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MICROSTATION TRAINING OUTLINE Lesson 1 - The Design File 1.1 The Design Plane 1.2 File Entry 1.

3 Graphics Menu Interface 1.4 Creating and Opening a File 1.5 Seed File 1.5.1 Saving and Exiting a Map File Lesson 2 - Digitizing and Drawing Concepts 2.1 Digitizing 2.2 Graphic Elements/Map Features 2.2.1 Linear Feature Elements Place SmartLine Place Line Place Point or Stream Curve 2.2.2 Area Feature Element Types Place Block Place Shape Place Orthogonal Shape 2.2.3 Point Feature Element Types Place Circle by Center Place Circle by Edge Place Circle by Diameter Place Active Point 2.2.4 Arcs Place Arc by Center Place Arc by Edge Arc Modification Commands Lesson 3 - Levels and View Manipulations 3.1 Levels 3.1.1 Active Level 3.1.2 Levels On/Off 3.1.3 Change Level 3.1.4 Level Symbology 3.1.5 Displaying Level Symbology 3.2 View Manipulations 3.2.1 Displaying Views 3.2.2 Window Tile 3.2.3 Window Cascade 3.2.4 View Controls Zoom In/Zoom Out Window Magnification and View Commands Dynamic Panning

Lesson 5 - Grouping Techniques 5.1 Fences 5.1.1 Fence Sub-Palette Options 5.1.2 Fence Operations 5.2 Selection Sets 5.2.1 Single Element Selection Sets 5.2.2 Multiple Element Selection Sets 5.2.3 Selection Sets within an Area 5.3 Graphic Groups 5.3.1 Creation of a Graphic Group 5.3.2 Dropping Graphic Groups Lesson 6 - Modifying Features/Elements 6.1 Modify Element 6.2 Partial Delete Command 6.3 Extend Line 6.4 Extend Two Elements 6.5 Extend Element to Intersection 6.6 Trim 6.7 Insert Vertex 6.8 Delete Vertex 6.9 Rotate Element 6.10 Copy Parallel 6.11 Construct Circular Fillet 6.12 Create Complex Chain 6.13 Create Complex Shape 6.14 Drop Complex Status Lesson 7 - Text 7.1 Fonts 7.2 Text Justification 7.3 Text Size and Spacing 7.4 Text Placement Commands 7.4.1 Place Text By Origin 7.4.2 Place Text Fitted 7.4.3 Place Text On 7.4.4 Place Text Above or Below 7.4.5 Place Text Along 7.5 Text Nodes 7.6 Text Manipulation Commands 7.6.1 Edit Text 7.6.2 Copy and Increment Text 7.6.3 Replace Text 7.6.4 Change Text to Active Attributes 7.6.5 Match Text Attributes 7.6.6 Display Text Attributes

7.6.7 View Text Attributes 7.7 Enter Data Fields 7.7.1 Fill in a Single Enter Data Field 7.7.2 Fill in Multiple Enter Data Fields 7.7.3 Copy Enter Data Fields 7.7.4 Copy and Increment Enter Data Fields 7.8 Place Note 7.9 Importing a Text File Lesson 8 - Cells 8.1 Cell Library 8.2 Cell Library Attachment 8.3 Graphic and Point Cells 8.4 Cell Creation Process 8.5 Cell Placement 8.6 Cell Library Lesson 9 - Patterning 9.1 Hatch Area 9.2 Cross Hatch 9.3 Area Patterning 9.4 Linear Patterning 9.5 Show Pattern Attributes 9.6 Delete Pattern 9.7 Pattern View Attributes 9.8 Custom Linestyles

Lesson 10 - Measurements 10.1 Measure Distance Tool 10.2 Measure Radius 10.3 Measure Length 10.4 Measure Area 10.5 Label Line Lesson 11 - Reference Files 11.1 Reference File Interface Mechanisms 11.2 Reference File Attachment 11.3 Identifying a Reference File 11.4 Reference File Level Display 11.5 Reload Reference File 11.6 Move Reference File 11.11 Reference File Level Symbology 11.12 Fit Design and Reference Files 11.13 Detach Reference File

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