China Distilled Spirits Manufacturing Industry Report

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idReport=501 Table of Contents Data sources: Governmental statistics organizations, market research (monitoring ) centers, industry associations and institutions, import and export statistics organizations, and others. *Report Format PDF. Available in Chinese or English. Delivered within 5 working days to ensure the most up to date information is included Part 1 Industry Overview 1 1 Definition and development of distilled spirit manufacturing industry 1 1.1 Definition of the industry and its core products 1 1.2 Main characteristics of the industry and a history of its developmen t 2 2 Macro environment and impact analysis of distilled spirit manufacturing in dustry 4 2.1 Current macroeconomic developments and trends 4 2.1.1 Macroeconomic development in the first half of 2011 4 2.1.2 Macroeconomic forecast for the second half of 2011 5 2.2 Latest industry policies and related laws and regulations 5 2.3 Upstream, downstream industry development status 9 2.3.1 Upstream industries 9 2.3.2 Downstream industries 9 3 International market analysis of distilled spirit manufacturing industry 1 1 3.1 Current development of its international market 11 3.2 Levels of development in key countries and regions 12 3.3 Analysis of movements and trends in the international market 12 4 Domestic market analysis of distilled spirit manufacturing industry 14 4.1 Current development of its domestic market 14 4.2 Trends in the domestic market 15 4.3 State of development of major industries 18 Part 2 Basic indices 23 5 Size analysis of distilled spirit manufacturing industry 23 5.1 Number of enterprises in the industry: 23 5.1.1 Overall situation 23 5.1.2 Gross industrial output value by size 25 5.1.3 Gross industrial output value by ownership 25 5.1.4 Regional analysis 26 5.2 Number of loss-making enterprises in the industry 28 5.2.1 Overall situation 28 5.2.2 Gross industrial output value by size 29 5.2.3 Gross industrial output value by ownership 29 5.2.4 Regional analysis 30 5.3 Total loss of the industry 32 5.3.1 Overall situation 32 5.3.2 Gross industrial output value by size 33 5.3.3 Gross industrial output value by ownership 33 5.3.4 Regional analysis 34 5.4 Number of employees in the industry 36 5.4.1 Overall situation 36 5.4.2 Gross industrial output value by size 37 5.4.3 Gross industrial output value by ownership 37 5.4.4 Regional analysis 38

6 Asset analysis of distilled spirit manufacturing industry 40 6.1 Total assets of the industry 40 6.1.1 Overall situation 40 6.1.2 Gross industrial output value by size 42 6.1.3 Gross industrial output value by ownership 42 6.1.4 Regional analysis 43 6.2 Total fixed assets of the industry 45 6.2.1 Overall situation 45 6.2.2 Gross industrial output value by size 46 6.2.3 Gross industrial output value by ownership 46 6.2.4 Regional analysis 47 6.3 Total current assets of the industry 49 6.3.1 Overall situation 49 6.3.2 Gross industrial output value by size 50 6.3.3 Gross industrial output value by ownership 50 6.3.4 Regional analysis 51 Part 3 Economic operation 53 7 Gross industrial output value analysis of distilled spirit manufacturing i ndustry 53 7.1 Gross industrial output value of the industry 53 7.1.1 Overall situation 53 7.1.2 Gross industrial output value by size 55 7.1.3 Gross industrial output value by ownership 55 7.2 Distribution of gross industrial output value by region: 2011 56 7.3 Comparison of the top 20 enterprises (based on gross output value) 5 8 8 Sales revenue analysis of distilled spirit manufacturing industry 60 8.1 Total sales revenue of the industry 60 8.1.1 Overall situation 60 8.1.2 Gross industrial output value by size 62 8.1.3 Gross industrial output value by ownership 62 8.2 Distribution of sales revenue by region 63 8.3 Comparison of the top 20 enterprises (based on sales revenue) 65 9 Total profits analysis of distilled spirit manufacturing industry 66 9.1 Total profits of the industry 66 9.1.1 Overall situation 66 9.1.2 Gross industrial output value by size 68 9.1.3 Gross industrial output value by ownership 68 9.2 Distribution of total profits by region: 2011 69 9.3 Total profit comparison of the top 20 enterprises: 2011 71 10 Import and export analysis of distilled spirit manufacturing industry in 2011 72 10.1 Monthly import/export of the industry: 2011 72 10.1.1 Monthly imports of the industry: 2011 72 10.1.2 Monthly exports of the industry: 2011 73 10.2 Import/export distribution of the industry by customs and country: 2011 74 10.2.1 Import distribution of the industry by customs: 2011 74 10.2.2 Export distribution of the industry by country: 2011 75 10.3 Distribution of import/export destinations and sources: 2011 77 10.3.1 Distribution of import product categories in the book, newspa pers and magazine printing industry: 2011 77 10.3.2 Distribution of the industrys export product categories 80 Part 4 Competitive landscape 83 11 Competitive landscape analysis of distilled spirit manufacturing industry 83

11.1 Regional market competition landscape 83 11.1.1 Distribution by region 83 11.1.2 Distribution by province, city, and autonomous region 84 11.2 Comparison of enterprises market share 85 12 Comparison analysis on the competitiveness of key enterprises in distille d spirit manufacturing industry 86 12.1 Comparative analysis of the key enterprises total assets 86 12.2 Comparative analysis of the key enterprises employees 87 12.3 Comparative analysis of the key enterprises annual revenues 88 12.4 Comparison analysis of key enterprises export turnover value 89 12.5 Comparison analysis of key enterprises total profit 90 12.6 Comparison of key enterprises overall competitive power 91 Part 5 Key enterprises 93 13 Comparative analysis on the economic indicators of key enterprises in dis tilled spirit manufacturing industry 93 13.1 Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd 93 A Enterprises basic information 93 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 94 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 95 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 95 13.2 China Kweichow Moutai Distillery Co., Ltd 96 A Enterprises basic information 96 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 98 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 99 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 99 13.3 Luzhou Laojiao Group Co., Ltd 100 A Enterprises basic information 100 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 101 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 102 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 102 13.4 Jiangsu Yanghe Distillery Co., Ltd 103 A Enterprises basic information 103 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 104 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 105 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 105 13.5 Shanxi Xinhua Cun Fen Chiew (Group) Co., Ltd 106 A Enterprises basic information 106 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 107 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 108 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 108 13.6 Zhi Jiang Liquor Trade Co., Ltd 109 A Enterprises basic information 109 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 110 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 111 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 111 13.7 China Sichuan Lang Jiu Group Co., Ltd 112 A Enterprises basic information 112 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 113 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 114 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 114 13.8 Sichuan Jiannanchun Group Co., Ltd 115 A Enterprises basic information 115 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 116 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 117 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 117 13.9 Jiangsu Shuanggou Distillery Stock Co., Ltd 118 A Enterprises basic information 118 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 119

C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 120 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 120 13.10 Linqing Weihe Wines Co., Ltd 121 A Enterprises basic information 121 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 122 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 123 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 123 13.11 Hubei Baiyunbian (Group) Co., Ltd 124 A Enterprises basic information 124 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 125 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 126 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 126 13.12 Shaanxi Xifeng Liquor Co., Ltd 127 A Enterprises basic information 127 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 128 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 129 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 129 13.13 Sichuan Tuopai Group Co., Ltd 130 A Enterprises basic information 130 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 131 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 132 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 132 13.14 Jiangsu Kings Luck Brewery Co., Ltd 133 A Enterprises basic information 133 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 134 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 135 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 135 13.15 Sichuan Swellfun Co., Ltd 136 A Enterprises basic information 136 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 137 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 138 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 138 13.16 Anhui Yingjia Gongjiu Co., Ltd 139 A Enterprises basic information 139 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 140 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 141 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 141 13.17 Anhui Kouzi Liquor Co., Ltd 142 A Enterprises basic information 142 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 143 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 144 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 144 13.18 Sitir Liquor Co., Ltd 145 A Enterprises basic information 145 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 146 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 147 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 147 13.19 Sichuan Jiangkouchun Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd 148 A Enterprises basic information 148 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 149 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 150 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 150 13.20 Anhui Golden Seed Group Co., Ltd 151 A Enterprises basic information 151 B Enterprise s business operation analysis 152 C Assets and liabilities analysis for the enterprise 153 D Enterprise operating expense and cost analysis 153 Part 6 Business strategy 154

14 Development bottlenecks of the distilled spirit manufacturing industry an d counter strategies 154 14.1 Development bottlenecks 154 14.2 Coping strategies 155 15 Analysis of enterprise development strategies in distilled spirit manufac turing industry and recommendations 157 15.1 Analysis of enterprise business strategies and recommendations 157 15.2 Analysis of enterprise marketing strategies and recommendations 158 Part 7 Market investment 160 16 Comparison and analysis of investment activity coefficients and investmen t returns in the industry 160 16.1 Comparison and analysis on industry activity coefficient 160 16.1.1 Activity coefficient comparison of related industries 160 16.1.2 Analysis of the industry activity coefficients 162 16.1.3 Recommendations 162 16.2 Comparison and analysis on rate of return from investment in the in dustry 164 16.2.1 Comparison of investment return rate of related industries 16 4 16.2.2 Analysis of investment return rate of the industry 165 16.2.3 Recommendations 165 17 Analysis of investment environment and investment risks of the distilled spirit manufacturing industry 167 17.1 Analysis of the industrys investment environment 167 17.2 Analysis of the industrys investment risks 169 17.3 Investment recommendations 170 Part 8 Technology 172 18 Current situation and trends of the newest technology application in dist illed spirit manufacturing industry 172 18.1 Current situation of the newest technology applications 172 18.2 Trends in technological development in the industry 173 Part 9 Developments and trends 175 19 Development trends and operating capability forecast of distilled spirit manufacturing industry 175 19.1 Development trends 175 19.2 Operating capability forecast of the industry: 2011-2014 176 19.2.1 Total assets forecast of the industry: 2011-2014 176 19.2.2 Gross industrial output value forecast of the industry: 20112014 178 19.2.3 Sales revenue forecast of the industry: 2011-2014 179 19.2.4 Total revenue forecast of the industry: 2011-2014 180 Viewpoints and recommendations 180 Figures, Tables and Charts Related industry standards 6 Number of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry 23 Number of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by size 25 Number of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by ownershi p 25 Distribution of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by re gion 26 Distribution of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by pr

ovince/municipality 26 Number of loss-making enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry 28 Number of loss-making enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by size 29 Number of loss-making enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by ownership 29 Distribution of loss-making enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing in dustry by region 30 Distribution of loss-making enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing in dustry by province/municipality 30 Total loss of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry 32 Total loss of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by size 33 Total loss of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by owne rship 33 Total loss of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by regi on 34 Total loss of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by prov ince/municipality 34 Number of employees in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry: 2006-May 201 1 36 Number of employees of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industr y by size 37 Number of employees of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industr y by ownership 37 Number of employees in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by region 38 Number of employees in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by province/m unicipality 38 Total assets in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry 40 Total assets of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by si ze 42 Total assets of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by ow nership 42 Total assets in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by region 43 Total assets in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by province/municipa lity 43 Fixed assets in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry 45 Fixed assets of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by si ze 46 Fixed assets of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by ow nership 46 Fixed assets in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by region 47 Fixed assets in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by province/municipa lity 47 Current assets in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry 49 Current assets of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by size 50 Current assets of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by ownership 50 Current assets in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by region 51 Current assets in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by province/munici pality 51 Gross industrial output value in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry 53 Gross industrial output value of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturi ng industry by size 55 Gross industrial output value of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturi ng industry by ownership 55

Gross industrial output value in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by region 56 Gross industrial output value in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by province/municipality 56 Comparison of top 20 enterprises in the industry (based on gross industrial outp ut value) 58 Sales revenue in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry 60 Sales revenue of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by s ize 62 Sales revenue of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by o wnership 62 Sales revenue in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by region 63 Sales revenue in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by province/municip ality 63 Comparison of top 20 enterprises in the industry (based on sales revenue) 65 Total profits in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry 66 Total profits of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by s ize 68 Total profits of enterprises in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by o wnership 68 Total profits in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by region 69 Total profits in the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by province/municip ality 69 Comparison of top 20 enterprises in the industry in 2011 (based on total profits ) 71 Statistics of distilled spirit products imported 72 Statistics of distilled spirit products exported 73 Statistics of distilled spirit import customs 74 Statistics of distilled spirit export countries 75 Statistics of distilled spirit import destinations 77 Statistics of distilled spirit export sources 80 Competition landscape of the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by region 83 Competition landscape of the distilled spirit manufacturing industry by province , municipality and autonomous region 84 Comparison of enterprises market share 85 Comparative analysis of the key enterprises total assets 86 Comparative analysis of the key enterprises employees 87 Comparative analysis of the key enterprises annual revenues 88 Comparison analysis of key enterprises export turnover value 89 Comparative analysis of the key enterprises gross profit 90 Comparative analysis of the overall competitiveness of key enterprises in the in dustry 91 General information about Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd 93 Analysis of business performance of Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd 94 Analysis of liabilities of Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd 95 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Wuliangye Group Co., Ltd 95 General information about China Kweichow Moutai Distillery Co., Ltd 96 Analysis of business performance of China Kweichow Moutai Distillery Co., Ltd 98 Analysis of liabilities of China Kweichow Moutai Distillery Co., Ltd 99 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of China Kweichow Moutai Distillery Co. , Ltd 99 General information about Luzhou Laojiao Group Co., Ltd 100 Analysis of business performance of Luzhou Laojiao Group Co., Ltd 101 Analysis of liabilities of Luzhou Laojiao Group Co., Ltd 102 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Luzhou Laojiao Group Co., Ltd 10 2 General information about Jiangsu Yanghe Distillery Co., Ltd 103 Analysis of business performance of Jiangsu Yanghe Distillery Co., Ltd 104

Analysis of liabilities of Jiangsu Yanghe Distillery Co., Ltd 105 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Jiangsu Yanghe Distillery Co., Ltd 105 General information about Shanxi Xinhua Cun Fen Chiew (Group) Co., Ltd 106 Analysis of business performance of Shanxi Xinhua Cun Fen Chiew (Group) Co., Ltd 107 Analysis of liabilities of Shanxi Xinhua Cun Fen Chiew (Group) Co., Ltd 108 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Shanxi Xinhua Cun Fen Chiew (Group) Co., Ltd 108 General information about Zhi Jiang Liquor Trade Co., Ltd 109 Analysis of business performance of Zhi Jiang Liquor Trade Co., Ltd 110 Analysis of liabilities of Zhi Jiang Liquor Trade Co., Ltd 111 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Zhi Jiang Liquor Trade Co., Ltd 111 General information about China Sichuan Lang Jiu Group Co., Ltd 112 Analysis of business performance of China Sichuan Lang Jiu Group Co., Ltd 11 3 Analysis of liabilities of China Sichuan Lang Jiu Group Co., Ltd 114 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of China Sichuan Lang Jiu Group Co., Lt d 114 General information about Sichuan Jiannanchun Group Co., Ltd 115 Analysis of business performance of Sichuan Jiannanchun Group Co., Ltd 116 Analysis of liabilities of Sichuan Jiannanchun Group Co., Ltd 117 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Sichuan Jiannanchun Group Co., Ltd 117 General information about Jiangsu Shuanggou Distillery Stock Co., Ltd 118 Analysis of business performance of Jiangsu Shuanggou Distillery Stock Co., Ltd 119 Analysis of liabilities of Jiangsu Shuanggou Distillery Stock Co., Ltd 120 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Jiangsu Shuanggou Distillery Stock C o., Ltd 120 General information about Linqing Weihe Wines Co., Ltd 121 Analysis of business performance of Linqing Weihe Wines Co., Ltd 122 Analysis of liabilities of Linqing Weihe Wines Co., Ltd 123 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Linqing Weihe Wines Co., Ltd 123 General information about Hubei Baiyunbian (Group) Co., Ltd 124 Analysis of business performance of Hubei Baiyunbian (Group) Co., Ltd 125 Analysis of liabilities of Hubei Baiyunbian (Group) Co., Ltd 126 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Hubei Baiyunbian (Group) Co., Ltd 126 General information about Shaanxi Xifeng Liquor Co., Ltd 127 Analysis of business performance of Shaanxi Xifeng Liquor Co., Ltd 128 Analysis of liabilities of Shaanxi Xifeng Liquor Co., Ltd 129 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Shaanxi Xifeng Liquor Co., Ltd 1 29 General information about Sichuan Tuopai Group Co., Ltd 130 Analysis of business performance of Sichuan Tuopai Group Co., Ltd 131 Analysis of liabilities of Sichuan Tuopai Group Co., Ltd 132 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Sichuan Tuopai Group Co., Ltd 13 2 General information about Jiangsu Kings Luck Brewery Co., Ltd 133 Analysis of business performance of Jiangsu Kings Luck Brewery Co., Ltd 134 Analysis of liabilities of Jiangsu Kings Luck Brewery Co., Ltd 135 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Jiangsu Kings Luck Brewery Co., Ltd 135 General information about Sichuan Swellfun Co., Ltd 136 Analysis of business performance of Sichuan Swellfun Co., Ltd 137 Analysis of liabilities of Sichuan Swellfun Co., Ltd 138 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Sichuan Swellfun Co., Ltd 138 General information about Anhui Yingjia Gongjiu Co., Ltd 139

Analysis of business performance of Anhui Yingjia Gongjiu Co., Ltd 140 Analysis of liabilities of Anhui Yingjia Gongjiu Co., Ltd 141 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Anhui Yingjia Gongjiu Co., Ltd 1 41 General information about Anhui Kouzi Liquor Co., Ltd 142 Analysis of business performance of Anhui Kouzi Liquor Co., Ltd 143 Analysis of liabilities of Anhui Kouzi Liquor Co., Ltd 144 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Anhui Kouzi Liquor Co., Ltd 144 General information about Sitir Liquor Co., Ltd 145 Analysis of business performance of Sitir Liquor Co., Ltd 146 Analysis of liabilities of Sitir Liquor Co., Ltd 147 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Sitir Liquor Co., Ltd 147 General information about Sichuan Jiangkouchun Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd 1 48 Analysis of business performance of Sichuan Jiangkouchun Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd 149 Analysis of liabilities of Sichuan Jiangkouchun Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd 150 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Sichuan Jiangkouchun Distillery (Gro up) Co., Ltd 150 General information about Anhui Golden Seed Group Co., Ltd 151 Analysis of business performance of Anhui Golden Seed Group Co., Ltd 152 Analysis of liabilities of Anhui Golden Seed Group Co., Ltd 153 Analysis of operating expenses and costs of Anhui Golden Seed Group Co., Ltd 153 Activity coefficient comparison of related industries 160 Industry activity coefficient analysis 162 Comparison of investment return rate of related industries 164 Investment return rate analysis of related industries 165 Total assets forecast of the industry: 2011-2014 176 Gross industrial output value forecast of the industry: 2011-2014 178 Sales revenue forecast of the industry: 2011-2014 179 Total profits forecast of the industry: 2011-2014 180 More information at:

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