TheSun 2008-11-05 Page08 PR-Led States To Unite On Waste Management

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8 theSun | WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 5 2008

news without borders

PR-led states to unite Accountant files

action to stop

on waste management
by Humayun Kabir of roads,” he said.
road signs
by Himanshu Bhatt

GEORGE TOWN: An accountant from

Pahang has applied for a court order to “All the core stop the state authorities from installing
responsibilities, such road signs in various languages in the
IPOH: The five Pakatan as cleaning of heritage zone.
Rakyat-led state governments drains, handling Nik Rizman Sapian, 33, of Kuala Lipis,
in Perak, Penang, Selangor, landfill, and applied for the order at the Penang High
Kedah and Kelantan are likely maintenance Court yesterday afternoon, naming the
to take a united stand against of public Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP)
the federal government’s toilets, and the state government as the defend-
move to implement the Solid public parks ants.
Waste and Public Cleansing and public Some 50 supporters chanting slogans
Management Act 2007 markets will be gathered at Dewan Sri Pinang, next to the
through three concessionaire surrendered to this courthouse, after they had marched about
companies nationwide by company and the local 200m with Nik Rizman from the nearby Es-
year-end. council will be rendered planade.
They intend to sue the powerless to act on public In his writ of summons, Rizman also sought
federal government if it goes complaints.” a declaration that the state government’s move
ahead and implement the act. Nga spoke to reporters to approve MPPP’s application to install the
State education, local after Mentri Besar Datuk Seri road signs was at odds with article 152 of the
government, housing and Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin Federal Constitution, which states that the
public transport committee chairman Nga Kor Ming officiated at the first state motivation seminar for the national language is Malay.
said yesterday the federal government’s move would 338 councillors in the 15 councils in Perak at the State Rizman identified himself as a member of
impose an additional financial burden on the people Secretariat. the pro tem committee of the Confederation
because it would privatise most of the services now of Young Malay Graduates (Gabungan Graduan
carried out by the local councils. Melayu Muda) which, he said, comprised pro-
“I have discussed this matter with the state fessionals like lawyers, engineers and account-
governments of Penang and Selangor and they have
agreed to take a united stand,” he said.
“I shall be contacting the two other state
Ong’s masterpiece ... ants.
“As a Malaysian citizen, it is my right and
responsibility to respond to the Penang govern-
governments of Kedah and Kelantan and I believe
they will also agree to take a united stand.
“The federal government has been hasty in
M ISS World Malaysia 2008 Soo Wincci shows off
her elegant evening gown named Jewel of
the Pacific, designed by the official couturier of
ment’s decision as it has breached the Federal
Constitution,” he said.
Asked to comment on Chief Minister Lim
pushing through the act without proper feedback
Miss World Malaysia Carven Ong. Soo leaves Guan Eng’s clarification that the signs
from the public and without consulting the state
for Johannesburg on Nov 15 to take part in a would only be installed at certain herit-
governments as they should do under the Local

month-long series of activities in the run-up age streets and that the use of Malay

Government Act, which states that the federal

to the Miss World 2008 pageant grand would be upheld, Rizman said he was
government cannot impose any local government

finals on Dec 13. The 23-year-old will wear acting based on what he had read in
act in any state without the consent of the respective
the gown to compete against 100 other

state governments.” the media.

contestants from around the world for He told the reporters to direct all
Nga said the privatisation of the council services

the best designer award. Ong said he their other questions to his lawyer.
to the three concessionaire companies would mean

got his inspiration to design the gown Rizman said in his writ, filed

the assessment rates would go up “which will cause

from the ocean mermaids and the through Muar-based lawyer
financial hardship to the public during this downturn

phrase ‘Save the World’, elements Sahrihan Jani, the Penang govern-
in the economy”.
that he had incorporated into the ment had, at its state executive
“There is a price tag for every service undertaken
gown. Yesterday’s event was also council meeting on Oct 24, ap-
by the concessionaire company like, for example,
held in conjunction with the launch proved MPPP’s application to install
the removal of carcasses from public places such
of Ong’s Aloha! Love Forever!
as those of cows, which will cost RM250 each, cats the road signs within the George
autumn/winter collection.
or dogs, which will cost RM100 each, and chickens, Town heritage site.
which will cost RM40 each.” State executive councillor
At present, he said, the local councils removed Chow Kon Yeow said it was Riz-
such carcasses without charge. man’s right as a citizen to file for
“The concessionaire companies will bill the local the injunction.
councils for the cost of the services undertaken by He also said he was collecting
them instead of billing the public directly to avoid public feedback on the multilingual
public complaints. Nevertheless, the local councils road signs to present to the state
will pass on the cost to the public by increasing the executive council for discussion.
assessment rates,” he said.
“At present, members of the public caught littering
in public places are slapped with fines of up to RM250
by the councils, which can be reduced on appeal.
“However, when the new act comes into effect, the Perform or out you go, MB tells councillors
concessionaire company will have extensive power IPOH: The state government will get tough themselves in activities that will tarnish the “Ratepayers will be happy to pay their as-
to impose fines, whereby the minimum is RM10,000 and terminate the services of any of the 338 image of the state. sessment dues if the councillors perform to
and the maximum RM100,000 or six months local councillors not performing their duties to “Any local councillors found to misuse their the expectations of the public,” he said.
imprisonment, or both. the state’s expectations and those who try to power for their personal agenda, misbehave The mentri besar also called for healthy
“Also, the state government and local government tarnish the image of the state by using their or practise racial discrimination will have their competition among the 15 local councils,
will be burdened by the act, whereby both must apply posts for their personal agenda. services terminated,” he said while officiating which would motivate them further in en-
for licences from the housing minister or director- Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar at a one-day orientation seminar for the coun- hancing thire services to the public.
general before they can handle their duties.” Jamaluddin said yesterday “the personal cillors from the 15 local government councils. Education, local government, housing and
Calling on the federal government to review the records of all the councillors must be impec- “There is no room for personal interest, so public transport committee chairman Nga
act, Nga said the scope of the concessionaire company cable and they must live up to the image of do not force me to open the door and push Kor Ming, who was present, told reporters
is “wide and far-reaching as it covers almost all the giving their best in services to the rakyat”. you out (of the council).” the state government would assess the per-
basic and core activities of the local councils”. As ambassadors of the state, he said, they Mohammad Nizar said there would be no formance of the 338 councillors at the end of
“The local councils will only be left with the duties must safeguard the image of the state gov- problem recruiting new councillors ”as there the year and the non-performing councillors
to do landscaping, approving plans and maintenance ernment at all times and should not involve are 2,000 applicants in the waiting list”. wouldl be dropped and replaced.

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