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The Kite Runner Novel Unit

Final Exam (100 points total) Total points: /100

Part One: Event Sort (2 points each - 20 points total) Put the following events from the novel into the correct order. Use copy and paste

Sorarya calls and explains people in the USA had been able to get Sorhab a humanitarian visa and he will not have to go back to an orphanage, however, Sorhab attempted to commit suicide in the bathtub. Amir wins the kite tournament. Before continuing on his journey back to Afghanistan, Amir leaves money for Wahids family under a mattress. Amir and Fahid go to a soccor match and watch a Talib stone a couple to death for acts of adultery. Fahid sets up a meeting between Amir and the Talib in the sunglasses. Mr. Andrews passes on the name of an immigration lawyer, Mr. Faisal and he explains the difficult process of adoption. Amir has to tell Sohrab he will have to go back to an orphanage. Amir goes to meet the Talib and discovers it is Assef. Amir and Assef fight. Sohrab blinds Assef in the left eye with his slingshot so Amir and Sohrab are able to escape. Amir hides money and a watch under Hassans mattress. Hassan admits to stealing the money and the watch, but Baba forgives him. Hassan and Ali leave anyway. Amir and Baba meet General Taheri and his daughter Soraya at the flea market in San Jose. Baba asks General Teheri if Amir can marry Soraya; he accepts. Amir takes Sorhab back to San Francisco and Sorhab becomes mute for a year. Amir and Baba escape to Pakistan in a fuel truck. They move to California; Amir attends high school and Baba works in a gas station. Zaman, the director of an Afghan orphanage, explains Sohrab was taken by a Talib a month before. Amir leaves America for Pakistan after a phone call from Rahim Khan. When in Pakistan, Rahim Khan asks Amir to return to Afghanistan and rescue Sohrab: Amir refuses at first. Amir watches Hassan get raped by Assef and runs away without helping his friend.

The Kite Runner Novel Unit

Amir graduates and begins studying creative writing at junior college, to Babas annoyance. In 2002, Amir takes Sohrab to fly a kite and Sorhab smiles for the first time. After 9/11. The General returns to Afghanistan. When they are children, Assef threatens Hassan and Amir with brass knuckles.

Part Two: Character and Symbolism (5 points each 15 points) For each of the following characters, give one object/symbol/personal item from the novel that represents three things about the character. Character Amir Object from the novel Three things that the object/symbol represents



The Kite Runner Novel Unit

Part Three: Important Passages (10 points each 40 points) For each quote, explain what was happening at that point of the novel and explain why it is important to the book. Important Quote What is happening at Why is the quote important to that point in the novel? the novel? (Consider plot, character and theme)

"There is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft....When you kill a man, you steal a life. You steal his wife's right to a husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness."" There is a way to be good again.

"Because when spring comes it melts the snow one flake at a time, and maybe I just witnessed the first flake melting" ""War doesn't negate decency. It demands it, even more than in times of peace."

The Kite Runner Novel Unit

Part Four: Open-ended responses (50 points) Write a one paragraph response for EACH of the prompts. Remember that your paragraph should have a topic sentence, at least three supporting details from the text followed by your expanation, and a conclusion. Use the rubric to answer the questions correctly. You may use quotes from ANY part of the novel to support your answer.

1) Discuss the theme of atonement as seen through any of these characters in the novel: Amir, Baba, Rahim Khan (see his letter on pp. 301-302), Hassan, Sohrab, etc. 2) The novel begins in the 1970s and works its way to the early 2000s. Although a work of fiction, it serves as a great historical reference to the way of life for the Afghani people over the last 40 years. Examine how the setting of the novel (the political changes in Afghanistan) has on impact on the events & conflicts of the novel.

Category A Answer the prompt.

Answered the Answered the Answered the Did not answer the prompt using the prompt using key question without question. title of the passage words from the using the title of the and key words from prompt. Did not use passage or key the prompt. the title of the words from the passage in the prompt. answer. Provided excellent Provided examples Provided Did not provide examples from the from the text. insufficient examples from the text. examples from the text. text. Supported each Supported each example with example with a excellent, relevant quote. quotes. Did not support all Did not provide examples with quotes. quotes.

P Provide example from the text

S - support the example with a quotes.

The Kite Runner Novel Unit

E Explain how theExplained clearly Explained how Did not explain how Did not provide example supports how each example each example and each example and explanations. the answer. and quote helped toquote helped to quote supported support the answer. support the answer. the answer.

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