20s Carded 20s Carded: SP Acer O P Arm P R Essure

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Yarn Count
Graph presentation of count variation of carded yarn is shown, the results shows that minimum count variation for 20s, 22s,is at the spacer size of 2.5 and minimum count variation for 26s and 30s is at spacer size of 3.5, and minimum count variation for 20s,22s,26s,30s at moderate level of top arm pressure 14 lb.
20s carded
19.7 19.6 19.5 19.4 19.3 19.2 19.1 19 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 20 19.9 19.8 19.7 19.6 19.5 12 14 t o p arm p r essure 16

20s carded

22s carded
21.65 21.6 21.55 21.5 21.45 21.4 21.35 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 21.75 21.7 21.65 21.6 21.55 21.5 21.45 12

22s carded

14 t o p arm p r essure


26s carded 26s carded

26 25.8 25.6 25.4 25.2 25 2 2.5 spa c e r 3.5 4

26.05 26 25.95 25.9 25.85 25.8 25.75 12 14 t o p arm p r essur e 16

30s carded 30 yarn count 29.5 29 28.5 2 2.5 spacer 3.5 4 yarn count 30.5 30 29.5 29 2

30s com bed

2.5 spacer


Graph presentation of count variation of combed yarn is shown, the results shows that minimum count variation for 20s, 22s,26s is at the spacer size of 2.5 and minimum count variation for 30s is at spacer size of 3.5, and minimum count variation for 20s,22s,26s,30s at moderate level of top arm pressure 14 lb.

20s com bed 19.85 yarn count 19.8 19.75 19.7 19.65 2 2.5 spacer 22s com bed 21.9 yarn count 21.8 21.7
21.8 21.95 21.9 21.85

20 s com bed 20 19.9 19.8 19.7 19.6 19.5 12 14 top arm pressure 16


yarn count

22s com bed

21.6 21.5 2 2.5 3.5 4

21.75 21.7 12 14 t o p arm p r essur e 16

spacer 26s com bed

25.9 25.8 5 25.8 25.75 25.7 25.6 5 25.6 25.55 2 2.5 sp a cer 3.5 4 26 25.9 25.8 25.7 25.6 25.5 12

26s com bed

14 t o p arm p r essur e


30s carded
30 29.8 29.6 29.4 29.2 29 28.8 28.6 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4

30s com bed

30.6 30.4 30.2 30 29.8 29.6 29.4 29.2 29 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4

Yarn Lea Strength

The graph presentation for yarn lea strength value of carded yarn for different spacer size are shown, it is clear that yarn lea strength is maximum at spacer size 2mm for 20s,22s,26s,30s carded yarn and lea strength is maximum at moderate level of top arm pressure 14 lb.
20s carded
150 149.5 149 148.5 148 147.5 147 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 150 148 146 12 14 t o p arm p r essure 16 154 152

20s carded

22s carded
138 136 134 132 130 128 126 124 2 2.5 Sp acer 3.5 4 148 146 144 142 140 138 136 134 12

22s carded

14 t o p arm p r essure


26s carded
140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 130 125 120 115 110 105 12

26s carded

14 t o p arm p r essure


30s carded
105 100 95 90 85 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4

30s carded 105 100 95 90 85 12 14 top arm pressure 16

lea strength

The graph presentation for yarn lea strength value of combed yarn for different spacer size are shown, it is clear that yarn lea strength is maximum at spacer size 2 mm for 20s,22s and it is maximum at 26s,30s at 2.5mm spacer size and lea strength is maximum at moderate level of top arm pressure 14 lb.

20s com bed

156 154 152 150 148 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 12

20s com bed

14 t o p arm p r essur e


22s com bed

148 146 144 142 140 138 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 12

22s com bed

14 t o p arm p r essur e


26s com bed

120 115 110 105 100 95 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 12

26s carded

14 t o p arm p r essur e


30s com bed

104 102 100 98 96 94 92 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 100 98 96 94 92 90 88 12

30s com bed

14 t o p arm p r essur e


Count Lea Strength product

The graph presentation for count lea strength product value for different spacer size are shown, it is clear that yarn clsp is maximum at spacer size 2mm for 20s, 26s, 30s carded yarn but for for combed yarn clsp is maximum at spacer size of 2.5mm for for 20s, 22s, 26s and count lea strength product value is maximum at moderate level of top arm pressure 14 lb.
20s carded
2950 2900 2850 2800 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4

20s carded 3100 3050 3000 2950 2900 2850 12 14 top arm pressure 16

22s carded
3000 2950 2900 2850 2800 2750 2700 2 2.5 sp a c e r 3.5 4


22s carded 3300 3200 3100 3000 2900 2800 12 14 top arm pre s sure 16


26s carded
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4

26s carded 3400 3200 CLSP 3000 2800 2600 12 14 top arm pressure 16

30s carded
3100 3000 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4
2800 2700 2600 12 3000 2900

30s carded

14 t o p a r m p r e ssu r e


The graph presentation for count lea strength product value for combed yarn at different spacer size are shown, it is clear that yarn clsp is maximum at spacer size 2.5mm for 20s, 26s but it is maximum for 30s at spacer size of 2mm and count lea strength product value is maximum at moderate level of top arm pressure 14 lb.
20s com bed
3100 3050 3000 2950 2900 2 2.5 Sacer 3.5 4 3100 3050 3000 2950 2900 12 14 t o p arm p r essur e 16

20s com bed

22S com bed

3250 3200 3150 3100 3050 3000 2950 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 3150 3100 3050 12 3250 3200

22s com bed

14 t o p arm p r essur e


26s com bed

3000 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2400 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4
3100 3050 3000 2950 2900 2850 12

26s com bed

14 t op a r m p r e ssu r e


30s com bed

3100 3000 2900 2800 2700 2600 2500 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 3000 2950 2900 2850 2800 2750 2700 2650 12

30s com bed

14 t o p ar m p ressure


Single End strength

The graph presentation for single end strength value for different spacer size are shown, it is clear that yarn single end strength value is maximum at spacer size 3.5mm for 20s and is maximum for 22s, 26s, 30s at spacer size of 2mm Single end strength value of carded yarn is maximum at moderate level of top arm pressure of 14 lb for 20s and it is maximum for 22s, 26s, at 12 lb and for 30s it is maximum for 16 lb top arm pressure.

2 0 s c a r de d

2 0 s c a r de d

620 600 580 560 540 520 500 2 2.5

spac er

600 580 560 540 520 500 12 3.5 4

t op ar m pr e ss ur e



22s carded 550 SES SES 500 450 400 2 2.5 spacer 3.5 4 500 480 460 440 420 12

22s carded

14 top arm pressure


26s carded 500 400 300 200 100 0 2 2.5 spacer 3.5 4 415 SES 410 405 400 12

26s carded


14 top arm pressure


30s carded 380 360 SES SES 340 320 300 2 2.5 spacer 3.5 4 400 300 200 100 0 12

30s carded

14 top arm pressure


The graph presentation for single end strength value for different spacer size are shown, it is clear that yarn single end strength value is maximum at spacer size of 2mm for 20s, 22s but it is maximum at spacer size of 2.5mm for 26s, 30s combed count. Single end strength value is maximum at top arm pressure of 12 lb for 20s and it is maximum for 22s, 26s for 16 lb and it is maximum for 30s at12 lb top arm pressure.
20S com bed
620 610 600 590 580 570 560 2 2.5 spa c e r 3.5 4

20s com bed

610 600 590 580 570 560 550 540 12 14
t o p a r m p r e ssu r e


22s com bed

555 550 545 540 535 530 525 520 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 545 540 535 530 525 12

22s com bed

14 t o p arm p r essure


26s com bed

440 420 400 430 380 420 360 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 410 12 460 450 440

26s com bed

14 t o p arm p r essure


30s com bed

390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 370 360 350 340 330 320 12

30s com bed

14 t o p arm p r essure


Yarn Elongation
The graph representation of elongation of carded yarn for different spacer size are shown in graph, the maximum value of yarn elongation at spacer size 2.5 for 20s, 22s and maximum value of elongation for 26s is at 4mm but elongation is maximum at 2mm.Yarn elongation is maximum for 20s,22s at top arm pressure of 12lb and for 26s at the level of 16 lb and for 30s at the level of 14 lb.

20s carded
8 7.5 7 7 6.5 6 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 6.8 6.6 12 7.6 7.4 7.2

20s carded

14 t o p arm p r essur e


22s carded
7.5 7.45 7.4 7.35 7.3 7.25 7.2 7.15 7.1 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 12

22s carded

14 t o p arm p r essur e


26s carded
8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 10 8 6 4 2 0 12

26s carded

14 t o p arm p r essur e


30s carded
8 7.5 7 6.5 6 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4 8 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.2 7 6.8 6.6 12

30s carded

14 t o p arm p r essur e


The graph representation of elongation of combed yarn for different spacer size are shown in graph, the maximum value of yarn elongation at spacer size 2mm for 20s, 22s,26s but it is maximum for 30s at spacer size of 2.5mm.Yarn elongation is maximum for 20s,22s,26s at top arm pressure of 14lb and for 30s at the level of 16 lb.
20s com bed
7.2 7 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 6 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4

20s com bed 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 12 14 top arm pressure 22s com bed
10 8 6 4 2 0



22s com bed

7.8 7.6 7.4 7.2 7 6.8 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4


14 t o p arm p r essur e


26s com bed


26s com bed 8 6 4 2 0 12 14 top arm pressure 16

6.2 6 5.8 5.6 2 2.5 sp acer 3.5 4

30s com bed 7 elongation 6.5 6 5.5 2 2.5 spacer 3.5 4



30s com bed

6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 6 5.8 12 14 t o p arm p r essur e 16

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