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A Project Report On

Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of Degree of Electrical Engineering , M.E. Birla Institute Os Engineering And Technology And Science , Pilani Work done by Mr. Ashok kumar (2011H131090P)



Introduction 8-11

Results and discussions. Conclusion


This satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation made it possible, whose constant and encouragement crown all efforts with success.

I am grateful to Dr. Hari Om Bansal ,Professor BITS, PILANI for giving me the opportunity to carry out project in this esteemed organization as a part of the semester Course of M.E.(Power electronics) curriculum.

I would also express my thanks to my colleagues and people who have helped in successful completion of the project directly or indirectly.


Introduction:RENEWABLE sources of energy acquire growing importance due to massive consumption and exhaustion of fossil fuel. Among several renewable energy sources, Photovoltaic arrays are used in many

applications such as water pumping, battery charging, hybrid vehicles, and grid connected PV systems. Maximum Power Point Tracking, frequently referred to as MPPT, is an electronic system that operates the Photovoltaic (PV) modules in a manner that allows the modules to produce all the power they are capable of. MPPT is not a mechanical tracking system that physically moves the modules to make them point more directly at the sun. MPPT is a fully electronic system that varies the electrical operating point of the modules so that the modules are able to deliver maximum available power. Additional power harvested from the modules is then made available as increased battery charge current. As known from a (Power-Voltage) curve of a solar panel, there is an optimum operating point such that the PV delivers the maximum possible power to the load. The optimum operating point changes with the solar irradiation, and cell temperature. Therefore, on line tracking of the maximum power point of a PV array is an essential part of any successful PV system. A variety of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methods are developed. The methods vary in implementation complexity, sensed parameters, required number of sensors, convergence speed, and cost .

PV Array For MPPT System :A solar cell is a semicondutor device designed to turn solar irradiance into electricity. (Solar irradiance is electromagnetic energy from the sun. Electromagnetic energy from other sources such as lamps can also be used by solar cells to generate electricity if the energy of the photons is high enough to break up the electron pairs.) The voltage of the electric current from a single or multi-crystalline silicon solar cell is 0.5 volts. This results from the voltage across the N/P barrier

layer of the solar cell. The current or amperage of the solar cell is dependent on the number of electrons that are knocked into the conduction band. This current is proportional to the amount of solar radiation incident on the solar cell. The current from the solar cell can be increased by increasing the area of the solar cell or by increasing the amount of solar radiation incident on the solar cell. Solar cells can be thought of as solar batteries. If solar cells are connected in series, then the current stays the same and the voltage increases. Power is equal to current times voltage. The power rating of a photovoltaic module is typically quoted as the power output of the module when the incident solar radiation is 1000 watts/meter squared and the temperature is 25 C. This is a typical value of solar radiation around the middle of a clear summer day. A one-meter square module that is 15% efficient would therefore have an output of 150 Watts on a clear day near noon. A photovoltaic (PV) array is a group of photovoltaic modules put together to generate electricity. A PV array may consist of one module to thousands of modules and the output of the array may vary from a few watts to tens of Megawatts depending on the number and output of the modules. A photovoltaic array produces direct current that is used to power the load. This can range from charging a battery in a calculator to powering a communications system to powering a building or city. When a PV array is connected to the utility grid, it must first be connected to an inverter that changes the direct current to alternating current. Most inverters run at about 90% efficiency. Todays inverters are very sophisticated and produce very clean power at a stable voltage. By clean power one means that the alternating current is in the form of a sine wave with very little distortion or higher order harmonics. The grid connected inverters are designed to stop the flow of electricity to the utility grid if power from the grid fails. This prevents injury to those who work on the power lines to restore power. To obtain the most electricity from the solar cell array, inverters contain a module that monitors the voltage and current from the array and the load and makes adjustments to maximize the energy output from the array. This module is called the max power point tracker. Photovoltaic module :-

The power produced by a single PV cell is not enough for general use. So by connecting many single PV cell in series (for high voltage requirement) and in parallel(for high current requirement) can get us the desired power. Generally a series connection is chosen this set of arrangement is known as a module. Generally commercial modules consist of 36 or 72 cells. The modules consist of transparent front side, encapsulated PV cell and back side. The front side material is usually made up of low-iron and tempered glass. The efficiency of a PV module is less than a PV cell. This is due to the fact that some radiation is reflected by the glass cover and frame shadowing etc. Photovoltaic Array :A photovoltaic array (PV system) is a interconnection of modules which in turn is made up of many PV cells in series or parallel. The power produced by a single module is seldom enough for commercial use, so modules are connected to form array to supply the load. The connection of the modules in an array is same as that of cells in a module. Modules can also be connected in series to get an increased voltage or in parallel to get an increased current. In urban uses, generally the arrays are mounted on a rooftop. In agricultural use, the output of an array can directly feed a DC motor.

Ideal Characteristics of a PV cell :In a PV characteristic there are basically three important points viz. open circuit voltage (V), short circuit current (I) and maximum power point (Pmax). The maximum power that can be extracted from a PV cell are at

the maximum power points. Usually manufacturers provide these parameters in their datasheets for a particular PV cell or module. By using these parameters we can build a simple model but for more informationmation is required for designing an accurate model.

The characteristic Equation for the PV cell is given by:

Where, Light-generated Current or Photocurrent: It is generated directly by incident of sunlight on the PV cell. This current varies linearly with sun irradiation and depends on temperature given by

where,Iph,n = Light-generated current at nominal condition Ki= Current temperature co-efficient (in)

G= Actual sun irradiation (in) Gn= Nominal sun irradiation &T= It is the difference between actual temperature and nominal temperature(in Kelvin)i.e., ) I0s- Diode Saturation Current: It is a part of the reverse current in a diode caused by diffusion of minority carriers from the neutral regions to the depletion region. Rse&Rpa Due to the presence of internal resistances, the power loss takes place in the cell. These parasitic resistances can be segregated into series resistance Rse, and parallel resistance Rpa. For ideal case Rse, would be zero and Rpa would be infinity. a Diode ideality factor: It is the measure of how much a practical diode deviates from ideal diode equation. The average value assumed during the determination of unknown parameters in the photovoltaic system is usually1.3.

Electric model of PV Array. COMMONLY USED MPPT TECHNIQUES:The problem considered by MPPT methods is to automatically find the voltage VMPP or current IMPP at which a PV array delivers maximum power under a given temperature and irradiance. In this section, commonly used MPPT methods are introduced in an arbitrary order. A. Fractional Open-Circuit Voltage

The method is based on the observation that, the ratio between array voltage at maximum power VMPP to its open circuit voltage VOC is nearly constant. VMPP k1 VOC This factor k1 has been reported to be between 0.71 and 0.78. Once the constant k1 is known, VMPP is computed by measuring VOC periodically. Although the implementation of this method is simple and cheap, its tracking efficiency is relatively low due to the utilization of inaccurate values of the constant k1 in the computation of VMMP. B. Fractional Short-Circuit Current The method results from the fact that, the current at maximum power point IMPP is approximately linearly related to the short circuit current ISC of the PV array. IMPP k2 ISC Like in the fractional voltage method, k2 is not constant. It is found to be between 0.78 and 0.92. The accuracy of the method and tracking efficiency depends on the accuracy of K2 and periodic measurement of short circuit current. C. Perturb and Observe In P&O method, the MPPT algorithm is based on the calculation of the PV output power and the power change by sampling both the PV current and voltage. The tracker operates by periodically incrementing or decrementing the solar array voltage. If a given perturbation leads to an increase (decrease) in the output power of the PV, then the subsequent perturbation is generated in the same (opposite) direction. So, the duty cycle of the dc chopper is changed and the process is repeated until the maximum power point has been reached. Actually, the system oscillates about the MPP. Reducing the perturbation step size can minimize the oscillation. However, small step size slows down the MPPT. To solve this problem, a variable perturbation size that gets smaller towards the MPP. However, the P&O method can fail under rapidly changing atmospheric conditions. Several research activities have been carried out to improve the traditional Hill-climbing and P&O methods. Reference proposes a threepoint weight comparison P&O method that compares the actual power point to the two preceding points before a decision is made about the perturbation sign.

Reference proposes a two stage algorithm that offers faster tracking in the first stage and finer tracking in the second stage. To prevent divergence from MPP, modified adaptive algorithm is proposed in . D. Incremental Conductance The method is based on the principle that the slope of the PV array power curve is zero at the maximum power point. (dP/dV) = 0. Since (P = VI), it yields: I/V = - I/V , at MPP I/V > - I/V , left of MPP I/V < - I/V , right of MPP The MPP can be tracked by comparing the instantaneous conductance (I/V) to the incremental conductance (I/V). The algorithm increments or decrement the array reference voltage until the condition of equation is satisfied. Once the Maximum power is reached, the operation of the PV array is maintained at this point. This method requires high sampling rates and fast calculations of the power slope.


Most MPPT techniques attempt to find (search) the PV voltage that results in the maximum power point VMPP , or to find the PV current IMPP corresponding to the maximum power point. The proposed algorithm tracks neither the VMPP nor the IMPP. However, it tracks directly the maximum possible power PMAX that can be extracted from the PV.

increase gradually the computed value of PMAX and controls the power extracted from the PV to this value. If the actual power is well controlled within the tolerance band of the hysteresis controller, the partial tracking is succeeded and PMAX can be increased to greater value. But, if the power controller fails to track the PMAX, this means that the computed PMAX is greater than the maximum possible power of the PV. Therefore, a reduction (decreasing) in the computed PMAX must be done until the error between PMAX and PACT is limited between upper and lower limit. Actually, the algorithm starts by setting the computed maximum power PMAX to an initial value (zero or any other value). Actual PV voltage and current are measured. Then, the instantaneous value of PV power PACT is computed. The error between PMAX and PACT is input to ON/OFF controller with hysteresis band. The output of the controller is used to drive the power transistor of the Buck Chopper such that the PACT tracks PMAX. Till now, the real maximum power is not tracked. To track the maximum power, the error between PMAX and PACT is checked. If the error is lower than a certain upper limit (0.5 Watt), this means that the Power drawn from the PV is within allowable value, so we can increment PMAX by a certain step size. This new value of PMAX is stored and used to control the actual power of the PV to track this new value. Then the algorithm is repeated again. When the error between PMAX and PACT exceed the upper limit it means that the PV is no longer able to deliver this value of PMAX . Therefore, we have to decrement of PMAX by a certain step size (0.5 Watt).


Block diagram of system:-

Simulink Circuit PV Array :-

DC/DC Converter (Buck Chopper ) :-

Result and Discussion :1.

Current And Power Output of PV Array:-

Maximum Power point.

2.Maximum output power track:-

3.buck chopper output:-

Bibliography:1. Mohamed Azab A New Maximum Power Point Tracking for Photovoltaic Systems, 2008.

2 T. Markvart, Solar Electricity, John Wiley & Sons,1994. 3. N. Mohan et al., Power ElectronicsConverter, Applications, and Design. New York: Wiley, 1995. 4. 5. 6.

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