Guidelines For The Dramatic Presentation

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Guidelines for the Dramatic Presentation

1) The complete text of ANG PAGLILITIS NI MANG SERAPIO by Paul Dumol can be found in the book, Philippine Literature: A History and Anthology edited by Bienvenido and Cynthia Lumbera. This book is available in the library. Produce copies of the play for yourselves as soon as possible. Note: DO NOT BRING THE BOOK HOME. Other students might need it. Do not trust online copies of this playthey miss huge chunks of paragraphs from Dumols original writing. 2) The following students are hereby tasked to manage the class (as overall class managers and assistants to the head director) and to the rest of the necessary job delegations: A54 Becky and Carlos C34 Austin and Johann C35 Dale and Mika S14 Will and Omar

3) The students named above are to assign people for the following tasks: HEAD DIRECTOR shall focus on auditioning, selecting, and guiding the actors through their internalization of the piece; shall assist the class managers in other relevant matters. PROMPTER/SCRIPTPERSON shall have a copy of the text of the date and schedule of the dramatic performance; shall prompt the actors in the event that one of them forgets his/her lines, etc.; shall do the necessary revisions in case the class decides to change the script a bit. STAGE MANAGER shall focus on stage movement and guide the actors through desirable and effective use of the limited space provided. PROPSMEN/WOMEN; COSTUME DESIGNERS shall bring the props necessary for the production; shall process the necessary permits in order to bring these props inside the classroom; shall conceptualize and require certain people to produce certain costumes. MUSIC PERSON (optional) shall give life to the production with musical accompaniment of any sort. CAMERAPERSONS/EDITORS (2) shall take coverage of the production in two different angles using their cameras; shall submit the edited coverage in DVD format on Dec. 9; shall upload the video to YouTube before December 17. ACTORS to be selected by the head and assistant directors. CLEANERS tasked to bring back the room to its original state after the period.

Other jobs may be assigned. The people named above can still act. People with off-camera/preproduction roles may still participate as actors.

Important Things to Remember:

1) The dramatic presentations will be held on December 3 (Saturday). Schedules and venues for each class will be announced soon. Be in class on time. Our first fifteen minutes will be used to check attendance. Latecomers will suffer deductions. 2) DO NOT MESS UP THE ROOM. You have limits here: By all means you may put clutter in the room, but avoid dirt that is hard to remove. For instance, if you have to apply charcoal onto yourselves, apply it before you come to class, and in a manner by which you will not stain the chairs (which are most probably made of cloth, if we get to reserve the miniauditoriums of Yuchengco 5th floor)and do not bring charcoal into the room. If you have to produce blood, think of a way to apply it to the injured person without having to mess up your setting. REMEMBER: OUR VENUE IS A LECTURE CLASSROOM, AND A CLASS WILL USE IT AFTER OUR SESSION. 3) You also have limits to your volume. This is part of your stage management skills. Use only noise that is permissible, given our venue and context. If you have to shout while performing, do it strategicallyWe do not want to distract our neighboring classes. 4) By virtue of artistic license, you are free to play with the language of the script and the tone of your portrayal of it. The scriptperson and the head director are in charge of this. Take for instance the following examples: A. Appropriating elements of pop culture into the text; B. Inserting adlibs into the lines; etc., as long as they do not destroy the essence of Dumols writing, as long as they do not break the trajectory of the play as literature.

5) Your performance is expected to run for about 30-40 minutes. What remains of our period after your performance will be used for the following: A. Professors comments/review B. Cleaning the room C. Photo ops.

For any other concerns/questions, feel free to e-mail me. God bless you.

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