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What I need to know when applying for YEP grant?

 Applications must be endorsed by a Singapore registered organisation such as an Institutes of Higher
Learning, Voluntary Welfare Organisation, Youth Organisation, NGO etc. The responsibility of
expeditions lies solely with the organisation endorsing the leaders and their projects

Funding Eligibility

Participants & Leaders

Participant  Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents
 First-time YEP participant between 15-35 years of age

 YEP funds up to 50% of allowable personal costs, capped at $1000 per participant.

Leader  At least 21 years old before/on departure date of expedition,

 Has a valid NYC-YEP leadership training certificate
 Has a valid first aid certificate, recognised by NYC and valid throughout the
overseas expedition

 No limit on the number of times a leader can be funded;

 YEP funds 100% of allowable personal costs, capped at $1000 per leader.

Resource Persons
Total number of resource persons (i.e. ex-YEP participants and foreigners) should not exceed 20% of the
total number of people eligible for funding.

a) Ex-YEP participant* who  Singapore citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents,

plays the role of participants’ mentor  Has a valid NYC-YEP leadership training certificate
or co-leader to assist the leaders.
 YEP funds 100% of allowable personal costs, capped at $1000 per person

b) Foreigner* who plays a vital  First-time YEP participant between 17-35 years of age.
role(s) in the team as resource
person e.g. translator, liaison officer  YEP funds up to 50% of allowable personal costs, capped at $1000 per person.
with overseas partner.

c) Foreigner* who is a  At least 18 years old before/on departure date of expedition

leader/co-leader  Has a valid NYC-YEP leadership training certificate,
 Has a valid first aid certification, recognised by NYC and valid throughout the
overseas expedition.

 YEP funds up to 50% of allowable personal costs, capped at $1000 per person.

*Please include in your proposal a detailed description of the role(s) played by the Ex-YEP participant(s )& Foreigner(s) in
your team.

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Team Formation

 The recommended team size is 13-20 people, depending on the nature of project.

Team size: No. of trained Requirements for leaders:

(excluding trained leader(s)) leader required:

Team with 13-person 1 trained leader  At least 21 years old before the departure date of
the expedition. (Singapore Citizens or Singapore
Permanent Resident)

Team with 14-person or more 2 trained leaders • At least 1leader must be at least 21 years old
before the departure date of the expedition
(Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent
Resident) and,
• The 2 leader can be 18 years old and above
before departure date of expedition

The endorsing organisation will need to endorse a co-leader under

21 years old. (Endorsement letter is available on
(Toolbox-nuts and bolts) – File name: Endorsement_Co-leader)

Other requirement:
Ethnic and religious based teams, or equivalent – must have a minimum of 20% of team members from
outside the ethnic/religious group.

NYC-YEP Leadership Training Course

 Leaders are to attend the NYC-YEP leadership training programme to be well equipped with the skills
and knowledge to lead an International Service-Learning expedition (Refer to Toolbox –
Training and Development for list of training providers).
 YEP will reimburse full cost of training, capped at $600 per leader during the first disbursement of
grant after the project application is approved.
 Leaders who had attended the YEP-SIF leadership course between 2000 and 2005 are required to go
for re-certification with one of the training providers

 100% attendance is required before a course certificate will be issued by NYC-YEP. The validity of a 5-
day NYC-YEP Leadership training certificate is for 4 years.

First Aid Training

The leader AND at least one other person (preferably someone in a leadership role) in each expedition
need to hold a valid First Aid certificate. Together, both will organise and assign roles to their team
members for medical emergency response situations.

YEP does not sponsor the training fees for basic first-aid training (except the OBS FAE and WMFR).

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Type of Projects

Local Engagement - Pre and Post Expedition Local Engagement Projects

 The YEP journey of serving and learning begins in Singapore where teams serve and learn from the
local community This learning sets the foundation for the team to engage on a same issue for their
overseas expedition. After the expedition, the team returns with a deeper understanding and is more
equipped to re-engage with the same community for another project.

 The local engagement projects should include a service component such as:

 Conduct programmes for the boys in XX welfare home;

 Set up a computer lab at a community facility for low income families and provide basic IT lessons to
residents twice a month;

 Provide maintenance service to one-room flat residents/elderly and assist the VWO to conduct survey
and collect data pertaining to the elderly;

 Ongoing engagement with the XX primary school such as implementation of pen pal and writing
programme, leadership/team building training programme etc.;

 Conduct health checks or assessment for the residents in XX healthcare centre;

Overseas Expedition

 Project duration to be around 14 days* with 70% of the duration spent on service activities.
(*Refer to page 5 for variation on the days of expedition)

 YEP supports projects in ASEAN countries, China and India.

 YEP seeks to encourage service-learning projects on the following issues:

 Education, Technology & Knowledge transfer: Basic IT computer skills, personal life skills workshops,
English language pedagogy by teachers for teachers, refurbishing or rebuilding schools and living
quarters, construct libraries and set up library management system, setting up computer centre or IT
learning centre, constructing or upgrading technological tools e.g. rainwater harvester, multi-media
training and technology, etc.

 Environment: Cleaning up of reservoirs, flora & fauna surveys, nature trail interpretation, planting of tree
saplings/ reforestation, biogas development, public conservation education, laying water pipes, etc.

 Healthcare: Conducting health checks, assisting in vaccination, public health education, optometry,
conducting train-the-trainer healthcare programmes, etc.

 Special Needs: Setting up of therapy centre/corner, conducting programme for the special needs
community, special needs empowerment (e.g. Singaporean and host youths, both with physical
disabilities developing training programmes for the public), etc.

 Heritage, Culture and Arts: Culture and heritage documentation, traditional knowledge documentation,
traditional Arts promotion among the youth, collection of indigenous stories, myths and legends,
documentation of artifacts, archeology related projects, etc.

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 Social Enterprise and Income Generation: Setting up of mud house for farmer to store seeds, construct
agricultural learning centre for villagers, sharing of marketing strategies and techniques (e.g.
packaging and e-selling, setting up website to promote products), skills development in co-
operative management (e.g. bookkeeping, supply chain management), etc.

 Projects primarily focusing on the following nature(s) will not qualify for YEP funding:
 Fund raising trip for overseas community
 Collection, transportation and distribution of items (books, clothing, medical supplies, etc.)
 Purely interactions with host community, home visits / home stay
 Study-trip type of projects/ Student-exchange programme/ Industrial attachment programme / Field trip
with no community service and learning elements

 Projects should encourage strong participation from the host community, promote interaction of youth
from both countries, and encourage mutual learning amongst youth from the different countries.

 Project should also adopt the Service-Learning methodology and leaders to ensure a structured
learning framework is in place.

 Projects should also be confined (whenever possible) to one locality (e.g. village, school etc.) to
reduce travelling time and allow participants more time for meaningful engagement with host

Encouraging Sustainable Partnerships

NYC would like to encourage sustainable partnerships between Singapore organisations and your
counterparts overseas. This can be achieved in any of the following modes (or in combination):

A. Singapore Organisation to Singapore Organisations that continue to work 60% of the allowable
Overseas Organisation (O2O) with the overseas organisations for at least 3 project cost.
years and are part of their strategic community
development plan through a geographical area or Amount is capped at
a social sector. E.g. Partnership with Sarawak $1000 per person,
Biodiversity Centre would lead Ngee Ann $20,000 per team, and
Polytechnic to work in the various villages in subjected to claims and
Sarawak. receipts.

Villages might differ, the host partner remains the An increase of 10%
same and the Singapore organisation is part of funding for the 3

the counterpart organisations overseas strategic project proposal OR

partners in their development efforts. when application is
supported by an
OR/AND MOU/agreement
signed between
Singapore Organisations that have adopted a Singapore
B. Singapore Organisation to community directly and are committed to organisation and
Overseas Community (O2C) contribute to the strategic development plans of overseas counterpart
the community for at least 3 years. E.g. Singapore organisation.
Polytechnic partners with Municipality of
Concepcion in the Philippines. SP contributed in
the various projects planned by the municipality in
various phases.

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To be eligible for 60% funding, projects have to:
• be at least a 14-day overseas expedition, with 70% of the duration spent on service component,
• encompass the pre and post expedition service projects in Singapore,
• be a continuation effort from the previous YEP trip*

*This YEP trip refers to the previous trips made by the Singapore organisation as part of their sustainable plans with
the overseas counterpart organisation.

Funding Quantum

YEP funds up to 50% of allowable personal costs, capped at $1000 per person or $20,000 per team, whichever is
lower. However, to cater to sector’s diverse needs/abilities, a range of funding quantum is available for

1. Teams who implemented the pre and post expedition projects in Singapore and the duration of overseas
expedition is less than 14 days

Percentage of funding
 13-day with 70% of the duration on service activities - 40% of the allowable project cost*
 12-day with 70% of the duration on service activities - 35% of the allowable project cost*
 11-day with 70% of the duration on service activities - 30% of the allowable project cost*
 10-day with 70% of the duration on service activities - 25 % of the allowable project cost*

(*Amount is capped at $1000 per person or $20,000 per team, whichever is lower.)

2. Sustainable partnerships between Singapore organisations and your counterparts overseas

 Duration of expedition: minimum 14 days with 70% of the duration spent on service activities
 60% of the allowable project cost, capped at $1000 per person or $20,000 per team, whichever is lower

3. Teams who are unable to conduct the pre-expedition project due to special reason(s) but completed the post
expedition project

• Minimum team size required: 13 person eligible for funding, excluding trained leaders
• Duration of expedition: minimum 14 days with 70% of the duration spent on service activities
• 20% of the allowable project cost, capped at $400 per person or $8000 per team, whichever is lower

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♦ The final disbursement amount is based on the statement of account, receipts, number of eligible
participants/leaders and eligible project costs.
♦ In the case of a surplus due to reduced number of participants/leader/resource person, changes in the itinerary
and expenditures, the final disbursement amount will be adjusted accordingly

Based on 50%* funding (*Percentage of funding may vary)

Items that can be considered for Funding

Description Remarks
Return Airfare & airport taxes -

Visa fees -

One reconnaissance trip  For 2 leaders.

 Minimum of 4 days (excluding transit days).
 Up to $250 per leader for expenses such as visa, meals, transportation,
accommodation and telecommunication costs (for operational and emergency
purposes only).
 50%* of the return airfare and taxes.
 Will only be reimbursed if project is implemented.

Accommodation  Leaders are required to seek accommodation that can help the team to immerse in
the host community e.g. community hall, classroom, a villager’s house, etc.
 Leaders need to ensure that economic disparity between the team and the host is as
visibly narrow as possible.
 Does not include costs incurred during R&R days.

Meals  Allowances for meals and per diem given to team are not considered for funding. All
claims to be substantiated with receipts to be eligible for reimbursement.
 Does not include meal costs taken during R&R days.

Transportation  Not inclusive of transportation taken in Singapore e.g. airport transfer.

 Not inclusive of costs incurred during R&R days.

Medical related items  Adequate medical insurance. Strongly recommended to secure insurance:
o with accidental death and permanent disability; minimum coverage of
o covers local and international emergency medical evacuation

 Medical staff / vehicle on standby for emergency during project implementation

(where necessary)

 Medical Supplies- e.g. anti-malaria pills, first aid kit, etc.

 Pre-trip Medical Check-up, Tetanus and Typhoid vaccinations
o Vaccines with long-term coverage e.g. Hep A and B should be borne by the
o Other vaccines may be considered if strongly recommended by medical
professionals e.g. Tan Tock Seng Traveller’s Clinic e.g. flu vaccine.

Project materials costs  Local projects: Project and transportation costs for/to beneficiaries.

 Overseas projects: No pre-determined amount; to be computed as part of the total

project expenditure.

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Others  Pre and Post expedition bonding camp / Team building expenses
o 50%* of expenditure, up to $150 per team, whichever is lower.

 Project documentation and compilation of report/ photos

o 50%* of the expenditure, up to S$50 per team, whichever is lower.

 A banner that bears the NYC and YEP logo

o 50%* of the banner cost, up to S$60 per team, whichever is lower.

 T-shirt for YEP expedition which bears the NYC and YEP logo
o 50%* of the T-shirt expenditure, up to S$5 per T-shirt, whichever is lower.

 Telecommunications (for operational and emergency purposes)

o 50%* of the telecommunication cost, up to S$100 per team, whichever is

The following items are not eligible for funding:

 Photographs for exhibition / video production costs

 Fundraising costs/ Capital for micro-credit projects

 Sight-seeing/ Guided tour costs, Rest & Relax / Recreational costs
 Entertainment expenses (thank you, farewell dinners, etc.)/ Gifts/Donations
 Coordination or administration fees of host partner / agency / travel agent
 Per diem or allowances to individuals and any other personal costs (e.g. personal international

The acceptance of the YEP project and training grant is an agreement to fulfil the YEP’s

In an event where a team does not meet our requirements and submit necessary
supporting documents as stated in our project report due to whatever circumstances,
foreseen or unforeseen, NYC will consider the project application lapsed and void the

As such, the team would be required to refund the full amount of our first grant
disbursement to NYC.

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1. YEP teams need to observe the following when carrying out their publicity plans:

For News Releases, Newspaper, Exhibitions, Magazine Articles and Media Interviews
 Please acknowledge YEP, NYC and Tote Board (Singapore Totalisator Board)* for all news releases,
newspapers, magazine articles, exhibitions and interviews by Media.

 Please check with the YEP staff on the source of your project grant.

 Please introduce YEP to the public as:

"Youth Expedition Project (YEP) is made possible and administered by the National Youth Council (NYC) and
the funding is made possible by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) and Tote
Board (Singapore Totalisator Board).”

For Marketing Collaterals

 Use of logo:
The following are guidelines on the application of logos onto T-shirts, banners, letterheads, e-mails and other
marketing collaterals.

For Voluntary Welfare Organisation, Youth

Organisation and Non-Institute of Higher
 Location: Place it at the right hand side of the banner.

 Soft copy of the logo is available at (under

toolbox-nuts and bolts)

For Institute of Higher Learning  Location: Same as above.

(Polytechnics, ITEs, NUS, SMU, NIE and
NTU, NAFA and Laselle)  Please check with YEP on the source of your project grant.

 Please include Tote Board’s (STB) logo if project is funded by

STB through YEP. Please contact Ms Lyne Chia at or 6879 2916 for publicity

YEP logo Pantone Code NYC logo Pantone Code

The process colours of the YEP logo colours are: The process colours of the NYC logo colours are:
orange - 60m 100y blue (capital Y) - 4C
green - 40c 100y green (national.youth.council) - 100c 90y 10k
grey - 60k green (underline) - 30c 94y

if the colours are to be produced in Pantone Colours it if the colours are to be produced in Pantone Colours it
should be represented by: should be represented by:
orange - P151C blue (capital Y) - 300C
green - 382C green (national..youth..council) - 347C
grey - Cool Gray 9 green (underline) - 30% of 347C

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