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SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Thapar University, Patiala Assignment II, Numerical & Statistical Methods-MA002D Faculty:

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Gupta Email ID:, Q.1. a) Consider the density function

k x, 0 < x < 1 . f ( x) = 0, e l s e w h e r e
i) ii) Evaluate k Find probability distribution function and use it to evaluate P(0.3<x<0.6)

b) In a gambling game a man is paid $5 if gets all heads or all tails when three coins are tossed, and he will pay out $3 if either one or two heads show. What is his expected gain? c) A random variable X can take all non negative integral values and probability that X takes the value r is proportional to r , 0 < < 1 . Find probability mass function and probability P ( X = 0) . Q.2. a) Prove that Poisson distribution is limiting case of Binomial distribution.

b) According to Chemical Engineering Progress (Magazine), approximately 30% of all pipework failures in chemical plants are caused by operator error. What is probability that no more than 4 out of 20 such failures are due to operator error? c) The life, in years, of a certain type of electrical switch has an exponential distribution with an average life of 2 years. If 100 of these switches are installed in different systems, what is probability that at most 30 fail during the first year. Q.3. a) If X is uniformly distributed with mean 1and variance 4/3, find P(X < 0).

b) In a distribution exactly normal (table attached), 60% of the items are under 40 kg and 80% of the items are under 70 kg weight. Find the mean and standard deviation of the distribution. c) Explain One- and Two-tailed test with examples. Q.4. a) Verify that the Poisson distribution can be fitted to the following table which No. of Defects: No. of boxes: 0 6 1 13 2 13 3 8 4 4 5 3 gives the number of defective pieces in a box out of a random sample of 47 boxes.

( 2 for 5 d.f. and for .05 level of significance is 11.07050). b) The mean weekly sales of soap bars in departmental stores was 146.3 bars per store. After an advertising campaign the mean weekly sales in 22 stores for a typical week increased to 153.7 and showed a standard deviation of 17.2. Was the advertising campaign successful? Tabulated value of t for 21 d.f. at 5% level of significance for singled-tailed test is 1.72. Q.5. a) Use the method of Least squares to fit the curve y = table of values: x: y: 0.1 21 0.2 11 0.4 7 0.5 6 1 5 2 6 c0 + c1 x to the following x

b) Prove that if numeric value of one of the regression coefficient is less than one then other must be greater than one. Find mean and correlation coefficient for two regression lines 3 x + 2 y = 26 and 6 x + y = 31 .

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