates the fuel quantity in the tank and saves a rider from the trouble of guessing the petrol quantity AUTO-CHOCK The carburetor is equipped with an auto-bi-starter(chock) which does that have to be operated manually. The chock depends on the engine and atmospheric temperatures for starting both the petrol and air mixture are controlled during this operation. There is no difficulty to start the vehicle during winter season SEAT A dual seat encompassing molded latex from rubber provides for additional comfort. Because it is molded, it does not go out of shape. As it eliminates springs, the spring losing tension and other allied problems are avoided. The seat is lockable and locks the fuel and oil tanks making them pilfer proof ACHIEVEMENTS OF TVS MOTOR COMPANY 1) TVS Motor Company records 28% growth in Motorcycles 2) TVS Motor Company report turnover of Rs.939.62 crores record 26% growth 3) TVS Motor Company sales up by 23% 4) TVS Bikes sales up by 53% PRESENT CONDITIONS OF THE COMPANY

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Largest and automotive components groups in India Diversified into customer durable, computer peripherals and two-wheelers Joint venture with world leaders Largest automotive components manufacturer group of India Sales turnover of Rs.75,000 crores

TVS MOTOR COMPANY- MISSION We are committed to being a highly profitable, socially responsible,and leading manufacturer of high value for money, environmentally, friendly, lifetime personal transportation products undre the TVS brand, for customers predominantly in Asian markets and to provide fulfillment and prosperity for employees, dealers and suppliers TVS MOTOR COMPANY- VISION TVS Motor will be responsible to customer requirements consonant with its core competence and profitability. TVS Motor will provide total customer satisfaction by giving the customer the right product, at the right price, at the right time

OTHER MAJOR COMPANIES TVS Motor Company Limited TVS Electronics Limited Axles India Limited Brakes India Limited Sundaram Polymers Division Harita Finance Limited India Motor Parts and Accessories Limited India Nippon Electricals Limited IRIZAR TVS(P) Limited Lakshmi Auto Components Limited Lucas Indian Service Sundaram Brake Linings Limited Sundaram Clayton Limited


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Centra Apache Fiero FX Max 100 Fiero F2 Scooty Scooty Pep Spectra Star Sports Star City Star DLX Suzuki Fiero Victor Victor GLX XL Super Teenz., etc

INFORMATION TO SUBSCRIBERS ~ Address, Phone number, Web Address ~ Earnings/ Dividend ~ Employees ~ Exchange listed ~ Financial Ratio Analysis ~ Recent Stock Performance ~ Sales(recent years), Senior Offices ~ Shareholder Information, Stock Analysis Summary MOTOR CYCLE SAFETY SAFE RIDING RULES Always made a pre-ride inspection and before you start the engine. You may prevent an accident or equipment damage Many accidents involve inexperienced riders. Make sure you are qualified before ride. Never lend your motorcycle to an inexperienced rider. (1) Many Automoblile or motorcycle acidents occur because the automobile driver does not "see" the motorcyclist. Make yourself conspicous to help avoid the accident that was not your fault: ? Wear bright or reflective clothing ? Don't ride in another motorist's "blind spot" ? Don't ride on the roadway shoulder (2) Obey all National and Local laws and regulations

? Signal before you make a turn or lane change ? Your size and maneuverability can surprise other motorist (3) Don't let other motorist's surprises. Use extra caution intersections, parking lot entrances and exists and derive ways. (4) Keep both hands on the handlebars and both feet on the foot rests while riding. (5) Never shift gears without applying the clutch. (6) The luggage track and basket are primarily for light weight items. Make sure cargo is secure and will not shift while riding. PROTECTIVE APPAREL (1) Most Motorcycle accident fatalities are due to head injuries. Always wear a Helmet. You should also wear a face shield or goggles as well as beets, gloves and protective clothing (2) The exhaust system becomes very heat during operation and it remains hot after operation. Never touch any parts of the exhaust system. Wear clothing that fully covers your legs (3) Do not wear clothing which could catch on to the control levers, kick-starter, foot rests or wheels LOADING AND ACCESSORIES A Motorcycle is sensitive to changes in weight distribution, improper loading or cargo and mounting of accessories can impair the Motorcycle's stability and performance. To prevent an accident, use extreme care when mounting accessories and riding with cargo Keep cargo and accessory weight low and close to the centre of the motorcycle. Load weight equally on both sides to minimize imbalance, If Weight is located away from the Motorcycle's center of gravity, handling is affected All cargo and accessories must be secured for stable handling Re-check security frequently Do not attach large or heavy items to the Handlebars front forks of fender. Unstable handling or slow steering responds may result It is unsafe to carry more than 8kg of load luggage carrier WARRANTY SCOPE OF WARRANTY

TVS Motor Ltd warrants all its Motorcycle assembled or manufactured in its Hosur plant and Mysore plant and sold through its authorized Dealers to be free under normal use and conditions from any defect both in material and workmanship subject to the following terms and conditions TERMS AND CONDITIONS ? All TVS Motorcycles are warranted for a period of 2 years or 30,000 kms from the date of purchase, whichever is earlier ? Its is mandatory to avail all free and paid service as per the recommended schedule to be eligible for the warranty benefits. Please ensure that each paid service is availed within 60 days from the date of previous service ? If a defect is observed in any TVS Motorcycle, TVS's only obligation to repair or replace those parts which are considered to be the cause of malfunctions free of charge of both labour and material LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTY The warranty shall not apply If any part of the vehicle is repaired by unauthorised persons or workshops etc. If recommended engine oil is not used. To rubber parts or plastic components or bulbs and other hardware items. To proprietory like tyres, tubes, batteries etc. Since they are directly handled by respective manufacturers and are subjected to their warranty and conditions CHAPTER- III DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION TABLE 1 AGEWISE CLASSIFICATION OF RESPONDENTS Age (in years) No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Upto 20 22 14 21 to 30 73 48 31 to 40 33 22 41 to 50 12 8 50 and above 10 8 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION: The above table 1 has showed that 48% are in the age group between 21 years to 30 years, 22% are in the age group between 31 years to 40 years, 14% are in the age group 20 years and below, mean while just 8% are in the age group

between 41 to 50 years and remaining 8% are in the age group above 50 years.


TABLE 2 RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Educational Qualification No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Upto HSC 14 10 Graduate 66 44 Post Graduate 63 42 Diploma Holders 5 3 Others 2 1 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION: From the analysis of the above table 2, 44% of the respondents are Graduate, followed by 42% are Post Graduate, while 10% of respondents are Higher Secondary and below 3% of respondents are Diploma Holders, the respondents with Other qualifications are upto the tune of 1%


TABLE 3 RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF OCCUPATION Occupation No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Official 44 29 Employed 43 28 Business 54 36 Householders 8 5 Others 1 2 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION From the above table 3, it is found that around 36% of the respondents belong to the Business sector, whereas 29% are Official while 28% of respondents are Employed, 5% of the respondents are Household users and remaining 2% of the respondents are in the other from various Occupation.



RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF MONTHLY FAMILY INCOME Monthly Family Income No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Below Rs.5,000 10 7 Rs.5,000 to 10,000 38 25 Rs.10,000 to 15,000 43 25 Rs.15,000 to 20,000 40 32 Above Rs.20,000 8 11 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION The respondents for the Monthly Family Income has clearly analyzed in the table 4, 32% of the respondents belong to the income group of above Rs.15,000 to 20,000,while 25% of respondents fall in the income group of Rs.5,000 to 10,000, while 25% of the respondents belong to Rs.10,000 to 15,000,income group 11% of respondents belong to income group of above Rs.20,000. The rest of respondents 7% belong the category of income below Rs.5,000.


TABLE 5 SOURCES OF INFORMATION OBTAINED BY RESPONDENTS Sources of information No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Friends 47 30 Relatives 19 21 Dealers 20 10 Advertisement 61 36 Others 1 1 Friends & Relatives, Dealers & Advertisement 2 2

Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION There are various sources of information it has been classification in the table 5 that, 36% of respondents have came to known about the vehicle through Advertisement, whereas 30% of respondents have collected through Dealers, 10% of respondents have require through Relatives. 1% of respondents have made a decision through the combination of Friends, Relatives, Dealers and Advertisement and 1% of the respondents were collected through Friends and Advertisement.


TABLE 6 SOURCES OF PURCHASE INFLUENCER Purchase Influencer No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Family members 64 39 Friends 55 28 Relatives 7 13 Dealers 14 10 Others 10 10 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION These classifications of Influencer have presented in the table 6, among the influencer 39% of owners have influenced by Family members, 28% of owners have influenced Friends. 13% of owners have influenced by Relatives, followed by Dealers who influenced 10% of owners. The vehicle Owners of 10% have influenced by Others.


TABLE - 7 VEHICLES ON THE BASIS OF MILEAGE Mileage/litre(kms) No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Below 35 kms 31 20 35 to 40 60 40 40 to 45 48 32 45 to 50 7 4 Above 50 4 2 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION It is evident from the above table 7, that majorities of vehicle owners 40% have got around 40 kms as Mileage per litre and also 32% of owners have got around 40 kms per litre, while 32% of respondents have got 45 to 50 kms per litre. A mere 2% of respondents have got 50kms and above Mileage per litre.


TABLE 8 RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF PERFORMANCE OF THE VEHICLE Performance No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Satisfied 73 48 Moderate 69 46 Dissatisfied 8 6 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION According to the table 8, majority of owners 48% of respondents are Satisfied with the performance of the vehicle. 46% of the respondents termed performance

of the vehicle as Moderate and 6% of respondents are Dissatisfied with the performance of the vehicle.


TABLE 9 RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF AFTER SALES AND SERVICES After sales & services No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Excellent 8 5 Good 103 68 Average 20 17 Moderate 12 8 Poor 1 2 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION Analysis based on the opinion of respondents with regard to after sales are in the above table 9, a majority of owners have responded 68% as Good. The after sales service has been viewed as an Average by 17% of owners and 8% of owners have expressed after sales service as Moderate one. However 5% of owners termed after sales service as Excellent. Meanwhile 2% of owners has mentioned after sales service as Poor.


TABLE 10 RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF AFTER SPARE PARTS AVAILABILITY Spare Parts Availability No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents

Easily Available 49 33 Available 97 64 Not Available 4 3 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION From the above table 10, it was found that 64% of respondents have maintained that Spare Parts are Available, 33% of the respondents have stated that Spare Parts are Easily Available and 3% of respondents have resounded that spare parts Not Available.


TABLE 11 RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF PRICE OF SPARE PARTS Price of Spare Parts No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents High 52 34 Moderate 96 64 Low 2 2 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION From the above table 11, could find that 64% of respondents have regarded the Price of Spare parts as Moderate, the price has been viewed as High by 34% of respondents,2% have termed the drive as below.



Price of the Vehicle No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Very High 20 13 High 81 54 Moderate 44 30 Low 5 3 Very Low 0 0 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION It is evident from the above table 12, majority of 54% of respondents have regarded the Price of the vehicleas High, the price of the vehicle viewed as Moderated by 30% of the respondents. The respondents of 13% termed price as Very High and 3% of respondents viewed the price of the vehicle is Low.


TABLE 13 RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION Recommendation No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Yes 127 84 No 23 16 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION From the above table 13, it is found that 84% of the respondents recommended the Vehicle to Others and 16% of respondents would not recommended to others CHART 13 RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION TABLE 14 RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF MODE OF PURCHASE

Mode of Purchase No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Loan 92 61 Cash 58 39 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION From the above table 14 shows that 61% of the respondents have resorted to Loan, 39% of the respondents have resorted to Cash.


TABLE 15 RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF LONG RIDING OF THE VEHICLE Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Wonderful 20 13 Excellent 39 27 Good 70 46 Poor 21 14 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION From the above table- 16 shows that 46% of the respondents are long riding is Good, 27% of the respondents are long riding is Excellent, 14% of the respondents are long riding is Poor,13% of the respondents are Long riding is Wonderful.



Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Starting trouble 38 26 Pickup 60 40 Mileage 45 30 Battery problem 7 4 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION From the above table 16 shows that 40% of respondents faced Pickup problem,30% of the respondents faced Mileage problem, 26% of the respondents faced Starting Trouble problem, 4% of the respondents faced Battery problem. CHART 16 RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF PROBLEM WHILE USING THE VEHICLE

TABLE 17 RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF REASON FOR PURCHASING THE MODE Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Comfort 70 47 Style 35 24 Mileage 40 26 Advertisement 5 3 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION From the above table 17 shows that, 47% of the respondents feel that Comfort is the reason for purchase, 26% of the respondents feel that Mileage, 24% of the respondents feel that Style, 3% of the respondents feel that Advertisement is the Reason for purchase.


TABLE 18 RESPONDENTS ON THE BASIS OF IDEA TO CHANGE THE VEHICLE Particulars No of Respondents Percentage of Respondents Yes 40 26 No 110 74 Total 150 100 Sources: Primary Data INTERPRETATION From the above table 19 shows that 74% of the respondents have No Idea to change the Vehicle, 26% of the Respondents says to change the Vehicle.


CHAPTER- IV FINDINGS ? 48% of the respondents ? 44% of the respondents ? 36% of the respondents ? 32% of the respondents ? 36% of the respondents Advertisement ? 39% of the respondents members ? 40% of the respondents ? 48% of the respondents ? 68% of the respondents

are between the Age group 21-30 are Qualifications up to Graduate are occupied in Business have a Monthly income up to above Rs.15,000 to 20,000 have came to known about the vehicle through have influenced the purchasing decision by Family have got around 40kms as Mileage per litre are satisfied with the Performance of the vehicle with regards to after Sales service as Good

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

64% 64% 54% 84% 61% 46% 40% 47% 74%

of of of of of of of of of

the the the the the the the the the

respondents respondents respondents respondents respondents respondents respondents respondents respondents

have maintained that Spare parts are Available have regarded the Price of Spare parts as Moderate have regarded the Price of Vehicle as High Recommended the Vehicle to Others have resorted to Loan are long riding is Good are facing problem while Pickup feel that Comfort is the reason for purchasing the model have No Idea to changing the vehicle

SUGGESTIONS 1. The company should maintain the awareness among TVS Vehicle users 2. The company should have maintain the long riding and maintenance cost 3. It reduce the cost and increase the mileage and pick-up 4. The company should provide alternative media message 5. Spare part should be made available of reasonable price 6. Provide more stylish and comfortable the TVS Vehicle 7. Produce the vehicle at international standard and average technology

CONCLUSION This study was conducts in Krishnagiri District with a broad objective of Customer

Opinions of two-wheelers in TVS Vehicle for this purpose. 150 customers were selected and obtained the various responses based on the questionnaire method. The data was collected and consolidated using Graphic and charts, tables were used for representation to achieve the objective of the study. By and large it was found that most of the consumers are choose on TVS Vehicles because of its low maintenance cost, good model and good long riding etc. It's maintained in awareness of the vehicles and improving the satisfaction level and advertisement.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Dr. V. BALU(2001) : "Marketing Research of Consumer Behaviour" 2nd Edition, Sri Venkateshwaran Publications 2. C. R .KOTHARI(2003) : "Research Methodology" 3. PHILIP KOTLER(2003) : "Marketing Management" Millenium Edition 4. R.S.N.PILLAI& BHAGAVATHY : "Modern Marketing" 2nd Edition, Sulthan Chand & Sons WEBSITE

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