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Connections member newsletter november/december 2008

Should you add the government to

your customer list? 
November 2008 By Patricia Lee
Public Relations Director
18-19 Practical Lean Level I
Park Ridge (Chicago), Ill. “Business has slowed down.”
20 Building Lean Safety into the
Company Culture “Our biggest customer just closed their doors.”
Park Ridge (Chicago), Ill. “Gas prices are keeping people from buying RVs.”
These are just a few of the comments we’ve If these people can do it, so can you:
December 2008 heard at FMA from companies who say • How about the retired woodworker who
3 FabCast–LeanGreen they need to acquire new business to replace now provides wooden handles to the
something that’s been lost. Maybe they’ve government for stretchers…
served a specific customer or industry for
10 - 11:30 a.m. CST decades, and they aren’t sure where to turn • Or the small (nine person) precision
3-4 Fundamentals of Tool Steel to diversify. machine shop that’s now making tooling
Park Ridge (Chicago), Ill. If you’re in that situation and haven’t for the aerospace and pharmaceutical
4 Machine Safeguarding for considered government work, now could industries…
Fabricators be the right time. A lot of small businesses • Or the three employee business
think they are too small or too specialized to providing more than a million dollars
Buena Park, Calif.
be able to provide products for the in fasteners to the military….
9-10 Practical Lean Level II government. They also think it must be a
Park Ridge (Chicago), Ill. bureaucratic nightmare to even try. • Finally, there’s the junkyard owner who
12 FabCast–Introduction to The truth is there are thousands of provides old junked cars to the U.S. Air
small companies selling to the government Force to train rescue personnel in Jaws
Stamping Dies
every year. of Life and other emergency services.
10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. CST
You have an opportunity to replace some These are just a few real-life examples of
of your private sector business with state and enterprising small businesses that found a
January 2009 local government work and reap the benefits niche they could fill and are now
of diversification and reliable cash flow. benefiting from the time they spent
23 FabCast–Fundamentals of The Procurement Technical Assistance becoming a government supplier. You’ll read
Stamping Presses Center (PTAC) network covers the United about more in the small business toolkit. It
10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. CST States and provides the expertise to help just proves you don’t have to make tanks or
any interested business determine what they aircraft carriers to be a government supplier!
Details at might provide, how to discover the
government’s need for their services, and
how to become a supplier. This is a free
service and usually is available through an More Information
office located at a college or university near
you. Visit the PTAC Web site where you can PTAC Web site
research assistance center.................. 3
get more information.
education......................................... 4 FMA recently discovered a small business
toolkit about government contracting that Small Business Tool Kit
“go brennan” scholarship.................. 8 you can download for free. It’s a great way to
newsmakers.....................................10 learn all the basic information about adding
the government to your customer list. business_guide/sbg.
See sidebar at right for the Web link. aspx?nid=P09_1000

Q: We’re getting ready for another OSHA inspection. We’ve added some laser cutting
equipment since our last inspection and need to know what OSHA regulations
govern laser equipment.

recommendations for Laser Safety Officers and Laser Safety

A: At this time, OSHA does not have a comprehensive Committees in all types of laser facilities.
ANSI Z 136.1 calls for a Laser Safety Officer, and proper
standard on laser safety. OSHA has published several documents,
however, that you should review before the inspection: training for laser operators. The degree of training required is
spelled out in the ANSI standard and is determined by the
STD 01-05-001 [Pub. 8-1.7] Guidelines for Laser Safety
classification of laser equipment the operator controls. Laser
and Hazard Assessment
training is available through the Laser Institute. Check
21 CFR 1040 Performance Standards for Light-Emitting for more information.
Products The ANSI standard also describes laser warning signs that may
29 CFR 1910.133 Eye and Face Protection Standard be required. More information about the standard, including its
[subpart of Occupational Safety and Health Standards] purchase, is available from ANSI at
Additional laser safety practices are found in the newly updated
29 CFR 1926.54 Subpart D Nonionizing Radiation FMA / CNA Safety & Loss Control Manual e-version which is
[subpart of Safety and Health Regulations for Construction] free to all FMA & TPA members. The document is listed on the
These documents are available on the OSHA Web site Members Only section of Other documents, such
[] and provide general guidelines for the safe use of as a sample company-wide laser safety program, and laser safety
lasers. The acknowledged greatest occupational hazard of lasers is checklists, are available from the Safety.BLR link on the Members
eye damage because the laser beam focuses an intense amount of Only section of the FMA Web site.
light onto a small area. If a person looks straight at a laser beam, The FMA store offers three styles of laser safety eyewear
or its reflection, the beam focuses on a small area of the eye’s designed for use with CO2 lasers. Refer to
retina causing severe damage, and possibly resulting in permanent, product numbers LASEF2, LASEF3,
blindness. and LASEF4 for more details.
Protective eyewear is one of the most important safety Many resources are available to help you with the audit.
precautions. Provide your laser operators with eyewear that is Remember, the basic principle is protection – that’s the best
specifically designed to be worn when working around lasers and practice for everyone.
should protect a person for a minimum of a 10 second exposure.
Filtering screens are available for longer exposures. People who Summary of Laser Safety Considerations
work in the general area of lasers should also wear protective eye 1) Are all laser operators provided with adequate eyewear?
equipment, even if they do not work directly on the lasers. 2) Does everyone working or walking in the laser area wear
Other potential hazards include noxious fumes and ultraviolet protective eyewear?
radiation. The presence of these hazards may require ventilation 3) Does the laser process cause hazardous fumes exceeding
systems or respirators, or protective clothing such as gloves. acceptable levels of exposure?
Be aware that the General Duty Clause of the OSHA Act of 3a) If yes, is there adequate ventilation or do operators
1970 requires employers to furnish each of his employees a place wear respirators?
of employment which is free from recognized hazards that are 4) Does the laser process create harmful levels of radiation?
causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm. 4a) If yes, do operators wear appropriate protective clothing?
Many OSHA inspectors have used that phrase when reviewing 5) Are laser operators adequately trained?
laser operations as a basis for requiring employers to revise 6) Is someone designated as a Laser Safety Officer?
workplace practices to conform to the recommendations and 6a) Is the person properly trained or certified?
7) Is signage and/or labeling required?
requirements of standards such as the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI) Z 136.1 series of standards on
laser safety.
The ANSI series of laser standards are published by the Laser As a member, you have access to the largest and most extensive library devoted to
the metal forming and fabricating industry—a benefit reserved exclusively for
Institute of America (LIA) and are recognized by OSHA as the
members. FMA’s Research Assistance Center is the most efficient source for the
requirements for an effective laser safety program. OSHA states in
information you need to optimize your operation. Advantage and AdvantagePlus
its Guidelines that although the Z 136.1 standard is not a law, it Members enjoy unlimited FREE research, while Basic Members receive one hour
has direct impact on laser standards worldwide. of FREE research assistance per month. Get your research questions answered
ANSI Z 136.1-2007, Safe Use of Lasers, provides information when you call the Research Assistance Center at 1-815-399-8700 or
on how to classify lasers for safety, laser safety calculations and e-mail
measurements, laser hazard control measures, and

FMA Heads West to…Vancouver!
Brenco 25th Anniversary Celebration
When most people think of a birthday party, they think of balloons,
cake, cheesy music, and, depending on the age of the celebrator, a
clown or two. FMA 2008 Chairman Steve Heim would have none of
that for Brenco’s big day. Jim Warren, FMA’s director of education,
made the trip out to Delta, British Columbia, to witness the festivities.
“Wow! Steve and the Brenco crew really know how to throw a
party!” said Warren. “What a treat and honor it was for FMA to be
part of this celebration.”
Clowns and cake were replaced by a traditional Irish band, brats,
shish kebabs, and a charitable fundraiser – all enjoyed by a few
hundred people, including the Delta mayor, local premier, customers,
suppliers, family – you name it, they were there. To top it off through The relationship between Brenco, Kwantlen, and FMA is centered
generous donations of equipment, tools, wine, and golf packages from on what is called a Certified Education Center (CEC). These centers
Brenco’s suppliers and customers, the Brenco 25th Anniversary Silent are a partnership between FMA and technical schools to engage,
Auction raised just under $3,000 for the FMA’s Foundation! Way to educate, and certify young people in the field of metal fabricating.
go Steve and Brenco crew! The primary beneficiary of CECs are employers who reap the
Brenco was founded in 1983 – right in the middle of the hard times rewards of a skilled (and replenishing) work force. Fabrication
that hit British Columbia from 1981 and lasting until 1985. Twenty- instructor Rob Finlayson arranged a complete tour of the new
five years later, the company has tremendously grown. The state of the campus for FMA.
art facility currently in use is 12 times the size of the original shop. “This was one of the most advanced welding training facilities I’ve
However, growth is more than a measurement of square footage. Heim seen anywhere – hands down,” said Warren. “Kwantlen has a two-
is able to boast that 30 percent of his staff has been with Brenco for year waiting list to get into its welding program and it’s easy to see
more than 10 years. Although this is an important statistic, Heim is why. Equally impressive is the fabricating program and its AccurPress
just as proud of the fact that roughly a quarter of his staff was not even press brake with new controls and tooling. The future looks good for
born when his company began! Kwantlen and their students!”
Brenco is prepared for the future with a diverse staff of young and
experienced working side by side. Not all companies in the metal One of North America’s Largest Metals
processing field are so lucky. Brenco is a strong Advantage Member of
FMA. Distribution, Processing Companies
Dan McLeod, district manager of Advantage Member A.J. Forsyth
/ A Div. of Russel Metals Inc., was gracious enough to host FMA on a
plant tour. A.J. Forsyth, a company begun by its namesake as an
import/export business in 1908, grew into the entity it is today in
2001 when shares of the company were bought by Russel Metals.
McLeod currently serves on FMA’s Plate Processing & Fabricating
Technology Council, and is a veteran of several Metal Matters
Conferences. He brought the plant along the path toward lean
manufacturing, including a robust 5S program and a logical lean flow
of products through the plant. Times are good for A.J. Forsyth and
longtime employee Dan McLeod is leading the way. Dan has also
recently been elected to serve a three-year term on FMA’s Board
of Directors.

Final Stop...The Bobsled Man

The final stop on this Vancouver tour was at Ideal Welders with
company founder and president Jim Longo. Jim personally took FMA
Tell Me About Kwantlen on a tour of his busy pipe fabricating plant. Jim’s company fabricated
The Kwantlen people, an indigenous Coast Salish people in and installed the pipe used for the bobsled run at Whistler Sliding
British Columbia, are a subgroup of First Nation or Native American Centre that will be used for the 2010 Winter Olympics. Read the
cultures. It is also the namesake of FMA’s newest Certified Education whole story on Jim Longo and Ideal Welders online at thefabricator.
Center (CEC). com by searching Ideal Welders. Jim’s company and this project were
Steve Heim has fostered a great relationship with Kwantlen featured in TPJ—The Tube & Pipe Journal (July/August 2008).
Polytechnic University (, located in Surrey,
British Columbia. The University’s new trade and technology focused For more information on FMA’s Certified Education Centers, or
Cloverdale Campus, and its seven-figure price tag, show this Canadian to join a Technology Council, e-mail or call
Province’s commitment to educating a new generation of skilled 888.394.4362.
The Most Valuable Benefit You’re Not Utilizing: “Fabrinomics”
“Fabrinomics” officially launched a year ago, giving Advantage and In addition to responding to current news stories, Dr. Kuehl also
AdvantagePlus members summaries of recent relevant business and provides original content that speaks directly to manufacturers. Read
economic stories. Now, more than ever, this benefit gives you exclusive the excerpt below, taken from the October 22 edition, for a recent
insight on how this news can impact your business. example of his commentary.
“Fabrinomics” is authored by Dr. Chris Kuehl, FMA’s economic Basic members: Want to try out “Fabrinomics” and find out what
analyst and founder of Armada Corporate Intelligence. His economic you are missing? Visit to sign up for a free
analysis will help you understand how this news can impact your trial. Advantage-level members and contacts should automatically
business. E-mail Chris today at with your receive this benefit twice a month. Contact customer service at
comments and questions. 815.399.8775 if you believe you should be receiving this e-newsletter.

What Signs Will Show Credit Crisis is Weakening? What Direction Will the Auto Industry Go?
Thus far, the global financial crisis has involved everything from $700- The travails of the auto industry have been well-documented over the past
billion bailouts (not forgetting another $100 billion for rum subsidies and year. It goes without saying that nearly everything that could go wrong in
such), bank nationalizations in Iceland, dramatic declarations to fully back this sector has gone wrong. High fuel prices dampened interest in the larger
depositors in Ireland and Germany, and massive outpourings of liquidity from vehicles that had been in demand. Consumers began to be concerned about
the central banks around the world - all geared to rescuing the credit markets. their jobs and their household debt as the sub-prime crisis escalated to a level
The questions on the minds of business people are almost too varied to count, where the entire banking system has been affected. Those who still want to
but the big ones are, will this work, and how will we know? buy a car are having trouble qualifying for loans, so demand is generally down.
The primary problem is that banks have too much “toxicity” in their Raw material and labor costs are up. The decline in the U.S. Big Three has
portfolios. These bad debts are hovering over them and making banks highly been close to catastrophic, and many analysts are unsure what the U.S. auto
distrustful of one another. The bad portfolios have paralyzed the normal flow market is destined to look like in the future.
of lending, which has driven up the indicative rates to the point where credit There are at least three scenarios in play at the moment, and all of them
has been evaporating. This is making it very hard for businesses to get loans. are likely to develop to some degree. The first is that the Big Three will
Consumers are also struggling to get car loans, mortgages, and even extended consolidate in one way or another. It looks likely that GM and Chrysler will
credit card debt. If the credit markets remain this tightly shut, the economy combine, despite the challenge of finding funding for the merger. Cerberus
will slide that much deeper into decline. wants to get out of their investment in Chrysler to some degree, and seems
We’ve identified the problem, but how do we know whether the intended prepared to sweeten the pot to keep GM interested. The combined company
fixes are working? The best indicator will be what happens to key interest rates will have roughly a year to make its move. Ford is another story. It may file for
and certain elements of banking behavior. The most important set of bankruptcy protection in order to reorganize - not unlike the actions taken by
indicators are those that are collectively known as LIBOR - London the airlines a few years ago. It may also position itself for some kind of
Interbank Offered Rate. There are a variety of these - overnight, one month, combination with a foreign car company.
three months, and so on. They are designated as dollar rates and euro rates This leads to the second scenario - more engagement in the U.S. market
and are generally used as a shorthand way of gauging the banking community, from foreign manufacturers. Toyota and Honda are already more U.S.
as these are the rates that banks charge each other for unsecured loans. The companies than Japanese, in terms of their sales and growth. Hyundai is
rates have risen rapidly since the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the nearing that point as well. Volkswagen is coming back to the U.S. for
full-scale emergence of the credit crisis. They have been as high as 4.9 percent manufacturing after more than a decade’s absence. Other Asian
in recent weeks and have just fallen to 4.3 percent. They are moving in the manufacturers have an eye on the U.S. market, and will be arriving in force in
right direction, but a few months ago they were as low as 1.5 percent. In any the years to come. These may come as others have - via exports, to build some
case, if the bailouts are starting to work, the LIBOR will fall. If the plan is not market presence - but there is also the chance that some will buy into the U.S.
working all that well, they will not. market by acquiring all or part of a U.S. manufacturer.
Another good indicator is the extent to which the money markets start The most likely to pursue that option will be Chinese makers that have
loosening up. Thus far, nearly all liquidity in the financial sector is coming been working with U.S. companies for almost 10 years now. Some European
from the central banks and other government efforts. When the money makers are expected to expand as well - especially the Germans, who have
markets start putting their cash up again, that will be a good sign of already established beachheads in the States. The dark horse on the European
improvements to come. This started to happen last Friday and there was a side will be Renault-Nissan, but there is also the chance that Fiat may try to
little acceleration on Monday as well. salvage itself with an American investment.
Given that most of the bailouts have yet to be implemented, these are good The third trend is perhaps the hardest to assess. The American consumer is
signs. It is expected that more flexibility will be evident as the plans are fully not a big fan of the small car, and these sub-compacts only make real progress
formed and started. The Treasury has finally begun discussing what the bailout when fuel issues dominate the conversation. Earlier in the year, the arrival of
will look like and what kind of debt they will buy. They have also started to $4-a-gallon gas swept many people in the direction of the small car, but as
set the conditions for purchase, which will give the markets something to play prices have eased at the pump it is clear that the love affair with the SUV and
with. CK truck have not come to an end just yet. The struggle will be between the desire
for big and roomy and the need for efficient and cheap. If the car industry
gambles wrong, the costs will be catastrophic; but if the mood is captured, the
industry may be able to salvage a decent 2009. CK

FABTECH & AWS Welding Show
Oct. 6-8, 2008 • Las Vegas
Dan Turner, Yuba College; Mark Smith, Shasta College; Gary Lederer,
In contrast to the grim financial news around the world, an Sutter High School and Yuba College; and Practical Welding Today
unprecedented number of attendees filled the halls on opening day at Associate Editor Amanda Carlson at FMA’s and FMA Communications’
the 2008 FABTECH International & AWS Welding Show, networking event at Paris Las Vegas.
introducing METALFORM.
More than 12,000 manufacturing and welding professionals
attended the opening day of this first-ever show in Las Vegas, with
more than 21,000 for the entire three-day event. The response from
exhibitors indicates attendees were ready to buy.
“It was a big show for us. We had the largest number of leads from
any trade show we’ve been in going back to 2000,” said AdvantagePlus
member Al Julian, vice president marketing, Megafab.
About the Show
FABTECH International & AWS Welding Show introducing
METALFORM, is co-sponsored by the American Welding Society
(AWS), Fabricators & Manufacturers Association Int’l (FMA) and
Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), and includes a new
strategic alliance with the Precision Metalforming Association (PMA).
The show is the largest event in North America dedicated to
showcasing a full spectrum of metal forming, fabricating, stamping,
tube and pipe, and welding equipment and technology. Thousands
of buyers and sellers from across the globe gathered in Las Vegas to
exchange products and services, network with peers, preview new
products, problem-solve, and educate the industry on the latest
The 2009 show will take place November 15-18 at
McCormick Place in Chicago and Nov. 2 - 4, 2010, in Atlanta.
Attendees and
answer FMA’s
booth survey.

Brennan Palmiter talks with Michael Bishop, assistant editor,


FMA staff members: Gene Toepfer, Nathan Ruby, Ki

Cindy Day, Jerry Shankel, Brennan

Past FMA Chairman of the Board, Dennis Nybo,
with guests at the networking event.

Celebrity guest John Ratzenberger discusses the skilled

labor shortage at the networking reception.

John Ratzenberger tours
the show floor.

Ken Rayment, host of Better Process Podcast, interviews keynote

speaker Dean Kamen, CEO of DEKA Research and founder of the
FIRST robotics competition.
imberly Pollard, Jen Christian, Nancy Olson, Pat Lee, Jim Warren,
n Palmiter, and Terrence Egan at the FMA booth.

“GO-Brennan” Top Three Reasons to Consider a Bequest to the
FMA Foundation
Scholarships “Lap Two” The FMA Foundation funds grants for summer manufacturing
camps for teens, and scholarships for students preparing for a career
in manufacturing. A great way to advance the Foundation’s outreach
to youths is through a bequest.
As distinguished from other giving instruments, a bequest:
1. Is a simple gift to establish, as long as you have a will.
2. Lets you retain control of your assets during your lifetime.
3. Qualifies for an estate tax charitable deduction.
For details, contact Nathan Ruby at or
2008 Salary Survey Now Available
Advantage and AdvantagePlus members who participated in the
Salary & Benefits Survey for Executives & Professionals receive the
results at no charge. Basic members may purchase the results for $75.
Want to see what the results will look like? A sample of the results has
been included with this newsletter.
Copies of the results were distributed via e-mail to participants. If
you didn’t receive your copy, please e-mail
Race car driver Brennan Palmiter. Reminder: Metal-themed Holiday Cards
Happy Do something different this year. Maybe you
On Sept. 15, teen race car driver Brennan Palmiter turned the Holidays
can’t send out holiday cards made of metal,
Happy Holidays
ignition for “lap two” of the “Go-Brennan” YouTube Scholarship but now you can send out cards that look
promotion that offers 25 scholarships of $500 each to students seeking like metal.
careers in manufacturing. Members can order holiday cards with a standard or customized
Sponsored by the FMA Foundation and SolidWorks Corporation, message. Adding a logo, signature, and envelopes pre-printed with
the “GO-Brennan” Scholarships are tied to FMA’s sponsorship of your mailing list are other available options.
16-year-old stock car driver Brennan’s 2008 racing season. Brennan Log into Members Only to order and choose from two designs
is proficient in four types of welding, a skill he uses to motivate other and order today. Problems logging in? Contact Ginger Baerenwald at
young people to consider the industrial trades as a career choice. or 815-227-8219.
Brennan appeared Sept. 15 in a video on YouTube inviting students
to apply for the scholarships. To qualify for the competition, students FABTECH Mexico 2009
must plan to attend a two-year trade or technical school next spring for FMA and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME),
classes in welding or other metal fabricating processes. announced plans to launch a new trade show, FABTECH® Mexico
To apply, students simply make a one-minute video explaining why June 2-4, 2009, at the CINTERMEX exhibition center in Monterrey,
they want to be in manufacturing, what career they seek, and where Mexico.
they want to attend school. They’re also encouraged to include footage FABTECH Mexico will co-locate with the established AWS
of themselves welding or fabricating metal. The deadline to post videos Weldmex (organized by the American Welding Society and Trade
is Nov. 9 and winners will be announced on Nov. 24. Show Consulting) and METALFORM Mexico (organized by the
In addition to the monetary prize, each scholarship winner will Precision Metalforming Association) shows. The joint event is
receive the full licensed version of the SolidWorks Student Design Kit expected to serve manufacturing professionals and practitioners
CAD software, a Windows-based 3D CAD application that gives throughout Mexico and Central America.
students the ability to create “real-life” 3D designs, and a VISTA®
auto-darkening welding helmet courtesy of The Lincoln Electric
Share Your Manufacturing Story on NAM’s
Company. Radio Program
“We are pleased to again offer the “GO-Brennan” scholarship “America’s Business” with Mike Hambrick is an hour-long radio
promotion to students seeking careers in manufacturing,” said Terrence program airing nationally in more than 60 markets. “America’s
Egan, director of the FMA Foundation. “We look forward to creating Business” explores the issues and people who make America the
excitement in the industry through this viral initiative, and seeing all of world’s manufacturing leader.
the applicants’ video testimonials of why they seek careers in Hosted by broadcast veteran Mike Hambrick, the show features
manufacturing. news, commentary and interviews with manufacturers, “the millions
“With manufacturers across the country reporting shortages of of people who make things”. Want to be featured on the radio show
skilled labor, it is important to attract young people to the many career and tell us and the country what you make and why it’s important
opportunities in sheet metal fabrication and welding,” added Egan. to the American economy? Contact Jeff Noah if you are interested in
A link to Brennan Palmiter’s YouTube video is available at telling your story;

Aeroglide Corp. has been Vehicle Systems, has been program rewards the hard work The 2008 renewal recipients are:
acquired by the Bühler Group. appointed to its board of of the children and dependents Rebecca Dilloway, daughter of
Amada’s North American directors effective immediately. of Olympic Steel employees. The Brian and Rita Dilloway
Solution Center had its grand Epicor Software Corp. program annually awards up to (Southern Division).
opening October 15. announced that Edge Web 10 new $1,500 renewable Alyse Fields, daughter of Kenneth
Hosting has chosen Epicor scholarships to students and Jennifer Fields (Minneapolis
Senator Norm Coleman pursuing postsecondary degrees.
(R-Minnesota) visited BTD solutions to manage service for its Coil Subsidiary).
clients’ mission-critical systems. Seven new renewable scholarships
Manufacturing Inc. while on a and eight scholarship renewals Sara Konopinski, daughter of Ed
tour of Detroit Lakes to discuss FirstEnergy Corp. announces were awarded for the 2008-2009 and Christine Konopinski
energy needs and the impact Michael J. Dowling has been academic year. (Corporate Office, Cleveland).
the energy crisis could promoted to vice president, Shannon Phillips, daughter of
potentially have on the Communications. The 2008 new recipients are:
Jessica Cedor, daughter of Joseph Gerry and Janet Phillips (Eastern
manufacturing industry. North American Mazak Region – Connecticut Division).
and Dena Cedor (Connecticut
Butech Bliss introduced two new Optonics headquarters in Elgin, Division). Annette Sabatka – daughter of
products for coil processing at Ill., is scheduled to open in Phyllis and Dan Sabatka
the FABTECH & AWS Welding December. Michael Culek Jr., son of Michael
and DeAnn Culek (Cleveland (Corporate Office, Cleveland).
Show in Las Vegas. Butech Bliss Middle Atlantic Products
offers a complete cut to length Division). Timothy Shields - son of John
announced that Ouzunoff & and Patti Golly (Chicago
line, featuring the next Associates has won AV Rep of the Megan Feil, daughter of Donna
generation of hydraulic roller and Craig Feil (Minneapolis Coil Division).
Year for 2007.
levers for processing material of Subsidiary). Jennifer Corey, daughter of
a broad gauge range and hot and Rick Wenzel of Concept Richard and Margaret Majka
Machine Tool Sales will represent Zachary Hasbrouck, son of Keith
cold plates. and Robyn Hasbrouck (Eastern Region – Philadelphia
Minster Machine Co. in the Division).
DeWys Manufacturing upper Midwest. (Connecticut Division).
announced that Engineered Katie Larson, daughter of Steve Angela Garcia, daughter of
Technical Solutions Inc. has Oberg Industries, in an effort to Ysmael and Dawn Garcia
build on its leadership position in and Renee Larson (Corporate
joined the company as a Office, Cleveland). (Detroit Division).
manufacturer’s representative. the precision manufacturing
arena, has announced the Caroline Sable, daughter of Peddinghaus Corp. celebrated its
DeWys also achieved ISO creation of a focused operation Robert and Trudie Sable Oktoberfest event Sept. 24 – 27
recertification with the to support its continued growth (Minneapolis Coil Subsidiary). for customers, friends, and
International Quality System in the medical market—Oberg industry partners.
Standard ISO 9001:2000. Jennifer Slife, daughter of Shelia
Medical. and Doug Slife (Corporate PennEngineering announced the
DURA Automotive Systems Inc Olympic Steel Inc. announced Office, Cleveland). PEM® China zinc plating line has
announced Robert S. Oswald, the recipients of the Sol received approval from General
chairman of Bendix Commercial Siegal Scholarship Program. The Motors for use in plating parts.

member anniversaries

20 Years 10 Years 5 Years

Bend Tooling Inc. *All Custom Fabricators Black River Roll Form
Grand Rapids, MI Cleveland, OH Deckerville, MI
D B Doran Copper & Iron *C R Slitter Inc. Dane Manufacturing Co.
Belle Rose, LA Lachine, QC Canada Dane, WI
Haul - All Equipment Ltd. CBR Laser Inc. *Diversico Industries Inc.
Lethbridge, AB Canada Plessisville, QC Canada Minneapolis, MN
Laser Precision Cutting Inc. CNA Gary Metal Mfg LLC
Weaverville, NC Chicago, IL Gary, IN
Middle West Mfg. *DFI Inductoheat Inc.
Menomonee Falls, WI Edmonton, AB Canada Madison Heights, MI
Wintriss Ctrls Grp. / Honeywell Dieology Kusakabe America Corp.
Acton, MA Greenville, MI Cleveland, OH
*Etna Products Inc. *Lefiell Manufacturing Co.
15 Years Chagrin Falls, OH Santa Fe Springs, CA
*American Nickeloid Co. IRMCO Mainawati Steel Ind. Pvt. Ltd
Peru, IL Evanston, IL Biratnagar, Nepal
*APN Wisconsin Inc. *Jesse Engineering Co. MEECO Inc.
Holmen,WI Tacoma,WA St Louis, MO
Craig Newell Welding Inc. Kubes Steel Ltd. *Millerbernd Design &
Cambridge Springs, PA Stoney Creek, ON Canada Fabrication
Winsted, MN
*Mech – Tronics ∆Main Steel Polishing Co. Inc.
Melrose Park, IL Tinton Falls, NJ *Progressive Innovation &
Marks Brothers Inc. Automation Inc.
*Okay Industries Inc. Plainfield, IL
New Britain, CT Boring, OR
Mellish & Murray Co Inc. Richter Precision Inc.
∆Olympic Steel East Petersburg, PA
Plymouth, MN Chicago, IL
*Metal Services of BP Inc. Saar Hartmetall USA LLC
Practical Publications Covington, KY
Bristol, WI Blooming Prairie, MN
*Pico Chemical Corp. SES LLC
Specialty Metal Sales Alliance, OH
Wildwood, MO Chicago Heights, IL
SLS Electric Specialty Coils Spectrum Lasers LLC
Unity Mfg. Div. Hammond, IN
Garland, TX Perrysburg, OH
Synthesis Engineering Tiffin Metal Products
Voss Clark Tiffin, OH
Jeffersonville, IN Solutions Inc.
Cambridge, ON Canada Trimec Inc.
Tripar Inc. Shoreview, MN
Montreal, QC Canada Tusco Display
*Tubular Steel Inc. Gnadenhutten, OH
Toronto, ON Canada *Unipres USA Inc.
Weld Fixturing Inc Portland, TN
Burlington,WI *West Mfg Ltd.
Westbank, BC Canada
Wolverine Tube Canada Inc
London, ON Canada
*WSF Industries Inc.
∆ Denotes AdvantagePlus Membership Buffalo, NY
* Denotes Advantage

member newsletter
november/december 2008

Connections Staff
Kimberly Pollard
Contributing Writers
D’Ann Hamilton, Dena Mattausch,
Jim Warren
Member Services & Research Director
Nancy Olson
Membership Operations &
Customer Service Manager
Jill Klug
Graphic Designer
Sarah Currie

Contact us
Customer service: 888-394-4362 or
Fax: 815-381-1371
FMA e-mail:
FMA Website:
TPA e-mail:
TPA Website:
FMA Connections is
published bimonthly by:
Fabricators & Manufacturers Associa-
tion, International®
Tube & Pipe Association, International®
833 Featherstone Rd.
Rockford, IL 61107-6302 USA

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