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This information sheet provides a summary of information on the Nanotechnology sector in Piedmont as at April 2006.

Please contact us to obtain any necessary and/or more updated information:

In the heart of North West Italy

in Turin and Piedmont

The choice of success

At the centre of European development

Nanotechnology - Why Turin and Piedmont

A favourable environment
for nanotech activities.

Facts & figures A unique industrial vocation R&D intensity
A deep industrial know-how and diversified 1st Italian region for private investment
4 million inhabitants manufacturing activities provide the ideal in R&D
(7.5% of the national
population) environment for finding commercial Over 200 private and public R&D centres
applications for several nanotechnology active in the region with 17,000 researchers
E113bn GDP (8.4% of the
national total) innovations. Turin and Piedmont are Qualified professional services experienced
in the heart of Europe, a 450m people in the full development of intellectual
460.000 companies
market. property potential, in terms of patents,
E31bn exports
trademarks and licensing.
E3.5bn FDI inflows Metal manufactures 17%
and outflows 2003-2005 Transportation 16%
Machinery 13%
(8.2% of the national total) Textiles 13%
Others 11%
1.6% of GDP invested in R&D Electric devices 9% At the centre of a thriving network
Food 8%
Plastics 6% of excellence in nanotechnology
200 public and private Other manufacturing industries 4%
R&D centres Chemicals and fibers 3%

[Source: Confindustria Piemonte 2003]

18,000 R&D professionals
(11% of national R&D
employees) Lausanne
[Source: Unioncamere Piemonte, 2006] Tradition of innovation
Piedmont has been a hub for major Lyon
technical innovations from the electric
engine in the 19th century, to the MP3 Milan
Strengths Grenoble
file format in the software industry, Turin
Access to the Central Euro- and the common rail for diesel engines
pean and Mediterranean
in the automotive industry. Genoa
1st Italian region for
private investment in R&D Availability of skilled personnel
[Source: Filas, 2006] Three major universities (Università di
1st Italian region for Torino, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Turin and Piedmont are located right
expenditure on innovation Politecnico di Torino) and an extensive in the centre of an area with
in the manufacturing sector network of postgraduate schools provide international capabilities in micro
[Source: Filas, 2006]
a steady stream of highly motivated and nanotechnology, linked to major
Training Institutions and R&D
and skilled young people. education and research centres in Italy,
centres of international
standing France and Switzerland.
Europe’s first Degree Course
in Nanotechnology
at the Politecnico di Torino
Skilled and flexible
workforce at competitive A “five star” region, between Europe and the sea
With its extensive vineyards, hundreds of kilometres of ski slopes,
telecommunications spa towns, lakes, nature parks and a vast artistic heritage,
infrastructure with Piedmont has much to offer. Everything is at your fingertips,
the first Italian Neutral from the Alps to the Mediterranean Sea, with Liguria and the
Access Point (NAP)
Côte d’Azur just an hour away. The region has successfully
Second centre in Italy
hosted the Winter Olympics of Torino 2006 and is now equipped
for venture capital
operations [Source: AIFI 2006] with brand-new facilities and further specialized services.
Public and private
financing resources
to fund technological
innovation projects
The Olympic Winter
Games in 2006

Invest in Turin and Piedmont

Nanotechnology - Why Turin and Piedmont

Piedmont areas
of specialization
in nanotechnology.
The convergence of nanoscale research with other sciences such as biology, chemistry
and physics that link up with engineering, creates vast opportunities to enhance performance.
In Piedmont, industry can benefit from a favourable environment, that combines technology,
materials and characterisation know-how with the capacity to develop new applications.

Nanomaterials Textiles

Different synthesis methods allow the production Thanks to nanotechnologies textiles and clothing
of nano-structured materials with remarkably are going to become “smart”. They will be able
improved properties and applications in many to give us cold or heat according to our needs,
fields such as textiles and automotive. The three as well as deliver drugs through the skin.
Piedmont universities carry on research in this Applications for ‘smart’ clothing will include
field in combination with local research centres healthcare and telemedicine, but more and more
dedicated to nano-structured interfaces and uses for these materials are being identified.
surfaces, semiconductors, ceramic and plastic Projects in this field are coordinated by the
materials. association Tessile e Salute (

MEMS/NEMS Agriculture and food sensors

Micro and Nano Electro Mechanical Systems are Important improvements have been identified
micro/nano components and devices merging in agriculture both directly on field applications
mechanical and electronic know-how. Public and in food packaging. Thanks to chemical
research centres (such as the χlab), dedicated to functionalization of surfaces a great number of
materials, micro and nano systems, offer the sensors are developed in order to produce smart
technology and know-how for MEMS/NEMS food packaging. The Cuneo district is strongly
business oriented research and prototyping. involved in these applications.
Research centres of both the Fiat Group and
Telecom’s Olivetti carry on applied research on
MEMS/NEMS with relevance to their businesses.
Avago Technologies has developed a related
technology with applications to its semiconductors
products and lasers. Chemistry is involved in numerous areas of
nanotechnology. The use of nanoparticles as
excellent catalysts is an example of nanotechnology
applied to chemistry in the automotive industry.
The universities and corporate research centres
Bio- micro and nanotechnologies
carry on joint research programs.
Major areas of interest with local specific know-
how are diagnostic and drug delivery systems,
as well as coating surfaces for biocompatible
materials. Key players are Sorin and the Politecnico
di Torino with the Centre of Excellence Latemar.
Another important application is the use of micro Nano scale requires specific tools and know-how
arrays in the field of oncogenomics at the Institute for measurements, testing and certification.
for Cancer Research (IRCC). The region hosts the National Institute of
Metrological Research-INRIM (

Invest in Turin and Piedmont

Nanotechnology - Why Turin and Piedmont

Academic know-how
in nanotechnology.

Università di Torino (

The Department of Inorganic,
Physical and Material Chemistry
promotes and coordinates research
65,563 students
in the field of chemical sciences, 1,331 teachers
especially in those sectors covering 770 researchers
12 faculties
the study of structures and properties 55 departments
of inorganic compounds and materials. 6 university schools
7 bi-national degrees
Piedmont Universities and research centres have 3 centres of excellence
a worldwide recognition for top quality research
[Source: Università di Torino]
by international journals and publications.
Turin and Piedmont have the highest concentration
of enrolled students in scientific courses
in the whole of italy.

Politecnico di Torino (

In the field of microsystems, biomedical
applications of micro/nanotechnology,
nanostructured materials and chemical
26,000 students
applications of nanotechnology,
the departments of mechanics, Università del Piemonte Orientale
900 lecturers/researchers
4 schools of Engineering physics and electronics, and materials science “Amedeo Avogadro” (
2 schools of Architecture
offer interdisciplinary competencies ideal Materials Science and Solid State
35 Master of science
courses to foster research. A Master’s Degree in Chemistry are developed in the
30 doctorates Micro and Nano Technologies for Integrated Department of Science and
18 departments for Advanced Technology-DISTA
research activities Systems (
800 research contracts
is active in collaboration with the Ecole (
with public institutions
and industries
Polythecnique Fédérale de Lausanne in A permanent staff of professors
[Source: Politecnico di Torino]
Switzerland and the French Institut and researchers along with PhD students students
National Polytechnique de Grenoble and post-docs works on nanostructured 12departments
materials suitable for light emission, 13master’s degrees
together with Minatec. 16specialization schools
In 2005 Politecnico was funded by sensors, catalysts, nanocomposite in the medical field
polymers, superconductors and magnetic 39 research partnerships
the Ministry of Education University with foreign
solids. universities
and Research for the creation of the Centre [Source:]
of Excellence LATEMAR-Micro Technology
Laboratory for Bioelectrochemical Diagnostics
and Research.

Collaborative χlab-Materials and Microsystems Laboratory (

film/Chivasso/Chivasso.html), managed by the Politecnico di Torino and
partnerships. the National Institute for Physics of Matter (INFM), works on the design
and creation of micro and nano systems prototypes, with a specific focus
Research centres are the key to the development on technological transfer. χlab collects both technological and fundamental
of the converging technologies that make up knowledge for materials analysis, processes and design of devices,
nanotechnology. They offer to companies their circuits and systems suitable for MEMS, NEMS and microsensors. It offers
research facilities and their skilled personnel. facilities for the main lithographic techniques and all the equipment
They employ full time staff and also part-time/ necessary for the production of micro and nano systems. Measurement
temporary staff, generally from both universities instruments and facilities for the characterization of films and devices
and companies. are also available. About 30 researchers work in the centre. In 2005 the
Ministry of University, Education and Research funded χlab to coordinate
the Micro-Technology Laboratory for Bioelectrochemical Diagnostics and
Research (LATEMAR), a national centre of excellence operating in the
field of micro and nanotechnology applied to biology and medicine.

Invest in Turin and Piedmont

Nanotechnology - Why Turin and Piedmont

research centres.
The National Institute of Metrological
Research-INRIM ( is the national
public body born from the merger of the Istituto
Elettrotecnico Nazionale “Galileo Ferraris”
( and the Istituto di Metrologia
“Gustavo Colonnetti” (
With 280 researchers, it has become the focus
of most scientific metrology activities in Italy.
ISTEC - Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia
Its research activities in measurement science,
dei Materiali Ceramici (
materials science and innovative technologies
is the institute of the National Research
are recognised at world-wide level.
Council (CNR) that conducts research to
INRIM carries out studies and researches
develop advanced ceramic materials with
on the realization of primary standards for
nanometric microstructure, both monophasic
the basic and derived units of the International
and composite. The team includes 100
System of units (SI), assures the maintenance
researchers, 15 of whom work in Turin.
of such standards, their international comparison
and in general provides measurements
traceability to the SI. In addition to physical
and engineering metrology, its main R&D areas
are in fundamental physical constants, materials,
metrology for chemistry, nanotechnology,
innovation, quantum information, and artificial

Clean NT Lab (,

based at the Environment Park in Turin, is
dedicated to experimentation on innovative
coatings with high technology content and
low environmental impact. The Lab, with a
team of 5 people, provides a PVD (Physical
Vapor Deposition) plant to carry out PVD
coating tests, characterization tests on coated
components, functional resistance and life
prediction tests and samples.

NIS - Nanostructured Interfaces and Surfaces ( is one The Center for the Plastics Engineering ( is promoted by
of the eight Italian Centres of Excellence, together with Cebiovem the Politecnico di Torino and the Proplast Consortium (
( also based in Turin, recognized by the Ministry including 60 companies, many of which operate worldwide, and 8
of Education University and Research (MIUR). It originates from the joint universities, among which the Università del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo
effort of several research groups of the Università di Torino and of the Avogadro”. The Centre, based in Alessandria and employing 15 researchers,
Università del Piemonte Orientale in the fields of chemistry, physics and was founded as a point of reference in the field of plastics for professional
biology. The Centre offers a multidisciplinary laboratory equipped with education within the University, as well as for enterprises. The Centre
the most advanced techniques in microscopy and spectroscopy. NIS, for Engineering of Plastic Materials has significant experience in the
with its team of 80 researchers, focuses on nanostructured interfaces investigation of nanocomposites.
and surfaces that strongly influence the materials’ final properties.

Invest in Turin and Piedmont

Nanotechnology - Why Turin and Piedmont

industrial expertise. Science and
Technology Parks
Two science and technology
parks are involved in
nanotechnology activities,
the Bioindustry Park Canavese
Avago Technologies (, MEMC Electronic Materials
and the Environment Park.
which was spun off from Agilent (, a leading global They are closely linked with the
Technologies (formerly Hewlett-Packard) supplier of wafers to the semiconductor Universities and the Politecnico.
in December 2005, provides an extensive industry has a manufacturing plant in They have been created with the
aim of supporting research and
range of semiconductor components and Novara, which is the site for wafer
development and encouraging
subsystems for electronics, wireless, production and epitaxial deposition in technology transfer. The parks offer
networking and imaging applications. Europe. facilities, an extensive network of
Turin hosts the R&D Labs of the Fiber skills, contacts with potential
partners and help with financing
Optic Product Division and the Olivetti Ink Jet ( for the development of innovative
Manufacturing Pilot Line for Semiconductor is the Telecom Italia Group company projects with a high technological
Laser fabrication, with more than 80 dedicated to the research development content.
employees. Technology such as electron and production of ink-jet technology,
beam litography and dry etching are used employing 400 people, 70 of whom in Environment Park (
is devoted to environmental
to work on challenge fields that include the research area. It is the only European technologies and ICT. A cluster of private
multi quantum well active layers and high company (and one of four worldwide) to companies and public research centres
operating temperature lasers. run a full-cycle ink-jet production process (Università di Torino, Politecnico di Torino,
and to develop all related components, National Research Council) work within
the facilities of the Park, building
from inks to printheads. Years ago, thanks up synergies and sharing experiences.
to the know-how and investment in Environment Park also acts as an
sophisticated equipments for the silicon incubator providing support
foundry, Olivetti I-Jet started activities on and facilities for starting up activity.
Besides the Clean NT Lab, the Park
MEMS. hosts the HySY_LAB (,
a centre of excellence for hydrogen
Sorin Biomedica Cardio technologies.
Fiat Group Research Centre-CRF (, with 1,000
( was founded as an Engineering employees, has developed some of Bioindustry Park (
offers researchers and companies facilities
Centre providing R&D services to the the most clinically important and R&D services to help locate pilot
different companies within the Fiat Group. cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary research centres and laboratories,
Over the last ten years CRF has opened devices. Its activity in nanotecnology, in with EU funding for SMEs. The labs
co-ordinated by the Park can deliver
its doors to business with other companies which 20 researchers are involved,
a wide range of scientific, technology
in and outside the automotive sector. concerns the treatments of heart valve transfer and research services.
Currently it has a workforce of surfaces. Research is also aimed at the Over 20 private and public
approximately 1,200 of which 800 have development of an innovative drug organisations have already located
in the Park, with 200 researchers,
masters equivalent degrees or higher. delivery system in drug eluting
together with several university
CRF develops research in micro and cardiovascular stents. departments (mainly specialised
nanotechnologies concerning lighting, in Chemistry and Biology and Medical
sensing, information, energy and actuation Bracco ( Genetics) and a CNR (National
Research Council) research group
applications. Cori ( specialised in proteomics and
Elettro Rava ( food allergens. The Park works
International Rectifier (, US Ferrania ( with a number of companies
company leader in power management, (Bracco, Creabilis Therapeutics,
Gpharma ( etc) and Italian and foreign
is holder of 450 technology patents and Nanovector ( university research groups.
has operations in 20 countries. Its Borgaro
Novara Technology ( Discovery is the bioincubator
facility in the province of Turin, with 270 of the Park, specialised
Ozella ( in supporting the start-up
employees, is certified to produce JANS
of new companies.
Schottky diode and FRED wafers for use
It acts coupled with the seed
in hi-rel applications, such as commercial capital company Eporgen
and military aircraft, space-launch vehicles, Venture.
satellites and strategic weapon systems.

Invest in Turin and Piedmont

Nanotechnology - Why Turin and Piedmont

Resources available
for research.

In Piedmont research activities rely on the solid

economic base of the region that produces almost
10% of the overall Italian income.
Financing comes from both public and private players
with the aim to foster innovation.

Public Funding
Non-Profit Foundations pursue aims of public
The European Union considers Nanotechnology one
interest and social use. Over the years, they
of the most important fields of research and,
have refocused their objectives from the wholly
in the Seventh Framework Programme 2007-2011,
charitable to cover a wide range of topics.
it will confirm the aid granted within the previous
Within this framework, their actions foster both
framework programme (2003-2006).
private and public scientific research.
With the aim to increase the EU’s annual spending,
the overall budget for research will be doubled
Compagnia di San Paolo (
in the period 2007-2013, and it will be about
Since 1563, when it was founded as a charitable
E70 billion.
brotherhood, it has been serving the local
community. Today, it is one of the largest foundations
The National Funds aid companies both in basic
in Europe with its work mainly in the region,
research, and in product development, including
but with a significant role in international projects
large projects and large companies. Financial grants
too. The Compagnia di San Paolo had a 2005
are assigned trough few strategic lines that include
budget of around E134m.
Nanotechnology. For further information:
Fondazione CRT (
The new Regional Law for Research (2006) will
Since 1991 it has been investing considerable
finance companies for research activities (including
resources in culture, health, welfare, research
Nanotechnology) with E293mln in the period
and education. The Foundation, whose 2005
budget was around E75m, plans and implements
Part of them, as well, will be solely dedicated to
a wide range of projects.
Nanotechnology, considered one of the most
important targets of the Regional Plan.
Stock exchang for SMEs
With the aim of supporting the growth of small
and mid caps companies, Borsa Italiana
(, the official Italian Stock
Exchange, dedicates two special Markets with
minimal costs and quick timing of listing:
Expandi™ and STAR™. The Expandi market
is for those small companies (E1 million minimum
capitalization) that wish to take the first steps
towards listing in financial markets (offering a
Venture Capital for hi-tech companies minimum floating of 10%). STAR™ is the market
Piemontech (, the holding dedicated to midsize companies with a capitalization
company of the Torino Wireless Cluster, and Eporgen of less than E1 billion, and that voluntarily
Venture provide with venture capital the most comply with some strict segment requirements,
promising Piedmont-based companies operating aligned with international standards.
in information and communication technologies,
biotechnologies, biomedics, advanced mechanics,
energy, innovative and high value-added services.
Turin ranks second in Italy for venture capital

Invest in Turin and Piedmont

This information sheet provides a summary of information on the Nanotechnology sector in Piedmont as at April 2006. Please contact us to obtain any necessary and/or more updated information:
ITP Invest in Turin and Piedmont,

created by the main public institutions and private

business associations, is a non-profit organisation

dedicated to securing new investment from overseas.

It responds to inward investment enquiries from all over

the world and supports foreign companies expanding

ITP within the region.

in Turin From finding the most suitable location to sourcing advice
and Piedmont
Via Bogino, 9
10123 Turin, Italy on financial incentives for your investment in Piedmont,
tel. +39 011 8153911
fax. +39 011 8153900 ITP support will continue as you expand and develop,

once your operations are established.

ITP services

We support companies in developing their investment
projects in Piedmont through macroeconomic factors

and market research, pre- feasibility and feasibility studies,

introduction to public and private agents in the region,

selection of location opportunities in the target areas

(objective 2) funded by the EU, and 360° support

for the identification of incentives and fiscal

advantages for investments.

With the collaboration
of the Politecnico di Torino
Our services are free and confidential.

With the contribution of:

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