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A Human Failure

By Andrew W.
The American famous writer and poet George Santayana once said, Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. What he said was too true. Ever since mankind had taken its first step on planet Earth, we had always fought against each other at the wrong time for the wrong reason (for most of the time). The European Barbarians in around the early 500s decimated all of the civilized Roman Empire that was in a time of crisis. In the 1500s, the Spanish sent the largest armada on the face of the Earth to England, only to be destroyed by English tactics and nature and it turned out to be a total waste of resources that can be turned for something else. In 1939, Hitler began his rampage that left the world in a time that was eventually the destructive Second World War and the eventual Cold War that cost man its most important resource, time. Its a repeating cycle of one major war after another. Even with all of the wars that have passed and we are fighting now, we, as humanity, have failed to learn our past mistakes (somewhat). So why havent we learned from our past? Its a thing that we dont want to change until we have to. The American Civil War was one of these wars that made us change the way we think about slavery. Throughout history, each war has left their scars in our history. Though people might say things like, The war in Afghanistan has helped rid the pool of corruption and poverty, or the war will lead Afghanistan to a new era of peace and prosperity. Vincent Cutris from the Buffalo News thinks that is not the case for some. The point is it is time to end this cycle of warfare. As we all know, we now possess weapons that could destroy our world hundreds of times over, along with the weaponry that can destroy any nation on earth in a matter of hours. We can now kill everyone on the face of the earth. We can make this world uninhabitable. We can make a living paradise for hell. But how do we stop this? We cant really without creating a bigger mess that we are already in with the US, UN, Geneva, or with any other global power. Its Cyclops Squad of the British 2nd Royal Tank Regiment fight against Iraqi insurgents. March 26, 2003. Cranston Fine Arts now part of human nature, though we had it for the last 2 million years or so, we need to get rid of it. We as humans always love to be destructive to each other and whats out there (nature, aliens, whatever), we cant afford it anymore. The Holocaust (1936-1945) killed more than 18 million Jewish people who just want to live and enjoy life. The Bosnia Civil

War (1992) Massacres killed thousands of Jewish, Muslim, Christian people who unluckily ended up in the war. In Africa, the movie Blood Diamond said that an estimated 200,000 or so children are now child soldiers. We cant go cross the line anymore. We are in a new age, the beginning of the age of reason, the age where the singularity movement had already reached the point where we depend on our technology to survive.

John F. Kennedy once said, Man must end war, or war will end man.
US Army M1A1 Abram and Bradley APCs charging at Iraqi positions in the First Gulf War. Cranston Fine Arts

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