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Personal Essay Topics

You can succeed in writing your personal essay by being natural and truthful. Being the self,
expressing your personal vision, your point of view is the one that counts and has a special
significance in this work. Just be honest with yourself and set to work at your essay.

1. Describe a significant experience or interest that has special meaning for you.
2. Describe one of your grandparents. What has he/ she accomplished in life? Would you like
to be like her/ him?
3. What are your long term career goals?
4. Does any specific attribute distinguish you from everyone else? How did you develop this
5. What are the reasons for your interests? Analyze your childhood. How were your interests
shaped from your upbringing?
6. How would your friends characterize you? Look at yourself from the side of other people
and analyze your character in such way.
7. What are your dreams of the future? Now looking back at everything you have done what
would you change?
8. Where do you see yourself, career wise, 10 years from now?
9. Of everything in the world what would you like to be doing right now? Where would you
like to be the most? Who would you prefer to be with at this moment?
10. Who was the most influential person in your life? How did this person make you want to
become better?
11. Have you ever wanted something so badly that you would do anything to get it? How did
you feel after you receiver or attained the thing that you desired? Did it make your life
happier or more miserable? Tell about such an experience.
12. What is your approach to life? Reveal your life philosophy.
13. What is your receipt of stress management?
14. What was the most difficult time in your life? How did you overcome these difficulties?
How did your perspective on life change as a result of the difficulty?
15. Describe your most rewarding experience.
16. Have you ever experienced a moment of solitude? How was it like?
17. An E-mail from the year 2105.
18. Have you ever struggled for something and failed? How did you respond? Have you
experienced a feeling of disappointment and dissatisfaction of yourself?
19. Imagine yourself being an actress. Tell about your feelings before the opening night of the
performance where you play the title role.
20. Have you ever fallen in love from the first sight? Tell about the first time you have met
this person. What did you feel at that moment?
21. Choose a prominent person that you would like to interview. Explain why.
22. Discuss your academic background and achievements.
23. Identify a person that had a significant influence on you and explain the influence.
24. Write a speech for delivery before some group or write an article for a publication.
25. Tell about a family outing or vacation. What did you learn from the experience?
26. Reveal your personality by naming all the positive and negative features you possess.
Which of them you’d like to get rid of and which you would like to promote and enhance.
27. Is there anything in your past that you would like to change? How would you change it if
you could?
28. Tell about your most unforgettable experience that you have ever had.
29. Write about a book that has special significance for you.
30. What are the most important extracurricular or community activities? What made you join
these activities?
31. Tell about a terrifying experience that you had when you were young.
32. Describe a social event that you took part in. (wedding, sports event)
33. Have you ever been involved in some serious wrong doing? What lesson did you learn from
that experience?
34. All of us learn from our failure as well as successes. What is something you gained from an
unsuccessful experience?

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