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Narbik Kocharians
CCIE #1 241 0
R&S, Security, SP
VVn:J Hutt (|io'trOIl
tt^ II' II h,,<h,IIII'" \1I11:hh i v iI
P;l!l' 1 of
Router To Switch connection
FO/2 FO/2
FO/O FOi l
FO/3 FO/3

FO/O FOi l

FO/6 FO/6

CCIE H&S hy 'arbik ,ocharilllls Work Book Qut-on u_t Z u
" 2(1117 \al'hil, l"Ol'hariHII', All righi n',,'r\'!I

FOl 1 9
FOI2 1
FO/ 1 9
h ,,11,\11.111\ \\(lrk Boo" ji | t!ti| t s
FO/2 1 F0122
Pa)( J of I^
, 2017 N:ttII. l(od,,,rHIl\, \1 1 :_|I ISt' \.,,1

Lab 1
Basic 3560 confguration I
Task 1
Shutdown ports FOn, FO/8, FO/2 1 and FO/22 on Switch 1 and 2
Task 2
Confgure the frst Switch to be in VTP domain called CCIE, this information should be
propagated to Switch 2 via VTP messages.
Task 3
This VTP domain should be password protected using "Cisco" as the password.
Task 4
The frst Catalyst switch should be configured with a hostname of Cat- l and the second
Catalyst should have a hostname of Cat-2.
Task S
Cat-2 should NOT have the ability to create, delete or rename VLAN or VLAN
Task 6
Create and configure the fol lowing VLAN assignments on Cat - 1 :
Router Interface VLANnumber CAT Switches Port
R1-FO/O 1 2 SW1-FO/1
R -FO/O 12 SW1-FO/2
R -FO/O 34 SW1-FO/3
\\ or" Boo" Qut-uun Pagl' 4 u
`2IIII7 .tl`hi" k.o,'hilriall', \11 righi' r-vtl

R4 -FO/O 34 SWI-FO/4
R5 -FO/O 56 SWI -FO/5
R6 -FO/O. 56 SWI-FO/6
Task 7
Configure Loopback 0 and Loopback 1 interfaces on Cat- I , use the IP address of 1 . 1 . 1 . 1
18 and 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18 respectively and ensure that ONLY the I P address of Loopback 1
interface is used as the preferred source for the VTP IP updater address.
Task 8
\CH_0\0 \\0mD0\W00H \0\WO 8W\\008 08\U_OI|8 l1V 8U0lZ. OnCO\thC8C
switches should use DTP to negotiate the trunk.
Task 9
Configure the switches such that flooded traffic is restricted to the trunk links that the
trafic must use to reach the destination device.
Task 1 0
Confgure Cat- l and Cat-2 such that only the trunk ports (F0I 1 9 and F0/20) and the ports
that routers RI to R6 are connected are in use, the rest of the ports should be configured
in administrativel y down state.
Task 1 1
Ensure that Cat- l is the root bridge for the VLANs 1 2, 34 and Cat-2 is the root bridge for
VLAN 56. Do NOT use the "priority" command to accomplish this task.
Task 1 2
Cat- l should be confgured such that the ports that routers Rl to R6 are connected will
bypass l i stening and learing state. If any of these ports receive BPDU packets, they
should transition into errdisable state. Use minimum number of commands to accomplish
this task. This confguration should only be applied to the ports that the routers Rl - R6
are connected to.
l11 H> h `u rh huchur u| > \Vorl, Boo" Questioll) Iut5 of IX3
() 211117 "Hhik KuchadRII'. \11 dghh rtvt+|
Task 13
Cat-2 should be confgured such that the ports that routers Rl to R6 are connected (FOi l -
FO/6) will byass listening and learing state. If any of these ports receive BPDU packets,
they should loose their portfast state. This confguration should apply to existing and
future ports that are configured as portfast.
Task 14
You received a request from the IT department to monitor and analyze al l the packets
sent and received by the host connected to port FOl l 4 on Cat- I ; you have connected the
packet analyzer to port FOi l 5 on the same switch. Confgure the switch to accommodate
this request.
Task 15
You received another request fom your I T department t o keep track of all the MAC
addresses that are leared by Cat-2 port FOi l 8. The switch must use the NMS located at
1 92. 1 68. 1 . 1 124, configure the switch to handle this request. You should use an IP
address of 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 to accomplish this task.
Task 16
Configure Cat-2' s port FOi l 4 to limit the amount of bandwidth utilization for broadcast
trafc to 50%.
Task 1 7
Mac addresses leart dynamically by these two switches should not stay i n the MAC
address table if they are inactive for longer than 1 0 minutes.
Task 18
For management purposes, assign an IP address of 1 0. 1 . 1 . 1 1 /24 t o Cat- I , with a default
gateway of 1 0. 1 . 1 . 1 00 124.
( el E I{&S b :'arbik Iochadalls V or! , Book Qllcli()m
2IIII7 'arhil. h."lhariII'. \1 I1';l,hl , lIt:1tI

Task 1 9
Confgure routers Rl and R3 using the fol lowing IP addresses:
> Rl - FOIO 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 124
> R3 - FOIO = 1 0. 1 . 34. 3 124
Confgure Cat- l to route between VLAN 1 2 and 34, use ping to verify the
communication. Use any Ip address on Cat- l to accomplish this task. The gateway for
VLAN1 2 should be confgured to be 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 00, and the gateway for VLAN 34 should
be confgured to be 1 0. 1 . 34. 1 00.
Task 20
Remove the confguration fom the previous step and configure InterVlan routing
between VLANs 1 2 and 34. DO NOT use SVIs to accomplish this task. FOi l interface of
any router can be used to accomplish this task. Use the IP addressing from the previous
task. Ensure to use an industry standard protocol/s to accomplish this task.
Task 2 1
Confgure Cat- l such that whenever the switch lears or removes a MAC address on its
port FOi l 8, an SNMP notification is generated and sent to the NMS located at
1 92. 1 68. 1 . 1 . Since there are many users coming and going from the network, set up a trap
interval time to bundle the notifcation traps and reduce network trafc using the
following parameters:
> The traps should be generated every 30 minutes.
> The trap should contain a maximum of 1 50 entries.
Task 22
Optimize Cat- l using the fol lowing policies:
Cat- l should be confgured such that its memory resources are optimized for routing.
Task 23
Create VLANs 30, 3 1 and 32 on Cat- l and ensure that these VLANs can not traverse the
hm link between Cat- l and Cat-2.
l l11H^^ II.' 'a rhi t. hfl ci l ari a l l s \Vork Hiu QII l" t iol l ' Pagl' 7 of J 10
( 211t)7 \arhi l, K"rhria,,'. \11 rhI I l v I

Task 24
Confgure Cat- 1 ' s port FOi l 5 and FOi l 6 such that when client PCs connect to these ports,
they automatically become member of a given VLAN. Cat- 1 should be confgured to use
1 0. 1 . 1 . 1 as the primary and 1 0. 1 . 1 . 2 as the secondary VMPS server. Ensure that the local
switch reconfirms the VLAN membership every half hour and if the VMPS can not be
contacted, the local switch will retry 5 times before considering the VMPS unavailable.
Task 25
Port FOi l 7 on Cat- l is connected to a Cisco 7960 IP Phone. Voice trafic that originates
fom the phone is tagged with a CoS of 5.
A PC i s connected to the 7960 I P Phone which i s generating trafc with CoS of 3. Ensure
that the data trafc belongs to VLAN 3 and the Voice trafc belongs to VLAN 5. The
trafic originated by the 7960 IP Phone should maintain it' s CoS value, whereas the
trafc that originated fom the PC connected to the 7960 IP Phone should be re-written
with a CoS of 1 .
Task 26
Confgure trunking between Cat- 1 and Cat-2 such that VLAN 1 2 does not get tagged
when the trafic for this VLAN traverses the trunk.
Task 27
The IT department decided to stop monitoring port FO/ 1 4 from Task 1 4, you have
received a new request to monitor port FOi l 4 on Cat- 1 but the protocol analyzer is
connected to port FOi l 8 on Cat-2. Confgure the switches to accommodate this request.
Task 28
Configure the hostname of the third switch to be Cat-3.
Task 29
Confgure ports FO/2 1 and FO/22 on Cat-3 and Cat - 1 as trunk links using an industry
standard protocol, these links should appear to STP as a single link. If one of the links
fails, the trafc should use the other link without any interruption. These ports should
NOT negotiate by exchanging LACP or P AgP protocol to accomplish this task.
((I n&S b) ;arbili o('hadll lls Wort Bout QUl',rioll' I'agt' X of I
207 N::.. hi" h,odwdall'. \II rghh "''"'',1

Task 30
Ensure that the EtherChannel created in the previous step uses destination MAC
addresses to load-balance the trafic load.
Task 31
Erase the startup configuration and vlan.dat before proceeding to the next lab
\\ or Bun" QII(, t ill l l\ Page I) of 110
21111- N:hi l, ".ndllhl"'. \II Hght ISI`1\I

N arbi k Kocharians
CCIE #12410
R&S, Security, SP
MST & Private VLANs
e(IF J{S. hI ' .. rhi! hudla.-iall' \\,1"1, BIII.! ()lIl(iom
2u0 .:1 | 1111 u t \ I Ihh l`S\1'l :\



Task 1
Lab 1
Multiple Spanning Trees
802.1 s
The frst Catalyst switch should be confgured with a hostname of Cat- l and the second
Catalyst should have a hostname of Cat-2.
Task 2
Confgure ports F0/7-8 and F0/2 1 -22 on Cat- l and Cat-2 in shutdown state.
Task 3
Ports F0/ 1 9-20 should be in trunking mode, these ports should use an industry standard
protocol to establish the trunk.
Task 4
Create VLANs 1 2, 34, 56, and 90 on Cat- l and ensure that these VLANs are propagated
to Cat-2 via VTP messages.
Task S
Confgure Multi-instance of Spanning Tree on the switches using the fol lows policy:
1 . There should be two instances of STP, instance 1 and 2
2. The revision number should be 1
3. The MST region name should be "CCIE"
4. Instance 1 should handle VLANs 1 2 and 34
5. Instance 2 should handle VLAN 56
6. Al l future VLANs should use instance 0
7. Instance 1 should use F0l 1 9
8. Instance 2 should use FO/20
9. Cat - 1 should be the root bridge for the frst instance
1 0. Cat-2 should be the root bridge for the second instance
Work Book Quc -ti OI l \
, 2tUP "arhih In('h"ri,,"" \11 ++_h |tt\tr|
IugcII of l X.'

Task 6
Erase the startup configuration and vlan. dat before proceeding to the next lab
( ( I I. 1{8< |i\ \.trhil, horhari:lIls \\ ur. Ht! t}ii,(illlt, u_t' l. o! IX
' 2tm ^.:iI | 111111 " \II nllh r.tI

Task 1
Private VLAN s
The frst switch should be confgured with a hostname of CAT - 1 and the second switch
should be confgured with a hostname of CAT-2
Task 2
Shutdown ports FO/7 -8 and f/21 -22 on CAT - 1 and CAT -2
Task 3
Configure trunking between CAT- 1 and CAT-2 using ports FOi l 9 and F0120. Use an
industry standard trunking protocol for this purpose. Shutdown ports F0/7-8 and F012 1 -22
on both switches.
Task 4
Assign I P addressing to the interface of the routers using the following chart and ensure
that these routers can ping each other:
Router Interface I P address and Subnet mask
R1 FOIO 200. 1 . 1 . 1 124
R2 FOIO 200. 1 . 1 . 2 124
R3 FOIO 200. 1 . 1 . 3 124
R4 FOi l 200. 1 . 1 . 4 124
R5 FOi l 200. 1 . 1 . 5 124
R6 FOi l 200. 1 . 1 . 6 /24
BB1 FOIO 200. 1 . 1 . 1 0 124
Task S
Confgure the switches such that the ports that are not used are in administratively down
state. Use minimum number of commands for this task.
\\'0"" Huol, ()IH'''i OI l ' I'agl' 1 3 of 1 RJ
}IIO" 'lll'l>i" I"''t'ha'';all\, \II ::lI | II I \ ('(I

Task 6
Confgure CAT- l and CAT-2 to implement the following policy:
Routers RI , R2 and R5 should be able to ping and have reachabi lity to each other.
R2 and R5 should NOT have reachability to any other router in this lab.
Routers R3, R4 and Rl should be able to ping and have reachability to each other.
R3 and R4 should NOT have reachability to any other router in this lab.
Routers R6 and Rl should be able to ping and have reachability to each other. R6
should NOT have reachability to any other router in this lab.
Routers BB 1 and Rl should be able to ping and have reachability to each other.
BB I should NOT have reachability to any other router in this lab.
Ensure that R6 and BBI are in the same VLAN, DO NOT use switchport
protected, or ACLs to accomplish any of these tasks. You should only see 4
VLANs created in the output of the "Show vlan brief' command.
Task 7
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next task.
((I E H&S b' Nlrbi k !ocharians \\01''' Book Qut-Ion
,( '20U7 '''fhik K i!'huu|. \IIdghl' :tc:tiI

C( I&' h 'nrhi" Kllrharialls
N arbik Kocharians
CCIE #12410
R&S, Security, SP
'Vorl B1ol QIIl', t iol l
, 1017 "arhi" Kol"ilariall\" \II rihI r trtI
Pa( 1 5 of I X3

Task 1
Lab 1
3560 Security
Configure the hostname of the switches as follows:
First Switch = Cat- l
Second Switch = Cat-2
Task 2
Shut down ports F0/7-8 and F0/2 1 -22 on both Cat- l and Cat-2.
Task 3
In order to prevent a MAC flooding attack, confgure port FOi l on CAT - 1 to limit the
number of leared MAC addresses to one. The switch should lear this MAC address
dynamically and then translate it to static; this entry should be deleted after 60 minutes of
Task 4
In order to prevent MAC flooding, confgure Cat-2 using the following policy:
Ports that routers Rl - R6 are connected should be configured such that they only allow
one MAC-address to be detected, if this policy is violated, the appropriate switchport
should NOT send an SNMP trap or a syslog message, but it should ignore all frames
coming from the newly leared MAC address. The switch should be confgured such that
it lears the MAC addresses of the routers dynamically and converts them to sticky
secure MAC addresses.
You should use a regular and a smart port macro to accomplish this task.
Task S
Cat-2' s ports FOi l 5 and FOil 6 are connected to company' s web and e-mail server. These
ports should be confgured in VLAN 88. Ensure that these ports can't communicate with
each other. You should NOT confgure Private VLANs to accomplish this task.
( ( I J{& 1/\ \a,- hi l, h,olharalls \ 01'1, Boo! t)t:tim:
, '10117 ',"l1il, |xothui::t. \H ri!hh IT\N\I'd

Task 6
Confgure Cat-2 such that it prevents unknown unicast or multicast trafc from being
forwarded to these two ports.
Task 7
The PCs that are connected or will be connected to Cat - 1 ' s port F0l 1 6 should get
authenticated before they are allowed access to the network. This authentication should
use CSACS located at 1 92. 1 68. 1 . 2 using "cisco" as the key.
Task 8
Mac addresses leart dynamicall y by Cat- l should not stay in the MAC address tabl e if
they are inactive for longer than 1 0 minutes.
Task 9
Confgure both of the switches such that if a password recovery is performed, the startup
confguration is deleted automatically.
Task 10
You ]ust found out that some of the PCs that will be connected to port F0l 1 6 on Cat- I ,
are NOT dot l x capable; therefore, you need to confgure the fI 1 6 interface of Cat- l such
that as long as one of these PCs gets authenticated, the rest of the PCs are allowed access
to the network.
Task 1 1
Confgure the MAC-address of R6' s FOIO interface to be "0000. 6666. 6666".
This interface should be confgured to be in VLAN 56.
Configure a static MAC address entry on Cat- l for R6' s FOIO interface i n VLAN 56 such
that if the switch receives frames destined to R6' s MAC address, it forwards the frames
to FO/6 interface ONLY.
( ( I I HS " |\ .111111 hlIl'h.Il'i,III' \\ Ill''' HDu QUl'1 i:I
, 2(1f)7 'arhil, Knrharhill'. \II ri:ilh IS\1 vtt|
Pagl 1 7 of ,x.

Task 1 2
Confgure Unicast Mac address filtering on CAT- l such that the switch drops packets
that have a source or destination address of 0000. 1 1 1 1 .2222. If a packet is received i n
VLAN 1 with this MAC address as its source or destination, the packet should be
Task 13
Confgure Cat- 1 ' s FOi l and Cat-2' s FO/2 interfaces to their default configuration setting
Task 1 4
Confgure R1 and R2 as follows:
Router Interface and IP address MAC address
Rl FOIO 1 0. 1 . 1 . 1 124 0000. 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1
R2 FOi l = 1 0. 1 . 1 . 2 124 0000. 2222. 2222
Confgure trunking between the two switches using ports FOi l 9 and F0/20; use an
industry standard trunking protocol.
Confgure Cat- l to protect R1 fom ARP spoofng attack. Cat- 1 should be configured
such that it intercepts all ARP requests and responses on untrusted interfacels, this switch
should then verify that each of these intercepted packets has a valid IP-to-MAC address
binding before it updates i t' s local ARP cache or forward the packets to the appropriate
destination, in this case to R1 . Ifthe switch detects an invalid IP-to-MAC address
binding, it should drop the packet. A DHCP server SHOULD NOT be used to accompl ish
this task.
Task 1 5
In order to prevent a DoS attack on Cat- l port FO/2, the number of incoming ARP
packets should be rate-limited to 1 0 PPS. This interface should monitor for a high rate of
ARP packets every 2 seconds. Interface FOi l of this Switch should NOT have any limits.
Task 1 6
Confgure Cat- l port FOi l to deny incoming AppleTalk, AppleTalk ARP, DECnet Phase
IV, Ether type 6000 and Ether type 8042 trafc, this port should permit all other types of
('( IL H," II \arIJjk "lIrhari:lIIS \\ 01'1- Book t]uviit I'agl' I S of 110
2uu NntiI Iothilliilll' \11 ri;hh I`t: t:l \nl

Task 1 7
Remove the "Mac Access-list" and "IP ARP Inspection" confguration from previous
three tasks ( 1 4, 1 5 and 1 6)
Task 1 8
Confgure a VLAN map on Cat- 1 to implement the following policy for VLAN 2:
Drop all IP communication between R1 ( 1 0. 1 . 1 . 1 124) and R2 ( 1 0. 1 . 1 . 2 124).
Drop all UDP communication for existing and fture hosts in this VLAN.
Drop TCP communication only between hosts R3 ( 1 0. 1 . 1 . 3 /24) and R4 ( 1 0. 1 . 1 .4 124)
Drop all IGMP packets
Drop MAC packets from hosts 0000. 1 1 1 1 . 2222 and 0000. 1 1 1 1 . 3333
Drop MAC packets with DECnet-IV or Vines-ip protocols
Forward all other IP and NON-I P traffc
Task 1 8
Erase the startup confguration, delete the vlan.dat and reload the switches before
proceeding to the next lab.
( IE IV |\ 'a.-hi!. kO(h.lI"i:lIl\ \Vork Boo! QlI l' t ioll'
, (lII 'arhi!- k.nrh"";,,,. \I I II!h" I\`M+ (II
Pa)l' I `) of h^

CCI L I{S' ,, `.. rllii horhadalls
Narbik Kocharians
CCIE #12410
R&S, Security, SP
\\ ork Bool, <)lIl"ioH'
1HH7 Nuvhu h.nrl!;u"i.tll" \1 1 iyhr n'\l'IH'tI

Task 1
Lab 4
3560 OOS - I
Confgure the hostname of the four Catalyst switches as follows:
First Switch CAT- l
Second Switch CAT-2
Third Switch = SW-3
Forth Switch SW-4
Task 2
Configure SW-3 based on the following Ingress QOS policy:
DSCP values of 00 - 20 should be mapped to Queue 1 threshold 2 with a WTD
theshold of 50 percent.
DSCP values of 2 1 - 50 should be mapped to Queue 1 threshold 1 with a WTD
threshold of 75 percent.
DSCP values of 5 1 - 59 should be mapped to Queue 2 threshold 1 with a WTD
threshold of 30 percent.
DSCP values of 60 - 63 should be mapped to Queue 2 threshold 2 with a WTD
threshold of 75 percent.
Task 3
Confgure SW-3 such that 60 percent of the buffer space is allocated to the ingress Queue
1 and 40 percent is allocated to ingress Queue 2.
Task 4
SW-3 should be configured such that 35 percent of the ingress bandwidth is assigned to
Queue 1 and 45 percent of the ingress bandwidth is assigned to Queue 2. The rest of the
bandwidth should be allocated to traffic that needs to be expedited such as voice.
Work Boot (uI,,,jOIl\ Page 21 of I XJ
, 20117 'H . . hi! Knch:II;;I I I'. \II nI'h I'''1 \'d

Task S
Confgure SW-4' s Egress Queues based on the following policy:
DSCP values of 00 - 07 should be mapped to Queue 1 threshold 1
DSCP values of 08 - 1 5 should be mapped to Queue 1 threshold 2
DSCP values of 1 6 - 23 should be mapped to Queue 2 threshold 1
DSCP values of 24 - 3 1 should be mapped to Queue 2 threshold 2
DSCP values of 32 - 39 should be mapped to Queue 3 threshold 1
DSCP values of 40 - 47 should be mapped to Queue 3 threshold 2
DSCP values of 48 - 55 should be mapped to Queue 4 threshold 1
DSCP values of 56 - 63 should be mapped to Queue 4 threshold 2
Task 6
Configure the Egress buffers for port F0l 1 4 as follows:
Queue 1 40, Queue 2 20, Queue 3 = 20 and Queue 4 20
Task 7
Confgure F0l 1 4 on SW -4 with the following policy:
Queue 1 :
Drop threshold 1 should be confgured to 40 percent
Drop threshold 2 should be confgured to 60 percent
Reserved threshold of 1 00 percent
Maximum threshold of 200 percent
Queue 2:
Drop threshold 1 should be confgured to 30 percent
Drop threshold 2 should be configured to 70 percent
Reserved threshold of 1 00 percent.
Maximum threshold of 300 percent
Queue 3 and 4 should be confgured to their defaul t values
\\ lr |ouIt}tiiuu
' 2u0^.::bik b\ :lt.1I 1.111'. \ 1 1 I jJi l'1\l'd
Iu_t Z. u I^

Task 8
Confgure port F0l 1 6 on SW -4 such that Queue 1 of this interface operates in shaped
mode getting 1 2. 5 percent of the bandwidth, whereas, Queues 2, 3 and 4 operate in share
mode, sharing the remaining bandwidth among them.
Task 9
Limit the egress bandwidth on F0l 1 6 to 80 percent of total bandwidth, DO NOT use any
global confguration command as part of the solution, you should NOT use the "rate
limit" interface command for this task.
Task 1 0
Confgure the Queues for interface FO/ 1 5 i n shared mode such that Queue 1 receives 1 0
percent, Queue 2 receives 20 percent, Queue 3 receives 30 percent and Queue 4 receives
40 percent of the bandwidth.
Task 1 1
Confgure port F0l 1 6 of SW 4 such that Queue 1 is confgured as the expedite queue, this
will be used for voice traffc.
Task 12
On CAT -2 port FOI 14 configure the amount of bandwidth utilization for broadcast trafc
to 50%.
Task 1 3
Confgure the CoS values i n incoming packets on CAT - 1 to the following DSCP values:
0, 1 , 2, 3 1 0
4, 5 20
6, 7 30
Wor" Boo" {tttiOIl'
2u|l7 "afhi " ""lharia,,'. \11 IIh" l` I'I'd

Task 14
Confgure CAT-2' s interal IP Precedence to DSCP mapping to be configured based on
the following chart:
IP Precedence DSCP
0 1 0
1 1 5
2 20
3 25
4 30
5 35
6 40
7 45
Task 1 5
Confgure DSCP to DSCP mutation for port FO/23 on CAT - 1 as fol lows:
0 - 20 1 0
2 1 - 30 20
3 1 - 40 30
4 1 - 50 40
5 1 - 60 50
6 1 - 63 60
Task 1 6
Erase the startup confguration and reload the switches before proceeding to the next lab,
C(H. H& 1 1 \ `H.. hi!. h,orilarialls \\u.1 . Bo"k ()lIl tioll\ l'u_t Z1u l?'
,( 1(W7 ^.. fllil\ hltlILtll;tll' xI1++Iir itttI

Task 1
Lab 5
Suplemental 3550 QOS
Confgure the egress queues of CA T - 1 s FOi l 7 as fol lows:
Q 1 should handle all the trafc with a CoS value of 0 and 1 .
Q2 should handle all the trafc with a CoS value of 2 and 3.
Q3 should handle all the trafc with a CoS value of 4
Q4 should handle all the trafc with a CoS value of 5.
Q 1 should hold 1 20 packets whereas Q2, 3 and 4 should be confgured to hold the
maximum number of packets in their Queues.
These queues should be services with Q I , 2, 3 and 4 with 1 0%, 20%, 30% and
40% respectively.
Task 2
Confgure CAT-2 to have four egress queues one of which should be confgured as
expedite queue.
Task 3
Erase the startup confg and reload the switches before proceeding to the next
\\'orl, Book C)lIt,qj(lIl\ Pal' 25 of I h^
' 2117 "arhi k I\.II"h,I'''''\. \l1 11ht, I' vl'd

N arbi k Kocharians
CCIE #12410
R&S, Security, SP
Vu|`. kt}ii.iIii
{ll(Hn '.tfhil\ ItI.:1,11' \II+I i1: \1 l'tI

Lab 1 Hub-n-Spoke using Frame-relay map

IP Addressing and DLCI information Chart:
Routers IP address Local DLCI Connecting to:
Rl ' s Frame-relay interface SOlO 1 50. 1 . 1 00. 1 124 1 02 R2
1 03 R3
1 04 R4
R2' s Frame-relay interface SOlO 1 50. 1 . 1 00. 2 124 201 R1
203 R3
204 R4
R3 ' s Frame-relay interface SOlO 1 50. 1 . 1 00. 3 /24 301 R1
302 R2
304 R4
R4' s Frame-relay interface SOlO 1 50. 1 . 1 00. 4 124 401 R1
402 R2
403 R3
l! H^^ +V `u1I h+IDt:!.I1I \"or" Boo" Qut'q !i1t Pal' 27 of I R.
, 2Un? "Hl'hi!- l{ueha';"I'" \II riht, I%l vt|

Task 1
Confgure a frame-relay Hub and spoke using frame-relay map statements. Use the IP
addressing in the above chart.
Disable inverse-arp such that the routers do not generate inverse-ar request packets, and
ensure that only the assigned DLCIs are used, these DLCIs should be as fol lows:
On Rl : 1 02, 1 03 and 1 04 should be used for connections to R2, R3 and R4
respecti vel y.
On R2, R3 and R4: DLCIs 201 , 301 and 401 should be used on R2, R3 and R4
respectively for their connection to Rl (The hub).
In the fture OSPF routing protocol will be running on these routers, ensure that the
routers can handle the Multicast trafc generated by the OSPF routing protocol .
Task 2
Ensure that every router can ping every IP address connected to the cloud.
Ensure that the hub router does not receive redundant routing trafic.
Task 3
Configure the routers such that the LMI status inquiries are sent every 5 seconds and Full
Status LMI requests are sent every 3 cycles instead of 6.
Task 4
Reconfgure the routers in a full mesh confguration and test/verify the configuration. In
this configuration the routers will not be running a routing protocol .
Task S
Erase the startup confguration and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
('(, I L R,S h ^n |I ",ul'hariall \V01'1. Bou" ()II'( imp. I'ag(' Zh u 11
(" 2U07 ".lll,il, h"t"II.III;IIt'. \ 1I11l!f' I1't1 \t'




Lab 2 Hub-n-Spoke using Frame-relay Point

to-Point confguration
I P addressing and DLCI information Chart:
Routers IP address Local DLCI Connecting to:
Rl's Frame-relay interface 1 50. 1 . 12. 1 124 1 02 R2
1 50. 1 . 13. 1 /24 1 03 R3
150. 1 . 14. 1 124 1 04 R4
R2's Frame-relay interface 150. 1. 12.2 124 201 Rl
203 R3
204 R4
R3's Frame-relay interface 1 50. 1 . 13.3 124 301 Rl
302 R2
304 R4
R4's Frame-relay interface 150. 1. 14.4 124 401 Rl
402 R2
403 R3
Work Book Ql I l''ioll" Page 29 of lh^
2u0 ",.rhil, K.. dllr;""" \I I right- l'l'1l'tI

Task 1
Confgure the routers in a hub and spoke manner using the IP addressing in the above
Disable inverse-arp such that the routers do not generate inverse-arp packets, and ensure
that only the assigned DLCls are used, these DLCls should be as follows:
On R1 : 1 02, 1 03 and 1 04 should be used for connections to R2, R3 and R4
respecti vel y.
On R2, R3 and R4: DLCls 201 , 301 and 401 should be used on R2, R3 and R4
respectively for their connection to R1 (The hub).
These routers should be able to ping every IP address within their IP address space.
Task 2
Reconfgure the routers in a ful l mesh confguration using the DLCIs in the "IP
addressing and DLCI information chart". You should use an IP addressing scheme of
your choice to accomplish this task.
Task 3
Erase the startup confguration and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
\\ II I | B |1! t}ti.-i:::

Lab 3 Mixture of Point-to-point and

Multipoint frame-relay
I P addressing and DLCI information Chart:
Routers IP address Local DLCI Connecting to:
Rl's Frame-relay interface 1 50. 1. 123. 1 124 1 02 R2
150. 1. 123.1 124 1 03 R3
150. 1 . 14. 1 124 1 04 R4
R2's Frame-relay interface 1 124 201 Rl
203 R3
204 R4
R3's Frame-relay interface 1 50.1. 123.3 124 301 Rl
302 R2
304 R4
R4's Frame-relay interface 150. 1. 14.4 /24 401 Rl
402 R2
403 R3
V\or| Boo" QIIl" t ioll' Pa}l' J I of I XJ
'II|I `,-hi " h,"",. \11 l ighh | {''''I"{'fI

Task 1
Confgure frame-relay on the routers as follows:
Rl : This router should be confgured in a point-to-point manner for it' s connection to
R4 using the IP addressing and DLCI information in the above chart.
This router should also be confgured for it' s connection to routers R2 and R3
using the IP addressing and the DLCI information in the above chart.
R2: This router should be confgured using the IP addressing and the DLCI
information in the above chart. This router must be confgured in a point-to-point
manner for it' s connection to Rl .
R3: This router should be confgured using the IP addressing and the DLCI
information in the above chart. This router must NOT be configured with a sub
interface for it' s connection to Rl .
R4: This router should be confgured using the IP addressing and the DLCI
information in the above chart. This router must be confgured in a point-to-point
manner for it' s connection to Rl .
Disable inverse-arp such that the routers do not generate inverse-arp packets, and ensure
that only the assigned DLCls for their connectionls are used.
These routers should be able to ping every IP address within their IP address space.
Task 2
Erase the startup configuration and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
I l I 1 . | V \\ o1 o| (}lIntiUII\
,IIU- b l I \II i1,Iir l'L1^d
Pagl' ^. u I`

Lab 4 Multipoint Frame-relay With Out

Frame-relay mapping
IP addressing and DLCI information Chart:
Routers IP address Local DLCI Connecting to:
R1's Frame-relay interface
R2's Frame-relay interface
R3's Frame-relay interface
R4's Frame-relay interface
l H0^ \ .1 1 " h" h d1 .11"
1 50. 1 . 1 00. 1 124 1 02
1 03
1 04
1 50. 1 . 1 00.2 /24 201
1 50. 1 . 1 00.3 124 301
1 50. 1 . 1 00.4 124 401
\\ rv:, Htvnl f)t-| nu
II .t1 |+i "fll'h'lIi""" \lllih" n"l" ,'11
Page JJ of I XJ

Task 1
Confgure the routers in a hub and spoke manner, with Rl as the hub and R2, R3 and R4
as the spokes.
Ensure that these routers have full reachability to each other with out using the "frame
relay map" command in a ful l mesh manner.
Do not use PBR to accomplish this task.
11 lx0 iV \ .lrhi!. kodlariam \\ urI- BOill, Qlll I iOB' u_t J-I III I X.'
IIII iI h:! | ,,1!.IoLII'" \II rht- ".".,\ (."

Lab 5 Frame-relay and Authentication

I P addressing and DLCI information Chart:
Routers IP address Local DLCI Connecting to:
Rl's Frame-relay i nterface 1 50. 1 . 1 2. 1 124 102
1 50. 1. 13. 1 124 103
1 50. 1. 14. 1 124 104
R2's Frame-relay i nterface 1 50. 1.1 2. 2 124 201
R3's Frame-relay i nterface 1 50. 1. 13.3 124 301
R4's Frame-relay interface 150. 1. 14.4 124 401
CCI I' H +V 'arlld hh.1' +111^ \\ tt:l Bool. QIll"tiom
, 2011- '.11111" bo. h;II;,,,,,, \llliht' itctttl
Iag< 35 of l?`

Task 1
Configure the routers in a hub and spoke manner using the IP addressing in the above
These routers should be configured in a Point-to-Point manner as follows:
On Rl : DLCls 1 02, 1 03 and 1 04 should be used for it' s connection to R2, R3 and
R4 respectively.
On R2, R3 and R4: DLCls 201 , 301 and 401 should be used on R2, R3 and R4
respectively for their point-to-point frame-relay connection to R1 (The hub).
Task 2
Confgure authentication on the routers as fol lows:
A. For R1 and R2' s connection:
Rl should send a challenge when it is called by R2.
R2 should NOT authenticate when it is called.
The password for this authentication should be "cisco 1 2", this authentication
should be successful even if the host name of the router is changed.
B. For Rl and R3 ' s connection:
Rl should NOT authenticate when it is called.
R3 should use PAP authentication when it is called by Rl .
The password for this authentication should be "cisco1 3", the host name of the
router should be used for this authentication.
C. For Rl and R4' s connection:
Task 3
Rl should send a challenge when it is called by R4.
R4 should use PAP authentication when it' s called by RI .
The password for CHAP authentication should be "cisco", whereas, the password
for PAP should be set to "ciscoP AP" and the hostname should be configured to be
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab
CCI E H.I(. 1 1 \ 'a rhi " horhari alls \\ orl , Boo) ()I I t ,r i OI l \
( \ 2(W7 'a ddl, h dl aI'LI I I " \| I I i ;l u' t \'SI:1l"tI

Lab 6 Frame-relay End-to-End Keepalive

I P addressing and DLCI information Chart:
Routers I P address Local DLCI Connecting to:
Rl's Frame-relay interface 1 50. 1 . 1 2. 1 /24 1 02 R2
150. 1. 13. 1 /24 1 03 R3
150. 1 . 14. 1 /24 1 04 R4
R2's Frame-relay interface 150. 1 . 12.2 /24 201 Rl
203 R3
204 R4
R3's Frame-relay interface 1 50. 1 . 13.3 /24 301 Rl
302 R2
304 R4
R4's Frame-relay interface 150. 1. 14.4 /24 401 Rl
402 R2
403 R3
\\ l i d Bon! Q\l l' t i() ",
21111- ';uhi l kodwriHII\. \1 1 "ghh rt" t'I', ('(1

Task 1
Confgure the routers in a hub and spoke manner using the IP addressing in the above
These routers should be confgured in a Point-to-Point manner as follows:
On R1 : DLCIs 1 02, 1 03 and 1 04 should be used for it' s connection to R2, R3 and
R4 respectively.
On R2, R3 and R4: DLCIs 201 , 301 and 401 should be used on R2, R3 and R4
respectively for their point-to-point frame-relay connection to R1 (The hub).
Task 2
Confgure Frame-relay end-to-end keepaJives on R1 and R2, these routers should be
confgured in bidirectional mode using the default values.
Task 3
Configure Frame-relay end-to-end keepaJives for the VC that connects R1 to R3. RI
should be confgured i n request mode whereas R3 should be configured i n reply mode
using the default values.
Task 4
Confgure Frame-relay end-to-end keepaJives for the VC that connects R1 to R4. These
two routers should be confgured in bidirectional mode using the following policy:
If these routers have three errors within 5 events, the sub-interface should transition into
down state, and if they have four success events in a row, the sub-interface should
transition into up state. Ensure that the keepaJives are exchanged every 20 seconds.
Task S
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab
\\ I I rh Buol <)l I l.' iOI l \
2ub : I i k| : | :" 1 .1 I ' \ | | r)l Ih j\t'I"H'tI

Lab 7 Tricky Frame-relay confguration

IP addressing and DLCI information Chart:
Routers IP address Local DLCI Connecting to:
R1's Loopback 0 interface 1 . 1. 1. 1 /8
R1's Frame-relay i nterface Ip unnumbered LoO 1 02
Ip unnumbered LoO 103
unnumbered LoO 1 04
R1's Loopback 0 interface 2.2.2. 2 /8
R2's Frame-relay interface Ip unnumbered LoO 201
R3's Loopback 0 interface /8
R3's Frame-rela
interface I
unnumbered LoO 301
R4's Loopback 0 interface /8
R4's Frame-rela
interface I
unnumbered LoO 401
l ! H^ |\ 'a ,hi h ""l hJI i .I I l ' \\ 01'1. Hnn| jt | t - I o|
'II0 N.ttb| | K|.:t:s. \1 1 , , hf' I' \l \ \'11
Pagl' - 9 of I h^

Task 1
Confgure the routers in a hub and spoke manner using the IP addressing in the above
The hub router (Rl ): This router should use DLCls 1 02, 1 03 and 1 04 for it' s connection
to R2, R3 and R4 respectively. This router should be confgured in
a multipoint manner.
The spokes, R2, R3 and R4: DLCls 201 , 301 and 401 should be used by R2, R3 and R4
respectively for their frame-relay connection to Rl
(The hub).
Ensure that these routers have ful l reachabil ity to every Loopback interface, this should
include their own. You should NOT use "Frame-relay map", and/or static/dynamic
routing to accomplish this task.
None of the routers should be configured with sub-interface/so
Task 2
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab
l ll llL0 11 .1 Nui bi | |i i O| ar ut or, Book (Jill I iol l ' Page 4| l 01 I X
,1 ' lUH7 .nhil\ |xu h.t t i i i ". \1 I 1 1l I h i tstt vd

Lab 1 On Demand Routing
R2 R3 R4
Lab Setup:
Configure RI with three point to point frame-relay connections, these point-to
point fame-relay connection should be used to connect RI to R2, R3 and R4.
R2, R3 and R4 should be configured with a single frame-relay point-to-point
connection to RI .
Use the IP addressing chart below for IP assignment.
The setup can be downloaded from the CD provided with this work book.
((I L H&S " Nu r|i | |o | | ar u s \\ or| Huo|()U ,t | ou
2(107 \.11 hit- . . dL"."" \II :i | . r 1 t I L tl


N arbik Kocharians
CCIE #12410
R&S, Security, SP
On Demand Routing
( ( I F H^+V 'arhi h k. ochari at l s Work Booh Cl I t' 't i ol l '
( Wfl7 'arhi" k,(",ha "; " I'" \I I Jh" I` !I\d
Page 41 of l ^

l laddressing:
Router Interface / IP address DLCI assi
R1 SO/0. 1 2 = 1 0, 1 . 1 2. 1 /24 1 02
SO/O. 1 3 1 0. 1 . 1 3 . 1 /24 1 03
SO/0. 1 4 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 1 /24 1 04
LoopbackO = 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 /8
R2 SO/0. 2 1 = 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24 201
LoopbackO = 2. 2. 2. 2 /8
R3 SO/0. 3 1 1 0. 1 . 1 3. 3 124 301
LoopbackO = 3. 3. 3. 3 /8
R4 SO/o. 41 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 4 124 401
LoopbackO = 4. 4. 4. 4 /8
Task 1
Configure ODR on the appropriate router and ensure fll connectivity between the
Task 2
Erase the startup confguration and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
(' CI I ' H0 h ^u l ` hi " ""char i ;I I I ' \od. BIl"! QI I l' ,t i ll l l ' Pac 43 of I XJ
, 1If17 ',ll' hik 1\",' h:l "; :lII', 'I I II(hh I`U I'l`V('!I

CCI E H> \ \arli i l, ',ocharians
Narbik Kocharians
CCIE #12410
R&S, Security, SP
\\ urI- Bool, t}utsot:s
`200" '\011"1 1 1 1" ht tt ll .. nati' \11 riglth t: L' lt|

Router To Switch connection

>Y >Y2

FOil FOil


FO/2 FO/2


FO/3 FO/3





FO/5 FO/5



FO/6 FO/6



FO/9 FO/9







CCI E 1 8' |\ `.t | i | hnth.t i u t \\ or!, Boo" Ql I l' qi oll' Pagl' 45 of I XJ

217 ^.I.. hi " I""rhari ; " ,,, \ I I , i hf' 11'''' , . , 1'11

The Serial connection between Rl and R3

Frame-relay Switch connections
Frame-relay Switch
Rl SOlO _ SI
R SOlO _
R4 SOlO ~ S4
R5 SOlO S5
\\ 01'1. Book t)uc iiOIl'
, lUII7 ""'hi k | h.: i|Il \ 1 1 , | _his l v:L lt|

Frame-relay DLLl connections:
Local DLCI Connecting to:
102 R2
103 R3
1 04 R4
1 05 R5
106 R6
201 R1
203 R3
204 R4
205 R5
206 R6
301 R1
302 R
304 R4
305 R5
306 R6
401 R1
402 R2
403 R3
405 R5
406 R6
501 R1
502 R
503 R3
504 R4
506 R6
601 R1
602 R
603 R3
604 R4
605 R5
Wor" Boo" QlIl' qj oll' Pa( 47 of l h.
200- "" ,- hik Knchada,,', \I I " i!ht, n'wnl'tI

SW-l SW-2
F0l 1 9
FO/22 FO/2 1 FO/2 1 FO/22
FO/ 1 9
SW-3 SW-4
SW-l SW-4
SW-2 SW-3
\\ or|. Bool ()lIt' ,' i OI l \ '. | t' 4X 01 I X.'
( 21107 \." hi!. h, ,dl ol l i ,, , , ,, \ | | t :g||n,,,, ,,'tI

IP Addressing chart:
Router I nterface Connecting to:
S l IO R3
FOil R4
S l IO Rl

Lol O
l! H h '.1 I " 11 I k " hari .1 I 1\ Work Book ()l 1 l' t i l ) l l '
, 10117 NuHI. Kodl:rall'. \I I . | ht| t`5l'l\ 1,,1
I P Address
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 1 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 3 . 1 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 4. 1 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 00. 1 /24
1 30. 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 2 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 1 2. 2 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 24. 2 /24
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 3. 3 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 00. 3 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 3. 3 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 4. 4 124
1 3 1 . l .45. 4 124
1 3 1 . 1 .46. 4 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 24. 4 124
1 3 1 . 1 .45. 5 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 56. 5 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 46. 6 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 56. 6 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 124
1 0 1 . 0. 0. 1 1 1 18
1 02. 0. 0. 1 1 1 19
1 03. 0. 0. 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 04. 0. 0. 1 1 1 I I I
1 05. 0. 0. 1 1 1 1 1 4
1 06. 1 . 1 . 33 127
1 07. 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 125
1 08. 1 . 1 . 65 126
1 09. 1 . 4. 1 1 1 122
1 1 0. 1 . 1 . 1 7 128
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 1 2. 1 1 2 124
1 1 2. 1 . 1 . 1 /24
1 1 2. 2. 2. 2 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 1 3. 3 124
Pagl' 49 of I h^

Logical Topolo
FOi l
_ BB3
CCI L H\ \ 'a rbi " kodt ari alls "or k Boo" ( )ll ll i ol l ' Pal' 50 of 1 3
2II7 ,,, dl i k I. c | i . : i o-. \I| I . I", l:S\l".1

Lab Setup:
BBI and RI ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 1 1 1
BB2 and R2' s FOIO should be confgured in VLAN 1 1 2
R2' s FOi l and R4' s FOIO interface should be configured in VLAN 24
BB3 ' s EOIO should be confgured in VLAN 1 1 3.
R3 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 3
R5 and R6 should have their FOIO interface in VLAN 56.
R4 should be configured with two sub-interfaces in a point-to-point manner, one
connecting R4 to R5 and the second one connecting R4 to R6.
R5 and R6 should each be confgured with a single point-to-point sub-interface
connection to R4.
The frame-relay connection between RI , R2, R3 and R4 should be confgured in a hub
and spoke manner as follows:
RI should be confgured with three point-to-point sub-interfaces connecting it to routers
R2, R3 and R4.
Routers R2, R3 and R4 should each be confgured with a point-to-point frame-relay
connection to R 1 .
Trunk connection between the switches:
SW- I and SW-2 should be connected to each other via ports FO/ I 9 and FO/20 forming an
ISL trunk.
The setup can be downloaded from the CD provided with this work book.
CCI F H^ h 'ar hi " ,I I I l I a ri ,l I l ' Work Boo" <)l I l' qioll\ Pagr 5 1 of ^
( 21111" "arhi " 1\,,1'101 ">1 "\. \II ti|t- IT<I',\'d

Task 1
Confgure RIPv2 on the routers and advertise their directly connected interfaces in this
routing domain.
Task 2
Set the RIPv2 timers on all routers to be twice as much as the default value for update,
invalidation timer, hold down, and fush timer.
Task 3
R6 should delay a regular periodic routing update by 1 00 milliseconds after receiving a
triggered update.
Task 4
R5 and R6 should suppress a fash update if the regular update is due in 1 0 seconds or
Task S
R4, R5 and R6 should use authentication when exchanging routing updates, the password
for this authentication should be set to "cisco", these routers should use the strongest
authentication method available in RIPv2.
Task 6
Rl is confgured with RIPv2 and it' s advertising i t' s directly connected networks. Ensure
that Rl receives 1 0 routes fom BB 1 . DO NOT configure tunnel, secondary IP
addressing for this task. Ensure that Rl has reachability to all the networks advertised by
BB 1 ; you are allowed one static route to accomplish this task.
Task 7
Confgure Rl such that only the existing and future prefxes with prefix-length of 1 1 0 to
126 are allowed in Rl 's routing table. RI should receive these routes from BBI and BBI
ONLY. Do not use neighbor command to accomplish this task.
\\ orl. Bool ()Il l t i ol l '
' ` !UU" .lI l l i l X h 'lI LI I I .' \| | : : I t t:t : \:d

Task 8
Confgure Eigrp 1 00 on R2, and advertise it' s link to BB2 in this routing protocol , if this
configuration is done properly, R2 should receive two routes fom BB2.
Task 9
R2 should be confgured to in]ect a default route into RIPv2' s routing domain as long as
any one of the two networks that are advertised by BB2 are in it' s routing table.
Task 1 0
Rl should be configured such that R4 does not advertise the allowed networks from BBI
to it' s down stream neighbor/so
Task 1 1
Rl and R3 should be confgured such that periodic RIPv2 updates are suppressed over
the fame-relay connection between them. These routers should only send updates
through the frame-relay connection ifthere is a topology change.
Task 1 2
Confgure R2 and R4 such that they send their updates t o each other through the Etheret
link using Unicast.
Task 13
R5 and R6 should be confgured such that they send their RIPv2 updates via broadcast.
Task 1 4
Create the fol lowing Loopback interfaces on R3 and advertises a single summary route
into the RIP routing domain. Ensure that auto summary is disabled.
Loopback 1 1 50. 1 . 0. 3 /24
Loopback 2 1 50. 1 . 1 . 3 124
Loopback 3 1 50. l . 2. 3 /24
Loopback 4 1 50. 1 . 3. 3 124
( I r ns | \ ',. , hi ! h t l I ,l I l ; "" \\ or| Hoo|f)t t -I | n| t -
'u0 ''' Ihil. ',"dlar;:I"\. \| I rht I"<" (" \I,tI

Task 15
Rl is a high speed router sending updates t o R3 which is a low speed router. Because of
this fact R3 is not be able to receive and process updates at the rate that Rl operates.
Configure Rl such that when it has multiple RIP packets to send to R3, it waits 1 0
milliseconds between the packets. To further remedy these situations, confgure R3 to
increase it' s RIP input queue depth to 75.
Task 1 6
Confgure R6 with the following 1 0 Loopback interfaces. R6 should be configured to
adverise these Loopback interfaces in RIP routing domain.
Configure R6 such that R4 receives the EVEN routes fom R6 and the ODD routes from
R5. Whereas, R5 should receive the ODD routes from R6 and the EVEN numbered
routes from R4. You should use an access-list with minimum number of lines to
accomplish this task.
Loopback 0 1 60. 1 . 0. 6 /24, Loopback 1 1 60. 1 . 1 . 6 124, Loopback 2 1 60. 1 . 2. 6 /24
Loopback 3 1 60. 1 . 3. 6 /24, Loopback 4 1 60. 1 . 4. 6 124, Loopback 5 1 60. 1 . 5. 6 124
Loopback 6 1 60. 1 . 6. 6 /24, Loopback 7 1 60. 1 . 7. 6 124, Loopback 8 1 60. 1 . 8. 6 124
Loopback 9 1 60. 1 . 9. 6 124.
Task 1 7
Configure RIPv2 on BB3; this router i s connected to CAT- 1 ' s port FOi l 1 . Configure a
solution such that R3 advertises all the RIPv2 routes to BB3. Do not change the VLAN
assignment of any of the routers, or use a global confguration, and/or router
confguration mode command to accomplish this task.
BB3 may not have reachability to any of the IP addresses within this topology.
Task 1 8
Erase the startup confguration and reload the routers before proceeding to the next
CCI E H& h_V 'a rhi l ".t Jl"hari all \\ orl Boul (Jill l it / I I '
,( ' lOU7 ',l I l l I l. """,h. 1 I i . I I " . \II r| h|n,,, ,\'1

Narbik Kocharians
CCIE #12410
R&S, Security, SP
ul Bun! Qllt' ti ll'
1I0- "a,- hi " h,(IdJ ad",. \Hri ght, 1"<" ('1"\"1'<1
Pagl' 55 ul 1 h`

I P Addressing chart:
Router Interface Connecti ng to:
SI lO R3
FOi l
S l IO R1
CCI E H8 I" 'rl l i k ""chari al l ' \\ | | B"ok ()lIl( iOIl '
` 1(1(1- .l I l l l l II l I I I ' \1 1 ti_Ii | I l'\t',u'd
IP Address
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 1 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 3 . 1 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 4. 1 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 00. 1 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 124
l S0. 1 . 1 . 1 124
1 . 1 . 0. 1 124
1 . 1 . 1 . 1 124
1 . 1 . 2 . 1 124
1 . 1 . 3 . 1 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 1 2. 2 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 2. 2 124
l S0. 1 . 2. 2 /24
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 3. 3 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 00. 3 /24
1 3 1 . 1 . 3. 3 124
l S0. 1 . 3. 3 /24
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 4. 4 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 4S. 4 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 46. 4 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 4. 4 124
l S0. 1 . 4. 4 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 4S. S 124
1 3 1 . 1 . S6. S 124
l S0. 1 . S. S 124
1 3 1 . 1 .46. 6 124
1 3 1 . 1 . S6. 6 124
l S0. 1 . 6. 6 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 124
I S0. 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 124
1 3 1 . 1 . 1 1 2. 1 1 2 /24
I S0. 1 . 1 1 2. 1 2 /24

Logical Topolo
(' ( I I' H,," h; `.H| | | bt t t har i all \ \ \ nrk Bno" Ql I e,Ii ol l ' Pal' 57 of 0
I'"- .1Ihik h.nrh;u i a l l'. \1 1 , , hh i st t td

Lab Setup:
FOIO interface of BBl and R1 should be confgured in VLAN 1 1
FOIO interface of R3 should be confgured in VLAN 3
FOIO interface of BB2 and R2 should be in VLAN 22
FOIO interface of R5 and R6 should be configured in VLAN 56
FOi l interface of R2 should be configured in VLAN 2
FOIO interface of R4 should be confgured in VLAN 4
R4 should be configured with two sub-interfaces in a point-to-point manner, one
connecting R4 to R5 and the second one connecting R4 to R6.
R5 and R6 should each be confgured with a single point-to-point sub-interface
connection to R4.
R1 should be configured with three point-to-point sub-interfaces connecting it to
routers R2, R3 and R4.
Routers R2, R3 and R4 should be confgured with a point-to-point fame-relay
connection to R1 .
Confgure the bandwidth of R4' s point-to-point frame-relay connection to R5 to
be 5 1 2 Kbps.
The truning should be established between SW- 1 and SW-2 using ports FO/ 1 9 and
The setup can be downloaded from the CD provided with this work book.
e(I E R&S h Nurhi k Kt i t | | ar an \\ or| Hoo| l)uc| u t Pagt' ?u h
( 2007 arl J i l, "1 I .I Lt ri aI P " , \ | | ti ;I a ' ' i:t:l \t'tl

Task 1
Confgure the routers as follows:
Rl and BBI should be confgured in AS 1 00; BBI should advertise i t' s directly
connected networks in this AS, whereas, Rl should ONLY advertise i t' s
connection to BBI and i t' s 100 interface in this AS.
R2 and BB2 should be configured in AS 200; BB2 should advertise it' s directly
connected networks in this AS, whereas, R2 should ONLY advertise i t' s
connection to BB2 in this AS.
Rl , R2, R3 and R4 should be confgured in AS 300; Rl should advertise it' s P2P
connection to R3, all of i t' s frame-relay connections and Loopback 1 - 4 in this
AS. R2 should advertise it' s FOi l , LoO and i t' s fame-relay connection in this AS.
R3 should advertise all of i t' s interfaces in this AS. R4 should advertise it' s
fame-relay connection to Rl , FOIO and it's LoO interface i n this AS.
R4, R5 and R6 should be confgured in AS 400; R4 should advertise i t' s frame
relay connections to R5 and R6 in this AS. R5 and R6 should advertise all their
directly connected networks in this AS.
Task 2
Confgure the hello and dead interval of all the routers in AS 300 to 20 and 80
Task 3
Ensure that the routers in AS 1 00 ONLY use bandwidth to calculate their composite
Task 4
Ensure that the routers in AS200 ONLY use the delay parameter to calculate their
composite metric.
Task S
Confgure Rl to summarize it' s Loopback 1 - 4 based on the following policy:
Rl should ONLY advertise the summary route to R2.
\\ : : i |. Boo" C)uc'j oll \
| 1 I 1 1 1 k botI i .: ri ai t s. ' 1 I 1 i!hh rtvtd

R1 should advertise the summary route plus the network for Loopback 2 to R3.
R1 should advertise the summary route plus all the specific networks to R4.
Only one summary command per neighbor should be used to accomplish this
Task 6
R4 should perform unequal cost load balancing to get to network 1 3 1 . 1 . 56. 0 /24.
Task 7
Confgure R1 to disable the SIA timer for AS 300 and set the SIA timer to 60 minutes for
AS 1 00.
Task 8
Confgure authentication for all the routers in AS 300 and set the passwords as follows:
R1 and R2 should use "CiscoI 2".
RI and R3 should use "Cisco1 3".
RI and R4 should use "CiscoI 4".
Task 9
BB2 should be confgured such that it advertises EIGRP routes with greater than 1 1 0
hops as unreachable.
Task 1 0
The administrative distance of all the routers i n AS 200 should be confgured as follows:
Interal = 95, Exteral = 1 38
C( I E H&S " .|rh |. hoO| ar| un \\ or. Hoo | (jtH' st iom
J00 . lfl l i l\ h oOta ti.i i :. \| | Hghrt r\ d

Task 1 1
BB2 should be confgured to use 30 percent of it's FOIO link for exchanging updates.
Task 12
BB1 should be confgured to use 1 5 Mbps of it' s links bandwidth for exchanging
updates. You should NOT use the command from the previous task to accomplish this
Task 13
BB 1 should be confgured t o receive routes fom R1 and i t should not advertise any
routes to R1 . You should NOT use any global confguration mode command as part of
the solution to accomplish this task.
Task 1 4
Confgure Loopback 1 ( 1 5 1 . 1 . 1 1 2. 1 1 2 124) interface on BB2 and advertise this route in
AS 200. This route should appear in the routing table of the routers in this Autonomous
System as exteral .
Task 1 5
Configure a static route on BB2 for network 1 60. 1 . 1 1 2. 0 124 using nullO interface as the
next hop to reach that route; this route should be redistributed on BB2. Ensure that
existing and fture redistributed routes are assigned the following metric:
Bandwidth 1 500
Load 1
Delay 20000
Reliability 255
MTU 1 500
Task 1 6
Confgure BB2 such that i t ONLY advertises static routes that are redistributed and
connected networks that are advertised in Eigrp routing protocol . You should NOT use
any global confguration mode command as part of the solution to accomplish this task.
\\ or" Boo" QI H, .t i o", Pa( 6 1 of l?^
, 211f1 " "hi t 1"rharhIJl'. \1 1 ri !h" I" n('d

Task 1 7
Configure R5 NOT to log changes in EIGRP neighbor adjacency.
Task 18
Confgure R6 to log neighbor waring messages for the Eigrp 400 and repeat the waring
message every 5 minutes.
Task 19
Confgure R3 to add a delay of 50 t o all the routes leared fom Rl through it' s fame
relay connection.
Task 20
Confgure R4 to perform a mutual redistribution between AS 300 and 400.
Task 2 1
Configure R2 to inject a default route into AS 200; you should NOT configure any global
confguration command as ,art of the solution to accomplish this task.
Task 22
Confgure Rl to perform a mutual redistribution between AS 1 00 and AS 300, in the
future there will be another redistribution point, this router should be confgured to
prevent feed back routes when the second redistribution point is added.
Task 23
Erase the startup configuration and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
C(I E R&" 1 / \ \ar hi " h, , (hari alls \\ 01' 1. Boo" ()llt t i { / l l '
' !hJ .I.- I nk tit i a1 . \J I rII f' IT\lO IH'd

C( I HS' | \ `.t ri | ht , hdl i .l ll \
N arbik Kocharians
CCIE #12410
R&S, Security, SP
\\ 01'1, Blloi. <)1 I ll i ol l \
, 2(U17 "arhi k 1,,,,' ha"; "II" \I I r(ht\ itstrr|

Lab 1
Optimization of OSPF and Adjusting Timers
Rl R2
. 1 . 2
sOia sOia
FOIO . 2
. 3
Lab Setup:
R2 and R3 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 23.
RI and R2, R3 and R4 should be confgured in a frame-relay point-to-point
IP Addressing
Router Interface IP address
Rl Loa 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18
FIR interface 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 1 /24
R2 Loa 2. 2. 2. 2 /8
FIR interface 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 2 124
FOIO 1 3 1 . 1 . 23. 2 /24
\\ or|. Boo" ( )unl i ol l \
* Jlm .: r i |. | t I I I | - \1 1 nI I I' 1 1',,1" \ :I

R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8
FIR interface 1 3 1 . 1 . 34. 3 /24
FOIO 1 3 1 . 1 . 23. 3 124
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 18
FIR interface 1 3 1 . 1 . 34. 4 124
The setup can be downloaded from the CD provided with this work book.
Task 1
Confgure OSPF on all routers and advertise their directly connected networks in area O.
Task 2
R4 is getting fooded with LSA type 6 packets; ensure that R4 does not generate a syslog
message for these packets.
Task 3
To ensure fast detection of a neighbor being down, configure R2 and R3 to send their
hellos four times a second with a hold time of one second.
Task 4
Ensure that these routers lookup DNS names for use in all OSPF show commands, test
this task to ensure proper operation. Since there are no DNS servers in this lab you should
use the routers for that purpose.
Task 5
Confgure R2 such that if it does not receive an acknowledgment from R3 for a given
LSA, it waits for 1 0 seconds before it resends that given LSA.
Task 6
Confgure R2 such that it limits the number of non-self generated LSAs that an OSPF
routing process can keep in the OSPF LSDB to 900.
\\ cvrk BOl l I (1 I 1" t i l l l l '
8| A b| |b dl;"; "'' ', \1 1 r|t- 1'1" 1" \1'<1

Task 7
To control the rate at which LSA retransmitted updates occur, R3 should set the inter
packet pacing between consecutive LSUs (Link state Updates) in the OSPF transmission
queue to 60 milliseconds.
Task S
R3 and R4 should exchange hellos every 1 5 seconds with a hold time of 60 seconds. Do
NOT use ip ospf dead-interval to accomplish this task.
Task 9
Erase the startup confguration and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
CCI L R&S b :Iarbi l. ho(' harhllls \, or" Boot. QUt''l iOIl' Pat' ()o of I XJ
\t ' 211117 "arhi" ".0.-11,1 rill t:. A| | right- n'I'I'l'd

Lab 2
Use the topolo and IP addressing from Lab-l
Task 1
Confgure the routers with OSPF routing protocol as follows:
On Rl , all interfaces should be confgured in area 2
On R2, the Frame-relay and LoopbackO interface should be confgured in area 2,
and FO/O, Loopback 1 (22. 2. 2. 2 /8) should be confgured in area 1 .
On R3, FO/O and LoopbackO interface should be confgured in area 1 , and the
frame-relay and Loopback I (33. 3. 3. 3 /8) should be confgured in area 0
On R4, all interfaces should be confgured in area 0
These routers should use their LoO interface' s IP address as their OSPF router-id.
Task 2
Ensure that these routers have NLRI to the adverti sed interfaces in the OSPF routing
Task 3
Area 2 should be confgured with area authentication using "Cisco 1 2" as the password.
Use the strongest authentication method.
Task 4
Area 0 should be confgured with area authentication using "CiscoO" as the password;
this authentication should only be applied to the link that connects R3 to R4. Use the
strongest authentication method.
CCI F H&< |\ 'arhi l- | r t h.l l i al l \ Yul` HUu QI I I" till l l \ PaI' 67 of lh^
20U" ''' rhi ' I,,,had,,,,,, \1 1 ri;ht, t`Sl'I`Vcd

Task S
Remove the authentication confguration from tasks 3 and 4 before proceeding to the next
Task 6
Confgure interface-based clear text authentication for all the routers in area 2. Use
"cisc02" as the password.
Task 7
Confgure per-area-based MD5 authentication for all the routers in area 1 using "cisco 1 "
as the password.
Task 8
Area 0 should have clear text per interface based authentication using "ciscoO" as the
password. DO NOT apply authentication on the virtual-link/so
Task 9
R2 and R3 should change their password without any interruption to the link using
"cisco" as the password. Do NOT remove any commands to accomplish this task.
Task 1 0
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
C( I E ){& IJ 'ar hi " kori l ari ans \\ or, Boo" ()Ul" i OIl '
( 1Uu7 `. : r Iii I |ot l:.t: i.: lS \ | | ti;;Iit-:t \d

Lab 3
. 2
FOIO . 2
. 3
Lab Setup:
Confgure R2 and R3 in Vlan 23
Confgure the frame-relay connection between Rl and R2 in a point-to-point
Jp addressing
Router Interface and IP address
R1 LoO = 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18
Frame-relay interface to R2 = 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 1 124
R2 LoO = 2. 2. 2. 2 18
Frame-relay interface to Rl = 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
FOIO interface to R3 = 1 3 1 . 1 . 23. 2 124
R3 LoO = 3. 3. 3. 3 18
FOIO interface to R2 = 1 3 1 . 1 . 23. 3 124
\\ or" Boo\. QIH, qi om Page 69 of
0|!7 ';. rhi !, "-n"hada ,,'_ \I I rglI I'M'l vctI

Task 1
Configure all three routers in OSPF area 0 and advertise their directly connected
networks in this area. Ensure that all routers have NLRI to every advertised network.
Ensure that loopback interface/s is advertised with their correct mask.
Task 2
Configure Rl such that it advertises a cost of 20 for it' s loopback 0 interface.
Task 3
In the fture a gigabit interface will be installed on one of the routers in this routing
domain. Ensure that the costs of the other interfaces are adjusted proportionally.
Task 4
Remove the command confgured in task3.
Task S
Configure the routers such that the Fast Etheret interface of these routers will have a
cost of 70. The other interfaces should have their cost calculated proportionally.
Task 6
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
(CE H,&S b) arbi k kochari :l l l s \\ ork Htmk Qtn|ttr
,( ) 2(107 \,u'hik ""dt.-hlil', \II ht r ird

Lab 4
OSPF Summarization
Lab setup:
Confgure R2' FOIO and R3 ' s FOIO i n VLAN 23
. 2
. 3
. 3
Confgure the frame-relay connection between Rl , R2 and R3, R4 in a point-to
point manner.
Work B(),,! QlIt' l i o", Pa)l' 7 1 01 1 83
, 2(11'" ,,. .. hi" KndHll"ia l". \1 1 ri:"h I` I' H'd

I P Addressi ng
Router Interface I P address Area
R1 LoO 1 . 1 . 0. 1 124 Area 1
Lol 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 124 Area 1
Lo2 1 . 1 . 2. 1 124 Area 1
Lo3 1 . 1 . 3 . 1 124 Area 1
FIR interface l 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 1 124 Area 1
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 Area 0
FIR interface 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 2 /24 Area 1
FOIO 1 3 1 . 1 . 23. 2 124 Area 0
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 Area 0
FIR interface 1 3 1 . 1 . 34. 3 124 Area 2
FOIO l 3 1 . 1 . 23. 3 124 Area 0
R4 LoO 4. 4. 0. 4 124 Exteral
Lol 4. 4. 1 .4 124 Exteral
Lo2 4. 4. 2. 4 124 Exteral
Lo3 4. 4. 3. 4 124 Exteral
Lo4 4. 4. 4. 4 124 Area 2
FIR interface l 3 1 . 1 . 34. 4 124 Area 2
Task 1
Confgure the routers as fol lows:
R4 should redistribute the four loopback interfaces (4. 4. 0. 4 124 - 4. 4. 3.4 124) in
the OSPF routing domain.
R4 should advertise it' s Loopback 4 and Frame-relay interface in Area 2.
R1 should advertise all of its interfaces in OSPF area 1 .
R2 should advertise its LoopbackO, FOIO interface in area 0 and the frame-relay
interface in area 1 .
R3 should advertise its LoopbackO, FOIO interface in area 0, and its fame-relay
interface in area 2.
Task 2
Confgure the OSPF routers such that the exteral routes are summarized.
Task 3
Configure Area 1 such that networks ( l . l . 0. 0 124, 1 . l . 1 . 0 124, 1 . l . 2. 0 124 and 1 . 1 . 3. 0 /24)
are summarized into the OSPF routing domain.
\, or" Bo0" t)trt t i Ol l '
` 2lm ,u hi k hnthan,t i l " xI | ri hh I \''Al t|

Task 4
The routers should NOT install a null 0 route in the routing table when they summarze
interal or exteral routes.
Task S
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
I I " H&< h `u rh I Kochur u| i \\ o| k Hnuk QUl, t i l l ll '
IIII ":thi ""dulI"ja,,'" \1 1 . i!ht\ rt' wrn'd
Page 73 of 1 l3

Lab 5
Virtual-links and GR Tunnels
. 2
. 3

CCI E R& h\ \arhi l, hol' hari al l S \\ or-!, BUH" Quest ioll' '.| t' 74 of l In
2Im ';" hi l. """,h;II'ia . . ^. , \lI l'ighh t : tI

Lab Setup
Use the IP addressing chart below to assign IP addresses to the interfaces.
The fame-relay connection between Rl and R2 should be confgured in a point
to-point manner.
R2 and R3' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 23.
The frame-relay connection between R3 and R4 should be confgured in a point
to-point manner.
R4 and R5 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 45.
IP Addressing:
Router Interface IP address
R1 LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 124
Lol 1 0. 1 . 1 . 1 / 24
FIR interface 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 1 124
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /24
Lol 20. 2. 2. 2 124
FOIO 1 3 1 . 1 . 23. 2 124
FIR interface 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /24
Lol 30. 3. 3. 3 124
FOIO 1 3 1 . 1 . 23. 3 124
FIR i nterface 1 3 1 . 1 . 34. 3 124
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 124
Lol 40.4. 4. 4 124
FOIO 1 3 1 . 1 . 45. 4 124
FIR interface 1 3 1 . 1 . 34. 4 124
R5 LoO 5. 5. 5. 5 124
FOIO 1 3 1 . 1 . 45. 5 124
\\ 01'1, Boo! QI H' \t ioll\
21 1 1 1 ' ^.I. . hi , , K"rh"rhl ll\. \l I " j!hf , 1" l\'d

Task 1
RI ' s Loopbackl interface should be advertised in area 3 and its Frame-relay and
LoopbackO interface should be advertised in area I
R2' s LoopbackO and its frame-relay interface should be configured in area I and
it' s Loopbackl and FOIO interface should be confgured in area 0
R3 ' s LoopbackO and FOIO interface should be configured in area 0 and its frame
relay and Loopbackl interface should be confgured in area 2.
R4' s frame-relay and LoopbackO interface should be configured in area 2 and its
FOIO and Loopbackl interface should be confgured in area 4.
RS ' s Loopback and FOIO interface should be confgured in area 4.
Task 2
Ensure that the routes from area 3 are reachable by RI , R2, R3 and R4. Do NOT use a
GRE Tunnel to accompl i sh this task.
Task 3
Ensure that all the advertised networks are reachable by all the routers. Use any IP
addressing and do NOT use a Virtual-lin to accomplish this task.
Task 4
Remove the confguration from the previous task and replace it with virtual-link.
Task S
Confgure a simple clear text authentication for the virtual-link that connects area 3 to
area O. Use "Cisco" as the password.
Task 6
Confgure MDS authentication for the virtual-link that connects area 4 to area 0, use
"cisco" as the password.
cel E H&" " 'arbi l \"r!t ari al l \ \\ 01, Boo" ()lll>t i OI l '
,( lOU? ""fhi k t:.::1 . 1 1 " , \1 1 1 111l' n-"' I \ ,,<I

Task 7
Change the password fom "cisco" to "CCIE" for the virtual-link that connects area 4 to
area 0, without interrupting the link.
Task 8
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next l ab.
\Vork Book Q\ l l' 1 i Ol l ' Pagl' 77 of H I}
, 2UU7 " I rhi k "'KhadHII\. \1 1 n:hh +strtrI

Lab 6
OSPF Stub, Totally Stubby, and NSSA Areas
Lab Setup:
R4 and R5 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 45.
R2 and R3 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 23.
The fame-relay connection between Rl , R2 and R3, R4 should be configured in a
point-to-point manner.
Use the IP addressing chart below to assign IP addresses to the routers.
l l lHI I , 'a rhi l ko(' hari al l s \\ 01'1, Bl l ok ()llltiOI l ' '._t' hi l Ih'
" lUH7 ar| i || t I :: r: t I l . \1 1 fhhh rtrvd

l lAddressing:
Router Interface I P address
Rl LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 124
FIR interface 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 1 124
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 124
Lol 22. 2. 2. 2 124
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 3 1 . 1 . 23. 2 /24
FIR interface connection to Rl 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 2 124
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /24
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 3 1 . 1 . 23. 3 124
FIR interface connection to R4 1 3 1 . 1 . 34. 3 124
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 124
Lol 44. 4. 4. 4 124
FOIO interface connection to R5 1 3 1 . 1 . 45. 4 124
FIR interface connection to R3 1 3 1 . 1 . 34. 4 124
R5 LoO 5. 5. 5. 5 124
FOIO 1 3 1 . 1 . 45. 5 124
Task 1
Confgure OSPF as fol lows:
Configure Rl ' s LoopbackO and Frame-relay interface in area 1
Confgure R2' s LoopbackO and Frame-relay interface in area 1 and R2' s
Loopbackl and FOIO interface should be confgured in area O.
Configure R3' s LoopbackO, FOIO, and Frame-relay interface in OSPF area 0.
Confgure R4' s LoopbackO, and Frame-relay interface in area 0, and i t' s
Loopbackl and FOIO in OSPF area 2.
Confgure R5 ' s LoopbackO and FOIO interface in OSPF area 2.
The loop back interfaces must be advertised with their correct mask.
Task 2
Confgure area 1 such that it does not receive LSA types 4 and 5 .
WOI ' '' Bool. ()lll' ''i ol l Ia)( Vol lh
' 2117 'Hrhil, lnrh"ri;III" \11 Ii!h" "" I'lWel

Task 3
Area 2 should not receive LSA types 3, 4 and 5.
Task 4
Create/confgure the fol lowing loopback interfaces on Rl and redistribute them into
OSPF routing domain:
Lo 1 = 1 1 . 1 . 0. 1 /24, L02= 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 /24, L03= 1 1 . 1 . 2 . 1 /24 and L04 = 1 1 . 1 . 3 . 1 124
Afer the redistribution, area 1 should only receive and propagate LSA tyes 1 , 2, 3 and
7. This area should not have the ability to connect to any exteral routes redistributed else
where within this routing domain.
Task S
Create/confgure the following loopback interfaces on R5 and redistribute them into
OSPF routing domain:
Lol = 55. 1 . 0. 5 /24, L02= 55. 1 . 1 . 5 /24, L03=55. 1 . 2. 5 /24 and L04 = 55. 1 . 3. 5 /24
Afer the redistribution, the routers in this area should only maintain and propagate LSA
types 1 , 2, 3, 7 and a default route.
Task 6
Area 1 should be changed such that it receives and propagates LSA types I , 2, 7 plus a
default route. This area should NOT maintain Inter-area routes, but must have the ability
to connect to these routes.
Task 7
The default route that was injected into area 1 should have a cost of 50.
Task 8
Erase the startup config and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab
\\ oO Huo| ()l I l i+o| |
(" 2007 \al l i l l hl I rh,tl l ; I I I '. \I t I I !"" I:\ I \ tl

: 1

Lab 7
Filtering routes in OSPF
. 2
FOIO . 2
Confgure R2' FOIO and R3 ' s FOIO in VLAN 23
. 3
Configure the frame-relay connection between RI , R2 and R3, R4 in a point-to
point manner.
\orl, Boo\ QI I l,tl ol l ' Page 81 of | h`
211117 ^Itb kKndlll d I '" \II nhh I'SL' n'"

l lAddressing:
Router Interface IP address Area
Rl LoO 1 . 1 . 0. 1 124 Area 1
Lol 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 124 Area 1
L02 1 . 1 . 2. 1 124 Area 1
L03 1 . 1 . 3. 1 124 Area 1
FIR interface to R2 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2 . 1 124 Area 1
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /24 Area 0
FIR interface to R 1 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 2 124 Area 1
FOIO interface to R3 1 3 1 . 1 . 23. 2 /24 Area 0
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /24 Area 0
FIR interface to R4 1 3 1 . 1 . 34. 3 124 Area 2
FOIO interface to R 1 3 1 . 1 . 23. 3 124 Area 0
R4 LoO 4. 4. 0. 4 124 Area 2
Lol 4. 4. 1 . 4 124 Area 2
L02 4. 4. 2. 4 124 Area 2
L03 4. 4. 3.4 124 Area 2
L04 4. 4. 4. 4 124 Area 2
FIR interface to R3 1 3 1 . 1 . 34.4 124 Area 2
Task 1
Confgure OSPF on the routers according to the above IP addressing chart. Ensure that
the advertised networks are reachable by all routers. The loop back interfaces should be
advertised with their correct mask.
Task 2
Configure R3 such that the routers in area 2 don' t receive any LSAs from the other areas,
however, the other areas should receive routes from area 2. Do NOT use distribute-list,
access-list, or any command in the router ospf process to accomplish this task. All
networks must be advertised.
Task 3
Configure R2 such that it filters all locally generated LSAs and the LSAs from Rl
reaching R3 and R4. Rl and R2 should receive all LSAs from R3 and R4. Do NOT use
any global config commandls as part of the solution to accomplish this task.
\\ or, BOll k ( )ul' ' l iol l '
( 2007 a rl J l I hl ll | | l I l | - \ 1 1 H|:|t trv tI


Task 4
Remove all the configuration commands fom the previous two steps.
Task 5
Configure R3 or R4 such that R4 does not have reachability to Network 3. 0. 0. 0. You
must use distribute-list to accomplish this task.
Task 6
On R4 stop advertising networks 4. 4. 0. 0 124 - 4. 4. 3. 0 124 and redistribute these networks
into OSPF. Ensure that other routers see the routes as exteral.
Task 7
Confgure the OSPF routers such that they don' t have reachability to network 4. 4. 3. 0 /24.
Do NOT use any global confg command, neighbor command, interface confg
command, or any "ip ospf' command to accomplish this task.
Task 8
Confgure the OSPF routers such that R3 and R4 don' t have reachability to 1 . 1 . 3. 0 124
Task 9
Remove the confguration commands from the previous step.
Task 1 0
Confgure R3 such that network 1 . 1 . 1 . 0 /24 i s not advertised to area 2.
Task 1 1
Erase the startup confguration and reload the routers before proceeding to the next l ab.
WOI' '' Boo" Q:ui f l l \ \ Pagl XJ of I NJ
, 2U7 arhj l, """ iI," j ", , \" \ I I , i :h" t t SUl V ,"tI

Lab 8
Redirecting traffc in OSPF
Lab Setup:
Rl should be configured with two point-to-point lins, one connecting Rl to R2
and the other connecting Rl to R3. R2 and R3 should also be configured i n a
point-to-point manner.
R, R3 and R4' s FOIO interfaces should be configured to be in VLAN 234.
Use the IP address chart below to assign IP addresses to the routers.
C(I E J{& h \;rlJ i " kOl' hari ans " oJ Boo" ( )ul, t i ol l '
' 2007 '.u l l l l\ 1,1 1\ h. t rLt l l ' , \II l| | : | -l'S\ltO
. 1

I P Addressing:
Router Interface IP address Area
Rl LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18 Area 0
FIR interface to R2 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 1 /24 Area 0
FIR interface to R3 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 3. 1 124 Area 0
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 Area 0
FIR interface to Rl 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 2 124 Area 0
FOIO interface 1 3 1 . 1 . 234. 2 124 Area 0
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 Area 0
FIR interface to Rl 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 3. 3 124 Area 0
FOIO interface 1 3 1 . 1 . 234. 3 124 Area 0
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 /8 Area 0
FOIO interface 1 3 1 . 1 . 234. 4 124 Area 0
Task 1
Confgure OSPF on all routers and advertise their directly connected network in area 0
and ensure that these routers can reach all the advertised networks. Ensure that the
loopback interfaces are advertised with their correct mask.
Task 2
RI has two ways to reach network 4, 0. 0. 0 18, ensure that RI uses R2 to reach this
network. RI should go directly to R3 to reach network 3. 0. 0. 0.
However, if R2 goes down, R3 should be used as a transit router to reach network 4. 0. 0. 0
Bandwidth, any global confg command, OSPF cost command or the distance command.
Task 3
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
('( I I" I "' 11\ .\ 1" 11 1 1 " , , (hari al l \ 'Vorl. Bno! {t t t-t | ot | -
( 2HU7 "arhi t, ko(' ha, i,, "\, \1 1 t t ht|` I' \'fl
Page h ol lh

Lab V
Limiting the number of OSPF redistributed
Lab Setup:
The frame-relay connection between Rl and R2 must be confgured in a point-to
point manner.
R2 and R3 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 23.
lll l H b *ur b | |xi+char . i \\or|Hoo|t)ut ! : o | -
` 2tW7 'ai' lHk | |:. : i.: i i -. \| I : i | i i| t:SI:1 \::I

Task 3
R2 should be configured such that the maximum number of prefixes that can be
redistributed into OSPF routing protocol is 1 0.
R2 should generate two waring messages. The first message should occur when the
number of redistributed prefxes reaches 70% of the confgured threshold ( 1 0). The
second message should occur when the 1 0
prefix is redistributed.
Task 4
The administrator of RI is constantl y violating the maximum routes policy, in order to
safeguard against this, you should confgure R2 such that only 1 0 prefixes are allowed to
be redistributed into OSPF, ifRl advertises more than 1 0 prefixes in Eigrp 1 00, R2
should ignore the extra prefxes.
Task S
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
CCI E J{& |:\ `. t "odt ari al l s \\ ork Boo" ()l I l't iol l '
(,) .tW7 \.I I I , i l OtlIiIt . I I l . \1 1 I ' i hh 1 Y ^` \.l

Lab Setup:
Lab 10
Rl should be confgured with three sub-interfaces; the frst sub-interface should
be confgured in a point-to-point manner connecting Rl to R2. R2 should not use
a sub-interface for this connection. R2 should be confgured in a multipoint
The second and the third sub-interface of Rl should be configured in a multipoint
manner, one connecting Rl to R3 and the other one connecting Rl to R4.
R3 should be confgured in a point-to-point manner using a sub-interface.
R4 should be configured in a multipoint manner without the use of a sub
('( I E I{" 11\ 'arll h hnt h a l t . i | I \\ : : rkHookQI H" . i n"
200 ', l I hi, I\o.- h:,.hlll\. \I t ,. ihh l`l` \`l`td

I P Addressing
Router Interface I P address Area
R1 LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18 Area 0
FIR connection to R2 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 1 /24 Area 2
FIR connection to R3 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 3. 1 124 Area 3
FIR connection to R4 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 4. 1 124 Area 4
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 18 Area 2
FIR connection to R1 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 2. 2 /24 Area 2
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 Area 3
FIR connection to R1 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 3. 3 /24 Area 3
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 /8 Area 4
FIR connection to R1 1 3 1 . 1 . 1 4.4 124 Area 4
I n all cases ensure that Rl is the DR, if one is requi red.
Task 1
Confgure OSPF on all routers and advertise their directly connected networks in their
assigned area identifed in the IP addressing chart.
Task 2
Ensure that when the routers in area 2 attempt to establish a neighbor adjacency they are
successful (FULL STATE), but no routes are exchanged. DO NOT configure R2 to
accomplish this task.
Task 3
Ensure that the routers in area 2 can establish an OSPF neighbor adjacency. R2 should
not be configured at all to accomplish this task.
Task 4
Area 3 should be configured in a point-to-point network tye, only one of the routers
should be changed to accomplish this task.
(CIE H.' I" 'a, I I i l ""cha.- i ans \\ or" Boo/. t)ut | ti
( 21t7 ,", hi l. |ocha|: i i \| I :i ht : tM , V: d

Task 5
Area 4 should be confgured with a totally di fferent network type than task 2, 3 and 4.
DO NOT use point-to-multipoint to accomplish this task.
Task 6
Remove the priority command from Rl ' s SO/O. 1 2 and set the network type to "point-to
multipoint non-broadcast". Ensure that these routers exchange routes. Do NOT change
the network type to accomplish this task.
Task 7
Erase the startup config and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
(( I E H & I" `u|| | .. rl i ari al l\ Wor" Boo" {t t t -i nn Pa( 91 of I XJ
, 1011" "",-hi l. Kol'uui>III\. \11 riht- l`I`\' vd

Lab 1 1
Forward Address Suppression
Lab Setup:
4. 4. 4. 4 18
5. 5. 5. 5 /8
6. 6. 6. 6 /8
Every frame-relay connection should be confgured in a Point-to-Point manner
Use the IP addressing scheme below for IP address assignment:
Configure the FOIO interface of R4, R5 and R6 in VLAN 4, 5 and 6 respectively
I P addressing:
Router Interface I IP address DLCI
R1 S010. 1 2 200. 1 . 1 2 . 1 124 1 02
LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18
R2 S010. 2 1 = 200. 1 . 1 2. 2 124 201
S010. 23 200. 1 . 23. 2 124 203
LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 18
R3 S010. 32 200. 1 . 23. 3 124 302
S010. 34 200. 1 . 34. 3 124 304
S010. 35 200. 1 . 35. 3 /24 305
S010. 36 200. 1 . 36. 3 124 306
LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 18
C( I f Hi\:" I" ' i1l`hi |Kt+tA a | .t \\ or|Huii ()Ut\l i"",
` 2lW7 ai ll i l. |o: I: . :: 1,1 1 1 ' \11 tighr.. r\lcI
Connecting to

Router Interface 1 IP address DLCI Connectin

R4 S010.43 200. 1 . 34.4 124 403 R3
FOIO 4. 4. 4. 4 18
R5 S010. 53 200. 1 . 35. 5 124 503 R3
FOIO = 5. 5. 5. 5 /8
R6 S010. 63 200. 1 . 36. 6 124 603 R3
FOIO = 6. 6. 6. 6 18
Task 1
Confgure OSPF Area 0 on Rl , R2 and advertise their directly connected interfaces in
this Area.
Task 2
Confgure R3 ' s Loopback interface and its frame-relay connection to R4, R5 and R6 i n
Area 1 , and it' s Frame-relay connection to R2 in Area O.
Task 3
Configure the Frame-relay conection of R4, R5 and R6 to R3 in Area 1 . These routers
should redistribute ONLY their FOIO interface in OSPF routing protocol, you should
NOT use an access-list or a prefx-list to accomplish this task.
Task 4
Confgure Area 1 as a NSSA.
Task S
Confgure R3 to flter the following networks:
200. 1 . 34. 0 124, 200. 1 . 35. 0 /24 and 200. 1 . 36. 0 124
Task 6
Confgure R3 such that the routers in Area 0 can reach the networks that were
redistributed in step 3. Use minimum number of commands to accomplish this task; you
should NOT use any global config commands as part of the solution to this task. DO
NOT remove the commands fom the previous step.
Work Boo l {ut - nt - Pal( 93 of I ^
(If)7 ""rhil. I\ncha";" ",. \ I I right, Il''l'I' , ,,d

Task 7
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
(( It R&\ Nurh | |t i t| | ar u \\or Hoo|l)ut - t i|
' ` .||0 . Hhi l \ hI I: I!.1I | . l t l . \1 1 ri !I i " n" l-rn'd




N arbik Kocharians
CCIE #1241 0
R&S, Security, SP
Policy Based Routing
\\ or" Boo" f)t | t t| ot t -
U ', 1 1 hi t. I xo . h' l I i>lll\. \1 1 1 i thh itstrtI
Page 95 of I !n

Lab 1 PBR based on Source IP address

Rl R2
. 1 . 2
. 1 SOlO SOlO . 2
FOIO 1 92. 1 68. 1 2. 0 /24 FOIO
Lab Setup:
Confgure the frame-relay connection between Rl and R2 in a point to point
Configure the FOIO interface of Rl and R2 in VLAN 1 2.
Use the IP addressing chart below for IP assignment.
Configure RIPv2 and advertise all directly connected interfaces.
I P addressing:
Router Interface I IP address
Rl S010. 1 2 =1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 124
LoopbackO = 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 124
Loopbackl = 1 00. 1 . 1 . 1 124
FOIO 1 92. 1 68. 1 2. 1 124
R2 S010. 2 1 = 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
LoopbackO = 2. 2. 2. 2 124
Loopbackl = 200. 2. 2. 2 124
FOIO = 1 92. 1 68. 1 2. 2 /24
The setup can be downloaded from the CD provided with this work book.
\\ I I I' '' Blok ( )ll ll i ol l '
( 100.. ut i |. l l i i : i t . \1 1 I:.dlf' I t:SI ll'd

l lAddressing:
Router Interface IP address Area
R1 Lo1 1 . 0. 0. 1 18 Eigrp 1 00
L02 2. 0. 0. 1 /8 Eigrp 1 00
L03 3. 0. 0. 1 /8 Eigrp 1 00
L04 4. 0. 0. 1 /8 Eigrp 1 00
LoS 5. 0. 0. 1 /8 Eigrp 1 00
L06 6. 0. 0. 1 /8 Eigrp 1 00
L07 7. 0. 0. 1 /8 Eigrp 1 00
L08 8. 0. 0. 1 /8 Eigrp 1 00
L09 9. 0. 0. 1 /8 Eigrp 1 00
Lol O 1 0. 0. 0. 1 /8 Eigrp 1 00
Lol l 1 1 . 0. 0. 1 18 Eigrp 1 00
FIR interface to R2 1 3 l . l . 1 2. 1 124 Ei
1 00
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 18 Eigrp 1 00
Lo1 22. 2. 2. 2 /8 OSPF area 0
FIR interface to R1 1 3 l . 1 . 1 2. 2 /24 Eigrp 1 00
FOIO interface to R3 1 3 1 . 1 . 23. 2 /24 OSPF area 0
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 OSPF area 0
FOIO interface to R2 1 3 l . 1 . 23. 3 /24 OSPF area 0
Task 1
Confgure the routers as follows:
On R1 , confgure Eigrp 1 00 and advertise networks 1 .0.0.0 18 - 18 and
the frame-relay interface to R2.
On R2, confgure Eigrp 1 00 and advertise networks 2. 0. 0. 0 18 and the frame
relay interface link to Rl .
On R2, confgure OSPF and advertise network 22. 0. 0. 0 18 and the FOIO interface
to R3 in area O.
On R3, confgure OSPF and advertise all of its interfaces in area O.
Task 2
On R2, perform a mutual redistribution between OSPF and Eigrp 1 00.
Work Boot. QI H' qj ol l " I ' a)' 87 of I h^
! 211117 ',, ,' hi " '"''f ha,; al''' \I , 'i!h!' rrv+d

Task 1
R 1 should be confgured such that any trafc sourcing from the IP address of 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 124
should use the frame-relay connection, whereas, traffc sourcing from 1 00. 1 . 1 . 1 124
should take the FOIO interface.
Task 2
Re-confgure Rl based on the foll owing policy:
The communication from host 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 and 2. 2. 2. 2 should traverse through the
frame-relay connection.
The communication from host 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 and 200. 2. 2. 2 should traverse though the
FOIO interface.
The communication from host 1 00. 1 . 1 . 1 and 200. 2. 2. 2 should traverse through the
fame-relay connection.
The communication from host 1 00. 1 . 1 . 1 and 2. 2. 2. 2 should traverse through the
FOIO interface.
Task 3
Remove all access-lists and the route-map from Rl before proceeding to the next task.
Task 4
Confgure Rl based on the following policy:
If the size of the packetls is up to 250 Bytes, they should traverse through the
Frame-relay cloud.
If the size of the packetls is between 25 1 - 1 500 Bytes, they should traverse
through the FOIO interface.
Task S
Remove the route-map from the previous step before proceeding to the next task.
cel l-' H&S h 'ar hi " I,orhari a l l Work Boo" QI I I' t i on' Pa){ 97 of I HJ
, 211f17 ," thi" hnrha ti>III" \1 1 ri (hh 1" tlld

Task 6
Re-confgure Rl based on the fol lowing policy:
All packets from any IP address destined to port 80 (HTTP) should traverse
through the fame-relay cloud.
Al l packets fom any IP address destined to port 23 (Telnet) should traverse
through port FO/O.
Task 7
Erase the startup confguration and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
CCI E H& Ii ^urb | |xochar u| i Vor|Hto|QtJt( iHm
, ' 20u7 \,1 1 bi k| . hali a,,', \1 1 1 i ghh I't l ' \v'I

N arbik Kocharians
CCIE #12410
R&S, Security, SP
Work Boo\. QII l' ti ( )n'
, !(If)" 'arhi l hn.-harht ",. \I I tigbt 1" I',,'nl'tI
Page 99 of l

Lab 1 Establishing Neighbor Adj acency

. 1 . 2
10. 1 . 1 .0 /24
.3 .4
Lab Setup:
The FOIO interface of these four routers should be confgured in VLAN 1 00.
Confgure the routers according to the following IP addressing chart:
I P Addressi ng chart:
Routers Interface I IP address AS number
R1 FOIO = 1 0. 1 . 1 . 1 124 AS 1 00
LoO = 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18
Lol = 1 92. 1 68. 1 . 1 124
R2 FOIO = 1 0. 1 . 1 . 2 /24 AS 1 00
LoO = 2. 2. 2. 2 18
Lo 1 = 1 92. 1 68. 2. 2 124
R3 FOIO 1 0. 1 . 1 . 3 124 AS 1 00
LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 18
Lo1 1 92. 1 68. 3. 3 /24
R4 FOIO = 1 0. 1 . 1 . 4 124 AS 1 00
LoO = 4. 4. 4. 4 18
Lo1 1 92. 1 68. 4. 4 124
The setup can be downloaded from the CD provided with this work book.
(CI E n U ^frbi " h.ori l ari al l s \\orl- Bool- QUl'lioll'
,) 20117 \al i i k ".o,' h"I' i """ \1 1 I'igh" n',,'1' ''' ''

Task 1
Confgure these routers in AS 1 00, these routers should create an I BGP peer sessions
between them, ensure that these routers advertise their Loopback 0 interface in this AS.
Task 2
Reconfgure the routers as follows:
R2, R3 and R4 should be confgured in AS 200, 300 and 400 respectively. Confgure a
fll mesh peer session between these routers.
Task 3
Reconfgure the routers in AS 1 00; use the following policy for their IBGP peer sessions:
Authentication must be enabled between the peers using "cisco" as the password.
The peer session must be established based on the Loopback O' s I P address.
These routers should ONLY advertise their Loopback 1 in BGP.
Provide NLRI to LoopbackO interface using RIPv2.
The peer session between the routers should only be established if they are
running BGP version 4.
Use peer-groups to accomplish this task.
Task 4
Remove the BGP confguration fom the routers and reconfgure the routers in AS 1 00
using peer-session templates; you should confgure the fol lowing two templates to
accomplish this task:
Common Template: This template should contain the "Neighbor version 4" and
"Neighbor password" command, this template should be applied to all
I BGP Template: This template should contain the "Neighbor Update-source"
and "Neighbor remote-as" commands. This template should be applied to all
I BGP neighbors.
You should advertise Loopbackl interface in BGP and LoopbackO should be used as
the IP address for establishing the peer sessions. DO NOT remove RIPv2' s
Work Book Ql I l, t i o" Pa){ 1 0 1 of lh^
20117 'arhi l k.ol hari Hl I \. \11 right r trtd

Task 5
Reconfgure the routers based on the following I P address space and diagram.
Lab Setup:
Confgure FOIO interface of Rl and R2 are in VLAN 1 2 and the FOi l interface of
R2, R3 and R4 in VLAN 234.
Confgure I P addressing on the routers using the I P addressing chart on the next
FOIO . 1
AS 100
1 0. l . 1 2. 0 124
FOil . 3
FOIO . 2
FOi l
AS 200
1 0. 1 . 234. 0 /24
AS 200
FOi l . 4
AS 200
IP Addressing chart:
Router AS number Interface l IP address
Rl AS 1 00 LoO 1 . 1 . 0. 1 124
Lo 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 124
L02 = 1 . 1 . 2. 1 124
L03 1 . 1 . 3. l 124
L04 = 1 00. 1 . l . 1 124
L05 = 1 00. 2. 2. 1 124
FOIO 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 124
R2 AS 200 LoO = 2. 2. 2. 2 18
FOlD 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 124
FOil 1 0. 1 . 234. 2 124
R3 AS 200 LoO 3 . 3. 3. 3 18
FOi l = 1 0. 1 . 234. 3 124
( '( I E H.&" I) 'arbi l, kodt ari ll llS \\01'1- Boo! ()tll' iOIl' I'. c 1 02 01 I SJ
2(1117 '. I ,hi " 1""'IL, ra ll', \1 1 rghh lt t tI

AS 200
LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 /8
]Oi l = 1 0. 1 . 234. 4 /24
Task 6
Rl in AS 1 00 should establish an EBGP peer session with R2 in AS 200. RI
should advertise all of i t' s loopback interfaces in AS 1 00.
R2, R3 and R4 should be confgured in AS 200; these routers should establish
I BGP peer sessions between them and advertise their loopback 0 interface in AS
Confgure the router-ids of the routers as fol lows:
RI 1 0. 1 . 1 . 1 , R2 = 1 0. 2. 2. 2, R3 1 0. 3. 3. 3 and R4 = 1 0. 4. 4. 4
Task 7
Configure R2 to change the next hop I P address for all the networks advertised by RI to
the IP address of it' s FOi l interface. You should use a template so the fture policies can
be installed once in that template and have it effect R3 and R4. DO NOT use peer-groups
to accomplish this task.
Task S
Erase the startup confguration and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
\\ 01'1. Book C)1I l.t i om Page l( ) J of I h`
( 2U07 'arhil, ", ,('h . , i ;l , , '. "I , i !ht, rt t vtd

Lab Setup:
Lab 2
Route Refectors
Confgure Rl to have two point-to-point frame-relay connections, one connecting
RI to R2, and the other connecting RI to R3.
R2 and R3 should each be confgured with a fame-relay point-to-point
connection to RI
Use the fol lowing I P address chart for I P address assignment.
V otk Hutl. ]ocs| iin
, 10117 .... hil. h.Ht'hao,, ,, ,, \1 1 , igh" r \'U

l lAddressing
Router Interface IP address
R1 LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 /8
The frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 124
The frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 1 3 . 1 124
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8
The fame-relay connection to Rl 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 124
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8
The frame-relay connection to Rl 1 0. 1 . 1 3. 3 /24
Task 1
Confgure BGP AS 1 00 on all routers and ensure that the routers can successfully
establish an I BGP peer session with each other. These routers should only advertise their
LoopbackO interface in BGP. To provide NLRI, the links between the routers should be
adverti sed in RIPv2.
Task 2
You received an e-mail from the management stating that within the next 1 2 months 20
additional routers wi ll be added to this AS. In order to minimize the number of peer
sessions within this AS, you decided to implement route refectors. Configure Rl as a
route refector for this AS.
Task 3
After implementing the route refector, you realized that if the route refector is down, the
entire network is dysfnctional; therefore, you decided to add R4 as the second route
refector for redundancy. Ensure that these routers can reach the advertised networks and
the redundancy is operational.
( ( I I x | \ .1 1 I l l " " . . cha t l al1 \ \ork Boo" <)Ut' qi ll'
WI I 7 "H ,-hi, Knrh:l..;,III'. \llli ht , IT'I'n,'1I

AS 1 00 AS 1 00
Rl R4
R2 R3
ASI 00 ASI 00
DO NOT erase the existing confguration, the following confguration is added to
the existing configuration.
Lab Setup:
Add the following confguration to the existing configuration:
Configure Rl with an additional point-to-point frame-relay connection to R4,
using the IP addressing and the OLCI information provided below. Rl should
establish a BGP peer session with R4 over this frame-relay connection.
R2 and R3 should each be configured with an additional point-to-point fame
relay connection to R4. Use the I P addressing and the OLCI information provided
below for these connections. R2 and R3 should each establish a BGP peer session
with R4 over this connection.
R4 should be confgured with three point-to-point frame-relay connections, one to
R 1 , the second one to R2 and the third one to R3. Use the following I P addressing
and DLCI information for these connections.
( '( ' F H&< ^u| 1, , dl ari al l S Wr|. ok ()unt ioJl' ' ugt' || | 6||8
( 2U07 .' fnk h.t H : I t ;t fl . l l l '. \ 1 1 :gi t tSI'I' d

l lAddressing:
Router Interface IP address DLCI
RI The fame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 1 124 1 04
R2 The fame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 24. 2 /24 204
R3 The frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 34. 3 /24 304
R4 LoO /8
The frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 24. 4 /24 402
The frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 34. 4 /24 403
The fame-relay connection to Rl 1 0. 1 . 1 4.4 /24 401
Task 4
Erase the startup configuration and reload the routers. Reconfgure the routers based on
the fol lowing I P addressing and topology:
l l H | \ . ri | "Il l ha li an' V orIoo|f)uc -I | n| t -
, ( lW' ': lrhi l. "'''chari" ",. \ l 1 1Ihf ' l.. "., ('11
Pag( l()7 of I

I P Addressing:
Router Interface IP address
Rl LoO l . l . 1 . 1 /8
The frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 1 /24
The frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2 . 1 /24
The frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 1 3. 1 /24
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8
The fame-relay connection to Rl 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8
The frame-relay connection to R1 1 0. 1 . 1 3. 3 /24
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 /8
The frame-relay connection to R1 1 0. 1 . 1 4.4 /24
The frame-relay connection to RS 1 0. I . 4S. 4 /24
The frame-relay connection to R6 1 0. 1 . 46. 4 124
RS LoO S . S. S. S /8
The frame-relay connection to R1 1 0. 1 . 4S. S I24
R6 LoO 6. 6. 6. 6 /8
The frame-relay connection to Rl 1 0. 1 . 46. 6 124
Lab Setup:
Confgure R1 with three point-to-point frame-relay connections; these point
to-point connections should connect Rl to R2, R3 and R4.
Configure R2 and R3 with a single point-to-point connection to RI .
R4 should be confgured with three point-to-point frame-relay connections;
these point-to-point connections should connect R4 to RS, R6 and RI .
Confgure R5 and R6 with a single point-to-point connection to R4.
* Y1 % | ` u . W1h
R4 should be configured to be the route-reflector for routers RS and R6.
R1 and R4 should be confgured to have an IBGP peer session between
them; these two routers should be configured in BGP AS 1 00.
NLRI for the links should be provided through RI Pv2.
flI l R>I+\ "a rhi k horl l al' i ans \\u| B t i i <)II l" l iol l '
( 1U07 ^.i r| | | h. l lfh., . I I I - \| | i t _| | r b rst: t|

Task S
Erase the startup config and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
l I H. I \ 1 1 1 1 1 1, | c har | a| t s "' 01'1. BOllI QI I l1 t ut t
2(1U7 "afhi l, I((llh""; " ,, ,. \| I ,i (hh I' I' vd
Pa)l' llV u

Lab 3
Conditional Advertisement BGP Backdoor
Lab Setup:
Confgure Rl to have two point-to-point frame-relay connections, one connecting
Rl to R2, and the other connecting Rl to R3.
R2 and R3 should be confgured with a single frame-relay point-to-point
C0HH0CII0H l0 RI .
Confgure R2 and R3 's FOIO interface to be in VLAN 23.
en E Il&S b) ;arbi l ( lcharialls \Vor" Boo! QUl>,l iou,
' lU07 'a.- hit, I"orhad"",. \ 1 1 .i gl . h I'l',(n ".1
Pagl' | Hl o| | hJ

Jp addressing:
Router Interface IP Address
R1 LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18
Frame-relay connection to R2. 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 124
Frame-relay connection to R3. 1 0. 1 . 1 3 . 1 124
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8
Lo1 1 50. 1 . 2. 2 124
Frame-relay connection to RI . 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 124
FOIO interface connection to R3. 1 50. 1 . 23. 2 124
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8
Lo1 1 50. 1 . 3. 3 124
Frame-relay connection to R1 . 1 0. 1 . 1 3. 3 124
FOIO interface connection to R2. 1 50. 1 . 23. 3 124
Task 1
Confgure EBGP peer sessions as fol lows:
R1 to have an EBGP peer session to R2 and R3
R2 and R3 to have an EBGP peer session to R1
Task 2
AS number
1 00
Confgure RI , R2 and R3 to advertise their 100pbackO interface in BGP.
Task 3
Confgure RIPv2 and Eigrp 1 00 on the routers as follows:
Confgure RIPv2 on all routers to advertise network 1 0. 0. 0. 0, these routers should
have their auto summarization disabled.
R2 and R3 should also advertise their loopbackl and FOIO interface in Eigrp
AS#1 00.
Task 4
If the link between R2 and R3 (The FOIO interface) goes down, Loopback1 network of
these two routers won' t have connectivity even though there is a redundant link between
these two routers, therefore, the administrator of R2 and R3 decided to advertise their
Loopback 1 interface in BGP for redundancy, confgure these routers to accommodate
this decision.
C( I F Rh 'a rhi k h, lr hal i al l ' \ nrk nokQl I l qi o" . Page I I I nI I K3
, 2(107 "a.- hi l, Knch:lI hl". \l l li !h" i t-t rvid

Task S
Afer implementing the previous task, the administrators realized that the trafic between
networks 1 50. 1 . 2. 0 /24 and 1 50. 1 . 3. 0 124 is taking a sub-optimal path; it is not using the
direct path between routers R2 and R3.
Implement a BGP solution to fx this problem; you should NOT use the distance or any
global confg mode command to accomplish this task.
Task 6
Remove the IP address from the FO/O interface of R2 and R3 and ensure that the FO/O
interface of both routers is in administratively down state. You should also remove the
Loopback1 interface from these two routers.
Task 7
Confgure R1 as follows:
If network 2. 0. 0. 0 is up and it' s advertised to R1 , R1 should take the following actions:
R1 should NOT advertise it' s network 1 . 0. 0. 0 /8 to R3.
R1 should ONLY advertise network 2. 0. 0. 0 /8 to R3
However, i fnetwork 2. 0. 0. 0 /8 is down, then R1 should take the following actions:
R1 should advertise network 1 . 0. 0. 0 /8 to R3.
R1 should remove network 2. 0. 0. 0 /8 fom it' s BGP table.
Task 8
Remove the configuration commands entered in Task 7 before you proceed to the next
task. Ensure that the routers have the advertised networks in their BGP table.
Task 9
R1 should be configured according to the fol lowing policy:
I f both networks ( 1 . 0. 0. 0 /8 and 2. 0. 0. 0 /8) are up, then both networks should be
advertised to R3.
I fnetwork 1 . 0. 0. 0 /8 is down, R1 should NOT advertise network 2. 0. 0. 0 /8 to R3.
CCI E R' h "a rhi !, I"dl ll l' i al l s VVu| BI I "k ()II l' ( i f l l l ' I ' i t I I . 01 l
J lU07 adJ i l h.urh. I I LI I t ". \1 1 dgl l h I`!: lVtI

I f network 2. 0. 0. 0 /8 is down, then Rl should only advertise network 1 . 0. 0. 0 /8 to

Task 10
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
(el F l4>h "a r hi l korha ,i ;\ l l \ Wori , Boo! {t t t -t | t | t -
, (ln- """hi, Kochar"I\. \II r ght-rstrvtd

Lab 4
Route Dampening
Rl r
(I E H I 'a rbi ), h. "fhari alls \\ 01'1, Boo!. ()lh.\l ioll' I ' a;.y I I 01 u
t ' 21Hl7 \a. hi l, 1\, , , 1 , ," |t l l - \ II rhh ... ,,,
, ,,.,,

Lab Setup:
Configure the fame-relay connections between the routers in a point-to-point
Configure R2 and R3 ' s FOIO interface in VLAN 23.
Configure R4 and R5' s FOIO interface in VLAN 45.
The I P address assignment of the routers should be based on the following I P
addressing chart:
Ip addressing
Router Interface IP Address AS number
R1 LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18 1 00
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 /24
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 200
Frame-relay connection to R1 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 23. 2 /24
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 300
Frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 34. 3 124
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 23. 3 /24
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 18 400
Lo1 40. 4. 4. 4 124
L02 44.4.4. 4 124
Frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 34. 4 124
FOIO interface connection to R5 1 0. 1 . 45. 4 124
R5 LoO 5. 5. 5. 5 /8 500
FOIO interface connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 45. 5 124
Task 1
Configure an EBOP peer session between R1 and R2 and only advertise their LoopbackO
interface in BOP. Ensure that these routers have NLRI to each others advertised prefx.
Rl should be in AS 1 00 and R2 should be in AS 200.
Task 2
Confgure route dampening on R1 using the default parameters.
f | | H \ ':t rhi l ""rhari a l l s \''or Boo!
)u-I| n| t - Pa( | l o| l h`
, 2(1117 Nnh. " Int' har;"", \1 1 , . :1 0 " I` l' ItI

Task 3
Confgure an EBOP peer session between R2 and R3, and advertise their LoopbackO
interface in BOP. Ensure that these routers have NLRI to each others Loopback interface.
R3 should be configured in AS 300.
Task 4
Confgure route dampening on R3 such that the half-life parameter is set to 30 minutes.
This router should use the default parameters for suppress-limit, reuse, and maximum
suppress time.
Task S
Confgure an EBOP session between R3 and R4. Advertise LoopbackO, Loopbackl and
Loopback2 interface of R4 in BOP. Router R4 should be confgured in AS 400.
Task 6
Configure an EBOP peer session between R4 and R5. R5 should advertise its Loopback 0
interface in BOP. Ensure that these routers have NLRI to each others Loopback interface.
R5 should be configured in AS 500.
Task 7
Confgure route dampening on R4 as fol lows:
Network 40. 4. 4. 0 124 should have the fol lowing dampening parameters applied:
Max-Suppress-Time of 90
Reuse 800
Suppress 2400
Half-Time of20
Network 44. 4. 4. 0 124 should have the following dampening parameters applied:
Max-Suppress-Time of 60
Reuse 700
Suppress 2000
Half-Time of 1 5
( (' I E I{& \ \arhi l. "ol' i l ari:l I lS VVl I r. BOl l I ()Ul.t iOIl' lugc h uI h.
1(1117 '"I . i k . . dl. " I I ' \ | | I II II' I'MlVd

Task 8
Configure route dampening on R2 using the following policy:
All the exi sting and fture prefxes fom AS 300 should have the fol lowing
parameters applied:
Task 9
Max-Suppress-Time of 80
Reuse 750
Suppress 2200
Half-Time 30
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
\\ or, Book f)t|-I| oi t - Pal< 1 1 7 of I hJ
, (ln7 '''''hil- K"dl:1";''''', \I I rihh fCMItd

Lab S
Route Agegation
Rl R
Lab Setup:
Configure fame-relay connection between the routers in a point-to-point manner.
Use the fol lowing IP addressing chart for I P assignment.
Ip addressing
Router Interface IP Address AS number
Rl LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18 1 00
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2 . 1 124
R2 LoO 2. 2. 0. 2 I 24 200
Lol 2. 2. 1 . 2 /24
L02 2. 2. 2. 2 /24
L03 2. 2. 3. 2 /24
Frame-relay connection to R1 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
Task 1
Confgure an EBGP session between the routers and only advertise their Loopback
interface/s in BGP. R1 should be in AS 1 00 and R2 should be confgured in AS 200.
( ( I E R&S h \ar bi k I,orharilllls VVutI BOl l h | )u:,I iOI l '
( 2HH7 \.u l l i i. \1 1 , 1 1 1 1 . ' \ I l ` h !hh I t'\t: l\ t"d

Task 2
Confgure R2 such that it summarizes it' s Loopback interfaces and advertises a single
summary to RI . R2 should NOT assign an atomic-aggregate to the summary route when
it advertises it to any of i t' s neighbors.
Task 3
Reconfgure the routers using the follows diagramlI P addressing information and ONL Y
advertise their Loopback interfaces in BOP.
Lab Setup:
Confgure a fame-relay point-to-point connection between routers RI and R2.
Confgure the FOIO interface of R2 and R3 in VLAN 23.
CCI E R&S hy a rhi " korhari :l I I s Work Huuh Qll' sti ofi '
` WH7 'Hhi " i(nl" i wrhl l". \1 1 J'igh.\ r!'' rH' 1I
P:l{ 1 1 9 0f l lB

Ip addressing:
Router Interface IP Address AS number
R1 LoO 3. 1 . 1 1 . 1 124 1 00
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2 . 1 /24
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 200
Frame-relay connection to R1 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 23. 2 124
R3 LoO 3. 1 . 0. 3 /24 300
Lo1 3. 1 . 1 . 3 124
L02 3. 1 . 2. 3 124
L03 3. 1 . 3. 3 /24
L04 3. 1 .4. 3 124
LoS 3 . 1 . 5. 3 /24
L06 3 . 1 . 6. 3 124
L07 3. 1 . 7. 3 124
L08 3. 1 . 8. 3 /24
L09 3 . 1 . 9. 3 /24
Lol O 3. 1 . 1 0. 3 /24
Lo1 2 3. 1 . 1 2. 3 /24
Lo1 3 3. 1 . 1 3. 3 124
Lo1 4 3 . 1 . 1 4. 3 /24
LoI S 3. 1 . 1 5. 3 124
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 23. 3 124
Task 4
Confgure router R1 in AS 1 00 to establ ish an EBGP session with R2 in AS 200, and
router R2 in AS 200 should establish an EBGP peer session with R3 in AS 300. These
routers should advertise their loopback interfacels in their AS.
Task 5
R2 should aggregate all the networks in 3. 1 . 0. 0 address space and advertise a single
aggregate route that only aggregates the specifc routes for subnets under the 3. 0. 0. 0
network in i t' s BGP table, ensure that the atomic-aggregate attribute is not attached to the
aggregate route. This aggregation should be confgured such that R1 in AS 1 00 is the
only AS that receives the aggregate route, R3 or future peer neighbors should NOT
receive the aggregate route. R1 should use R2 as the next hop to reach any of the specific
routes within the aggregate, RI should NOT use R2 if it' s network 3. 1 . 1 1 . 0 124 network
is down. R3 does NOT need NLRI to network 3. 1 . 1 1 . 0 124 advertised by R1 .
((I E H&S by :lbil horharhlls \\ od, Hook Qot s| |:in I'agt I 2() of I XJ
" 20117 'arhi k """dl,"'ial l ', \1 1 rghh /'\!',\'d

Task 6
Confgure R2 such that a cost of 50 is assigned to the aggregate route.
Task 7
The policy for Rl requires that it should receive the aggregate route plus one of the more
specifc subnets (3. 1 . 3. 0 124). This policy should be confgured and tested in three
different ways using a suppress-map, and unsuppress-map.
Task S
Remove the confguration commandls fom the previous step.
Task 9
Confgure Rl so it has the aggregate route plus the specifc route that it wanted to have in
it' s BOP table ( 3. 1 . 3. 0 124). Rl should NOT advertise this subnet, configure a static route
or use the redistribute command to accomplish this task. R2 should NOT be confgured
for this task.
Task 10
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding t o the next lab.
R hy \arhi k kochari al l WOk Boo" QUl' sti oll ' Page l U ?^
! 211U7 arhik ntHI Ii HIl\. \1 1 rgh.\ ttrvtd
Lab 6
The Community attribute
1 0. 1.23.0 /24
R4 R5
(el E J{& h "<rbi l hochll ri alls Work Boul QUl'st io/l Pagl' 1 22 or h^
. lUU7 \lII'hi k hudtrill ll ', \1 1 I'ighh 1'l" l'I'\ ,'t I

Lab Setup:
Configure the routers that are connected to the frame-relay clouds in a point-to
point manner.
R2 and R3 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 23.
Use the fol lowing IP address chart for IP assignment.
AS & I P addressing chart:
Router Interface IP Address
Rl LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 124
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8
Frame-relay connection to RI 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 124
Frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 24. 2 /24
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 23. 2 124
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 23. 3 /24
Frame-relay connection to R5 1 0. 1 . 35. 3 124
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 18
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 24. 4 124
R5 LoO 5. 5. 5. 5 /8
Frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 35. 5 124
Task 1
AS Number
1 00
Confgure EBOP peer sessionls between the routers based on the above "AS & IP
addressing chart". These routers should ONLY advertise their Loopback interfacels in
BOP. These BOP routers should use their LoopbackO' s I P address as their Router id.
Ensure that every router has NLRI to every link in this lab using RIPv2.
Task 2
Using the community attribute confgure Rl such that when it advertises network 1 . 0. 0. 0
18 to R2 in AS 200, the network is not advertised to any of R2' s IBOP or EBOP
Il I | Hh "a l`hi " kochara l l \ Work Book !)t | t - | o t s
, 2H7 `:Il ` hi k (""c hari,, ,,,, \ I I .i :"" | tM l\ t|

Task 3
Configure R5 such that when it advertises its network 5. 0. 0. 0 to R3, R3 does NOT
advertise that network to any of its EBGP peer/so DO NOT configure R3 to accompl i sh
this task.
Task 4
Configure R3 in AS 2300 to advertise network 3. 0. 0. 0 /8 to the routers in its own AS
ONLY, R3 should NOT advertise this network to any of i ts EBGP peers.
Task S
Rl is advertising network 1 . 0. 0. 0 which has an attached community attribute of "no
advertise" to R2 (Task 2). Router R2 should be confgured to advertise network 1 . 0. 0. 0 to
all of its IBGP and EBGP peers. You should utilize a well known community attribute to
accomplish this task.
Task 6
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next task.
Task 7
Confgure the routers according to the diagram/chart below and use the IP addressing and
AS numbering identifed in the chart.
C(I E H& h_ uhi l. l,odl arl :l I ls VVor " Bool- ( )unt i ol l \
{ ' lOU7 \.u hi k h. l Il l i .l n, I I I ' \1 1 l |_h| l'\:l'V\'I

Lab Setup:
Configure the routers that are connected to the frame-relay clouds in a point-to
point manner.
Rl should have two point-to-point sub-interfaces, one connecting to R2 and the
other connecting to R3.
R2 and R3 should be confgured with a single point-to-point connection to Rl
Ip addressi ng:
Router Interface I P Address AS number
Rl LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 /8 1 00
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 /24
Frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 1 3 . 1 /24
R2 LoO 20. 1 . 2. 2 124 200
Lol 20. 1 . 3. 2 124
Frame-relay connection to Rl 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
R3 LoO 30. 1 . 2. 3 124 300
Lol 30. 1 . 3. 3 124
Frame-relay connection to Rl 1 0. 1 . 1 3. 3 /24
Task 8
Ensure that Rl uses AS 200 to connect to networks in subnet 2 (20. 1 . . 0 124 and 30. 1 . . 0
/24) and AS 300 to connect to networks in sub net 3 (20. 1 .J. 0 124 and 30. 1 . J.0 /24). You
must use community tags in AS 200 and 300 and neighbor commands on Rl to
accomplish this task.
Task 9
Erase the startup config and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
Vork Hoo|{t n -| n| t - Page l oIl IB
, WW: '''rhi ' Ixt t | t aat r. \| | | i (hf, I`S\'ltt|

Lab 7
The AS-Path attribute
Rl R2
R4 R3
Lab Setup:
Confgure the routers that are connected to the frame-relay clouds in a point-to
point manner.
R1 and R4' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 1 4.
R2 and R3 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 23.
Use the following IP addressing chart for IP address assignment.
VVor. Bul l k ()Ill' i OI l '
,l l()U7 '4 1 1 hi t. h.IIl" II,l I i ,I I I '. \1 1 fgl l h rvr cu

Ip addressing:
Router Interface IP Address AS number
R1 LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18 1 00
Lo1 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2 . 1 124
FOIO interface connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 1 /24
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 200
Frame-relay connection to R1 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 23. 2 /24
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 200
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 23. 3 124
Frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 34. 3 124
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 18 200
FOIO interface connection to R 1 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 4 124
Frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 34. 4 124
Task 1
Configure routers R2, R3 and R4 in AS 200, these routers should have ful l mesh peer
session between them. Routers R2 and router R4 should have EBOP peer session to R1 in
AS 1 00. BOP routers should ONLY advertise their loopback interfacels in BOP. Provide
NLRI for the l inks using RIPv2, disable automatic summarization.
Task 2
Confgure Rl in AS 1 00 such that routers in AS 200 use the link through R4-R1 to reach
it' s network 1 . 0. 0. 0 /8. Use the AS-Path attribute to accomplish this task.
Task 3
Configure R1 in AS 1 00 such that the routers in AS 200 use the link through R2-Rl to
reach network 1 1 . 0. 0. 0 /8. Use the AS-Path attribute to accomplish this task
Task 4
Erase the startup confguration and reload the routers before proceeding to the next l ab.
l l H h
' "arhi k hf l dl ll ri ;l I\ Work Book QI H' t i f l l l " I ' uc I Z7 oIIh`
' 2UI? "at' hi !. I"rh:uh"", \I I l!h., rttrttI

Lab 8
The Local-Pref attribute
Rl R2
R4 R3
Lab Setup:
Confgure the routers that are connected to the frame-relay clouds in a point-to
point manner.
RI and R4' s FOIO interface should be configured in VLAN 1 4.
R2 and R3 ' s FOIO interface should be configured in VLAN 23.
Use the following I P addressing chart for IP address assignment.
((I E J& I ",u' hi " "ol' i l ari aIlS VV utI Huu ()l I l ,I i o . . ,
( 20li 'a.hi l, h , dl .l . l . | . \| I : i gh|I`t'l: l\ttl

Ip addressing:
Router Interface IP Address AS number
Rl LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18 1 00
Lol 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 /24
FOIO interface connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 1 124
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 200
Frame-relay connection to Rl 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 124
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 23. 2 124
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 200
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 23. 3 124
Frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 34. 3 124
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 18 200
FOIO interface connection to Rl 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 4 124
Frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 34. 4 124
Task 1
Confgure routers R2, R3 and R4 in AS 200, these routers should have fll mesh peer
session between them. Routers R2 and router R4 should have EBOP peer session to Rl in
AS 1 00. BOP routers should ONLY advertise their loopback interfacels in BOP. Provide
NLRI for the lins using RIPv2, disable automatic summarization.
Task 2
Ensure that the routers in AS 200 use R4 to reach network 1 . 0. 0. 0 18 in AS 1 00. Local
Pref attribute must be used to accomplish this task.
Task 3
Ensure that the routers in AS 200 use R2 to reach network 1 1 . 0. 0. 0 /8. Local-Pref
attribute must be used to accomplish this task.
Task 4
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
CC' ''' H.8 In 'a rhi h ", , (hari ,l I l \\orkool ()t l lqi ol l ' Page I . oII ^
, 10117 ''' rhi l, ","rll,It';",,', \ I I ti htsi+svvr|

Lab V
The Weight attribute
Rl R2
sOia sOia
R4 R3
sOia sOia
Lab Setup:
Confgure the routers that are connected to the frame-relay clouds in a point-to
point manner.
R1 and R4' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 1 4.
R2 and R3 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 23.
Use the following IP addressing chart for IP address assignment.
VVor Hut : ()l I l' '' | ot t
` l1W7 . l I |i |lt l l lI.ui . I J I '. \1 1 I i gh I r trtu

Jp addressing:
Router Interface IP Address AS number
Rl LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18 1 00
Lo1 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 124
FOIO interface connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 1 124
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 200
Lo1 22. 2. 2. 2 /8
Frame-relay connection to RI 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 23. 2 /24
R3 LoO 3 . 3 . 3. 3 /8 300
Lol 33. 3. 3. 3 /8
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 23. 3 /24
Frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 34. 3 124
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 18 400
FOIO interface connection to R 1 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 4 124
Frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 34. 4 124
Task 1
Confgure router R1 in AS 1 00 to establish EBGP peer sessions with R2 in AS 200 and
R4 in AS 400.
Router R2 should establish EBGP peer sessions with R1 in AS 1 00 and R3 in AS 300.
Router R3 should establ ish EBGP peer sessions with R2 in AS 200 and R4 in AS 400.
Router R4 should establish EBGP peer sessions with R1 in AS 1 00 and R3 in AS 300.
The BGP routers should ONLY advertise their loopback/s in BGP. Provide NLRI for the
l inks using RIPv2.
Task 2
Configure R 1 in AS 1 00 to use AS 200 to reach all the prefxes within this topology; you
must use The Weight attribute to accomplish this task.
Task 3
The policy of AS 1 00 is changed to the following:
R1 in AS 1 00 should use R4 in AS 400 to reach networks 33. 0. 0. 0 18 and network
4. 0. 0. 0 /8.
( ' ( I I' R h 'a rhi k kl l cha ri al l ' Work Book QI I l, -t| o t - Pajl' U 1 of 1 1.'
10117 "arl l i " ''odl ariHl\. \1 1 r| it-n-,,"r\'(1

Network 3 . 0. 0. 0 /8 and existing and fture prefixes from AS 200 should have a
weight attribute of 54000 through R2.
Task 4
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
H&\ " `u t s hutt ut uuS VVutb Hu i b t)ut| o I 'ag, I ^` u | I N
( lUu7 'adJ i l & h. orl i an; I I I '. \1 I 1-i!hf'l r ru

Lab 1 0
Multi Exit Discriminator attribute
Rl R2
sOia sOia
R4 R3
sOia sOia
Lab Setup:
Confgure the routers that are connected to the fame-relay clouds in a point-to
point manner.
Rl and R4' s FOIO interface should be configured in VLAN 1 4.
R2 and R3 ' s FOIO interface should be configured in VLAN 23.
Use the following IP addressing chart for IP address assignment.
CCI F Hh 'a rhi l- kf l l' hari a l 1 \ Wor, Boo" QI I l' i o",
!I| `Rthi l, Kudlarh,,,,. \1 1 l i ht' |`I'M'tv('li

Ip addressing:
Router Interface I P Address AS number
Rl LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18 1 00
Lol 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2 . 1 /24
FOIO interface connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 1 124
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 200
Lol 22. 2. 2. 2 /8
Frame-relay connection to R1 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 0. 1 .23. 2 /24
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 200
Lol 33. 3. 3. 3 /8
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 23. 3 124
Frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 34. 3 124
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 18 200
FOIO interface connection to R1 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 4 124
Frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 34. 4 124
Task 1
Confgure routers R2, R3 and R4 in AS 200, these routers should have full mesh peer
session between them. Routers R2 and router R4 should have EBGP peer session to R1 in
AS 1 00. BGP routers should ONLY advertise their loopback interfacels in BGP. Provide
NLRI for the lins using RIPv2, disable automatic summarization.
Task 2
Confgure AS 200 such that router Rl in AS 1 00 takes R4 to reach any prefx advertised
in AS 200. Manipulate MED to accomplish this task.
Task 3
Remove the confguration command from the previous task before proceeding to the next
Task 4
Configure AS 200 such that AS 1 00 goes through R4 to reach prefix 33. 0. 0. 0 124 and R2
to reach Prefx 3. 0. 0. 0 /8. Utilize MED to accomplish this task.
((I E H&' `n | huthut.t tiS VVu| |. Huu t}|l tSl uIt-
, 20117 ,. I ,hi l, "" , , rl l .tl l""'. \1 I . i Chh . . ,' ". , . . l'lI

Task S
Remove BOP routing protocol and any previous BOP related command/s fom the
previous tasks and reconfigure them based on the chart below. These routers should
ONLY adverti se their loopback interfacels in BOP. The BOP peering should be
established as follows:
Rl should establish EBOP peer sessions with R2 and R4 in AS 200 and 400 respectively.
R2 should establish EBOP peer sessions with Rl and R3 in AS 1 00 and 300 respectively.
R3 should establish EBOP peer sessions with R2 and R4 in AS 200 and 400 respectively.
R4 should establish EBOP peer sessions with R3 and Rl in AS 300 and 1 00 respectively.
Router Interface IP Address AS number
Rl LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18 1 00
Lol 1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 /24
FOIO interface connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 1 /24
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 200
Lo1 22. 2. 2. 0 /8
Frame-relay connection to Rl 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 23. 2 /24
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 300
Lol 33. 3. 3. 0 /8
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 23. 3 124
Frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 34. 3 124
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 18 400
FOIO interface connection to Rl 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 4 124
Frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 34. 4 124
Task 6
Confgure R4 in AS 400 to pass a MED of 1 00 to R1 in AS 1 00 and confgure R2 in AS
200 to pass a MED of 1 20 to R1 in AS 1 00.
Task 7
Ensure that Rl in AS 1 00 always takes R4 to reach all other prefxes advertised in this
topology. You should configure R1 to accompl ish this task.
f f I I HA \ Nn r|i | K i t ha ri ni t Vork HookI)| t-| n| t -
, 201 'arhi " Kod1:l dI I " \1 1 I I h" IT"'n I'd

Task 8
Remove the BGP confguration performed in Task 6. Confgure R4 in AS 400 to pass a
MED value of 1 00 to R1 in AS 1 00; R2 in AS 200 should NOT pass any MED values to
RI . Ensure that R1 in AS 1 00 takes R4 to reach any prefx advertised in this topology
except the ones originated by R2. DO NOT use any global config command/s as part of
the solution to this task.
Task 9
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
C(I E I{&S I, 'arbi k hodl ari al l s VV(I rk Bo"k ()ll ll i oll '
2tlO7 'a,i l i l. h"d1.I 1 I ""' \ | | I I !"" 1'('''' '\('(\

Lab 1 1
Filtering Routes Using Access-lists and
Rl R2
R4 R3
Lab Setup:
Confgure the routers that are connected to the frame-relay clouds in a point-to
point manner.
Rl and R4' s FOIO interface should be configured in VLAN 1 4.
R2 and R3 ' s FOIO interface should be configured in VLAN 23.
Use the following IP addressing chart for IP address assignment.
IlI I I!h "a r hi " hf I (ha ri a l l s \York Book ()IH, qj ol l \ Pal{ 1 ]7 of I !B
, 2(1117 ':hi k I""rl tal' i >l "\. \1 1 I Il tf' IT\! I Vtd

Ip addressing:
Router Interface I P Address AS number
R1 LoO 1 . 1 . 0. 1 124 1 00
Lo1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 124
L02 1 . 1 . 2 . 1 124
L03 1 . 1 . 3 . 1 124
L04 1 . 1 .4. 1 124
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2 . 1 124
FOIO interface connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 1 /24
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 200
Lo1 22. 2. 2. 2 /8
Frame-relay connection to R1 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 23. 2 /24
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 300
Lo1 33. 3. 3. 3 /8
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 23. 3 124
Frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 34. 3 124
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 18 400
FOIO interface connection to R1 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 4 124
Frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. l . 34. 4 124
Task 1
Configure the routers according to the above IP addressing chart; these routers should
ONLY advertise their Loopback interfacels in BGP, the peering between the routers
should be established as follows:
R1 should establish EBGP peer sessions with R2 and R4 in AS 200 and 400 respectively.
R2 should establish EBGP peer sessions with R1 and R3 in AS l OO and 300 respectivel y.
R3 should establish EBGP peer sessions with R2 and R4 in AS 200 and 400 respectively.
R4 should establ ish EBGP peer sessions with R3 and R1 in AS 300 and l OO respectively.
Provide NLRI for the links using RIPv2, disable automatic summarization.
Task 2
Confgure R2 to block network 1 . 1 .4. 0 /24 fom getting into its routing and BGP tables.
Use distribute-list and access-list to accomplish this task.
((, I E R&\ h `.t|| hutl1 u|I n uS VVti | Huub ()unl | t i t
* 2UH7 '.t rhi k h.l , \h. iI | l l - \ 1 1 1 1 d J l ISt`l \ t'd

Task 3
Remove the confguration command fom previous task, and accomplish the same task
using prefx-list and distribute-li st.
Task 4
Confgure R3 in AS 300 to block network 22. 0, 0. 0 /8 fom entering its routing and BGP
table. DO NOT use distribute-list or prefx-list. A route-map and an access-list should be
used to accomplish this task,
Task S
Remove the confguration from the previous task. Use minimum number of lines in the
access-list to filter network 22. 0. 0. 0 /8 fom the BGP and IP routing table of R3. You
should use an access-list and a route-map to accomplish this task.
Task 6
Confgure R4 to flter network 1 . 1 . 0. 0 124 - 1 . 1 . 4. 0 /24 from i t' s BGP and IP routing
table, this fltering should be confgured on R4, but Rl and R3 should actually perform
the filtering.
Task 7
Erase the startup config and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
( ( I I I{ S" \ . | t | ""chari ,l I l \ \York Bno" f)t t c-t | o| t -
, 2007 \:I,-l1il, I,, ,('h:l ,-h,,,,, \1 1 !ht , rcstt v d
Pa( I .W of I X.

Lab Setup:
Lab 12
Regular Expressions
Confgure the routers that are connected to the frame-relay clouds in a point-to
point manner.
R2 and R3 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 23.
Use the following IP addressing chart for IP address assignment.
(CI E R' `n| I ..urhari ans VVor! , Buo" ()ul' ,( iOIl\
Ju0 , l lhi J. "t t l' ll i tf ! : H -. \/ 1 ri hh t`I`I\vu

Ip addressing:
Router Interface IP Address AS number
Rl LoO l . l . l . 1 18 1 00
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. l . 1 2. l /24
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 200
Frame-relay connection to Rl 1 0. l . 1 2. 2 124
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 0. l . 23. 2 124
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 300
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 0. l . 23. 3 124
Frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 34. 3 124
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 /8 400
Frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 34.4 124
Task 1
Configure the routers according to the above IP addressing chart; these routers should
ONLY advertise their LoopbackO interface in BGP, the peering between the routers
should be establ ished as follows:
R1 should establish EBGP peer sessions with R2 in AS 200.
R2 should establish EBGP peer sessions with Rl and R3 in AS 1 00 and 300 respectively.
R3 should establish EBGP peer sessions with R2 and R4 in AS 200 and 400 respectively.
R4 should establish EBGP peer sessions with R3 in AS 300.
Provide NLRI for the links using RIPv2, disable automatic summarization.
Task 2
Configure R1 such that it blocks all the prefxes that originated in AS 300.
Task 3
Remove the confguration commandls fom the previous task before proceeding to the
next task.
Task 4
Configure R 1 such that it blocks al l the prefxes that traversed through AS 300.
\\ or" Booh Ql l l' t i o", Pa)l I 4 I o| I h`
!00 ,arhi " ,orh," LHl. \ 1 1 l i (hh 1"I" l' r\'d

Task 5
Remove the confguration command fom the previous task before proceeding to the next
Task 6
Confgure R3 such that it doesn' t advertise the prefxes that originated in it' s own AS to
any of i t' s neighbors_
Task 7
Remove the confguration command from the previous task before proceeding to the next
Task 8
Configure R3 such that it blocks all the network from it' s neighboring AS 200_
Task 9
Remove the confguration command fom the previous task before proceeding to the next
Task 1 0
Confgure R3 such that it blocks all the prefxes from i t' s existing and future directly
connected neighbors.
Task 1 1
Remove the confguration command from the previous task before proceeding to the next
Task 1 2
Confgure Rl such that i t blocks all the prefxes that originated i n AS 300 and traversed
through AS 200.
\\ ork Bool t)t r ct i ot l , I'al' I -l` or I N.`
( , !UU7 \I fhi l\ XOtiutuI l -. \ 1 1 t` i !lIh tst:I

Task 13
Remove the confguration command fom the previous task before proceeding to the next
Task 14
Your company has decided to use more complex regular expressions in the fture,
confgure the routers such that they don' t use recursive algorithm when processing
regular expressions.
Task 15
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding t o the next lab.
eel l H h.' "ar hi ! korh<l ri al1 \ Work Booh Ql I l" t i ol l \ P<l' I 4J oII X.
, 2(1U7 "a thil, K"dll"iall'. \1 1 ri(hr, 11 '1 ' " ''

Lab 13
Advanced BGP confgurations
Rl R2
R4 R3
ll I E H.&" ' .. rhi " horlt ari ;l J 1 S VV01 ' 1, BOl l I ( )l I l t iol l '
2mI .l t hi k h Oi:: .I | l S. \1 1 l i;lh n" l' ''H'd

Lab Setup:
Confgure the routers that are connected to the frame-relay clouds in a point-to
point manner.
R2 and R3 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 23.
R4 and R5 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 45.
Use the fol lowing IP addressing chart for IP address assignment.
Ip addressing:
Router Interface I P Address AS number
Rl LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18 65501
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 124
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 65502
Frame-relay connection to RI 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 23. 2 /24
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 65503
Frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 34. 3 124
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 23. 3 124
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 18 400
Frame-rel ay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 34. 4 124
FOIO interface connection to R5 1 0. 1 . 45.4 124
R5 LoO 5. 5. 5. 5 /8 500
FOIO interface connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 45. 5 124
Task 1
Configure BGP peering on the routers as follows:
Rl in AS 65501 , should establish an EBGP peer session with R2 in AS 65502.
R2 in AS 65502, should establish EBGP peer sessions with Rl and R3 in AS 65501 and
65503 respectively.
R3 in AS 65503, should establish EBGP peer sessions with R2 and R4 in AS 65502 and
AS 400 respectively.
R4 in AS 400, should establish EBGP peer sessions with R3 and R5 in AS 65503 and AS
500 respectively.
R5 in AS 500 should establish an EBGP peer session with R4 in AS 400.
Provide NLRI to the links that connect the routers using RIPv2.
\orl , Buot Ql Il' 'ti o", Page I 4 of l iB
20117 'arhi " (ndtdfl"', \ I I ri(hh I`I'S\'`,'11
Task 2
Confgure R2 such that if any of its neighbors go down, the routes from that particular
neighbor are NOT removed fom the BGP table. The routes should only be removed if a
given neighbor is down for longer than 5 minutes.
Task 3
Confgure R5 in AS 500 so it sets the hello and hold timer values to double its default
value for its neighboring router R4.
Task 4
Confgure R4 such that it removes the private AS numbers when it advertises prefxes to
Task S
Confgure RI such that it sets the minimum time between sending BGP advertisement for
its EBGP neighbors to 60 seconds.
Task 6
Confgure the following LoopbackI interfaces on R4 and R5 and advertise them in RIPv2
Ensure that R4 and R5 establish their EBGP peer session based on their Lo I interface. Do
NOT use "neighbor ebgp multihop" command to establish this peer session.
R4 - Lol = 44. 4. 4. 4 /8 and R5 - Lol = 55. 5. 5. 5 /8
Task 7
For security purposes, confgure RI and R2 such that they only accept IP packets with a
TTL count in the IP header that is equal to or greater than 253. If the TTL count of the I P
packet i s 252 or less, these routers should i gnore the packet/so
Task S
Remove the confguration fom Tasks 6 and ensure that the two routers establish a peer
session using their directly connected interface' s IP address. R4 in AS 400 should
CCI E H& `n | huthutu|tS \, u|. Huul t)uc! ult -
10117 \,u'hik "".- harl .' "' . \l I l iliI' "" "rl l<I

establ ish a peer session with R5 in AS 555, and R5 in AS 500 should establ ish a peer
session with R4 in AS 400.
Task 9
Confgure R3 such that it replaces i t' s AS number with 300 and removes its private AS
number when i t sends updates to R4. Do NOT change the AS number of the R3 by
removing the "router bgp 65503" and re-confguring "router bgp 300". Use minimum
number of commands to accomplish this task.
Task 1 0
Confgure R3 such that it limits the number of AS-path segments that are permitted in
inbound routes to 20.
Task 1 1
Confgure R3 to inject a default route to neighbor 1 0. 1 . 34. 4 ONLY ifthere is a route to
2. 0. 0. 0 /8 in R3 's routing table.
Task 1 2
Erase the startup confg and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
Vork Book QIlttion\ I 'a( ' 47 of I 8J
, 111- ".I rhi k Kudla!';;,,"_ \1 1 dghf' I'("'n(d

Lab Setup:
Lab 14
Administrative Distance
Configure the routers that are connected to the frame-relay clouds in a point-to
point manner.
R2 and R3 's FOIO interface should be configured in VLAN 23.
Use the following I P addressing chart for IP address assignment.
l t I I H'h.I .\.I rhi h hl J dl ari an\ \\ orh Booh ()lIl' 1 i ol t ,
111 11 I I I i i t 1 1 ,1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ' \1 1 1 i g| :ti: tr\ tI
| ' ugc I .X t : I h '

Ip addressing:
Router Interface IP Address AS number
Rl LoO l . l . 1 . 1 18 1 20
Lol 1 l . l . l . 1 18
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0, l . 1 2. 1 124
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 1 20
Lo1 22. 2. 2. 2 /8
Frame-relay connection to R1 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 23. 2 /24
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 340
Lol 33. 3. 3. 3 /8
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 23. 3 124
Frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 34. 3 124
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 /8 340
Lol 44. 4. 4. 4 /8
Frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 34. 4 124
Task 1
Configure the routers according to the above IP addressing chart; these routers should
ONLY advertise their Loopback interfaces in BGP, the peering between the routers
should be established as follows:
Rl in AS 1 20 should establish an IBGP peer session with R2 in AS 1 20.
R2 should establish an IBGP peer session with Rl i n AS 1 20 and an EBGP peer session
with R3 in AS 340.
R3 should establ ish an EBGP peer session with R2 in AS 1 20 and an IBGP peer session
with R4 in AS 340.
R4 should establish an IBGP peer sessions with R3 in AS 340.
Provide NLRI for the links using RIPv2, disable automatic summarization.
Task 2
Confgure R2 such that it changes the administrative distance of al l prefxes received
from R3 to 1 50.
Task 3
Remove the confguration commands fom the previous step before proceeding to the
next task.
(CI F IS. < In 'a rhi k "'Ol" i l ali : l I l \ Vi rkHooI {t t tt | on Pagl' 1 49 of l IB
, 2ft7 ':l rhi l, K"(hari>l ll,. \I I . i h" '1'1,,\'1

Task 4
Confgure R2 such that it ONLY changes the administrative distance of prefix 33. 0. 0. 0 /8
to 1 50.
Task S
Remove the confguration commands from the previous step before proceeding to the
next task
Task 6
Using minimum number of commands change the administrative distance of all !BOP
prefixes to 90, EBOP prefxes to 60 and locally generated prefxes to 20, This should be
performed on all routers.
Task 7
Erase the startup config and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
( '(' E R&' II \arhi " "I I lha.- i al l s VVor. Hui |()lI ll iOIl'
( , 10117 N.. ,bi l. hu, h.1I L"" . \11 d)hl ' t tstrvtI

Lab 1 5
BGP Confederation
Rl r
R4 R3
H\ 11\ `.H| | ""rhari .t I \( l rk Boo" ()I I l' t j l l ll \ Pa)r I I o|I hJ
!0 "arhi " Klldl:l rHI ". \I t ri(ht, 1"1'''' 1"\ 1'11

Lab Setup:
Confgure the routers that are connected to the frame-relay clouds in a point-to
point manner.
R2 and R3 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 23.
R4 and R5 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 45.
Use the fol lowing IP addressing chart for IP address assignment.
Ip addressing:
Router Interface I P Address AS number
Rl LoO 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 18 655 1 1
Frame-relay connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 124
R2 LoO 2. 2. 2. 2 /8 65522
Frame-relay connection to R1 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
FOIO interface connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 23. 2 /24
R3 LoO 3. 3. 3. 3 /8 65534
Frame-relay connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 34. 3 124
FOIO interface connection to R2 1 0. 1 . 23. 3 /24
R4 LoO 4. 4. 4. 4 18 65534
Frame-relay connection to R3 1 0. 1 . 34. 4 124
FOIO interface connection to R5 1 0. 1 . 45. 4 124
R5 LoO 5. 5. 5. 5 /8 500
FOIO interface connection to R4 1 0. 1 . 45. 5 /24
Task 1
Confgure BOP peering on the routers as follows:
R1 in AS 655 1 1 , should establish an EBOP peer session with R2 in AS 65522.
R2 in AS 65522, should establ ish EBOP peer sessions with R1 and R3 in AS
655 1 1 and 65534 respectively.
R3 in AS 65534, should establish an EBOP peer sessions with R2 in AS 65522
and an IBOP peer session with R4 in AS 65534.
R4 in AS 65534, should establish an IBOP peer sessions with R3 in AS 65534
and an EBOP peer session with R5 in AS 500.
R5 in AS 500 should establish an EBOP peer session with R4 in AS 1 00.
Provide NLRI to the links that connect the routers using RIPv2.
CCI E IU h ^n | huthJ| nuS VVu| Book ()Il l t un ugt' Z o|I SJ
20117|i | d! . : ' '' '' '. \1 1 r>llf' n',,n i< 1

Task 2
Erase the startup config and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
\Vork Roo" {i t tt | n| t -
, WII7 ,,. ,. hi , kochat' i HI l '. \l I ri gh" n,,'"('<I

lll l i\ kol' i l ari a l ls
N arbik Kocharians
CCIE #12410
R&S, Security, SP
VVork Boo! t)ucst i OI l '
" ' 10U7 'atl oi l, h", hari "",. \1 1 ri ghI' rl" "''''!!

Lab 1 Confguring Basic IPv6

Rl R2
1 2: 1 : 1 : 1 2: :/64
In order to maximize hands on practice on I Pv6, there are no initial confg fles for
this IPv6 labs.
Lab Setup:
Confgure R1 and R2' s FOIO interface in VLAN 1 2.
Task 1
Enabl e IPv6 routing on both routers.
Task 2
Confgure the two routers such that the routers will automatically assign a l ink-local
address to their FOIO interface. DO NOT confgure IPv6 addressing of any kind to
accomplish this task.
Task 3
Assign I Pv6 addresses to the FOIO interface of R1 and R2 using the following:
Aggregatable Global Unicast Address of 1 2: 1 : 1 : 1 2: : 1 164 to R1 and 1 2: 1 : 1 : 1 2: : 2
164 to R2.
Lin local Address of fe80: : 1 to Rl and fe80: : 2 to R2.
l H& I n 'a rhi l- "/ l cha ri ,l l l ' Work Boo! Q\ l l' t i o",
( 1l0- Nat h| I t.()dl"; I I " \ l I 'i lhh ' 1" nl(1
PaJl' 1 55 of Ih`

Task 4
Confgure the LoopbackO interface on both routers as follows:
R 1 - LoopbackO 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : : /64, the router should assign the host portion of the
IPv6 address automatically.
R2 - LoopbackO - 2: 2: 2: 2: : /64. Statically assign the host portion of this interface,
the host portion should be based on the EUI-64 addressing scheme. Use the frst
Fast Etheret interface' s MAC address to accomplish this task.
Task S
Ensure that these routers can ping each other' s Loopback 0 interface. You should use
static routes to accompl i sh this task.
Task 6
Create a host entry for the LoopbackO interface of both routers such that when Rl needs
to ping R2' s LoopbackO it uses "R2LoO" instead of its IPv6 address and when R2 needs
to ping Rl 's LoopbackO it uses "Rl LoO".
Task 7
Erase the startup configuration of Rl and R and reconfigure the routers based on the
fol lowing topology; use the IPv6 addressing chart and Lab setup to accompl i sh this task:
IH " \a.-l) i k hl lthari al l' VVut | Huu l}ut l ul t x
( 20U7 ':u hi t. 1",h"II: I I I \_ \1 1 rh" "'-'!H'.1

Lab Setup:
Confgure the FOIO interface of these routers in VLAN 1 23
IPv6 addressing chart:
Router Interface 1 IPv6 address
Rl FOIO 1 23: : 1 164
Link-Local of FOIO and LoO = FE80: : 1
LoO 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : : 1 164
R2 Link-Local of FOIO and LoO = FE80: : 2
LoO = 2: 2: 2: 2: : 2/64
R3 Link-local of FOIO and LoO FE80: : 3
LoO = 3: 3: 3: 3: : 3/64
Task 8
Confgure R2 and R3 such that these routers acquire an IPv6 address from Rl , DO NOT
configure DHCP to accomplish this task.
Task 9
Ensure that R3 changes the state of the entries in its ICMP neighbor table to "Stale" if
they are not used within 500 seconds.
Task 10
Confgure R3 to have a static entry for R2' s MAC address in it' s IPv6 neighbor tabl e.
Task 1 1
Erase the startup confguration and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
llM. HtX h a r| k Ixi chari a| t VorkHook{t | t- n| t - Iagt I 7 oI l iB
, 20117 'arhi !. 10(h'" ;'I II\, \ 1 1 l i ht\ " '\\' 11 \'11

Lab 2 Confguring IPv6

Router To Switch connection


FO/O FOi l



FO/O FOi l




F FOil






FO/O FOi l





FO/O FOi l


FO/O FOi l

cel E H&\ I I `. t | huthu| uuS VVut. Huu l }ut: l mt - u_t` I h |I IJ

' 1017 \"rhi k |xoOi.: r.: i - . \I I . i ghh rs rtd

The Serial connection between Rl and R3

R1 R3
Frame-relay Switch connections
Frame-relay Switch
R2 SOlO S2
eel F H^h "a rhi k k( ) rhal" i al l Work Boo" Ql I l' qi OI l ' Page 1 59 of l IB
, 2(17 ""I ' hi " Korh : ;,I I I'. \I I I I h" IS!' H'd

Frame-relay DlLlconnections :
Local DLCI Connecting to:
1 02 R2
103 R3
104 R4
105 R5
106 R6
201 R1
203 R3
204 R4
205 R5
206 R6
301 R1
302 R2
304 R4
305 R5
306 R6
401 R1
402 R2
403 R3
405 R5
406 R6
501 R1
502 R2
503 R3
504 R4
506 R6
601 R1
602 R2
603 R3
604 R4
605 R5
Vut. Huu l}tn -l ut t
( lH07 "arll i l\ "udl i l ! i . I J I '. \1 1 r:h I t tl \|

I P 6 Add h t * ressml c ar :
Router I nterface Connecting to:
Sl IO R3
LoO -
Lol -
Lo2 -
FOil R4
LoO -
Lo1 -
Lo2 -
Sl IO R1
LoO -
Lol -
Lo2 -
FOil R6 & SW-2
LoO -
Lo1 -
Lo2 -
Lo3 -
ll l H^h "a rhi l Kochar| a| | s Work Book Q| i ct | oo
'00 Na l hi " k t I dl",i Il '. \ 1 1 ri thl\ n" nTd
I P Address
1 2: 1 : : 1 164
1 3 : 1 : : 1 164
1 4: 1 : : 1 164
1 3 : 1 00: : 1 164
1 1 1 : 1 : : 1 /64
1 : 0: 1 : 1 : : 1 /64
1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : : 1 164
1 : 2: 1 : 1 : : 1 /64
1 : 3: 1 : 1 : : 1 164
1 2 : 1 : : 2 /64
1 1 2 : 1 : : 2 /64
24: 1 : : 2 /64
2: 0: 2: 2: : 2 /64
2: 1 : 2: 2: : 2 /64
2: 2: 2: 2: : 2 /64
1 3 : 1 : : 3 /64
1 3 : 1 00: : 3 /64
3 1 : 1 : : 3 /64
3 : 0: 3: 3: : 3 /64
3 : 1 : 3: 3: : 3 /64
3 : 2: 3: 3: : 3 /64
1 4: 1 : : 4 /64
456: 1 : : 4 /64
456: 1 : : 4 /64
24: 1 : : 4 164
4: 0: 4:4: : 4 /64
4: 1 : 4:4: : 4 /64
4: 2: 4:4: : 4 164
4: 3:4: 4: : 4 /64
456: 1 : : 5 /64
56: 1 : : 5 /64
5 : 0: 5: 5: : 5 /64
5 1 : 5: 5: : 5 /64
5 : 2: 5: 5: : 5 /64
5 : 3 : 5 : 5: : 5 /64
5 : 5: 5: 0: : 5 /64
5: 5: 5 : 1 : : 5 /64
5 : 5 : 5 : 2: : 5 /64
5 : 5 : 5 : 3 : : 5 /64
Iugt 1 6 1 of 1 10

FOil R5 & SW-2
LoO -
LoO -
Lo2 -
LoO -
FO/3 R3
FO/2 1 & FO/22 SW-3

Lol -
Lo2 -
FO/5 R5 & R6
SW-4 FO/2 1 & F0122
LoO -
Lol -
FO/2 1 & FO/22 SW- l
LoO -
Lol -
F012 1 & FO/22 SW-2
LoO -
ll l H, . \:" h "arhi l, I"ochari all s \\ 01 ' " Book ()IH 'l i( J l l '
i 2u0 Nai 1 , , 1. "' ''' l o a, " , I I ', \ 1 1 " ghh II'Sl* "'d
456: 1 : : 6 /64
56: 1 : : 6 /64
6: 0: 6: 6: : 6 /64
1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : : 1 1 1 164
1 1 1 : 0: 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : : 1 1 1 /64
1 1 1 : 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : : 1 1 1 164
1 1 1 : 2: 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : : 1 1 1 164
1 1 2: 1 : : 1 1 2 164
1 1 2: 0: 1 1 2: 1 1 2: : 1 1 2 164
3 1 : 1 : : 1 0 1 164
1 1 3: 1 : : 1 0 1 164
1 0 1 : 0: 1 0 1 : 1 0 1 : : 1 0 1 /64
1 0 1 : 1 : 1 0 1 : 1 0 1 : : 1 0 1 164
1 0 1 : 2: 1 0 1 : 1 0 1 : : 1 0 1 /64
56: 1 : : 1 02 /64
1 24: 1 : : 1 02 /64
1 02: 0: 1 02: 1 02: : 1 02 /64
1 02: 1 : 1 02: 1 02: : 1 02 /64
1 1 3 : 1 : : 1 03 /64
1 03 : 0: 1 03 : 1 03 : : 1 03 /64
1 03: 1 : 1 03 : 1 03 : : 1 03 /64
1 03: 2: 1 03 : 1 03 : : 1 03 /64
1 24: 1 : : 1 04 /64
1 04: 0: 1 04: 1 04: : 1 04 /64
1 04: 1 : 1 04: 1 04: : 1 04 /64
I 'agl' I h2 or I I \

Logical Topolo
FOi l
l l H> h 'a rhi " kofhari al ! ' Work Boo!- QlI l, qi om Page | h^ of l IB
, 21111' "Hrhi !. r.odlOlri>IIl\. \ I I ri lhh l`I`SI'I'd

Lab Setup:
BB1 and R1 ' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 1 1 1
BB2 and R2' s FOIO should be confgured in VLAN 1 1 2
R2' s FOi l and R4' s FOIO interface should be confgured in VLAN 24
R5 and R6 should have their FOi l interface in VLAN 56.
RI should be confgured with a frame-relay Point-to-point connection to R4 and
two Multipoint connections connecting Rl to R2 and R3.
R4 should be configured with a Point-to-point connection to RI and a Multipoint
connection connecting R4 to R5 and R6.
R5 and R6 should NOT be confgured with a sub-interface for their frame-relay
connection to R4.
R2 should be confgured with a frame-relay Multipoint connection to R1 . This
router should NOT be configured with a sub-interface.
R3 should be confgured with a frame-relay Multipoint connection to R1 . This
router should be confgured with a sub-interface.
Connections between the switches:
Ports F0/1 9-20 on SW- 1 and SW-2 should be configured as trunk links using
D01 Q.
The setup can be downloaded from the CD provided with this work book.
CCI E H&" b `u t s ht thut| utt VV utI Huokl )uc-un
( 1007 \"I' hi l, I"", h.<l., I . \1 1 Ii;hh n-"-I','<I

Task 1
Confgure the link-local I Pv6 addresses of the routers based on the following chart:
Router Link Local Address
R1 FE80: : 1
R2 FE80: : 2
R3 FE80: : 3
R4 FE80: : 4
R5 FE80: : 5
R6 FE80: : 6
BB1 FE80: : 1 1 1
BB2 FE80: : 1 1 2
Task 2
Confgure RIPng on FOIO interface of BB1 and Rl , these routers should use a tag of R1 -
BB 1 and advertise their loopback 0 interfaces in this routing domain,
Task 3
Confgure RIPng on SOI l I l interface of R1 and R3, these routers should use a tag of Rl
R3. Rl should advertise its Loopback 1 and R3 should advertise i t' s Loopback 0 interface
in this routing domain.
Task 4
Ensure that the serial SOi l 1 1 link connecting Rl to R3 has authentication capability
Task S
Confgure ports F012 1 and FO/22 of SW- 1 and SW-3 in a single layer 3 interface. Refer to
the IPv6 addresses fom the IPv6 addressing chart in page 5 for IPv6 address assignment.
These ports should NOT negotiate any protocol when forming this layer 3 interface.
SW - 1 should also connect to R3 using its FO/3 interface, refer to the IPv6 addressing
chart i n page 5 for IPv6 address assignment.
CCI E HtV'h ^u rh | Int|uri . | VurkHno|{i | t I on Iut I o| I h`
1HtP " , ," hi k 1.0(" 1 1 >1";:1,,'" \1 1 r ght1''' rH'iI

Task 6
Configure RIPng on the connection between SW- I and SW-3, SW- I 's FO/3 and FOIO
interface of R3, These devices should use a tag of SWI -3-R3.
R3 should advertise its Loopback 1 , whereas SW - 1 and Sw-3 should advertise their
Loopback 0, 1 and 2 in this routing domain.
This rip routing domain (SW- I -3-R3) should receive a default route from R3 for
reachabil ity to other networks. R3 should perform a one way redistribution to ensure the
retur traffc to devices in rip "SW- I -3-R3" routing domain from rip RI -R3 routing
Task 7
Configure Rl to perform a mutual redistribution between RI -R3 rip routing domain and
RI -BBI rip routing domain.
Task 8
Confgure RIPng on FOIO interface of BB2 and R2. These routers should advertise their
100 in this routing domain. These routers should use a tag of BB2-R2.
Task 9
Confgure the fame-relay connection on Rl to R4 in RIPng domain with a tag of RI -R4.
Rl should advertise its L02 and R4 should advertise its LoO in this routing domain.
Task 10
Configure Rl ' s fame-relay connection t o R2 and R3 in RIPng routing domain with a tag
of Rl -R2-R3. Rl should advertise its Loopback3, R3 should advertise its L02 and R2
should advertise its Loopback 1 interface in this routing domain.
Task 1 1
Confgure Rl & R2 to perform a mutual redistribution between different rip processes for
((I F H. - \ h 'arhi " horhari al l s VVork Bt l o" ()Ul" tr|r
( 1(1117 'arl l i !. h"dJ .t l l 'I J I ', \1 1 rghl> n' ''' 1 ttI

Task 12
Confgure the fame-relay cloud between R4, R5 and R6 i n RIPng routing domain with a
tag of R4-R5-R6, R4 should advertise its loopback 1 , Loopback2 in this routing domain,
R5 should adverti se its Loopback 0-3 and R6 should advertise its 100 in this routing
Task 13
Confgure ports F0f2 1 and FO/22 of SW-2 and SW-4 in a single layer 3 interface. Refer to
the IPv6 addresses from the IPv6 addressing chart in page 5 for IPv6 address assignment.
These ports should NOT negotiate any protocol when forming this layer 3 interface.
Task 14
SW -2, SW -4, and the FOi l interface of R5 and R6 should be confgured in RIPng with a
tag of 1 00. SW-2 and SW-4 should advertise their loopback 0 and 100pback1 in this
routing domain.
R5 and R6 should perform a mutual redistribution between the two rip routing
Task 15
Confgure R4 to perform a mutual redistribution between rip R4-R5-R6 and rip R1 -R4
routing domains.
Task 16
SW-2 should be confgured such that i t only has one path to all destinations outside of
their routing domain. The second path should only be used if the current path is down.
Task 1 7
Confgure BB2 to flter any network advertised i n RIPng routing domain with a tag of
SW- 1 -3-R3 .
Task 1 8
R5 should be configured to summarize its loopback 4 7 such that rip 1 00 routing
domain ONLY receives a summary route for these prefxes.
(CI F H&\ h `u rhi | Knc| t uri . i \V ork Hno|jt | t I ot s Iuc I b7 oI H`
P|I7 "arhi \. Kol1:lri<lIl'. \ I I r htn',,'I'\ I'1I

Task 1 9
Confgure the FOi l interface of R2 and FOIO interface of R4 i n RIPng routing domain
with a tag of R2-R4. R2 should advertise it' s 100pback2, whereas, R4 should advertise
it' s Loopback 3 in this routing domain.
Task 20
Confgure R2 to perform the following redistributions:
Rip BB2-R2 and RI -R2-R3 routing domain should be redistributed into rip R2-R4.
Rip R2-R4 should be redistributed into RI -R2-R3 routing domain.
Task 2 1
Confgure R4 such that it takes Rl to reach all the networks excluding prefxes i n RIP
R4-R5-R6 and 1 00.
Task 22
Configure the timers in RIPng BB2-R2 to be twice as much as the default value.
Task 23
Confgure BB I to advertise its Loopback I and 2 in its RIPng routing domain, this router
should not use any command in it' s interface confguration mode.
Task 24
BB I should change the state of all entries in its IPv6 neighbor table to STALE, afer 1
hour of inactivity.
Task 25
Confgure R3 to redistribute rip RI -R3 and RI -R2-R3 into RIP SW- 1 -3-R3 routing
CCI L H& ^A t hutmt| uttS VV01'1. oo| ()Ut,l ut t - I ' al' Ihh of I S3
lUII7 \a, h" . "", ,,1 0 ,1 1 1 . 1 1 " , \l l l' ighh r t tttI

Task 26
Confgure R3 such that it only advertises a default route to SW- l -3-R3 RIPng routing
domain, R3 should suppress all other routes. DO NOT use distribute-list command to
accomplish this task.
Task 27
Erase the startup confguration of the routers i n this lab and reload the routers before
proceeding to the next lab.
If I I Hh u rh | Knc| t u un \\ ork Hnn| j| | t I nt -
, UH7 'a l hi k h,oll:l ral l \. \1 1 I i (it " I' I'l Hd

: 1
: 4
Lab Setup:
Lab 3 Confguring OSPFv3
2000: 1 : 1 : 1 2: :/64
2000: 1 : 1 : 34: :/64
: 2
: 3
: 3
Ensure that FOIO interface of R1 and R2 are confgured in VLAN 1 2.
Ensure that FOIO interface of R3 and R4 are configured in VLAN 34.
Confgure the Frame-relay connection between R2 and R3 in a point-to-point
In order to maximize hands on practice on IPv6, there are no initial config files for
this I Pv6 lab.
VV u| oo| t):u -| i ons ' nt' 1 70 uI I I
2007 "a :hi IIotli ari .: | i . \| | r; ghh n" U \ d

Ip Addressing:
Router Interface I Pv6 Address
Rl FO/O 2000: 1 : 1 : 1 2: : 1 164
LoO 2000: 1 : 1 : 1 : : 1 164
Lol 2000: 1 1 : 1 1 : 1 1 : : 1 1 /64
R2 FOIO 2000: 1 : 1 : 1 2: : 2/64
LoO 2000: 2: 2: 2: : 2/64
Loi 2000: 22: 22: 22: : 22/64
S010. 23 2000: I : I : 23: : 2/64
R3 FO/O 2000: 1 : 1 : 34: :3/64
LoO 2000:3: 3: 3: :3/64
Lol 2000:33:33:33: :33/64
S0/0.32 2000: 1 : 1 : 23: :3/64
R4 FOIO 2000: 1 : 1 : 34: : 4/64
LoO 2000: 4: 4: 4: : 4/64
Lol 2000: 44: 44: 44: :44/64
Task 1
Confgure the routers in OSPFv3 area 0 and advertise their directly connected interfaces
in this area
Task 2
Ensure that the routers can ping all the network addresses in this routing domain.
Task 3
Ensure that the loopback interfaces are adverti sed with their correct mask.
Do not erase the confguration of this lab, the next lab builds on this lab.
\VorI ookjut I o| |agc I 7 I oI
, !1I1I7 "arhi " 1\(I(h"r;',",. \ 1 1 11\hh l'S\'l v"II

Lab 4 Confguring OSPFv3 multi-area

Lab Setup:
This lab is based on lab 6' s topology and IPv6 addressing scheme. Reload the
initial config file for lab 6 before proceeding.
Configure Rl and R2 in area 1 2. Rl should be totally in area 1 2. R2' s loopbackO and
FOIO interface should be confgured in this area.
Task 2
Confgure R2' s Lol and SOIO. 23 interface in area O.
Task 3
Confgure R3 ' s Lo1 and SOIOIO. 32 interface in area O.
Task 4
Confgure R3' s LoO, and FOIO interface and every interface on R4 in area 34. Ensure that
all the routes are reachable by every router in this routing domain.
DO NOT erase the confguration; the next lab builds on this lab.
ll l H.& V ^. t | ut t u| :t t tS VVut Huu l}ut l | ut t -
,() 10t17 N. . rl I l, ", ,, I i . 1 I iu: . \1 1 :ghtrt: ct|

Lab 5 - Summarization of Internal and

External Networks
Do NOT erase the confguration from the previous lab. This lab builds on the
previous lab.
Confgure the fol l owing loopback interface on the routers and advertise them in their
assigned area. Ensure that they are advertised with their correct mask:
On R1 - Lo2 2000: 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 0: : 1 1 1 /64. Area 1 2
Lo3 2000: 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 : : 1 1 1 164. Area 1 2
Lo4 2000: 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 2: : 1 1 1 /64. Area 1 2
LoS - 2000: 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 3 : : 1 1 1 164. Area 1 2
On R4 - Lo2 2000: 444:444: 4440: : 444164. Area 34
Lo3 2000: 444: 444: 4441 : :444/64. Area 34
Lo4 2000: 444: 444:4442: : 444/64. Area 34
LoS 2000: 444: 444:4443: : 444/64. Area 34
Task 2
Summarize the loopback interfaces from the previous step such that a single summary
address is advertised to the routers in other areas.
Task 3
Remove the summarization commands for task 2 from the routers.
Task 4
Confgure OSPFv3 not to advertise Loopback interfaces 2 to S on R1 and R4.
Redistribute these loopback interfaces into OSPFv3.
Vo| | Hno|f)ttt i t | i Iugt I 7 o|I h`
, 2(111' ^.l ihi l, "OC h"";'II1\, \ 1 1 riht' IT'nn'd

Task 5
Summarize Loopback interfaces 2 to 5 on Rl and R4 such that the other routers will only
have a single entry in their routing table.
Do NOT erase the confguration from the routers, the next lab builds
on this lab
Ll l H ) ^n |I hi i tl tHans Wor|oo|l}tt tl uIlS Pa\' I 4 01 I S.,
` 20|| `.| | | |xo.h.: ti u n . \| I dghh t r\d

Lab 6 OSPFv3 STUB, Totally stub and NSSA

(Three tes)
This l ab builds on the previous lab.
Task 1
Confgure the following loopback interfaces on R3 and advertise them in area 34. Ensure
that these routes are advertised with their correct mask.
R3 - L02 = 2000: 333: 333 : 3330: : 3/64
L03 2000: 333: 333 : 333 1 : : 3/64
L04 = 2000: 333: 333 : 3332: : 3/64
L05 2000: 333: 333: 3333: : 3/64
Task 2
Remove the commands from tasks 4 and 5 from the previous lab from R1 ONLY.
Advertise Loopback interfaces 2 - 5 on R1 in OSPF area 1 2.
Task 3
Do NOT summarize Loopback 2 to 5 interfaces on R4. These routes should only be
Task 4
Confgure Area 1 2 such that they do not receive LSA 4s and 5s.
Task S
Ensure that the routers in area 1 2 only maintain intra-area routes, but these routers should
have reachability to all the inter-area and exteral routes.
f l Hh `urh I bochu r u i VorkHouI jt | t I on |agc 1 75 o| h`
!I| "arhil, Knrhar;I1\. \1 1 n!ht\ II`5l'l tt|

Task 6
Confgure the fol lowing l oopback interfaces on R2 and redistribute them into OSPFv3 as
exteral routes
R2 - L02 = 2000: 222: 222: 2220: : 2/64
L03 2000: 222: 222: 2221 : : 2/64
L04 = 2000: 222: 222: 2222: : 2/64
LoS 2000: 222: 222: 2223: : 2/64
Task 7
Confgure Area 34 such that it does not propagate exteral routes.
Task 8
Ensure that the routers in area 34 have ful l reachability to the exteral routes that are
redistributed else where in the OSPF routing domain. This area should remain as an
NSSA area.
Task 9
Ensure that the routers in area 34 do NOT maintain inter-area routes but they should have
fll connectivity to all the exteral and inter-area routes. DO NOT use the "default
information-originate" argument.
Task 1 0
Erase the startup config and reload the routers before proceeding to the next lab.
CCI E H.& " `u| lxutl t u|| .t liS Vut Huu ()I1 oit |ngt l u uI I h'
,() lU117 'arhi " h"dl ar; '"". \ 1 1 rhtrt:l


Lab 7 OSPFv3 Cost and Auto-cost

: 1 2000: 1 : 1 : 1 2: :/64 :2
.. .
: 3
: 4 2000: 1 : 1 : 34: :/64 : 3
Lab Setup
Ensure that FOIO of R1 and R2 are confgured in VLAN 1 2.
Ensure that FOIO of R3 and R4 are confgured in VLAN 34.
Configure the Frame-relay connection between R2 and R3 in a point-to-point
Use the I Pv6 addressing indicated in the diagram.
('( I Hh,\ "a rhi k I- orhari al l \ Work Bonk ()1 I lt i om
, 2(111" ':I t'hil i(lCh",';'III', \ I , It! ht\ I`S'lH'd
|agc 1 77 of I X)

Task 1
Confgure the following Loopback i nterfaces on the routers. Advertise the loopback
interfaces and their directly connected interfaces in area O. Ensure that the loopback
interfaces are advertised with their correct mask.
Rl - LoO 2000: 1 : 1 : 1 : : 1 164
RI - Lo l - 2000: 1 1 : 1 1 : 1 1 : : l 1 l64
R2 - LoO 2000: 2: 2: 2: : 2/64
R2 - Lol 2000: 22: 22: 22: : 22/64
R3 - LoO = 2000: 3: 3: 3: : 3/64
R3 - Lol 2000: 33: 33: 33: : 33/64
R4 - LoO = 2000: 4: 4: 4: : 4/64
R4 - Lol 2000: 44: 44: 44: :44/64
Task 2
Confgure OSPF such that the cost of a l OMbps Etheret interface is 1 00; do NOT use
"Ipv6 ospf cost" command to accomplish this task.
Task 3
Confgure the cost of the loopback 0 interface on Rl to be 50.
DO NOT erase the startup confg, the next lab builds on this lab.
C( I' H& `n | | n Vu|b Ouul}t t t:l utt - 'ut' 1 7X of I IJ
(,' 2H07 .O I ; i k hudl<t f i .tll . \1 1 HhtIiL: d

Lab 8 Tunneling IPv6 over IPv4

I Pv4 & I Pv6 Addressing chart:
Router I nterface Connecting to: I P Address
S010. 1 2 R2 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 1 124
S010. 1 3 R3 1 0. 1 . 1 3. 1 124
S010. 1 4 R4 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 1 124
FOIO R3 1 0: 1 : 1 1 1 : : 1 164
FOi l SW-2 1 0: 1 : 1 02: : 1 /64
FOil SW-2 1 0. 1 . 1 02. 1 /24
LoO - 1 : 0: 1 : 1 : : 1 /64

1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : : 1 164
Lo2 - 1 0. 1 . 1 . 1 124
S010. 2 1 Rl 1 0. 1 . 1 2. 2 /24
FOIO BB2 1 0: 1 : 1 1 2: : 2 164
FOi l - 1 0: 1 : 26: : 2 /64
LoO 2: 0: 2: 2: : 2 /64
S010. 3 1 Rl 1 0. 1 . 1 3. 3 124
FOIO SW- l 1 0: 1 : 1 00 : : 3 164
LoO - 3 : 0: 3 : 3: : 3 /64
S010. 41 Rl 1 0. 1 . 1 4. 4 124
S010. 46 R6 1 0. 1 . 46. 4 124
FOIO R5 1 0: 1 :45: : 4/64
FOIO R5 1 0. 1 . 45. 4 124
LoO - 1 0. 4. 4. 4 124
Lol - 1 /24
Lo2 - 4: 2: 4:4: : 4 /64
FOIO R4 1 0: 1 : 45: : 5/64
FOIO R4 1 0. 1 .45. 5 124
LoO - 5 : 0: 5: 5: : 5 /64
S010.64 R4 1 0. 1 . 46. 6 /24
LoO - 1 0. 6. 6. 6 124
FOIO Rl 1 0: 1 : 1 1 1 : : 1 1 1 /64
LoO - 1 1 1 : 0: 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : : 1 1 1 /64
Lol - 1 1 1 : 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : : 1 1 1 164
C(, I E H^ h 'a rhi l- k f l rhari al1 \ \Vorl Bo,,1- <lI l' qi ol l ' Iat 1 79 of l IB
, 2(1f17 '>ll' hil, .. duli "",. \ l 1 1 i hh it rvtI

FOIO R2 1 0: 1 : 1 1 2: : 1 1 2 164
1 1 2: 0: 1 1 2: 1 1 2: : 1 1 2 /64
Lo1 - 1 1 2: 1 : 1 1 2: 1 1 2: : 1 1 2 /64
FO/3 R3 1 0: 1 : 1 00: : 1 /64
1 0 1 : 0: 1 0 1 : 1 01 : : 1 0 1 /64
FOil R1 1 0: 1 : 1 02 : : 1 02 /64
FOi l R1 1 0. 1 . 1 02 . 1 02 124
1 0: 1 : 26: : 1 02 /64
1 02: 0: 1 02 : 1 02: : 1 02 /64
Lo1 1 02 : 1 : 1 02: 1 02: : 1 02 /64
Lab Setup:
The FOIO interface of BBl and R1 should be confgured to be in VLAN 1 0
The FOIO interface of BB2 and R2 should be confgured to be in VLAN 20
The FOIO interface of R4 and R5 should be confgured to be in VLAN 45
Frame-relay confgurati on:
Al l the routers that are connected to the frame-relay of this topology should be
confgured in a Point-to-point manner.
The setup can be downloaded from the CD provided with this work book.
CCI L H& ^a| hi i t t at auS \, I I r!. Boo" ( )Ul ' l ioll ' ugt lhU i i I lXJ
'` 20117 .nI , i k ot li.1I i " ",. \l l oi g, " " I'S\l \ t d

Q '


: 1






Logical Topolo
FOi l
ll H h 'a rhi h korhali ;l ll ' Vot k HotiI jt t t I o Iugt I h I o|^
| | | | 7,", hi " K.. dwd, , , , , \I I .i(hh l ` ' vtI

Confgure LoO and FOIO interface of R1 , R2, BBl and BB2 in OSPFv3 area O. Use the
following RIDs:
R1 1 . 1 . 1 . 1
R2 2. 2. 2. 2
BB 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1
BB2 = 1 2. 1 2. 1 2 . 1 2
Task 2
Use a manually confgured tunnel to provide constant connectivity to the two OSPFv3
area Os. This tunnel should encapsulate IPv6 traffc in IPv4, use the following IPv6
addresses for the tunnel end points:
R1 1 2: 1 : 1 2: : 1 164 and R 1 2 : 1 : ! 2: : 2/64
Task 3
Confgure RIPng on the Loopback 1 interfaces of BB 1 and BB2. You should create an
IPv6 GRE tunnel between BB 1 and BB2 and ensure that BB 1 and BB2 can see each
others loopback 1 interface through RIPng routing protocol . You should NOT run RIPng
on the other routers to accomplish this task. Use any IPv6 addressing for the Tunnel end
Task 4
Confgure RIPng with a tag of"R1 -R3"on the Loopback 1 interface of Rl , Loopback 0
and FOIO interface of R3.
Confgure Loopback 0 and FO/3 interface of SW - 1 using 1 0 1 : 0: 1 01 : 1 0 1 : : 1 01 164 and
1 0: 1 : 1 00: : 1 /64 respectively. Ensure that these interfaces are also advertised in RIP R1 -R3
routing domain.
Task S
Confgure a GRE tunnel over the fame-relay connection of RI and R3. You should NOT
confgure a tunnel mode command when confguring this tunnel ; this tunnel should use
the IPv4 addresses confgured on the frame-relay interfaces of R1 and R3 and use
protocol number 47. Ensure that R1 , R3 and SW- l can exchange the rip routes advertised
in the previous task. Use any IPv6 addressing to accomplish this task.
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Task 6
Confgure RIPng on SW-2 and Rl using tag SW-2-Rl . Rl should advertise its FOil
interface and it should also advertise a default route to SW-2 in its RIPng routing domain.
SW-2 should advertise it' s FOil and LoO interface in this rip routing domain.
Configure RIPng on R4 and R5 using tag R4-R5. R4 should advertise a default route and
its FOIO interface in this routing domain. R5 should advertise its FOIO and its 100 interface
in this routing domain.
Task 7
Confgure a 6t04 tunnel between Rl and R4, Rl should use it' s L02 interface as the
tunnel source and R4 should use its LoO as the tunnel source. Use RIPv2 to provide NLL
Task 8
Provide fll reachability to the prefxes advertised by the routers in the previous step.
Task 9
Confgure RIPng with a tag of "R4-R6-SW-2" on R4, R6 and SW-2. R4 should advertise
it' s Loopback 2, R6 should advertise its FOi l and SW-2 should advertise its FO/6 and
Loopback 1 interface in this routing domain.
Task 10
Confgure an I SA TAP tunnel on the Frame-relay connection between R4 and R6. Use an
IPv6 addressing of your choice to accompli sh this task.
Task 1 1
Provide fll reachability to the prefxes advertised by the routers in the previous step.
You should use an IGP to accomplish this task.
Task 12
Erase the startup confguration and reload the routers before proceeding to the next l ab.
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