Physics III

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Pre-University Test 2011 B. Tech. Ist Sem Engg. Physics-I Roll No. Time: 2:00 Hrs EAS- 101 M.M. - 50

7. Attempt any one part (a) What is the principle of Holography? Give the construction and reconstruction of image on a hologram. (b) Describe and explain the phenomenon of optical rotation. Show that


(i) Attempt all questions. (ii) Marks of each question are shown against it. SECTION A

1. Attempt all parts


(a) What do you mean by length contraction at relativistic speed? Physical constants: Plancks constant Velocity of light (b) How the zero order fringes can be located in Fresnelbiprism experiment? h = 6.63x10-34 J.s c = 3x10 m/s in free space

(c) What is dispersive power of a diffraction grating?

(d)Define population inversion and optical pumping.

Rest mass of electron me = 9.1x10-31 Kg

(e) What are Ordinary and Extra ordinary rays? SECTION B 2. Attempt any 3 questions. All carry equal marks. [53=15]

(a) Show from Lorentz transformation that two events simultaneous (t1=t2) at different positions (x1 x2) in 4

reference frame S are not, in general simultaneous in another reference frame S.

3. Attempt any one part (a) What was the objective of conducting the Michelson Morley expt.? Describe the expt. How the negative results of the expt. interpreted? 2

1 (b) In a double slit Fraunhofer diffraction pattern, the screen is placed 170 cm away from the slits. The width of the slits is 0.08 mm and they are 0.4 mm apart. Calculate the wavelength of light if the fringe width is 0.25 cm. Also find the missing orders. (c) A step index fibre has a core refractive index 1.466, cladding refractive index 1.46. If the operating wavelength of the rays is 0.85 m, calculate the cut-off parameter and the number of modes which the fibre will support. The diameter of core = 50 m. (d) The refractive indices of quartz for right handed and left handed circularly polarized light of wavelength 6300A0 are 1.53915 and 1.53921 resp. Calculate the angle of rotation produced by quartz plate of thickness 0.5 mm. (e) In an experiment of Newtons rings, the diameter of 4th and 12th dark rings are 0.400 cm and 0.700 cm respectively. Calculate the diameter of 20th dark ring. SECTION C Attempt all questions as per instructions. All carry equal marks [55=25]

(b) Deduce relativistic velocity addition theorem. Show that it is consistent with Einstein second postulate. 4. Attempt any one part
(a) Discuss the phenomenon of interference of light due to

thin films of uniform thickness in reflected light and find the conditions of maxima and minima. (b) Discuss the phenomenon of Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit and show that the relative intensities of successive maxima are nearly 1: 4/92: 4/252: 4/492 5. Attempt any one part (a) Explain the formation of Newtons rings in reflected monochromatic light. Prove that in reflected light diameters of the bright ring is proportional to the square root of odd natural numbers. (b) Define resolving power of a grating. Derive an expression for the resolving power of a plane transmission grating.

6. Attempt any one part

(a) What are doubly refracting crystals? Describe the principle, construction and working of a Nicol prism. (b) Discuss spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation. Describe the principle, construction and working of He-Ne laser.


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