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This fall, some of the classes have been going through the book of Proverbs and learning about wisdom and what God desires from us. He wants us to live a life of meaning and purpose. Solomon wrote in Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. God wants us to pursue godly wisdom so that we can make choices in our lives that will bring glory to Him. Our theme for Sunday School this year is Whats in it for me? When we look at the messages in advertising and media all around us, the world tends to focus on self. What do I need so that I can be successful. Success seems to be measured by what we gain, how much money we have, what kind of car we drive, how popular or famous we are. Godly wisdom focuses on our relationship with God. If we allow God to be our hearts desire, He will guide us and bless us, because He know whats best for us and has plans to use us in a bigger way than we can imagine.

November 2011

Altona EMMC Sunday School

You may have seen a long string of flags waving in the wind on Thanksgiving Sunday. Each flag was colourfully decorated and had one word on it, which may have seemed random and you may have wondered, What is this? Someones laundry?. No, it was not laundry, it was the creativity of the youth. They brainstormed things they were thankful for and then started to work with markers and a white triangle of fabric. Before the session was over we had 4 strings of thankful flags flying between the trees on the boulevards, so all could see and be reminded to be thankful. That was a special event Sunday, on a normal Sunday morning the youth in the second service join their peers in 3 classes. The senior high class have studied prayer, Jonah and Esther and are now in the midst of an painting elective. The junior high class is studying missions and have had several guests visit their class with mission reports and a taste of different cultures. The 3rd class is all about the worship music. They are an enthusiastic bunch that are learning to lead worship energetically like at camp. They memorize scripture, study the bible and bring their talents to the grades 16 department by leading a few worshipful songs each week. The one change this year, in an effort to work at a stronger relationship between the youth and their teacher, we are keeping classes together the whole year and working at bringing electives to them inside that framework. We will see how it works. Pray for the youth that they will Love God and others more and more. Kellin Friesen, Sandra Toews and Jessica Buetow faithfully serve each week as their teachers, pray for them too. They are an amazing bunch, the youth and the teachers. We have an opening with the senior high class as of December. Please consider being a teacher in this session.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR for these Sunday School Christmas Programs:

9:15 a.m. SS December 17th 7:00pm 10:45 a.m. SS December 24th 6:30pm
Questions? Talk to Dana Bergman 324-5601

all is over soon, and with it, Sunday School is settling into a routine. This year our major change for the year is the focus on a theme for all of Sunday School, and likely you'll read about that in a few articles in this newsletter. In Spring our discussion was focused on what the new year would look like and we challenged ourselves to answer the question What's in it for me?, using the verses from Matthew 6:19-21 as our theme verses. The answer is nothing and everything. Sometimes it feels like there is nothing to be gained by what we do, but we don't see the big picture as God does and thus we can't know how the small things we do affect eternity of those around us. Sometimes is seems as if there is nothing in it for us when we sacrifice our time, resources, and energy, and yet everything means something everything has eternal value.

We discussed that most people would say their biggest treasures are their families and their time. The things we say we truly treasure is where we'll spend our resources or put in our effort. I am so thankful for the Superintendents and their efforts to lead and guide their departments. I'm also thankful for our teachers and volunteers who impact our kids on a weekly basis. Truly we can see that they treasure Sunday School and that's where they've offered their time and energy. May you be blessed as you come in contact with Sunday School. Blessings,

Dana Bergman
Head Sunday School Superintendent

AGES 3-5 (10:45)

Charles Klippenstein

Our Sunday School session is off to an excellent start. It's wonderful to see new faces in Sunday School both young 2 or 3 year olds who are old enough to join us now, and also those who have joined us otherwise. These new faces, along with those who are more familiar with our Sunday School, make up a great, unique bunch of children. Our total number of registered children is 25, with about 15-20 being there on an average Sunday morning. With our theme in Sunday School this year being What's in it for me?, based on Matthew 6:19-21, we have tried something new. As a way of serving each other (even if there's no immediate reward for themselves), the classes have taken turns cleaning up our toy room towards the end of Sunday School. It may seem like a minor thing, but my hope is that the children are learning to do things for others and learning to store up heavenly treasures.

Cindy klassen, Superintendent


Sharleen Thiessen, Superintendent

GRADES 1-6 (9:15)

What's in it for me? This phrase is the Sunday school theme for the year. Why would we use such a selfcentered phrase for a S.S. theme, you might ask?? Well, we want the children that come to Sunday school to think about the impact Christ can have in their daily life hence, what's in it (Christianity) for me? Our desire is for the children of the 9:15 S.S. to look at the things they do, get involved in and support with the eyes of Jesus. We want them to ask themselves the questions what's in it for me if I go to church? What's in it for me if I am a Christian on the hockey team? What's in it for me if I help my mom or dad or grandparent? What's in it for me if I play nicely with my sister or brother? The answer is relatively simple Matthew 6: 19-21 makes it pretty clear "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break> in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. As we head into the weeks leading up to Christmas, our hope and prayer is that the children will learn the "What's in it for me?" about the Christmas story and the significance of Christ's birth. Christmas is after all the beginning of the journey to Christ's ultimate sacrifice so that we can freely receive the gift of salvation.


Jennifer Klippenstein

Many things have changed in our Sunday School group from last year: more kids are registered (71!); our group of teachers has changed quite a bit (still could use one or two more); weve changed our curriculum material from the David C. Cook to the God Rocks! Bibletoons lessons; and weve chosen as our overall theme for the year to be Matthew 6:19-21. We are asking our kids, Whats in it for you? These changes have made our Sunday morning a bit different from last year, but what has remained the same, and is of the utmost importance, is that God is praised - and you can see that in the enthusiasm from our kids each morning. Differences and changes are good when God is leading in that direction and his people follow. If your child is in Sunday School we are very grateful for the opportunity to help support and reinforce what Jesus has begun in them. There are two particular things I would like to address to our congregation: one is that we are still in need of at least one teacher. Being short on teachers is a hard thing to accept - there is no special skill required to leading children in a classroom: just the willingness to try. If you feel that God may be leading you towards teaching a Sunday School class, or if youd like to substitute someday; either come and talk with me, call me up or drop me an email, or just show up one morning and see whats going on. Glory be to God for all He is doing in this wonderful ministry! God bless,


Jeff Krahn,


AGES 3-5 (9:15)

Greetings In the Name of Our Lord and We have made a few changes in the Saviour, Jesus Christ. upstairs area. We no longer have the puppet stage. We have separated the puzzles & legos In my department I do not have any Sunday and the play dough toys from the general toys. school teachers yet. So I have taken on the We hope this will help us to make clean-up role of teaching. As long as I have a helper easier and provide a separate area for the every Sunday, it works out ok. Its a little quieter toys, as well as create better quality demanding at times but it works for now. Im play-time. We are asking everyone that uses hoping to get two half time teachers and two the upstairs area to please help us keep it half time helpers. Please help me pray about organized. Please tidy up when youre done this. using the area. We are continuing to use the Faith Weaver By now you may all have hear/read about curriculum. Im starting to feel right at home out theme for this year; Whats in it for me? with this curriculum. The answer or a reply to that is Nothing, yet everything! It means, there is no physical

reward but the feeling in our hearts will be our and simple things, so they will be able to reward. And that is a treasure stored up in heaven! understand what it means to serve and do kind Read Mathew 6:19 21. things for others without a reward. We want to teach our children to become good (or better) servants. Very often when a child (or even and adult) is asked to do something they expect some kind of reward. Rewards are not wrong; but we want to focus on doing kind, unselfish deeds for someone else without expecting anything in return. Therefore throughout this Sunday school year we will try to do something kind for others. The tasks for the 35 year olds will be very small Our project for now is Samaritans Purse. Donations from September & October will go towards Samaritans purse. This will be one way to help us in bringing home the lesson of doing kind deeds for others. Thank you and God Bless,

Anna Reimer,


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