Letter To Washington State Attorney General Ombudsman For Open Government

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Debra Kolrud 12507 263rd AV SE Monroe, WA 98272 360-794-7958

September 9, 2010 Tim Ford Washington State Attorney General Office Open Government Ombudsman Olympia, WA Dear Mr. Ford, I'm writing to request a written analysis on yet another open government concern with Monroe School Board. As a Monroe School Board Director, I take seriously my role to protect the OPMA and work to ensure the publics right to open government. I'm forwarding email communications between my board President, Greg Accetturo and myself relating to grounds on holding an Executive Session. Ive also included them in this email letter. At the end of the last Monroe School Board regular meeting on August 23rd, the board was scheduled for an Executive Session. The agenda affirmed the purpose was to review the performance of an employee, in particular the Superintendent evaluation. However, before going into Executive session the President said the purpose of the Executive session was to go over "the how to" of the Superintendent's evaluation. Since I'm aware that the evaluation process is to be conducted in open public meeting, there was a discussion involing the President, another Director, Jim Scott, and the Superintendent Dr. Ken Hoover who all maintained the position to continue with the Executive session. The board continued with the Executive Session, of which there was no discussion or data shared relating to the Superintendents' review or performance. The only designed purpose and product of this Executive Session was to share the Superintendent evaluation process. I stayed and remaind present for this Executive Session in order to ensure I was provided the same information as my fellow Directors, while at the same time assuming additional information would be forthcoming or discussed anytime to warrant this Executive Session as specified by the board President. After the meeting, I had a discussion with the board President to clarify the merit

for his insistence to have these document and discussion shared in Executive Session and not an open public meeting. The President took an immediate and defensive position, which I believe is handicapping the ability to consider the merits of my concern. This is not the first time this issue arose relating to the evaluation process. Unfortunately with the President taking this guarded position, I fear resolution will not be obtained, leaving the Board exposed for possible violation to the OPMA. The difficultly, of course is the lack of audio recording or any kind of official minutes to offer as evidence. My district does not voluntarily record minutes or conduct an audio recording of the Executive Session. It's my hopes that you will review this situation and provide an analysis so we can move forward from your determination. I've copied both the Board President and Superintendent on this email letter. Here is the link to Board Docs, which houses all the Monroe School District business meeting information that you will need to review. Included is the audio (end of agenda) of the regular meeting where the discussion took place in the last 3 minutes of the meeting. The agenda and other supporting documents are also available through this link. http://www.boarddocs.com/wa/mpswa/Board.nsf/Public Go to the August 23, 2010 meeting and then click on view agenda. The Executive Session is at the end of the agenda item 10.01 along with supporting documents you can click on. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. Debra Kolrud Monroe School Director

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