The Glory of Kings (El Kebet Ye Nesuwy)

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Enderase Amen

Nobel Servant of God

El Kebet ye Nesuwy
The Glory of Kings

A people are a family and nations are extended families living through out the same lands, some by the oceans, rivers lakes and streams others in the high lands and mountain peaks more still by the big valleys and some even among the wilderness of tress. But all are one great house made of many homes. And in these homes are ruled by councils chosen by the peoples consecrated in the persons of Kings and Queens. For the work of a sovereign is a servant of nobility for Amen (our creator) the Land (our sustainer) and the people (our name). For the King must bare and maintain a great name that his people must attain for the same, as like a father to his child. To my ancestors who preside over us in spirit; your children in the land of the dead call out to you bring forward thy proclaimer the great falcon spirit Heru for we are as a people, Tafa lost of our name our faith our birth rite and made fools for the multitude. But your truths where remembered in our souls and to the revealed became a honor to our hearts. Bring us back the spirit of righteous Kings and Queens for if they are sovereign in Amen we are sovereign for it is Amen who rules all. Let them be a store house of our faith, customs, love, bravery, honor and glory. Let them do as you did long ago and raise monuments and temples to Amen that the people will know wisdom and piety. For your children left from home and as they began new nations on distant countries they forgot their ways and even their true family. Until at last they where set upon by the children of Shatan bearing a curved knife in one hand and a double sword in the other. First the curved knife they put at the throats of Kings, so they spoke deceit to the people, teaching them that the first should be last and making the last first. With the double sword they instructed Queens to enslave their children by lost salvation. From this the Royal House fell, the elders sought only pleasure to forget their sins and did not watch the gates and their babies where stolen by the great river. War burned the land Amen was forgotten. For you know it is Shatan that works against families; first corrupting the father, than perverting the mother promoting every transgression to the children so that Ma'at does not hold, the family is lost the nation is lost and and all becomes a thing for Shatan to own. It is Shatan that takes away children from the parents and places them in a mob to be ruled by agents of corrupt principalities.

For we are of Nesuwy but who live as Tafawy, yet we are still the children of Ausar and Auset first King and Queen of the world so I tell you help your children, they have not all abandon or forgotten you and though you have placed your proclaimer before in many princes and princesses to serve them they have gave them over as sacrifice to devils. But your servant ask for mercy and understanding. For we are forced to work, eat and sleep in a field of manure but there are those that are as a proud mount that will whip his tail to get clean over and over again. Yet among them are the jackasses that loves to roll around in it. Help me to separate the useful steed from the dumb ass. O Aurisawy hear your servant where is of the great proclaimer that holy spirit, that fills men that they may see with their minds eye. That they may by reason know themselves and raise up again the glory of righteous kings. For all is by the will of Amen.. The Neter Sesen SSM / The Eighteenth Book. Of Auset the Virgin Mother

In different bodies, as I have already told you, your re-births will be different. Dissolution shall be a benefit, restoring your former happy condition. But if your conduct be unworthy of me, your prudence, becoming blinded and guiding you backwards, will cause you to take for good fortune that which is really a chastisement, and to dread a happier lot as though it were a cruel injury. The most just among you shall, in their future transformations, approximate to the divine, becoming among men, upright kings, true philosophers, leaders and legislators, true seers, collectors of salutary plants, cunning musicians, intelligent astronomers, wise augurs, instructed ministrants: all beautiful and good offices.

Thanks be to Amen that we should instruct Humanity on the Mat, teaching the ignorant in knowledge, and in the standard of good discourse, beneficial to him who hears, but woe to him who neglects them. Maa Kheru Ha er'n Amen, Ras Nahmir Amun (Head Minister)Of The Orthodox Assembly Enderase Amen

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