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PRIPREMA PRVA GODINA PRODUZNI PASSIVE VOICE EXERCISES Rewrite the given sentences in passive voice.

. Example: Frank builds a house. Answer: A house is built. Or A house is built by Frank. 1. Mr. Jones watches the film. __________________________________________________ 2. The people speak English. __________________________________________________ 3. He reads comics. __________________________________________________ 4. We play volleyball. __________________________________________________ 5. They sing the song. __________________________________________________ 6. I take photos. __________________________________________________ 7. She does the housework. __________________________________________________ 8. The policemen help the children. __________________________________________________ 9. He writes text messages. __________________________________________________ 10. Mother waters the flowers. __________________________________________________ 11. They don't speak English in this shop. __________________________________________________ 12. Kevin asked Dennis a question. __________________________________________________ 13. Somebody built the house last year. __________________________________________________ 14. The waiter brought Fred a big steak. __________________________________________________ 15. The teacher told us a joke. __________________________________________________ 16. Will They meet Doris at the station? __________________________________________________ 17. Michael has not sent me a text message. __________________________________________________ 18. Did Julia rescue three cats? __________________________________________________ 19. The students handed in the reports. __________________________________________________

20. Alex learned the poem. __________________________________________________ 21. Steven has forgotten the book. __________________________________________________ 22. The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder. __________________________________________________ 23. They play handball. __________________________________________________ 24. Sue puts the rucksack on the floor. __________________________________________________ 25. She bought four apples. __________________________________________________ 26. We won the match. __________________________________________________ 27. The man stole the blue car. __________________________________________________ 28. Did The police arrest the thieves? __________________________________________________ 29. Jack swam the 200 meters. __________________________________________________ 30. The dog bit the old lady. __________________________________________________ 31. Tom and Max ate five hamburgers __________________________________________________ 32. Oliver taught the children. __________________________________________________ 33. Victoria rode the brown horse. __________________________________________________ 34. Grandmother told good stories. __________________________________________________ 1. An idea ____________for discussion. a) was put forward b) was putted forward c) were put forward 2. My bank loan ___________in five years time. a) will be paid off b) will be payed off c) will paid off 3. A story ___ a) will be making up b) will be maked up

c) will be made up 4. The candle ___ by the draught. a) was blow out b) was blowed out c) was blown out 5. The inconvenience__________ by this money. a) will be mad up for b) will be made up for c) will made up for 6. The old cinema ___ a) is being pull down b) is being pulled down c) is being pulling down 7. She _______ with a fine. a) was let off b) was letted off c) were let off 8. The road ___ a) was blocked off b) was block off c) was been blocked off 9. The criminal _____ a) was lock up b) was locked up c) were locked up 10. The protesters ___ by the police. a) are being held back b) are being hold back c) are holding back 11. She ___________ by a bus. a) was knock down b) was knocked down c) was knocking down 12. The old cinema ___ a) is being pulling down

b) is being pull down c) is being pulled down RESENJA PASSIVE VOICE 1. The film is watched by Mr. Jones. 2. English is spoken. 3. Comics are read by him. 4. Volleyball is played. 5. The song is sung. 6. Photos are taken by me. 7. The housework is done by her. 8. The children are helped by the policemen. 9. Text messages are written by him. 10. The flowers are watered by mother. 11. English is not spoken in this shop. 12. Dennis was asked a question by Kevin. 13. The house was built last year by somebody. 14. A big steak was brought to Fred by the waiter. Ili Fred was brought a big steak by the waiter. 15. We were told a joke by the teacher. 16. Will Doris be met at the station? 17. A text message has not been sent to me by Michael. 18. Were three cats rescued by Julia? 19. The reports were handed in by the students. 20. The poem was learned by Alex. 21. The book has been forgotten by Steven. 22. The DVD recorder has not been repaired by the mechanic. 23. Handball is played. 24. The rucksack is put on the floor by her. 25. Four apples were bought by her. 26. The match was won. 27. The blue car was stolen by the man. 28. Were the thieves arrested by the police? 29. The 200 meters were swum by Jack. 30. The old lady was bitten by the dog. 31. Five hamburgers were eaten by Tom and Max. 32. The children were taught by Oliver. 33. The brown horse was ridden by Victoria. 34. Good stories were told by grandmother. Circle the correct answer

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. C OBJASNJENJA PREBACIVANJE AKTIVNE REENICE U PASIV Postoje nekoliko koraka koja se moraju slediti prilikom prebacivanja aktivne reenice u pasivnu. A to su: Recimo imamo dve reenice: Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. He watches TV. 1. Prvi korak u prebacivanju je taj da najpre moramo nai objekat u aktivnoj reenici, u ovom sluaju to su Hamlet i TV, i objekat stavljamo na prvo mesto u pasivnoj reenici, tj. na mestu subjekata. O-S Hamlet TV 2. Zatim posmatramo u kom vremenu nam je reenica i onda pomoni glagol TO BE stavljamo u to vreme na drugom mestu u reenici. Poto je u naem sluaju prva reenica u prosto prolom a druga u prosto sadanjem u prvoj reenici emo staviti glagol TO BE u prosto prolo a u drugoj u prosto sadanje. Hamlet was TV is Napomena!!! Kako izgleda glagol TO BE za odreena vremena? Za prosto sadanje (AM/IS/ARE) Za prosto prolo (WAS/WERE) Za perfektivna vremena (BEEN)-isto za sva lica Za budua vremena (BE) -isto za sva lica Za trajna vremena (BEING) -isto za sva lica 3. Potom stavljamo glagol aktivne reenice u Past Participle.

ta je Past Participle? Past Particip za pravilne glagole izgleda tako to se na glagol doda nastavak ED, a za nepravilne prepisujemo glagol iz III kolone iz liste nepravilnih glagola. (WATER- WATERED - pravilan GO GONE nepravilan) Hamlet was written TV is watched 4. I na kraju posmatramo subjekat i ako on nije people, you, we they stavljamo ga uz predlog BY za vrioca radnje i on dolazi na kraju reenice. Hamlet was written by Shakespeare. TV is watched by him. NAPOMENA!!! Prilikom prebacivanja aktivnog pitanja u pasivno lake e Vam biti da ako od pitanja napravite potvrdnu reenicu i nju prebacite u pasiv pa zatim napravite pitanje. Ukoliko naiete na primere koji imaju dva objekta. Jedan od ta dva objekta je direktni a drugi indirektni objekat. Da ne biste pogreili uvek zapoinjite reenicu objektom na kome se vri radnja.

PRVA GODINA + TRECA GODINA PRODUZNI TENSES Fill in the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets 1. I ____________ (watch) TV now. 2. I ___________________ (not see) anybody last night. 3. Where ______________ you _________ (go) after school every day? 4. I ______________ (do) my homework tomorrow. 5. Listen! Sue _____________ (play) the piano. 6. He usually ________________ (cook) dinner for us on Sundays. 7. I _______________ (watch) the Olympic Games last summer. 8. Paul _______________ (not drink) anything at the moment. 9. Bob can`t hear you. He _____________ (listen) to Music at the moment. 10. Look at Nina and Jackie! What ________ they_________ (wear) today? 11. He sometimes ____________ (work) as a store detective. 12. They _____________ (not look) out of the window at the moment. 13. Energy ____________ (become) more expensive by 2030. 14. He ________________ (start) school at 7 o`clock every morning. 15. ___________ you _________ (come) to the party next week? 16. My dad ____________ (buy) us all presents tomorrow. 17. What ___________ you __________ (say) to Bill when you see him next Friday. 18. He usually _________ (drink) too much. Circle the correct answer 1. He ___________ (finish) school last year a) finished b) is finishing c) will finish 2. Where ____________ he usually __________(go) after school? a) Does he usually go b) Did he usually go c) Will he usually go 3. ___________ you ____________ (visit) your grandparents last week? a) Do you visit b) Will you visit c) Did you visit 4. They _____________ (not pass) their exams last year. a) Does not pass b) Are not passing

c) Did not pass 5. She ______________ (not listen) to me at this moment. a) Are not listening b) Is not listening c) Did not pass 6. They ____________ (finish) with their exams next week. a) Finish b) Will finish c) Finished 7. She _____________ (listen) the music now. a) Are listening b) Is listening c) Listens 8. I ___________ (call) her tomorrow. a) Will call b) Shall call c) called 9. __________ you _________ (see) him last night? a) Do you see b) Did you see c) Will you see 10. Listen! He _________ (play) the piano. a) Are playing b) Is playing c) Plays 11. We _______________ (go) to France next year. a) Shall go b) Go c) Goes 12. She ____________(watch) pink TV every day. a) Is watching b) Watch c) Watches

RESENJA REENJA TENSES Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1. am watching 2. did not see (didnt see) 3. do you go 4. shall do 5. is playing 6. cooks 7. watched 8. is not drinking 9. is listening 10. are they wearing 11. works 12. are not looking 13. will become 14. starts 15. will you come 16. will buy 17. will you say 18. drinks Circle the correct answer 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. B 11. A 12. C



FORM Affirmative: S + TO BE(present) + V + ING Interrogative: TO BE(present) + S + V + ING Negative: S + TO BE(present) + NOT + V + ING Affirmative: S + V (he/she/it) (es) Interrogative: DO (I, you,we, they) + V DOES (he, she, it) + V Negative: S + DO/DOES + NOT + V Affirmative: S + V + (regular Ed Irregular IIc) Interrogative: DID + S + V Negative: S + DID + NOT + V Affirmative: S + TO BE (past) + V + ING Interrogative: TO BE (past) + S + V + ING


USAGE To describe something that is happening at the moment (I am watching TV now) To talk about definite arrangement in the future (We are having meeting tomorrow) To talk about customs (They drink tea at 5 o`clock) To talk about habits (She usually grumbles) To talk about routines (I go to work every day) To talk about past action or event that is finished (I watched TV last night) To talk about something that was in progress at a specific time in the past. (I was writing the book all day yesterday) To talk about something that was in progress at the time something else happened or interrupted it. (I was watching TV when the phone rang)

ADVERBS Now, at the moment, these days, look, listen Usually, sometimes, from time to time, often, every day, every month, every year Yesterday, ago, Last night, last year, last month

VERB FORMS TO BE (present) I - AM You, We, They-ARE He, She, It - IS DO/DOES I, We, You, They DO He, She, It - DOES DO (past) I, You. He, She, It, We, You, They - DID


TO BE (past) I, He, She, It WAS You, We, They - WERE While, yesterday, last night, last month, last year all day yeasterday

PAST COUNTINUOUS Negative: S + TO BE(past) + NOT + V+ING Affirmative: S + TO HAVE + V + (regular Ed Irregular IIIc) PRESENT PERFECT Interrogative: TO HAVE + S + V + (regular Ed Irregular IIIc) Negative: S+TO HAVE+NOT+V+(regular Ed Irregular IIIc) Affirmative: S+TO HAVE+BEEN+V + ING

HAVE (present) To talk abut past action which has a result in present. (I have lost my keys) To talk about an action which began in the past and continuous to the present ( She has known him for ten years) Ever, never, since, for, just, yet I,You,We, They - HAVE He, She, It HAS

HAVE (present) A state which lasts up to the present moment and to emphasize duration I,You,We, They - HAVE He, She, It HAS For, since


Interrogative: TO HAVE+S+BEEN+V + ING (I have been working here since 1999) Negative: S+TO HAVE+NOT+BEEN+V+ ING

Affirmative: S+TO HAVE(past)+V+(regular Ed

HAVE (past)


Turn the following sentences from direct to indirect speech

1. "Where is he?" He asked me _______________________________________ 2. "What are you doing?" She asked me _______________________________________ 3. "Why did you go out last night?" She asked me _______________________________________ 4. "Who was that beautiful woman?" She asks me________________________________________ 5. "How is your mother?" She asked me _______________________________________ 6. "Where will you live after graduation?" She asks me _________________________________________ 7. "How often do you go to the cinema?" She asked me _______________________________________ 8. "Do you live in London?" She asked me ______________________________________ 9. "Did he arrive on time?" She asked me ______________________________________ 10. "Can you help me?" She asked me _______________________________________ 11. "Are you working today?" She asked me _______________________________________ 12. "Will you come later?" She asked me ______________________________________ 13. "Do your homework!" She told me ________________________________________ 14. "Go to bed!" She told me ________________________________________ 15. "Don't be late!"

She ordered me ____________________________________ 16. "Don't smoke!" He told me __________________________________________ 17. "Tidy your room!" He told me __________________________________________ 18. "Wait here!" He told me __________________________________________ 19. "Don't do that!" She ordered me ____________________________________ 21. "Eat your dinner!" He told me __________________________________________ 22. "Don't make a mess!" He told me __________________________________________ 23. "We went out last night". She told me___________________________________________ 24. "I am coming." She said ______________________________________________ 25. "Lucy will come later" She said ______________________________________________ 26. "I can help you tomorrow" She said ______________________________________________ 27. "He hasn't eaten breakfast" She says ______________________________________________ 28. "I don't eat chocolate" She told me ___________________________________________ 29. "I am watching TV now ". She told me ___________________________________________ 30."I visited my parents at the weekend". She told me ____________________________________________ 31. "I'11 do the washing-up tomorrow". She told me ____________________________________________ 32. ``We are watching TV at this moment``.

She told me ____________________________________________ Circle the correct answer 1. Mandy: "Can I help you?" Mandy wanted to know ___________ a) if can she help b) if she can help c) if she could help 2. Andrew: "Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?" Andrew asked me ___________ a) if Mandy would have lunch with Sue b) if Mandy will have lunch with Sue c) if will Mandy have lunch with Sue 3. Justin: "What are you doing?" Justin asked me ____________ a) What I am doing b) What I was doing c) What was I doing 4. Frank: "How much pocket money does Lisa get?" Frank wanted to know ___________ a) How much pocket money Lisa gets b) How much pocket money Lisa got c) How much pocket money did Lisa get 5. Emily: "Our teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow." Emily said that that_____________________ a) Our teacher would go to Leipzig next day b) Their teacher would go to Leipzig tomorrow c) Their teacher would go to Leipzig next day 6. Helen: "I was writing a letter yesterday." Helen says that ___________ a) She was writing a letter the previous day b) She had been writing the letter the previous day c) She was written a letter the previous day 7. Lisa: "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago." Lisa said that _______ a) Tim went to the stadium an hour ago b) Tim went to the stadium an hour before c) Tim had gone to the stadium an hour before 8. Patricia: "My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend." Patricia said that ____ a) Her mother would celebrate her birthday the following weekend b) Her mother will celebrate her birthday the following weekend c) Her mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend

9. She said, "Go upstairs." She told me ___________ a) Go upstairs b) To go upstairs c) Not to go upstairs 10. "Close the door behind you," He told me _______ a) To close the door behind me b) To close the door behind you c) Not to close the door behind me 11. "Don't be late.`` He advised us ________ a) Not to be late b) To be late c) Don`t be late 13. "Don't be angry with me," He asked her __________ a) Not to be angry with him b) Not to be angry with me c) To be angry with him 14. "Leave me alone," She told me _____________ a) To leave me alone b) To leave him alone c) To leave her alone RESENJA TURN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES FROM DIRECT TO INDIRECT SPEECH 1. He asked me where he was. 2. She asked me what I was doing. 3. She asked me why I had gone out the night before. 4. She asks me who that beautiful woman was. 5. She asked me how my mother was. 6. She asks me where I will live after graduation. 7. She asked me how often I went to the cinema. 8. She asked me if I lived in London. 9. She asked me if he had arrived on time. 10. She asked me if I could help her. 11. She asked me if I was working that day. 12. She asked me if I would come later. 13. She told me to do my homework. 14. She told me to go to bed. 15. She ordered me not to be late. 16. He told me not to smoke. 17. He told me to tidy my room.

18. He told me to wait there. 19. She ordered me not to do that. 20. He told me to eat your dinner. 21. He told me to eat my dinner. 22. He told me not to make a mess. 23. She told me that they had gone out the night before. 24. She said that she was coming. 25. She said that Lucy would come later. 26. She said that she could help me the next day. 27. She says that he hasn`t eaten breakfast. 28. She told me that she didn`t eat chocolate. 29. She told me that she was watching TV then. 30. She told me that she had visited her parents at the weekend. 31. She told me that she would do the washing-up the next day. 32. She told me that they were watching TV at that moment. Circle the correct answer 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. A 13. C OBJASNJENJA POSTUPAK PREBACIVANJA DIREKTNOG U INDIREKTNI GOVOR Direktni govor je kada navodite od rei do rei neije rei, dok indirektni govor podrazumeva da prepriate neto to vam je neko rekao ili vas je neto pitao.

Prebacivanje izjavnih reenica Pogledajmo dve reenice 1. I am watching TV now.

He said ___________________________ He says ___________________________ Najpre prlikom prebacivanja direktnog u indirektni govor dolazi do odreenih promena: 1. Promena u vremenima SIMPLE PRESENT (prosto sadanje) - SIMPLE PAST (prosto prolo) PRESENT CONTINUOUS (trajno sadanje) PAST CONTINUOUS (trajno prolo) SIMPLE PAST (prosto prolo) PAST PERFECT (pluskvanperfekat) PRESENT PERFECT (sadanji perfekat) PAST PERFECT (pluskvanperfekat) WILL - WOULD CAN - COULD MAY - MIGHT 2. Promena u licima I WE YOU HE/SHE THEY I


Napomena!!! Kako bi povezali ove dve reenice, odnosno kako bi direktnu reenicu povezali sa poetkom indirektne uvodimo svezu THAT koja dolazi nakon he said, ili he told me. Tako da e reenica izgledati I am watching TV now. He said THAT he was watching TV then. Objanjenje: Kao to viditi najpre smo povezali reenice sveyom THAT I poto nam je poetak reenice u PAST TENSU onda dolazi do pomeranja I u vremenu, licu i prilogu.

I am watching TV now. He says THAT he is watching TV then. ALI KADA NAM NA POETKU REENICE NIJE PAST TENSE ONDA NEMA POMERANJA U VREMENIMA!!!!!!! UVEK SE REENICA ZAPOINJE SA TELL ili SAY Prebacivanje direktnih pitanja u indirektna Pre nego li krenemo sa prebacivanjem direktnih pitanja u indirektna, najpre da se podsetimo da postoje dve vrste pitanja a to su YES/NO pitanja i WH pitanja. Primeri: Are you a student? YES/NO What do you do? - WH Ovakva pitanja se prebacuju u indirektni govor na razliit nain. Prebacivanje YES/NO pitanja Are you a student? He asked me if I was a student. He asks me if I am a student. Kao to vidite da bi povezali He asked sa pitanjem a poto ne postoji upitna re uvodi se sveza IF, zatim ukoliko reenica ba kao I kod izjavnih reenica zapoinje PAST TENSOM onda dolazi do svih gore navedenih pomereanja: pomeranja vremena, priloga I lica.Tako da pitanja postaju izjavne reenice. NAPOMENA!!! KAKO NE BI POGREILI PRILIKOM PREBACIVANJA UVEK NAKON SVEZE IF STAVITE SUBJEKAT

Prebacivanje WH pitanja Where do You go after school? He asked me where I went after school. He asks me where I go after school. Kao to vidite da bi povezali He asked sa pitanjem a poto postoji upitna re, sveza e upravo biti ta upitna re, zatim ukoliko reenica ba kao I kod izjavnih reenica zapoinje PAST TENSOM onda dolazi do svih gore navedenih pomereanja: pomeranja vremena, priloga I lica.Tako da pitanja postaju izjavne reenice. NAPOMENA!!! KAKO NE BI POGREILI PRILIKOM PREBACIVANJA UVEK NAKON SVEZE IF STAVITE SUBJEKAT

I UVEK SE REENICA ZAPOINJE SA ASK, WANT TO KNOW, WONDER Prebacivanje molbi i zapovesti "Go to bed!" She told me to go to bed. "Don't be late!" She ordered me not to be late. Prilikom prebacivanja molbi i zapovesti iz direktnog u indirektni govor POTVRDNE REENICE (zapovesti) E UVEK BITI TO INFINITIVI to znai da e posle She told me d aide TO + INFINITIV GLAGOLA. Kao to vidite ne dolazi do pomeranja u vremenima I o tome ne morate da vodite rauna, ali vodite rauna o pomeranju lica I priloga. NEGATIVNE REENICE (zabrane) e postati NOT TO INFINITIVI to znai da e nakon She told me ii NOT + TO + INFINITIV GLAGOLA, takoe ne dolazi do promena u vremenima, ve samo u licima I prilozima. UVEK SE VREENICA ZAPOINJE SA TELL ili ORDER, nekada moe i sa ASK ali u tom sluaju ask ne znai pitati ve ask znai zamoliti.

DRUGA GODINA POCETNI I Write right word on the blank spaces 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To carry out or perform some action or work? E _ _ _ _ _ _ A request to make or supply goods O _ _ _ _ Thing to put forward for consideration and acceptance or rejection O _ _ _ _ A thing or object especially one of a class or from set of products A _ _ _ _ _ _ A large building where goods are stored W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A person who buys goods or services C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A list of goods supplied or services rendered showing prices, tax, and the total due I _ _ _ ___ 8. A legally binding agreement usually in writing C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9. The amount of money charged or paid for an article P _ _ _ _ 10. An act or a list by which you accept or confirm something C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II Fill in the sentences with given words Forwarding, insurance policy, freight, waybill, stock, delivery, offer, favorable price, warehouse, refuse 1. The house we saw last week is still on ________________. 2. When can you take the __________ of goods? 3. I ___________ your help. 4. A retailer needs enough _________ to meet normal demand. 5. A furniture shop keeps its stock in a __________________. 6. I had to pay _____________ on the consignment. 7. The customs officer found that the weapons were not listed on the ___________. 8. We will give it to your company under ____________________. 9. You must have an ________________ when you plan to travel abroad. 10. Thanks for ___________ the goods arrived on time. III Connect departments with their explanation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sales Department Purchasing Department Planning Department Research and Development Department Quality Control Department Production Department Personnel Department Finance Department Marketing Department

__ the part of the company that deals with sales __ the part of company that is involved in action of buying __ the part of the company that is involved in planning process

__ the part of the company that deals with the research of new products on the market and the development of their products __ the part of the company that controls the quality of its products __ the part of the company that is responsible for production __ the part of the company that deals with employing and training people __ the part of company that is involved in the activity of managing money __ the part of company that is involved in the activity of presenting, advertising and selling a companys products in the best possible way RESENJA I Write right word on the blank spaces 1. execute 2. order 3. offer 4. article 5. warehouse 6. customer 7. invoice 8. contract 9. price 10. confirmation II Fill in the sentences with given words 1. offer 2. delivery 3. refuse 4. stock 5. warehouse 6. freight 7. waybill 8. favorable price 9. insurance policy 10. forwarding III 1. 2. 3. 4. Sales Department (the part of the company that deals with sales) Purchasing Department (the part of company that is involved in action of buying) Planning Department (the part of the company that is involved in planning process) Research and Development Department (the part of the company that deals with the research of new products on the market and the development of their products) 5. Quality Control Department (the part of the company that controls the quality of its products) 6. Production Department (the part of the company that is responsible for production) 7. Personnel Department (the part of the company that deals with employing and training people)

8. Finance Department (the part of company that is involved in the activity of managing money) 9. Marketing Department (the part of company that is involved in the activity of presenting, advertising and selling a companys products in the best possible way) RECI BITNE ZA TEST I Execute izvriti Confirmation potvrda Order porudbenica Offer ponuda Article proizvod Warehouse magacin Customer muterija, kupac Invoice faktura Contract ugovor Price cena II Offer ponuda Delivery isporuka Refuse odbiti Stock zalihe (lager) Warehouse magacin Freight transportni trokovi Waybill putni trokovi ili lista robe koja se prevozi Favorable price povoljna cena Imsurance policy osiguranje Forwarding pedicija III 10. Sales Department (the part of the company that deals with sales) 11. Purchasing Department (the part of company that is involved in action of buying) 12. Planning Department (the part of the company that is involved in planning process) 13. Research and Development Department (the part of the company that deals with the research of new products on the market and the development of their products) 14. Quality Control Department (the part of the company that controls the quality of its products) 15. Production Department (the part of the company that is responsible for production) 16. Personnel Department (the part of the company that deals with employing and training people) 17. Finance Department (the part of company that is involved in the activity of managing money) 18. Marketing Department (the part of company that is involved in the activity of presenting, advertising and selling a companys products in the best possible way)

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