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SULTANIYYAH SIN LUPAH SUG CHANCELLERY Royal House of Sulu Chancellery January 11, 2012

To whom it may concern,

It has become to our attention that recently some people who support self-styled Sultans of Sulu have created "hate blogs" and "hate sites" against senior officers of the Royal House of Sulu. This is criminal offence and law defines it as "cyber bullying". We have found out at least one person who is directly involved. We have reported the incident to Police. Please find below a copy of the document from the Royal House of Sulu archives. Aide Memoir (August 29, 1962) This document states that Sultan Mahakuttah Kiram father late Sultan Moh. Esmail Kiram together with Rumah Bichara of the Sultanate of Sulu decided to transfer his Sovereignty over the inhabitants and territory of North Borneo to the Republic of Philippines, UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS!!! These conditions were never full filled and therefore the transfer is considered null and shall be voided. H.M Sultan Moh. Mahakuttah A. Kiram is the last Philippine government recognised Sultan of Sulu. H.R.H. Raja Muda Muedzul Lail Tan Kiram as officially appointed Raja Muda (Crown Prince) and successor is the legitimate head of the Sultanate of Sulu since the death of his father in 1986 and also Sovereign of the territory of North Borneo. For any further enquires please visit:


Royal House of Sulu Chancellery

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