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Elisha Adams

Luther meets his nemesis

Luther, series one, episode one introduces the two main characters of the TV drama, Luther and Alice, Luther who is portrayed as the protagonist and Alice the antagonist in preferred readings. The clip starts with Luther pacing quite aggressively, yet slowly around Alice. Luther being a tall, large black man almost instantaneously provokes fear due to not only the race of the man yet the build. The slight panning shot following Luther shows his importance to the shot not only as he is the main focus of the shot, yet he is closest to the audience and standing up, showing power over Alice who is sitting down. The two shot of both of the characters, shows Luther towering over Alice who keeps seated, as she is a white young female the stereotype is for her to be weak towards a man of that status, which is seen through camera movements and shots in the first half of the clip. The diegetic noise of Luther hitting the table, yet the action not being in shot (just a close up of the side of his face) shows power due to the use of force, yet the close up shows emotion and really connects the character with the audience, due to the strong side profile of Luther. It then switches medium shot of Alice, whereas Luther is still in shot yet creates a shadow. This carries on the power Luther is seen to have due to his presence in the shot. Alice mutters with quite volume and high pitch, very different to Luther who has a fast pace, loud volume and low pitch to his voice creating fear. This supports the stereotype of a weak, young, white woman and middle aged, powerful, black man. Luther then sits down to be at the same level as Alice, which then shifts the power due to the quick response and intelligent answers Alice gives. As she clutches onto a cup of tea with both hands she shows how she is in control, with her witty replies. There is a series of shot reverse shot, yet each shot shows a shadow of the other character, showing levelled power. The use of a sound bridge of Alice talking over the close up shot of Luther rubbing his eyes, showing his distress, shows how dominance has shifted to an unlikely character due to her race and gender. The two shot of the characters engaging in an eyeline match shows unity, yet not in a positive manner due to the fight over power as witty comments are exchanged. Both of the characters lean forward increasing tension that could be seen as sexual due to the competitive manner, one of Levi Strauss six points towards race. The mise-en-scene of white walls and minimal objects in the room gives verisimilitude, yet the colour white connotes power due to its purity and strength.

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