New Comb

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The New Combs model of communication was introduced by Theodore M Newcomb of the University of Michigan in 1953. He gives different approach to the communication process. The main purpose of this theory is to introduce the role of communication in a social relationship (society) and to maintain social equilibrium within the social system. He does not include the message as a separate entity in his diagram, implying it only by use of directional arrows. He concentrates on the social purpose of communication, showing all communication as a means of sustaining relationships between people. Sometimes its called as an ABX model of communication. Newcomb is the one that introduces us to fundamentally different shape. It is triangular. Its main significance, however, lies in the fact that it is the first of our models to introduce the role of communication in society or a social relationship. For Newcomb this role is simple it is to maintain equilibrium within the social system, Newcomb (1953) - ABX Model is based on psychological view of communication. Newcomb saw communication as a way in which people orient to their environment and to each other. Base on the concept of balance between one's attitudes and beliefs and those that are important to an individual. If the balance is disturbed, communication is used to restore it. This simple yet insightful model consists of two communicators, A and B, and their "orientation" toward some "object of communication", X. The object of communication could be an actual physical object (such as a house which the couple is considering purchasing or a painting in a museum), an event (such as baseball, a rock concert or a christening), an activity (such as playing cards or watching football on television every Sunday), an attitude (such as

loving action movies or being opposed to abortion), or a behavior (such as selling Aunt Molly's antique quilt without conferring about it first or donating uniforms to the local little league baseball team). Any subject, behavior, attitude, belief, event, or object, which is the focus of communication for the two participants, has the potential to be the "object of communication". II. If A and B are friends, and X is something or someone known to both of them, it will be important that A and B have similar attitudes to X. If they do, the system will be in equilibrium.
If A and B are friends, and X is something or someone known to both of them, it will be more important that A and B will be under pressure to communicate until the two friends arrive at broadly similar attitudes to X. The more important a place X has in their social environment, the more urgent will be their drive to share an orientation towards him or it. example: III. ABX is a system, which means that its internal relations are interdependent: if A changes, B and X will change as well; or if A changes her/his relationship to X, B will have to change his/her relationship either with X or with A.

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