TheSun 2008-11-06 Page06 Najib Claims of Huge Spending On Euro Copter Deal Proven Wrong

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6œ theSun | THURSDAY NOVEMBER 6 2008

news without borders

Woman robber,
by Charles Ramendran

KAJANG: A 22-year-old female robber

who made the news after she was ar-
rested in Ampang in May this year was
gunned down along with an accomplice

accomplice killed
by a crack police team in Bandar Sungai
Long, Kajang yesterday.
A chief inspector, who led the am-
bush, was seriously injured when he was
shot by one of the suspects in the 3am
incident which led to a two-hour standoff
between the police and suspects.
Datuk Mohd Bakri Zinin said a week ago
police had arrested a 30-year-old man
who is a member of the car hijacking 5am when the team barged into the robbery, was arrested in Taman Muda,
gang, and based on the information apartment again and gunned down the Ampang after she was seen transfer-
they had gathered, the raiding team woman and her male accomplice. ring boxes from one car to another. She
from the Kuala Lumpur serious crimes He said the suspects have been tried to escape when police arrived and
division went to the Green Acre Park identified as Wong Sau Lai, 22, and her rammed her car into a patrol car. She
condominium to look for the woman accomplice Goh Kiam Chai @ Ah Tok, 28, was, however, overpowered by the
and another man. but police are checking if their identity policemen. The BMW she was driving
It is learnt that the team forced its cards are genuine. and a parked Toyota Altis at the scene
way into the first-floor unit after the Mohd Bakri said the gang of three rob- were both reported stolen.
suspects refused to open the door. bers had been active for about a year and She was later released on bail.
Mohd Bakri said as the personnel is behind at least 32 cases of car-jacking Police learnt that the woman tar-
searched the house, Chief Insp Ang Waei of luxury vehicles especially BMWs worth geted luxury cars and preyed on her
Leong entered the master bedroom. more than RM3 million. He said Goh had victims on the pretext of asking for
One of the suspects, who was in the eight previous convictions for various directions or impersonating a direct-
room, opened fire at Ang who suffered crimes while the woman had a pending selling saleswoman.
gunshot wounds on his legs. court case and had jumped bail. On gaining entry into the house of
He said Ang’s team members man- Police recovered fake number the unsuspecting victims, her two male
aged to drag him to safety. plates, knives, parangs, two handguns accomplices would rush in and rob the
Mohd Bakri said police urged the and several bullets among the items in victim of their luxury vehicles.
suspects to give themselves up, but the house. A BMW reported stolen in At noon yesterday, Inspector-General
one of them fired several shots from Cheras about a month ago was found of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan visited
the apartment balcony at a group of parked at the condominium. Ang (pix) who is warded at the Hospital
policeman downstairs. On May 27, the woman, who was Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Ang is
The drama came to an end at about already on police bail involving a gang reported to be in stable condition.

Najib: Claims of huge spending on Two hired killers gunned down

PETALING JAYA: Two sus- to surrender but one of them bullet shell and a bloodstained
Eurocopter deal proven wrong pected Indonesian hired killers
in their 30s were shot dead by
whipped out a pistol and
opened fire at the police team
torchlight by the riverbank.
There were also marks on the
police in a gunfight at an iso- while his accomplice charged ground indicating a body had
KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Prime “The allegation is baseless and week scrutiny on the technical
lated area at Km20 Kampung towards the detectives with a been dragged over a distance.
Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun has been proven wrong. That is and financial aspects of the deal,
Tengah, Puchong yesterday. parang. Both men were then He said investigators believe
Razak said yesterday the opposi- why we opened the process for it found that the process had
Selangor police chief DCP gunned down by police. the suspects could have killed
tion’s claim that the government scrutiny by the PAC although it is been carried out in accordance
Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar said Khalid said the suspects, someone there hours earlier
was spending a huge amount of not proper to expose the matter with internationally accepted
a police team from the Selan- whose identities have yet to and disposed of the body in
money in the purchase of Eu- to too many parties because it procurement practices.
gor serious crimes division had be acertained as they did not the river.
rocopter helicopters has been involves the armed forces. Azmi said the PAC only had
received information that the have any identity documents Khalid said to verify their
proven wrong. “However, since the opposi- issues with the fact that no
suspects were in the area and on them and went by several suspicions, police are search-
He said the Public Accounts tion has been making a big issue physical evaluations were made
went to look for them. nicknames, are behind the kill- ing the river for the body which
Committee (PAC) had declared out of the deal, we let the PAC on the helicopters.
He said the team was ing of an Indonesian man on may have been swept away.
that it found no irregularities in investigate,” he told reporters The Defence Ministry, how-
scouring the place for the men Aug 21 at Batu Belah, Klang. He urged those with missing
the purchase of 12 units of the after appearing in a special ever, had explained that it did not
when they spotted them riding He said while scouring the family members to contact the
aircraft worth RM1.604 billion. interview with Radio Televi- carry out any test flights as the
a motorcycle next to the river. area where the men were killed, Selangor police hotline at 03-
Najib, who is finance minis- sion Malaysia on the stimulus helicopters were already being
He said police ordered the men police found a t-shirt, a spent 2052 2222.
ter, said the government had a package in the 2009 Budget at used in several countries, Azmi
systematic way of dealing with Angkasapuri, here. added.
procurement matters and would
ensure that the system and pro-
PAC chairman Datuk Seri
Azmi Khalid said on Monday that
The PAC consists of 14 mem-
bers including five opposition
Press pixman held over bomb hoax
cedures were followed. based on the committee’s two- MPs. – Bernama KUALA LUMPUR: A Tamil Yesterday, he was remanded custody, said investigators are
newspaper photographer was for three days to facilitate in- probing to identify the culprit
detained by police late Tuesday vestigations. It is believed that behind the bomb hoax.
over a bomb hoax during the he was traced from the phone The police bomb disposal
Umno supreme council meet- number the PWTC management unit was summoned and they
ing in the Putra World Trade had received from a caller who found a plastic bag which con-
Centre (PWTC) on Friday. told them there was a bomb in tained non-explosive items in it.
The man, who is in his early the building at about 4pm. The supreme council meeting
40s, was picked up in his house Dang Wangi OCPD ACP was undisrupted throughout
in Taman Sri Sentosa, off Old Mohd Dzulkarnain Ibrahim, who the time the police went to
Klang Road, by a police team. confirmed the man is in police work to clear the plastic bag.

RM50m for schools ‘a good start’

by Karen Arukesamy current state and condition of the schools.” There are about 132 government-funded
religious schools, some 200 mission schools,
PETALING JAYA: The government’s RM50 1,290 Chinese vernacular schools and 523
million allocation each for government-funded Tamil schools nationwide.
religious schools, mission schools, Chinese La Salle Schools’ education secretary
vernacular and Tamil vernacular schools under Brother Ambrose Loke said: “This is good news
the government’s stimulus package may not for mission schools since they have not been
be sufficient to meet their full expenses though getting much funds from the government.”
it is seen as a good start. He said mission schools all this while have
“The RM50 million allocated for each of the had to look for financial assistance from former
four categories will be a good additional sum students and well-wishers.
to improve the school infrastructure as these MIC party secretary-general Datuk Dr S.
schools have not received sufficient alloca- Subramaniam was reported to have said the al-
tions in the past,” said MCA central committee location was testimony that the government did
member Datuk Lee Sing Chooi. not forsake the Indian community and wanted
However, he said, some of the schools will to improve the infrastructure of Tamil schools.
need much more funds than the allocation due to MCA Wanita chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei
their condition, size and geographic location. Fun welcomed the suggestion that the govern-
“We urge the government to seriously look ment may consider carrying out an open tender
into requirements of all streams in terms of policy whereby private and government-linked
school maintenance and basic facilities.” companies may bid for government projects.
“Due to the different number of schools and “We need to be more open-minded in facing
students in each stream, the government should this era of globalisation where competitiveness
look into allocating the funds based on enrolment, is embraced above any protectionist policy.”

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