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Deliverable 7.

2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

Workpackage No. Task No. Author(s): Due date Dissemination level T7.1 7 Workpackage Title Task Title Christian Frster (fka) M03 PU (Public) Dissemination plan Dissemination

ID4EV is a European research project co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework programme.

Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

Table of contents
Table of contents ............................................................................................................................ 2 List of figures .................................................................................................................................. 4 List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. 4 List of abbreviations ........................................................................................................................ 5 Revision chart and history log ......................................................................................................... 6 Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 7 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 8 1 ID4EV communication framework .......................................................................................... 10 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 Scientific landscape ........................................................................................................ 10 ID4EV within the scientific landscape.............................................................................. 10 Project focus and objective ............................................................................................. 11 ID4EV communicative approach and objectives ............................................................. 12

Roles and procedures ............................................................................................................ 14 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Project coordinator .......................................................................................................... 14 Dissemination coordinator .............................................................................................. 14 Webpage coordinator...................................................................................................... 15 Extended steering committee.......................................................................................... 15 Work package leaders .................................................................................................... 15 Partners .......................................................................................................................... 16 Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 16 Standard material and previously used material....................................................... 16 Dissemination procedure ......................................................................................... 16 Usage of partners names and logos ........................................................................ 18

2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 3

Branding ................................................................................................................................ 20 Page 2 of 46

Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4

Logo ............................................................................................................................... 20 PowerPoint template ....................................................................................................... 20 Deliverable and press release template .......................................................................... 21 Poster template............................................................................................................... 21 Other documents ............................................................................................................ 21

Communication activities ....................................................................................................... 22 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Deliverables .................................................................................................................... 22 Project website ............................................................................................................... 22 Newsletter....................................................................................................................... 24 Press releases and press attention ................................................................................. 24 Posters ........................................................................................................................... 25 Conferences ................................................................................................................... 25 Papers ............................................................................................................................ 25 Final event ...................................................................................................................... 26

Annex I: List of conferences .......................................................................................................... 27 Annex II: List of peer reviewed journals......................................................................................... 28

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

List of figures
Figure 1 - Project logo ................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 2 - Communication activities .............................................................................................. 22 Figure 3 - ID4EV homepage (source: D07.1) ................................................................................ 23 Figure 4 - Website structure (source: D07.1)................................................................................. 24

List of Tables
Table 1 - Names, logos and classification of consortium partners ................................................. 18 Table 2 - Preliminary list of conferences ....................................................................................... 27

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

List of abbreviations

Intelligent Dynamics for Fully Electric Vehicles Fully electric vehicle

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

Revision chart and history log

22.11.2010 24.11.2010

0.1 0.2

Christian Frster (fka) Jonathan Webb (IDIADA) Patrick Spall (Conti) Christian Frster (fka)

Draft Review

08.12.2010 08.12.2010

0.3 1.0

Review Formatted and finalized

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

Executive Summary
This dissemination plan outlines the external public communication and presentation strategy for the ID4EV project. The project is put into context with the scientific landscape and political and social objectives for a greener and more eco-friendly road transport system. The projects contents are presented and project stakeholder groups are defined to identify the target group for dissemination efforts. The basic principles for all dissemination activities are outlined and objectives are set. Necessary tools, procedures and roles are defined to implement efficient and high quality dissemination. To achieve a consistent appearance of all project related publications a project identity is introduced. The various dissemination activities are described. They include papers, conferences, a website, the final event and various other means of dissemination.

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

The objective of the ID4EV project is to develop energy efficient and safe brake and chassis systems for fully electric vehicles and to improve active safety and comfort. Key systems will be optimized to the requirements for FEVs. Beside the development and optimization of the most relevant sub-systems of a vehicle with regard to active safety and comfort, the brake and the chassis system, optimization on vehicle level will done with new HMI concepts for FEVs. The project is co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Program. The international consortium comprises the expertise of eight partners from six European countries ranging from vehicle manufactures and tier one suppliers to research institutes, universities and testing facilities. European research projects such as ID4EV require means to communicate the wide scope of activities and results effectively and efficiently. The dissemination of objectives, concepts and results to stakeholders and the general public is vital for the project and the consortium partners. Within the emerging industry for development and production of fully electric vehicles and the growing market for suchlike cars an effective dissemination of results will help the consortium partners during the later market exploitation and establishment of subsequent collaborations. This dissemination plan is the working base for addressing the following target groups: The European Commission to get an overview of the planned dissemination activities. The steering committee to get an overview of activities, tools, and procedures. Work package and task leaders to be informed about the communication standards and planned activities in order to harmonize the communication and dissemination activities. All partners to harmonize the individual communication activities and to keep the whole consortium up to date on the planning and results. The document provides procedures to be followed for all dissemination activities.

The dissemination plan is designed to support high quality and far reaching dissemination of the project results to the various stakeholder groups within the European Union and worldwide. This document aims at being a reference point for all communication and dissemination activities. The first and foremost objective for the dissemination plan is to develop an integrated dissemination strategy. Consequentially measures to disseminate objectives, concepts and results to the various audiences by means of information material, papers, an internet presence, news and conferences are outlined and planned in detail.

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

A vital part of this plan is a list of conferences recommended for dissemination activities. This database will be updated on a regular basis throughout the project as new conferences are announced and information regarding deadlines and formalities becomes available. This list will be made available to the consortium as a separate document. Activities will be reflected in the progress reports. The actual achievements by the participants and their plans for disseminating results will be described therein. The dissemination plan will specify the responsibilities of the ID4EV consortium for presenting the project's plans, knowledge and findings.

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

1 ID4EV communication framework

1.1 Scientific landscape
The climate debate, limited access to fossil energy carriers and an increasing environmental awareness keep the European society and politics busy and lead, among other things, to a debate on principles of individual road transport. In the process a market demand for energy efficient and environmental friendly vehicles developed which do not depend on fossil energy carriers. The availability of suchlike vehicles is vital to maintain a modern healthy environment, which, among other things, is dependent on a high level of individual mobility. Research and development efforts to meet this challenge are focused on electric driven vehicles sourcing their energy from batteries, fuel cells or hybrid drives. Regardless of the energy source or storage system these new drive trains cause fundamental changes regarding vehicle design. To meet the evoked technological challenges politics, science and economy have joint forces to develop road transport systems for a greener tomorrow. The ID4EV project is working within this scientific landscape. It addresses a number of key topics outlined in the 7th Framework Program. A main objective designated by the European Commission is optimizing environmental friendliness of road transport by minimizing emissions and energy consumption. Fully electric vehicles are characterized by excellent energy efficiency and absence of emissions during driving. The objectives of the ID4EV project are to improve performance, comfort and usability and thereby consumer acceptance of FEVs. This will lead to a better market penetration of FEVs and, thus, to an improved environmental balance of road transport. The European Commission is dedicated to achieving and maintaining the world leadership of European science and improving the competitiveness of the European economy on the world market as outlined in the European Union's Lisbon Strategy. The focus of today's research and development in the field of vehicle technology is the fully electric vehicle. The European excellence in that field is improved by establishing a European consortium and integrating the expertise of a large variety of organizations, ranging from vehicle manufacturers to universities.

1.2 ID4EV within the scientific landscape

The ID4EV project is dedicated to improving the overall performance of fully electric vehicles. It is not limited to the development of or the research on a single aspect or component of FEVs like the electric motor or the battery. Page 10 of 46

Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

ID4EV takes a holistic approach to increase consumer acceptance and thereby market penetration of fully electric vehicles by working on a variety of the most essential vehicle subsystems, considering safety, usability, performance and comfort. Therefore the ID4EV project is outstanding within the scientific landscape. The project consortium will develop components and vehicle subsystems essential for a successful market introduction of FEV that are competitive to conventional vehicles regarding usability, comfort and safety. Those efforts make a major contribution to the overall development and research performed on fully electric vehicles. Furthermore there are no established supply chains for those vehicle systems. The ID4EV consortium will help to create a network of partners for efficient and state of the art development and production of fully electric vehicles. Third parties will be informed about the technological know-how of the consortium partners by purposive dissemination activities.

1.3 Project focus and objective

Fully electric vehicles must provide equal levels of safety, comfort and usability as conventional cars. Due to differing technical demands it is not feasible to use unaltered conventional systems as carry over solutions. New systems have to be introduced and other essential vehicle subsystems have to be tailor made for FEVs. The objective of the ID4EV project is to develop energy efficient and safe brake and chassis systems for the needs of fully electric vehicles and the improvement of active safety and comfort. Both aspects are important issues for a faster introduction of fully electric vehicles. These systems will be optimized to the requirements for FEVs. A new approach of a network system as well as new HMI concepts for FEVs will improve usability and practicality. Electrified auxiliaries like the brake and chassis systems will lead to new possibilities of vehicle control and a better cooperative interaction between these distributed systems. For a fast introduction of fully electric vehicles these systems have to be technically mature and have to consider a defined fail safe concept. The aim is to provide thoroughly tested electrified brake and chassis systems. The project will concentrate on the topics of energy efficiency, safety and the interaction between the vehicle, the optimized systems and the driver. To reach a significant breakthrough of fully electric vehicles the adapted systems will be tested on test benches and under real world conditions in demonstrator vehicles to ensure the functionality and to prove the safety.

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

1.4 ID4EV communicative approach and objectives

Dissemination of objectives, concepts and results to the different audiences is very important for the ID4EV consortium. This does not only concern the presentation of engineering concepts, their performance and marketability in professional circles, but also the demonstration of the high level of reliability, safety and usability of modern fully electric vehicles to the interested public. At the expert level, special attention is paid to the presentation of project results at international conferences and leading discussion circles. At the general level, the interested public is addressed by the project website, various dissemination media and the press. During the final event and on various other occasions the project results will be presented to the European Commission using a variety of methods including demonstrator vehicles. The dissemination activities address three objectives: Strengthen the research and development activities on fully electric vehicles: To meet the targets outlined above to establish greener, more energy efficient and sustainable road transport it is imperative to combine development efforts. The ID4EV project contributes by publishing concepts and results to avoid unnecessary duplication of work and, thereby, supporting scientific and technological progress. New technologies, especially in a potentially dangerous environment such as road traffic always tend to arouse fears in potential customers. The project consortium will contribute to establishing confidence in fully electric vehicles by developing safe, reliable and efficient vehicle systems and informing the interested public about the project and its results. New technologies for complex products, such as electric vehicles, require a closely linked industrial network and an intensive cooperation between partners. European technological and market leadership in fully electric vehicles can only be achieved by a well organized and comprehensive network of industrial and scientific partners. The ID4EV project contributes to the development of a suchlike network by the collaborative approach of the project implementation itself and by presenting the consortium partners expertise to an industrial audience. This will help the consortium partners to exploit market chances in the field of FEVs. The communication objectives differ depending on the various target groups, with each target group receiving individual messages via specific communication channels: Public: ID4EV communication will initialise and keep the dialogue with the public active in order to inform about the project. New technologies are much more likely to be accepted when the potential users are well informed. This is vital for a wide spread market penetration of fully electric vehicles. The messages will focus on the overall benefits mainly using non-technical language.

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

Experts: To encourage exploitation of the state-of-the-art and to firmly establish the project within the existing R&D community, experts need to be regularly informed about ID4EV results. The field of experts addressed by ID4EV involves researchers from various sectors such as industry and science experts, strategic research managers and business development representatives. News will be on technical performance, system characteristics, expected outcomes and results using scientific terms. Decision makers: Industry and government executives are catalysts for research and development. To exploit the market opportunities derived from the research done in the ID4EV project it is vital to keep decision makers informed about the state-of-the-art and the resulting customer and environmental benefits. Industry leaders decide on exploiting specific functions and systems when defining business strategies and new products. Political leaders set priorities and guidelines for future social development and prioritize research areas using policy agendas and providing incentives. In order to achieve support from decision makers, the dissemination strategy will focus on establishing technical knowledge about the overall performance of fully electric vehicles beyond cruising range and battery charging time. Key messages will emphasise both, the scientific as well as the business perspective.

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

2 Roles and procedures

To ensure high quality dissemination of results a number of specific roles and procedures have been defined, clarifying responsibilities for dissemination activities. Unaffected by these arrangements all consortium partners contribute to the dissemination activities.

2.1 Project coordinator

The project coordinator has the full authority and responsibility to make decisions to guarantee the success of the project. The project coordinator is involved in all major dissemination activities since adequate news/information spreading is a relevant part of the ID4EV communication policy. The project coordinator is the main contact person for all external inquires. He represents the project in general and professional public and is the liaison with the European Commission. His contact details are enclosed in all press releases and the project website. The project coordinator has to review all deliverables and reports formally. This includes publishable deliverables which form an important part of the ID4EV dissemination strategy.

2.2 Dissemination coordinator

The leader of work package 7 acts as an advisor and coordinator for all ID4EV dissemination activities. He supports the consortium partners on their activities on an administrative level. This includes assistance in choosing a suitable dissemination platform, formal design according to ID4EV branding and approval with other project partners. The dissemination coordinator is not responsible for the preparation of dissemination publications. Though, he will provide corresponding templates to the partners to warrant project design identity. Further details are described in chapter 3. The final event is prepared by the dissemination coordinator. He coordinates the consortium partners' contributions and ensures that the project results are presented to the appropriate audience.

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

2.3 Webpage coordinator

The project website is the main communication channel. The webpage coordinator develops the webpage and acts as webmaster during the project. The webpage layout and design as well as the project logo are designed by the webpage coordinator. As a result the webpage coordinator contributes a great part to the development of the ID4EV branding. The webpage coordinator provides basic content for the website and integrates new content during the project whenever it becomes available. This content is provided by the project consortium and is described in chapter 4.

2.4 Extended steering committee

The extended steering committee consists of the steering committee as specified in the grant agreement and a delegate of each project partner not represented in the steering committee. The formation of this committee was agreed on in the project kick off meeting. The extended steering committee has to give its approval to all dissemination activities as specified in the dissemination process (see chapter 2.7.2). This guarantees that all project partners can review documents before they are published and protect their intellectual property rights. If intellectual property rights of certain partners are affected in no way by a single dissemination activity the project coordinator and the dissemination coordinator can exclude these partners from the decision process by mutual agreement. This applies especially to documents using only previously published content. This rule is intended to ease and accelerate the decision process and to prevent unnecessary work for unaffected partners. It is not intended to exclude partners from the decision-making processes.

2.5 Work package leaders

The work package leaders contribute to the dissemination activities by publishing the objectives and results of their work packages according to the guidelines specified in this dissemination plan. They coordinate dissemination efforts within their project teams and act as an interface to the project coordinator and the dissemination coordinator.

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

2.6 Partners
All consortium partners are asked to actively participate in dissemination activities using the resources of their company, their media relations and their scientific and industrial network. Collaborative publications can be provided by teams of project partners as a joint contribution. All associates are asked to assist other consortium members by reviewing and approving their dissemination documents if required and by contributing necessary content. All dissemination activities must follow the guidelines laid down in the dissemination plan.

2.7 Procedures
2.7.1 Standard material and previously used material
If partners wish to present or release standard material, which was already officially approved as public presentation or public material, no formal approval is required. The dissemination coordinator and the project coordinator have to be informed in advance. If there are no objections both coordinators notify the authors to proceed with the dissemination activities.

2.7.2 Dissemination procedure

To sufficiently consider the interests of all consortium partners and facilitate a profound and comprehensive dissemination, the following dissemination procedure is established. This procedure has the purpose to protect the intellectual property rights of all partners, to implement a satisfactory dissemination, to ensure an efficient use of dissemination material and resources and to keep track of all dissemination activities. It is designed in accordance with the consortium's decision made at the kick off meeting that all publications have to be approved by all consortium partners. The following procedure shall apply for all dissemination activities. This includes all presentation at conferences, in journals and other media, public presentations, newsletter, flyers, brochures, press releases and all other dissemination activities. The level of formalization of this procedure is balanced to facilitate an efficient dissemination on the one hand and to provide a necessary level of organization and coordination on the other hand. Step 1: Planned dissemination activities will be discussed with the project partners directly involved in the work packages/tasks affected at an early stage. This will ensure a common understanding of the contents of the publication and an efficient use of available resources. Thus, disagreements will be avoided before they occur.

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

Step 2: Once a mutual agreement is achieved the dissemination coordinator and the project coordinator are informed about the planned dissemination activity via email at an early stage, at least three weeks before submission deadline. The following information is provided: Type of the dissemination event Partners involved and affected In case of a presentation at an event - Title - Authors - Title, date and place of event - Abstract (in English) - Title and editor of proceeding or publication In case of a publication - Title - Authors - Title of journal - Date of publication - Editor - Abstract (in English) In case of a newsletter article - Title - Authors - Date of publication - Abstract or article (in English) If only an abstract is provided: an outline of all foreground and background information used Any additional valuable information In case of any other dissemination activity all valuable information

Step 3: The dissemination coordinator distributes the proposal to the extended steering committee and the project coordinator for approval. After a prior consultation with the project coordinator and the author the dissemination manager can limit that group to those partners directly involved in the work package the publication is based on. Any member of that committee can reject the proposed dissemination activity in case of intellectual property issues. In that case it is the responsibility of the dissemination coordinator to find consensus. Step 4: The decision of the extended steering committee members has to be provided within ten working days, if there is no response within that period, it shall be regarded as approved.

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ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

Step 5: The dissemination manager informs the relevant partner about the decision. In case of conflict or if further material is needed, the dissemination manager informs the relevant partner and requests modifications or additions. This shall be done in close consultation with the objecting partner. If significant modifications are required the dissemination process shall be started again to identify any new conflicts caused by the changes. Step 6: If the extended steering committee approves the proposed dissemination activity the respective partner proceeds to realise the proposed dissemination activity. Step 7: As soon as the dissemination activity is realised, the partner shall upload the material to the projects document server for further use by the project consortium. In case of subsequent use of that material the providing partner shall be notified. The dissemination manager will keep records of all steps taken during the dissemination activity and archive the materials.

2.7.3 Usage of partners names and logos

The following organisation names and logos should be used for all external communication activities about ID4EV (in alphabetic order). The logos will be made available at the document server.
Table 1 - Names, logos and classification of consortium partners




Chalmers University of Technology

Continental Engineering Services GmbH

fka - Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen mbH Aachen

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ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

ICOOR - Consorzio Interuniversitario per l'Ottimizzazione e la Ricerca Operativa


TNO - Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek

ZF Friedrichshafen AG1

Corporate identity rules of ZF Friedrichshafen AG call for a white space surrounding the logo whenever feasible. Width of white space at least 75% of logo size.

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

3 Branding
The ID4EV brand identity was developed to establish a consistent design for all dissemination activities and thus created a high recognition value. In professional circles this will lead to an easy attribution of publications to the project emphasising the scientific and technological impact of the project. The development of the branding was guided by the wish to create an appealing and memorable design expressing the main aim of fully electric vehicles - to provide an environmental friendly means of road transport.

3.1 Logo
The project logo has been designed at the very beginning of the project and is used to brand all project publications. It is described in detail in "Deliverable D 07.1 Webpage".
Figure 1 - Project logo

It represents a fully electric vehicle and emphasises the concept of movement as well as the ecofriendliness of fully electric vehicles. The logo is available on the project document server.

3.2 PowerPoint template

A PowerPoint template is provided to be used by all partners of the consortium for all project related presentations. The design is linked to the webpage design by reprising design elements Page 20 of 46

Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

and illustrations. White font colour and serifs used on the website have been dropped for better readability of the projected image. The template is available on the project document server. The company logo(s) of the lecturer(s) can be placed in the upper left corner of all PowerPoint slides except on the front page.

3.3 Deliverable and press release template

The deliverable template shall be used for all project deliverables requested in the grant agreement. It can be used as template for internal reports and work documents if applicable. The press release template shall be used for all press statements released on behalf of the project. Both MS Word templates are available on the project document server.

3.4 Poster template

The poster template shall be used for all project related posters, especially for posters provided for the final event. The template is available on the project document server.

3.5 Other documents

If a dissemination document cannot be derived from one of the templates described above (e.g. spreadsheets) the design has to be developed by the author himself. The document shall reproduce the basic design principles of the known templates to establish a clear correlation to the project.

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Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

4 Communication activities
The following communication tools and media will be used for dissemination activities addressing the various stakeholders.
Figure 2 - Communication activities

For each work package exploitable results will be identified by the work package leader in cooperation with the consortium partners. Appropriate dissemination activities will be determined and carried out.

4.1 Deliverables
The project deliverables are the main instrument to document the progress of work and the project outcome. A number of theses deliverables are classified as public and will be published on the project website. These publications make projects results available to stakeholders and the interested public on a technical level. The deliverables and their dissemination level are listed in the description of work.

4.2 Project website

The project website ( is the main dissemination channel to the interested public and a gateway for everyone interested in the project. Page 22 of 46

Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

A preliminary version was used to provide a temporary source of information during the first view weeks. The final version of the website was launched in the 4th month of the project. Figure 3 shows the front page of the final website.
Figure 3 - ID4EV homepage (source: D07.1)

To accomplish its key task in the dissemination strategy the website contains several elements that are clearly arranged and can be used intuitively. A project overview is given and the consortium is presented. All public available dissemination documents will be made available on the website in the corresponding registers. To enable interested guest to get in touch with the project team contact details of the project coordinator are available. A detailed description of the website is given in "Deliverable D 07.1 Webpage".

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ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

Figure 4 - Website structure (source: D07.1)

4.3 Newsletter
The newsletter is an easy to use, fast and informal means of dissemination and integral part of the webpage. It will be published on the website and a subscription function will be implemented. Old newsletter will be made available online in an archive. The newsletter as a means of communication will be used whenever new and valuable information is available that should be distributed to the stakeholders and the public. The information can be included in the newsletter itself or the newsletter could inform about another new document available on the website.

4.4 Press releases and press attention

Press releases are used to inform the relevant media about major events during the project implementation. The extended steering committees approval has to be granted prior to the publication of all press releases. The press releases are distributed using the established PR contact of all project partners.

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ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

Any relevant articles published about ID4EV will be documented in the news section of the webpage. All project partners are kindly asked to bring such articles to the dissemination coordinators attention once they have been spotted.

4.5 Posters
All posters designed during ID4EV project shall be based on the poster template provided to the consortium to ensure a consistent appearance. For the final event, posters will be used to present the project results on a detailed level. These posters will be provided by the work package and task leaders.

4.6 Conferences
Conferences are a fundamental part of the scientific world. They provide opportunities to network with other experts and to exchange scientific expertise and ideas. ID4EV will use the well established international system of conferences and conventions to consult other specialists and publish results of the project on a scientific level to a professional audience. The dissemination coordinator provides a list of suitable conferences including basic information like submission dates, procedures and contact details. Since this information is not yet available for all conferences that will take place during the project implementation, the list will be updated on a regular basis and made available on the project document server. Annex I of this document contains a preliminary and shortened list of conferences. A more detailed list is available on the project document server and will be updated regularly to include newly available information. If it is intended to visit a non-European conference technical formalities have to be checked with the project officer in advance. Otherwise travel expenses might not be refunded. At the time of writing this document no decision has been made regarding which conferences will be attended. Due to the large number of conferences on electric vehicles a selection of the most prominent conventions has been made. The consortium partners are free to use other conferences for their dissemination activities.

4.7 Papers
Coequal to conferences papers published in peer-reviewed journals are a very important and well established way to publish and document results of research activities. Page 25 of 46

Deliverable 7.2 Dissemination plan

ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

A large number of peer-reviewed journals on vehicle technology in general exist. For practical reasons a selection has been made embracing journals considered suitable for the dissemination of the expected project outcome. The consortium partners are free to use other journals as publication platforms. At the time of writing this document no decision has been made which journals will be used to disseminate project results. The list can be found in Annex II of this document and on the document server. Detailed information about the journals and procedures to place articles are provided.

4.8 Final event

The final event will be a major dissemination activity used for the presentation of project results in an interactive way to all stakeholders, the professional circles and the general public. The project outcome will be presented using a large variety of means ranging from posters and presentations to demonstrator vehicles. The activities related to that event will include: Setting up a detailed plan and timetable for the preparation of the event Developing the program and contents Coordinating the partners contributions Communicating the event to the stakeholders Providing location, logistics and catering; selecting external service providers and negotiating contracts

The event will be organized with the support of the project coordinator, the steering committee and all consortium partners. All partners are required to represent their company and to present their project outcome. Dissemination material has to be contributed according to project findings and the commitments stated in the Description of Work.

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ID4EV Intelligent Dynamics for fully electric vehicles

Grant agreement n. 260070

Annex I: List of conferences

Table 2 - Preliminary list of conferences

year date

7. Tag des Fahrwerks 2010 19th Aachen Colloquium "Automobile and Engine Technology" 4. VDI Tagung Baden-Baden Spezial zur Fahrzeugelektronik 2nd International eCarTec Conference 17th ITS World Congress -Symposium 7. VDI-Tagung Innovative Fahrzeugantriebe EV Charging Infastructure & Grid Integration 2010 11. Internationales CAR Symposium 8th Braunschweig Symposium Hybrid and Electric Vehicles 11th Stuttgart International Symposium 2011 Automotive and Engine Technology 2nd international eCarTec Paris Conference for Electric Mobility MobiliTec 32nd International Vienna Motor Symposium 8th ITS European Congress plus 2011 13th European Automotive Congress, EAEC 2011 3. Forum Hybrid- und Elektroantriebe fr Kraftfahrzeuge 4. E-MOTIVE Expertenforum "Elektrische Fahrzeugantriebe" 18th ITS World Congress Reifen Fahrwerk Fahrbahn 5. VDI Tagung Baden-Baden Spezial zur Fahrzeugelektronik Tag des Hybrids 2011 20th Aachen Colloquium "Automobile and Engine Technology" -Symposium 8. VDI-Tagung Innovative Fahrzeugantriebe 12. Internationales CAR Symposium 9th Braunschweig Symposium Hybrid and Electric Vehicles 12th Stuttgart International Symposium 2012 Automotive and Engine Technology MobiliTec 33nd International Vienna Motor Symposium plus 2012 9th ITS European Congress AVEC 11 - 11th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control 4. Forum Hybrid- und Elektroantriebe fr Kraftfahrzeuge 19th ITS World Congress 5. E-MOTIVE Expertenforum "Elektrische Fahrzeugantriebe" 8. Tag des Fahrwerks 2012 21th Aachen Colloquium "Automobile and Engine Technology" 6. VDI Tagung Baden-Baden Spezial zur Fahrzeugelektronik -Symposium Fisita 2012 9. VDI-Tagung Innovative Fahrzeugantriebe

Aachen, Germany Aachen, Germany Baden Baden, Germany Munich, Germany Busan, Korea tbc Dresden, Germany London, UK Bochum, Germany Braunschweig, Germany Stuttgart, Germany Paris, France Hannover, Germany Vienna, Austria Lyon, France Munich, Germany Valencia, Spain tbc tbc Orlando, USA Hannover, Germany tbc Aachen, Germany Aachen, Germany tbc tbc Bochum, Germany Braunschweig, Germany Stuttgart, Germany Hannover, Germany Vienna, Austria Munich, Germany tbc tbc tbc Vienna, Austria tbc Aachen, Germany Aachen, Germany tbc tbc Bejing, China tbc

2010 2011 2012

4.10.2010 4. - 6.10.2010 13. - 14.10.2010 19. - 21.10.2010 25. - 29.10.2010 29.10.2010 10. - 11.11.2010 30.11. - 1.12.2010 26. - 27.1.2011 15. - 16.2.2011 22. - 23.2.2011 30. - 31.3.2011 04. - 08.4.2011 5. - 6.5.2011 6. - 9.6.2011 7. - 8.6.2011 14. - 17.6.2011 tbc tbc 16. - 20.10.2011 tbc tbc tbc 10.- 12.10.2011 tbc tbc tbc tbc tbc tbc 26. - 27.4.2012 tbc tbc tbc tbc 17. - 21.9.2012 tbc 08.10.2012 8. - 10.10.2012 tbc tbc 12. - 15.10.2012 tbc

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Annex II: List of peer reviewed journals

Springer Automotive Media / GWV Fachverlage GmbH Location Germany Media type Magazine (on-/offline) Language German Release frequency 11 issues per year The magazine contains different Profile automobile topics and each issues has a certain focus. Research and development, construction, Reports focus experiment, production From Real to Virtual Tyre - Tyre Model Parameterisation (3/2009) Servo-synchronizers in Dual Clutch Transmissions (1/2009) Examples of articles SEA Modelling for Sound Package Development Inclusion of Simulated Airborne Noise loads (11/2008) Database on website Subscriber has free access to online article archive Price of subscription 247 Editorial office gets all manuscripts directly. Number of pages per article Ca. 5-10 pages Submission deadlines n/a Language German Additional note n/a Springer Automotive Media / GWV Fachverlage GmbH Address of publisher Abraham-Lincoln-Strae 46 65189 Wiesbaden Johannes Winterhagen Editor-in-Chief Michael Reichenbach Co-Editor-in-Chief Website of magazine Email address for queries contact formula on website Publisher

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ATZ autotechnology
Springer Automotive Media / GWV Fachverlage GmbH Location Germany Media type Magazine (on-/offline) Language English Release frequency 6 issues per year The magazine contains different topics about the international automotive Profile industry and each issues has a certain focus. Reports focus Engine Development, chassis development, car safety Lithium-ion Batteries for Hybrid Drives (04/2009) Examples of articles The New Renault-Nissan V6 dCi Diesel Engine (03/2009) Database on website Subscriber has free access to online article archive Price of subscription 86 Editorial office gets all manuscripts directly. Number of pages per article Ca. 5-10 pages Submission deadlines n/a Language English Additional note n/a Springer Automotive Media / GWV Fachverlage GmbH Address of publisher Abraham-Lincoln-Strae 46 65189 Wiesbaden Johannes Winterhagen Editor-in-Chief Michael Reichenbach Co-Editor-in-Chief Website of magazine Email address for queries contact formula on website Publisher

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ATZ elektronik
Springer Automotive Media / GWV Fachverlage GmbH Location Germany Media type Magazine (on-/offline) Language German Release frequency 6 issues per year The magazine informs about the latest development methods, electronic Profile components, future driver assistance systems, power supply network and energy management, etc. Development of driver assistance systems, engine control systems, Reports focus battery systems Energy Management for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (01/2009) Examples of articles Braking Energy Regeneration in the Electric Onboard Network (07/2009) Database on website Subscriber has free access to online article archive Price of subscription 124 Editorial office gets all manuscripts directly. Number of pages per article Ca. 5-10 pages Submission deadlines n/a Language German Additional note n/a Springer Automotive Media / GWV Fachverlage GmbH Address of publisher Abraham-Lincoln-Strae 46 65189 Wiesbaden Johannes Winterhagen Editor-in-Chief Michael Reichenbach Co-Editor-in-Chief Website of magazine Email address for queries contact formula on website Publisher

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ATZ produktion
Springer Automotive Media / GWV Fachverlage GmbH Location Germany Media type Magazine (on-/offline) Language German Release frequency 4 issues per year The magazine informs about innovative Profile production processes specialized for automotive industry. Innovative production processes, Reports focus production structures and networks, simulation Examples of articles Energy-Efficient Workpiece Handling (03/2009) Database on website Subscriber has free access to online article archive Price of subscription 94 Editorial office gets all manuscripts directly. Number of pages per article Ca. 5-10 pages Submission deadlines n/a Language German Additional note n/a Springer Automotive Media / GWV Fachverlage GmbH Address of publisher Abraham-Lincoln-Strae 46 65189 Wiesbaden Johannes Winterhagen Editor-in-Chief Michael Reichenbach Co-Editor-in-Chief Website of magazine Email address for queries contact formula on website Publisher

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Institution of Mech. Engineers. Proc. Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering

Publisher Location Media type Language Release frequency Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd. Great Britain Magazine (on-/offline) English 12 issues per year The magazine informs about general Profile developments and changes in the automotive industry. No special reports focuses Special editions with Guest-Editors for Reports focus certain topics, e.g.: Special Issue on Automotive Braking (07/2008) Special Issue on Alternative Fuels (08/2007) Integrated control of wheel-drive-brake torque for vehiclehandling enhancement (04/2009) Examples of articles Characterization and quantification of luxury sound quality in premium-class passenger cars (03/2009) Tyre-road friction estimation - a comparative study (12/2008) Volumes 211 - 223 (per Volume 12 issues) with Login retrievable Database on website (Abo) Price of subscription 1.817 Articles can be send online to the Editorial Manager ( Maximum 5000 words, technical notes until 1500 words and Number of pages per article maximum 10 pictures Comments to published articles maximum 500 words and 2 pictures Requirements Submission deadlines Language n/a English Example issue available at: Marketing Executive Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd. 1 Birdcage Walk Westminster London SW1 H 9JJ United Kingdom

General information

Additional note

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Address of publisher Contact details


Co-Editor-in-Chief Website of magazine Email address for queries

n/a n/a n/a Prof. Colin Garner Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Tel.: +44 (0) 1509 227-527 / Fax: -502 Michael Reichenbach

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International Journal of Automotive Technology

Publisher Location Media type Language Release frequency General information Contact details Requirements Springer Germany Magazine (on-/offline) English Every two months The magazine informs about research Profile results considering automotive engineering. No special reports focuses (Automotive Reports focus Technology, Science and Engineering) Development of an intelligent CAE system for auto-body concept design (04/2009) Interior sound field refinement of a passenger car using modified Examples of articles panel acoustic contribution (02/2009) Analysis of handling performance based on simplified lateral vehicle dynamics (06/2008) Database on website Subscriber has free access to online archive Price of subscription US$ 1134 Articles can be send online in pdf-format with contact details Number of pages per article Ca. 5-10 pages Submission deadlines n/a Language English Additional note n/a Springer-Verlag Planung Technik Dieter Merkle Address of publisher Tiergartenstr. 17 69121 Heidelberg Tel.: +49 6221 4878148 Suk Ho Chong School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Editor-in-Chief Seoul National University Seoul 151-742, Korea Email address: Simsoo Park Department of Mechanical Engineering Editor-in-Chief Korea University Seoul 136-701, Korea Website of magazine Email address for queries
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International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Publisher Location Media type Language Release frequency Profile General information Inderscience Publishers Great Britain Magazine (on-/offline) English 4 issues per year The magazine informs about topics concerning electric and hybrid vehicle systems e.g. "Serial- und parallel hybrids for cars, trucks and busses", "Hydrogen fuel cell systems", "Braking systems for electric drive train systems and traction control" experiment, production Adaptive neuro control of parallel hybrid electric vehicles (01/2007)

Reports focus

Maximisation of brake energy regeneration in a hybrid electric parallel car (01/2007) Rule-based energy management strategies for hybrid vehicles (01/2007) Database on website Magazine since 2007 in digital form, subscription required Price of subscription 672 Papers will be checked after sending in online. Number of pages per article 5000-7000 words (exclusive graphics), maximum 20 pages Submission deadlines n/a Language English Additional note Primarily MS Word, LaTeX papers should be saved as pdf-papers The Editor-in-Chief Editorial Office Address of publisher P O Box 735 Olney, Bucks., MK46 5W United Kingdom Benot Masseu (Renault IDVU) Editor-in-Chief Prof. Maria Angeles Martin Prats Co-Editor (Universidad de Sevilla) Website of magazine Email address for queries Examples of articles

Contact details


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International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems

Publisher Location Media type Language Release frequency General information Contact details Requirements Inderscience Publishers Great Britain Magazine (on-/offline) English 4 issues per year The Magazine informs about topics Profile concerning research and development of driver assistance systems Collision und impact warning, reduction and prevention of results of accidents, Reports focus active chassis, man-machine interfaces and interactions Towards urban driverless vehicles (06/2008) Learning to drive the human way: a step towards intelligent Examples of articles vehicles (06/2008) Dynamic models and parameter identification of a heavy-duty autonomous vehicle (06/2008) Database on website Publications since 2002 in digital form, subscription required Price of subscription 672 Papers will be checked after sending in online. Number of pages per article 5000-7000 words (exclusive graphics), maximum 20 pages Submission deadlines n/a Language English Additional note Primarily MS Word, LaTeX papers should be saved as pdf-papers The Editor-in-Chief Editorial Office Address of publisher P O Box 735 Olney, Bucks., MK46 5W United Kingdom Dr. M.A. Dorgham Editor-in-Chief International Centre for Technology and Management

Executive Editor: Website of magazine Email address for queries

Dr. Kevin Deng (General Motors R&D Center)

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International Journal of Vehicle Information & Communication Systems

Publisher Location Media type Language Release frequency Inderscience Publishers Great Britain Magazine (on-/offline) English 4 issues per year The Magazine informs about topics concerning information flow and Profile communication between systems and subsystems in vehicle, between vehicles and between vehicle and environment. Vehicle-infrastructure integration, Reports focus man-machine integration, vehicle-person identification technology The effect of variable message and speed limit signs on mean speeds and speed deviations (01/2005) Network analysis of information flows to integrate in-vehicle Examples of articles information systems (01/2005) Study of the interface issues between motorists and intelligent highway system through variable message signs (01/2005) Database on website Subscriber has free access to online article archive Price of subscription 672 Papers will be checked after sending in online. Number of pages per article 5000-7000 words (exclusive graphics), maximum 20 pages Submission deadlines n/a Language English Additional note Primarily MS Word, LaTeX papers should be saved as pdf-papers The Editor-in-Chief Editorial Office Address of publisher P O Box 735 Olney, Bucks., MK46 5W United Kingdom Dr. M.A. Dorgham Editor-in-Chief International Centre for Technology and Management Website of magazine Email address for queries

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Springer Automotive Media / GWV Fachverlage GmbH Location Germany Media type Magazine (on-/offline) Language German Release frequency 11 issues per year The magazine informs abut research projects and serial development of Profile diesel and petrol engines including parts and accessories Alternative drives, engines, engine Reports focus acoustics Trends in Powertrain Technology (09/2009) Examples of articles Lightweight Design for Cylinder Blocks in Response to Current and Future Requirements (10/2009) Database on website Subscriber has free access to online article archive Price of subscription 247 Editorial office gets all manuscripts directly. Number of pages per article Ca. 5-10 pages Submission deadlines n/a Language German Additional note n/a Springer Automotive Media / GWV Fachverlage GmbH Address of publisher Abraham-Lincoln-Strae 46 65189 Wiesbaden Johannes Winterhagen Editor-in-Chief Michael Reichenbach Co-Editor-in-Chief Website of magazine Email address for queries contact formula on website Publisher

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Control Engineering Practice

Publisher Location Media type Language Release frequency General information Contact details Requirements Elsevier Great Britain Magazine (on-/offline) English 12 issues per year The Magazine informs about applications Profile of control technology and automation technology. Applications of automation technology, Reports focus project planning and system design, economic and management topics A hybrid procedure strategy for vehicle localization system: Design and prototyping (17/2009) Examples of articles Dynamic calibration of fuelling in the PFI SI engine (17/2009) A design framework for overlapping controllers and its industrial application (17/2009) All articles since 1993 are online in digital form available Database on website (subscription required) Price of subscription 1.745 The article can be send online to Professor Ian K. Craig. Number of pages per article maximum 20 pages (inclusive graphics and charts) Submission deadlines n/a Language English Additional note Primarily Word, Word Perfect or LaTeX Customer Service Department P.O. Box 211 Address of publisher 1000 AE Amsterdam The Netherlands I.K. Craig (University of Pretoria) Department of Electrical Electronic & Computer Engineering Editor-in-Chief University of Pretoria Pretoria 0002 South Africa A. Kugi Deputy Editor-In-Chief: Vienna University of Technology Website of magazine Email address for queries
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IET Intelligent Transportation Systems

Publisher Location Media type Language Release frequency General information Profile The Institution of Engineering and Technology Great Britain Magazine (on-/offline) English 4 issues per year The magazine informs about practical applications of intelligent transportation systems and infrastructure Public transportation, traffic management, safety , sustainability and economic aspects Travel time prediction under heterogeneous traffic conditions using global positioning system data from buses (03/2009) Robust traffic sign shape recognition using geometric matching (03/2009) Pedestrian detection using a single-monochrome camera (03/2009)

Reports focus

Examples of articles

Database on website Subscriber has free access to online database. Price of subscription GBP 432 Sending Papers by using the Manuscript Central. Papers can be send as .pdf, .ps, .doc, or .rtf Number of pages per article Maximum 10,000 words Submission deadlines n/a Language English Additional note Using colors in the final paper will cost GBP 300 for 2 pages Member and Customer Services Institution of Engineering and Technology PO Box 96 Address of publisher Stevenage Herts, SG1 2SD United Kingdom Alan Stevens Editor Website of magazine Email address for queries

Contact details


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Vehicle Technology
Publisher Location Media type Language Release frequency Profile Reports focus Examples of articles Database on website Price of subscription n/a Number of pages per article Submission deadlines Language Additional note Institute of Vehicle Engineers (IVehE) Great Britain Magazine (on-/offline) English 4 issues per year The magazine informs about all general topics of automotive industry, especially in Great Britain. No special focuses First Zero Emission Range Rover (01/2009) Fuel Saving and CO2 Reduction Technology (06/2008) Top Suppliers return to Autosport Engineering (01/2009) Some examples on website available GBP 595 n/a n/a English n/a SAE-UK Office P.O. Box 13312 Birmingham B28 1BG United Kingdom Dr. Anthony McDonagh Smith

Contact details


General information

Address of publisher

Editor Website of magazine Email address for queries

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IET Electric Power Applications

Publisher Location Media type Language Release frequency The Institution of Engineering and Technology Great Britain Magazine (on-/offline) English 6 issues per year The magazine informs about praxis and Profile theory concerning electric drive trains. Design und analysis of engines, generators, actuators, energy transformation, variable speed drives, Reports focus vehicle with electric drives, industrial and non-industrial applications and processes, etc. On-line mechanical unbalance estimation for permanent magnet synchronous machine drives (3.3/2009) Modelling the brushless excitation system for a synchronous Examples of articles machine (3.3/2009) A novel sensorless control method for brushless DC motor (3.3/2009) Database on website Subscriber has free access to online database. Price of subscription 984 GBP Sending Papers by using the Manuscript Central. Papers can be send as .pdf, .ps, .doc, or .rtf Number of pages per article Maximum 10,000 words Submission deadlines n/a Language English Additional note Using colors in the final paper will cost GBP 300 for 2 pages Member and Customer Services Address of publisher Institution of Engineering and Technology PO Box 96 Stevenage Editor-in-Chief Herts, SG1 2SD United Kingdom Editor-in-Chief Steve Williamson Website of magazine Email address for queries

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International Journal of Power Electronics

Publisher Location Media type Language Release frequency General information Contact details Requirements Inderscience Publishers Great Britain Magazine (on-/offline) English 4 issues per year The magazine informs about the latest Profile developments of power electronics concerning research and industry. Modeling, simulation, analysis, basic Reports focus research, development, design and real-time implementation A three-phase uninterruptible power supply with an adaptive reference waveform generator (01/2008) Performance of grid connected inverter with maximum power Examples of articles point tracker and power factor control (01/2008) Some aspects of switching power amplifier used in electromagnetic levitation system (01/2008) Database on website Subscription required Price of subscription 672 Papers will be checked after sending in online. Number of pages per article 5000-7000 words (exclusive graphics), maximum 20 pages Submission deadlines n/a Language English Additional note Primarily MS Word, LaTeX papers should be saved as pdf-papers The Editor-in-Chief Editorial Office Address of publisher P O Box 735 Olney, Bucks., MK46 5W United Kingdom Dr. S. Paramasivam Assistant General Manager (R&D) ESAB Engineering Services LimitedG22 Editor-in-Chief SIPCOT Industrial Park Chennai 602105 India Website of magazine Email address for queries

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Transportation Research Part D: Transport & Environment

Publisher Location Media type Language Release frequency General information Contact details Requirements Elsevier Great Britain Magazine (on-/offline) English 6 issues per year The magazine informs about investigations concerning effects of Profile transportation to environment and importance of laws Reports focus No special focuses Measuring the potential for automobile On-road emissions from urban buses with SCR + Urea and Examples of articles EGR + DPF systems using diesel and biodiesel (14/2009) The inconvenient truth about improving vehicle fuel efficiency (14/2009) Database on website All articles (1996-2009) are online available after registration Price of subscription 1.066 After registration online sending in is possible, by using colors extra costs occur, status of article can be checked online. Number of pages per article Ca. 10-20 pages Submission deadlines n/a Language English Additional note n/a Elsevier Customer Service Department Address of publisher PO Box 211 1000 AE Amsterdam The Netherlands Kenneth Button Editor-in-Chief George Mason University Yoshitsugu Hayashi Associate Editor Nagoya University Bob Noland Associate Editor Daniel Sperling Associate Editor University of California Website of magazine Email address for queries see website
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