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Aim Write a Bit Notice with specified height and width with various text styles in CorelDraw.

Peocedure: a) Select the text tool from the tool bar. b) Type the required text c) Select the text and apply the various font and size.

Result: Using CorelDraw the above exercise is verified.

Aim: Write a procedure to create a design using all basic tools and make changes using shape tool. Procedure: Select the rectangle tool from tool bar. Draw a rectangle. Draw a triangle whose base is touching at the Click on triangle and press the Shift key and select the rectangle. Select Arrange->Shaping->Weld. Draw rectangle2.Select the rectangle and it is surrounded by two different types of handles. Rotation handles and Skew handles. Move the mouse pointer on the right skew handles upwards. f) Draw rectangle4.Click on Shape Tool in the Toolbox. Select the rectangle and its boundary is covered with dotted lines. Press the left mouse button and keeping it pressed, drag the mouse pointer towards the left. g) Select the Bezier Tool in the toolbox. Click at the starting and ending point of the line to be drawn. h) Apply the color using Fill Tool->Post Script fill Dialog. a) b) c) d) e)

Result: Using CorelDraw the above exercise is verified.

Aim: Write a procedure to Create a notebook wrapper deisng using fountain and pattern filling tools. Procedure: a) Draw three rectangle. Select Fill Tool->Pattern Fill Dialog in first rectangle. b) Select Fill Tool->Fountain Fill Dialog in second rectangle. c) Fill the black color in rectangle three.

Result: Using CorelDraw the above exercise is verified.

Aim: Write a procedure to Create an Invitation using arrange menu commands like transformations , align and distribute and order.

Procedure: a) Draw rectangle(1) and apply the color using fill tool Fill Tool->Fountain Fill Dialog->Type>Linear Color Blend->Two Color ->From and to b) Import an image from the file menu bar. (File -> Import(open the image)) c) Select the image (2) than apply Arrange->Align and Distribute->Center to page. d) Open an another image(3) from the import option (Arrange->transformer->Rotate) e) Select the text tool from bar and type the text and apply the formats also. Select the text and apply (Arrange->Order->To front.) f) Apply the page background color (Layout->Page Background->Solid.

Result: Using CorelDraw the above exercise is verified.

Aim: Write a procedure to create a calendar with the help of Grid tool, Power clip and import commands.

Procedure: a) Select the Graph Paper Tool (grid tool) from the Toolbar. Choose the number of rows and columns in the property bar. (4columns and 3rows) b) For each cell, repeat the above process with the property (7columns and 6rows) c) Type the next using text tool. d) Apply the various colors using color palettes. e) Open any image using import method (file->import) chooses effects->power clip>place inside container to past the image on the text. (January, February .)

Result: Using CorelDraw the above exercise is verified.

Aim: Write a procedure to create a design by using the various selection tools, cutting and pasting the images. Procedure a) Open the images. Select the Marquee tool (M) from the toolbar and selects the particular portion in the image and move that selecting part using move tool b) Open the image...Toolbar->Lasso Tool (L) c) Edit-> cut and Edit->Paste

Result: Using Photoshop the above exercise is verified.

Aim Write a procedure to using Multiple Layers, create a de-sign with the use of masking various images. Procedure: a) Open an image and take Duplicate copy(Image4 Duplicate) set as background b) Open another image. Crop the required portion from the image (Lasso Tool or Magnetic Lasso Tool from the Toolbox). c0) Select->feather-) feather radius (10). d) Select move tool (v) from the toolbox. e) Now fix the cropped image in the background. f) Windows->layer

g) Click the arrow

in the right-top corner from the layer. Select Flatten image.

Result: Using Photoshop the above exercise is verified

Aim Write a procedure to create a design by the use of text tools and apply text effects. Procedure a) Select the Text Toot from the Toolbox. b) Apply the effects. Apply the colors in text using the window color palette or foreground color. c) Window >Color >Styles d) Layer >Layer Style >Drop Shadow. etc.,

Result: Using Photoshop the above exercise is verified

Aim Write a procedure to change the color of an image by the use of selective coloring method. Procedure a) Open the image and apply the various colors using Image Menu. (For Ex) Image >Adjustments--->Levels Image >Adjustments >Curves Image >Adjustments >Replace Color Image >Adjustments---->Channel Mixer. .etc.

Result: Using Photoshop the above exercise is verified

Aim Write a procedure to create a design by applying the various filtering effects. Procedure a) Open the image and applying the various effects using Filter menu. (for ex.) Filter Liquefy Filter >Pattern Maker Filter >Artistic--->Dry Brush Filter >Blur >Motion Blur Filter >Render >Lighting Effects.

Result: Using Photoshop the above exercise is verified

Aim Write a procedure to create a simple layout and master page by using master page palette and character styles. Procedure a) Select Type Tool(T) from the toolbox and type the required text. b) select the character styles from the Type Menu. Type Character styles Create new style(bottom of the box) c) apply the color, styles, font under line and size.

Result Using Adobe in Design the above exercise is verified.

Aim Write a procedure to create a multipage document by using character, paragraph , auto flow and text wrap commands. Procedure: (Character and Paragraph ) Character Type--->Character (Ctrl+T) Paragraph Type Paragraph (Alt+Ctrl+T) Procedure (Text Wrap): a) Open an image. File4Place b) Select the type tool from the toolbox and type the text. c) Place the text on the image. d) Select both the text and image and choose wrap around object shape from the control. The image will wrap the text. Procedure (Auto Flow) a) Copy contents from any one of the editor (msword, notepad, WordPad). b) Select the type tool from the toolbox and paste the content in the first page. A small red color box at the right-bottom corner appears. Click that box. Text icon) appears. c) In next page press Shift and Click left mouse button. d) The remaining content is pasted in the following pages.

Result Using Adobe In design the above exercise is verified.

Aim Write a procedure to create a stylish monthly calendar sheet by using table and its formatting commands. Procedure a) Select Type Tool (T) from the Toolbox. b) Select Table-4 Insert Table (Alt+Shift+Ctrl+T) c) Insert table Dialog box opens. Choose number of rows and columns required. d) Type the text inside the cells. e) select the text and apply Align Center and font size from the control. f) Select table- Table Option- Table Setup -fill 4 Alternating Pattern-Custom column. e) Apply the required color.

Result Using Adobe In design the above exercise is verified.

Aim Write a procedure to create a open page using character styles, paragraph styles, text effects, text frame and page numbering. Procedure(Character styles and paragraph styles) a) Character style- > Type->Character Styles->Create new style b) Paragraph style > Type-Paragraph style->create new style c) Object->Text frame options 4 general 4 columns 4 number Procedure (Page Numbering) a) Take Master page and draw a rectangle using Type tool at the bottom of the page. b) Type4 Insert Special Character-> Markers-> Current page Number (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+N) c) "A" will appear inside the rectangle text box in the master page. d) Page numbers will be automatically inserted all pages. Procedure (Text Effects) a) Select the Type Tool from the tool box. b) Select the text frame and Objects 4 Effects 4 Transparency Procedure (Text Frame) a) Select Text Frame option from the Object Menu. Object ->Text Frame Options->General tab-> Column Group box->Number

Result Using Adobe ln design the above exercise is verified.

Aim Write a procedure to create a design by using basic shapes, combining and painting objects in Adobe Illustrator. Procedure a) Select spiral tool from the Toolbox and draw three Spirals. b) Select window->show styles (Shift+F5). Select the required styles and apply to the spirals. c) Select the three spirals and Object-group (Ctrl+G). d) Select Star tool from the Toolbox and draw a star. e) Select window-show styles (Shift+F5). Select the required styles and apply to the star. f) Select the Type tool from the toolbox and type the text in-side the star. g) Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool and draw seven rectangles. h) Apply the styles and type the text inside the box.

Result Using Adobe Illustrator the above exercise is verified.

Aim Write a procedure to create a design and paint it with gradient, patterns and brushes in Adobe Illustrator. Procedure a) Draw Rectangle (1) and select Window->Show brushes (F5). b) Draw Rectangle (2) and select Window->Show gradient (F9) c) Type the text using Type tool inside the Rectangle (2) and apply the styles. d) Select the Star tool from the toolbox and apply window->show brushes (F5).

Result Using Adobe Illustrator the above exercise is verified.

Aim Write a procedure to create a design using pen and brush tools effectively and create a symbol from an object or combined objects in Adobe Illustrator. Procedure: a) Select the pen tool from the toolbox and click at the four corners to form a required shape(1) b). Select the shape using selection tool or direct selection tool and Fill the color using Window4sh0w color (F6). c) Select the pen tool from the toolbox and click at the four corners to form a required shape (2 and 3). d) Select the shape using selection tool or direct selection tool and fill the color using Window4show color (F6). e) Type the text using Type tool and apply the color. f) Select Window 4show brushes (F5). Select Paintbrush tool from the toolbox and click at the center of the shapes.

Result Using Adobe Illustrator the above exercise is verified.

Aim: Write a procedure to create a design using multiple layers, Use the commands in layer palette like create layers, rearrange, lock, group, move, copy and paste layers from one file to another file and merge layers in Adobe Illustrator. Procedure a) Select window- show layers (F7). b) Select a new layer icon from the Layer box. c) In layer1 draw a rectangle from the toolbox and apply the gradient. d) Select type tool and type the text inside the rectangle. e) Select the rectangle and text and select object->group. f) Create a new layer. In layer2 select star tool from the toolbox and draw four stars and apply the styles. g) Select the four stars and select object->group, h) Create the third layer and import a picture using file->place. i)To merge all the layers, select from the layer box and flatten artwork. j) Select all layers and select object-> group. k) To lock the layer, click toggle lock in the layer box. l) Select the layer and edit->copy .Select file-> new. m) Paste the copied layer in the new page using edit->paste:

Result Using Adobe Illustrator the above exercise is verified.

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