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4th Epistle 2011

COMING SOON! Kingdom Music Festival June 8 th - 10 th 2012


Produced by Terrance L. Frederick,


Founder of Kingdom Music Family

Elder Terrance L. Frederick aka Chief Servant

Founder of Kingdom Music Festival and Kingdom Music Family

Greetings, In the name of our Master and High Priest, Yeshua. He has provided a way for us to be reconciled to Yahweh and forgiven of all of our trespasses. It is Yeshua who made it possible for us to be removed from our former nature and who has made us a holy priesthood of the Most High. As priests, we are responsible for the offerings that are given up to God. Today, let us meditate on the quality of our offerings. We must ensure that our offerings are not sickly but fat and pleasant in His sight. Now, we know that when I refer to a sick or fat offering, I am speaking metaphorically because He has not desired the blood of bulls or goats. He would rather a broken and a contrite spirit before Him, for obedience is better than sacrifice. So, as we discuss fat offerings, we are really discussing an obedient lifestyle as we present our bodies a living offering that would be holy and acceptable to Him. Transformation and the renewal of our minds come from our interactions with the living Christ through His word and spirit, but we will never mature in Him without being held accountable for the deeds we do in the body. Many people can sing and preach, but what we do with our bodies in secret are the true witness of our maturity, love, and knowledge of Him. Our desire should be to know Him more intimately through obedience even until our sweat appears as blood dropping upon the ground. We must resist sin as He resisted sin. We must cry out Father, not my will, but yours be done. When we say we want to know Him and yet we dont identify with His sufferings, then it is impossible for us to know the true power of His resurrection life as it pumps through our afflicted bodies. Paul said I beat my body into subjection. James said that faith without works is dead. The faith we have can be measured by what we do in our bodies, not just what we think in our minds. Kingdom priests need to spend more time preparing the offering, feeding the offering, and making it fat before we slay it and present it as a sacrifice. Before we sing our songs and hold our conventions we need to be preparing our testimony by daily living out the gospel that we minister. We should not be priests in word alone; we must be priests in deed. The kingdom must be expressed in a manner that reveals that God is not just a philosophical or theoretical notion but that His life enables us to do better than we could do without Him. Some have said that if you know more you can do better, but I say that if you do what you already know, then you are already better than most. The Kingdom Priest is a scientist who takes the Word of God into the laboratory of life and implements these theories proving they are Laws to be lived by and judged by. There must be a time where we are not writing or recording but eating. A calf that never grazes the field will never reach its destiny of becoming an acceptable offering in the sight of God. As you suffer in your daily walk I want you to remember that an offering is substitutionary and represents the whole. You never suffer alone. You have brothers and sisters all over the nation throughout many generations who have shared your specific sufferings and have obtained victorious testimony in the process. Shake the dust off. Get up from your low place and do better. God has delivered is priests from witchcraft, idolatry, perversion, all forms of carnality, and corruption. You are not alone but at times you must stand alone to represent the whole. Fight the good fight of faith and walk blameless. This is your first work. Let the music be victorious and may it be a soundtrack and not contradiction to the life that you live daily. As Advikit of the watchmen society has penned Its just my Life N Ministry. Grace and Peace, Chief Servant

Prophetic Declaration To Kingdom Priests

In the mist of the current state of the world there are those called to shape and transform the very essence of what the world sees from the Kingdom of God. Your destiny and purpose was declared before the foundation of the world to be a mouth piece of the Kingdom that God established in the heavens and on earth. His word declares that in Exodus 19:6 You shall be to Me a kingdom of priest. Take your rightful seat among the believers and unbelievers to minister to them in that gift that has been given. Your song will minister and change lives. Your poem will reshape and restore the backslider. Your voice that sings praises to the King will cause those around you to realize the very presence that you are engulfed in. Your lips will cut the air and cast down every wind of doctrine that is not from our King. Dominion is realized and presented in a facet of the Kingdom that you have so graciously come to love and embrace. That which you are called to subdue is like Jericho. Study your craft and then move forward in the realm of being Kingdom Priests forcefully advancing the Kingdom of God. Strategic planning for delivery of your gift is instituted right now in your spear of influence. You will be challenged and encouraged in the prophetic move that will be released from you. Your role is now elevated to a new dimension of excellence for this is your calling as priests. Be influential in your delivery of the only relevant message of all times and that is the Kingdom of Yahweh.

In the name of Yeshua, Min. Tremayne L. Smith aka Prophet

Territorial Reign
Tools & Weaponry for the Territory By SovahReign for HiKulcha Ink 2010
We extend blessings to you, Kingdom Intelligence Agents. Christ is our Commander-inChief and we are still preparing to usher in His Eternally Reigning Kingdom! In the last issue we discussed the importance of Knowing the Enemies of the Territory. We should now be students of the territory and the enemies that may lie within it. Now the next phase is to be equipped with the right tools and weaponry. Let us explore the difference between the tool and the weapon and learn what determining factors aid in the selection process. At initial glance, some may feel like a tool is a weapon and vice versa. By definition they differ in what they are used for. A tool by definition is a device used as a means of achieving something. It is simply a means to an end. A weapon by definition is something used to specifically to gain the advantage in a situation. Tools are meant for offensive advancement. Weapons are devices used to aid in defense. Let us take a look at the weapon. Because we are soldiers in the army of the Almighty King of Kings, we understand that our best weapon is not a gun, knife, or a bomb. We have to remember that we exist in two dimensions. Although we live in the natural world, we are soldiers of a supernatural Kingdom. The Scriptures state (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. (2Cor10:4-6) We can see from this scripture that our greatest weapon is our own obedience to God. Because weapons are plentiful, militaries undergo a selection process. In the natural world, armies select their weapons base upon the enemy, the type of fight, the location of the fight, and the availability of resources. In the Kingdom of God our weapon has already been decided for us. Every opposition to Christ will be revenged for His name sake when [our] obedience is fulfilled. (2 Corinthians 10:6). Revenge is a response to an offense and therefore defense by default. Essentially this verse says that our defense will be handled as so long as we are obedient. God is the determining factor when selecting our weapon. The weapon we choose should never change. Our weapon of obedience often postures us to be on the offense and be proactive opposed to reactive. Additionally our weapon of obedience helps us understand what tools we should use. Let us explore the tool. A tool, again, is a device that serves as a means to an end. We commonly use a tool to repair something that is broken, aid in assembling something, or to adjust something. Tools are meant for offensive advancement. Many people would look at our tools and call them weapons but we know better. Let us examine a familiar passage of Scripture about David and Goliath. If we read 1 Samuel 17, we see that Israel had drawn up to fight the Philistines. Israel was on the offense preparing to take over a territory, yet, the soldiers of Israels army were afraid because they had been intimidated by the size of their opponent. Saul had just been rejected by God because of his disobedience when instructed to commit to destruction, all of the Amalekites. Sauls disobedience was a reflection of his continued struggle with insecurity, thereby, becoming a weakness and reflected in the army under his command.

Side Bar: In games and in warfare, offensive moves create change and defensive moves yield victory. We have already established that weaponry is used defensively and help maintain advantage. Our obedience is the product of our faith. Faith is aborted by insecurity and fear. With insecurity [not secure- without defense], it is very difficult to be obedient. Because our weapon is our obedience, without it, even what looks physically like a victory, in the eyes of the Commander-in-Chief, is a loss. No advantage gained outside of the Will of God will make us victorious and in many cases this gives the advantage to the opponent. We ultimately allow the enemy to attack our faith. This essentially hinders our obedience, annihilates our defense, inevitably leaving us an easy target. If God did not give us the orders to do something, this move should not ever be considered advantageous. If God is not with us, then, anyone can be against us. Let us resume in the scene of this battle. In the midst of this battle, there is opposition by the name of Goliath who questions Israel in heavy tones of sarcasm to lodge fear and insecurity in their hearts and minds. This, again, was a defense mechanism. This tactic was not hard to ploy because insecurity had already crept in through Saul. Many of us know that at any point where we have played defense in a game or have been defended, you get your opponent off course by getting into their head forcing them to question their own ability. David entered the scene with defense already in place. He had an assurance of who God was, what God could do, and he could hear from God. His only moment of questioning was when it was time to choose his tool. Again a tool is used to repair something that is broken, aid in assembling something, or to adjust something. He was not preparing to defend himself; he wanted to go out to attack the Philistine. Saul offered him a set of tools. Davids response to this offer gives us great wisdom. We must be skilled to handle the tools that we use in our territories. Once we enter into the territory, we are no longer in training, warfare is alive and well. We cannot affect change with tools that we have no skill set to use. David did not take Sauls armor or anyone elses. He took what he was skilled to use. The tool he used was a sling and stone, a tool that he had much practice with. This tool aided in the repair of Israels faith, the assembling of the people back to one accord, and in the adjustment or removal of the reproach from Israel. The selection of our tools should be determined by what we are skilled to do and the outcome that we intend to reach. We would not use a hammer to twist a screw because we would never see our projected outcome. We absolutely should never operate tools that we are not skilled to use or we risk personal injury, inflicting wounds on others, and the worst case scenario, self-destruction within the territory. Without the skillful use of our tools, we are of no effect in our territories. As a part of the Kingdom Music Family, you most likely have identified your tools to be something that pertains to music such as: singing, rapping, poetry, dancing, playing an instrument, writing, arranging, producing, composing, choreography or you have tools that fall into business, marketing, management, development, networking, training, etc. It is important that we sharpened our tools regularly and remain on the cutting and leading edge of our skill sets. This will determine our relevance and effectiveness in the territories that we are assigned to. Our King has charged us to do a hostile takeover. We are on the offense on this great mission of reconciliation always postured with spiritual readiness. Remember Territorial Reign means Territorial Warfare. The Kingdom of God is at Hand! Let us prepare for His Reign! SovahReign!


By Kalisha A. Wachira
Ecclesiastes 11:4 reads He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap. This verse spoke volumes to me! Lets say you go to the store and buy a pack of watermelon seeds. What was the purpose of buying the seeds? Probably because you wanted some watermelon right? So you take the seeds home youve never grown watermelon before but the packet has clear instructions on how to prepare the soil, how to plant the seeds and even when it is the right time to plant the seeds. Theres no way you can mess it up! The time has come to plant the seed and you look outside and see that its windy this is where the doubt and hesitation come in Its too cold What if the wind blows my seeds away?... Ill just do it some other day Days become weeks, weeks become months and now the season for planting has passed. You have two options you could plant the seeds anyway and hope for the best or you could wait until the season for planting watermelon comes around again. How many times have we as believers delayed our blessings because we hesitated when God said sow? Lets say you did sow when you were supposed to and now the time has come to reap the harvest but you look outside and see that it is cloudy. Heres where the doubt and hesitation come in. What if it rains What if I am not ready What happens when you leave fruit on the vine too long? Either something comes to eat it up... or it dies. Im sure we all can recall a time when we were supposed to plant seed and for some reason, be it laziness, fear or doubt, we didnt. Whats worse is when you take the time to plant the seed; it grows and for whatever reason you dont reap the harvest. Dont pay attention to your circumstancesDont listen to what society tells you, for as you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the maker of all things (Ecc 11:5). There is nothing impossible for God! If He gave you a promise or a vision than He is faithful and just to give you the strategies and tools you need to make that thing manifest but you have to trust Him! Dont wait! Time is of the essence! Verse 6 reads, In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening do not withhold your hand; for you do not know which will prosper, either this or that, or whether both alike will be good". Sometimes it is not enough to just put your seed in the ground. You have to water it, fertilize it, and keep weeds from choking it out. Faith without works is dead (James 2:26b)! If God gave you a promise a vision a word Dont let your season pass you by. Sow your seed do what it takes to make it grow and allow God to do the rest. Just make sure you do some research on the ground your seed is to be planted. Make sure it has the capacity to house the very thing we want to reap. You wouldnt plant watermelon seeds in the sand would you? Think about it


Elder Terrance L. Frederick, Founder of Kingdom Music Festival & Kingdom Music Family

Prophetess Shannon Willis

Pastor Karla K. Francisco

Prophet Holsey Skip Gray, III

Sis. Cheray Savah Reign James

Sis. Teah Frederick Lambright

Kingdom Music Family partnershipThere are three tier

levels to choose from. For more information visit: Tier 1 is FREE. Tier 2 is a $25 per year.
Sis. Elizabeth Johnson Bro. Omar Stewart

Tier 3 is a $100 per year.


Shepherdess - Shavra Woodard Kingdom Priest Rapper

Prophetess Kimberly Nichols Kingdom Priest Singer/Psalmist

Johnny Hodges Kingdom Priest Singer/Psalmist

Kristin Whack Kingdom Priest Worshipper

Kezia Snipe Kingdom Priest Poet/Spoken Word

Kadesha Jenkins Kingdom Priest Singer

Shelica Daniels Kingdom Priest Dancer Lion Black Kingdom Priest Poet/Spoken Word

Matthew R. Walker Kingdom Priest Rapper

Kenny Burroughs Kingdom Priest Singer/Psalmist

United Covenant Church International Kingdom Priest Dancers

Joy R. Colclough Kingdom Priest Singer

Sumter High Gospel Choir Kingdom Priest Singers

The Compound Kingdom Priest Rapper

COMING SOON!!! Kingdom Music Festival June 8 10, 2012


To Participate in KMF2012 Visit:
Kingdom Music Festival P.O. Box 1527 Sumter, SC 29150 Ph: (803) 775-7605 Fax: (803) 775-8576 Mo: (803) 983-4738

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