Group - Work (Schema)

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group_work [schema]


Five dysfunctions of a team

Genuine team work in most organizations remains elusive

Organizations fail to achieve teamwork because they fall prey to five dysfunctions
These issues cannot be addressed in isolation as they form an interrelated model
Absence of Trust: stems from an unwillingness to be vulnerable within the group; team members
who are not open about mistakes and weaknesses make it impossible to build trust
Fear of Conflict: team that lack trust are incapable of engaging in passionate, unfiltered debate
about important issues
Lack of Commitment: with open discussions and airing of issues, team members rarely buy into
and commit to decisions
Avoidance of Accountability: without committing to a clear plan of action, people often hesitate
to call their peers on actions and behaviors that seem counterproductive
Inattention to Results: failure to hold people accountable creates an environment where
individual needs or needs of groups are put above the collective goals of the team
Though this model is simple, it is extremely difficult to apply effectively because it requires
discipline and persistence

Open/Closed Questions

Help/Show/Tell/Explain to me



Men's Group

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group_work [schema]

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san francisco men's groups

Real Answers

CICQ Format(seekers)
Core Issue, Core Questions Format

Spirit, Dialog and Conversation

Art of Dialog

Practice of Dialog

Listening with Spirit; Bibliography

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group_work [schema]

Art of Goethean Conversation

Art of Goethean Conversation

Ontological Coaching
Ontology: A Theoretical Basis for Professional Coaching

Coaching to the Human Soul


Art of Management

Who is Responsible for Leadership

Creating Rites of Passage

creating rites of passage

Wholistic Model for Psychotherapy & Life

Wholistic Model by Aharon Grossbard

AWSNA - Young Schools Guide

Guide for Creating Healthy Waldorf Schools

Network M Meetup
Meet-up Exercises

Feb 2007 - Community Notes

Matrix Training
Matrix Training: Session I

matrix feedback

Elemental Mandala
These four stages are an archetypal patters underlying most interactions between humans as well as
change in the natural world.
Sequence of questions; Earth, Water, Air, Fire in this lawful sequence. Fire which is “under” the earth
(cooking) is unnatural.

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group_work [schema]

Earth/Physical thinking: Facts/Data gathered. Ask; What is different? The answers result in
abstract categories.

Water/Living thinking: Facts are arraigned into sequences of typical movement/flow patterns by
asking; What is changing? The answers result in morphological systemic thinking.

Air/Simultaneous or reciprocal thinking: Patterns are considered from the point of view of how
they likely evolved to where they are today by asking; What is reversing? The answers to this
question result in an inner experience of reciprocal nature to all solutions - all systems go
through the process of reversal.

Fire/Pure thinking: The rhythm of the problem solving process is

considered from the point of view of what the problem is likely to look like in many years by asking;
What is the whole? There are no answers to this question - it is asked by being completely silent
inside. What is revealed is a better question.

Business and Spirit

Business and Spirit

Spirituality in the workplace

group_work.txt · Last modified: 2007/03/09 17:10 by koan

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