B.law Assignment No.2

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Critical Analysis of a Legal Issue

Submitted to:

Professor Anum Rashid

Submitted by:

Ali Imran


MEMO ISSUE Introduction: The issue in the memo case is that it is being said that a memo was sent by the President of Pakistan, Asif Zardari, to the American Admiral Mike Mullen, through a number of sources. The memos main concern was to seek help from US in relation to the brinkmanship of the Army towards the Civilian Government. Facts: A number of facts have been revealed to the global media that a memo was indeed sent to Admiral Mike Mullen from the Pakistani side but the origination of the memo is still little unclear. Some of the facts are as below: y Mansoor Ijaz, a Pakistani-American businessman, was asked by Hussain Haqqani to draft to memo which was done through phone calls and messaging. y The draft after proof reading by Hussain Haqqani was sent to Admiral Mike Mullen through an interlocutor James Jones. y James Jones asked to first assure that the document had clearance from Pakistans highest office, to which Hussain Haqqani responded through telephone that he had the boss approval. All the above points show that indeed there was a memo that was sent to the Admiral Mike Mullen from Pakistan. The Content of Memo: The content of the memo were published on the website of Foreign Policy magazine. Following points were included in it: y An independent inquiry should be made into the Osama bin Laden raid, this could lead to valuable information for the United States. y A new national security team should be formed that will support future US kill-or-capture operations in Pakistan.

Development of new framework of discipline in order to handle Pakistans Nuclear Weapons properly. It was also proposed in the memo that the national security team of US would be responsible to eliminate the units of ISI, believed to have links with Taliban, and it was also included that section S of ISI has links with the Taliban.

Pros and Cons: This memo poses a serious situation for Pakistan. There are no positive aspects of this case and all are negative aspects because if the memo is proved to be true then it would cause great deal of friction between the Civilian Government of Pakistan and the Pakistans Military, as the content of the memo shows that the Army was aware of the Osama bin Ladens hideout and still didnt do anything about it. And also shows that the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency of Pakistan is indeed involved in the terrorism that is happening in the area. Conclusion: The affect of the emo case is very grave, whether it is true or not. It has caused enough defamation of Pakistan and if later on proved to be true, would further cause a lot of problems for the country.

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