TheSun 2008-11-06 Page21 The Upstart With A Dream 2

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theSun | THURSDAY NOVEMBER 6 2008 21


politician who had never benefited from the weeks. “Should he come from behind to win Hampshire, setting the scene for a long and of the campaign, naming Alaska’s governor
patronage of a political machine, he knew the Iowa caucuses,” he wrote, “Saturday’s bruising campaign that went on for almost Sarah Palin as his running-mate, stole all
how to operate on a shoestring. It was also dinner will be remembered as one of the six months, he was not fazed. When his the thunder. As the presidential debates
Obama’s good fortune that Bush’s eight-year turning-points in his campaign here.” controversial pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah loomed, one poll gave McCain a five-point
term proved such a disaster. A month later, 18,000 people gave up Wright, was exposed as a virulent anti-white lead. It was a margin he was not to enjoy
By opposing the Iraq war, well before their Saturday afternoon to drive through demagogue, he delivered what many said again. The sudden crisis that engulfed the
the 2003 invasion, Obama got on the right the snow and ice to Des Moines to watch was the most historically sophisticated speech financial markets dealt a fatal one-two to
side of history and sowed the seeds for Oprah Winfrey endorse the Obama bid and on race relations since the death of Martin the Republican campaign. It reinforced the
a robust but thoughtful foreign policy. “I listen to hours of political rhetoric. Luther King. point Obama had been making all year:
am not opposed to all wars. I am opposed As David Broder, the veteran political Some of the mishaps were of his own that the decisions of the Bush and Clinton
to dumb wars,” he said in autumn 2002, writer of The Washington Post wrote this making. Condescending remarks he made administrations to remove regulatory
a position which enabled him to outflank week, “In the eight Iowa caucus campaigns about working class white voters “clinging oversight from Wall Street had led directly to
even Republicans by calling for stepped-up I’d covered over four decades, I’d never seen to guns and religion” were a gift to his the sub-prime mortgage crisis.
military action in Afghanistan and even anything like this. In fact I’d not seen votersopponents, and even though he secured The second blow was self-inflicted.
against al-Qaeda inside Pakistan. so turned on since my first campaign as a the Democratic nomination, he was polling McCain’s claim that the US economy was
None of this seemed decisive, however, political reporter, the classic Kennedy-Nixon 20 and 30 percentage points behind John “fundamentally sound” made him a laughing-
when all six Democratic candidates rolled race of 1960.” McCain in must-win states like Ohio. stock; worse, with the economy going
into Des Moines, Iowa, on a bitterly cold McCain’s campaign through convulsions, working class white
night early last November to attend the In the eight Iowa caucus campaigns I’d covered was not slow to sow voters, some 45 per cent of the electorate,
Jefferson Jackson Dinner. The national over four decades, I’d never seen anything like doubt about the first began to reappraise their rejection of Obama
media was mostly absent as 9,000 raucous black major-party and look past their prejudices.
supporters – most wearing Obama’s this. In fact I’d not seen voters so turned on since candidate for president, At his final Virginia rally, grieving for
“Change” T-shirts, packed a boxing arena my first campaign as a political reporter, the classic with millions of so- the grandmother who raised him, and who
to watch Democratic big shots arrayed Kennedy-Nixon race of 1960.” called robocalls telling had died that morning, Obama reflected on
around a centre stage tuck into dinner. The targeted voters that the harsh attacks he had endured on the
Clinton campaign dismissed the enthusiasm Obama has never been short of ambition, like Osama, he had plotted with a domestic campaign trail. He described a grim journey
of the youthful Obama fans, saying they but as recently as 2004 he was unknown terrorist, Bill Ayers, who tried to bomb the he made to South Carolina, looking for an
had all been bussed in from Chicago for the outside Illinois. Although by then he had Pentagon. In fact he had served on the board endorsement at a time when his campaign
night. It was a fateful error of judgment, by spent eight years in the state senate, a brash of an education charity with Ayers, who was floundering. While he was introducing
a campaign that already reeked of a sense attempt to win a safe Democratic seat in later became a Chicago University education himself, a small woman began interrupting
of entitlement. Because the “JJ dinner” as Congress ended in humiliation when he professor, but the smears had some impact. with the chant, “Fired Up!” followed a
Democratic insiders call it, would turn out was badly beaten by a former Black Panther Obama’s most grievous error followed moment later with “Ready To Go!” It lifted his
to be a game-changer. named Bobby Rush. He was still teaching at Russia’s invasion of Georgia in August, which mood that day and became the catch cry of
The first five would-be candidates rattled the University of Chicago Law School, and McCain exploited ruthlessly. Obama’s failure the campaign.
through their stump speeches. Obama was was up to his neck in student loans which to condemn Russia’s action – he blamed both “That’s how this thing started,” he said,
last to speak. Deadlines had already passed he only managed to pay off in 2006. sides for the invasion – reminded voters of “It shows you what one voice can do. One
for television news and most newspapers. But John Kerry had spotted the urbane Hillary Clinton’s famous “3am phone call” voice can change a room, and if a voice can
People were already leaving the hall. But young politician during his doomed advertisement in which she warned that change a room it can change a city, and if it
the first-term Senator from Illinois sprinted presidential campaign against Bush, and Obama was not ready for leadership. The can change a city, it can change a state, and
on to the stage and gave a barnstorming asked Obama to give the keynote address polls turned in McCain’s favour for the first if it can change a state it can change a nation,
speech. His supporters were delighted, at the 2004 Democratic Convention. His time in the race. and if it can change a nation, it can change
but crucially, so were potential big-money oratory not only helped revive a party which McCain’s decision to play the wildest card the world.” – The Independent
backers, who saw for the first time that he at the time was directionless and adrift, it
could throw a punch. swept him into the US Senate the same year,
The Iraq war, “should have never been where he soon began positioning himself for
authorised and should have never been a run for the presidency.
waged,” Obama said. “We have a chance To Clinton’s backers – and not only to
to bring the country together to tackle them – it seemed ludicrously presumptuous.
problems that Bush made far worse, and But in Iowa they discovered their mistake.
that festered long before he took office.” While she was flying an expensive
That was an implied criticism of Bill “Hillacopter” around the state, Obama and
Clinton, then still revered by most of the his team logged tens of thousands of miles
party, but his next words dealt a stinging persuading rural white Iowans to back him.
blow to Mrs Clinton’s candidacy. Through word of mouth and the efforts of
“When I am the nominee of this party,” his devoted followers, he won a state that is
said Obama, “the Republican nominee 95 per cent white.
will not be able to say I voted for the war And while Clinton depended on friends
in Iraq, or that I gave Bush the benefit of in the establishment to help her through the
the doubt on Iran, or that I support Bush- election, Obama was busy building a grass-
Cheney policies of not talking to leaders roots movement. He turned to the Internet
that we don’t like.” The only headline to raise money and used the explosion of
that mattered next day was in the Des online social networking tools to sign up
Moines Register. David Yepsen, the paper’s and motivate an army of volunteers.
influential political editor, lavished praise Time and again during the primaries,
on his speech and predicted an instant and the election campaign, that followed,
buzz across Iowa, where the first contest Obama showed his coolness under fire.
of the 2008 election would be held in eight When Clinton snatched victory in New

lived beyond its means. This If the country as a whole has

new president can wave to
shows up in the huge current
account deficit, the largest pro-
portionately and of course ab-
solutely, of any large economy.
It shows up too in a large fiscal
been unwise so too have many
individuals within it. One of the
startling revelations of the past
few months is the way in which
Americans with no income, no
magic this situation away. We deficit. It shows up in very low assets and no credit record have
are where we are. One of the US household savings, which been able to borrow money.
problems he faces will be the are at or close to zero. Those loans are now going sour
expectation that a new admin- The US has been able to run and you can argue whether this
istration can make a swift and the “borrow and borrow big” was principally the fault of the
material difference to economic policy because other countries borrower or the lender. You
prospects. Policies can be help- have been prepared to lend to cannot however argue that it is
ful or perverse and had the US it. Rationally it is bizarre that a great idea for families not to
banking system been allowed to the world’s biggest economy, have any savings.
collapse that would have been and the one with just about You can talk about this in
profoundly perverse. But even the highest standard of living, terms of economic numbers,
helpful policies take time to should have to borrow to keep that in the US the proportion
have effect. itself going. Strategically it has of GDP that is consumed rather
Fortunately, economies are been unwise to borrow so much than invested is too high at 70
self-healing. While 2009 does from economic rivals such as per cent. But it is not just an
look very difficult for the US China and somewhat unstable economic issue; it is a social is-
economy, with most predictions partners in the Middle East, sue. It is a question of whether
suggesting it will shrink overall, because sooner or later these you depend on others or do you
there are solid hopes for a re- loans have to be paid back. depend on yourself.
covery in 2010. At some stage Besides, it makes no long- So the challenge facing the
US house prices will bottom out term sense to use loans from 44th president is to explain to
and start to rise again, and at China to fill the shopping malls Americans that the country
some stage the banks will be with cheap tat. The US con- needs to become less dependent
recapitalised and confident to sumer ends up with rubbishy on others for physical resources
resume lending. There will be a consumer products and the US and more importantly financial
recovery and it will take place ends up with huge obligations, resources. It needs to get saving
during the life of the incoming giving China the opportunity to again. The US economy remains
administration. buy up real assets – land, of- huge, flexible and powerful.
But there is something else. fice blocks, companies and so But it has undermined its own
For the past 15 or so years the on – that had previously been strength by its self-indulgence.
US economy has increasingly owned by Americans. – The Independent

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