Lesson Plan On Listening 8 - IX - Smt2

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Lesson Plan School Subject School unit Grade / Semester Time Allocation Theme : English : Public Junior High

School 1 Malang : IX / 1 : 4 x 45 minutes : Social life, Saint

I. Competence Standard : 8. Listening To Understand the meaning stated in sponen functional texts and short simple monologue in form of narratives, report, and news item to communicate in daily life or in academic contexts II. Basic competence 8.1 To understan the explicit meaning through short simple spoken texts interactively, in foorm of narrative, report, and news item to communicate in daily life or in academic context. 8.2 To understan the implicit meaning through short simple spoken texts interactively, in foorm of narrative, report, and news item to communicate in daily life and/or in academic context. III. Indicators A (Functional Text) To identify the meaning of the short functional like short message , announcement/caution, and advertisment. To identify infomation stated in the short functional texts like short message , announcement, and advertisment, and formal letter. B (Monologue Text) -To identify the explici and implicit tmeaning of the textxs ( Narrative, Report, and News item). - To identify the type, language feature, and communicative purpose of the texts. ( Narrative, Report, and News item). . IV. Learning Objectives - By the end of the study the students are able to understand the explicit and implicit meaning stated in Functional Text of short message , announcement, and advertisment. - By the end of the study the students are able to understand the explicit and implicit meaning stated in monologue texts like Narrative, Report, and News item V. Learning Materials - Session 2: Functional texts of short message , announcement, and advertisment, and formal letter Taken from - Taken from - internet, news paper, and magazine. - Session 3: Narrative, Report, and News item Takken from The Bridge ( English competence) page 60 up to 63 for Narrative, page 20 up to 25 for report, and English Text in Use page 106 up to 107 for the news items

VI. Technique and method Active, creative, effective, and fun learning + Three phase technique. VII. Learning activities A. (Functional Text) 1. Question and answer about everything related to the kinds of texts learned through models. 2. To discuss the communicative purpose and the language characteristic of short functional texts. 3. To listened to certain short functional text 4. To answer the questions based on the content of the text. B.(Monologue Text) Narrative texts: To listen to oral narrative, report, and news item texts To discuss vocabularies or phrases related to the text. To discuss the language characteritic (Past tense, past perfect tense, complex sentences, Time linkers: one day, then, after that, finally etc). To discuss generic structures of the text To discus the social functions/ communicative purpose of the texts. VIII. Study sources - Listening script - Snapshot - SBI hand book - VCD - Cassette IX. Assessment A. Functional texts of short message , announcement, and advertisment, and formal letter Written test: Making product of short message , announcement/ caution, advertisment, and formal letter B. Monologue Text of narrative, report, and news item texts Written test : Listen to the text, answer the questions in Complete and Short answers The listening script is taken from interned/ text book/ or other sorces. The description in scoring of the assessment : 100 divided by the total numbers of the test items, then multiplied by the total numbers of the correct ones Verified by The Head Master of Publik Junior High School 1 Malang Malang, June 30 2009 The teacher

Drs.Hadi Hariyanto.M.Pd. Nip: 19551027 198603 1 008

Sulistiyani,S.Pd. Nip: 19601025 198403 2 012


Appendix 1: Session 2 (short functional texts like short message , announcement/ caution, and advertisment, and formal letter) - Taken from - internet, news paper, and magazine.
Indicators (Functional Text) To identify the meaning of the short functional like short message , announcement/ caution, in formal letter and advertisment. To identify infomation stated in the short functional texts like short message , announcement/caution, informal letter and advertisment. Learning Objectives -By the end of the study the students are able to understand the explicit and implicit meaning stated in Functional Text of short message , announcement, and advertisment. Learning/ Teaching steps I. Pre activities: greeting roll call Reviewing lesson/ Checking homework. Brainstorming short messages, announcements/caution, informal letter and advertisement. 1. Have you ever read newspaper or magazines ? 2. What can you find there? 3. Have you ever taken an announcement and advertisement? about what? 4. What is it / are they for? 5. How is the language characteristic? 6. Besides through those medias, in what other media can you find them? 7. What about short messages? Have you ever found through them ( all the medias mentioned)? 8. Well now please pay attention to the examples here. II. Main activities: - To observe the examples of them through the LCD. - To analyze the explicit and the implicit meaning stated in them. III. Post activities - Reinforcement: To make summary of the characteristics of them about the type, the function, the language. - Reflection : Making drafts of short message , announcement caution, informal letter and advertisment. (Preparation for writing 6 ). Note: Malang, June 30 2009 The teacher Sulistiyani,S.Pd Nip: 19601025 198403 2 012

Appendix 2: Session 3 (Monologue texts like narrative, report, and news item texts) Takken from The Bridge ( English competence) page 60 up to 63 for Narrative, page 20 up to 25 for report, and English Text in Use page 106 up to 107 for the news items
Indicators (Functional Text) To identify the meaning of the short functional like narrative, report, and news item texts To identify infomation stated in the narrative, report, and news item texts Learning Objectives -By the end of the study the students are able to understand the explicit and implicit meaning stated in narrative, report, and news item texts Learning/ Teaching steps I. Pre activities: greeting roll call Reviewing lesson/ Checking homework. Brainstorming narrative, report, and news item texts II. Main activities: - To work in group of four to discuss narrative, report, and news item texts III. Post activities - Reinforcement: To make summary of the characteristics of them about the type, the function, the language. - Reflection : - To Translate the three form of the texts of narrative, report, and news item texts to Indonesian - To make just simple short essays text of narrative, report, and news item texts for preparation speaking 10 ( The students may choose one of them).


Malang, June 30 The teacher



Nip: 19601025 198403 2 012

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