Manpower Planning" at Markfed, Chandigarh: A Summer Training Project Report On

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A Summer Training Project Report On

Manpower Planning
At Markfed, Chandigarh
An Internship Report submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of : MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (2010-2012)

Supervised by: Dr. Sonica

Submitted by: Tushar Thakur MBA III(A) 105512251650

I, hereby state this project report submitted by Tushar Thakur in partial fulfillment of requirements of MBA in an original research work carried out by me under the guidance and supervision of my Dr. Sonika and this work or any part of it has not been previously submitted for a degree of MBA.

Dr. Sonika (Sr. Faculty CGC , Gharuan) Dated:

It gives me abundant pleasure and a sense of satiety to express my profound gratitude to the esteemed personalities who were keenly associated with the successful accomplishment of my training .At the very outset I am very earnestly obliged to Dr. Sonika for providing me her guidance which proved to be of immense help in practical training at Mark fed. I would like to thank the management of MARKFED for giving me an opportunity to work in their reputed organization, which helped me to gain a lot of knowledge about my field. I am extremely thankful to Mr. Manmeet Dhillon (Training Manager HR) for offering me a big exposure in various ventures linked with my field. Their cooperation has invariably and unfaithfully helped me to achieve my desired aim. This stupendous task would not have been possible without their forth coming being guidance. Therefore, I heartily voice my deepest sense of gratitude & thankfulness for their timely cooperation.

DECLARATION I Tushar Thakur, student of Masters of Business Administration 3rd semester at CGC , Gharuan hereby declare that I have completed my research project titled Manpower Planning as partial fulfillment of the requirement of the course curriculum for the academic year 2010-2012 under the guidance of Dr. Sonika (Sr. Professor CGC, Gharuan). This data has been collected by me is truly authentic and is not borrowed or copied from any dissertation report. The report contains true and complete information.


SR NO. Ch 1. Ch 2. Ch 3. Ch 4. Ch 5 Ch 6. Ch 6. Ch 7. Ch 8. CONTENTS Executive Summary Introduction Of Markfed About Manpower Planning Objectives Research Methodology & Design Analysis & interpretation Findings Suggestions Conclusion Bibliography Annexure


Summer training is an effort to learn the practical aspect of the management study. The major objective of my object to analyze the level of manpower planning of organization and to study the concept of manpower planning. To attain this objective the major aspect was to get relevant information. The literature of the organization was studied to know the exact working. The primary source of information was used. The major data was collected from the company employees {by questionnaire} company booklet and company website. The various aspects were discussed with the company officials.



The Punjab state cooperative supply and marketing federation limited popularly known as MARKFED is an important milestone in the history of Indian cooperatives which is serving millions of farmer and is partner in their progress and prosperity. The ingredients of Markfeds success story are its cooperative structure, govt. support, progressive policies, innovative plans and dedicated personnel at managerial & field level. The usage of state of the art technology and cooperative philosophy has further helped in its progress. Mark fed has a large variety of products under the brand name Sohna-Basmati, rice, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, mustard oil etc. the product range also includes canned products like pickles, squashes & sharbats, purified natural honey, spices, ketchup, mixed fruit jam& variety of tinned vegetable curries. Besides this Markfed undertakes supply of insecticides, weedicides and fungicides to help farmers to protect their crops.

A VISION OF MOTIVATION Mark fed continuously motivates the farmers to adopt innovative strategies in production & marketing, which in turn, has resulted in creating a substantial base for production 8

&marketing of value added agro food products, both for domestic & foreign markets while meeting the highest standards of quality & safely. OUR STRENGTHS Training & agro export house The govt. of Punjab has declared Markfed as a nodal agency of fruits, vegetables & food grains. Also govt. of India has granted the status of an export house to markfed. OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE Markfed is the recipient of many national productivity council awards for its vita contribution towards the development of Agro-industry over the period. LATEST TECHNIQUES In a fast moving scenario Markfed has adopted state-of-the-art methodologies like ERP using WAN &LAN connecting all its district offices in Punjab to quicken pace of collecting, processing & dissemination of information.

THE ORGANISATION The organization comes under the control of department of cooperative societies Punjab govt. The main executive controllers are board of directors, which are headed by Chairman Markfed, Registrar co-operative societies (Punjab) or financial commissioner of cooperatives of Punjab. The management of the federation is vested with a board of directors headed by a Chairman & consisting of a managing director & 15 Directors.


The MD is the chief executive officer of Markfed is responsible for the overall performance under the control & direction of the board of directors. The board members are appointed for five years. The head office is organized into various departments: General Plants Accounts Internal audit Marketing Legal & taxation Engineering Cotton Monitoring Food grains Personnel

MARKFED Punjab is Asias largest marketing co-operative. As a co-operative, it exists both because of and for the farmers of this vibrant state. Their needs have shaped the purpose of MARKFED and also its future. The bottom line is our people the farmers. Value, for markfed, is the improved quality of life of millions of families of farmers of Punjab. They created history by transforming the greenfields into golden fields through the green revolution. With Markfeds support, they will also transform India into the worlds leading agri-business player. In this endeavor Markfeds support them with total might and ensure that their future is brighter by way of being a part of multifarious activities. In the September of 1954, what began with 13 members, a share capital of rs.54000/- 3 employees & 1 bicycle has today has become Asias largest marketing co-operative, Markfed. Today, this organization employs more than 3000 person, has a network of 10

manufacturing units, service centers & offices crises crossing Punjab &its operations spread around the world.MARKFED is a federation of 3021 members cooperative societies is representing directly the interest of over one million farmers. Markfed success is the true reflections of the spirit & dynamism of the people it represents the people of Punjab. The factors that have made this Rs. 8700 crores giant a magnificent success is its cooperative structure, enlightened management, progressive plants & policies, path breaking innovations, highly dedicated workforce and supreme commitment to the objectives of the cooperative. Markfed plays a pivotal role as a catalyst for integrated development & growth in the rural areas of Punjab. It helps in stabilizing the market rates of farm produce, ensures supply of quality goods, helps in generating employment & contributes substantially towards earning foreign exchange. In keeping with the latest & fast evolving trends, Markfed has adopted the worlds latest techniques like electronic data processing for on line processing, analysis and dissemination of information to the people who need it the most. In spreading the vital information, Markfed has joined hands with Punjab Marketing Board since 1984 who sponsor a farmers information program Mera pind mere khet (My land my fields) on television. Markfeds contribution to agriculture & industry has drawn applause & has borne fruits in many ways. It has received many national awards for special achievement in the field of food processing and cooperative marketing. Markfeds cooperative philosophy which involves development based on mutual help, justice and equality, service, democratic setup and shared prosperity makes it true friend of Punjabs farmers. Employing this principle, Markfed has emerged as contributed to various socio economic development programmes.



The main aim of the Markfed is to safeguard the interests of the farmers in the post independence period. Markfed played an important role in the GREEN REVOLUTION in Punjab. Ever since 1954 Markfed has been given relief to farmers in almost every field i.e for arranging fertilizers to them on credit basis through village level co-operative societies. it also toes the business of wheat, paddy, cotton & oilseeds on behalf of government of Punjab. Markfed has its own godowns with capacity of 14 lakh metric tones for storing wheat paddy & fertilizers etc.

1. No. of employees: a) Managerial: b) Non-managerial: c) class-IV (d-category): d) total: 3271 91(82) 1806(325) 1374(201) 3271(608)

(the figures in brackets give the composition of MARKFED headquarter staff) 2. Total Annual Wages & Salaries: rs.47.76 crore

The objectives of Markfed are as follows:



To make arrangements for procuring, marketing/trading, processing /manufacturing of agricultural products as well as byproducts of its affiliated members & their members to their best advantage with in the country & outside the country.


To find out & adopt latest technology & supply of goods on co-operative basis & to act as agent to its constituents & other persons & institutions approved by the registrar, co-operative societies. Punjab.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

To raise funds for its own business. To provide financial assistance to its members in the shape of advances, loans & grants. To make arrangements for procurement in bulk the requirements of its members in respect of both producer & consumer goods. To make arrangements for distribution of agricultural inputs in retail to members & non-members. To undertake processing, manufacturing, grading & packaging activities & establish industrial units. To arrange for construction of buildings necessary for business of the federation & its members & also to take up the construction work of other government / institutional agencies.

9. 10. 11. 12.

To guide, assist & supervise the working of its member societies. To run warehouses. To undertake interstate trade, import & export of agricultural produce, farm equipments & consumer goods. To carry on publicity & propaganda in respect of co-operative marketing & supply by publication of suitable literature, arrangements of demonstration by organizing marketing, processing & supply societies, conferences, participation in exhibitions & otherwise.


To enter collaboration with other co-operatives in India or in foreign countries in fulfillment of any of its objects, subjects to the approval of the govt. Under section 7.7 of the act wherever required. 13

14. 15.

To act as an insurance agent and to guide & to assist its member societies and other etc. Regarding all insurance matters. To guarantee the loans advanced or credit granted to any member society of the federation by the govt., state bank of India or any other agency within such limits and such terms as may be fixed and charge commission there on.


To do all things that may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of any or all the aforesaid objects of for the advancement of the cooperative movement in general.


To fulfill its commitment to help the farmers and general public, Markfed have processing units and factories at different places in Punjab. These are: 1. Markfed vanaspati & allied industries, Khanna. 14

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Markfed refined oil allied industries, Kapurthala. Markfed cotton seed & processing plant, Gidderbaha. Markfed canneries, Jalandhar. Markfed agro chemicals, Mohali. Markfed modern rice mills, Nawanshahr. Markfed modern rice mills, Macchiwara. Markfed modern rice mills, Rajpur. Markfed modern rice mills, Baghapurana. Markfed modern rice mills, Jaitu. Markfed H.D.P.E. plant, Anandpur sahib. Markfed modern rice mills, Goniana. Markfed modern rice mills, Gidderbaha. Markfed modern rice mills, Naushera Panaun. Markfed modern rice mills, chuslewal. Markfed modern rice mills, Batala. Sugar mill malout. Agri farm Zirakpur.





Human resource is the most important asset of an organization. Planning for human resource is an important managerial function. It ensures adequate supply, proper quantity and quality as well as effective utilization of human resources. There is generally a shortage of suitable persons. The organization determines its manpower needs and then finds out the resources from which the requirements will meet. If sufficient manpower is not available then the work will suffer. Underdeveloped countries are suffering from the shortage of trained managers . Job opportunities are available in these countries but proper persons are not there. These countries try to import skill from other countries. In order to meet human resources needs an organization will have to plan in advance its requirements and the sources etc. The words human resource planning and manpower planning are generally used interchangeably. Human resource planning is not a substitute for manpower planning. Rather the latter is part of its former i.e manpower planning is integrated with human resource planning. DEFINITIONS: Acc. To Dale S. Beach, Manpower planning is a process of determining and assuring that the organization will have an adequate number of qualified persons available at the proper times, performing jobs which meet the needs of the enterprise and which provide satisfaction for the individuals involved. In simple words it is understood as the process of forecasting an organizations future demand for, supply of, the right type of people in the right number.

NEED FOR MANPOWER PLANNING: REPLACEMENT OF PERSONS: A large number of persons are to be replaced in the organization because of retirement, old age, death etc. there 17

will be a need to prepare persons for taking up new positions in such contingencies. LABOUR TURNOVER: there is always labour turnover in every organization. The degree of labour turnover may vary from concern to concern but it cannot be eliminated altogether. There will be a need to recruit new persons to take up the positions of those who have left the organization. If the concern is able to forecast turnover rate precisely then advance efforts are made to recruit and trained persons so that work does not suffer for want of workers. EXPANSION PLANS: whenever there is plan to expand or diversify the concern then more persons will be required to take up new positions. Human resource planning is essential under these situations. TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES: the business is working under changing technological environment. There may be a need to give fresh training to personnel. In addition there may also be a need to infuse fresh blood into the organization. Human resource planning will help in meeting the new demands of the organization. ASSESING NEEDS: human resource planning is also required to determine whether there is any shortage or surplus of persons in the organization. If there are less persons than required , it will adversely affect the work. On the other hand , if more persons are employed then the requirement then it will increase labour cost, etc. manpower planning ensures the employment of proper work force. OBJECTIVES OF MANPOWER PLANNING:


Assessing manpower needs for future and making plans for recruitment and selection. Assessing skill requirement in future. Determining training & development needs of the organization. Anticipating surplus or shortage of staff and avoiding unnecessary detentions or dismissals. Controlling wage and salary costs. Ensuring optimum use of human resources in the organization. Helping the organization to cope with the technological development and modernization. Ensuring higher labour productivity. Ensuring career planning of every employer of the organization and making succession programmes.


ANALYSIS OF OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIC PLANS OF THE COMPANY: The manpower planning must be integrated with other business policies. The persons concerned with manpower planning must be clear about the objectives of manpower planning. PREPARING MANPOWER INVENTORY: The main purpose of manpower planning is to avoid the situation of understaffing or overstaffing and for this purpose a stock of existing manpower is to be assessed. Manpower inventory refers to the assessment of the present and potential qualifications of present employees qualitatively and quantitatively.


MANPOWER FORECASTING: Forecasting of future manpower requirement is the most important part of manpower planning. This requirement is forecasted on the basis of production and sales budgets, work load analysis, work force analysis ,estimated absenteeism and turnover etc. the future manpower requirements should be forecasted quantitatively and qualitatively. These forecasts depend upon the business objectives. Manpower forecasting forecasts future manpower requirements quantitatively and qualitatively. MANPOWER PLANS: After the personnel forecasts decide the required number of right type of personnel the next phase is to plan how the organization can obtain these people, after determining the gaps in manpower, programmes and strategies are developed for recruitment, selection, training, transfers, promotion and appraisal so that the future manpower requirements can be met. Manpower plans ensure continuous supply of trained people, as and when the need arises. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES: Training and development needs of the organization are identified with the help of skill inventory preparations. Training is necessary not for only new employees but for the old employees also. No organization has a choice of whether to provide training or not, the only choice is to decide the method or technique of training. APPRAISAL OF MANPOWER PLANNING: After the training and development programmes are implemented, an appraisal must be made of the effectiveness of manpower planning. This is a montiorning and control phase.



EXISTING STOCK OF MANPOWER :Taking stock of existing manpower is the first basis of manpower planning and is the starting point of all planning processes. WASTAGE: The second basis of manpower planning is wastage. FUTURE MANPOWER REQUIREMENT: After evaluating the existing stock of manpower and analyzing the various factors of wastage caused by any foreseeable change in the organization, one may very easily assess the future requirements of manpower in an industry taking into account the future plans of the company, govt plans and programmes, employment policy, demand and supply of manpower in future, productivity of labour and other factors of production and replacement needs. Formulation of personnel and general policies depend upon the manpower planning.



There are two main types of manpower planning. On the basis of time span i.e. short term planning and long term manpower planning. 1. Short term manpower planning: short term planning as the name suggests is made for a short time i.e for a period of not more than two years. Short term plans are more concerned with specific projects and programmes and the existing personnel must be adjusted to match the requirements of that project and programmes. The problems which are faced in the short run are: a) b) c) 2. the weak incumbent the strong incumbent an unexpected vacancy

Long term manpower planning: long term manpower planning is concerned with all jobs and persons at once-with matching total available personnel in the organization to total job requirements. It is concerned with fulfilling future vacancies rather than matching the present incumbents to present jobs. The long term manpower panning has the following elements: a) b) c) d) projecting manpower requirements taking stock of existing manpower recruitment and selection manpower development.



Manpower planning is a very important aspect of human resource management. A few benefits of manpower are as follows: Reduced labour costs: with the help of manpower planning management is able to anticipate shortages and surpluses of manpower. Thus they are able to take the corrective actions in time, before these unbalances become unmanageable and hence, expensive. All this leads to overall reduction in labour costs. Optimum utilization of manpower force: with the help of manpower planning there is optimum utilization of labour force in the organization. Identification of gaps in existing manpower: human resource planning identifies gaps in existing manpower in terms of their quantity and quality with the help of suitable training or any other steps , these gaps can be filled in time. Existing manpower can also be developed to fill future vacancies. Improvement in overall business planning: manpower planning is an integral part of overall business planning. Effective manpower planning will lead to improvement in overall planning also. No management can be successful in the long run without having the right type and right no of people doing the right jobs at the right time. Career succession planning: manpower planning facilitates career planning in the organization. It provides enough lead time for internal succession of employees to higher position through promotions.


Creates awareness In the organization: it leads to a great awareness about the effectiveness of sound manpower management throughout the organization. Growth of the organization: manpower planning facilitates the expansion and diversification of an organization. In the absence of human resource plans, the required human resources will not be available to execute expansion and diversification plans at the right time. Beneficial to the country: at the national level manpower planning facilitates educational reforms, geographical mobility of talent and employment generation.


Manpower planning is not always successful the main problems are described below: Accuracy of forecasts: manpower planning involves forecasting the demand and supply of human resources. Thus, the effectiveness of planning depends upon the accuracy of forecasts. If the forecasts are not cent per cent accurate planning will not be hundred percent accurate. Identify crisis: many human resource specialists and the managers do not understand the whole manpower planning process. Because of this there is generally an identify crisis. Support of top management: manpower planning requires full and wholehearted support from the top


management. in the absence of this support and commitment it would not be possible to ensure the necessary resources, cooperation and support for the success of manpower planning. Resistance from employees: employees and trade unions resist manpower planning. They feel that this planning increases their overall workload and regulates them through productivity bargaining. Insufficient initial efforts: successful human resource planning flourishes slowly and gradually. Sometimes sophisticated technologies are forcefully introduced just because competitors have adopted them. these may not be successful & matched with the needs & environment of the particular enterprise. Management information system: in most of the Indian industries human resource information system has not been fully developed. In the absence of reliable data it would not be possible to have effective planning. Uncertainties: it is risky to depend upon general estimates of manpower in the face of rapid changes in the environment. Expensive and time consuming: Manpower planning is an expensive and time consuming process. Employers may resist may resist manpower planning feeling that it increases the cost of manpower. Coordination with other managerial function: there is generally tendency on the part of the manpower planners to remain aloof from other operating managers and to become totally absorbed in their own


world. To be effective manpower planning must be integrated with other management functions. Unbalanced approach: many human resource experts give more importance on the quantitative aspect of manpower to ensure that there is adequate flow of people in and out of the organization. They overlook the qualitative aspects like career development and planning, skill levels, morale etc. are overlooked by them. such unbalanced approach affects the effectiveness of manpower planning. Thus, manpower planning suffers from 2 types of problems. One is inherent because of problems of forecasting and second comes from human weakness. KEY POINTS Manpower planning ensures adequate supply, proper quantity and quality as well as effective utilization of human resources. Manpower planning should be integrated with other business policies. The basic factors affecting manpower planning are: existing stock of manpower, wastages and future manpower requirements. There are two main types of problems- short term manpower planning, long term manpower planning. There are three levels of manpower planning: plant level, department level and top level.




Objectives of the study: To study the concept of Manpower Planning. To ensure optimum utilization of human resources. To create healthy atmosphere of encouragement and motivation in the organization. To assess the work culture in Markfed head office Chandigarh.





The research design is a pattern or an outline of a research project. It is a statement of only the essentials of the study those provide the basic guidelines for the details of the project. It is used as a guide in collecting & analyzing the data. It is a process of defining and describing how to move forward in the research problem or in other words it highlight the various steps involved in the process. Basically research design is of 2 types: Exploratory & Conclusive. In this summer training project both Exploratory as well as type of research design is followed as in the end some suggestions and conclusion information on a specific topic. The specification leads to the purposeful investigation all those methods which are used by the researcher during course of studying his/her research problems are termed as research methodology. Research Methodology: It is an art of scientific investigation. It is specific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. Tne specification leads to the purposeful investigation all those methods which are used by the researcher during course of studying his/her research problems are termed as research methodology. Population: Employees working in MARKFED at Chandigarh were selected randomly on convenient basis.


Sample Size: Generally a large no of sample units give more reliable results than small no. of sampling units. Sample of 35 employees were selected from office of Markfed located in Chandigarh. Data Collection: For fulfilling the objective of the study, the requisite data have been collected both from primary as well as secondary sources. Primary data is defined as data that is collected from original sources for a specific purpose. Secondary data is that have been collected from indirect sources. Primary Sources: These include the survey or questionnaire method were used to cover some quantitative aspect. The information so collected was suitably classified and tabulated to make the analysis possible. Secondary Sources: These include books, the internet, company brouchers, the company website, newspaper articles etc. Tools For Analysis: Statistical analysis technique has been made use of in addition to this, use of diagrams & charts were also made to highlight the main findings. Statistical Analysis Techniques: Statistic the science of estimate and probabilities present the facts in the definite form, simplifies mass of figure, facilitate comparison, helps in prediction & formulation of


policies. The statistical technique viz pie or bar diagram have been used for present study to analyze and interpret the data. Questionnaire: Convenient Sampling technique has been used here. A sample of employees has been taken from department like Marketing, H.R, Finance etc. This is done to get the information abut the manpower planning. The questionnaire helped in getting a fair opinion of the employees as to improve the productivity of employees. Limitations of the study: Although utmost care has been taken in gathering the information on the manpower planning from MARKFED at Chandigarh but still some limitations were there while finalizing this project which are mentioned as under: The study was conducted only for a short period of six weeks. Data obtained from the respondents may have inaccuracy because of the misinterpretation and misunderstanding on the part of the respondents. The study was limited only to the city of Chandigarh. The study is based on the assumption that information provided by the respondents is true. Only sample of the 35 employees were collected because of the time constraint.





Group A Sr.Manager Pvt Sec Suptd. Manager AC Group B AAO, FO,PA, Accountant, Sr. Assistant, JA, EDP, AA, Purchase Assistant,clerk, Draftsmen. Q1.Do you got job according to your qualification? GROUPS A B YES% 100.0 84.6 NO% 0.0 15.4

This table shows that the 100% employees of group A got job according to their qualification or tin group B 84% people got job according to their qualification & 15.4% did not get job acc. To qualification.


2.Do you have any other experience other than present job? GROUPS A B YES% 33.3 42.3 NO% 66.7 57.7

This table shows that 33 percent employees from Group A said that they do have experience and 66 percent said that they do not havr other experience. And from Group B side 42.3 percent said that they have but 57.7 percent said that they do not have any other experience

any other experience other than present job

70 60 50 40 % age 30 20 10 0 A B G roups YES% N % O

Q3. Are you happy with your present job? GROUPS A B YES% 100.0 92.3 NO% 0.0 7.7

This table shows that Group A is happy with their job. And the 92.3% employees are happy with their job or 7.7% are not happy with their job.


a re y o u h a p p y w ith y o u r p re s e n t jo b

1 00 80 60 %a g e 40 20 0 A g ro u p s B YES% NO %

Q4. Is your performance measured regularly or recorded in ACR or not? GROUPS A B YES% 88.9 19.2 NO% 11.1 80.8

This table shows that 88.9% employees of group A said that their performance measured regularly or recorded in ACR or 11.1% employees are said that their performance is not measured regularly. In group B, 19.2% employees are said that their performance are measured regularly and 80.8% employees are said that their performance are not measured.


Q5. Is there any provision of incentives? GROUPS A B YES% 22.2 50.0 NO% 77.8 50.0

This table shows that 22.2% employees of Group A said that there is provision of incentives. And in group B, 50% employees are said that there is provision of incentives.

Is there any provision or incentives?

90 80 70 60 %age 50 40 30 20 10 0 A Groups B YES% NO%


Q6. Do you feel that there is atmosphere of motivation and encouragement? GROUPS A B YES% 33.3 7.7 NO% 66.7 92.3

This table shows that 66.7% of Group A and 92.3%employees of Group B feel that there is no atmosphere of motivation and encouragement.


Q7. Is adequate support given by top management to perfom your duty well? GROUPS A B YES% 100.0 92.3 NO% 0.0 7.7

This table shows that in group A 100% employees and in Group B, 92.3 employees are said that timely support or guidance is given by top management .


Q8. Is there any provision in Markfed to reward good performance? GROUPS A B YES% 44.4 53.8 NO% 55.6 46.2

This table shows that 44.4% employees of Group A and 53.8% employees of Group B said that there is provision to reward good performance. And 55.6% employees of Group A & 46.2% employees of Group B said that there is no provision in markfed to reward good performance.


Q9. Do you have proper knowledge regarding your job or not? GROUPS A B YES% 100.0 73.1 NO% 0.0 26.9

This table shows that 100 percent employees of Group A said that they have proper knowledge regarding their job and in group B, 73.1% employees said that they have proper knowledge regarding their job.


Q10. Whether you have been given well defined job responsibility? Groups A B Yes% 88.9 100.0 No% 11.1 0.0

This table shows that 88.9% employees of Group A and 100 % employees of Group B have been given well defined job responsibility.


Q11. Whether in house training being imparted or the present training system may be continued? GROUPS A B In house training 44.4% 53.6% Present training 55.6% 46.2%

This table shows that 44.4 percent employees of Group A are in favor of in house training and 55.6 percent employees are in favor of present training. In Group B, 53.6 percent employees are in favor of in house training and 46.2 employees are in favor of present training.


Q12. What kind of work you are doing right now? Groups A B Yes% 25 75 No% 75 25

This table shows that in group A people like senior manager, director, superident and in Group B the people are supdt., accountant, jr. Assistant , cerk, draftsmen, PA, Assistant Accontant Officer are working. They do work acc to their designation. 25 percent employees are working in group A( higher designation) and 75 percent are working in Group B( lower designation).


Q13. Do you feel that training being imparted is really beneficial to do a particular task? Groups A B YES% 100.0 100.0 NO% 0.0 0.0

This table shows that the 100 percent employees from Group A and Group B said that training is really beneficial to do a particular task.


Q14. Do you feel any kind of work pressure due to lesser no. of employees working now? Groups A B Yes% 33.3 42.3 No% 66.7 57.7

This table shows that 33 percent employees from Group A said they feel work load due to lesser no. of employees working now and 66 percent said that they do not feel any kind of work pressure. And 42.3 percent employees from Group B feel work pressure and 57.7 percent employees said that they do not feel any kind of work pressure.


Q15. Is your performance measured regularly or recorded in Annual Confidential Report? Groups A B Yes% 88.9 19.2 No% 11.1 80.8

Most of the employees from Group A i.e 89 percent employees said that their performance is measured regularly and from Group B only 19 percent employees said that their performance is not measured regularly.




FINDINGS From conducting the survey at MARKFED I find out that : 1. Most of the employees. working over there have got job according to their qualification 2. Timely support is given by top management to the employees to perform their duty well. 3. Most of the employees feel work load due to lesser no. of employees working now. 4. There is no system of training in Markfed. 5. Employees of the Markfed have been given well defined job responsibility. 6. There is no atmosphere of motivation and encouragement at MARKFED. 7. Promotion is not given timely to the employees by the organization.. 8. Performance of the employees working at Markfed is no measured regularly.




1. To increase the productivity of employees, appropriate increments and promotional opportunities should be given by organization . 2. Efficiency of employees can be increased by motivating them and also by appreciating their work done. 3. According to the study main problem faced by employees that is in Markfed there is shortage of staff and another is of less promotions. So management has to recruit new young talented staff as per need. 4. proper training should be provided by organization to the new as well as old employees for smooth & effective working under different situation. 5. 6. Working conditions should be good. facilities should be provided by organization to perform their job effectively like transportation, housing, education etc..





After studying the concept of manpower planning, I concluded that it is a very important and beneficial concept for every organization for its growth and prosperity. As per study I come to know that it is not a new concept from our Indian scenario, its presented from a long time, but now a days it is recognized as a very popular, important and widespread phenomena. It is concluded that Manpower Planning is required by every organization for achieving its goals. By conducting the survey, by proper system of training and giving promotion timely and atmosphere of motivation & encouragement makes the employees happy with their job. Management should take any action in near future against their present promotional scheme and also starts recruiting new talented employees.




Books: Aswathappa .K, Human Resource Management, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Company LTD, New Delhi. Gupta, Shashi.K, Joshi,Rosy, Human Resource Management, Kalayani Publishers, 2005. Khanna, S.S, Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons Private Limited, 2000.




Manpower planning for better productivity Section A Name_________________ Qualification______________ Phone no_________________ Age__________ Designation_________

Q1. Do you feel that as per your qualification you got the job? Yes No Q2. Any other experience or additional qualification other than present job if any? Q3.Whether your additional qualification or experience improved your functioning or not? Q4. What kind of work you are doing right now?

Q5. Are you happy with your job? Yes No Q6. Do you feel any kind of work load due to lesser no. of employees working now? yes



Q7. Is there any provision in Markfed to reward good performance? yes no Q8. Is your performance measured regularly or recorded in Annual Confidential Report? Yes No Q9. Is adequate support given to you by top management to perform your duty well? Yes No Q10.Does Markfed provides you any facilities instead of your salary please name them? 1. 3. 2. 4. Q11.According to you what kind of facilities shouldb be provided by Markfed in order to increase productivity. Q12. Do you have proper knowledge regarding your job? Yes No Q13.Whether you have been given well defined job responsibility? Yes No Q14.Do you really feel that training being imparted is really beneficial to do a particular task? Yes No ` Q15.Whether n house training being impartedor the present training system may be continued? In house training Present training


Q16. Keeping in view the productivity of an employee do Markfed has any provision of incentives? Yes No Q17.Do you feel that Markfed there is atmosphere of motivation and encouragement? Yes No


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