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llayroond, Wis., April 28, 18D7. . How easily it rains. - : On account of .'tbe'ivKt'.oondition of the land very .little sowing-is 'done iniliesc parts. Sir. Marshes' hall -was well filled on Monday' liight. ; ; Mrs. 3?. Srice is on thQ sick. list. Miss 1i. JJortcmsen closed school on I'rithiy. Miss Lattie Harding- is -finishing her tprm o school under ^Iiss - BoBS f

A recent 1 ' boast" of a 3STeiv 'Jersey newspaper that the little Eastern state ins the largest schoolboy in the world a-lad of 17 years, .whose height is feet 4 incheshas brought to light Uie fact that Salinas has a baby giant that puts the ffarsey big fellow to shame for his dwarfish stature. John Bairdin, a- baby-faced and very modest la'd of 15, nttcnds .the Salinas DALES CROSSING." grammar 'school every day, w-h'ere he Dales Crossing, Wis, April 2.3, 1S07. plays-like any-little fellow- in knickerNot much seeding. 1ms been done in bockers, yet-he is 6 feet cy.,'inches in. -this neighborhood at the .present-writ- height' and ..weighs 220 pounds. He Mr. J. Dankcirt hod a-runaway and-, ' . ' walks rapidly, though -given slightly smash up -a-ad sustained; injuries re- ing. Mr. A. 'Gilmore -and fomiiy, of. to stooping, a habit common;to many quiriug tho assistance' of a physician. Yorlcville spent Saturday, with Mr. very :tall.-men,-who seem eager to thus Mr. John Cross and mother have -and Mrs. E. Skewes.: .- . ,:-.. ..-,.--, curtail-1 part of-their stature. . : . - . . been nEitiug'the.ikast. -week'"on tho Mr. August Schreiber of ..'Bristol : Young Eaiyin-is probably-the larold place.. spent 'Thursday.- and Friday , : .with gest- boy. of his.age in the world,"and Mr. TY. L. Shumway has ha;1 his eye Bales Grossing ..and ;Yorkv.ille .'.rela- his-g-ood.-health" and 'rapid growth, are optratbc^-on by. a .Milwaukee special- tives.' -' '- ;' .' - -'. : '.:; - - ; " likely torcarry-him to the point/that ist and is much'tetter. ' Mrs: E.'Skewes spent Tuesday- with :wiH'"'s>'e'S' showmen crazy --to have him. Mr..?. Meyer visited Milwaukee Sat- her parents at- -YorkviUe. . 'as n tfrca.lf.Siilinas'.Correspondence of ; . urday. . . x.!".',' Sir'. 'and Sirs. Gimske spent Sunday Sail Francisco' Gall." Mr. L. Itob.erts was Calling upon a-t- A. P. Nelson's.- - ' . A CASE OF COMPROMISE. ftayinond .friends .Fridn.v'. ' . 'First' 'Cabman-"I axed-- h i m . - three Mr. E. Lowe*, has' taken the con' ' ' "PARTS. ' - - . . dollars, but he said' he only h|i<2 two; tract ior drawing-' coal'-for the KneeParis, .Ws.,'April 2S. 1507. an,, anyhow, .he said dc legal fare was lan-d butter factory. It- is slow work Mr. and Mrs. John Crane of York on these, roads. ville took a ride into IV.ris Saturday. only one."Cabman "Well, s'pose you Second Mrs, Dellie lower is under tlie docMr. and SlW. William Klusmeyer took $2 an' accepted de apology." tor's care., and family moved into the house re Mrs. A. Conlan returned to hur Ea- cently occupied by -Sir. Gilbert. Golds Exchange. Milwaukee Sentinel: It does not crac home. Thursday after spending worthy and family Friday. two months -with, Hayrnond friends. Mr. Charlie Gore enjoys the dis 'look as if .our present baseball. "BrewOne c our popular ' teachers had- -tinction of having- seen the' "airship.' ers" will put a- brew . of baseball on qui'to an experience- with quieksnnd Mrs. John Jones is again under'the the market that will n:.ake Milwauon Sun-day last. ' "We would warn her doctor's care. kee famous. ..... to be careful in the future. Mr. James Tribe of Racine, who For thcJatest styles, in .spring milMr. HalyerBon moved into the tene- preached -at this place Sunday in the linery go to Miss Ballou's, Union ment house of Mr! Thos Hyde's last absence of Ecv. Mr. Syinonds, treated Grove. _____^_^_^___ week. XXXX coffee, I3e; soda crackers. his hturers to a most- excellent; -ser raon. and those who failed - to hear 4c; pound baking powder and center ROCHESTER. table. -We; fine shirts,' 23c, besides hear him missed a great deal. other bargains. We will not be under- Rochester, AVis., April 27, 1SOT. Last Thursday was the one day of sold... Spillum & Co., North Cape. Delightful "weather. . * last, week when seeding was possible House cleaning- and gardening arc "WHERE DOCTO11S DISAGREE." and nearly every farmer improved the There' has been a great- deal- or di&on the program. iKreememt from tlmft- ubout the Kate Blackburn', who has been opportunity. The friends of Dick .Tones greeted therapeutic value of sanjaporUla. In tl iii main, authorities deny any particular south during- the winter, returned medical value. to' the plant.- "Its Jus' an him with .-joyous smiles Sunday. iast Thursday. old wife's remedy," thuy s.iy. - And In the School closed in district Xo. .4 last main they, are Mrs. Byron Hewitt of Bockford. 111., week on account o the measles. We dozen .varloilcs right. Tliere -ire. about a ot saraaparllla.. 30atl<.-rccl rhrougli various countries, and ol tnis. is a guOKt at the home of her parents, report no new cases at present. dozen only one anj'i real curative Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jiickson, and her whoso, Jauob'Thom. who has been attend- power. boSo a man tbe elevenexperience mlh'ht conllncd to other vasister, Mrs. W. Hoyt. ing school in' Kenosha, is home spend- rieties mtifht honestly say there was litWillietSummers, who has been sick tlo value In thorn. The ono valuable tour.d In Hcnar.rns, C. <i. with the measles, is able to attend ing vacation.

Mabel '.Rogers -'.on.'^ursday^ie.veiirng^ i; Mrs..'-.. -Keyn'olds -""''oi'^iiimuka'e.-yiii ... visiting her sist-er, Mrs. Secor. : Mr. and Mrs. " SL' -M. " Bark''" wereagreeably surprised . l>y a- visit . from their son Arthur, Bundny last, , ' The young people of this .vicinity have prepared an excellent program for Sncday evening. The music is in the hands- of Mr. E. Giddrags'; ' >ho will be assisted by an excellent, quartette. _ i .. .


Only 1 i; Yi Vrty Six mnd HlM

With a Line of the- Best. Wheels in the Market, Consisting' of the : : :

All High Grade Wheels, SOLD AT A BARGAIN. We will make it an. object to secure your patronage, and every wheel sold by us will be FuIlyWarranted. We ask an examination of our Wheels before purchasing elsewhere. Our Medium Bicycles consist of the


school again. KNGLTS1I SETTLEMENT. Mrs. (Jeorge Wallis and children are English Settlement, April 2S, 1S07. We have a great many other makes. The "Homer" at $40 cannot be beat 1 visitinq with her parents, Mr. and Joe Johnson lost a yeavling coltMrs. Hannibal Shepherd, of Yorkvillc. Jnst week. It got .its head fast in the Improvements o f - all descriptions halter rope. are noticeable in our villapre. Mr. Bert'and Miss l-'lora Noble Ella has commenced work on his new spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1 house; Mrs. Codman .is having her George Clark of Big Bend: house repainted, and Elsworth JackA number of our bust .spellers will son is repairing the rooms over his attend the old fashioned spelling A Progrru^tilvo Slftto. school to be heUl at the Burlington store. 'Xo other state in ':he Union ofD. \V. Ilute met- with a serious acci- llisjh School Friday evening next. fers greater inducements NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. nr.d also the accompanying petition of dent Thursday afternoon by being Win. Starkey has commenced work IcMtjon of industries and for the_ I wheat, 1,000 bushels; barley, noue hoeing; Wood work; ml,. CenirnJ manJn.mcs E. BartlcU," roprotentlnff, amons . thrown from a load of hay. He was or. hi-s new house in Burlington. frhliiir, Priots reasonable. ChaA. P F CHICAGO. 111., April 27.HosRe- other things thiit the said Mary A. Hard...SO OO 9 K ujaeturinff plants than Wisconsin, ^7.MWllUnS5,pe';t0a.:.'. Orovo. __ _ Pr15-'-5 ____ 'J 00(4 0 50 ceipts, 18,000; market weak: trade inc lately died: that said instrument In out at the farm of Lawrence Tjobson, Tlirani Gooder lias .fold his l i t t l e with its limitless iron-ore de- . Bran, yxr ton '. 12 00 13 00 wrl-lnc Is tlie last will and icstament ot active; light, 33.0.^,12%; said/deceased, und that ho. tho snid peti- FAKMS WANTED IS KACXSE COTTNTY and when leaving the yard the load roadster to Mike Cleasou. Tim won't posits, abundance of hardwood tim.'... 15 OC fairly Onti mid Corn, ground Rii for Jlllwauli* City property, In oic ber, numerous clay, kaolin and marl mixed, $3.00(S4.10; heavy, S3.CO@4 OS. tioner Is the Jdentical James E. Bartlett pay canh diaurepcft or assume inortgtflti. tipped over and in alt-erupting 1 to suva take anybody's dust this summer. ITOfiucu iu . named and appointed and by 2,500; stciidy; will and testament asInexecutor salci lasc Cbas. B Dn-rls. Eol fctato Uoler, 23 beds, and other advantages. C v tieReceipts. Buttor 8 10 thereof; himself he feel a-sross the . wagon The Wisconsin Central lines penbeevt-s S;j.8S(a5.20; cows. S2.DO@4.50; and praying that a time and place bo ap- Bids. Milwaukee, Wis. XOIITH CAFE, Oliemo -:': reach striking' him on the side. Dr. etrate the center of the state, Texans, $3.a6@-t.-iO; stockers and 1 nolr.tcd 'for provlnc said will. It is ordered. That said petit on and yor-th Cape, Wis.. April 28, 1SD7. rind manufacturers can find exGates was called aod attended to his feeders, S:t.40@-l.30. . Vegetables Instrument be Miss Annie Apple left for Chicago cellent locations for plants, with. Shecp-Keceipis, 0,000; quiet, but proofs of said a special term heard before Apples thla Court, at thereof, on injuries. 30(ol 40 markets Pomtoos 70 75 Tuesday, the 23th day of May, A. D., 1SS7. The ladies cemetery meeting will last- week where she will ?pend a few facilities for reaching in formasteady. everywhere, llciiable Onions = Quickly cures kidney and -FINANCIAL. Ut ]0 o'clock 3.. TCI' o tn3X uDy. 0>X I HO \jui^ri j v^iii-^"*^***1-,1 *-"*- bladder troubles,' = 1 ^ be held tit the home of Mrs. Wright weeks. tion "will be cheerfully furnished = CHICAGO April 17.The local money offlco of the Judgfl of said County Court = .Travel, frequent, difficult or involuntary = Mrs.-A. L. Haas of. Decorah, Iowa, upon application to W. IT. Killen, Saturday afternoon. May 1, at 3 Beol 011 foot e I d C U n 3 00 4 00 mSrklt contln^s qulot. Rat^ for ual '"^d 1?2 fur^r% rd ered. T ha t no' = ^siaSOf c'rineandfemalecomplaint,, as'E' o'clock. A good attendance is re- ami family are home spending a few Industrial Commissioner, Milwau.* 4'^ funds run from 4 to ofe per cent. Moht of said application and .Iiearlnp be Riven j s-irregularities, whites, beanng-down, etc. = 3 0<)(iii -1 "i") -or the business la clone at 4fe .inu b p^r weeks. Cclvua . - to nil ncrsons interested 1 by publlsnlnff a l _ ^ 1/W .^r^^fr^\A-hr^F. n. Wndii-krh- Alton.N.H.. = quested. ^ B. ""<*. A l r . . . . CL . ' Sheep this order = Boole about KMMJS KIIEE. -.= The entertainment given by the ^ . ' SVr,rv Clows & Go's, last circular-says: copy 01once In ;ach for three j successive | __. prior to_3aia Will find the lands in Northern .; Lambs FKANKSVILLK. \\"n slrect ha^"shown a accldeJ- recov- weeits, hearing, - in weak., Racine Jour- : g.iiii.ii...iiiiiit;iiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiM."in.i"H.E day of the Eochester people at this place was desirable and Poultry $ nal a woekiy newspaper printed and pubFrnnksviHe,"\Vis.. A p r i l 2S. 1897. very well rendered. On account of Wisconsin farming lands splendid Tnrttoyfl hardwood adjacent 'llshed' In said County of Racine. Mr. and Mrs.'Chas.'Kamraclt return- bad roads only a very small audi- to the Wisconsin. Central Lines , . . .$ ed to their' hom'e' in 'Kacine 1 Monday, ence turned ont.,'but all -praise the can now be' purchased at the very low Berila Has 00(ni 7 00 4> ' County Judge. Clover FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND fjo-ure and on easy terms. 50(;S 2 73 after having spent a pleasant week wny in which all took their parts. Dated,- April' ,17th, 1SS7. : Tiniotby <" ' Write for free 'illustrated pamphPalmer &.' Gittings. Attys; EMBALMER. with relatives at this place. Died, at his home in Norway, Jacob let with maps to Fred'k Abbot,- Land Wo-1 Wool '' Open at all Lours Buy or S l . Xow that-we have a state ngent ap- lieecher, 'Sr., at the advanced age of Cocimissioner, Milwaukee, Wis. Morcuo in ConnoctloD. H ll ' &recn-yo 1, trlnimi* per '.&... AilMlJ-s or. lllld, pointed to look after hnwkrs and nearly i'O years. The deceased -wns H ?. Whitcomb, 1 B. Johnson, ot the country arc s,tcaS11,ly,i""7r^V-iiis' 1 =34MJSt. Telephone of 4. ' Cen'l. Manager. Gen'l. Frt. Agt. . COWH, ttteorH, "^ peddlers, it is amusing to observe the born "in Germany Dec. j'l. 1307,ancl em,..""' In flic matter, ot tnc last -will and tcs2 N. Wlicomlo St. kesidcnc.Hoavy ^ " , ^ ' ,7 as. C. Pond, t:imi>nt of Fanny -\Valsh. deceased. numerous signs;'of dealers in various igrated to America in 1S41, Was marOn reading and lllir.g an Instrument In Gen'1. Pass Agent, Tl'u Bcr.ati! IM shou-lnif moro Jelro to rJ-'-ch -m cnrlv concl'jsion upon It; and wrltlne. purportlnfv to bo the last w h i articles. Milwaukee, Wis. r^d in 3342 and settled in Wisconsin Sri-Wl', Va S', " " when ill" bill is cn.ictcJ the lust Iroport- and tcMtameut of Fanny Walsh, late o! Tom Stevens,-our enterprising bar- in the home now occupied by his son unt obsVick! to irado will be ^^".r-d the town of "MI. Pleasant In tlie County , n Tho Crop Outlook In South Dalcotn For KiPl >"o l.tnminoJ, per^H Uroiin, ber, has purchased the old barber in 1SJS. He died Wednesday' morning, business will revive In spite of a theor- of Racine and State ot Wisconsin, de1807. ceased, and also the accompanying pori-tle Jlfferences about r.itcs of dutj. shop loeo.ted on Main street and -will April 21, surrounded by relatives and tion of William L. Shumway, representIt requires but a small amount of HID3S AND WOOL. ing, unions other tiling, that tho sad move the same onto the lot which lie friends. The anprel of d e a t h touched roir.fiill in South Dakota 10 m a t u r e Murkets. Fanny Walsh lately died; that said GRANITE AND flARBLE purchased of S. G. Smith and remodel him gently by fulling 'asleep from the crop. During 1SDC South Dakota in- writing is the last e, r.minedV WVic; No 2 do , 30tl1 tllrce an will and testament o: sad deceased, Keadatones, Tablets, Burial Vaults, it, into a neat l i t t l e cottage. " skins C S. best. SliOOVic; No. 2 do. MiiU th-if'he. the said petitioner, is tlie which lie never awoke. He was k n o w n hod, up to Septembermore. of rainfall Graln ippointco In Curblnjr, Corner Posts, etc. - T * itip best veal, SV-ic; pelts fi identical person named and appointed in Tho. lumber.for the new barn of as an honorable and upright- citizen, scvo'ii-tonths inches Wlioat Sol.. than nny of tlie previous Ko 2.. and by said -last will and tcstam Mr. S. G. Smith -which lie will erect a kind husband and father, and an ac- vVars.furSince September :iOth sixteen there executor thereof; and pruy,!"" in the village lias arrive, and the barn commodating neighbor.' He leaves to has been added at least tlireu or four Outj time and place be appointed WISi UNION GROVE,. ""~ n^'lKhl^c^^CoUedrchaffyrburrFanci Siltd is'o'rdere'd. That said petition and will be'built'as soon as possible. inches to the excess, making a g-aio. Corn ...I.... XV, a-'' mourn his loss a son and wife and bucks, VifiTMic' off. proofs of said instrument be beard beof nearly ciffht inches more than the lljru What our village needs more than four grandchildren. fore tills Court, on DRESSED MEATS AND POULTRY. nvora"e. Karly in November there Mi-ata nny ono thing, is a few cottages ,...$3 OOiS 4 30 MILWAUKEE, April :7.Lambs and Tuesday, the; 4th clay of May. A. D., 1S97, were heavy rains, depositing- over two J.lvu Ilogfl... . which can be rested very readily. At Mution-Falr to cliolco mutton quoted ot at 10 o'clock: a. m. o that day, at th For the finest- and most stylish nov inches, and since tlieu there have been Llvvliwl.... Si!.iiorlo STOUTS UKDERWOOO DtiiTc Cor dressed: soring nmbs clo &. nfflw- of the County Judge of said CounJ1 present there are -several -families who elties in millinery goods, sec Miss BJ! heavy snows, and* about a foot of 1 ..t 72 75 . liic do, SS.OCJJS.OO apiece; ---- ' *Sl.505jJ.aO. ?v in the Citv of Kaclnu In said County. lUC: tiO, ^ ^>-'^^--. live. , . ivoald rent a cottage tvere there any lou's complete assortment, .oives biiow covered l!ie j,'1'01'111'! on .\ovcin... 15(5) M , Murket Mtoafly; moderately ocU\o. And it is further ordered. That public Poultrv-Hv-o chlcltens per ID, ber SJtli. Dakota farmers have rotice thereof be given to all persons In- . .to be had. aoti no doubt others could prices, Union Grove. . . . 2 JO !! 1!) old roosters. Cc ; . turkeys. . S0IOc ; tcresxcd by the publication of a copy of ! ! ~ " '-, a l i u i i d a n i e - o C )iy and great supplies XimotUy.. ASD ATTOBSEYAT tAW. be induced to come here were there ,. 0 OOCrj 7 UU. this order for three successive vneeks. I Clover.... Lowest, prices ior anything you neetl Q . Qnts 'biirley ml corn. Wheat has Piguons-Per doz., $1.20; dead. once m each week, previous- to tlie Umo 107 Wlaconiln Bireot, Milwsukoe,Wl) any place "which they.could get to live at Spillom & Co., 'North Cape. . atlv!incd( i to about seyeuty cents a PrufJaco ...$ Hfi 1C herein appolr.tcd for proving said will. In liilttcr easy, prices ransins at tlie Racine Journal, a weekly news. iii. Le;. sonic enterprising citizen . i bushel in '.the local market, and nrosi,..,.i,i ;,, .din Infal prospaper printed nr.d published in said 4e c with a few dolJarsto spare' invest in a Cleveland Plni" I>1:.- ^ wishes, pects for' furl-lier advance are good, Tallow .. 'DAIRY MARKETS. '' ' County of Baclnc ;Court_ ' - MILWAUKEE, April 27.-Buttor-Frcsh to piny 'the piivt that was Senator The A r o u n d : ' w i l l come out in the No 1 few houses, and he will find it a pay k B.' BF.LDEN. "BUtUT LIKE A made creamery, choice to fancy, per b Kiirins better soaked .-than ever before. No 2 Shtriusm's for so- -mn-ny -years. .He'-' The prospect for better prices, next County Judge. 4t ing:-'in vest inent."" ICO- -fair to good, H{T13c: inferior do, .lOiP WATCH." Dated April 3rd, 3S97. 13C : fresh ilnlry. nooil to choice sc lecAlbert Jobnso'a of -Milwaukee, was wants to be tin: sole senatorial ropier vear is ft'ood. There are thousands o Owen & Lukes, petitioner's attorneys. THE MARKETS, tions do. neiac: lines do. ]lf!3c; rol , 3i* j.on.friends'in'tho village' on senwtire.of Ohio Republicanism,, iii- ijcopTe in the east who could do no; lie- paclcinu -nock do. Sftte; grease. MMC. Jlarlcet amply supplied and easy. stead, .of -hiivhig- to divide--honors, and better than to 'go to Son Hi Dakota (First publication -March 2s, 1MO Tuesday. CHICAGO. April 27.WheatApril Cheese Full-cream twins, per lb. IDVtliJ COURT, RACINE CObNT\Uc: VouW Amorlcii. lOy-Wllfec- brick do. CIBCUJTH. Peck, BlalntlfT. vx Mlcliael Albert Ea.-urnelt of Milwaukee, ivus prcrogMives any. oihcr Hepubli- now and biiy their seed and feed for 72'/sc; July,'71%c. -, - Calvin next year, and move out .hi the spring. saSV-e: Limburgcr do. 7lii.Sc; Swiss uo. Qulnn a"d -Asnea "j. Qulnn His wife. 'CornApril, 2-lc; July,- So'Ac. shaking hands with old friends Tues- csi'ii.'" J?fmRmbei-ing the Dogberry First-class farming' land- in South DalOA-liJ'^. Market n-.odcrately active; OatsAprn,.-lC%c; .Lilly,- li%c. axiom chirt when two-men ride a horse kota, the lines ot the Chicago, v.-intef-made brick quoted at 7@8c. day. jrugBFroBh, per doz. be. PorkApril, $a.l2: July,. 5S.32. nni -und order of Joreclosure and sale ^^^SrS^^u^ . A young man clainiin gio be .1 phy- -one roust vide behind, and roalmjig Milwaukee &, St. Paul' railway, can; Lard-April, $4.30; ,luhv$4.20. HAY AND STRAW. sician was in the village Tuesday t h a t Mr. Hanna is not tho man .to' low be bought at from $10 to 515 an MILWAUKEE, April 27.-lIuy-GooQ to BEAR llibsApril, $4.B5; July, $4.6(. 'acre The crenaiery industry and choice upland. ?7.G05iS CO per ton on looking for rooms suitable for un oC- quietly ride behind anybody or any l-tock-raising - in - South Dakota will EXAMINATION. Rye34c.trick- interior to f n l r do. S5.wC.CO, 1 son. o a horsei he .is. especially nnx- oreatlv increase durinjr lS9i. I-or lurtool Wisconsin, will on the Sill day of iice. It is reported ho lias engaged ]'.arlevrty..c. . . eholce timothy do. JIO.MWIO.CO: No 2 do. fS.50e-'J.OO: clovov and mixed f-:-^-v M-iv ifflT at 2 o'clock in t' aftornoon of rooms of Patrick Garity and will open ious not to have him for .-. saddle ther information address W. L. PowFlas7G</.c. ! Wisconsin marsh and prairie. S".i.CO. ^'dav at the trout door ot the court Timothy$2.00.. ell' General Immigration Agent, 410 mate, Straw-Oats, ucr ton, on track. Jo.OO-iii HouW "i the City of Raclno. County of Strong-, graceful, easy running an office in the near future. .-.M; ryu dc. ?O.GO-ti>7,M; wheat do, W.OOW H?,r7'e State OE Wisconsin, offer for sale Clover^-11"-" . ., . ' rl , and durable. Mr, Morris of Berlin, called ou relaai'iOf ell in parcels, at public nuctloii. tho MlLAVATJKKli. .April 2,.^ilour Dr. Sabir. Halsey, a well-known SroinlMcs by s,-Ud juagrnent ordered sold ": ' SEEDS. tives at'.this pl-ace Monday . Dull '.i:id,5 cents lower. >[ethodist divine, has resigned liis nlt- /'ll tbodo -certain unreels, of land MILWAUKEE. When.tWenk; No., 2 spring1, uy a c; lower- No. 1 N. April 27.-Soeds-Flax, iuu'it'eu- in tlie County of Bjvclne. State l\fr. Jj. Hess has' purchased tbe J. pastorate at Jnnesville to ,;-o;nto the 111. .. W., .7S',io: timothy. of Wisconsin, described as follows: The Xo I northern;-7Qt; *fa.y,-727sc. W. Mann fnrm south-west, of the vil- grocery business in Milwaukee. hiclier- riOfflSO per ICO Ibs common to west half of tlio southeast quarter of secFINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL' ' CornFirmly held; No. 3. 73'Ae. prime-' eholca to fancy. 52.MB3.10; clover, Hon Mix ) township three (3) north of ASK FOR CATALOGUE: lage. S5.0(Xg7.M per 100 Ibs. to OatsQuiet and steady; >o. :, quiet; millet, C0&70c; ir.uatard, common Ibs, "fnr-c "twenty-one east (21). Also the qast uuU fancy per UO A. complete assortment of the hit-' Mr. STels R-qsmusseji will move to iValf of tlie southwest quarterottuonorthwhite, 2J@22Vi.c. ' Id Lflwtou.) \Vost ciuartcr of section twenty-live (25). AGENCY: Western Union Junction where he est novelties in dry goods luid stylishjjurleyQuiet; No. 2, 33%c; sainpk-, Apr. S8, 1807.' township four (. north of nuieo twenty millinery {roods at lowest prices, are will open o, first-class meat market. rm oast, also tlie southeast quarter of i GO "jiycWcnw :'-nd slower; No. 1, t o - b e found at T. Andland & Co., lliira. Putont the northwest quarter of tho northwest Mr. S. Smith is unloading a car of i 40 marine!- of section twenty-live Ob). In Bout Spring. .: township four M), north of ranco twcnt> himber to be used in putting- up his Sorth Cape, " llyo j; porlc, 3S.40; new store,'house, barn,.etc. 79 OireadJne-ana- illlnff'an instrumoiH In Dr. Koberts o'l ;Wa\U<esha, lias berrn pts -^ Flour,- ' .8,000 barrels:, wrlU/ff puPportliiR'to be tho last w 1 anfl Sheriff, ot Racine County, . 70 71. Wheat', 35',oaO b'ushcl3;;'.'T3wlo.y, 'l-l.OOO. t.'Btaraert-oi Mary Ai "Harfins, of \v" 'E.'-Lce.-aua'-.Smledlnc & Sraleilins, quite, seriously ill, n'victim oi blood 20 ho town of Rayjnona,"ln tlia County of plaintiff's attorneys. JO ' bnsbels. -' - ' < "' jxjisontng. . . . . - ..1 ".Sbipments.rioar, 10,000- barrels; ilkolmTand State oi Wisconsin, deceased -35Q 30 A very plensant gathering oJ young , people convened- at the homo of Miss |

Monardea, physician of Seville, rc-coros the lntroduci:lon ot saraaparilla Into Spnln a a :i result of the Spanish discoveries of tho Now World, between 1536 and l',-!5 But tiie root did not accomplish much. But ho adds, "a better sort soon after came from Honduras. 1 It Is this "butter sort" that Is used exclusively In Aver's Sarsapa-rllla. And it Is tho use of thla better sort" that haa given Ayer Sarsaparllla prominence over all other varieties by rtuson of its wonderful cures OC blood dlseasw. Sine! for the Curtbook. a "story, of .C'ires to'.d by the c-jrod." Free. Address J. C. Ayer Co., Lcwcll, MaifS. __

No. 407 Main Street





Starling Cjcle Works, Chicago,!!!.

G10, A. GftftNl,

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