Ultima Sesion de Primaria para Miss Lila

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LEARNING SESSION N 05 I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Primary school 2. Area 3. Childrens age 4. Grade 5. Schedule 6. Date 7. Principal 8.

Teacher : Antonio Raimondi : English : 10 years old : 4th : Monday from 11:00 to 12.30 p.m : January 11th, 2012 : Padre Manuel Villanueva : Edher Rudy Paredes Dulce

II. THEME lets go to school


1. Use oral and body language to experiences about the new language.



2. Understand the intentions and messages that other children and adults communicate them. 3. Use the different representation forms and communication creatively, such us corporal, dramatic, graph, plastic and musical expression with the purpose of learning a second language, ENGLISH.

IV.CAPACITIES: 1. Identify the new vocabulary about school. 2. Obey simple orders in English. 3. use short sentences to express and describe experiences, name and describe them. V. C O NT EN TS PROCEDURAL CONTENTS CONCEPTUAL ATTITUDE


El Santa National University languges

Identify and repeat some school phrases. Obey simple orders in English. Develop listening and speaking skills. Observe pictures and cards about school phrases.

CONTENTS SCHOOL EXPRESSIONS : Take the bus, wear a school uniform, stand on line, check the homework, go to the computer room, do a project, say hello, get up, recess, semester. COMMANDS Stand up, sit down , pay attention, colour the picture, silence please, answer the question. GRAMAR STRUCTURE (present simple) I go to school from ...... I wear a school uniform. REVIEW VOCABULARY .........................................

CONTENTS - Show interests in knowing school phrases. - Respect their partners and teacher. - Participate actively in all the activities

VI . LEARNING SITUATION MOMENT ACTIVITY STRATEGIES TEACHER INTRODUCTIO N OR STARTING Greeting activity Greets students and review the last lesson. STUDENTS Greet the teacher Voice AIDS TIM E



Language activity

SHOW CARDS ABOUT SCHOOL and teach the new vocabulary. Take the bus, wear a school uniform, stand on line, check the homework, go to the computer room, do a project, say hello, get up, recess, semester. PRESENT THE GRAMMAR USING THE NEW EXPRESSIONS. For example: - Carla and Rita check their homework every day. - I dont get up late. A very long sentence:

Pay attention to the teacher.

Voice and flash cards 15

Repeat the school expressions

Whiteboard and marker

El Santa National University languges

Speaking activity


1. Make them to repeat the phrase every day I ..... 2. That is the base sentence for the activity so one child starts with the phrase, for example Every day I get up the next child repeat what his or her partner said and add another expression more for example Every day I get up and check my homework and the next student does the same . 3. who forgets or omit something lose the game and dont play. Colour parsing: 1. divide a wallpaper in two halves on the left write some words each category (subjects = red, auxiliaries = green)with a colour that fit into the sentence structure. 2. write a sentence as an example for them. 3. give them a crown and for each correct sentence they make give a star to glue in their crown. Stepping stone:

Play and have fun with the activity

voice 15

grammar activity

Obey the orders and practice the new language.

A wallpaper, crown, markers and Voice


15 A cardboard Frog an a

El Santa National University languges

Game activity

1. Divide the class in two groups. 2. Draw a simple river on the board with some stones across it, and cut out a cardboard frog for each team. 3. Encourage them to say some sentences using the vocabulary and the grammar structure, if theyre right their frog goes forward one stone. 4. The first team to reach the other side wins. Give them a worksheet.

Obey the orders and play the game

picture of a river.


An evaluation activity

Do the worksheet.

20 worksheet


EVALUATION CAPACITY INDICATORS Express orally with good pronunciation school phrases. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Observation. INSTRUMENT A Worksheet.

Identify and recognize some school expressions.

VIII. BIBLIOGRAFY o Diseo Curricular Nacional de la Educacin Bsica Regular, Ministerio de educacin .Lima, 2011. o Relly ,Vanesa& Ward , Sheila. GAMES FOR CHILDREN. England, Oxford university press, 6 thimpressions, 2002. o Sarah Phillips, YOUNG LEARNERS, England Oxford University Press 9th impression, 2001.

El Santa National University languges

Chimbote January 11th , 2012

El Santa National University languges

________________________________ ____________________________ Principal Padre Manuel Villanueva Edher Paredes Dulce IX. APPENDIX. Teacher:

steak the flash cards on the board to teach the new vocabulary, after practice the phrases encourage the students to make sentences with each flashcard

A very long sentence: 1. Make them to repeat the phrase every day I ..... 2. That is the base sentence for the activity so one child starts with the phrase, for example 3. Every day I get up the next child repeat what his or her partner said and add another expression more for example Every day I get up and check my homework and the next student does the same . 4. who forgets or omit something lose the game and dont play.


Colour parsing: 1. divide a wallpaper in two halves on the left write some words each category (subjects = red, auxiliaries = green)with a colour that fit into the sentence structure. 2. write a sentence as an example for them. 3. give them a crown and for each correct sentence they make give a star to glue in their crown.

El Santa National University languges

Stepping stone: 1. Divide the class in two groups. 2. Draw a simple river on the board with some stones across it, and cut out a cardboard frog for each team. 3. Encourage them to say some sentences using the vocabulary and the grammar structure, if theyre right their frog goes forward one stone. 4. The first team to reach the other side wins.

El Santa National University languges

Students name: --------------------------------------------------------------------1. Chose and write the correct phrase for each picture below. Take the bus, wear a school uniform, check the homework, say hello, get up,


Put the words in order to form sentences. 1. a project / We do /every week ......................................................................................... 2. school uniform/I wear / a nice ......................................................................................... 3. take the bus / My friends / at 7 oclock ......................................................................................... 4. dont say hello / to anybody / My friends .........................................................................................


Put the sentences in negative using the simple present. 1. We wear a nice school uniform. --------------------------------------------------------------------2. You say hello to the teacher every day. ---------------------------------------------------------------------3. We do our homework in the afternoon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------4. My friends go to the computer room to play. ---------------------------------------------------------------------5. I get up at 6 oclock. ---------------------------------------------------------------------El Santa National University languges


Write three sentences about school using the phrases taught. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

El Santa National University languges

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