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Legalizing Marijuana

Annia Denive Snchez Guerrero 2011

LEGALIZING MARIJUANA In order to manage a whole country, the government must start in the small towns and make decision to spread positive consequences. Also, it has the authority to control the problems and fix them, but sometimes there are many of them, that they bring more problems and it is more difficult for the authorities to resolve them. One of them is drugs thatcomes with a lot of social issues and then, business issues and public administration issues. Nowadays, it is one of topics of more controversy in the society. For example, the marijuana is one drug which the government has complained about legalizing it or not, for all the consequences could be in the society. In one side, it has a lot medicinal benefits, but in the other hand, it is one of the drugs more consumed in the continent (El imparcial, 2011). Therefore, it is used for contraband too. If we analyze this word, contraband, we can find many problems and other negative issues that we cant imagine. Furthermore, we can see news about it all around the world, but in this case, I will be focus in Mexico and United States of America. For that reason, I want to present you my opinion if the marijuana should be legalized or not, depending on the medicinal benefits, drug trafficking and the consequences in the society. First of all, the marijuana comes from a plant Cannabis that has a long participation through history. The first uses come from China, where the emperor Shen Nung recommended it for medicinal remedy (Brailowsky, S., 1995). Then it was used to produce some articles like ropes. Then with the introduction of the plastic, this plant was

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not necessary. However, we can look for many investigations about this plant, its production process, its benefits, and the negative consequences in many aspects of life. There are a variety of pages in internet and authors that guarantee the medicinal use of marijuana. For example, Jorge Morales (2010) recommend the use of this plant, and others pages, such Salud y Medicina and (Health and Medicine and that mention benefits on:
Migraine Slows the growth of tumors Helps prevent Alzheimer Prevents seizure Decreases Cancer,




nausea in cancer patients and reducing weight loss in cancer patients

Reduces muscle pain in patients



with multiple sclerosis

Stimulates appetite AIDS Chronic pain.

premenstrual syndrome
Help combat compulsive disorder /

Glaucoma Epilepsy

It is important to emphasize this information is not supported by an Institution or other Organization that is dependable, so its the responsibility of each person to trust in these marijuana uses. Moreover, when I read this information, and more articles of that, we can see contradictions and how they accentuate that it can work depending on the portion the person consumes. This portion needs to be very strict and scheduled by a
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doctor. Also there is a Canadian investigation (2005) on the marijuana benefits in the mind of the persons by improving memory and the mood and reducing anxiety. In my opinion, if it is true, medicine can have a better development because these remedies are from plants that are natural, not for chemicals that can intoxicate the body in long term. Also, the alternative medicine or herbal medicine is already having more fame. In my personal experience, my mother prefers use Chinese medicine based on plants, seeds and roots for these reasons. Additionally, if in the future marijuana is used for medicinal remedies, it should be very regulated by the health organization and regulated by the government, with special rules for it. Following this point, in the government regulations, there are a lot of problems, and one of them is drugs trafficking. This is the real environment the society is dealing with. If we analyze charts, news, requirements and the ways the drugs dealers use in order to move the merchandise is awful, horrible and so sad. Also, we find a lot of corruption too of the government and other authorities in this situation. Recent events show how the USA confirms its solidarity in order to help Mexico and other Latin countries fight against drugs trafficking (El economista, 2011). This situation needs the attention of both countries, in this case, Mexico and USA, because in Mexico is where the marijuana is planted and sent to USA, where it is consumed in more portion. For example, there is a research in 1997 that shows the consuming in Mexico comparing with USA by the Secretaria de Salud (Health Department in Mexico). While in Mexico 4.7% of the population has tried the marijuana once in their life, the

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32.9% in USA has tried marijuana once in their life. If we divided by ages, we have this chart.

This information is from this department, which has another section in charge of obtaining national statistics of use of drugs (Encuesta Nacional de Adicciones). In USA, there is the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse that has similar responsibilities.

Ages 12-17 18-25 26-34

Mexico 1.43 5.78 7.20

USA 18.9 41.5 47.9

In addition, there are news about the consumption of drugs in Mexico that shows the consumption of marijuana has been doubled in last 6 years (Juarez R., 2011). In 2008, according to statistics of Mexico the population between 12 and 65 years old whom consume marijuana is 3.14 millions of people instead of USA, in 2010 statistics mention 17 millions of drugs consumers, that means 3 more millions of 2007 (Cooper, A., 2011). If in 3 years increase one million, in 2008 could be 15 million that is 4.77 times more than Mexico. Analyzing this panorama, the strong problem in Mexico is not the consumption, it is production. The bad side is that we have the worst part in my country; we have the drug dealers and all the crime. Drug dealers send the drugs in the worst ways, like inside the bodies, which the criminals kidnap of stole and other bad things that I dont want to say but I know it exists. I know, in Colombia there send drugs inside the womens breasts and more things.

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But, is this important? Who is the client? If consumers from USA claim for marijuana, means that the business needs to continue? What is the culture in USA? Why are 17 millions of consumers in USA? In my opinion, USA is complaining about legalizing drugs or not, the benefits and consequences, but my question is if they really know and understand they are one of the most important clients of this product. I have heard more about finishing the drugs trafficking, but if they have a lot of consumers, how they expect to stop this business. In Mexico The SSP said that the total wholesale market for illicit drugs in Mexico is 431.6 million dollars for drug trafficking (Juarez, R. 2011). As American says this business its the big fish. I believe that this problem of drug trafficking and all its consequences dont stop with legalizing marijuana; it is creating a culture with habits of consumption in both countries. I know this is not easy, but we need to start with something. I think it will be good if marijuana will be legalized, but the government must do a lot of things before that. For example, create and promote a specific portion of marijuana, with specific purposes. The government would establish some objectives of this issue and laws to regulate this business. Also, determine specifics areas of consumption out of the cities. We ought to recognize that this issue is out of the authoritys capacity, and the Global Commission on Drug Policy says that is necessary to change the strategy and talk about legalizing drug with open mind and see it as an option (El imparcial, 2011). It is fundamental to think about how to control the consumption and both countries, Mexico and USA, work together in this issue, if marijuana will be legalized it should be in both countries too. There were opinions of different politicians in Mexico that they cant imagine if one of them decide in favor and the other not, they said that all
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the activities against drug trafficking havent had sense (CNN Mexico, 2010). In conclusion we need to be aware of all the consequences and promote values in the family, that the key in my opinion. If the kids have values, they would have an objective in their life and they will act according their beliefs. REFERENCES

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